Пример #1
    def __init__(self,
        :param field: 'B', 'V', 'T' or 'Xi' (magnetic field, velocity field,
                      temperature or chemical composition)
        :type field: str
        :param datadir: the working directory
        :type datadir: str
        :param tag: if you specify a pattern, it tries to read the
                    corresponding files
        :type tag: str
        :param ave: plot a time-averaged spectrum when set to True
        :type ave: bool
        :param ipot: the number of the lmr file you want to plot
        :type ipot: int
        :param precision: single or double precision
        :type precision: str
        :param verbose: some info about the SHT layout
        :type verbose: bool
        :param ic: read or don't read the inner core
        :type ic: bool

        if field != 'B':
            ic = False

        if hasattr(self, 'radial_scheme'):
            if self.radial_scheme == 'FD':
                self.rcheb = False
                self.rcheb = True
            self.rcheb = True

        if ave:
            self.name = '{}_lmr_ave'.format(field)
            self.name = '{}_lmr_'.format(field)

        if tag is not None:
            if ipot is not None:
                file = '{}{}.{}'.format(self.name, ipot, tag)
                filename = os.path.join(datadir, file)
                pattern = os.path.join(datadir, '{}*{}'.format(self.name, tag))
                files = scanDir(pattern)
                if len(files) != 0:
                    filename = files[-1]
                    print('No such tag... try again')

            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(datadir, 'log.{}'.format(tag))):
            if ipot is not None:
                pattern = os.path.join(datadir,
                                       '{}{}*'.format(self.name, ipot))
                files = scanDir(pattern)
                filename = files[-1]
                pattern = os.path.join(datadir, '{}*'.format(self.name))
                files = scanDir(pattern)
                filename = files[-1]
            # Determine the setup
            mask = re.compile(r'.*\.(.*)')
            ending = mask.search(files[-1]).groups(0)[0]
            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(datadir, 'log.{}'.format(ending))):

        # Determine file endianness
        endian, record_marker = getPotEndianness(filename)
        if record_marker:
            self.version = 0
            self.version = 1  # This will be over-written later

        t1 = time.time()
        t2 = time.time()
        if verbose:
            print('Time to read {}: {:.2e}'.format(filename, t2 - t1))

        self.n_theta_max = int(3 * self.l_max / 2)
        if self.n_theta_max % 2:  # odd number
            self.n_theta_max += 1
        self.n_phi_max = int(2 * self.n_theta_max / self.minc)
        t1 = time.time()
        self.sh = SpectralTransforms(l_max=self.l_max,
        t2 = time.time()
        if verbose:
            print('Time to set up the spectral transforms: {:.2e}'.format(t2 -
        self.colat = self.sh.colat

        self.idx = self.sh.idx
        self.ell = self.sh.ell
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, field='V', datadir='.', tag=None, ave=False, ipot=None,
        :param field: 'B', 'V' or 'T' (magnetic field, velocity field or temperature)
        :type field: str
        :param datadir: the working directory
        :type datadir: str
        :param tag: if you specify a pattern, it tries to read the corresponding files
        :type tag: str
        :param ave: plot a time-averaged spectrum when set to True
        :type ave: bool
        :param ipot: the number of the lmr file you want to plot
        :type ipot: int
        :param precision: single or double precision
        :type precision: str

        if hasattr(self, 'radial_scheme'):
            if self.radial_scheme == 'FD':
                self.rcheb = False
                self.rcheb = True
            self.rcheb = True

        if ave:
            self.name = '%s_lmr_ave' % field
            self.name = '%s_lmr_' % field

        if tag is not None:
            if ipot is not None:
                file = '%s%i.%s' % (self.name, ipot, tag)
                filename = os.path.join(datadir, file)
                pattern = os.path.join(datadir, '%s*%s' % (self.name, tag))
                files = scanDir(pattern)
                if len(files) != 0:
                    filename = files[-1]
                    print('No such tag... try again')

            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(datadir, 'log.%s' % tag)):
                MagicSetup.__init__(self, datadir=datadir, quiet=True,
                                    nml='log.%s' % tag)
            if ipot is not None:
                pattern = os.path.join(datadir, '%s%i*' % (self.name, ipot))
                files = scanDir(pattern)
                filename = files[-1]
                pattern = os.path.join(datadir, '%s*' % self.name)
                files = scanDir(pattern)
                filename = files[-1]
            # Determine the setup
            mask = re.compile(r'.*\.(.*)')
            ending = mask.search(files[-1]).groups(0)[0]
            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(datadir, 'log.%s' % ending)):
                MagicSetup.__init__(self, datadir=datadir, quiet=True,
                                    nml='log.%s' % ending)

        # Determine file endianness
        endian = getPotEndianness(filename)

        t1 = time.time()
        if readingMode  == 'python':

            infile = npfile(filename, endian=endian)

            # Read header
            self.l_max, self.n_r_max, self.n_r_ic_max, self.minc, \
                                          self.lm_max = infile.fort_read('i4')
            self.m_max = int((self.l_max/self.minc)*self.minc)
            self.n_m_max = int(self.m_max/self.minc+1)
            self.ra, self.ek, self.pr, self.prmag, self.radratio, self.sigma_ratio, \
                         self.omega_ma, self.omega_ic = infile.fort_read(precision)
            self.time = infile.fort_read(precision)
            dat = infile.fort_read(precision)

            # Read radius and density
            self.radius = dat[:self.n_r_max]
            self.rho0 = dat[self.n_r_max:]

            # Read field in the outer core
            self.pol = infile.fort_read('Complex32')
            self.pol = self.pol.reshape((self.n_r_max, self.lm_max))
            self.pol = self.pol.T
            if ( field != 'T' and field != 'Xi' ):
                self.tor = infile.fort_read('Complex32')
                self.tor = self.tor.reshape((self.n_r_max, self.lm_max))
                self.tor = self.tor.T


        else: # F2py reader

            if ( field != 'T' and field != 'Xi' ):
                l_read_tor = True
                l_read_tor = False

            Prd = Psngl.potreader_single
            Prd.readpot(filename, endian, l_read_tor)
            self.n_r_max = Prd.n_r_max
            self.l_max = Prd.l_max
            self.n_r_ic_max = Prd.n_r_ic_max
            self.minc = Prd.minc
            self.lm_max = Prd.lm_max
            self.m_max = int((self.l_max/self.minc)*self.minc)
            self.n_m_max = int(self.m_max/self.minc+1)
            self.ra = Prd.ra
            self.ek = Prd.ek
            self.radratio = Prd.radratio
            self.sigma_ratio = Prd.sigma_ratio
            self.prmag = Prd.prmag
            self.pr = Prd.pr
            self.omega_ic = Prd.omega_ic
            self.omega_ma = Prd.omega_ma
            self.radius = Prd.radius
            self.rho0 = Prd.rho0

            self.pol = Prd.pol
            if ( field != 'T' and field != 'Xi' ):
                self.tor = Prd.tor
        t2 = time.time()
        print('Time to read %s: %.2f' % (filename, t2-t1))

        self.n_theta_max = int(3*self.l_max/2)
        if self.n_theta_max % 2: # odd number
            self.n_theta_max += 1
        self.n_phi_max = int(2*self.n_theta_max/self.minc)
        t1 = time.time()
        self.sh = SpectralTransforms(l_max=self.l_max, minc=self.minc,
                                     lm_max=self.lm_max, n_theta_max=self.n_theta_max)
        t2 = time.time()
        print('Time to set up the spectral transforms: %.2f' % (t2-t1))
        self.colat = self.sh.colat

        self.idx = self.sh.idx
        self.ell = self.sh.ell
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, tag, field='Br', precision='Float32', avg=False):
        :param tag: if you specify a pattern, it tries to read the corresponding 
                    files and stack them.
        :type tag: str
        :param field: nature of the radial spectra. Possible choices are
                      'Bt' or 'Bp'
        :type field: str
        :param precision: single or double precision (default single, i.e. 'Float32')
        :type precision: str
        :param avg: when set to True, display time averaged quantities
        :type avg: bool

        logFiles = scanDir('log.*')
        if len(logFiles) != 0:
            MagicSetup.__init__(self, quiet=True, nml=logFiles[-1])
            self.n_r_max = int(self.n_r_max)
            self.n_r_ic_max = int(self.n_r_ic_max)
            n_r_max = 'n_r_max ?\n'
            self.n_r_max = int(input(str1))
            n_r_ic_max = 'n_r_ic_max ?\n'
            self.n_r_ic_max = int(input(str1))
            str1 = 'Aspect ratio ?\n'
            self.radratio = float(input(str1))

        self.n_r_tot = self.n_r_max+self.n_r_ic_max

        self.ricb = self.radratio/(1.-self.radratio)
        self.rcmb = 1./(1.-self.radratio)
        outerCoreGrid = chebgrid(self.n_r_max-1, self.rcmb, self.ricb)
        n_r_ic_tot = 2*self.n_r_ic_max-1
        innerCoreGrid = chebgrid(n_r_ic_tot-1, self.ricb, -self.ricb)

        self.radius = np.zeros((self.n_r_tot-1), dtype=precision)

        self.radius[:self.n_r_max] = outerCoreGrid
        self.radius[self.n_r_max-1:] = innerCoreGrid[:self.n_r_ic_max]

        pattern = 'r%s' % field +'Spec'
        files = scanDir('%s.%s' % (pattern, tag))

        # Read the rB[rp]Spec.TAG files (stack them)
        data = []
        for k, file in enumerate(files):
            print('Reading %s' % file)
            f = npfile(file, endian='B')

            while 1:
                except TypeError:
        data = np.array(data, dtype=precision)

        # Time (every two lines only)
        self.time = data[::2, 0]

        # Poloidal/Toroidal energy for all radii for the 6 first spherical harmonic
        # degrees
        self.e_pol = np.zeros((len(self.time), self.n_r_tot-1, 6), dtype=precision)
        self.e_pol_axi = np.zeros_like(self.e_pol)

        self.e_pol[:, :, 0] = data[::2, 1:self.n_r_tot]
        self.e_pol[:, :, 1] = data[::2, self.n_r_tot-1:2*(self.n_r_tot-1)]
        self.e_pol[:, :, 2] = data[::2, 2*(self.n_r_tot-1):3*(self.n_r_tot-1)]
        self.e_pol[:, :, 3] = data[::2, 3*(self.n_r_tot-1):4*(self.n_r_tot-1)]
        self.e_pol[:, :, 4] = data[::2, 4*(self.n_r_tot-1):5*(self.n_r_tot-1)]
        self.e_pol[:, :, 5] = data[::2, 5*(self.n_r_tot-1):6*(self.n_r_tot-1)]

        self.e_pol_axi[:, :, 0] = data[1::2, 1:self.n_r_tot]
        self.e_pol_axi[:, :, 1] = data[1::2, self.n_r_tot-1:2*(self.n_r_tot-1)]
        self.e_pol_axi[:, :, 2] = data[1::2, 2*(self.n_r_tot-1):3*(self.n_r_tot-1)]
        self.e_pol_axi[:, :, 3] = data[1::2, 3*(self.n_r_tot-1):4*(self.n_r_tot-1)]
        self.e_pol_axi[:, :, 4] = data[1::2, 4*(self.n_r_tot-1):5*(self.n_r_tot-1)]
        self.e_pol_axi[:, :, 5] = data[1::2, 5*(self.n_r_tot-1):6*(self.n_r_tot-1)]

        if avg:
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, ivar=1, datadir='.', ns=None):
        :param ivar: the number of the Graphic file
        :type ivar: int
        :param datadir: working directory
        :type datadir: str
        :param ns: number of grid points in the radial direction
        :type ns: int
        MagicSetup.__init__(self, datadir)
        self.datadir = datadir

        filename = '%sG_%i.%s' % ('cyl', ivar, self.tag)
        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            gr = MagicGraph(ivar=ivar, datadir=self.datadir)
            if ns is None:
                self.ns = gr.nr
                self.nz = 2*self.ns
                self.ns = ns
                self.nz = 2*ns
            self.nphi = gr.nphi
            self.npI = gr.npI
            self.minc = gr.minc
            self.ro = gr.radius[0]
            self.ri = gr.radius[-1]
            self.S, self.Z, self.vs, self.vphi, self.vz = sph2cyl(gr, 
                                    self.ns, self.nz)
            file = open(filename, 'wb')
            pickle.dump([self.ns, self.nz, self.nphi, self.npI, self.minc], file)
            pickle.dump([self.ro, self.ri], file)
            pickle.dump([self.S, self.Z, self.vs, self.vphi, self.vz], 
            print("read cyl file")
            file = open(filename, 'r')
            self.ns, self.nz, self.nphi, self.npI, self.minc = pickle.load(file)
            self.ro, self.ri = pickle.load(file)
            self.S, self.Z, self.vs, self.vphi, self.vz = \
        self.radius = np.linspace(0., self.ro, self.ns)
        temp0, rho0, beta0 = anelprof(np.linspace(self.ro, self.ri, self.ns), 
                                     self.strat, self.polind)
        rho = np.zeros((self.nphi/2, self.ns), dtype=self.vr.dtype)
        beta = np.zeros_like(rho)
        for i in range(self.nphi/2):
            rho[i, :] = rho0
            beta[i, :] = beta0
        Z, S, [rho, beta] = sph2cyl_plane([rho,beta], 
                                 np.linspace(self.ro, self.ri, self.ns), 
                                 self.ns, self.nz)
        self.rho = np.zeros_like(self.vs)
        self.beta = np.zeros_like(self.vs)
        for i in range(self.npI):
            self.rho[i, ...] = rho
            self.beta[i, ...] = beta
        self.z = np.linspace(-self.ro, self.ro, self.nz)
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, iplot=False, angle=10, pickleName='thHeat.pickle'):
        :param iplot: a boolean to toggle the plots on/off
        :type iplot: bool
        :param angle: the integration angle in degrees
        :type angle: float
        :pickleName: calculations a

        angle = angle * np.pi / 180

        if os.path.exists('tInitAvg'):
            file = open('tInitAvg', 'r')
            tstart = float(file.readline())
            logFiles = scanDir('log.*')
            tags = []
            for lg in logFiles:
                nml = MagicSetup(quiet=True, nml=lg)
                if nml.start_time >  tstart:
                    if os.path.exists('bLayersR.%s' % nml.tag):
            if len(tags) == 0:
                tags = [nml.tag]
                print('Only 1 tag: %s' % tags)
            MagicSetup.__init__(self, quiet=True, nml=logFiles[-1])

            a = AvgField()
            self.nuss = a.nuss
            logFiles = scanDir('log.*')
            MagicSetup.__init__(self, quiet=True, nml=logFiles[-1])

        if not os.path.exists(pickleName):
            # reading ATmov
            k = 0
            for tag in tags:
                file = 'ATmov.%s' % tag
                if os.path.exists(file):
                    if k == 0:
                        m = Movie(file=file, iplot=False)
                        m += Movie(file=file, iplot=False)
                    k += 1

            # reading AHF_mov
            kk = 0
            for tag in tags:
                file = 'AHF_mov.%s' % tag
                if os.path.exists(file):
                    if kk == 0:
                        m1 = Movie(file=file, iplot=False)
                        m1 += Movie(file=file, iplot=False)
                    kk += 1

            self.tempmean = m.data[0, ...].mean(axis=0)
            self.tempstd = m.data[0, ...].std(axis=0)
            self.colat = m.theta

            if kk > 0: # i.e. at least one AHF_mov file has been found
                self.fluxmean = m1.data[0, ...].mean(axis=0)
                self.fluxstd = m1.data[0, ...].std(axis=0)
                self.fluxmean = rderavg(self.tempmean, eta=self.radratio,
                                        exclude=False, spectral=False)
                self.fluxstd = rderavg(self.tempstd, eta=self.radratio,
                                        exclude=False, spectral=False)

            # Pickle saving
            file = open(pickleName, 'wb')
            pickle.dump([self.colat, self.tempmean, self.tempstd,\
                         self.fluxmean, self.fluxstd], file)
            file = open(pickleName, 'r')
            dat = pickle.load(file)
            if len(dat) == 5:
                self.colat, self.tempmean, self.tempstd, \
                            self.fluxmean, self.fluxstd = dat
                self.colat, self.tempmean, self.fluxmean = dat
                self.fluxstd = np.zeros_like(self.fluxmean)
                self.tempstd = np.zeros_like(self.fluxmean)

        self.ri = self.radratio/(1.-self.radratio)
        self.ro = 1./(1.-self.radratio)

        self.ntheta, self.nr = self.tempmean.shape
        self.radius = chebgrid(self.nr-1, self.ro, self.ri)
        th2D = np.zeros((self.ntheta, self.nr), dtype=self.radius.dtype)
        #self.colat = np.linspace(0., np.pi, self.ntheta)

        for i in range(self.ntheta):
            th2D[i, :] = self.colat[i]

        self.temprmmean = 0.5*simps(self.tempmean*np.sin(th2D), th2D, axis=0)
        self.temprmstd = 0.5*simps(self.tempstd*np.sin(th2D), th2D, axis=0)
        sinTh = np.sin(self.colat)
        d1 = matder(self.nr-1, self.ro, self.ri)

        # Conducting temperature profile (Boussinesq only!)
        self.tcond = self.ri*self.ro/self.radius-self.ri+self.temprmmean[0]
        self.fcond = -self.ri*self.ro/self.radius**2
        self.nusstopmean = self.fluxmean[:, 0] / self.fcond[0]
        self.nussbotmean = self.fluxmean[:, -1] / self.fcond[-1]
        self.nusstopstd = self.fluxstd[:, 0] / self.fcond[0]
        self.nussbotstd = self.fluxstd[:, -1] / self.fcond[-1]

        # Close to the equator
        mask2D = (th2D>=np.pi/2.-angle/2.)*(th2D<=np.pi/2+angle/2.)
        mask = (self.colat>=np.pi/2.-angle/2.)*(self.colat<=np.pi/2+angle/2.)
        fac = 1./simps(sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])
        self.nussBotEq = fac*simps(self.nussbotmean[mask]*sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])
        self.nussTopEq = fac*simps(self.nusstopmean[mask]*sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])
        sinC = sinTh.copy()
        sinC[~mask] = 0.
        fac = 1./simps(sinC, self.colat)
        tempC = self.tempmean.copy()
        tempC[~mask2D] = 0.
        self.tempEqmean = fac*simps(tempC*np.sin(th2D), th2D, axis=0)
        tempC = self.tempstd.copy()
        tempC[~mask2D] = 0.
        self.tempEqstd = fac*simps(tempC*np.sin(th2D), th2D, axis=0)

        dtempEq = np.dot(d1, self.tempEqmean)
        self.betaEq = dtempEq[self.nr/2]

        # 45\deg inclination
        mask2D = (th2D>=np.pi/4.-angle/2.)*(th2D<=np.pi/4+angle/2.)
        mask = (self.colat>=np.pi/4.-angle/2.)*(self.colat<=np.pi/4+angle/2.)
        fac = 1./simps(np.sin(self.colat[mask]), self.colat[mask])
        nussBot45NH = fac*simps(self.nussbotmean[mask]*sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])
        nussTop45NH = fac*simps(self.nusstopmean[mask]*sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])
        sinC = sinTh.copy()
        sinC[~mask] = 0.
        fac = 1./simps(sinC, self.colat)
        tempC = self.tempmean.copy()
        tempC[~mask2D] = 0.
        temp45NH = fac*simps(tempC*np.sin(th2D), th2D, axis=0)

        mask2D = (th2D>=3.*np.pi/4.-angle/2.)*(th2D<=3.*np.pi/4+angle/2.)
        mask = (self.colat>=3.*np.pi/4.-angle/2.)*(self.colat<=3.*np.pi/4+angle/2.)
        fac = 1./simps(np.sin(self.colat[mask]), self.colat[mask])
        nussBot45SH = fac*simps(self.nussbotmean[mask]*sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])
        nussTop45SH = fac*simps(self.nusstopmean[mask]*sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])
        sinC = sinTh.copy()
        sinC[~mask] = 0.
        fac = 1./simps(sinC, self.colat)
        tempC = self.tempmean.copy()
        tempC[~mask2D] = 0.
        temp45SH = fac*simps(tempC*np.sin(th2D), th2D, axis=0)

        self.nussTop45 = 0.5*(nussTop45NH+nussTop45SH)
        self.nussBot45 = 0.5*(nussBot45NH+nussBot45SH)
        self.temp45 = 0.5*(temp45NH+temp45SH)

        dtemp45 = np.dot(d1, self.temp45)
        self.beta45 = dtemp45[self.nr/2]

        # Polar regions
        mask2D = (th2D<=angle/2.)
        mask = (self.colat<=angle/2.)
        fac = 1./simps(np.sin(self.colat[mask]), self.colat[mask])
        nussBotPoNH = fac*simps(self.nussbotmean[mask]*sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])
        nussTopPoNH = fac*simps(self.nusstopmean[mask]*sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])
        sinC = sinTh.copy()
        sinC[~mask] = 0.
        fac = 1./simps(sinC, self.colat)
        tempC = self.tempmean.copy()
        tempC[~mask2D] = 0.
        tempPolNHmean = fac*simps(tempC*np.sin(th2D), th2D, axis=0)
        tempC = self.tempstd.copy()
        tempC[~mask2D] = 0.
        tempPolNHstd = fac*simps(tempC*np.sin(th2D), th2D, axis=0)

        mask2D = (th2D>=np.pi-angle/2.)
        mask = (self.colat>=np.pi-angle/2.)
        fac = 1./simps(np.sin(self.colat[mask]), self.colat[mask])
        nussBotPoSH = fac*simps(self.nussbotmean[mask]*sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])
        nussTopPoSH = fac*simps(self.nusstopmean[mask]*sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])
        sinC = sinTh.copy()
        sinC[~mask] = 0.
        fac = 1./simps(sinC, self.colat)
        tempC = self.tempmean.copy()
        tempC[~mask2D] = 0.
        tempPolSHmean = fac*simps(tempC*np.sin(th2D), th2D, axis=0)
        tempC = self.tempstd.copy()
        tempC[~mask2D] = 0.
        tempPolSHstd = fac*simps(tempC*np.sin(th2D), th2D, axis=0)

        self.nussBotPo = 0.5*(nussBotPoNH+nussBotPoSH)
        self.nussTopPo = 0.5*(nussTopPoNH+nussTopPoSH)
        self.tempPolmean = 0.5*(tempPolNHmean+tempPolSHmean)
        self.tempPolstd= 0.5*(tempPolNHstd+tempPolSHstd)

        dtempPol = np.dot(d1, self.tempPolmean)
        self.betaPol = dtempPol[self.nr/2]

        # Inside and outside TC
        angleTC = np.arcsin(self.ri/self.ro)
        mask2D = (th2D<=angleTC)
        mask = (self.colat<=angleTC)
        fac = 1./simps(np.sin(self.colat[mask]), self.colat[mask])
        nussITC_NH = fac*simps(self.nusstopmean[mask]*sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])

        mask2D = (th2D>=np.pi-angleTC)
        mask = (self.colat>=np.pi-angleTC)
        fac = 1./simps(np.sin(self.colat[mask]), self.colat[mask])
        nussITC_SH = fac*simps(self.nusstopmean[mask]*sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])

        self.nussITC = 0.5*(nussITC_NH+nussITC_SH)

        mask2D = (th2D>=angleTC)*(th2D<=np.pi-angleTC)
        mask = (self.colat>=angleTC)*(self.colat<=np.pi-angleTC)
        fac = 1./simps(sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])
        self.nussOTC = fac*simps(self.nusstopmean[mask]*sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])

        if iplot:

Пример #6
    def __init__(self,
        A class to read the B_coeff_cmb files

        :param tag: if you specify a pattern, it tries to read the corresponding files
        :type tag: str
        :param ratio_cmb_surface: ratio of surface ratio to CMB radius (default is 1)
        :type ratio_cmb_surface: float
        :param scale_b: magnetic field unit (default is 1)
        :type scale_b: float
        :param iplot: a logical to toggle the plot (default is True)
        :type iplot: int
        :param precision: single or double precision
        :type precision: char
        :param ave: load a time-averaged CMB file when set to True
        :type ave: bool
        :param sv: load a dt_b CMB file when set to True
        :type sv: bool
        :param quiet: verbose when toggled to True (default is True)
        :type quiet: bool
        :param lCut: reduce the spherical harmonic truncation to l <= lCut
        :type lCut: int
        :param datadir: working directory
        :type datadir: str
        pattern = os.path.join(datadir, 'log.*')
        logFiles = scanDir(pattern)

        if ave:
            self.name = 'B_coeff_cmb_ave'
        elif sv:
            self.name = 'B_coeff_dt_cmb'
            self.name = 'B_coeff_cmb'

        if tag is not None:
            pattern = os.path.join(datadir, '%s.%s' % (self.name, tag))
            files = scanDir(pattern)

            # Either the log.tag directly exists and the setup is easy to obtain
            if os.path.exists(os.path.join(datadir, 'log.%s' % tag)):
                                    nml='log.%s' % tag)
            # Or the tag is a bit more complicated and we need to find
            # the corresponding log file
                pattern = os.path.join(datadir, '%s' % self.name)
                mask = re.compile(r'%s\.(.*)' % pattern)
                if mask.match(files[-1]):
                    ending = mask.search(files[-1]).groups(0)[0]
                    pattern = os.path.join(datadir, 'log.%s' % ending)
                    if logFiles.__contains__(pattern):
                                            nml='log.%s' % ending)
            pattern = os.path.join(datadir, '%s.*' % self.name)
            files = scanDir(pattern)
            filename = files[-1]
            # Determine the setup
            mask = re.compile(r'%s\.(.*)' % self.name)
            ending = mask.search(files[-1]).groups(0)[0]
            if os.path.exists('log.%s' % ending):
                                        nml='log.%s' % ending)
                except AttributeError:

        self.rcmb = 1. / (1. - self.radratio)
        ricb = self.radratio / (1. - self.radratio)

        # Read the B_coeff files (by stacking the different tags)
        data = []
        for k, file in enumerate(files):
            if not quiet: print('Reading %s' % file)
            f = npfile(file, endian='B')
            self.l_max_cmb, self.minc, n_data = f.fort_read('i')
            self.m_max_cmb = int((self.l_max_cmb / self.minc) * self.minc)

            while 1:
                except TypeError:
        self.lm_max_cmb = self.m_max_cmb*(self.l_max_cmb+1)//self.minc - \
                          self.m_max_cmb*(self.m_max_cmb-self.minc)//(2*self.minc) + \

        # Get indices location
        self.idx = np.zeros((self.l_max_cmb + 1, self.m_max_cmb + 1), 'i')
        self.ell = np.zeros(self.lm_max_cmb, 'i')
        self.ms = np.zeros(self.lm_max_cmb, 'i')
        self.idx[0:self.l_max_cmb + 2, 0] = np.arange(self.l_max_cmb + 1)
        self.ell[0:self.l_max_cmb + 2] = np.arange(self.l_max_cmb + 2)
        k = self.l_max_cmb + 1
        for m in range(self.minc, self.l_max_cmb + 1, self.minc):
            for l in range(m, self.l_max_cmb + 1):
                self.idx[l, m] = k
                self.ell[self.idx[l, m]] = l
                self.ms[self.idx[l, m]] = m
                k += 1

        # Rearange data
        data = np.array(data, dtype=precision)
        self.nstep = data.shape[0]
        self.blm = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.lm_max_cmb), 'Complex64')
        self.blm[:, 1:self.l_max_cmb + 1] = data[:, 1:self.l_max_cmb + 1]
        self.blm[:, self.l_max_cmb+1:] = data[:, self.l_max_cmb+1::2]+\
                                         1j*data[:, self.l_max_cmb+2::2]

        # Truncate!
        if lCut is not None:
            if lCut < self.l_max_cmb:

        # Get time
        self.time = np.zeros(self.nstep, precision)
        self.time = data[:, 0]

        # Get Gauss coefficients
        self.glm = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.lm_max_cmb), precision)
        self.hlm = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.lm_max_cmb), precision)

        self.glm, self.hlm = getGauss(self.blm.real, self.blm.imag, self.ell,
                                      self.ms, scale_b, ratio_cmb_surface,

        # Time-averaged Gauss coefficient
        if not ave:
            facT = 1. / (self.time[-1] - self.time[0])
            self.glmM = facT * np.trapz(self.glm, self.time, axis=0)
            self.hlmM = facT * np.trapz(self.hlm, self.time, axis=0)

            if len(self.time) > 3:
                self.dglmdt = deriv(self.time, self.glm.T, axis=1)
                self.dhlmdt = deriv(self.time, self.hlm.T, axis=1)
                self.dglmdt = self.dglmdt.T
                self.dhlmdt = self.dhlmdt.T

                self.dglmdt = np.zeros_like(self.glm)
                self.dhlmdt = np.zeros_like(self.hlm)

        # Magnetic energy (Lowes)
        self.El = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.l_max_cmb + 1), precision)
        self.Em = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.m_max_cmb + 1), precision)
        self.ESVl = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.l_max_cmb + 1), precision)
        E = 0.
        for l in range(1, self.l_max_cmb + 1):
            self.El[:, l] = 0.
            self.ESVl[:, l] = 0.
            for m in range(0, l + 1, self.minc):
                lm = self.idx[l, m]
                self.El[:, l] += (self.ell[lm]+1)*\
                self.Em[:, m] += (self.ell[lm]+1)*\
                if not ave:
                    self.ESVl[:, l] += (self.ell[lm]+1)*\
                                      (self.dglmdt[:, lm]**2+self.dhlmdt[:, lm]**2)

        if not ave:
            # Time-averaged energy
            self.ElM = facT * np.trapz(self.El, self.time, axis=0)
            self.EmM = facT * np.trapz(self.Em, self.time, axis=0)

            # Secular variation
            self.ESVlM = facT * np.trapz(self.ESVl, self.time, axis=0)
            self.taul = np.sqrt(self.ElM[1:] / self.ESVlM[1:])

        if iplot:
Пример #7
    def __init__(self, ivar=1, datadir='.', ns=None):
        :param ivar: the number of the Graphic file
        :type ivar: int
        :param datadir: working directory
        :type datadir: str
        :param ns: number of grid points in the radial direction
        :type ns: int
        MagicSetup.__init__(self, datadir)

        self.datadir = datadir

        filename = '{}G_{}.{}'.format('cyl', ivar, self.tag)
        if not os.path.exists(filename):
            gr = MagicGraph(ivar=ivar, datadir=self.datadir)
            if ns is None:
                self.ns = gr.nr
                self.nz = 2*self.ns
                self.ns = ns
                self.nz = 2*ns
            self.nphi = gr.nphi
            self.npI = gr.npI
            self.minc = gr.minc
            self.ro = gr.radius[0]
            self.ri = gr.radius[-1]
            self.S, self.Z, self.vs, self.vphi, self.vz = sph2cyl(gr,
                                    self.ns, self.nz)
            file = open(filename, 'wb')
            pickle.dump([self.ns, self.nz, self.nphi, self.npI, self.minc], file)
            pickle.dump([self.ro, self.ri], file)
            pickle.dump([self.S, self.Z, self.vs, self.vphi, self.vz],
            print("read cyl file")
            file = open(filename, 'r')
            self.ns, self.nz, self.nphi, self.npI, self.minc = pickle.load(file)
            self.ro, self.ri = pickle.load(file)
            self.S, self.Z, self.vs, self.vphi, self.vz = \
        self.radius = np.linspace(0., self.ro, self.ns)
        temp0, rho0, beta0 = anelprof(np.linspace(self.ro, self.ri, self.ns),
                                     self.strat, self.polind)
        rho = np.zeros((self.nphi/2, self.ns), dtype=self.vr.dtype)
        beta = np.zeros_like(rho)
        for i in range(self.nphi/2):
            rho[i, :] = rho0
            beta[i, :] = beta0
        Z, S, [rho, beta] = sph2cyl_plane([rho,beta],
                                 np.linspace(self.ro, self.ri, self.ns),
                                 self.ns, self.nz)
        self.rho = np.zeros_like(self.vs)
        self.beta = np.zeros_like(self.vs)
        for i in range(self.npI):
            self.rho[i, ...] = rho
            self.beta[i, ...] = beta
        self.z = np.linspace(-self.ro, self.ro, self.nz)
Пример #8
    def __init__(self, iplot=False, quiet=False):
        :param iplot: display the result when set to True (default False)
        :type iplot: bool
        :param quiet: less verbose when set to True (default is False)
        :type quiet: bool
        if os.path.exists('tInitAvg'):
            file = open('tInitAvg', 'r')
            tstart = float(file.readline())
            logFiles = scanDir('log.*')
            tags = []
            for lg in logFiles:
                nml = MagicSetup(quiet=True, nml=lg)
                if nml.start_time > tstart:
                    if os.path.exists('bLayersR.{}'.format(nml.tag)):
            if len(tags) > 0:
                tags = None
            MagicSetup.__init__(self, quiet=True, nml=logFiles[-1])

            a = AvgField(model=json_model, write=False)
            self.nuss = 0.5 * (a.topnuss_av + a.botnuss_av)
            self.reynolds = a.rm_av
            e2fluct = a.ekin_pol_av + a.ekin_tor_av - a.ekin_pol_axi_av - a.ekin_tor_axi_av
            logFiles = scanDir('log.*')
            MagicSetup.__init__(self, quiet=True, nml=logFiles[-1])
            tags = None
            self.nuss = 1.
            self.reynolds = 1.
            e2fluct = 1.
        par = MagicRadial(field='bLayersR', iplot=False, tags=tags)
        self.varS = abs(par.entropy_SD)
        self.ss = par.entropy

        if os.path.exists('tInitAvg'):
            logFiles = scanDir('log.*', tfix=1409827718.0)
            # Workaround for code mistake before this time
            tfix = 1409827718.0
            tagsFix = []
            for lg in logFiles:
                nml = MagicSetup(quiet=True, nml=lg)
                if nml.start_time > tstart:
                    if os.path.exists('bLayersR.{}'.format(nml.tag)):
            if len(tagsFix) > 0:
                print('Fix temp. tags', tagsFix)
                parFix = MagicRadial(field='bLayersR',
                self.varS = abs(parFix.entropy_SD)
                self.ss = parFix.entropy

            self.tags = tagsFix
        self.uh = par.uh
        self.duh = par.duhdr
        self.rad = par.radius
        self.ro = self.rad[0]
        self.ri = self.rad[-1]

        vol_oc = 4. / 3. * np.pi * (self.ro**3 - self.ri**3)
        self.rey_fluct = np.sqrt(2. * e2fluct / vol_oc)

        self.reh = 4. * np.pi * intcheb(self.rad**2 * self.uh,
                                        len(self.rad) - 1, self.ri,
                                        self.ro) / (4. / 3. * np.pi *
                                                    (self.ro**3 - self.ri**3))

        # Thermal dissipation boundary layer
        if hasattr(par, 'dissS'):
            self.dissS = par.dissS
            self.epsT = -4. * np.pi * intcheb(self.rad**2 * self.dissS,
                                              len(self.rad) - 1, self.ro,
            self.epsTR = 4. * np.pi * self.rad**2 * self.dissS
            ind = getMaxima(-abs(self.epsTR - self.epsT))

                self.dissTopS = self.ro - self.rad[ind[0]]
                self.dissBotS = self.rad[ind[-1]] - self.ri
                self.dissEpsTbl, self.dissEpsTbulk = integBulkBc(
                    self.rad, self.epsTR, self.ri, self.ro, self.dissBotS,
            except IndexError:
                self.dissTopS = self.ro
                self.dissBotS = self.ri
                self.dissEpsTbl, self.dissEpsTbulk = 0., 0.

            print('thDiss bl, bulk', self.dissEpsTbl / self.epsT,
                  self.dissEpsTbulk / self.epsT)
        # First way of defining the thermal boundary layers: with var(S)
        #rThLayer = getMaxima(self.rad, self.varS)
        ind = argrelextrema(self.varS, np.greater)[0]
        if len(ind) != 0:
            self.bcTopVarS = self.ro - self.rad[ind[0]]
            self.bcBotVarS = self.rad[ind[-1]] - self.ri
            self.bcTopVarS = 1.
            self.bcBotVarS = 1.
        if hasattr(self, 'epsT'):
            self.varSEpsTbl, self.varSEpsTbulk = integBulkBc(
                self.rad, self.epsTR, self.ri, self.ro, self.bcBotVarS,
            print('var(S) bl, bulk', self.varSEpsTbl / self.epsT,
                  self.varSEpsTbulk / self.epsT)

        # Second way of defining the thermal boundary layers: intersection of the slopes
        d1 = matder(len(self.rad) - 1, self.ro, self.ri)
        self.ttm = 3.*intcheb(self.ss*self.rad**2, len(self.rad)-1, self.ri, self.ro) \
        dsdr = np.dot(d1, self.ss)
        self.beta = dsdr[len(dsdr) // 2]
        self.slopeTop = dsdr[2] * (self.rad - self.ro) + self.ss[0]
        self.slopeBot = dsdr[-1] * (self.rad - self.ri) + self.ss[-1]

        self.dtdrm = dsdr[len(self.ss) // 2]
        tmid = self.ss[len(self.ss) // 2]
        self.slopeMid = self.dtdrm * (self.rad -
                                      self.rad[len(self.rad) // 2]) + tmid

        self.bcTopSlope = (tmid - self.ss[0]) / (self.dtdrm - dsdr[2])
        self.bcBotSlope = -(tmid - self.ss[-1]) / (self.dtdrm - dsdr[-1])

        # 2nd round with a more accurate slope
        bSlope = dsdr[self.rad <= self.ri + self.bcBotSlope / 4.].mean()
        tSlope = dsdr[self.rad >= self.ro - self.bcTopSlope / 4.].mean()
        self.slopeBot = bSlope * (self.rad - self.ri) + self.ss[-1]
        self.slopeTop = tSlope * (self.rad - self.ro) + self.ss[0]
        #self.bcTopSlope = -(self.ttm-self.ss[0])/tSlope
        self.bcTopSlope = -(tmid-self.dtdrm*self.rad[len(self.rad)//2] - self.ss[0] \
                          + tSlope*self.ro)/(self.dtdrm-tSlope)
        self.bcBotSlope = -(tmid-self.dtdrm*self.rad[len(self.rad)//2] - self.ss[-1] \
                          + bSlope*self.ri)/(self.dtdrm-bSlope)
        self.dto = tSlope * (self.bcTopSlope - self.ro) + self.ss[0]
        self.dti = bSlope * (self.bcBotSlope - self.ri) + self.ss[-1]
        self.dto = self.dto - self.ss[0]
        self.dti = self.ss[-1] - self.dti

        self.bcTopSlope = self.ro - self.bcTopSlope
        self.bcBotSlope = self.bcBotSlope - self.ri

        if hasattr(self, 'epsT'):
            self.slopeEpsTbl, self.slopeEpsTbulk = integBulkBc(
                self.rad, self.epsTR, self.ri, self.ro, self.bcBotSlope,

            print('slopes bl, bulk', self.slopeEpsTbl / self.epsT,
                  self.slopeEpsTbulk / self.epsT)

        self.vi = a.viscDissR_av
        self.buo = a.buoPowerR_av

        self.epsV = -intcheb(self.vi, len(self.rad) - 1, self.ro, self.ri)
        ind = getMaxima(-abs(self.vi - self.epsV))
        if len(ind) > 2:
            for i in ind:
                if self.vi[i - 1] - self.epsV > 0 and self.vi[
                        i + 1] - self.epsV < 0:
                    self.dissTopV = self.ro - self.rad[i]
                elif self.vi[i - 1] - self.epsV < 0 and self.vi[
                        i + 1] - self.epsV > 0:
                    self.dissBotV = self.rad[i] - self.ri
            self.dissTopV = self.ro - self.rad[ind[0]]
            self.dissBotV = self.rad[ind[-1]] - self.ri
            self.dissEpsVbl, self.dissEpsVbulk = integBulkBc(
                self.rad, self.vi, self.ri, self.ro, self.dissBotV,
        except AttributeError:
            self.dissTopV = 0.
            self.dissBotV = 0.
            self.dissEpsVbl = 0.
            self.dissEpsVbulk = 0.

        print('visc Diss bl, bulk', self.dissEpsVbl / self.epsV,
              self.dissEpsVbulk / self.epsV)

        # First way of defining the viscous boundary layers: with duhdr
        #rViscousLayer = getMaxima(self.rad, self.duh)
        if self.kbotv == 1 and self.ktopv == 1:
            ind = argrelextrema(self.duh, np.greater)[0]
            if len(ind) == 0:
                self.bcTopduh = 1.
                self.bcBotduh = 1.
                if ind[0] < 4:
                    self.bcTopduh = self.ro - self.rad[ind[1]]
                    self.bcTopduh = self.ro - self.rad[ind[0]]
                if len(self.rad) - ind[-1] < 4:
                    self.bcBotduh = self.rad[ind[-2]] - self.ri
                    self.bcBotduh = self.rad[ind[-1]] - self.ri
            self.slopeTopU = 0.
            self.slopeBotU = 0.
            self.uhTopSlope = 0.
            self.uhBotSlope = 0.
            self.slopeEpsUbl = 0.
            self.slopeEpsUbulk = 0.
            self.uhBot = 0.
            self.uhTop = 0.
            ind = argrelextrema(self.uh, np.greater)[0]
            if len(ind) == 1:
                ind = argrelextrema(self.uh, np.greater_equal)[0]
            if len(ind) == 0:
                self.bcTopduh = 1.
                self.bcBotduh = 1.
                if ind[0] < 4:
                    self.bcTopduh = self.ro - self.rad[ind[1]]
                    self.bcTopduh = self.ro - self.rad[ind[0]]
                if len(self.rad) - ind[-1] < 4:
                    self.bcBotduh = self.rad[ind[-2]] - self.ri
                    self.bcBotduh = self.rad[ind[-1]] - self.ri

            self.uhTop = self.uh[self.rad == self.ro - self.bcTopduh][0]
            self.uhBot = self.uh[self.rad == self.ri + self.bcBotduh][0]

            self.bcBotduh, self.bcTopduh, self.uhBot, self.uhTop =      \
                        getAccuratePeaks(self.rad, self.uh, self.uhTop, \
                                         self.uhBot, self.ri, self.ro)

            duhdr = np.dot(d1, self.uh)

            #1st round
            mask = (self.rad >= self.ro - self.bcTopduh / 4) * (self.rad <
            slopeT = duhdr[mask].mean()
            mask = (self.rad <= self.ri + self.bcBotduh / 4) * (self.rad >
            slopeB = duhdr[mask].mean()
            self.slopeTopU = slopeT * (self.rad - self.ro) + self.uh[0]
            self.slopeBotU = slopeB * (self.rad - self.ri) + self.uh[-1]
            self.uhTopSlope = -self.uhTop / slopeT
            self.uhBotSlope = self.uhBot / slopeB

            #2nd round
            mask = (self.rad >= self.ro - self.uhTopSlope / 4.) * (self.rad <
            slopeT = duhdr[mask].mean()
            mask = (self.rad <= self.ri + self.uhBotSlope / 4) * (self.rad >
            slopeB = duhdr[mask].mean()
            self.uhTopSlope = -self.uhTop / slopeT
            self.uhBotSlope = self.uhBot / slopeB

            self.slopeEpsUbl, self.slopeEpsUbulk = integBulkBc(
                self.rad, self.vi, self.ri, self.ro, self.uhBotSlope,

        self.uhEpsVbl, self.uhEpsVbulk = integBulkBc(self.rad, self.vi,
                                                     self.ri, self.ro,
        print('uh bl, bulk', self.uhEpsVbl / self.epsV,
              self.uhEpsVbulk / self.epsV)

        # Convective Rol in the thermal boundary Layer
        ekinNas = a.ekin_polR_av + a.ekin_torR_av - a.ekin_pol_axiR_av - a.ekin_tor_axiR_av
        ReR = np.sqrt(2. * abs(ekinNas) / self.rad**2 / (4. * np.pi))

        self.dl = a.dlVcR_av
        RolC = ReR * self.ek / self.dl

        y = RolC[self.rad >= self.ro - self.bcTopSlope]
        x = self.rad[self.rad >= self.ro - self.bcTopSlope]
            self.rolTop = simps(3. * y * x**2,
                                x) / (self.ro**3 -
                                      (self.ro - self.bcTopSlope)**3)
        except IndexError:
            self.rolTop = 0.

        self.rolbl, self.rolbulk = integBulkBc(self.rad,
                                               4. * np.pi * RolC * self.rad**2,

        self.rebl, self.rebulk = integBulkBc(self.rad,
                                             4. * np.pi * ReR * self.rad**2,

        self.lengthbl, self.lengthbulk = integBulkBc(self.rad,
                                                     self.dl * 4. * np.pi *

        self.rehbl, self.rehbulk = integBulkBc(self.rad,
                                               self.uh * 4. * np.pi *

        y = RolC[self.rad <= self.ri + self.bcBotSlope]
        x = self.rad[self.rad <= self.ri + self.bcBotSlope]
        self.rolBot = simps(3. * y * x**2, x) / (
            (self.ri + self.bcBotSlope)**3 - self.ri**3)
        print('reynols bc, reynolds bulk', self.rebl, self.rebulk)
        print('reh bc, reh bulk', self.rehbl, self.rehbulk)
        print('rolbc, rolbulk, roltop, rolbot', self.rolbl, self.rolbulk,
              self.rolBot, self.rolTop)

        self.dl[0] = 0.
        self.dl[-1] = 0.
        self.lBot, self.lTop = integBotTop(self.rad,
                                           4. * np.pi * self.rad**2 * self.dl,

        uhbm, utbm = integBotTop(self.rad,
                                 4. * np.pi * self.uh,

        # Convective Rol in the thermal boundary Layer
        if len(scanDir('perpParR.*')) != 0:
            tags = []
            for lg in logFiles:
                nml = MagicSetup(quiet=True, nml=lg)
                if nml.start_time > tstart:
                    if os.path.exists('perpParR.{}'.format(nml.tag)):
            perpPar = MagicRadial(field='perpParR', iplot=False, tags=tags)
            eperpNas = perpPar.Eperp - perpPar.Eperp_axi
            eparNas = perpPar.Epar - perpPar.Epar_axi
            RePerpNas = np.sqrt(2. * abs(eperpNas))
            ReParNas = np.sqrt(2. * abs(eparNas))
            RePerp = np.sqrt(2. * abs(perpPar.Eperp))
            RePar = np.sqrt(2. * abs(perpPar.Epar))

            self.reperpbl, self.reperpbulk = integBulkBc(self.rad,
                                                         4. * np.pi * RePerp *
            self.reparbl, self.reparbulk = integBulkBc(self.rad,
                                                       4. * np.pi * RePar *
            self.reperpnasbl, self.reperpnasbulk = integBulkBc(
                4. * np.pi * RePerpNas * self.rad**2,
            self.reparnasbl, self.reparnasbulk = integBulkBc(
                4. * np.pi * ReParNas * self.rad**2,
            self.reperpbl = 0.
            self.reperpbulk = 0.
            self.reparbl = 0.
            self.reparbulk = 0.
            self.reperpnasbl = 0.
            self.reperpnasbulk = 0.
            self.reparnasbl = 0.
            self.reparnasbulk = 0.

        if iplot:

        if not quiet:
Пример #9
    def __init__(self,
        :param tag: if you specify a pattern, it tries to read the corresponding files
        :type tag: str
        :param ratio_cmb_surface: ratio of surface ratio to CMB radius (default is 1)
        :type ratio_cmb_surface: float
        :param scale_b: magnetic field unit (default is 1)
        :type scale_b: float
        :param iplot: a logical to toggle the plot (default is True)
        :type iplot: bool
        :param field: 'B', 'V' or 'T' (magnetic field, velocity field or temperature)
        :type field: str
        :param r: an integer to characterise which file we want to plot
        :type r: int
        :param precision: single or double precision
        :type precision: str
        :param lCut: reduce the spherical harmonic truncation to l <= lCut
        :type lCut: int
        :param quiet: verbose when toggled to True (default is True)
        :type quiet: bool

        logFiles = scanDir('log.*')
        if len(logFiles) != 0:
            MagicSetup.__init__(self, quiet=True, nml=logFiles[-1])
            str1 = 'Aspect ratio ?\n'
            self.radratio = float(input(str1))

        self.rcmb = 1. / (1. - self.radratio)
        ricb = self.radratio / (1. - self.radratio)

        files = scanDir('%s_coeff_r%i.%s' % (field, r, tag))

        # Read the B_coeff files (by stacking the different tags)
        data = []
        for k, file in enumerate(files):
            if not quiet: print('Reading %s' % file)
            f = npfile(file, endian='B')
            out = f.fort_read('3i4,%s' % precision)[0]
            self.l_max_r, self.minc, n_data = out[0]
            self.m_max_r = int((self.l_max_r / self.minc) * self.minc)
            self.radius = out[1]

            while 1:
                except TypeError:
        self.lm_max_r = self.m_max_r*(self.l_max_r+1)//self.minc - \
                        self.m_max_r*(self.m_max_r-self.minc)//(2*self.minc) + \

        # Get indices location
        self.idx = np.zeros((self.l_max_r + 1, self.m_max_r + 1), 'i')
        self.ell = np.zeros(self.lm_max_r, 'i')
        self.ms = np.zeros(self.lm_max_r, 'i')
        self.idx[0:self.l_max_r + 2, 0] = np.arange(self.l_max_r + 1)
        self.ell[0:self.l_max_r + 2] = np.arange(self.l_max_r + 2)
        k = self.l_max_r + 1
        for m in range(self.minc, self.l_max_r + 1, self.minc):
            for l in range(m, self.l_max_r + 1):
                self.idx[l, m] = k
                self.ell[self.idx[l, m]] = l
                self.ms[self.idx[l, m]] = m
                k += 1

        # Rearange data
        data = np.array(data, dtype=precision)
        self.nstep = data.shape[0]
        self.wlm = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.lm_max_r), 'Complex64')
        self.dwlm = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.lm_max_r), 'Complex64')
        self.zlm = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.lm_max_r), 'Complex64')

        # Get time
        self.time = np.zeros(self.nstep, dtype=precision)
        self.time = data[:, 0]

        # wlm
        self.wlm[:, 1:self.l_max_r + 1] = data[:, 1:self.l_max_r + 1]
        k = self.l_max_r + 1
        for m in range(self.minc, self.l_max_r + 1, self.minc):
            for l in range(m, self.l_max_r + 1):
                self.wlm[:, self.idx[l, m]] = data[:, k] + 1j * data[:, k + 1]
                k += 2

        # dwlm
        self.dwlm[:, 1:self.l_max_r + 1] = data[:, k:k + self.l_max_r]
        k += self.l_max_r
        for m in range(self.minc, self.l_max_r + 1, self.minc):
            for l in range(m, self.l_max_r + 1):
                self.dwlm[:, self.idx[l, m]] = data[:, k] + 1j * data[:, k + 1]
                k += 2
        # zlm
        self.zlm[:, 1:self.l_max_r + 1] = data[:, k:k + self.l_max_r]
        k += self.l_max_r
        for m in range(self.minc, self.l_max_r + 1, self.minc):
            for l in range(m, self.l_max_r + 1):
                self.zlm[:, self.idx[l, m]] = data[:, k] + 1j * data[:, k + 1]
                k += 2

        # ddw in case B is stored
        if field == 'B':
            self.ddwlm = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.lm_max_r), 'Complex64')
            self.ddwlm[:, 1:self.l_max_r + 1] = data[:, k:k + self.l_max_r]
            k += self.l_max_r
            for m in range(self.minc, self.l_max_r + 1, self.minc):
                for l in range(m, self.l_max_r + 1):
                                        m]] = data[:, k] + 1j * data[:, k + 1]
                    k += 2

        # Truncate!
        if lCut is not None:
            if lCut < self.l_max_r:
                self.truncate(lCut, field=field)

        self.e_pol_axi_l = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.l_max_r + 1), precision)
        self.e_tor_axi_l = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.l_max_r + 1), precision)
        self.e_pol_l = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.l_max_r + 1), precision)
        self.e_tor_l = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.l_max_r + 1), precision)

        for l in range(1, self.l_max_r + 1):
            self.e_pol_l[:, l] = 0.
            self.e_tor_l[:, l] = 0.
            self.e_pol_axi_l[:, l] = 0.
            self.e_tor_axi_l[:, l] = 0.
            for m in range(0, l + 1, self.minc):
                lm = self.idx[l, m]

                if m == 0:
                    epol = 0.5*self.ell[lm]*(self.ell[lm]+1)*( \
                           self.ell[lm]*(self.ell[lm]+1)/self.radius**2* \
                           abs(self.wlm[:,lm])**2+ abs(self.dwlm[:,lm])**2 )
                    etor = 0.5 * self.ell[lm] * (self.ell[lm] + 1) * abs(
                        self.zlm[:, lm])**2

                    self.e_pol_axi_l[:, l] += epol
                    self.e_tor_axi_l[:, l] += etor
                    epol = self.ell[lm]*(self.ell[lm]+1)*( \
                           self.ell[lm]*(self.ell[lm]+1)/self.radius**2* \
                           abs(self.wlm[:,lm])**2+ abs(self.dwlm[:,lm])**2 )
                    etor = self.ell[lm] * (self.ell[lm] + 1) * abs(
                        self.zlm[:, lm])**2

                self.e_pol_l[:, l] += epol
                self.e_tor_l[:, l] += etor

        # Time-averaged energy
        facT = 1. / (self.time[-1] - self.time[0])

        self.e_pol_lM = facT * np.trapz(self.e_pol_l, self.time, axis=0)
        self.e_tor_lM = facT * np.trapz(self.e_tor_l, self.time, axis=0)
        self.e_pol_axi_lM = facT * np.trapz(
            self.e_pol_axi_l, self.time, axis=0)
        self.e_tor_axi_lM = facT * np.trapz(
            self.e_tor_axi_l, self.time, axis=0)
Пример #10
    def __init__(self, tag, field='Br', precision=np.float32, avg=False):
        :param tag: if you specify a pattern, it tries to read the corresponding
                    files and stack them.
        :type tag: str
        :param field: nature of the radial spectra. Possible choices are
                      'Bt' or 'Bp'
        :type field: str
        :param precision: single or double precision (default single, i.e.
        :type precision: str
        :param avg: when set to True, display time averaged quantities
        :type avg: bool

        logFiles = scanDir('log.*')
        if len(logFiles) != 0:
            MagicSetup.__init__(self, quiet=True, nml=logFiles[-1])
            self.n_r_max = int(self.n_r_max)
            self.n_r_ic_max = int(self.n_r_ic_max)
            n_r_max = 'n_r_max ?\n'
            self.n_r_max = int(input(str1))
            n_r_ic_max = 'n_r_ic_max ?\n'
            self.n_r_ic_max = int(input(str1))
            str1 = 'Aspect ratio ?\n'
            self.radratio = float(input(str1))

        self.n_r_tot = self.n_r_max + self.n_r_ic_max

        self.ricb = self.radratio / (1. - self.radratio)
        self.rcmb = 1. / (1. - self.radratio)
        outerCoreGrid = chebgrid(self.n_r_max - 1, self.rcmb, self.ricb)
        n_r_ic_tot = 2 * self.n_r_ic_max - 1
        innerCoreGrid = chebgrid(n_r_ic_tot - 1, self.ricb, -self.ricb)

        self.radius = np.zeros((self.n_r_tot - 1), dtype=precision)

        self.radius[:self.n_r_max] = outerCoreGrid
        self.radius[self.n_r_max - 1:] = innerCoreGrid[:self.n_r_ic_max]

        pattern = 'r{}'.format(field) + 'Spec'
        files = scanDir('{}.{}'.format(pattern, tag))

        # Read the rB[rp]Spec.TAG files (stack them)
        data = []
        for k, file in enumerate(files):
            print('Reading {}'.format(file))
            f = npfile(file, endian='B')

            while 1:
                except TypeError:
        data = np.array(data, dtype=precision)

        # Time (every two lines only)
        self.time = data[::2, 0]

        # Poloidal/Toroidal energy for all radii for the 6 first spherical harmonic
        # degrees
        self.e_pol = np.zeros((len(self.time), self.n_r_tot - 1, 6),
        self.e_pol_axi = np.zeros_like(self.e_pol)

        self.e_pol[:, :, 0] = data[::2, 1:self.n_r_tot]
        self.e_pol[:, :, 1] = data[::2,
                                   self.n_r_tot - 1:2 * (self.n_r_tot - 1)]
        self.e_pol[:, :,
                   2] = data[::2,
                             2 * (self.n_r_tot - 1):3 * (self.n_r_tot - 1)]
        self.e_pol[:, :,
                   3] = data[::2,
                             3 * (self.n_r_tot - 1):4 * (self.n_r_tot - 1)]
        self.e_pol[:, :,
                   4] = data[::2,
                             4 * (self.n_r_tot - 1):5 * (self.n_r_tot - 1)]
        self.e_pol[:, :,
                   5] = data[::2,
                             5 * (self.n_r_tot - 1):6 * (self.n_r_tot - 1)]

        self.e_pol_axi[:, :, 0] = data[1::2, 1:self.n_r_tot]
        self.e_pol_axi[:, :, 1] = data[1::2,
                                       self.n_r_tot - 1:2 * (self.n_r_tot - 1)]
        self.e_pol_axi[:, :,
                       2] = data[1::2,
                                 2 * (self.n_r_tot - 1):3 * (self.n_r_tot - 1)]
        self.e_pol_axi[:, :,
                       3] = data[1::2,
                                 3 * (self.n_r_tot - 1):4 * (self.n_r_tot - 1)]
        self.e_pol_axi[:, :,
                       4] = data[1::2,
                                 4 * (self.n_r_tot - 1):5 * (self.n_r_tot - 1)]
        self.e_pol_axi[:, :,
                       5] = data[1::2,
                                 5 * (self.n_r_tot - 1):6 * (self.n_r_tot - 1)]

        if avg:
Пример #11
    def __init__(self, iplot=False, quiet=False):
        :param iplot: display the result when set to True (default False)
        :type iplot: bool
        :param quiet: less verbose when set to True (default is False)
        :type quiet: bool
        if os.path.exists('tInitAvg'):
            file = open('tInitAvg', 'r')
            tstart = float(file.readline())
            logFiles = scanDir('log.*')
            tags = []
            for lg in logFiles:
                nml = MagicSetup(quiet=True, nml=lg)
                if nml.start_time >  tstart:
                    if os.path.exists('bLayersR.%s' % nml.tag):
            if len(tags) > 0:
                tags = None
            MagicSetup.__init__(self, quiet=True, nml=logFiles[-1])

            a = AvgField()
            self.nuss = a.nuss
            self.reynolds = a.reynolds
            logFiles = scanDir('log.*')
            MagicSetup.__init__(self, quiet=True, nml=logFiles[-1])
            tags = None
            self.nuss = 1.
            self.reynolds = 1.
        par = MagicRadial(field='bLayersR', iplot=False, tags=tags)
        self.varS = N.sqrt(N.abs(par.varS))
        self.ss = par.entropy

        if os.path.exists('tInitAvg'):
            logFiles = scanDir('log.*', tfix=1409827718.0)
            # Workaround for code mistake before this time
            tfix = 1409827718.0
            tagsFix = []
            for lg in logFiles:
                nml = MagicSetup(quiet=True, nml=lg)
                if nml.start_time >  tstart:
                    if os.path.exists('bLayersR.%s' % nml.tag):
            if len(tagsFix) > 0:
                print('Fix temp. tags', tagsFix)
                parFix = MagicRadial(field='bLayersR', iplot=False, tags=tagsFix)
                self.varS = N.sqrt(N.abs(parFix.varS))
                self.ss = parFix.entropy

            self.tags = tagsFix
        self.uh = par.uh
        self.duh = par.duhdr
        self.rad = par.radius
        self.ro = self.rad[0]
        self.ri = self.rad[-1]

        self.reh = 4.*N.pi*intcheb(self.rad**2*self.uh, len(self.rad)-1, 
                        self.ri, self.ro)/(4./3.*N.pi*(self.ro**3-self.ri**3))

        # Thermal dissipation boundary layer
        if hasattr(par, 'dissS'):
            self.dissS = par.dissS
            self.epsT = -4.*N.pi*intcheb(self.rad**2*self.dissS, len(self.rad)-1, 
                                         self.ro, self.ri)
            self.epsTR = 4.*N.pi*self.rad**2*self.dissS
            ind = getMaxima(-abs(self.epsTR-self.epsT))

                self.dissTopS = self.ro-self.rad[ind[0]]
                self.dissBotS = self.rad[ind[-1]]-self.ri
                self.dissEpsTbl, self.dissEpsTbulk = integBulkBc(self.rad, self.epsTR, 
                             self.ri, self.ro, self.dissBotS, self.dissTopS)
            except IndexError:
                self.dissTopS = self.ro
                self.dissBotS = self.ri
                self.dissEpsTbl, self.dissEpsTbulk = 0., 0.

            print('thDiss bl, bulk',  self.dissEpsTbl/self.epsT, self.dissEpsTbulk/self.epsT)
        # First way of defining the thermal boundary layers: with var(S)
        #rThLayer = getMaxima(self.rad, self.varS)
        ind = argrelextrema(self.varS, N.greater)[0]
        if len(ind) != 0:
            self.bcTopVarS = self.ro-self.rad[ind[0]]
            self.bcBotVarS = self.rad[ind[-1]]-self.ri
            self.bcTopVarS = 1.
            self.bcBotVarS = 1.
        if hasattr(self, 'epsT'):
            self.varSEpsTbl, self.varSEpsTbulk = integBulkBc(self.rad, self.epsTR, 
                         self.ri, self.ro, self.bcBotVarS, self.bcTopVarS)
            print('var(S) bl, bulk', self.varSEpsTbl/self.epsT, self.varSEpsTbulk/self.epsT)

        # Second way of defining the thermal boundary layers: intersection of the slopes
        d1 = matder(len(self.rad)-1, self.ro, self.ri)
        self.ttm = 3.*intcheb(self.ss*self.rad**2, len(self.rad)-1, self.ri, self.ro) \
        dsdr = N.dot(d1, self.ss)
        self.beta = dsdr[len(dsdr)/2]
        print('beta', self.beta)
        self.slopeTop = dsdr[2]*(self.rad-self.ro)+self.ss[0]
        self.slopeBot = dsdr[-1]*(self.rad-self.ri)+self.ss[-1]

        self.dtdrm = dsdr[len(self.ss)/2]
        self.slopeMid = self.dtdrm*(self.rad-(self.ri+self.ro)/2.)+self.ss[len(self.ss)/2]

        #self.bcTopSlope = -(self.ttm-self.ss[0])/dsdr[2]
        self.bcTopSlope = (self.ss[len(self.ss)/2]-self.ss[0])/(self.dtdrm-dsdr[2])
        #self.bcBotSlope = (self.ttm-self.ss[-1])/(dsdr[-1])
        self.bcBotSlope = -(self.ss[len(self.ss)/2]-self.ss[-1])/(self.dtdrm-dsdr[-1])

        # 2nd round with a more accurate slope
        bSlope = dsdr[self.rad <= self.ri+self.bcBotSlope/4.].mean()
        tSlope = dsdr[self.rad >= self.ro-self.bcTopSlope/4.].mean()
        self.slopeBot = bSlope*(self.rad-self.ri)+self.ss[-1]
        self.slopeTop = tSlope*(self.rad-self.ro)+self.ss[0]
        #self.bcTopSlope = -(self.ttm-self.ss[0])/tSlope
        self.bcTopSlope = (self.ss[len(self.ss)/2]-self.ss[0])/(self.dtdrm-tSlope)
        #self.bcBotSlope = (self.ttm-self.ss[-1])/bSlope
        self.bcBotSlope = -(self.ss[len(self.ss)/2]-self.ss[-1])/(self.dtdrm-bSlope)

        if hasattr(self, 'epsT'):
            self.slopeEpsTbl, self.slopeEpsTbulk = integBulkBc(self.rad, self.epsTR, 
                         self.ri, self.ro, self.bcBotSlope, self.bcTopSlope)

            print('slopes bl, bulk', self.slopeEpsTbl/self.epsT, self.slopeEpsTbulk/self.epsT)
        pow = MagicRadial(field='powerR', iplot=False, tags=tags)
        self.vi = pow.viscDiss
        self.buo = pow.buoPower

        self.epsV = -intcheb(self.vi, len(self.rad)-1, self.ro, self.ri)
        ind = getMaxima(-abs(self.vi-self.epsV))
        if len(ind) > 2:
            for i in ind:
                if self.vi[i-1]-self.epsV > 0 and self.vi[i+1]-self.epsV < 0:
                    self.dissTopV = self.ro-self.rad[i]
                elif self.vi[i-1]-self.epsV < 0 and self.vi[i+1]-self.epsV > 0:
                    self.dissBotV = self.rad[i]-self.ri
            self.dissTopV = self.ro-self.rad[ind[0]]
            self.dissBotV = self.rad[ind[-1]]-self.ri
        self.dissEpsVbl, self.dissEpsVbulk = integBulkBc(self.rad, self.vi, 
                         self.ri, self.ro, self.dissBotV, self.dissTopV)
        print('visc Diss bl, bulk', self.dissEpsVbl/self.epsV, self.dissEpsVbulk/self.epsV)

        # First way of defining the viscous boundary layers: with duhdr
        #rViscousLayer = getMaxima(self.rad, self.duh)
        if self.kbotv == 1 and self.ktopv == 1:
            ind = argrelextrema(self.duh, N.greater)[0]
            if len(ind) == 0:
                self.bcTopduh = 1.
                self.bcBotduh = 1.
                if ind[0] < 4:
                    self.bcTopduh = self.ro-self.rad[ind[1]]
                    self.bcTopduh = self.ro-self.rad[ind[0]]
                if len(self.rad)-ind[-1] < 4:
                    self.bcBotduh = self.rad[ind[-2]]-self.ri
                    self.bcBotduh = self.rad[ind[-1]]-self.ri
            self.slopeTopU = 0.
            self.slopeBotU = 0.
            self.uhTopSlope = 0.
            self.uhBotSlope = 0.
            self.slopeEpsUbl = 0.
            self.slopeEpsUbulk = 0.
            self.uhBot = 0.
            self.uhTop = 0.
            ind = argrelextrema(self.uh, N.greater)[0]
            if len(ind) == 1:
                ind = argrelextrema(self.uh, N.greater_equal)[0]
            if len(ind) == 0:
                self.bcTopduh = 1.
                self.bcBotduh = 1.
                if ind[0] < 4:
                    self.bcTopduh = self.ro-self.rad[ind[1]]
                    self.bcTopduh = self.ro-self.rad[ind[0]]
                if len(self.rad)-ind[-1] < 4:
                    self.bcBotduh = self.rad[ind[-2]]-self.ri
                    self.bcBotduh = self.rad[ind[-1]]-self.ri

            self.uhTop = self.uh[self.rad==self.ro-self.bcTopduh][0]
            self.uhBot = self.uh[self.rad==self.ri+self.bcBotduh][0]

            self.bcBotduh, self.bcTopduh, self.uhBot, self.uhTop =      \
                        getAccuratePeaks(self.rad, self.uh, self.uhTop, \
                                         self.uhBot, self.ri, self.ro)

            duhdr = N.dot(d1, self.uh)

            #1st round
            mask = (self.rad>=self.ro-self.bcTopduh/4)*(self.rad<self.ro)
            slopeT = duhdr[mask].mean()
            mask = (self.rad<=self.ri+self.bcBotduh/4)*(self.rad>self.ri)
            slopeB = duhdr[mask].mean()
            self.slopeTopU = slopeT*(self.rad-self.ro)+self.uh[0]
            self.slopeBotU = slopeB*(self.rad-self.ri)+self.uh[-1]
            self.uhTopSlope = -self.uhTop/slopeT
            self.uhBotSlope = self.uhBot/slopeB

            #2nd round
            mask = (self.rad>=self.ro-self.uhTopSlope/4.)*(self.rad<self.ro)
            slopeT = duhdr[mask].mean()
            mask = (self.rad<=self.ri+self.uhBotSlope/4)*(self.rad>self.ri)
            slopeB = duhdr[mask].mean()
            self.uhTopSlope = -self.uhTop/slopeT
            self.uhBotSlope = self.uhBot/slopeB

            self.slopeEpsUbl, self.slopeEpsUbulk = integBulkBc(self.rad, self.vi, 
                         self.ri, self.ro, self.uhBotSlope, self.uhTopSlope)

        self.uhEpsVbl, self.uhEpsVbulk = integBulkBc(self.rad, self.vi, 
                         self.ri, self.ro, self.bcBotduh, self.bcTopduh)
        print('uh bl, bulk', self.uhEpsVbl/self.epsV, self.uhEpsVbulk/self.epsV)

        # Convective Rol in the thermal boundary Layer
        par = MagicRadial(field='parR', iplot=False, tags=tags)
        kin = MagicRadial(field='eKinR', iplot=False, tags=tags)
        ekinNas = kin.ekin_pol+kin.ekin_tor-kin.ekin_pol_axi-kin.ekin_tor_axi
        ReR = N.sqrt(2.*abs(ekinNas)/par.radius**2/(4.*N.pi))
        RolC = ReR*par.ek/par.dlVc

        self.dl = par.dlVc
        y = RolC[par.radius >= self.ro-self.bcTopSlope]
        x = par.radius[par.radius >= self.ro-self.bcTopSlope]
        self.rolTop = simps(3.*y*x**2, x)/(self.ro**3-(self.ro-self.bcTopSlope)**3)

        self.rolbl, self.rolbulk = integBulkBc(self.rad, 4.*N.pi*RolC*self.rad**2, 
                                     self.ri, self.ro, self.bcBotSlope, self.bcTopSlope,

        self.rebl, self.rebulk = integBulkBc(self.rad, 4.*N.pi*ReR*self.rad**2, 
                                     self.ri, self.ro, self.bcBotduh, self.bcTopduh,

        self.lengthbl, self.lengthbulk = integBulkBc(self.rad, par.dlVc, 
                                     self.ri, self.ro, self.bcBotSlope, self.bcTopSlope,

        self.rehbl, self.rehbulk = integBulkBc(self.rad, self.uh*4.*N.pi*self.rad**2, 
                                     self.ri, self.ro, self.bcBotduh, self.bcTopduh,

        y = RolC[par.radius <= self.ri+self.bcBotSlope]
        x = par.radius[par.radius <= self.ri+self.bcBotSlope]
        self.rolBot = simps(3.*y*x**2, x)/((self.ri+self.bcBotSlope)**3-self.ri**3)
        print('reynols bc, reynolds bulk', self.rebl, self.rebulk)
        print('reh bc, reh bulk', self.rehbl, self.rehbulk)
        print('rolbc, rolbulk, roltop, rolbot', self.rolbl, self.rolbulk, self.rolBot, self.rolTop)

        par.dlVc[0] = 0.
        par.dlVc[-1] = 0.
        self.lBot, self.lTop = integBotTop(self.rad, 4.*N.pi*self.rad**2*par.dlVc, 
                         self.ri, self.ro, self.bcBotSlope, self.bcTopSlope, normed=True)

        uhbm, utbm = integBotTop(self.rad, 4.*N.pi*self.uh, 
                         self.ri, self.ro, self.bcBotSlope, self.bcTopSlope, normed=True)

        if iplot:

        if not quiet:
Пример #12
    def __init__(self, tag, ratio_cmb_surface=1, scale_b=1, iplot=True,
                 precision='Float64', ave=False, sv=False):
        A class to read the B_coeff_cmb files

        :param tag: if you specify a pattern, it tries to read the corresponding files
        :type tag: str
        :param ratio_cmb_surface: ratio of surface ratio to CMB radius (default is 1)
        :type ratio_cmb_surface: float
        :param scale_b: magnetic field unit (default is 1)
        :type scale_b: float
        :param iplot: a logical to toggle the plot (default is True)
        :type iplot: int
        :param precision: single or double precision
        :type precision: char
        :param ave: load a time-averaged CMB file when set to True
        :type ave: bool
        :param sv: load a dt_b CMB file when set to True
        :type sv: bool

        logFiles = scanDir('log.*')
        if len(logFiles) != 0:
            MagicSetup.__init__(self, quiet=True, nml=logFiles[-1])
            str1 = 'Aspect ratio ?\n'
            self.radratio = float(input(str1))

        rcmb = 1./(1.-self.radratio)
        ricb = self.radratio/(1.-self.radratio)

        if ave:
            files = scanDir('B_coeff_cmb_ave.%s' % tag)
        elif sv:
            files = scanDir('B_coeff_dt_cmb.%s' % tag)
            files = scanDir('B_coeff_cmb.%s' % tag)

        # Read the B_coeff files (by stacking the different tags)
        data = []
        for k, file in enumerate(files):
            print('Reading %s' % file)
            f = npfile(file, endian='B')
            self.l_max_cmb, self.minc, n_data = f.fort_read('i')
            self.m_max_cmb = int((self.l_max_cmb/self.minc)*self.minc)

            while 1:
                except TypeError:
        data = N.array(data, dtype=precision)

        self.ell = N.arange(self.l_max_cmb+1)
        self.nstep = data.shape[0]

        # Get time
        self.time = N.zeros(self.nstep, precision)
        self.time = data[:, 0]

        # Rearange and get Gauss coefficients
        self.alm = N.zeros((self.nstep, self.l_max_cmb+1, self.m_max_cmb+1), precision)
        self.blm = N.zeros((self.nstep, self.l_max_cmb+1, self.m_max_cmb+1), precision)
        self.glm = N.zeros((self.nstep, self.l_max_cmb+1, self.m_max_cmb+1), precision)
        self.hlm = N.zeros((self.nstep, self.l_max_cmb+1, self.m_max_cmb+1), precision)

        # Axisymmetric coefficients (m=0)
        self.alm[:, 1:, 0] = data[:, 1:self.l_max_cmb+1]
        self.glm[:, 1:, 0], self.hlm[:, 1:, 0] = getGauss(self.alm[:, 1:, 0], 
                     self.blm[:, 1:, 0], self.ell[1:], 0, scale_b, 
                     ratio_cmb_surface, rcmb)
        # Other coefficients (m!=0)
        k = self.l_max_cmb+1
        for m in range(self.minc, self.l_max_cmb+1, self.minc):
            for l in range(m, self.l_max_cmb+1):
                self.alm[:, l, m] = data[:, k]
                self.blm[:, l, m] = data[:, k+1]
                self.glm[:, l, m], self.hlm[:, l, m] = getGauss(self.alm[:, l, m], 
                                    self.blm[:, l, m], l, m,
                                    scale_b, ratio_cmb_surface, rcmb)
                k += 2

        # Time-averaged Gauss coefficient
        facT = 1./(self.time[-1]-self.time[0])
        self.glmM = facT * N.trapz(self.glm, self.time, axis=0)
        self.hlmM = facT * N.trapz(self.hlm, self.time, axis=0)

        if len(self.time) > 3:
            self.dglmdt = deriv(self.time, self.glm.T, axis=2)
            self.dhlmdt = deriv(self.time, self.hlm.T, axis=2)
            self.dglmdt = self.dglmdt.T
            self.dhlmdt = self.dhlmdt.T

            self.dglmdt = N.zeros_like(self.glm)
            self.dhlmdt = N.zeros_like(self.hlm)

        # Magnetic energy (Lowes)
        self.El = (self.ell+1)*(self.glm**2+self.hlm**2).sum(axis=2)
        self.Em = N.zeros((self.nstep, self.m_max_cmb+1), precision)
        # For m, we need to unfold the loop in case of minc != 1
        for m in range(0, self.m_max_cmb+1, self.minc):
            self.Em[:,m] = ((self.ell+1)*(self.glm[:, :, m]**2+self.hlm[:, :, m]**2)).sum(axis=1)
        #self.Em = ((self.ell+1)*(self.glm**2+self.hlm**2)).sum(axis=1)

        # Time-averaged energy
        self.ElM = facT * N.trapz(self.El, self.time, axis=0)
        self.EmM = facT * N.trapz(self.Em, self.time, axis=0)

        # Secular variation
        self.ESVl = (self.ell+1)*(self.dglmdt**2+self.dhlmdt**2).sum(axis=2)
        self.ESVlM = facT * N.trapz(self.ESVl, self.time, axis=0)
        self.taul = N.sqrt(self.ElM[1:]/self.ESVlM[1:])

        if iplot:
Пример #13
    def __init__(self, tag, ratio_cmb_surface=1, scale_b=1, iplot=True,
                 field='B', r=1, precision='Float64'):
        :param tag: if you specify a pattern, it tries to read the corresponding files
        :type tag: str
        :param ratio_cmb_surface: ratio of surface ratio to CMB radius (default is 1)
        :type ratio_cmb_surface: float
        :param scale_b: magnetic field unit (default is 1)
        :type scale_b: float
        :param iplot: a logical to toggle the plot (default is True)
        :type iplot: bool
        :param field: 'B', 'V' or 'T' (magnetic field, velocity field or temperature)
        :type field: str
        :param r: an integer to characterise which file we want to plot
        :type r: int
        :param precision: single or double precision
        :type precision: str

        logFiles = scanDir('log.*')
        if len(logFiles) != 0:
            MagicSetup.__init__(self, quiet=True, nml=logFiles[-1])
            str1 = 'Aspect ratio ?\n'
            self.radratio = float(input(str1))

        rcmb = 1./(1.-self.radratio)
        ricb = self.radratio/(1.-self.radratio)

        files = scanDir('%s_coeff_r%i.%s' % (field,r,tag))

        # Read the B_coeff files (by stacking the different tags)
        data = []
        for k, file in enumerate(files):
            print('Reading %s' % file)
            f = npfile(file, endian='B')
            out = f.fort_read('3i4,%s' % precision)[0]
            self.l_max_cmb, self.minc, n_data = out[0]
            self.m_max_cmb = int((self.l_max_cmb/self.minc)*self.minc)
            self.radius = out[1]

            while 1:
                except TypeError:
        data = N.array(data, dtype=precision)

        self.ell = N.arange(self.l_max_cmb+1)
        self.nstep = data.shape[0]

        # Get time
        self.time = N.zeros(self.nstep, dtype=precision)
        self.time = data[:, 0]

        # Rearange and get Gauss coefficients
        self.wlm = N.zeros((self.nstep, self.l_max_cmb+1, self.m_max_cmb+1), 'Complex64')
        self.dwlm = N.zeros((self.nstep, self.l_max_cmb+1, self.m_max_cmb+1), 'Complex64')
        self.zlm = N.zeros((self.nstep, self.l_max_cmb+1, self.m_max_cmb+1), 'Complex64')

        # wlm
        # Axisymmetric coefficients (m=0)
        self.wlm[:, 1:, 0] = data[:, 1:self.l_max_cmb+1]
        # Other coefficients (m!=0)
        k = self.l_max_cmb+1
        for m in range(self.minc, self.l_max_cmb+1, self.minc):
            for l in range(m, self.l_max_cmb+1):
                self.wlm[:, l, m] = data[:, k]+1j*data[:, k+1]
                k += 2

        # dwlm
        self.dwlm[:, 1:, 0] = data[:, k:k+self.l_max_cmb]
        k += self.l_max_cmb
        for m in range(self.minc, self.l_max_cmb+1, self.minc):
            for l in range(m, self.l_max_cmb+1):
                self.dwlm[:, l, m] = data[:, k]+1j*data[:, k+1]
                k += 2
        # zlm
        self.zlm[:, 1:, 0] = data[:, k:k+self.l_max_cmb]
        k += self.l_max_cmb
        for m in range(self.minc, self.l_max_cmb+1, self.minc):
            for l in range(m, self.l_max_cmb+1):
                self.zlm[:, l, m] = data[:, k]+1j*data[:, k+1]
                k += 2

        # ddw in case B is stored
        if field == 'B':
            self.ddwlm = N.zeros((self.nstep, self.l_max_cmb+1, self.m_max_cmb+1), 'Complex64')
            self.ddwlm[:, 1:, 0] = data[:, k:k+self.l_max_cmb]
            k += self.l_max_cmb
            for m in range(self.minc, self.l_max_cmb+1, self.minc):
                for l in range(m, self.l_max_cmb+1):
                    self.ddwlm[:, l, m] = data[:, k]+1j*data[:, k+1]
                    k += 2

        #self.epolLM = 0.5*self.ell*(self.ell+1)* (self.ell*(self.ell+1)* \
        #                            abs(self.wlm)**2+abs(self.dwlm)**2)
        self.epolAxiL = 0.5*self.ell*(self.ell+1)*(self.ell*(self.ell+1)* \
        #self.etorLM = 0.5*self.ell*(self.ell+1)*abs(self.zlm)**2
        self.etorAxiL = 0.5*self.ell*(self.ell+1)*abs(self.zlm[:,:,0])**2

        #epolTot = self.epolLM.sum(axis=1).sum(axis=1)
        #etorTot = self.etorLM.sum(axis=1).sum(axis=1)
        etorAxiTot = self.etorAxiL.sum(axis=1)
        epolAxiTot = self.epolAxiL.sum(axis=1)
        if iplot:
            P.plot(self.time, epolTot)
            P.plot(self.time, etorTot)
            P.plot(self.time, epolAxiTot)
            P.plot(self.time, etorAxiTot)
Пример #14
    def __init__(self, tag, ratio_cmb_surface=1, scale_b=1, iplot=True,
                 precision='Float64', ave=False, sv=False, quiet=False):
        A class to read the B_coeff_cmb files

        :param tag: if you specify a pattern, it tries to read the corresponding files
        :type tag: str
        :param ratio_cmb_surface: ratio of surface ratio to CMB radius (default is 1)
        :type ratio_cmb_surface: float
        :param scale_b: magnetic field unit (default is 1)
        :type scale_b: float
        :param iplot: a logical to toggle the plot (default is True)
        :type iplot: int
        :param precision: single or double precision
        :type precision: char
        :param ave: load a time-averaged CMB file when set to True
        :type ave: bool
        :param sv: load a dt_b CMB file when set to True
        :type sv: bool
        :param quiet: verbose when toggled to True (default is True)
        :type quiet: bool

        logFiles = scanDir('log.*')
        if len(logFiles) != 0:
            MagicSetup.__init__(self, quiet=True, nml=logFiles[-1])
            str1 = 'Aspect ratio ?\n'
            self.radratio = float(input(str1))

        self.rcmb = 1./(1.-self.radratio)
        ricb = self.radratio/(1.-self.radratio)

        if ave:
            files = scanDir('B_coeff_cmb_ave.%s' % tag)
        elif sv:
            files = scanDir('B_coeff_dt_cmb.%s' % tag)
            files = scanDir('B_coeff_cmb.%s' % tag)

        # Read the B_coeff files (by stacking the different tags)
        data = []
        for k, file in enumerate(files):
            if not quiet: print('Reading %s' % file)
            f = npfile(file, endian='B')
            self.l_max_cmb, self.minc, n_data = f.fort_read('i')
            self.m_max_cmb = int((self.l_max_cmb/self.minc)*self.minc)

            while 1:
                except TypeError:
        self.lm_max_cmb = self.m_max_cmb*(self.l_max_cmb+1)//self.minc - \
                          self.m_max_cmb*(self.m_max_cmb-self.minc)//(2*self.minc) + \

        # Get indices location
        self.idx = np.zeros((self.l_max_cmb+1, self.m_max_cmb+1), 'i')
        self.ell = np.zeros(self.lm_max_cmb, 'i')
        self.ms = np.zeros(self.lm_max_cmb, 'i')
        self.idx[0:self.l_max_cmb+2, 0] = np.arange(self.l_max_cmb+1)
        self.ell[0:self.l_max_cmb+2] = np.arange(self.l_max_cmb+2)
        k = self.l_max_cmb+1
        for m in range(self.minc, self.l_max_cmb+1, self.minc):
            for l in range(m, self.l_max_cmb+1):
                self.idx[l, m] = k
                self.ell[self.idx[l,m]] = l
                self.ms[self.idx[l,m]] = m
                k +=1

        # Rearange data
        data = np.array(data, dtype=precision)
        self.nstep = data.shape[0]
        self.blm = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.lm_max_cmb), 'Complex64')
        self.blm[:, 1:self.l_max_cmb+1] = data[:, 1:self.l_max_cmb+1]
        self.blm[:, self.l_max_cmb+1:] = data[:, self.l_max_cmb+1::2]+\
                                         1j*data[:, self.l_max_cmb+2::2]

        # Get time
        self.time = np.zeros(self.nstep, precision)
        self.time = data[:, 0]

        # Get Gauss coefficients
        self.glm = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.lm_max_cmb), precision)
        self.hlm = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.lm_max_cmb), precision)

        self.glm, self.hlm = getGauss(self.blm.real, self.blm.imag, 
                                      self.ell, self.ms, scale_b, 
                                      ratio_cmb_surface, self.rcmb)

        # Time-averaged Gauss coefficient
        if not ave:
            facT = 1./(self.time[-1]-self.time[0])
            self.glmM = facT * np.trapz(self.glm, self.time, axis=0)
            self.hlmM = facT * np.trapz(self.hlm, self.time, axis=0)

            if len(self.time) > 3:
                self.dglmdt = deriv(self.time, self.glm.T, axis=1)
                self.dhlmdt = deriv(self.time, self.hlm.T, axis=1)
                self.dglmdt = self.dglmdt.T
                self.dhlmdt = self.dhlmdt.T

                self.dglmdt = np.zeros_like(self.glm)
                self.dhlmdt = np.zeros_like(self.hlm)

        # Magnetic energy (Lowes)
        self.El = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.l_max_cmb+1), precision)
        self.Em = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.m_max_cmb+1), precision)
        self.ESVl = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.l_max_cmb+1), precision)
        E = 0.
        for l in range(1, self.l_max_cmb+1):
            self.El[:, l] = 0.
            self.ESVl[:, l] = 0.
            for m in range(0, l+1, self.minc):
                lm = self.idx[l, m]
                self.El[:, l] += (self.ell[lm]+1)*\
                self.Em[:, m] += (self.ell[lm]+1)*\
                if not ave:
                    self.ESVl[:, l] += (self.ell[lm]+1)*\
                                      (self.dglmdt[:, lm]**2+self.dhlmdt[:, lm]**2)

        if not ave:
            # Time-averaged energy
            self.ElM = facT * np.trapz(self.El, self.time, axis=0)
            self.EmM = facT * np.trapz(self.Em, self.time, axis=0)

            # Secular variation
            self.ESVlM = facT * np.trapz(self.ESVl, self.time, axis=0)
            self.taul = np.sqrt(self.ElM[1:]/self.ESVlM[1:])

        if iplot:
Пример #15
    def __init__(self, tag, ratio_cmb_surface=1, scale_b=1, iplot=True,
                 field='B', r=1, precision='Float64', lCut=None, quiet=False):
        :param tag: if you specify a pattern, it tries to read the corresponding files
        :type tag: str
        :param ratio_cmb_surface: ratio of surface ratio to CMB radius (default is 1)
        :type ratio_cmb_surface: float
        :param scale_b: magnetic field unit (default is 1)
        :type scale_b: float
        :param iplot: a logical to toggle the plot (default is True)
        :type iplot: bool
        :param field: 'B', 'V' or 'T' (magnetic field, velocity field or temperature)
        :type field: str
        :param r: an integer to characterise which file we want to plot
        :type r: int
        :param precision: single or double precision
        :type precision: str
        :param lCut: reduce the spherical harmonic truncation to l <= lCut
        :type lCut: int
        :param quiet: verbose when toggled to True (default is True)
        :type quiet: bool

        logFiles = scanDir('log.*')
        if len(logFiles) != 0:
            MagicSetup.__init__(self, quiet=True, nml=logFiles[-1])
            str1 = 'Aspect ratio ?\n'
            self.radratio = float(input(str1))

        self.rcmb = 1./(1.-self.radratio)
        ricb = self.radratio/(1.-self.radratio)

        files = scanDir('%s_coeff_r%i.%s' % (field,r,tag))

        # Read the B_coeff files (by stacking the different tags)
        data = []
        for k, file in enumerate(files):
            if not quiet: print('Reading %s' % file)
            f = npfile(file, endian='B')
            out = f.fort_read('3i4,%s' % precision)[0]
            self.l_max_r, self.minc, n_data = out[0]
            self.m_max_r = int((self.l_max_r/self.minc)*self.minc)
            self.radius = out[1]

            while 1:
                except TypeError:
        self.lm_max_r = self.m_max_r*(self.l_max_r+1)//self.minc - \
                        self.m_max_r*(self.m_max_r-self.minc)//(2*self.minc) + \

        # Get indices location
        self.idx = np.zeros((self.l_max_r+1, self.m_max_r+1), 'i')
        self.ell = np.zeros(self.lm_max_r, 'i')
        self.ms = np.zeros(self.lm_max_r, 'i')
        self.idx[0:self.l_max_r+2, 0] = np.arange(self.l_max_r+1)
        self.ell[0:self.l_max_r+2] = np.arange(self.l_max_r+2)
        k = self.l_max_r+1
        for m in range(self.minc, self.l_max_r+1, self.minc):
            for l in range(m, self.l_max_r+1):
                self.idx[l, m] = k
                self.ell[self.idx[l,m]] = l
                self.ms[self.idx[l,m]] = m
                k +=1

        # Rearange data
        data = np.array(data, dtype=precision)
        self.nstep = data.shape[0]
        self.wlm = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.lm_max_r), 'Complex64')
        self.dwlm = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.lm_max_r), 'Complex64')
        self.zlm = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.lm_max_r), 'Complex64')

        # Get time
        self.time = np.zeros(self.nstep, dtype=precision)
        self.time = data[:, 0]

        # wlm
        self.wlm[:, 1:self.l_max_r+1] = data[:, 1:self.l_max_r+1]
        k = self.l_max_r+1
        for m in range(self.minc, self.l_max_r+1, self.minc):
            for l in range(m, self.l_max_r+1):
                self.wlm[:, self.idx[l, m]] = data[:, k]+1j*data[:, k+1]
                k += 2

        # dwlm
        self.dwlm[:, 1:self.l_max_r+1] = data[:, k:k+self.l_max_r]
        k += self.l_max_r
        for m in range(self.minc, self.l_max_r+1, self.minc):
            for l in range(m, self.l_max_r+1):
                self.dwlm[:, self.idx[l, m]] = data[:, k]+1j*data[:, k+1]
                k += 2
        # zlm
        self.zlm[:, 1:self.l_max_r+1] = data[:, k:k+self.l_max_r]
        k += self.l_max_r
        for m in range(self.minc, self.l_max_r+1, self.minc):
            for l in range(m, self.l_max_r+1):
                self.zlm[:, self.idx[l, m]] = data[:, k]+1j*data[:, k+1]
                k += 2

        # ddw in case B is stored
        if field == 'B':
            self.ddwlm = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.lm_max_r), 'Complex64')
            self.ddwlm[:, 1:self.l_max_r+1] = data[:, k:k+self.l_max_r]
            k += self.l_max_r
            for m in range(self.minc, self.l_max_r+1, self.minc):
                for l in range(m, self.l_max_r+1):
                    self.ddwlm[:, self.idx[l, m]] = data[:, k]+1j*data[:, k+1]
                    k += 2

        # Truncate!
        if lCut is not None:
            if lCut < self.l_max_r:
                self.truncate(lCut, field=field)

        self.e_pol_axi_l = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.l_max_r+1), precision)
        self.e_tor_axi_l = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.l_max_r+1), precision)
        self.e_pol_l = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.l_max_r+1), precision)
        self.e_tor_l = np.zeros((self.nstep, self.l_max_r+1), precision)

        for l in range(1, self.l_max_r+1):
            self.e_pol_l[:, l] = 0.
            self.e_tor_l[:, l] = 0.
            self.e_pol_axi_l[:, l] = 0.
            self.e_tor_axi_l[:, l] = 0.
            for m in range(0, l+1, self.minc):
                lm = self.idx[l, m]

                if m == 0:
                    epol = 0.5*self.ell[lm]*(self.ell[lm]+1)*( \
                           self.ell[lm]*(self.ell[lm]+1)/self.radius**2* \
                           abs(self.wlm[:,lm])**2+ abs(self.dwlm[:,lm])**2 ) 
                    etor = 0.5*self.ell[lm]*(self.ell[lm]+1)*abs(self.zlm[:, lm])**2

                    self.e_pol_axi_l[:, l] += epol
                    self.e_tor_axi_l[:, l] += etor
                    epol = self.ell[lm]*(self.ell[lm]+1)*( \
                           self.ell[lm]*(self.ell[lm]+1)/self.radius**2* \
                           abs(self.wlm[:,lm])**2+ abs(self.dwlm[:,lm])**2 ) 
                    etor = self.ell[lm]*(self.ell[lm]+1)*abs(self.zlm[:, lm])**2

                self.e_pol_l[:, l] += epol
                self.e_tor_l[:, l] += etor

        # Time-averaged energy
        facT = 1./(self.time[-1]-self.time[0])

        self.e_pol_lM = facT * np.trapz(self.e_pol_l, self.time, axis=0)
        self.e_tor_lM = facT * np.trapz(self.e_tor_l, self.time, axis=0)
        self.e_pol_axi_lM = facT * np.trapz(self.e_pol_axi_l, self.time, axis=0)
        self.e_tor_axi_lM = facT * np.trapz(self.e_tor_axi_l, self.time, axis=0)
Пример #16
    def __init__(self, iplot=False, angle=10, pickleName='thHeat.pickle'):
        :param iplot: a boolean to toggle the plots on/off
        :type iplot: bool
        :param angle: the integration angle in degrees
        :type angle: float
        :pickleName: calculations a

        angle = angle * np.pi / 180

        if os.path.exists('tInitAvg'):
            file = open('tInitAvg', 'r')
            tstart = float(file.readline())
            logFiles = scanDir('log.*')
            tags = []
            for lg in logFiles:
                nml = MagicSetup(quiet=True, nml=lg)
                if nml.start_time >  tstart:
                    if os.path.exists('bLayersR.%s' % nml.tag):
            if len(tags) == 0:
                tags = [nml.tag]
                print('Only 1 tag: %s' % tags)
            MagicSetup.__init__(self, quiet=True, nml=logFiles[-1])

            a = AvgField()
            self.nuss = a.nuss
            logFiles = scanDir('log.*')
            MagicSetup.__init__(self, quiet=True, nml=logFiles[-1])

        if not os.path.exists(pickleName):
            # reading ATmov
            k = 0
            for tag in tags:
                file = 'ATmov.%s' % tag
                if os.path.exists(file):
                    if k == 0:
                        m = Movie(file=file, iplot=False)
                        m += Movie(file=file, iplot=False)
                    k += 1

            # reading AHF_mov
            kk = 0
            for tag in tags:
                file = 'AHF_mov.%s' % tag
                if os.path.exists(file):
                    if kk == 0:
                        m1 = Movie(file=file, iplot=False)
                        m1 += Movie(file=file, iplot=False)
                    kk += 1

            self.tempmean = m.data.mean(axis=0)
            self.colat = m.theta

            if kk > 0: # i.e. at least one AHF_mov file has been found
                self.flux = m1.data.mean(axis=0)
                self.flux = rderavg(self.tempmean, eta=self.radratio, 
                                exclude=False, spectral=False)

            # Pickle saving
            file = open(pickleName, 'wb')
            pickle.dump([self.colat, self.tempmean, self.flux], file)
            file = open(pickleName, 'r')
            self.colat, self.tempmean, self.flux = pickle.load(file)

        self.ri = self.radratio/(1.-self.radratio)
        self.ro = 1./(1.-self.radratio)

        self.ntheta, self.nr = self.tempmean.shape
        self.radius = chebgrid(self.nr-1, self.ro, self.ri)
        th2D = np.zeros((self.ntheta, self.nr), dtype=self.radius.dtype)
        #self.colat = np.linspace(0., np.pi, self.ntheta)

        for i in range(self.ntheta):
            th2D[i, :] = self.colat[i]

        self.temprm = 0.5*simps(self.tempmean*np.sin(th2D), th2D, axis=0)
        sinTh = np.sin(self.colat)
        d1 = matder(self.nr-1, self.ro, self.ri)

        # Conducting temperature profile (Boussinesq only!)
        self.tcond = self.ri*self.ro/self.radius-self.ri+self.temprm[0]
        self.fcond = -self.ri*self.ro/self.radius**2
        self.nusstop = self.flux[:, 0] / self.fcond[0]
        self.nussbot = self.flux[:, -1] / self.fcond[-1]

        # Close to the equator
        mask2D = (th2D>=np.pi/2.-angle/2.)*(th2D<=np.pi/2+angle/2.)
        mask = (self.colat>=np.pi/2.-angle/2.)*(self.colat<=np.pi/2+angle/2.)
        fac = 1./simps(sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])
        self.nussBotEq = fac*simps(self.nussbot[mask]*sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])
        self.nussTopEq = fac*simps(self.nusstop[mask]*sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])
        sinC = sinTh.copy()
        sinC[~mask] = 0.
        fac = 1./simps(sinC, self.colat)
        tempC = self.tempmean.copy()
        tempC[~mask2D] = 0.
        self.tempEq = fac*simps(tempC*np.sin(th2D), th2D, axis=0)

        dtempEq = np.dot(d1, self.tempEq)
        self.betaEq = dtempEq[self.nr/2]

        # 45\deg inclination
        mask2D = (th2D>=np.pi/4.-angle/2.)*(th2D<=np.pi/4+angle/2.)
        mask = (self.colat>=np.pi/4.-angle/2.)*(self.colat<=np.pi/4+angle/2.)
        fac = 1./simps(np.sin(self.colat[mask]), self.colat[mask])
        nussBot45NH = fac*simps(self.nussbot[mask]*sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])
        nussTop45NH = fac*simps(self.nusstop[mask]*sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])
        sinC = sinTh.copy()
        sinC[~mask] = 0.
        fac = 1./simps(sinC, self.colat)
        tempC = self.tempmean.copy()
        tempC[~mask2D] = 0.
        temp45NH = fac*simps(tempC*np.sin(th2D), th2D, axis=0)

        mask2D = (th2D>=3.*np.pi/4.-angle/2.)*(th2D<=3.*np.pi/4+angle/2.)
        mask = (self.colat>=3.*np.pi/4.-angle/2.)*(self.colat<=3.*np.pi/4+angle/2.)
        fac = 1./simps(np.sin(self.colat[mask]), self.colat[mask])
        nussBot45SH = fac*simps(self.nussbot[mask]*sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])
        nussTop45SH = fac*simps(self.nusstop[mask]*sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])
        sinC = sinTh.copy()
        sinC[~mask] = 0.
        fac = 1./simps(sinC, self.colat)
        tempC = self.tempmean.copy()
        tempC[~mask2D] = 0.
        temp45SH = fac*simps(tempC*np.sin(th2D), th2D, axis=0)

        self.nussTop45 = 0.5*(nussTop45NH+nussTop45SH)
        self.nussBot45 = 0.5*(nussBot45NH+nussBot45SH)
        self.temp45 = 0.5*(temp45NH+temp45SH)

        dtemp45 = np.dot(d1, self.temp45)
        self.beta45 = dtemp45[self.nr/2]

        # Polar regions
        mask2D = (th2D<=angle/2.)
        mask = (self.colat<=angle/2.)
        fac = 1./simps(np.sin(self.colat[mask]), self.colat[mask])
        nussBotPoNH = fac*simps(self.nussbot[mask]*sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])
        nussTopPoNH = fac*simps(self.nusstop[mask]*sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])
        sinC = sinTh.copy()
        sinC[~mask] = 0.
        fac = 1./simps(sinC, self.colat)
        tempC = self.tempmean.copy()
        tempC[~mask2D] = 0.
        tempPolNH = fac*simps(tempC*np.sin(th2D), th2D, axis=0)

        mask2D = (th2D>=np.pi-angle/2.)
        mask = (self.colat>=np.pi-angle/2.)
        fac = 1./simps(np.sin(self.colat[mask]), self.colat[mask])
        nussBotPoSH = fac*simps(self.nussbot[mask]*sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])
        nussTopPoSH = fac*simps(self.nusstop[mask]*sinTh[mask], self.colat[mask])
        sinC = sinTh.copy()
        sinC[~mask] = 0.
        fac = 1./simps(sinC, self.colat)
        tempC = self.tempmean.copy()
        tempC[~mask2D] = 0.
        tempPolSH = fac*simps(tempC*np.sin(th2D), th2D, axis=0)

        self.nussBotPo = 0.5*(nussBotPoNH+nussBotPoSH)
        self.nussTopPo = 0.5*(nussTopPoNH+nussTopPoSH)
        self.tempPol = 0.5*(tempPolNH+tempPolSH)

        dtempPol = np.dot(d1, self.tempPol)
        self.betaPol = dtempPol[self.nr/2]

        if iplot:
