def test_update_dual_costs():
    # TEST_UPDATE_DUAL_COSTS() - test method update_dual_costs() that creates
    # or revises the dual costs in active time intervals using active vertices,
    # scheduled powers, and marginal prices.
    # NOTE: This test is virtually identical to the NeighborModel test of the
    # same name.
    print('Running LocalAssetModel.test_update_dual_costs()')
    pf = 'pass'

    #   Create a test Market object.
    test_market = Market()

    #   Create and store a TimeInterval object.
    dt =  # datetime that may be used for most datetime arguments
    time_interval = TimeInterval(dt, timedelta(hours=1), test_market, dt, dt)
    test_market.timeIntervals = [time_interval]

    #   Create and store a marginal price IntervalValue object.
    test_market.marginalPrices = [
        IntervalValue(test_market, time_interval, test_market, MeasurementType.MarginalPrice, 0.1)]

    #   Create a test LocalAssetModel object.
    test_model = LocalAssetModel()

    #   Create and store a scheduled power IntervalValue in the active time
    #   interval.
    test_model.scheduledPowers = [
        IntervalValue(test_model, time_interval, test_market, MeasurementType.ScheduledPower, 100)]

    #   Create and store a production cost IntervalValue object in the active
    #   time interval.
    test_model.productionCosts = [
        IntervalValue(test_model, time_interval, test_market, MeasurementType.ProductionCost, 1000)]

    # TEST 1
    print('- Test 1: First calculation of a dual cost')

    print('  - the method ran without errors')

    if len(test_model.dualCosts) != 1:
        pf = 'fail'
        print('  - the wrong number of dual cost values was created')
        print('  - the right number of dual cost values was created')

    dual_cost = test_model.dualCosts[0].value

    if dual_cost != (1000 - 100 * 0.1):
        pf = 'fail'
        print('  - an unexpected dual cost value was found')
        print('  - the expected dual cost value was found')

    # TEST 2
    print('- Test 2: Reassignment of an existing dual cost')

    #   Configure the test by modifying the marginal price value.
    test_market.marginalPrices[0].value = 0.2

    print('  - the method ran without errors')

    if len(test_model.dualCosts) != 1:
        pf = 'fail'
        print('  - the wrong number of dual cost values was created')
        print('  - the right number of dual cost values was created')

    dual_cost = test_model.dualCosts[0].value

    if dual_cost != (1000 - 100 * 0.2):
        pf = 'fail'
        print('  - an unexpected dual cost value was found')
        print('  - the expected dual cost value was found')

    # Success.
    print('- the test ran to completion')
    print('\nResult: #s\n\n', pf)
Пример #2
def test_schedule():
    print('Running Market.test_schedule()')
    print('WARNING: This test may be affected by NeighborModel.schedule()')
    print('WARNING: This test may be affected by NeighborModel.schedule()')
    pf = 'pass'

    # Establish a myTransactiveNode object
    mtn = myTransactiveNode()

    # Establish a test market
    test_mkt = Market()

    # Create and store one TimeInterval
    dt = datetime(2018, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0)  # Noon Jan 1, 2018
    at = dt
    dur = timedelta(hours=1)
    mkt = test_mkt
    mct = dt
    st = dt
    ti = TimeInterval(at, dur, mkt, mct, st)

    test_mkt.timeIntervals = [ti]

    # Create and store a marginal price in the active interval.
    test_mkt.marginalPrices = [
        IntervalValue(test_mkt, ti, test_mkt, MeasurementType.MarginalPrice,

    print('- configuring a test Neighbor and its NeighborModel')
    # Create a test object that is a Neighbor
    test_obj1 = Neighbor()
    test_obj1.maximumPower = 100

    # Create the corresponding model that is a NeighborModel
    test_mdl1 = NeighborModel()
    test_mdl1.defaultPower = 10

    test_obj1.model = test_mdl1
    test_mdl1.object = test_obj1

    mtn.neighbors = [test_obj1]

    print('- configuring a test LocalAsset and its LocalAssetModel')
    # Create a test object that is a Local Asset
    test_obj2 = LocalAsset
    test_obj2.maximumPower = 100

    # Create the corresponding model that is a LocalAssetModel
    test_mdl2 = LocalAssetModel()
    test_mdl2.defaultPower = 10

    test_obj2.model = test_mdl2
    test_mdl2.object = test_obj2

    mtn.localAssets = [test_obj2]

        print('- method ran without errors')
        raise ('- method did not run due to errors')

    if len(test_mdl1.scheduledPowers) != 1:
        raise (
            '- the wrong numbers of scheduled powers were stored for the Neighbor'
            '- the right number of scheduled powers were stored for the Neighbor'

    if len(test_mdl2.scheduledPowers) != 1:
        raise (
            '- the wrong numbers of scheduled powers were stored for the LocalAsset'
            '- the right number of scheduled powers were stored for the LocalAsset'

    # Success
    print('- the test ran to completion')
    print('Result: #s\n\n', pf)