def connectionMade(self): """ Send the version message and start the handshake """ self.timeouts["verack"] = reactor.callLater(5, self.response_timeout, "verack") self.timeouts["version"] = reactor.callLater(5, self.response_timeout, "version") self.transport.write(serialize(message(version(user_agent=self.user_agent), self.params)))
def main(): exit_status = 0 try: argv = sys.argv progname = os.path.basename(argv[0]) + ":" opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "hvo:") for o, a in opts: if o in ("-h"): raise UsageError("help") elif o in ("-v"): raise UsageError("version") elif o in ("-o"): output_path = a else: raise UsageError("help") if len(opts) == 0: output_path = mpcd.read_config(check.path("~/.mplayer/config-ss")) if len(args) == 0: raise UsageError("help") if len(args) > 1: raise UsageError("Too many arguments") video_path = check.path(args[0]) output_path = check.path(output_path, write=True, directory=True) mpcd.play_video(video_path, output_path) except UsageError as error: if error.message == "help": elif error.message == "version": message.version() else: exit_status = 1 print(progname, error, file=sys.stderr) except (getopt.GetoptError, IOError, SyntaxError) as error: exit_status = 1 print(progname, error, file=sys.stderr) finally: return exit_status
def deserialize(bytes, type="message"): try: if type == "message": obj = { "message": { "magic": hex(struct.unpack('<L', bytes[:4])[0])[2:], "command": hexlify(bytes[4:16]).decode("hex").replace("\x00", ""), "length": struct.unpack('<L', bytes[16:20])[0], "checksum": hex(struct.unpack('>L', bytes[20:24])[0])[2:], "payload": bytes[24:24+struct.unpack('<L', bytes[16:20])[0]] } } while len(obj["message"]["checksum"]) < 8: obj["message"]["checksum"] = "0" + obj["message"]["checksum"] if sha256(sha256(obj["message"]["payload"]).digest()).digest().encode("hex")[:8] != \ obj["message"]["checksum"] and obj["message"]["command"] != "verack": raise Exception("Invalid Checksum") return obj elif type == "version": version_num = struct.unpack('<L', bytes[:4])[0] services = bytes[4:12].encode("hex") timestamp = struct.unpack('<Q', bytes[12:20])[0] addr_recv = { "services": hexlify(bytes[20:28]), "port": int(bytes[44:46].encode("hex"), 16) } if bytes[28:40].encode("hex") == "00000000000000000000ffff": addr_recv["ip"] = socket.inet_ntoa(bytes[40:44]) else: addr_recv["ip"] = socket.inet_ntoa(bytes[28:44]) addr_from = { "services": hexlify(bytes[46:54]), "port": int(bytes[70:72].encode("hex"), 16) } if bytes[54:66].encode("hex") == "00000000000000000000ffff": addr_from["ip"] = socket.inet_ntoa(bytes[66:70]) else: addr_from["ip"] = socket.inet_ntoa(bytes[54:70]) nonce = bytes[72:80].encode("hex") var_str = var_int(bytes[80:]) user_agent = bytes[80+var_str[1]:80+var_str[1]+var_str[0]] start_height = struct.unpack('<L', bytes[80+var_str[1]+var_str[0]:80+var_str[1]+var_str[0]+4])[0] relay = struct.unpack('?', bytes[len(bytes)-1: len(bytes)])[0] return version(version_num, services, timestamp, addr_recv, addr_from, nonce, user_agent, start_height, relay) elif type == "inv" or type == "getdata": def get_type(i): i = struct.unpack("<L", i)[0] if i == 0: return "ERROR" elif i == 1: return "TX" elif i == 2: return "BLOCK" elif i == 3: return "MERKLEBLOCK" count = var_int(bytes) bytes = bytes[count[1]:] bytelist = [] for i in range(len(bytes)): bytelist.append(bytes[i:i+1]) inventory = [] for i in range(count[0]): inv_type = "" for i in range(4): inv_type += bytelist.pop(0) hash = "" for i in range(32): hash += bytelist.pop(0) inventory.append((get_type(inv_type), ''.join(reversed(hash)).encode("hex"))) return {type: inventory} elif type == "tx": return {"tx": bitcoin.deserialize(bytes.encode("hex"))} except Exception: return {"message": {"command": "error deserializing"}}
def deserialize(bytes, type="message"): try: if type == "message": obj = { "message": { "magic": hex(struct.unpack('<L', bytes[:4])[0])[2:], "command": hexlify(bytes[4:16]).decode("hex").replace("\x00", ""), "length": struct.unpack('<L', bytes[16:20])[0], "checksum": hex(struct.unpack('>L', bytes[20:24])[0])[2:], "payload": bytes[24:24 + struct.unpack('<L', bytes[16:20])[0]] } } while len(obj["message"]["checksum"]) < 8: obj["message"]["checksum"] = "0" + obj["message"]["checksum"] if sha256(sha256(obj["message"]["payload"]).digest()).digest().encode("hex")[:8] != \ obj["message"]["checksum"] and obj["message"]["command"] != "verack": raise Exception("Invalid Checksum") return obj elif type == "version": version_num = struct.unpack('<L', bytes[:4])[0] services = bytes[4:12].encode("hex") timestamp = struct.unpack('<Q', bytes[12:20])[0] addr_recv = { "services": hexlify(bytes[20:28]), "port": int(bytes[44:46].encode("hex"), 16) } if bytes[28:40].encode("hex") == "00000000000000000000ffff": addr_recv["ip"] = socket.inet_ntoa(bytes[40:44]) else: addr_recv["ip"] = socket.inet_ntoa(bytes[28:44]) addr_from = { "services": hexlify(bytes[46:54]), "port": int(bytes[70:72].encode("hex"), 16) } if bytes[54:66].encode("hex") == "00000000000000000000ffff": addr_from["ip"] = socket.inet_ntoa(bytes[66:70]) else: addr_from["ip"] = socket.inet_ntoa(bytes[54:70]) nonce = bytes[72:80].encode("hex") var_str = var_int(bytes[80:]) user_agent = bytes[80 + var_str[1]:80 + var_str[1] + var_str[0]] start_height = struct.unpack( '<L', bytes[80 + var_str[1] + var_str[0]:80 + var_str[1] + var_str[0] + 4])[0] relay = struct.unpack('?', bytes[len(bytes) - 1:len(bytes)])[0] return version(version_num, services, timestamp, addr_recv, addr_from, nonce, user_agent, start_height, relay) elif type == "inv" or type == "getdata": def get_type(i): i = struct.unpack("<L", i)[0] if i == 0: return "ERROR" elif i == 1: return "TX" elif i == 2: return "BLOCK" elif i == 3: return "MERKLEBLOCK" count = var_int(bytes) bytes = bytes[count[1]:] bytelist = [] for i in range(len(bytes)): bytelist.append(bytes[i:i + 1]) inventory = [] for i in range(count[0]): inv_type = "" for i in range(4): inv_type += bytelist.pop(0) hash = "" for i in range(32): hash += bytelist.pop(0) inventory.append((get_type(inv_type), ''.join(reversed(hash)).encode("hex"))) return {type: inventory} elif type == "tx": return {"tx": bitcoin.deserialize(bytes.encode("hex"))} except Exception: return {"message": {"command": "error deserializing"}}