Пример #1
def retrieveSfdcCampaigns(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None, sinceDateTime=None):
        sdfc = Salesforce()
        campaignList = sdfc.get_campaigns_delta(user_id, company_id, _str_from_date(sinceDateTime), run_type)
        saveSfdcCampaigns(user_id=user_id, company_id=company_id, campaignList=campaignList, job_id=job_id, run_type=run_type)
            message = 'Campaigns retrieved from Salesforce'
            notification = Notification()
            #notification.company_id = company_id
            notification.owner = user_id
            notification.module = 'Campaigns'
            notification.type = 'Background task' 
            notification.method = os.path.basename(__file__)
            notification.message = message
            notification.success = True
            notification.read = False
        except Exception as e:
        return campaignList
    except Exception as e:
        print 'error while retrieving sfdc campaigns: ' + str(e)
Пример #2
def retrieveSfdcAccounts(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None, sinceDateTime=None):
        if sinceDateTime is None:
            sinceDateTime = (datetime.now() - timedelta(days=1)).date()
        sfdc = Salesforce()
        accountList = sfdc.get_accounts_delta(user_id, company_id, _str_from_date(sinceDateTime), run_type)
        print 'got back accounts ' + str(len(accountList['records']))
        saveSfdcAccounts(user_id=user_id, company_id=company_id, accountList=accountList, job_id=job_id, run_type=run_type)
            message = 'Accounts retrieved from Salesforce'
            notification = Notification()
            #notification.company_id = company_id
            notification.owner = user_id
            notification.module = 'Accounts'
            notification.type = 'Background task' 
            notification.method = os.path.basename(__file__)
            notification.message = message
            notification.success = True
            notification.read = False
        except Exception as e:
        return accountList
    except Exception as e:
        send_notification(dict(type='error', success=False, message=str(e)))  
Пример #3
def retrieveSfdcContacts(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None, sinceDateTime=None):
        sdfc = Salesforce()

        if sinceDateTime is None:
            sinceDateTime = (datetime.now() - timedelta(days=30)).date()

        contactList = sdfc.get_contacts_delta(user_id, company_id, _str_from_date(sinceDateTime), run_type)
        print "got back contacts " + str(len(contactList["records"]))
            user_id=user_id, company_id=company_id, contactList=contactList, job_id=job_id, run_type=run_type
            message = "Contacts retrieved from Salesforce"
            notification = Notification()
            # notification.company_id = company_id
            notification.owner = user_id
            notification.module = "Contacts"
            notification.type = "Background task"
            notification.method = os.path.basename(__file__)
            notification.message = message
            notification.success = True
            notification.read = False
        except Exception as e:
            send_notification(dict(type="error", success=False, message=str(e)))
        return contactList
    except Exception as e:
        send_notification(dict(type="error", success=False, message=str(e)))
Пример #4
def filtertwInteractionsBufr(user_id, company_id, start_date, end_date, interaction_type, series_type, query_type, page_number, items_per_page, system_type, offset, code, chart_name):    
    #print 'start is ' + str(time.time())
    if start_date is not None:
        local_start_date_naive = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(start_date))
        local_start_date = _str_from_date(local_start_date_naive, "short")
        #local_start_date = get_current_timezone().localize(local_start_date_naive, is_dst=None)
    #print 'start2 is ' + str(time.time())
    if end_date is not None:
        local_end_date_naive = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(end_date))
        local_end_date = _str_from_date(local_end_date_naive, "short")
    #print 'start3 is ' + str(time.time()) 
        #local_end_date = get_current_timezone().localize(local_end_date_naive, is_dst=None)
    #print 'filter start us ' + str(local_start_date) + ' and edn is ' + str(local_end_date)
    #code = _get_code(company_id, system_type)
        interactions = []
        company_field_qry = 'company_id'
        chart_name_qry = 'chart_name'
        system_type_qry = 'system_type'
        date_qry = 'date'
        querydict = {company_field_qry: company_id, system_type_qry: system_type, date_qry: local_start_date, chart_name_qry: chart_name}
        print 'qd is ' + str(querydict)
        analyticsIds = AnalyticsIds.objects(**querydict).only('results').first()
        #print 'start3 is ' + str(time.time())
        if analyticsIds is None:
            return []
        print 'interaction tupe is ' + interaction_type
        ids = analyticsIds['results'].get(interaction_type, None)
        print 'ids is ' + str(ids)
        publishedTweets = PublishedTweet.objects(interaction_id__in=ids).skip(offset).limit(items_per_page).order_by('published_date') 
        #print 'start5 is ' + str(time.time())
        #now do the calculations
        total = PublishedTweet.objects(interaction_id__in=ids).count() #len(leads)
        #print 'start6 is ' + str(time.time())
        serializer = PublishedTweetSerializer(publishedTweets, many=True)   
        return JsonResponse({'count' : total, 'results': serializer.data})   
    except Exception as e:
        return JsonResponse({'Error' : str(e)})
Пример #5
def retrieveSfdcOpportunities(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None, sinceDateTime=None):  
        #company_id = request.user.company_id
        existingIntegration = CompanyIntegration.objects(company_id = company_id).first()
# code commented out since we are no longer getting only Mkto related opportunities into Cx
#         if existingIntegration is not None and 'mkto' in existingIntegration['integrations']: # if this system is connected to Marketo
#             company_qry = 'company_id'
#             type_field_qry = 'leads__mkto__exists'
#             sfdc_account_field_qry = 'leads__mkto__sfdcAccountId__ne'
#             querydict = {company_qry: company_id, type_field_qry: True, sfdc_account_field_qry: None}
#             leads_with_sfdc_opps = Lead.objects(**querydict).only('mkto_id').only('leads__mkto__sfdcAccountId')
        sfdc = Salesforce()
# code commented out since we are no longer getting only Mkto related opportunities into Cx
#         account_list = '('
#         for lead in leads_with_sfdc_opps:
#             account_list += '\'' + lead['leads']['mkto']['sfdcAccountId'] + '\'' + ', '
#         account_list = account_list[:-2]
#         account_list += ')'
        if sinceDateTime is None:
            sinceDateTime = (datetime.now() - timedelta(days=30)).date()
        oppList = sfdc.get_opportunities_delta(user_id, company_id, _str_from_date(sinceDateTime), run_type)
        print 'got opps ' + str(len(oppList['records']))
        #create list of Opp IDs to send for get_contacts call
        oppid_list = '('
        for opp in oppList['records']:
            oppid_list += '\'' + opp['Id'] + '\'' + ', '
        oppid_list = oppid_list[:-2]
        oppid_list += ')'
        contactList = sfdc.get_contacts_for_opportunities(user_id, company_id, oppid_list) # needed because SFDC does not have the Contact ID within the Opp record
        print 'got contacts for opps ' + str(len(contactList['records']))
        saveSfdcOpportunities(user_id=user_id, company_id=company_id, oppList=oppList, contactList=contactList, job_id=job_id, run_type=run_type)
            message = 'Opportunities retrieved from Salesforce'
            notification = Notification()
            #notification.company_id = company_id
            notification.owner = user_id
            notification.module = 'Opportunities'
            notification.type = 'Background task' 
            notification.method = os.path.basename(__file__)
            notification.message = message
            notification.success = True
            notification.read = False
        except Exception as e:
        return oppList
    except Exception as e:
        send_notification(dict(type='error', success=False, message=str(e)))      
Пример #6
def getOpportunities(request, id):
        company_id = request.user.company_id
        page_number = int(request.GET.get('page_number'))
        items_per_page = int(request.GET.get('per_page'))
        offset = (page_number - 1) * items_per_page
        start_date = int(request.GET.get('start_date'))
        end_date = int(request.GET.get('end_date'))
        sub_view = request.GET.get('subview')
        filters = request.GET.get('filters')
        filters = json.loads(filters)
        superfilters = request.GET.get('superfilters')
        super_filters = json.loads(superfilters)
        #print 'super filters are ' + str(super_filters)
        date_field = None
        querydict_filters = {}
        #match_filters = {}
        company_field_qry = 'company_id'
        opp_field_qry = 'opportunities__sfdc__exists'
        subview_field_qry = ''
        original_date_field = ''
        projection = {'$project': {'_id': '$opportunities.sfdc.Id', 'created_date': '$opportunities.sfdc.CreatedDate', 'close_date': '$opportunities.sfdc.CloseDate', 'account_name': '$source_name', 'name': '$opportunities.sfdc.Name', 'amount': '$opportunities.sfdc.Amount', 'account_id': '$sfdc_id', 'closed': '$opportunities.sfdc.IsClosed', 'won': '$opportunities.sfdc.IsWon', 'owner_id': '$opportunities.sfdc.OwnerId', 'stage': '$opportunities.sfdc.StageName'  } }
        match = {'$match' : { }}
        if super_filters is not None:
            #print 'sf ' + str(super_filters)
            if 'date_types' in super_filters: # need to filter by a certain type of date
                date_field = super_filters['date_types']
                if start_date is not None:
                    start_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(start_date) / 1000)
                    #utc_day_start_epoch =  datetime.fromtimestamp(float(start_date / 1000))
                    #utc_day_start_epoch = str('{0:f}'.format(utc_day_start_epoch).rstrip('0').rstrip('.'))
                    #print 'utc start epoch is ' + str(utc_day_start_epoch)
                    #local_start_date = get_current_timezone().localize(local_start_date_naive, is_dst=None)
                #print 'start2 is ' + str(time.time())
                if end_date is not None:
                    end_date = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(end_date) / 1000)
                    #utc_day_end_epoch = datetime.fromtimestamp(float(end_date / 1000))
                    #utc_day_end_epoch = str('{0:f}'.format(utc_day_end_epoch).rstrip('0').rstrip('.'))
                    #print 'utc end epoch is ' + str(utc_day_end_epoch)
                #utc_day_start_string = datetime.strftime(utc_day_start_epoch, '%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S.000+0000')
                #utc_day_end_string = datetime.strftime(utc_day_end_epoch, '%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S.000+0000')
                local_start_date = get_current_timezone().localize(start_date, is_dst=None)
                utc_day_start = local_start_date.astimezone(pytz.timezone('UTC'))
                utc_day_start_string = datetime.strftime(utc_day_start, '%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S.000+0000')
                local_end_date = get_current_timezone().localize(end_date, is_dst=None)
                utc_day_end = local_end_date.astimezone(pytz.timezone('UTC'))
                utc_day_end_string = datetime.strftime(utc_day_end, '%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%S.000+0000')
                print 'utc start string is ' + str(utc_day_start_string)
                #print 'utc end string is ' + str(utc_day_end_string)
                #remove the date_types item 
        if filters is not None:
            for key, value in filters.items():
                if value is not None and value != '':
                    querydict_filters['opportunities__sfdc__' + key] = value #creates an additional querydict that can be added to the main qd
                    match['$match']['opportunities.sfdc.' + key] = value
        if date_field is None: #if there's no date filter
            querydict = {opp_field_qry: True, company_field_qry: company_id}
            opps = Account.objects(**querydict).aggregate({'$unwind': '$opportunities.sfdc'}, match, projection) #, {'$match': {'opportunities.sfdc.Id' : {'$ne': None}}} #
        else: #if date filter is used
            if date_field == 'opportunities.sfdc.CloseDate': #change to Last Modified Date because CloseDate in Opp may not be correctly updated by user
                date_field = 'opportunities.sfdc.LastModifiedDate'
            original_date_field = date_field
            date_field = date_field.replace('.', '__') # needed to change embedded field format for querydict
            date_field_start_qry = date_field + '__gte'
            date_field_end_qry = date_field + '__lte'
            match['$match'][original_date_field]  = {'$gte': utc_day_start_string, '$lte': utc_day_end_string}
            if original_date_field == 'opportunities.sfdc.LastModifiedDate': #if close add, add a filter for 'IsClosed'
                isclosed_field_qry = 'opportunities__sfdc__IsClosed'
                querydict = {company_field_qry: company_id, date_field_start_qry: utc_day_start_string, date_field_end_qry: utc_day_end_string, isclosed_field_qry: True}
                match['$match']['opportunities.sfdc.IsClosed'] = True
                opps = Account.objects(**querydict).aggregate({'$unwind': '$opportunities.sfdc'},  match, projection) #, {'$match': {'opportunities.sfdc.Id' : {'$ne': None}}} #
                querydict = {company_field_qry: company_id, date_field_start_qry: utc_day_start_string, date_field_end_qry: utc_day_end_string}
                opps = Account.objects(**querydict).aggregate({'$unwind': '$opportunities.sfdc'}, match, projection) #, {'$match': {'opportunities.sfdc.Id' : {'$ne': None}}} #
        #print 'qd is ' + str(querydict)
        #print 'start time was '  + str(time.time())
        #total =  Account.objects(**querydict).count()
        #print 'start time2 was '  + str(time.time())
        opps_list = list(opps)
        #see if there's a subview
        if sub_view == 'closedbeforecreated': #find Opps that have a Close Date before Created Date
            opps_list[:] = [opp for opp in opps_list if opp['close_date'] < _str_from_date(_date_from_str(opp['created_date']).replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(tz.tzlocal()), 'short')] #compare the short forms of both dates as strings after they Created Date is converted to local times
        elif sub_view == 'nocontact': #find Opps that don't have a contact
            opps2 = Lead.objects(**querydict).aggregate({'$unwind': '$opportunities.sfdc'}, match, projection)
            opps_list2 = list(opps2)
            #print 'opps 2 are ' + str(list(opps2))
            #opps_all = _make_hashable(opps_list)
            #opps_with_contacts = _make_hashable(list(opps2))
            #opps_list = [dict(x) for x in set(opps_all).difference(opps_with_contacts)]
            for opp2 in opps_list2:
                opps_list[:] = [opp for opp in opps_list if opp['_id'] != opp2['_id']]
        total = len(opps_list)
        opps_list = opps_list[offset:offset + items_per_page]
        #print 'start time3 was '  + str(time.time())
        for opp in opps_list:
            opp['multiple_occurences'] = False #needed due to analytical drilldown on Opps
            opp['created_date'] = _str_from_date(_date_from_str(opp['created_date']).replace(tzinfo=pytz.utc).astimezone(tz.tzlocal()), 'short') #convert date to local timezone
            #opp['owner_name'] = _map_sfdc_userid_name(company_id, opp['owner_id'])
        #print 'start time4 was '  + str(time.time())
        opps_list = _map_sfdc_userid_name(company_id, opps_list)
        serializer = OpportunitySerializer(opps_list, many=True)  
        #print 'start time6 was '  + str(time.time()) 
        type = 'opps'
        return JsonResponse({'count' : total, 'results': serializer.data, 'type': type, 'source_system': 'sfdc'})    
    except Exception as e:
        print 'exception while getting all accounts ' + str(e)
        return JsonResponse({'Error' : str(e)})
Пример #7
def retrieveSfdcOppStageHistory(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None, sinceDateTime=None): #needs to be changed - satya
        #delete later
        #job_id_new = job_id
        #job_id = ObjectId("56a690e98afb006883048e7e")

        #set variables
        sfdc = Salesforce()
        #for leads
        if run_type == 'initial':
            opps = TempData.objects(Q(record_type='opportunity') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id)) #Q(job_id=job_id) & 
            opps = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(record_type='opportunity') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id)) #Q(job_id=job_id) & 
        oppListTemp = list(opps)
        if not oppListTemp:
            print 'no opps found'
        oppList = [i['source_record'] for i in oppListTemp]
        batch_size = 500  #10 Activity Types at a time
        activitiesList = []
        for i in range(0, len(oppList), batch_size):
            opp_list = '('
            for opp in oppList[i:i+batch_size]:
                opp_list += '\'' + opp['Id'] + '\'' + ', '
            opp_list = opp_list[:-2]
            opp_list += ')'
            activitiesList.extend(sfdc.get_stage_history_for_opportunity(user_id, company_id, opp_list, _str_from_date(sinceDateTime)))
        print 'got back stage history for SFDC opportunities ' + str(len(activitiesList))
        #delete later
        #job_id = job_id_new
        saveSfdcOppStageHistory(user_id=user_id, company_id=company_id, activityList=activitiesList, job_id=job_id, run_type=run_type)
            message = 'Opportunity stage history retrieved from Salesforce'
            notification = Notification()
            #notification.company_id = company_id
            notification.owner = user_id
            notification.module = 'Opportunities'
            notification.type = 'Background task' 
            notification.method = os.path.basename(__file__)
            notification.message = message
            notification.success = True
            notification.read = False
        except Exception as e:
        return opp_list
    except Exception as e:
        print 'exception while retrieving SFDC opportunity stage history: ' + str(e)
        send_notification(dict(type='error', success=False, message=str(e)))   
Пример #8
def retrieveSfdcLeadHistory(user_id=None, company_id=None, job_id=None, run_type=None, sinceDateTime=None): #needs to be changed - satya
        #delete later
        #job_id_new = job_id
        #job_id = ObjectId("56a690e98afb006883048e7e")

        #set variables
        sfdc = Salesforce()
        #for leads
        if run_type == 'initial':
            leads = TempData.objects(Q(record_type='lead') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id)) #Q(job_id=job_id) & 
            leads = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(record_type='lead') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id)) #Q(job_id=job_id) & 
        leadListTemp = list(leads)
        if not leadListTemp:
            print 'no leads found'
        leadList = [i['source_record'] for i in leadListTemp]
        batch_size = 500  #10 Activity Types at a time
        activitiesList = []
        for i in range(0, len(leadList), batch_size):
            lead_list = '('
            for lead in leadList[i:i+batch_size]:
                lead_list += '\'' + lead['Id'] + '\'' + ', '
            lead_list = lead_list[:-2]
            lead_list += ')'
            activitiesList.extend(sfdc.get_history_for_lead(user_id, company_id, lead_list, _str_from_date(sinceDateTime)))
        print 'got back history for SFDC leads ' + str(len(activitiesList))
        #delete later
        #job_id = job_id_new
        saveSfdcLeadHistory(user_id=user_id, company_id=company_id, activityList=activitiesList, job_id=job_id, run_type=run_type)
#         #for contacts
#         if run_type == 'initial':
#             contacts = TempData.objects(Q(record_type='contact') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id)) #Q(job_id=job_id) & 
#         else:
#             contacts = TempDataDelta.objects(Q(record_type='contact') & Q(source_system='sfdc') & Q(job_id=job_id)) #Q(job_id=job_id) & 
#         contactListTemp = list(contacts)
#         contactList = [i['source_record'] for i in contactListTemp]
#         sfdc = Salesforce()
#         batch_size = 500  #10 Activity Types at a time
#         activitiesList = []
#         for i in range(0, len(contactList), batch_size):
#             contact_list = '('
#             for contact in contactList[i:i+batch_size]:
#                 contact_list += '\'' + contact['Id'] + '\'' + ', '
#             contact_list = contact_list[:-2]
#             contact_list += ')'
#             activitiesList.extend(sfdc.get_history_for_contact(user_id, company_id, contact_list, _str_from_date(sinceDateTime)))
#         print 'got back history for SFDC contacts ' + str(len(activitiesList))
#         saveSfdcHistory(user_id=user_id, company_id=company_id, activityList=activitiesList, job_id=job_id, run_type=run_type)
            message = 'Lead history retrieved from Salesforce'
            notification = Notification()
            #notification.company_id = company_id
            notification.owner = user_id
            notification.module = 'Leads'
            notification.type = 'Background task' 
            notification.method = os.path.basename(__file__)
            notification.message = message
            notification.success = True
            notification.read = False
        except Exception as e:
        return leadList
    except Exception as e:
        print 'exception while retrieving SFDC lead history: ' + str(e)
        send_notification(dict(type='error', success=False, message=str(e)))   
Пример #9
def dailyCronJob():
    print 'in cron'
        logs = [] #holds all error messages for the job
        # first get the superadmin user and the companies
        user = _get_superadmin()
        if user is None:
            mail_admins('Could not find super admin!', 'Check settings')
            return # no superadmin found
        # remotely login the user
        host = settings.BASE_URL
        url = host + '/api/v1/auth/login/'
        creds = {'email': '*****@*****.**', 'password':'******'}
        s = requests.Session()
        resp = s.post(url, data=json.dumps(creds))
        print 'resp is ' + str(resp.status_code)
        if not resp.status_code == 200:
            mail_admins('Could not login super admin!', 'Check credentials')
            logs.append('Could not login super admin!')
            logs.append('Superadmin logged in')
        cookies = dict(sessionid = resp.cookies['sessionid'])
        url = host + '/api/v1/users/'
        resp = s.get(url, cookies=cookies)
        print 'resp2 is ' + str(resp.status_code)
        print str(logs)
        querydict = {'company_id__ne' : 0}
        companies = Company.objects(**querydict)
        print 'found companies ' + str(len(companies))
        #now loop through each company find which systems are connected 
        for company in companies:
            company_id = company.company_id
            company_name = company.name
            print 'in company ' + company.name 
            existingIntegration = CompanyIntegration.objects(company_id = company_id).first()
            if existingIntegration is None: # no integration found so move to next company
                logs.append('No integration record for company ' + str(company_name))
            else: #skip this company if initial or delta run are in progress
                if 'initial_run_in_process' in existingIntegration and existingIntegration['initial_run_in_process'] == True:
                    logs.append('Initial run in process for company ' + str(company_name))
                if 'delta_run_in_process' in existingIntegration and existingIntegration['delta_run_in_process'] == True:
                    logs.append('Delta run in process for company ' + str(company_name))
                # look for either the last delta run date or the last initial run date
                sinceDateTime = None
                if 'delta_run_done' in existingIntegration:
                    if 'delta_run_last_date' in existingIntegration:
                        sinceDateTime = existingIntegration['delta_run_last_date']
                if sinceDateTime is None:
                    if 'initial_run_done' in existingIntegration:
                        if 'initial_run_last_date' in existingIntegration:
                            sinceDateTime = existingIntegration['initial_run_last_date']
                if sinceDateTime is None:
                    logs.append('No start date for delta run for company ' + str(company_name))
                sinceDateTime = int(time.mktime(time.strptime(_str_from_date(sinceDateTime), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ')))
                sinceDateTime -= int(12*60*60) #move back 12 hours as a safety measure
                sinceDateTime = sinceDateTime * 1000
                print 'calling extract with ' + str(sinceDateTime)
                companyDataExtract(user_id=None, company_id=company_id, run_type='delta', sinceDateTime=sinceDateTime)
    except Exception as e:
        print 'exception is ' + str(e)