Пример #1
class TestSpaceNonToroidal(unittest.TestCase):
    Testing a toroidal continuous space.

    def setUp(self):
        Create a test space and populate with Mock Agents.
        self.space = ContinuousSpace(70, 20, False, -30, -30, 100, 100)
        self.agents = []
        for i, pos in enumerate(TEST_AGENTS):
            a = MockAgent(i, None)
            self.space.place_agent(a, pos)

    def test_agent_positions(self):
        Ensure that the agents are all placed properly.
        for i, pos in enumerate(TEST_AGENTS):
            a = self.agents[i]
            assert a.pos == pos

    def test_distance_calculations(self):
        Test toroidal distance calculations.

        pos_2 = (70, 20)
        pos_3 = (-30, -20)
        assert self.space.get_distance(pos_2, pos_3) == 107.70329614269008

    def test_neighborhood_retrieval(self):
        Test neighborhood retrieval
        neighbors_1 = self.space.get_neighbors((-20, -20), 1)
        assert len(neighbors_1) == 2

        neighbors_2 = self.space.get_neighbors((40, -10), 10)
        assert len(neighbors_2) == 0

        neighbors_3 = self.space.get_neighbors((-30, -30), 10)
        assert len(neighbors_3) == 0

    def test_bounds(self):
        Test positions outside of boundary
        for i, pos in enumerate(OUTSIDE_POSITIONS):
            a = MockAgent(len(self.agents) + i, None)
            with self.assertRaises(Exception):
                self.space.place_agent(a, pos)

        a = self.agents[0]
        for pos in OUTSIDE_POSITIONS:
            assert self.space.out_of_bounds(pos)
            with self.assertRaises(Exception):
                self.space.move_agent(a, pos)
Пример #2
class TestSpaceToroidal(unittest.TestCase):
    Testing a toroidal continuous space.

    def setUp(self):
        Create a test space and populate with Mock Agents.
        self.space = ContinuousSpace(70, 20, True, -30, -30, 100, 100)
        self.agents = []
        for i, pos in enumerate(TEST_AGENTS):
            a = MockAgent(i, None)
            self.space.place_agent(a, pos)

    def test_agent_positions(self):
        Ensure that the agents are all placed properly.
        for i, pos in enumerate(TEST_AGENTS):
            a = self.agents[i]
            assert a.pos == pos

    def test_distance_calculations(self):
        Test toroidal distance calculations.
        pos_1 = (-30, -30)
        pos_2 = (70, 20)
        assert self.space.get_distance(pos_1, pos_2) == 0

        pos_3 = (-30, -20)
        assert self.space.get_distance(pos_1, pos_3) == 10

    def test_neighborhood_retrieval(self):
        Test neighborhood retrieval
        neighbors_1 = self.space.get_neighbors((-20, -20), 1)
        assert len(neighbors_1) == 2

        neighbors_2 = self.space.get_neighbors((40, -10), 10)
        assert len(neighbors_2) == 0

        neighbors_3 = self.space.get_neighbors((-30, -30), 10)
        assert len(neighbors_3) == 1
Пример #3
class TestSpaceToroidal(unittest.TestCase):
    Testing a toroidal continuous space.
    def setUp(self):
        Create a test space and populate with Mock Agents.
        self.space = ContinuousSpace(70, 20, True, -30, -30)
        self.agents = []
        for i, pos in enumerate(TEST_AGENTS):
            a = MockAgent(i, None)
            self.space.place_agent(a, pos)

    def test_agent_positions(self):
        Ensure that the agents are all placed properly.
        for i, pos in enumerate(TEST_AGENTS):
            a = self.agents[i]
            assert a.pos == pos

    def test_agent_matching(self):
        Ensure that the agents are all placed and indexed properly.
        for i, agent in self.space._index_to_agent.items():
            assert agent.pos == tuple(self.space._agent_points[i, :])
            assert i == self.space._agent_to_index[agent]

    def test_distance_calculations(self):
        Test toroidal distance calculations.
        pos_1 = (-30, -30)
        pos_2 = (70, 20)
        assert self.space.get_distance(pos_1, pos_2) == 0

        pos_3 = (-30, -20)
        assert self.space.get_distance(pos_1, pos_3) == 10

        pos_4 = (20, -5)
        pos_5 = (20, -15)
        assert self.space.get_distance(pos_4, pos_5) == 10

        pos_6 = (-30, -29)
        pos_7 = (21, -5)
        assert self.space.get_distance(pos_6, pos_7) == np.sqrt(49**2 + 24**2)

    def test_heading(self):
        pos_1 = (-30, -30)
        pos_2 = (70, 20)
        self.assertEqual((0, 0), self.space.get_heading(pos_1, pos_2))

        pos_1 = (65, -25)
        pos_2 = (-25, -25)
        self.assertEqual((10, 0), self.space.get_heading(pos_1, pos_2))

    def test_neighborhood_retrieval(self):
        Test neighborhood retrieval
        neighbors_1 = self.space.get_neighbors((-20, -20), 1)
        assert len(neighbors_1) == 2

        neighbors_2 = self.space.get_neighbors((40, -10), 10)
        assert len(neighbors_2) == 0

        neighbors_3 = self.space.get_neighbors((-30, -30), 10)
        assert len(neighbors_3) == 1

    def test_bounds(self):
        Test positions outside of boundary
        boundary_agents = []
        for i, pos in enumerate(OUTSIDE_POSITIONS):
            a = MockAgent(len(self.agents) + i, None)
            self.space.place_agent(a, pos)

        for a, pos in zip(boundary_agents, OUTSIDE_POSITIONS):
            adj_pos = self.space.torus_adj(pos)
            assert a.pos == adj_pos

        a = self.agents[0]
        for pos in OUTSIDE_POSITIONS:
            assert self.space.out_of_bounds(pos)
            self.space.move_agent(a, pos)
Пример #4
class TestSpaceNonToroidal(unittest.TestCase):
    Testing a toroidal continuous space.

    def setUp(self):
        Create a test space and populate with Mock Agents.
        self.space = ContinuousSpace(70, 20, False, -30, -30)
        self.agents = []
        for i, pos in enumerate(TEST_AGENTS):
            a = MockAgent(i, None)
            self.space.place_agent(a, pos)

    def test_agent_positions(self):
        Ensure that the agents are all placed properly.
        for i, pos in enumerate(TEST_AGENTS):
            a = self.agents[i]
            assert a.pos == pos

    def test_agent_matching(self):
        Ensure that the agents are all placed and indexed properly.
        for i, agent in self.space._index_to_agent.items():
            assert agent.pos == tuple(self.space._agent_points[i, :])
            assert i == self.space._agent_to_index[agent]

    def test_distance_calculations(self):
        Test toroidal distance calculations.

        pos_2 = (70, 20)
        pos_3 = (-30, -20)
        assert self.space.get_distance(pos_2, pos_3) == 107.70329614269008

    def test_heading(self):
        pos_1 = (-30, -30)
        pos_2 = (70, 20)
        self.assertEqual((100, 50), self.space.get_heading(pos_1, pos_2))

        pos_1 = (65, -25)
        pos_2 = (-25, -25)
        self.assertEqual((-90, 0), self.space.get_heading(pos_1, pos_2))

    def test_neighborhood_retrieval(self):
        Test neighborhood retrieval
        neighbors_1 = self.space.get_neighbors((-20, -20), 1)
        assert len(neighbors_1) == 2

        neighbors_2 = self.space.get_neighbors((40, -10), 10)
        assert len(neighbors_2) == 0

        neighbors_3 = self.space.get_neighbors((-30, -30), 10)
        assert len(neighbors_3) == 0

    def test_bounds(self):
        Test positions outside of boundary
        for i, pos in enumerate(OUTSIDE_POSITIONS):
            a = MockAgent(len(self.agents) + i, None)
            with self.assertRaises(Exception):
                self.space.place_agent(a, pos)

        a = self.agents[0]
        for pos in OUTSIDE_POSITIONS:
            assert self.space.out_of_bounds(pos)
            with self.assertRaises(Exception):
                self.space.move_agent(a, pos)
Пример #5
class BoidModel(Model):
    Flocker model class. Handles agent creation, placement and scheduling.
    def __init__(self,
        Create a new Flockers model.

            population: Number of Boids
            width, height: Size of the space.
            speed: How fast should the Boids move.
            vision: How far around should each Boid look for its neighbors
            separation: What's the minimum distance each Boid will attempt to
                    keep from any other
            cohere, separate, match: factors for the relative importance of
                    the three drives.        '''
        self.target = target
        self.predators = predators
        self.mouse = mouse
        self.population = population
        self.vision = vision
        self.speed = speed
        self.separation = separation
        self.collision_separation = collision_separation
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.space = ContinuousSpace(width, height, True)
        self.factors = dict(cohere=cohere, separate=separate, match=match)
        self.running = True

    def update_target(self, target):
        self.target = target

    def make_agents(self):
        Create self.population agents, with random positions and starting headings.
        for i in range(50):
            x = random.random() * self.space.x_max
            y = random.random() * self.space.y_max
            center_x = self.space.x_max / 2
            center_y = self.space.y_max / 2
            pos = np.array((x, y))
            center = np.array((center_x, center_y))
            velocity = np.random.random(2) * 2 - 1
            velocity = np.zeros(2) + self.space.get_distance(pos, center)
            velocity[0] *= self.target[0]
            velocity[1] *= self.target[1]
            boid = Boid(i, self, pos, self.speed, velocity, self.vision,
                        self.separation, self.collision_separation, "boid.png",
                        10, **self.factors)
            self.space.place_agent(boid, pos)

        for i in range(4):
            x = random.random() * self.space.x_max
            y = random.random() * self.space.y_max
            pos = np.array((x, y))
            obstacle = Obstacle(i + self.population, self, pos, 30)
            obstacle2 = Obstacle(i + self.population + 5, self, pos, 4)
            self.space.place_agent(obstacle, pos)
            self.space.place_agent(obstacle2, pos)
        if self.predators:
            x = random.random() * self.space.x_max
            y = random.random() * self.space.y_max
            pos = np.array((x, y))
            velocity = np.random.random(2) * 2 - 1
            predator = Predator(2003, self, pos, self.speed + 0.1, velocity,
                                self.vision + 5, 12, self.collision_separation,
            self.space.place_agent(predator, pos)

    def step(self):
Пример #6
class BoidFlockers(Model):
    A Mesa implementation of flocking agents inspired by https://doi.org/10.1109/IROS.2014.6943105.
    def __init__(self, formation, population, width, height, vision, min_dist,
                 flock_vel, accel_time, equi_dist, repulse_max, repulse_spring,
                 align_frict, align_slope, align_min, wall_decay, wall_frict,
                 form_shape, form_track, form_decay, wp_tolerance):
        Create a new Flockers model.

            population: Number of agents.
            width, height: Size of the space.
            vision: How far around should each agents look for its neighbors.
            min_dist: Minimum allowed distance between agents before a collision occurs. This is only used for statistics.
        # set parameters
        self.population = population
        self.space = ContinuousSpace(width, height, torus=False)
        self.vision = vision
        self.min_dist = min_dist
        self.params = dict(formation=formation,

        # data collection for plots
        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
                "Minimum Distance": minimum_distance,
                "Maximum Distance": maximum_distance,
                "Average Distance": average_distance,
                "Collisions": collisions,
                "Messags Distributed": messages_distributed,
                "Messags Centralized": messages_centralized

        # execute agents sequentially in a random order
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)

        # place agents

        # pairwise distances

        # run model
        self.running = True

        # collect initial data sample

    def agent_distances(self):
        Compute the pairwise distances between all agents.
        self.density = [
            self.space.get_distance(pair[0].pos, pair[1].pos)
            for pair in it.combinations(self.schedule.agent_buffer(), 2)

    def make_agents(self):
        Create self.population agents and place it at the center of the environment.
        s = np.floor(np.sqrt(self.population))
        for i in range(self.population):
            x = self.space.center[
                0] - self.min_dist * s + 2 * self.min_dist * (i % s)
            y = self.space.center[1] - self.min_dist * np.floor(
                self.population / s) + 2 * self.min_dist * np.floor(i / s)
            pos = np.array((x, y))
            velocity = np.array([0, 1.0])
            boid = Boid(i, self, pos, velocity, self.vision, **self.params)
            self.space.place_agent(boid, pos)

    def step(self):
        Execute one step of the simulation.
Пример #7
class TestSpaceToroidal(unittest.TestCase):
    Testing a toroidal continuous space.

    def setUp(self):
        Create a test space and populate with Mock Agents.
        self.space = ContinuousSpace(70, 20, True, -30, -30, 100, 100)
        self.agents = []
        for i, pos in enumerate(TEST_AGENTS):
            a = MockAgent(i, None)
            self.space.place_agent(a, pos)

    def test_agent_positions(self):
        Ensure that the agents are all placed properly.
        for i, pos in enumerate(TEST_AGENTS):
            a = self.agents[i]
            assert a.pos == pos

    def test_distance_calculations(self):
        Test toroidal distance calculations.
        pos_1 = (-30, -30)
        pos_2 = (70, 20)
        assert self.space.get_distance(pos_1, pos_2) == 0

        pos_3 = (-30, -20)
        assert self.space.get_distance(pos_1, pos_3) == 10

    def test_heading(self):
        pos_1 = (-30, -30)
        pos_2 = (70, 20)
        self.assertEqual((0, 0), self.space.get_heading(pos_1, pos_2))

        pos_1 = (65, -25)
        pos_2 = (-25, -25)
        self.assertEqual((10, 0), self.space.get_heading(pos_1, pos_2))

    def test_neighborhood_retrieval(self):
        Test neighborhood retrieval
        neighbors_1 = self.space.get_neighbors((-20, -20), 1)
        assert len(neighbors_1) == 2

        neighbors_2 = self.space.get_neighbors((40, -10), 10)
        assert len(neighbors_2) == 0

        neighbors_3 = self.space.get_neighbors((-30, -30), 10)
        assert len(neighbors_3) == 1

    def test_bounds(self):
        Test positions outside of boundary
        boundary_agents = []
        for i, pos in enumerate(OUTSIDE_POSITIONS):
            a = MockAgent(len(self.agents) + i, None)
            self.space.place_agent(a, pos)

        for a, pos in zip(boundary_agents, OUTSIDE_POSITIONS):
            adj_pos = self.space.torus_adj(pos)
            assert a.pos == adj_pos

        a = self.agents[0]
        for pos in OUTSIDE_POSITIONS:
            assert self.space.out_of_bounds(pos)
            self.space.move_agent(a, pos)
Пример #8
class TestSpaceNonToroidal(unittest.TestCase):
    Testing a toroidal continuous space.

    def setUp(self):
        Create a test space and populate with Mock Agents.
        self.space = ContinuousSpace(70, 20, False, -30, -30)
        self.agents = []
        for i, pos in enumerate(TEST_AGENTS):
            a = MockAgent(i, None)
            self.space.place_agent(a, pos)

    def test_agent_positions(self):
        Ensure that the agents are all placed properly.
        for i, pos in enumerate(TEST_AGENTS):
            a = self.agents[i]
            assert a.pos == pos

    def test_agent_matching(self):
        Ensure that the agents are all placed and indexed properly.
        for i, agent in self.space._index_to_agent.items():
            assert agent.pos == tuple(self.space._agent_points[i, :])
            assert i == self.space._agent_to_index[agent]

    def test_distance_calculations(self):
        Test toroidal distance calculations.

        pos_2 = (70, 20)
        pos_3 = (-30, -20)
        assert self.space.get_distance(pos_2, pos_3) == 107.70329614269008

    def test_heading(self):
        pos_1 = (-30, -30)
        pos_2 = (70, 20)
        self.assertEqual((100, 50), self.space.get_heading(pos_1, pos_2))

        pos_1 = (65, -25)
        pos_2 = (-25, -25)
        self.assertEqual((-90, 0), self.space.get_heading(pos_1, pos_2))

    def test_neighborhood_retrieval(self):
        Test neighborhood retrieval
        neighbors_1 = self.space.get_neighbors((-20, -20), 1)
        assert len(neighbors_1) == 2

        neighbors_2 = self.space.get_neighbors((40, -10), 10)
        assert len(neighbors_2) == 0

        neighbors_3 = self.space.get_neighbors((-30, -30), 10)
        assert len(neighbors_3) == 0

    def test_bounds(self):
        Test positions outside of boundary
        for i, pos in enumerate(OUTSIDE_POSITIONS):
            a = MockAgent(len(self.agents) + i, None)
            with self.assertRaises(Exception):
                self.space.place_agent(a, pos)

        a = self.agents[0]
        for pos in OUTSIDE_POSITIONS:
            assert self.space.out_of_bounds(pos)
            with self.assertRaises(Exception):
                self.space.move_agent(a, pos)