class ThrusterManager: """ The thruster manager generates the thruster allocation matrix using the TF information and publishes the thruster forces assuming the the thruster topics are named in the following pattern <thruster_topic_prefix>/<index>/<thruster_topic_suffix> Thruster frames should also be named as follows <thruster_frame_base>_<index> """ MAX_THRUSTERS = 16 def __init__(self): """Class constructor.""" # This flag will be set to true once the thruster allocation matrix is # available self._ready = False # Acquiring the namespace of the vehicle self.namespace = rospy.get_namespace() if self.namespace[-1] != '/': self.namespace += '/' if self.namespace[0] != '/': self.namespace = '/' + self.namespace if not rospy.has_param('thruster_manager'): raise rospy.ROSException('Thruster manager parameters not ' 'initialized for uuv_name=' + self.namespace) # Load all parameters self.config = rospy.get_param('thruster_manager') if self.config['update_rate'] < 0: self.config['update_rate'] = 50 self.base_link_ned_to_enu = None tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer() listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(tf_buffer) tf_trans_ned_to_enu = None try: target = '%sbase_link' % self.namespace target = target[1::] source = '%sbase_link_ned' % self.namespace source = source[1::] tf_trans_ned_to_enu = tf_buffer.lookup_transform( target, source, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(1)) except Exception, e: rospy.loginfo('No transform found between base_link and base_link_ned' ' for vehicle ' + self.namespace) rospy.loginfo(str(e)) self.base_link_ned_to_enu = None if tf_trans_ned_to_enu is not None: self.base_link_ned_to_enu = trans.quaternion_matrix( (tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.x, tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.y, tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.z, tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.w))[0:3, 0:3] rospy.loginfo('base_link transform NED to ENU=\n' + str(self.base_link_ned_to_enu)) rospy.loginfo( 'ThrusterManager::update_rate=' + str(self.config['update_rate'])) # Set the tf_prefix parameter rospy.set_param('thruster_manager/tf_prefix', self.namespace) # Retrieve the output file path to store the TAM # matrix for future use self.output_dir = None if rospy.has_param('~output_dir'): self.output_dir = rospy.get_param('~output_dir') if not isdir(self.output_dir): raise rospy.ROSException( 'Invalid output directory, output_dir=' + self.output_dir) rospy.loginfo('output_dir=' + self.output_dir) # Number of thrusters self.n_thrusters = 0 # Thruster objects used to calculate the right angular velocity command self.thrusters = list() # Thrust forces vector self.thrust = None # Thruster allocation matrix: transform thruster inputs to force/torque self.configuration_matrix = None if rospy.has_param('~tam'): tam = rospy.get_param('~tam') self.configuration_matrix = numpy.array(tam) # Set number of thrusters from the number of columns self.n_thrusters = self.configuration_matrix.shape[1] # Create publishing topics to each thruster params = self.config['conversion_fcn_params'] conv_fcn = self.config['conversion_fcn'] if type(params) == list and type(conv_fcn) == list: if len(params) != self.n_thrusters or len(conv_fcn) != self.n_thrusters: raise rospy.ROSException('Lists conversion_fcn and ' 'conversion_fcn_params must have ' 'the same number of items as of ' 'thrusters') for i in range(self.n_thrusters): topic = self.config['thruster_topic_prefix'] + str(i) + \ self.config['thruster_topic_suffix'] if list not in [type(params), type(conv_fcn)]: thruster = Thruster.create_thruster( conv_fcn, i, topic, None, None, **params) else: thruster = Thruster.create_thruster( conv_fcn[i], i, topic, None, None, **params[i]) if thruster is None: rospy.ROSException('Invalid thruster conversion ' 'function=%s' % self.config['conversion_fcn']) self.thrusters.append(thruster) rospy.loginfo('Thruster allocation matrix provided!') rospy.loginfo('TAM=') rospy.loginfo(self.configuration_matrix) self.thrust = numpy.zeros(self.n_thrusters) if not self.update_tam(): raise rospy.ROSException('No thrusters found') # (pseudo) inverse: force/torque to thruster inputs self.inverse_configuration_matrix = None if self.configuration_matrix is not None: self.inverse_configuration_matrix = numpy.linalg.pinv( self.configuration_matrix) # If an output directory was provided, store matrix for further use if self.output_dir is not None: with open(join(self.output_dir, 'TAM.yaml'), 'w') as yaml_file: yaml_file.write( yaml.safe_dump( dict(tam=self.configuration_matrix.tolist()))) else: rospy.loginfo('Invalid output directory for the TAM matrix, dir=' + str(self.output_dir)) self.ready = True rospy.loginfo('ThrusterManager: ready')
def update_tam(self, recalculate=False): """Calculate the thruster allocation matrix, if one is not given.""" if self.configuration_matrix is not None and not recalculate: self.ready = True rospy.loginfo('TAM provided, skipping...') rospy.loginfo('ThrusterManager: ready') return True self.ready = False rospy.loginfo('ThrusterManager: updating thruster poses') # Small margin to make sure we get thruster frames via tf now = + rospy.Duration(1.0) base = self.namespace + self.config['base_link'] self.thrusters = list() equal_thrusters = True idx_thruster_model = 0 if type(self.config['conversion_fcn_params']) == list and \ type(self.config['conversion_fcn']) == list: if len(self.config['conversion_fcn_params']) != len( self.config['conversion_fcn']): raise rospy.ROSException( 'Lists of conversion_fcn_params and conversion_fcn' ' must have equal length') equal_thrusters = False rospy.loginfo('conversion_fcn=' + str(self.config['conversion_fcn'])) rospy.loginfo('conversion_fcn_params=' + str(self.config['conversion_fcn_params'])) listener = tf.TransformListener() sleep(5) for i in range(self.MAX_THRUSTERS): frame = self.namespace + \ self.config['thruster_frame_base'] + str(i) try: # try to get thruster pose with respect to base frame via tf rospy.loginfo('transform: ' + base + ' -> ' + frame) now = + rospy.Duration(1.0) listener.waitForTransform(base, frame, now, rospy.Duration(30.0)) [pos, quat] = listener.lookupTransform(base, frame, now) topic = self.config['thruster_topic_prefix'] + str(i) + \ self.config['thruster_topic_suffix'] if equal_thrusters: params = self.config['conversion_fcn_params'] thruster = Thruster.create_thruster( self.config['conversion_fcn'], i, topic, pos, quat, **params) else: if idx_thruster_model >= len(self.config['conversion_fcn']): raise rospy.ROSException('Number of thrusters found and ' 'conversion_fcn are different') params = self.config['conversion_fcn_params'][idx_thruster_model] conv_fcn = self.config['conversion_fcn'][idx_thruster_model] thruster = Thruster.create_thruster( conv_fcn, i, topic, pos, quat, **params) idx_thruster_model += 1 if thruster is None: rospy.ROSException('Invalid thruster conversion ' 'function=%s' % self.config['conversion_fcn']) self.thrusters.append(thruster) except tf.Exception: rospy.loginfo('could not get transform from: ' + base) rospy.loginfo('to: ' + frame) break rospy.loginfo(str(self.thrusters)) if len(self.thrusters) == 0: return False # Set the number of thrusters found self.n_thrusters = len(self.thrusters) # Fill the thrust vector self.thrust = numpy.zeros(self.n_thrusters) # Fill the thruster allocation matrix self.configuration_matrix = numpy.zeros((6, self.n_thrusters)) for i in range(self.n_thrusters): self.configuration_matrix[:, i] = self.thrusters[i].tam_column # Eliminate small values self.configuration_matrix[numpy.abs( self.configuration_matrix) < 1e-3] = 0.0 rospy.loginfo('TAM= %s', str(self.configuration_matrix)) # Once we know the configuration matrix we can compute its # (pseudo-)inverse: self.inverse_configuration_matrix = numpy.linalg.pinv( self.configuration_matrix) # If an output directory was provided, store matrix for further use if self.output_dir is not None and not recalculate: with open(join(self.output_dir, 'TAM.yaml'), 'w') as yaml_file: yaml_file.write( yaml.safe_dump( dict(tam=self.configuration_matrix.tolist()))) print 'TAM saved in <%s>' % join(self.output_dir, 'TAM.yaml') elif recalculate: print 'Recalculate flag on, matrix will not be stored in TAM.yaml' else: print 'Invalid output directory for the TAM matrix, dir=', self.output_dir self.ready = True print ('ThrusterManager: ready') return True
def update_tam(self, recalculate=False): """Calculate the thruster allocation matrix, if one is not given.""" if self.configuration_matrix is not None and not recalculate: self.ready = True print 'TAM provided, skipping...' print ('ThrusterManager: ready') return True self.ready = False print('ThrusterManager: updating thruster poses') # Small margin to make sure we get thruster frames via tf now = + rospy.Duration(1.0) base = self.namespace + self.config['base_link'] self.thrusters = list() for i in range(self.MAX_THRUSTERS): frame = self.namespace + \ self.config['thruster_frame_base'] + str(i) try: # try to get thruster pose with respect to base frame via tf print('transform: ' + base + ' -> ' + frame) self.listener.waitForTransform(base, frame, now, rospy.Duration(4.0)) [pos, quat] = self.listener.lookupTransform(base, frame, now) topic = self.config['thruster_topic_prefix'] + str(i) + \ self.config['thruster_topic_suffix'] params = self.config['conversion_fcn_params'] thruster = Thruster.create_thruster( self.config['conversion_fcn'], i, topic, pos, quat, **params) if thruster is None: rospy.ROSException('Invalid thruster conversion ' 'function=%s' % self.config['conversion_fcn']) self.thrusters.append(thruster) except tf.Exception: print('could not get transform from: ' + base) print('to: ' + frame) break print self.thrusters if len(self.thrusters) == 0: return False # Set the number of thrusters found self.n_thrusters = len(self.thrusters) # Fill the thrust vector self.thrust = numpy.zeros(self.n_thrusters) # Fill the thruster allocation matrix self.configuration_matrix = numpy.zeros((6, self.n_thrusters)) for i in range(self.n_thrusters): self.configuration_matrix[:, i] = self.thrusters[i].tam_column # Eliminate small values self.configuration_matrix[numpy.abs( self.configuration_matrix) < 1e-3] = 0.0 print 'TAM=' print self.configuration_matrix # Once we know the configuration matrix we can compute its # (pseudo-)inverse: self.inverse_configuration_matrix = numpy.linalg.pinv( self.configuration_matrix) # If an output directory was provided, store matrix for further use if self.output_dir is not None and not recalculate: with open(join(self.output_dir, 'TAM.yaml'), 'w') as yaml_file: yaml_file.write( yaml.safe_dump( dict(tam=self.configuration_matrix.tolist()))) self.ready = True print ('ThrusterManager: ready') return True
def __init__(self): """Class constructor.""" # This flag will be set to true once the thruster allocation matrix is # available self._ready = False # Acquiring the namespace of the vehicle self.namespace = rospy.get_namespace() if self.namespace[-1] != '/': self.namespace += '/' if self.namespace[0] != '/': self.namespace = '/' + self.namespace if not rospy.has_param('thruster_manager'): raise rospy.ROSException('Thruster manager parameters not ' 'initialized for uuv_name=' + self.namespace) # Load all parameters self.config = rospy.get_param('thruster_manager') if self.config['update_rate'] < 0: self.config['update_rate'] = 50 self.listener = tf.TransformListener() rospy.loginfo( 'ThrusterManager::update_rate=' + str(self.config['update_rate'])) # Set the tf_prefix parameter rospy.set_param('thruster_manager/tf_prefix', self.namespace) # Retrieve the output file path to store the TAM # matrix for future use self.output_dir = None if rospy.has_param('~output_dir'): self.output_dir = rospy.get_param('~output_dir') if not isdir(self.output_dir): raise rospy.ROSException( 'Invalid output directory, output_dir=' + self.output_dir) print 'output_dir=', self.output_dir # Number of thrusters self.n_thrusters = 0 # Thruster objects used to calculate the right angular velocity command self.thrusters = list() # Thrust forces vector self.thrust = None # Thruster allocation matrix: transform thruster inputs to force/torque self.configuration_matrix = None if rospy.has_param('~tam'): tam = rospy.get_param('~tam') self.configuration_matrix = numpy.array(tam) # Set number of thrusters from the number of columns self.n_thrusters = self.configuration_matrix.shape[1] # Create publishing topics to each thruster for i in range(self.n_thrusters): topic = self.config['thruster_topic_prefix'] + str(i) + \ self.config['thruster_topic_suffix'] # TODO Read the option of type of thruster conversion function # and create thruster model accordingly params = self.config['conversion_fcn_params'] thruster = Thruster.create_thruster( self.config['conversion_fcn'], i, topic, None, None, **params) if thruster is None: rospy.ROSException('Invalid thruster conversion ' 'function=%s' % self.config['conversion_fcn']) self.thrusters.append(thruster) print 'Thruster allocation matrix provided!' print 'TAM=' print self.configuration_matrix self.thrust = numpy.zeros(self.n_thrusters) if not self.update_tam(): raise rospy.ROSException('No thrusters found') # (pseudo) inverse: force/torque to thruster inputs self.inverse_configuration_matrix = None if self.configuration_matrix is not None: self.inverse_configuration_matrix = numpy.linalg.pinv( self.configuration_matrix) # If an output directory was provided, store matrix for further use if self.output_dir is not None: with open(join(self.output_dir, 'TAM.yaml'), 'w') as yaml_file: yaml_file.write( yaml.safe_dump( dict(tam=self.configuration_matrix.tolist()))) self.ready = True print ('ThrusterManager: ready')
def update_tam(self, recalculate=False): """Calculate the thruster allocation matrix, if one is not given.""" if self.configuration_matrix is not None and not recalculate: self.ready = True print 'TAM provided, skipping...' print ('ThrusterManager: ready') return True self.ready = False print('ThrusterManager: updating thruster poses') # Small margin to make sure we get thruster frames via tf now = + rospy.Duration(1.0) base = self.namespace + self.config['base_link'] self.thrusters = list() equal_thrusters = True idx_thruster_model = 0 if type(self.config['conversion_fcn_params']) == list and \ type(self.config['conversion_fcn']) == list: if len(self.config['conversion_fcn_params']) != len( self.config['conversion_fcn']): raise rospy.ROSException( 'Lists of conversion_fcn_params and conversion_fcn' ' must have equal length') equal_thrusters = False print 'conversion_fcn=', self.config['conversion_fcn'] print 'conversion_fcn_params=', self.config['conversion_fcn_params'] listener = tf.TransformListener() sleep(5) for i in range(self.MAX_THRUSTERS): frame = self.namespace + \ self.config['thruster_frame_base'] + str(i) try: # try to get thruster pose with respect to base frame via tf print('transform: ' + base + ' -> ' + frame) now = + rospy.Duration(1.0) listener.waitForTransform(base, frame, now, rospy.Duration(30.0)) [pos, quat] = listener.lookupTransform(base, frame, now) topic = self.config['thruster_topic_prefix'] + str(i) + \ self.config['thruster_topic_suffix'] if equal_thrusters: params = self.config['conversion_fcn_params'] thruster = Thruster.create_thruster( self.config['conversion_fcn'], i, topic, pos, quat, **params) else: if idx_thruster_model >= len(self.config['conversion_fcn']): raise rospy.ROSException('Number of thrusters found and ' 'conversion_fcn are different') params = self.config['conversion_fcn_params'][idx_thruster_model] conv_fcn = self.config['conversion_fcn'][idx_thruster_model] thruster = Thruster.create_thruster( conv_fcn, i, topic, pos, quat, **params) idx_thruster_model += 1 if thruster is None: rospy.ROSException('Invalid thruster conversion ' 'function=%s' % self.config['conversion_fcn']) self.thrusters.append(thruster) except tf.Exception: print('could not get transform from: ' + base) print('to: ' + frame) break print self.thrusters if len(self.thrusters) == 0: return False # Set the number of thrusters found self.n_thrusters = len(self.thrusters) # Fill the thrust vector self.thrust = numpy.zeros(self.n_thrusters) # Fill the thruster allocation matrix self.configuration_matrix = numpy.zeros((6, self.n_thrusters)) for i in range(self.n_thrusters): self.configuration_matrix[:, i] = self.thrusters[i].tam_column # Eliminate small values self.configuration_matrix[numpy.abs( self.configuration_matrix) < 1e-3] = 0.0 print 'TAM=' print self.configuration_matrix # Once we know the configuration matrix we can compute its # (pseudo-)inverse: self.inverse_configuration_matrix = numpy.linalg.pinv( self.configuration_matrix) # If an output directory was provided, store matrix for further use if self.output_dir is not None and not recalculate: with open(join(self.output_dir, 'TAM.yaml'), 'w') as yaml_file: yaml_file.write( yaml.safe_dump( dict(tam=self.configuration_matrix.tolist()))) print 'TAM saved in <%s>' % join(self.output_dir, 'TAM.yaml') elif recalculate: print 'Recalculate flag on, matrix will not be stored in TAM.yaml' else: print 'Invalid output directory for the TAM matrix, dir=', self.output_dir self.ready = True print ('ThrusterManager: ready') return True