def _get_emptiest_area(ax, factor, target_x, areas_to_avoid=[]):
    Get's the emptiest area of size (1/factor x 1/factor) compared to the overall size of the plot area.
    ax - the axes of the plot
    factor - 1 / the fraction of the size the area should be
    target_x - the ideal x-value for the area to be centred on
    areas_to_avoid - a list of figure-space Rectangles which must be avoided
    returns a Rectangle in figure-space which 
    lines = ax.get_lines()
    min_points = np.inf
    min_rect = None
    x_range = ax.get_xlim()
    coord_width = x_range[1] - x_range[0]
    plot_width = coord_width / factor
    y_range = ax.get_ylim()
    coord_height = y_range[1] - y_range[0]
    plot_height = coord_height / factor
    # Change the target x so that the centre will be at the target x
    target_x -= plot_width / 2
    if target_x < x_range[0]:
        target_x = x_range[0]
    # Start from the target x as an ideal position, then go right, then left
    for i in np.concatenate([np.linspace(target_x, x_range[1] - plot_width, 10), np.linspace(target_x, x_range[0], 10)]):
        # Start from the TOP of the plot as ideal, then downwards
        for j in np.linspace(y_range[1] - plot_height, y_range[0], 10):
            rect = Rectangle([i, j], plot_width, plot_height)
            overlap = False
            # Check that this rectangle will not overlap any of the explicitly-banned areas
            rect_bbox = _coord_space_rect_to_figure_space_rect(rect, ax).get_bbox()
            for area in areas_to_avoid:
                if rect_bbox.overlaps(area.get_bbox()):
                    overlap = True
            if overlap:
            points = 0
            for line in lines:
                for point in line.get_xydata():
                    if rect.contains_point(point, radius=0.0):
                        points += 1
            if points < min_points:
                min_points = points
                min_rect = rect
            if min_points == 0:
        if min_points == 0:
    return _coord_space_rect_to_figure_space_rect(min_rect, ax)