class ThrusterManager:
    The thruster manager generates the thruster allocation matrix using the
    TF information and publishes the thruster forces assuming the the thruster
    topics are named in the following pattern


    Thruster frames should also be named as follows



    def __init__(self):
        """Class constructor."""
        # This flag will be set to true once the thruster allocation matrix is
        # available
        self._ready = False

        # Acquiring the namespace of the vehicle
        self.namespace = rospy.get_namespace()
        if self.namespace[-1] != '/':
            self.namespace += '/'

        if self.namespace[0] != '/':
            self.namespace = '/' + self.namespace

        if not rospy.has_param('thruster_manager'):
            raise rospy.ROSException('Thruster manager parameters not '
                                     'initialized for uuv_name=' +

        # Load all parameters
        self.config = rospy.get_param('thruster_manager')

        if self.config['update_rate'] < 0:
            self.config['update_rate'] = 50

        self.base_link_ned_to_enu = None

        tf_buffer = tf2_ros.Buffer()
        listener = tf2_ros.TransformListener(tf_buffer)
        tf_trans_ned_to_enu = None

            target = '%sbase_link' % self.namespace
            target = target[1::]
            source = '%sbase_link_ned' % self.namespace
            source = source[1::]
            tf_trans_ned_to_enu = tf_buffer.lookup_transform(
                target, source, rospy.Time(), rospy.Duration(1))
        except Exception, e:
            rospy.loginfo('No transform found between base_link and base_link_ned'
                  ' for vehicle ' + self.namespace)
            self.base_link_ned_to_enu = None

        if tf_trans_ned_to_enu is not None:
            self.base_link_ned_to_enu = trans.quaternion_matrix(
                 tf_trans_ned_to_enu.transform.rotation.w))[0:3, 0:3]

            rospy.loginfo('base_link transform NED to ENU=\n' + str(self.base_link_ned_to_enu))

          'ThrusterManager::update_rate=' + str(self.config['update_rate']))

        # Set the tf_prefix parameter
        rospy.set_param('thruster_manager/tf_prefix', self.namespace)

        # Retrieve the output file path to store the TAM
        # matrix for future use
        self.output_dir = None
        if rospy.has_param('~output_dir'):
            self.output_dir = rospy.get_param('~output_dir')
            if not isdir(self.output_dir):
                raise rospy.ROSException(
                    'Invalid output directory, output_dir=' + self.output_dir)
            rospy.loginfo('output_dir=' + self.output_dir) 

        # Number of thrusters
        self.n_thrusters = 0

        # Thruster objects used to calculate the right angular velocity command
        self.thrusters = list()

        # Thrust forces vector
        self.thrust = None

        # Thruster allocation matrix: transform thruster inputs to force/torque
        self.configuration_matrix = None
        if rospy.has_param('~tam'):
            tam = rospy.get_param('~tam')
            self.configuration_matrix = numpy.array(tam)
            # Set number of thrusters from the number of columns
            self.n_thrusters = self.configuration_matrix.shape[1]
            # Create publishing topics to each thruster
            params = self.config['conversion_fcn_params']
            conv_fcn = self.config['conversion_fcn']
            if type(params) == list and type(conv_fcn) == list:
                if len(params) != self.n_thrusters or len(conv_fcn) != self.n_thrusters:
                    raise rospy.ROSException('Lists conversion_fcn and '
                                             'conversion_fcn_params must have '
                                             'the same number of items as of '
            for i in range(self.n_thrusters):
                topic = self.config['thruster_topic_prefix'] + str(i) + \
                if list not in [type(params), type(conv_fcn)]:
                    thruster = Thruster.create_thruster(
                        conv_fcn, i, topic, None, None,
                    thruster = Thruster.create_thruster(
                        conv_fcn[i], i, topic, None, None,

                if thruster is None:
                    rospy.ROSException('Invalid thruster conversion '
                                       % self.config['conversion_fcn'])
            rospy.loginfo('Thruster allocation matrix provided!') 
            self.thrust = numpy.zeros(self.n_thrusters)

        if not self.update_tam():
            raise rospy.ROSException('No thrusters found')

        # (pseudo) inverse: force/torque to thruster inputs
        self.inverse_configuration_matrix = None
        if self.configuration_matrix is not None:
            self.inverse_configuration_matrix = numpy.linalg.pinv(

        # If an output directory was provided, store matrix for further use
        if self.output_dir is not None:
            with open(join(self.output_dir, 'TAM.yaml'), 'w') as yaml_file:
            rospy.loginfo('Invalid output directory for the TAM matrix, dir=' + str(self.output_dir))

        self.ready = True
        rospy.loginfo('ThrusterManager: ready')
    def update_tam(self, recalculate=False):
        """Calculate the thruster allocation matrix, if one is not given."""
        if self.configuration_matrix is not None and not recalculate:
            self.ready = True
            rospy.loginfo('TAM provided, skipping...')
            rospy.loginfo('ThrusterManager: ready')
            return True

        self.ready = False
        rospy.loginfo('ThrusterManager: updating thruster poses')
        # Small margin to make sure we get thruster frames via tf
        now = rospy.Time.now() + rospy.Duration(1.0)

        base = self.namespace + self.config['base_link']

        self.thrusters = list()

        equal_thrusters = True
        idx_thruster_model = 0

        if type(self.config['conversion_fcn_params']) == list and \
            type(self.config['conversion_fcn']) == list:
            if len(self.config['conversion_fcn_params']) != len(
                raise rospy.ROSException(
                    'Lists of conversion_fcn_params and conversion_fcn'
                    ' must have equal length')
            equal_thrusters = False

        rospy.loginfo('conversion_fcn=' + str(self.config['conversion_fcn'])) 
        rospy.loginfo('conversion_fcn_params=' + str(self.config['conversion_fcn_params']))

        listener = tf.TransformListener()

        for i in range(self.MAX_THRUSTERS):
            frame = self.namespace + \
                self.config['thruster_frame_base'] + str(i)
                # try to get thruster pose with respect to base frame via tf
                rospy.loginfo('transform: ' + base + ' -> ' + frame)
                now = rospy.Time.now() + rospy.Duration(1.0)
                listener.waitForTransform(base, frame,
                                               now, rospy.Duration(30.0))
                [pos, quat] = listener.lookupTransform(base, frame, now)

                topic = self.config['thruster_topic_prefix'] + str(i) + \

                if equal_thrusters:
                    params = self.config['conversion_fcn_params']
                    thruster = Thruster.create_thruster(
                        i, topic, pos, quat,
                    if idx_thruster_model >= len(self.config['conversion_fcn']):
                        raise rospy.ROSException('Number of thrusters found and '
                                                 'conversion_fcn are different')
                    params = self.config['conversion_fcn_params'][idx_thruster_model]
                    conv_fcn = self.config['conversion_fcn'][idx_thruster_model]
                    thruster = Thruster.create_thruster(
                        i, topic, pos, quat,
                    idx_thruster_model += 1
                if thruster is None:
                    rospy.ROSException('Invalid thruster conversion '
                                       % self.config['conversion_fcn'])
            except tf.Exception:
                rospy.loginfo('could not get transform from: ' + base)
                rospy.loginfo('to: ' + frame)

        if len(self.thrusters) == 0:
            return False

        # Set the number of thrusters found
        self.n_thrusters = len(self.thrusters)

        # Fill the thrust vector
        self.thrust = numpy.zeros(self.n_thrusters)

        # Fill the thruster allocation matrix
        self.configuration_matrix = numpy.zeros((6, self.n_thrusters))

        for i in range(self.n_thrusters):
            self.configuration_matrix[:, i] = self.thrusters[i].tam_column

        # Eliminate small values
            self.configuration_matrix) < 1e-3] = 0.0

        rospy.loginfo('TAM= %s', str(self.configuration_matrix))
        # Once we know the configuration matrix we can compute its
        # (pseudo-)inverse:
        self.inverse_configuration_matrix = numpy.linalg.pinv(

        # If an output directory was provided, store matrix for further use
        if self.output_dir is not None and not recalculate:
            with open(join(self.output_dir, 'TAM.yaml'), 'w') as yaml_file:
            print 'TAM saved in <%s>' % join(self.output_dir, 'TAM.yaml')
        elif recalculate:
            print 'Recalculate flag on, matrix will not be stored in TAM.yaml'
            print 'Invalid output directory for the TAM matrix, dir=', self.output_dir

        self.ready = True
        print ('ThrusterManager: ready')
        return True
    def update_tam(self, recalculate=False):
        """Calculate the thruster allocation matrix, if one is not given."""
        if self.configuration_matrix is not None and not recalculate:
            self.ready = True
            print 'TAM provided, skipping...'
            print ('ThrusterManager: ready')
            return True

        self.ready = False
        print('ThrusterManager: updating thruster poses')
        # Small margin to make sure we get thruster frames via tf
        now = rospy.Time.now() + rospy.Duration(1.0)

        base = self.namespace + self.config['base_link']

        self.thrusters = list()

        for i in range(self.MAX_THRUSTERS):
            frame = self.namespace + \
                self.config['thruster_frame_base'] + str(i)
                # try to get thruster pose with respect to base frame via tf
                print('transform: ' + base + ' -> ' + frame)
                self.listener.waitForTransform(base, frame,
                                               now, rospy.Duration(4.0))
                [pos, quat] = self.listener.lookupTransform(base, frame, now)

                topic = self.config['thruster_topic_prefix'] + str(i) + \
                params = self.config['conversion_fcn_params']
                thruster = Thruster.create_thruster(
                    self.config['conversion_fcn'], i, topic, pos, quat,
                if thruster is None:
                    rospy.ROSException('Invalid thruster conversion '
                                       % self.config['conversion_fcn'])
            except tf.Exception:
                print('could not get transform from: ' + base)
                print('to: ' + frame)

        print self.thrusters
        if len(self.thrusters) == 0:
            return False

        # Set the number of thrusters found
        self.n_thrusters = len(self.thrusters)

        # Fill the thrust vector
        self.thrust = numpy.zeros(self.n_thrusters)

        # Fill the thruster allocation matrix
        self.configuration_matrix = numpy.zeros((6, self.n_thrusters))

        for i in range(self.n_thrusters):
            self.configuration_matrix[:, i] = self.thrusters[i].tam_column

        # Eliminate small values
            self.configuration_matrix) < 1e-3] = 0.0

        print 'TAM='
        print self.configuration_matrix

        # Once we know the configuration matrix we can compute its
        # (pseudo-)inverse:
        self.inverse_configuration_matrix = numpy.linalg.pinv(

        # If an output directory was provided, store matrix for further use
        if self.output_dir is not None and not recalculate:
            with open(join(self.output_dir, 'TAM.yaml'), 'w') as yaml_file:

        self.ready = True
        print ('ThrusterManager: ready')
        return True
    def __init__(self):
        """Class constructor."""
        # This flag will be set to true once the thruster allocation matrix is
        # available
        self._ready = False

        # Acquiring the namespace of the vehicle
        self.namespace = rospy.get_namespace()
        if self.namespace[-1] != '/':
            self.namespace += '/'

        if self.namespace[0] != '/':
            self.namespace = '/' + self.namespace

        if not rospy.has_param('thruster_manager'):
            raise rospy.ROSException('Thruster manager parameters not '
                                     'initialized for uuv_name=' +

        # Load all parameters
        self.config = rospy.get_param('thruster_manager')

        if self.config['update_rate'] < 0:
            self.config['update_rate'] = 50

        self.listener = tf.TransformListener()

          'ThrusterManager::update_rate=' + str(self.config['update_rate']))

        # Set the tf_prefix parameter
        rospy.set_param('thruster_manager/tf_prefix', self.namespace)

        # Retrieve the output file path to store the TAM
        # matrix for future use
        self.output_dir = None
        if rospy.has_param('~output_dir'):
            self.output_dir = rospy.get_param('~output_dir')
            if not isdir(self.output_dir):
                raise rospy.ROSException(
                    'Invalid output directory, output_dir=' + self.output_dir)
            print 'output_dir=', self.output_dir

        # Number of thrusters
        self.n_thrusters = 0

        # Thruster objects used to calculate the right angular velocity command
        self.thrusters = list()

        # Thrust forces vector
        self.thrust = None

        # Thruster allocation matrix: transform thruster inputs to force/torque
        self.configuration_matrix = None
        if rospy.has_param('~tam'):
            tam = rospy.get_param('~tam')
            self.configuration_matrix = numpy.array(tam)
            # Set number of thrusters from the number of columns
            self.n_thrusters = self.configuration_matrix.shape[1]
            # Create publishing topics to each thruster
            for i in range(self.n_thrusters):
                topic = self.config['thruster_topic_prefix'] + str(i) + \
                # TODO Read the option of type of thruster conversion function
                # and create thruster model accordingly
                params = self.config['conversion_fcn_params']
                thruster = Thruster.create_thruster(
                    self.config['conversion_fcn'], i, topic, None, None,
                if thruster is None:
                    rospy.ROSException('Invalid thruster conversion '
                                       % self.config['conversion_fcn'])
            print 'Thruster allocation matrix provided!'
            print 'TAM='
            print self.configuration_matrix
            self.thrust = numpy.zeros(self.n_thrusters)

        if not self.update_tam():
            raise rospy.ROSException('No thrusters found')

        # (pseudo) inverse: force/torque to thruster inputs
        self.inverse_configuration_matrix = None
        if self.configuration_matrix is not None:
            self.inverse_configuration_matrix = numpy.linalg.pinv(

        # If an output directory was provided, store matrix for further use
        if self.output_dir is not None:
            with open(join(self.output_dir, 'TAM.yaml'), 'w') as yaml_file:

        self.ready = True
        print ('ThrusterManager: ready')
    def update_tam(self, recalculate=False):
        """Calculate the thruster allocation matrix, if one is not given."""
        if self.configuration_matrix is not None and not recalculate:
            self.ready = True
            print 'TAM provided, skipping...'
            print ('ThrusterManager: ready')
            return True

        self.ready = False
        print('ThrusterManager: updating thruster poses')
        # Small margin to make sure we get thruster frames via tf
        now = rospy.Time.now() + rospy.Duration(1.0)

        base = self.namespace + self.config['base_link']

        self.thrusters = list()

        equal_thrusters = True
        idx_thruster_model = 0

        if type(self.config['conversion_fcn_params']) == list and \
            type(self.config['conversion_fcn']) == list:
            if len(self.config['conversion_fcn_params']) != len(
                raise rospy.ROSException(
                    'Lists of conversion_fcn_params and conversion_fcn'
                    ' must have equal length')
            equal_thrusters = False

        print 'conversion_fcn=', self.config['conversion_fcn']
        print 'conversion_fcn_params=', self.config['conversion_fcn_params']

        listener = tf.TransformListener()

        for i in range(self.MAX_THRUSTERS):
            frame = self.namespace + \
                self.config['thruster_frame_base'] + str(i)
                # try to get thruster pose with respect to base frame via tf
                print('transform: ' + base + ' -> ' + frame)
                now = rospy.Time.now() + rospy.Duration(1.0)
                listener.waitForTransform(base, frame,
                                               now, rospy.Duration(30.0))
                [pos, quat] = listener.lookupTransform(base, frame, now)

                topic = self.config['thruster_topic_prefix'] + str(i) + \

                if equal_thrusters:
                    params = self.config['conversion_fcn_params']
                    thruster = Thruster.create_thruster(
                        i, topic, pos, quat,
                    if idx_thruster_model >= len(self.config['conversion_fcn']):
                        raise rospy.ROSException('Number of thrusters found and '
                                                 'conversion_fcn are different')
                    params = self.config['conversion_fcn_params'][idx_thruster_model]
                    conv_fcn = self.config['conversion_fcn'][idx_thruster_model]
                    thruster = Thruster.create_thruster(
                        i, topic, pos, quat,
                    idx_thruster_model += 1
                if thruster is None:
                    rospy.ROSException('Invalid thruster conversion '
                                       % self.config['conversion_fcn'])
            except tf.Exception:
                print('could not get transform from: ' + base)
                print('to: ' + frame)

        print self.thrusters
        if len(self.thrusters) == 0:
            return False

        # Set the number of thrusters found
        self.n_thrusters = len(self.thrusters)

        # Fill the thrust vector
        self.thrust = numpy.zeros(self.n_thrusters)

        # Fill the thruster allocation matrix
        self.configuration_matrix = numpy.zeros((6, self.n_thrusters))

        for i in range(self.n_thrusters):
            self.configuration_matrix[:, i] = self.thrusters[i].tam_column

        # Eliminate small values
            self.configuration_matrix) < 1e-3] = 0.0

        print 'TAM='
        print self.configuration_matrix

        # Once we know the configuration matrix we can compute its
        # (pseudo-)inverse:
        self.inverse_configuration_matrix = numpy.linalg.pinv(

        # If an output directory was provided, store matrix for further use
        if self.output_dir is not None and not recalculate:
            with open(join(self.output_dir, 'TAM.yaml'), 'w') as yaml_file:
            print 'TAM saved in <%s>' % join(self.output_dir, 'TAM.yaml')
        elif recalculate:
            print 'Recalculate flag on, matrix will not be stored in TAM.yaml'
            print 'Invalid output directory for the TAM matrix, dir=', self.output_dir

        self.ready = True
        print ('ThrusterManager: ready')
        return True