Пример #1
    def __init__(self, no_people, total_area, no_agents, all_x, all_y,
                 infection_rate, first_infected, mobility, work_store,
                 home_store, no_mask, mask_effect, phase, infected_position):
        self.num_agents = no_agents
        grid_size = round(
            math.sqrt((self.num_agents / no_people) * total_area) * 100)
        self.grid = MultiGrid(grid_size, grid_size, False)
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.running = True

        self.stepper = 0

        for i in range(self.num_agents):
            a = Agent(i, self, infection_rate, work_store, home_store,
                      mobility, mask_effect)
            self.grid.place_agent(a, (int(all_x[i]), int(all_y[i])))

            if random.uniform(0, 1) < no_mask:
                a.masked = 1

            if phase:
                if i == first_infected:
                    a.infected = 1
                if infected_position[i] == 1:
                    a.infected = 1

        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
            model_reporters={"Tot infections": compute_informed},
                "Infected": "infected",
                "R-Number": "rnumber"
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, home_store):
        self.num_agents = 1000
        self.grid = MultiGrid(200, 200, True)
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.running = True

        for i in range(self.num_agents):
            a = Agent(i, self)
            while True:
                #x = round(int(np.random.normal(self.grid.width/2, 10, 1)))
                #y = round(int(np.random.normal(self.grid.height/2, 10, 1)))
                x = self.random.randrange(self.grid.width)
                y = self.random.randrange(self.grid.height)
                if len(
                            (x, y), moore=True, include_center=True,
                            radius=10)) <= 7:
                    self.grid.place_agent(a, (x, y))
                    home_store[i, :] = x, y

            if i < 1:
                a.infected = 1

        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
            model_reporters={"Tot informed": compute_informed},
            agent_reporters={"Infected": "infected"})
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, city_to_country, no_people, total_area, city_to_country_area, countryside):
        self.num_agents = 2000
        grid_size = round(math.sqrt((self.num_agents/no_people)*total_area)*100)
        self.grid = MultiGrid(grid_size, grid_size, True)
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.running = True

        centers = np.zeros((1, 2))
        centers[0, :] = random.randrange(10, self.grid.width - 10), random.randrange(10, self.grid.height - 10)
        x = np.zeros((1, round(int(city_to_country * self.num_agents))))
        y = np.zeros((1, round(int(city_to_country * self.num_agents))))
        x[0, :] = np.around(np.random.normal(centers[0, 0], 3, round(int(city_to_country * self.num_agents))))
        y[0, :] = np.around(np.random.normal(centers[0, 1], 3, round(int(city_to_country * self.num_agents))))

        count = 0
        countryside_count = 0
        while countryside_count < (countryside * self.num_agents):
            countryside_count += counter(x)
            runner = True
            while runner:
                new_center = (random.randrange(10, self.grid.width - 10), random.randrange(10, self.grid.height - 10))
                if dist_check(new_center, centers):
                    centers = np.vstack((centers, new_center))
                    runner = False

            new_x = np.around(np.random.normal(centers[count, 0], (1/(6*city_to_country_area*(math.sqrt(count+1))))
                                               * self.grid.width, round(int(city_to_country * self.num_agents)
                                                                        / (count + 2))))
            new_y = np.around(np.random.normal(centers[count, 1], (1/(6*city_to_country_area*(math.sqrt(count+1))))
                                               * self.grid.height, round(int(city_to_country * self.num_agents)
                                                                         / (count + 2))))
            while len(new_x) < round(int(city_to_country * self.num_agents)):
                new_x = np.append(new_x, -1)
                new_y = np.append(new_y, -1)

            x = np.vstack((x, new_x))
            y = np.vstack((y, new_y))
            count += 1

        new_x = np.delete(x.flatten(), np.where(x.flatten() == -1))
        new_y = np.delete(y.flatten(), np.where(y.flatten() == -1))

        x_countryside = np.around(np.random.uniform(0, self.grid.width-1, int(self.num_agents - len(new_x))))
        y_countryside = np.around(np.random.uniform(0, self.grid.height-1, int(self.num_agents - len(new_y))))

        all_x = np.concatenate((new_x, x_countryside))
        all_y = np.concatenate((new_y, y_countryside))

        for i in range(self.num_agents):
            a = Agent(i, self)
            self.grid.place_agent(a, (int(all_x[i]), int(all_y[i])))

            if i == 1:
                a.infected = 1

        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
            model_reporters={"Tot informed": compute_informed},
            agent_reporters={"Infected": "infected"})
Пример #4
    def __init__(self, mobility):
        self.num_agents = 1000
        self.grid = MultiGrid(100, 100, True)
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.running = True

        for i in range(self.num_agents):
            a = Agent(i, mobility, self)
            x = self.random.randrange(self.grid.width)
            y = self.random.randrange(self.grid.height)
            self.grid.place_agent(a, (x, y))
            if i < 1:
                a.infected = 1

        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
            model_reporters={"Tot informed": compute_informed},
            agent_reporters={"Infected": "infected"})
Пример #5
    def __init__(self, city_to_country, no_people, total_area, city_to_country_area, countryside, no_agents, Nc_N, n):
        self.num_agents = no_agents
        grid_size = round(math.sqrt((self.num_agents / no_people) * total_area) * 100)
        self.grid = MultiGrid(grid_size, grid_size, False)
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.running = True

        centers = np.zeros((1, 2))
        centers[0, :] = random.randrange(10, self.grid.width - 10), random.randrange(10, self.grid.height - 10)
        x = np.zeros((1, round(int(city_to_country * self.num_agents))))
        y = np.zeros((1, round(int(city_to_country * self.num_agents))))
        x[0, :] = np.around(np.random.normal(centers[0, 0], 3, round(int(city_to_country * self.num_agents))))
        y[0, :] = np.around(np.random.normal(centers[0, 1], 3, round(int(city_to_country * self.num_agents))))

        count = 0
        countryside_count = 0
        while countryside_count < (countryside * self.num_agents):
            countryside_count += counter(x)
            runner = True
            while runner:
                new_center = (random.randrange(10, self.grid.width - 10), random.randrange(10, self.grid.height - 10))
                if dist_check(new_center, centers):
                    centers = np.vstack((centers, new_center))
                    runner = False

            new_x = np.around(
                np.random.normal(centers[count, 0], (1 / (6 * city_to_country_area * (math.sqrt(count + 1))))
                                 * self.grid.width, round(int(city_to_country * self.num_agents)
                                                          / (count + 2))))
            new_y = np.around(
                np.random.normal(centers[count, 1], (1 / (6 * city_to_country_area * (math.sqrt(count + 1))))
                                 * self.grid.height, round(int(city_to_country * self.num_agents)
                                                           / (count + 2))))
            while len(new_x) < round(int(city_to_country * self.num_agents)):
                new_x = np.append(new_x, -1)
                new_y = np.append(new_y, -1)

            x = np.vstack((x, new_x))
            y = np.vstack((y, new_y))
            count += 1

        label = city_labeler(x)
        for i in range(len(label)):
            city_label[i] = label[i]

        new_x = np.delete(x.flatten(), np.where(x.flatten() == -1))
        new_y = np.delete(y.flatten(), np.where(y.flatten() == -1))

        x_countryside = np.around(np.random.uniform(0, self.grid.width - 1, int(self.num_agents - len(new_x))))
        y_countryside = np.around(np.random.uniform(0, self.grid.height - 1, int(self.num_agents - len(new_y))))

        all_x = np.concatenate((new_x, x_countryside))
        all_y = np.concatenate((new_y, y_countryside))

        for i in range(self.num_agents):
            a = Agent(i, self)
            self.grid.place_agent(a, (int(all_x[i]), int(all_y[i])))
            home_store1[i, :] = int(all_x[i]), int(all_y[i])

            if i == 1:
                a.infected = 1
                #a.working = 1

        flux_store = np.zeros((1, 3))

        for i in range(round(len(centers) / 2)):
            n_cities = random.sample(range(1, round(len(centers) / 2)), n)

            for j in range(len(n_cities)):
                mi = np.count_nonzero(city_label == i+1)
                nj = np.count_nonzero(city_label == n_cities[j])
                radius = math.sqrt((centers[i, 0] - centers[n_cities[j], 0]) ** 2 +
                                   (centers[i, 1] - centers[n_cities[j], 1]) ** 2)
                sij = 0

                for k in range(len(all_x)):
                    if (all_x[k] - centers[i, 0]) ** 2 + (all_y[k] - centers[i, 1]) ** 2 < radius ** 2:
                        sij += 1

                sij = sij - mi - nj
                if sij < 0:
                    sij = 0

                    Tij = (mi * Nc_N * mi * nj) / ((mi + sij) * (mi + nj + sij))*10
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    Tij = 0

                if Tij > 75:
                    Tij = 75

                if Tij > 1 and (i != n_cities[j]):
                    flux_store = np.vstack((flux_store, (Tij, i+1, n_cities[j])))

        work_place = np.zeros(self.num_agents)
        work_store1 = np.zeros((num, 2))
        flux_store = np.delete(flux_store, 0, 0)

        for i in np.unique(flux_store[:, 1]):
            place = np.where(flux_store[:, 1] == i)[0]
            place1 = np.where(city_label == i)[0]
            for j in place1:
                for k in place:
                    if random.uniform(0, 100) < flux_store[k, 0]:
                        work_place[j] = flux_store[k, 2]

        for i in range(len(work_store1)):
            if work_place[i] != 0:
                n = int(work_place[i])
                work_store1[i, :] = centers[n, 0], centers[n, 1]

        global work_store, home_store
        work_store = np.int64(work_store1)
        home_store = np.int64(home_store1)

        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
            model_reporters={"Tot informed": compute_informed},
            agent_reporters={"Infected": "infected"})
Пример #6
    def __init__(self, no_people, total_area, no_agents, Nc_N, n, all_x, all_y,
                 centers, infection_rate, city_label, first_infected,
        self.num_agents = no_agents
        grid_size = round(
            math.sqrt((self.num_agents / no_people) * total_area) * 100)
        self.grid = MultiGrid(grid_size, grid_size, False)
        self.schedule = RandomActivation(self)
        self.running = True

        flux_store = np.zeros((1, 3))
        home_store1 = np.zeros((self.num_agents, 2))

        for i in range(round(len(centers) / 2)):
            print(i, datetime.datetime.now() - begin_time)
            n_cities = random.sample(range(1, round(len(centers) / 2)), n)

            for j in range(len(n_cities)):
                mi = np.count_nonzero(city_label == i + 1)
                nj = np.count_nonzero(city_label == n_cities[j])
                radius = math.sqrt(
                    (centers[i, 0] - centers[n_cities[j], 0])**2 +
                    (centers[i, 1] - centers[n_cities[j], 1])**2)
                sij = 0

                for k in range(len(all_x)):
                    if (all_x[k] - centers[i, 0])**2 + (
                            all_y[k] - centers[i, 1])**2 < radius**2:
                        sij += 1

                sij = sij - mi - nj
                if sij < 0:
                    sij = 0

                    Tij = (mi * Nc_N * mi * nj) / ((mi + sij) *
                                                   (mi + nj + sij)) * 10
                except ZeroDivisionError:
                    Tij = 0

                if Tij > 75:
                    Tij = 75

                if Tij > 1 and (i != n_cities[j]):
                    flux_store = np.vstack(
                        (flux_store, (Tij, i + 1, n_cities[j])))

        work_place = np.zeros(self.num_agents)
        work_store1 = np.zeros((num, 2))
        flux_store = np.delete(flux_store, 0, 0)

        for i in np.unique(flux_store[:, 1]):
            place = np.where(flux_store[:, 1] == i)[0]
            place1 = np.where(city_label == i)[0]
            for j in place1:
                for k in place:
                    if random.uniform(0, 100) < flux_store[k, 0]:
                        work_place[j] = flux_store[k, 2]

        for i in range(len(work_store1)):
            if work_place[i] != 0:
                n = int(work_place[i])
                work_store1[i, :] = centers[n, 0], centers[n, 1]

        for i in range(self.num_agents):
            home_store1[i, :] = int(all_x[i]), int(all_y[i])

        work_store = np.int64(work_store1)
        home_store = np.int64(home_store1)

        for i in range(self.num_agents):
            if mobility_data:
                a = Agent(i, self, infection_rate, work_store, home_store)
                self.grid.place_agent(a, (int(all_x[i]), int(all_y[i])))
                a = Agent1(i, self, infection_rate, work_store, home_store)
                self.grid.place_agent(a, (int(all_x[i]), int(all_y[i])))

            if i == first_infected:
                a.infected = 1

        self.datacollector = DataCollector(
            model_reporters={"Tot infections": compute_informed},
                "Infected": "infected",
                "R-Number": "rnumber"