def main(): if len(sys.argv) == 2: map_name = sys.argv[1] else: exit(1) map_file = open(map_name, 'r') # ввод данных map_data = links = re.findall('\w+-\w+', map_data) rooms = re.findall('\w+ \d+ \d+', map_data) paths = re.findall('(L.*?)\n', map_data) print(paths) # парсинг данных на узлы, ребра и перемещения за каждый шаг rooms_dict = {} links_list = [] for room in rooms: buf = room.split(' ') rooms_dict[buf[0]] = (Room(buf[0], int(buf[1]) * ZOOM, int(buf[2]) * ZOOM, NODE_SIZE)) print(buf[0], buf[1], buf[2]) for link in links: buf = link.split('-') if not buf[0].startswith('L'): line = Link(None, None) for room in rooms_dict: room = rooms_dict[room] if == buf[0]: line.start = room elif == buf[1]: line.end = room links_list.append(line) start_room = re.findall('##start\n(\w+)', map_data)[0].split('\n')[0] moves_list = [] moved_ants = set() for path in paths: move_per_ant = ' ' + path move_per_ant = move_per_ant.split(' L') moves = {} for ant_move in move_per_ant: if ant_move != '': ant_move = ant_move.split('-') if not ant_move[0] in moved_ants: moved_ants.add(ant_move[0]) moves[ant_move[0]] = Move(rooms_dict[start_room], rooms_dict[ant_move[1]], ant_move[0]) else: previous_ant_move = moves_list[-1][ant_move[0]] moves[ant_move[0]] = Move(previous_ant_move.end, rooms_dict[ant_move[1]], ant_move[0]) moves_list.append(moves) game = Game(links_list, moves_list)
def possible_moves(self, gamestate): moves = [] for factory_idx, factory in enumerate(gamestate.factories): for tile in set(factory): for line_idx in range(-1, 5): move = Move(factory_idx, tile, line_idx) if gamestate.is_valid_move(move, gamestate.next_player): moves.append(move) for tile in set([t for t in if t != Tile.white]): for line_idx in range(-1, 5): move = Move(-1, tile, line_idx) if gamestate.is_valid_move(move, gamestate.next_player): moves.append(move) return moves
def get_next_move(self, config, player, possible_moves): while True: print("Choose which piece to move and where to (x1 y1 x2 y2).") print("Or type `exit` to resign:") line = input() if line == 'exit': return None try: from_row, from_column, to_row, to_column = map( int, line.split()) except ValueError: print("Invalid input") continue from_position = (from_row, from_column) to_position = (to_row, to_column) move = Move(player, from_position, to_position) if move not in possible_moves: print("Invalid move") continue return move
def add_moves(move_data): """Seed moves from csv to database""" print("Moves") Move.query.delete() for row in open(move_data): row = row.rstrip() row = row.split(",") move_code = row[0] type_code = row[1] move_name = row[2] beats = row[3] follows_move = row[6] leads_move = row[7] same_side = row[8] move = Move(move_code=move_code, type_code=type_code, move_name=move_name, beats=beats, follows_move=follows_move, leads_move=leads_move, same_side=same_side) db.session.add(move) db.session.commit()
def find_deadlocks(state: State) -> Iterable[Pos]: """Find non-goal boxes that are deadlock by other boxes, e.g. two boxes being next to each other against a wall, or clusters of four boxes. """ occupied = state.boxes | state.level.walls adjacent = [[(-1, -1), (-1, 0), (0, -1)], [(-1, 0), (-1, 1), (0, 1)], [(0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1)], [(0, -1), (1, -1), (1, 0)]] return (box for box in state.boxes - state.level.goals if any( all(box.add(Move(*a)) in occupied for a in adj) for adj in adjacent))
def selected_move(self, event, move_canvas): factory_idx = self.view.selected_factory() if factory_idx is None: return None color = self.view.selected_color(factory_idx) if isinstance(move_canvas, PatternLines): line_idx = move_canvas.clicked_row(event) else: line_idx = -1 player = move_canvas.master.player_id return Move(factory_idx, tile_of_color(color), line_idx)
def parse_move(tree): device_log = tree.DeviceLog move = Move() add_children(move, device_log.Header) for child in device_log.Device.Info.iterchildren(): tag = normalize_tag(child.tag) attr = "device_info_%s" % tag.lower() set_attr(move, attr, child.text) normalize_move(move) return move
def section3(data, x, y, *verbs): last_travel = data._last_travel if last_travel[0] == x and last_travel[1][0] == verbs[0]: verbs = last_travel[1] # same first verb implies use whole list else: data._last_travel = [x, verbs] m, n = divmod(y, 1000) mh, mm = divmod(m, 100) if m == 0: condition = (None,) elif 0 < m < 100: condition = ("%", m) elif m == 100: condition = ("not_dwarf",) elif 100 < m <= 200: condition = ("carrying", mm) elif 200 < m <= 300: condition = ("carrying_or_in_room_with", mm) elif 300 < m: condition = ("prop!=", mm, mh - 3) if n <= 300: action = make_object(data.rooms, Room, n) elif 300 < n <= 500: action = n # special computed goto else: action = make_object(data.messages, Message, n - 500) move = Move() if len(verbs) == 1 and verbs[0] == 1: move.is_forced = True else: move.verbs = [make_object(data.vocabulary, Word, verb_n) for verb_n in verbs if verb_n < 100] # skip bad "109" move.condition = condition move.action = action data.rooms[x].travel_table.append(move)
def handle_keys(self, event, shift=False): """Handle key events, e.g. or movement, save, load, undo, restart, etc. """ self.path = None self.selected = None if event.keysym == "q": self.master.destroy() return if event.keysym == "r": if event.keysym == "s": if event.keysym == "l": if event.keysym == "d": # TODO calculate just once, then store whether to show them in UI = set() if else \ search.find_deadends( if event.keysym == "z": if event.keysym == "y": if event.keysym in ("Prior", "Next"): # TODO move logic for this to SokobanGame class inc = lambda num: (num + 1 if event.keysym == "Next" else num - 1 ) % len( cur = inc( # shift: fast-forward to next unsolved level, if any while shift and[cur] and cur != cur = inc(cur) self.draw_state(redraw_level=True) if event.keysym in DIRECTIONS: dr, dc = DIRECTIONS[event.keysym] if, dc, not shift)) and shift: self.after(20, self.handle_keys, event, shift) if event.keysym == "space": self.path = solver.solve( self.move_path() if event.keysym == "period": self.show_reachable ^= True self.update_state()
def display_board(channel): moves = Move.query_board_moves(channel) moves_listed = [] for move in sorted(moves): for item in move: moves_listed.append(item) print moves_listed numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9] #cb = current_board cb = [] if not moves: for num in numbers: cb.append(" ") else: for num in numbers: if num in moves_listed: cb.append(moves_listed[1]) moves_listed = moves_listed[2:] else: cb.append(" ") print cb board = ''' | ''' + cb[0] + ''' | ''' + cb[1] + ''' | ''' + cb[2] + ''' | |---+---+---| | ''' + cb[3] + ''' | ''' + cb[4] + ''' | ''' + cb[5] + ''' | |---+---+---| | ''' + cb[6] + ''' | ''' + cb[7] + ''' | ''' + cb[8] + ''' | ''' return board
def get_next_move(self, config, player, possible_moves): pygame.event.clear() while True: self.render(config) for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: return None if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: x, y = event.pos x = x - self.board_x y = y - self.board_y if ((0 < x < self.board_length) and (0 < y < self.board_length)): column = x // self.cell_length row = y // self.cell_length position = (row, column) if self.selected_piece: from_position = self.selected_piece to_position = position if config.board[row][column] != Piece.NONE: self.selected_piece = position continue self.selected_piece = None move = Move(player, from_position, to_position) if move not in possible_moves: continue return move self.selected_piece = position
def move(self, gamestate): print(len(self.possible_moves(gamestate))) # Given the gamestate as an instance of Model, return a random Move possible_factories = [ i for i in range(NUM_FACTORIES) if gamestate.factories[i] ] if len( > 1 or Tile.white not in possible_factories.append(-1) factory = np.random.choice(possible_factories) if factory == -1: tile = np.random.choice( [tile for tile in if tile != Tile.white]) else: tile = np.random.choice(gamestate.factories[factory]) board = gamestate.boards[gamestate.next_player] possible_pattern_lines = [ i for i in range(NUM_TILES) if board.pattern_lines[i].open_for_tile(tile) ] possible_pattern_lines.append(-1) pattern_line = np.random.choice(possible_pattern_lines) return Move(factory, tile, pattern_line)
def section3(data, x, y, *verbs): last_travel = data._last_travel if last_travel[0] == x and last_travel[1][0] == verbs[0]: verbs = last_travel[1] # same first verb implies use whole list else: data._last_travel = [x, verbs] m, n = divmod(y, 1000) mh, mm = divmod(m, 100) if m == 0: condition = (None, ) elif 0 < m < 100: condition = ('%', m) elif m == 100: condition = ('not_dwarf', ) elif 100 < m <= 200: condition = ('carrying', mm) elif 200 < m <= 300: condition = ('carrying_or_in_room_with', mm) elif 300 < m: condition = ('prop!=', mm, mh - 3) if n <= 300: action = make_object(data.rooms, Room, n) elif 300 < n <= 500: action = n # special computed goto else: action = make_object(data.messages, Message, n - 500) move = Move() if len(verbs) == 1 and verbs[0] == 1: move.is_forced = True else: move.verbs = [ make_object(data.vocabulary, Word, verb_n) for verb_n in verbs if verb_n < 100 ] # skip bad "109" move.condition = condition move.action = action data.rooms[x].travel_table.append(move)
def strava_import(current_user, activity_id): client = get_strava_client(current_user) activity = client.get_activity(activity_id=activity_id) stream_types = [ 'time', 'distance', 'latlng', 'temp', 'heartrate', 'velocity_smooth', 'altitude' ] streams = client.get_activity_streams(activity_id, types=stream_types) activity_string = map_type(activity.type) result = db.session.query( Move.activity_type).filter(Move.activity == activity_string).first() if result: activity_type, = result else: activity_type = None device = find_device(current_user) move = Move() move.user = current_user move.duration = activity.elapsed_time move.ascent = float(activity.total_elevation_gain) move.speed_avg = float(activity.average_speed) move.hr_avg = heart_rate(activity.average_heartrate) move.temperature_avg = celcius_to_kelvin(activity.average_temp) move.device = device move.date_time = activity.start_date_local move.activity = activity_string move.activity_type = activity_type move.distance = float(activity.distance) move.import_date_time = move.import_module = __name__ move.strava_activity_id = activity_id move.public = False move.source = "Strava activity id=%d; external_id='%s'" % ( activity_id, activity.external_id) if streams: lengths = set([len(streams[stream].data) for stream in streams]) assert len(lengths) == 1 length, = lengths else: length = 0 move.speed_max = move.speed_avg all_samples = [] for i in range(0, length): time = timedelta(seconds=streams['time'].data[i]) distance = float(streams['distance'].data[i]) if 'heartrate' in streams: hr = float(streams['heartrate'].data[i]) else: hr = None if 'latlng' in streams: lat, lng = streams['latlng'].data[i] else: lat = None lng = None if 'altitude' in streams: altitude = float(streams['altitude'].data[i]) else: altitude = None if 'velocity_smooth' in streams: speed = float(streams['velocity_smooth'].data[i]) else: speed = None if 'temp' in streams: temperature = celcius_to_kelvin(streams['temp'].data[i]) else: temperature = None sample = Sample() sample.sample_type = SAMPLE_TYPE sample.move = move sample.time = time sample.utc = (activity.start_date + time).replace(tzinfo=None) sample.distance = distance sample.latitude = degree_to_radian(lat) sample.longitude = degree_to_radian(lng) = heart_rate(hr) sample.temperature = temperature sample.speed = speed sample.altitude = altitude move.speed_max = max(move.speed_max, speed) all_samples.append(sample) derive_move_infos_from_samples(move, all_samples) db.session.add(move) db.session.flush() postprocess_move(move) db.session.commit() return move
def parse_move(tree): move = Move() move.activity = "Unknown activity" move.import_date_time = return move
def create_move(): move = Move() move.activity = GPX_ACTIVITY_TYPE move.import_date_time = return move
def strava_import(current_user, activity_id): client = get_strava_client(current_user) activity = client.get_activity(activity_id=activity_id) stream_types = ['time', 'distance', 'latlng', 'temp', 'heartrate', 'velocity_smooth', 'altitude'] streams = client.get_activity_streams(activity_id, types=stream_types) device_ids = [device_id for device_id, in db.session.query(func.distinct(Move.device_id)) .join(User) .join(Device) .filter( != gpx_import.GPX_DEVICE_NAME) .filter(Move.user == current_user).all()] assert len(device_ids) == 1 device_id = device_ids[0] device = db.session.query(Device).filter_by(id = device_id).one(); activity_string = map_type(activity.type) result = db.session.query(Move.activity_type).filter(Move.activity == activity_string).first() if result: activity_type, = result else: activity_type = None move = Move() move.user = current_user move.duration = activity.elapsed_time move.ascent = float(activity.total_elevation_gain) move.speed_avg = float(activity.average_speed) move.hr_avg = heart_rate(activity.average_heartrate) move.temperature_avg = celcius_to_kelvin(activity.average_temp) move.device = device move.date_time = activity.start_date_local move.activity = activity_string move.activity_type = activity_type move.distance = float(activity.distance) move.import_date_time = move.import_module = __name__ move.strava_activity_id = activity_id move.public = False move.source = "Strava activity id=%d; external_id='%s'" % (activity_id, activity.external_id) lengths = set([len(streams[stream].data) for stream in streams]) assert len(lengths) == 1 length, = lengths move.speed_max = move.speed_avg all_samples = [] for i in range(0, length): time = timedelta(seconds=streams['time'].data[i]) distance = float(streams['distance'].data[i]) if 'heartrate' in streams: hr = float(streams['heartrate'].data[i]) else: hr = None if 'latlng' in streams: lat, lng = streams['latlng'].data[i] else: lat = None lng = None if 'altitude' in streams: altitude = float(streams['altitude'].data[i]) else: altitude = None if 'velocity_smooth' in streams: speed = float(streams['velocity_smooth'].data[i]) else: speed = None if 'temp' in streams: temperature = celcius_to_kelvin(streams['temp'].data[i]) else: temperature = None sample = Sample() sample.sample_type = SAMPLE_TYPE sample.move = move sample.time = time sample.utc = (activity.start_date + time).replace(tzinfo=None) sample.distance = distance sample.latitude = degree_to_radian(lat) sample.longitude = degree_to_radian(lng) = heart_rate(hr) sample.temperature = temperature sample.speed = speed sample.altitude = altitude move.speed_max = max(move.speed_max, speed) all_samples.append(sample) derive_move_infos_from_samples(move, all_samples) db.session.add(move) db.session.commit() return move
Sokoban Planning Algorithms, by Tobias Küster, 2014-2017, 2020 This module provides the planning algorithms used in the Sokoban game, i.e. everything that goes beyond simulating a simple move or push. Currently it includes algorithms for finding the path to a certain position, for planning how to push a box to a certain position, or for identifying "dead-end" positions in a level. More might be added in the future. """ from typing import List, Set, Optional, Iterable import collections import heapq from model import State, Level, Pos, Move MOVES = [Move(dr, dc) for dr, dc in ((0, +1), (0, -1), (-1, 0), (+1, 0))] MOVES_P = [Move(dr, dc, True) for dr, dc, _ in MOVES] def reachable(state: State) -> Set[Pos]: """ Flood-fill to get all cells reachable by player in the current state without pushing any box. """ seen = set() queue = collections.deque([state.player]) while queue: pos = queue.popleft() if pos not in seen: seen.add(pos) queue.extend(pos2 for pos2 in map(pos.add, MOVES) if state.is_free(pos2))
def parse_move(tree): move = Move() add_children(move, tree.header) normalize_move(move) return move
pos_inventory = Pos(783, 119) pos_next = Pos(728, 645) pos_muffin = Pos(134, 482) pos_agree = Pos(248, 661) pos_accept = Pos(577, 661) pos_forward = Pos(412, 485) back = Pos(413, 641) low_left = Pos(56, 641) low_right = Pos(765, 641) high_left = Pos(211, 483) high_right = Pos(614, 483) high_high_center = Pos(408, 129) pos_castel = Pos(211, 128) # Move left = Move(high_left, back) right = Move(high_right, back) up_castel = Move(pos_castel, back) forward = Move(pos_forward, back) rotate_left = Move(low_left, low_right) rotate_right = Move(low_right, low_left) inventory = Move(pos_inventory, pos_inventory) # Location home = Location([]) field = Location([rotate_right]) tree_house = SunLocation([forward] * 4) cake_house = SunLocation([forward, left]) boulder = Location([rotate_left, forward, forward]) vinyl_door = Location([forward, right]) apple_tree = SunLocation([rotate_left] + [forward] * 6)
def _random_move(self): return Move.random()
def play_game(input, channel, user): """Utilizes input from slack channel to process game play""" if input[0] == 'play': if len(input) == 1: message = """You need to tag someone to play! \n TYPE: '/ttt play @an_awesome_person' """ return send_message(channel, message) elif Channel.query_channel_game is True: #Querying channel to see if game in plan message = """Sorry game in play! TYPE:" '/ttt board' to show the board! """ return send_message(channel, message) else: Channel.link_game_channel(channel, user, input[1]) message = """Time to play! \n From left to right, top to bottom the spaces are numbers 1-9 TYPE: '/ttt move (then your number)' to make a move!""" return send_message(channel, message) elif input[0] == 'board': return send_message(channel, display_board(channel)) elif input[0] == 'move': if input[1] is None: message = """Please specify space!""" return send_message(channel, message) else: if Move.whose_turn(channel) != user: message = "Not your turn!" return send_message(channel, message) elif Move.move_made(input[1], channel): message = "Move already made!" return send_message(channel, message) else: Move.create_move(channel, user, input[1]) is_game_over = Move.game_over(channel, user) if (is_game_over[0] is True): Move.clear_game(channel) return send_message(channel, "Yay, you won!") else: if (Move.board_full(channel) is True): message = "Cat's game! Try again." Move.clear_game(channel) return send_message(channel, message) else: message = "Your turn: " + Move.whose_turn(channel) send_message(channel, display_board(channel)) return send_message(channel, message) return