def prepare(cfg): torch.cuda.set_device(cfg['training']['gpus'][0]) handlers = Handlers() # IO configuration # Batch size for I/O becomes minibatch size batch_size = cfg['iotool']['batch_size'] cfg['iotool']['batch_size'] = cfg['training']['minibatch_size'] handlers.data_io, cfg['data_keys'] = loader_factory(cfg) # TODO check that it does what we want (cycle through dataloader) # check on a small sample, check 1/ it cycles through and 2/ randomness if cfg['training']['train']: handlers.data_io_iter = iter(cycle(handlers.data_io)) else: handlers.data_io_iter = itertools.cycle(handlers.data_io) cfg['iotool']['batch_size'] = batch_size # Trainer configuration handlers.trainer = trainval(cfg) # Restore weights if necessary loaded_iteration = handlers.trainer.initialize() if cfg['training']['train']: handlers.iteration = loaded_iteration make_directories(cfg, loaded_iteration, handlers=handlers) return handlers
def test_model_train(config): """ TODO should test whether a model can be trained. Need to write a fixture to generate dummy input data. Maybe we need to explicitly define 1 test / model instead of a fixture? """ trainer = trainval(config)
def prepare(cfg): """ Prepares high level API handlers, namely trainval instance and torch DataLoader (w/ iterator) INPUT - cfg is a full configuration block after pre-processed by process_config function OUTPUT - Handler instance attached with trainval/DataLoader instances (if in config) """ handlers = Handlers() handlers.cfg = cfg # Instantiate DataLoader handlers.data_io = loader_factory(cfg) # IO iterator handlers.data_io_iter = itertools.cycle(handlers.data_io) if 'trainval' in cfg: # Set random seed for reproducibility np.random.seed(cfg['trainval']['seed']) torch.manual_seed(cfg['trainval']['seed']) # Set primary device if len(cfg['trainval']['gpus']) > 0: torch.cuda.set_device(cfg['trainval']['gpus'][0]) # TODO check that it does what we want (cycle through dataloader) # check on a small sample, check 1/ it cycles through and 2/ randomness if cfg['trainval']['train']: handlers.data_io_iter = iter(cycle(handlers.data_io)) # Trainer configuration handlers.trainer = trainval(cfg) # set the shared clock = handlers.trainer._watch # Restore weights if necessary loaded_iteration = handlers.trainer.initialize() if cfg['trainval']['train']: handlers.iteration = loaded_iteration make_directories(cfg, loaded_iteration, handlers=handlers) return handlers
valid_dataset = cycle(valid_data) from mlreco.trainval import trainval from mlreco.main_funcs import get_data_minibatched nf_dim, ef_dim = valid_data.get_feature_dimensions() cfg['model']['modules']['edge_model']['model_cfg']['n_node_features'] = nf_dim cfg['model']['modules']['edge_model']['model_cfg']['n_edge_features'] = ef_dim cfg['model']['network_input'] = [ 'vertex_features', 'edge_features', 'edge_index', 'batch' ] cfg['model']['loss_input'] = ['target', 'edge_index', 'batch'] cfg['data_keys'] = [ 'edge_index', 'vertex_features', 'edge_features', 'batch', 'target' ] Trainer = trainval(cfg) loaded_iteration = Trainer.initialize() from mlreco.utils.gnn.features.utils import edge_labels_to_node_labels from mlreco.utils.metrics import * valid_dataset = cycle(valid_data) pred_sbd = [] for t in range(len(valid_data)): data_blob = get_data_minibatched(valid_dataset, cfg) Trainer._train = False res = Trainer.forward(data_blob) data_blob = get_data_minibatched(valid_dataset, cfg) input_keys = Trainer._input_keys loss_keys = Trainer._loss_keys target = data_blob['target'][0][0]