Пример #1
def get_fxi(a,mu1,mu2,cart_state):
    c4,c3,c2,c1,c0 = get_fxi_cf(a,mu1,mu2,cart_state)
    def retval(xi):
        return polyval([c4,c3,c2,c1,c0],xi)
    def retval_p(xi):
        return polyval([4*c4,3*c3,2*c2,c1],xi)
    def retval_pp(xi):
        return polyval([4*3*c4,3*2*c3,2*c2],xi)
    return retval,retval_p,retval_pp,polyroots([c4,c3,c2,c1,c0]),polyroots([4*c4,3*c3,2*c2,c1])
Пример #2
def get_feta(a,mu1,mu2,cart_state):
    c4,c3,c2,c1,c0 = get_feta_cf(a,mu1,mu2,cart_state)
    def retval(eta):
        return polyval([c4,c3,c2,c1,c0],eta)
    def retval_p(eta):
        return polyval([4*c4,3*c3,2*c2,c1],eta)
    def retval_pp(eta):
        return polyval([4*3*c4,3*2*c3,2*c2],eta)
    return retval,retval_p,retval_pp,polyroots([c4,c3,c2,c1,c0]),polyroots([4*c4,3*c3,2*c2,c1])
Пример #3
def process(seed, K):
    K is model order / number of zeros

    # create the dirac locations with many, many points
    rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
    tk = np.sort(rng.rand(K)*period)

    # true zeros
    uk = np.exp(-1j*2*np.pi*tk/period)
    coef_poly = poly.polyfromroots(uk)   # more accurate than np.poly
    # estimate zeros
    uk_hat = np.roots(np.flipud(coef_poly))
    uk_hat_poly = poly.polyroots(coef_poly)
    uk_hat_mpmath = mpmath.polyroots(np.flipud(coef_poly), maxsteps=100, 
        cleanup=True, error=False, extraprec=50)

    # compute error
    min_dev_norm = distance(uk, uk_hat)[0]
    _err_roots = 20*np.log10(np.linalg.norm(uk)/min_dev_norm)

    min_dev_norm = distance(uk, uk_hat_poly)[0]
    _err_poly = 20*np.log10(np.linalg.norm(uk)/min_dev_norm)

    # for mpmath, need to compute error with its precision
    uk = np.sort(uk)
    uk_mpmath = [mpmath.mpc(z) for z in uk]
    uk_hat_mpmath = sorted(uk_hat_mpmath, key=cmp_to_key(compare_mpc))
    dev = [uk_mpmath[k] - uk_hat_mpmath[k] for k in range(len(uk_mpmath))]
    _err_mpmath = 20*mpmath.log(mpmath.norm(uk_mpmath) / mpmath.norm(dev), 

    return _err_roots, _err_poly, _err_mpmath
Пример #4
def getNthKFibonacciNumber( n, k ):
    if real( n ) < 0:
        raise ValueError( 'non-negative argument expected' )

    if real( k ) < 2:
        raise ValueError( 'argument <= 2 expected' )

    if n < k - 1:
        return 0

    nth = int( n ) + 4

    precision = int( fdiv( fmul( n, k ), 8 ) )

    if ( mp.dps < precision ):
        mp.dps = precision

    poly = [ 1 ]
    poly.extend( [ -1 ] * int( k ) )

    roots = polyroots( poly )
    nthPoly = getNthFibonacciPolynomial( k )

    result = 0
    exponent = fsum( [ nth, fneg( k ), -2 ] )

    for i in range( 0, int( k ) ):
        result += fdiv( power( roots[ i ], exponent ), polyval( nthPoly, roots[ i ] ) )

    return floor( fadd( re( result ), fdiv( 1, 2 ) ) )
Пример #5
 def polynomial_to_roots(polynomial):
         return [
             for root in mpmath.polyroots(polynomial)
         return [complex(0, 0) for i in range(len(polynomial) - 1)]
Пример #6
def polynomial_C(polynomial):
        roots = [
            for root in mpmath.polyroots(polynomial)
        return [float('Inf') for i in range(len(polynomial) - 1)]
    return roots
Пример #7
def mp_log_integral_exp(log_func, theta):

    x_lbound, x_ubound = config.logpoly.x_lbound, config.logpoly.x_ubound

    k = theta.size - 1
    derivative_poly_coeffs = np.flip(theta[1:] * np.arange(1, k + 1))

    if config.logpoly.verbose:
        print('           poly_roots start')
    # r = np.roots(derivative_poly_coeffs)
    # r = r.real[np.abs(r.imag) < 1e-10]
    # r = np.unique(r[(r >= x_lbound) & (r <= x_ubound)])
    # r = np.array([mpf(r_i) for r_i in r])

    _tmp_ind = derivative_poly_coeffs != 0
    if not np.any(_tmp_ind):
        r = np.array([])
        derivative_poly_coeffs = derivative_poly_coeffs[np.argmax(_tmp_ind):]
        r = mpmath.polyroots(derivative_poly_coeffs,
        r = np.array([r_i for r_i in r if isinstance(r_i, mpf)])
        r = np.unique(r[(r >= x_lbound) & (r <= x_ubound)])

    if config.logpoly.verbose:
        print('           poly_roots finish')

    if r.size > 0:
        br_points = np.unique(
        br_points = np.array([mpf(x_lbound), mpf(x_ubound)])

    buff = np.array([mpf(0) for _ in range(br_points.size - 1)])
    for i in range(br_points.size - 1):
        p1 = br_points[i]
        p2 = br_points[i + 1]
        l = p2 - p1
        parts = config.logpoly.mp_log_integral_exp_parts
        delta = l / parts
        points = np.arange(p1, p2, delta)
        if len(points) < parts + 1:
            points = np.concatenate([points, [p2]])

        f = log_func(points, theta)
        f = np.concatenate([f, f[1:-1]])

        buff[i] = mp_log_sum_exp(f) + mpmath.log(l / parts) - mpmath.log(2)
    return mp_log_sum_exp(buff), r
Пример #8
def solvePolynomial( args ):
    '''Uses the mpmath solve function to numerically solve an arbitrary polynomial.'''
    if isinstance( args, RPNGenerator ):
        args = list( args )
    elif not isinstance( args, list ):
        args = [ args ]

    while args[ 0 ] == 0:
        args = args[ 1 : ]

    length = len( args )

    if length == 0:
        raise ValueError( 'invalid expression, no variable coefficients' )

    if length < 2:
        raise ValueError( "'solve' requires at least an order-1 polynomial (i.e., 2 terms)" )

    nonZeroes = 0
    nonZeroIndex = 0

    for i in range( 0, length ):
        if args[ i ] != 0:
            nonZeroes += 1
            nonZeroIndex = i

    if nonZeroes == 1 and nonZeroIndex == length - 1:
        raise ValueError( 'invalid expression, no variable coefficients' )

    if nonZeroes == 1:
        return [ 0 ] * ( length - nonZeroIndex - 1 )

        result = polyroots( args )
    except libmp.libhyper.NoConvergence:
            #  Let's try again, really hard!
            result = polyroots( args, maxsteps = 2000, extraprec = 5000 )
        except libmp.libhyper.NoConvergence:
            raise ValueError( 'polynomial failed to converge' )

    return result
Пример #9
def solvePolynomialOperator( args ):
    '''Uses the mpmath solve function to numerically solve an arbitrary polynomial.'''
    if isinstance( args, RPNGenerator ):
        args = list( args )
    elif not isinstance( args, list ):
        args = [ args ]

    while args[ 0 ] == 0:
        args = args[ 1 : ]

    length = len( args )

    if length == 0:
        raise ValueError( 'invalid expression, no variable coefficients' )

    if length < 2:
        raise ValueError( "'solve' requires at least an order-1 polynomial (i.e., 2 terms)" )

    nonZeroes = 0
    nonZeroIndex = 0

    for i in range( 0, length ):
        if args[ i ] != 0:
            nonZeroes += 1
            nonZeroIndex = i

    if nonZeroes == 1 and nonZeroIndex == length - 1:
        raise ValueError( 'invalid expression, no variable coefficients' )

    if nonZeroes == 1:
        return [ 0 ] * ( length - nonZeroIndex - 1 )

        result = polyroots( args )
    except libmp.libhyper.NoConvergence:
            #  Let's try again, really hard!
            result = polyroots( args, maxsteps = 2000, extraprec = 5000 )
        except libmp.libhyper.NoConvergence:
            raise ValueError( 'polynomial failed to converge' )

    return result
Пример #10
def get_roots(real=None, imag=None):

    if real is None:
        real = random_coeffs(N)
    if imag is None:
        imag = random_coeffs(N)

    coeffs = real + imag * 1j

    # p = mp.polyroots(coeffs, maxsteps=100, extraprec=110)
    p = mp.polyroots(coeffs, maxsteps=50, extraprec=20)
    p = [[float(z.real), float(z.imag)] for z in p]
    return np.array(p)
Пример #11
def eigen(M,dic,order):
    M1 = M.xreplace(dic)
    with mp.workdps(int(mp.mp.dps*2)):
        M1 = M1.evalf(mp.mp.dps)
        det =(M1).det(method = 'berkowitz')
        detp = Poly(det,kz)
        co = detp.all_coeffs()
        co = [mp.mpc(str(re(k)),str(im(k))) for k in co]

        maxsteps = 3000
        extraprec = 500
        ok =0
        while ok == 0:
                sol,err = mp.polyroots(co,maxsteps =maxsteps,extraprec = extraprec,error =True)
                sol = np.array(sol)
                print("Error on polyroots =", err)
                maxsteps = int(maxsteps*2)
                extraprec = int(extraprec*1.5)
                print("Poly roots fail precision increased: ",maxsteps,extraprec)
    te = np.array([mp.fabs(m) < mp.mpf(10**mp.mp.dps) for m in sol])
    solr = sol[te]

    if Bound_nb == 1:
        solr = solr[[mp.im(m) < 0 for m in solr]]
    eigen1 = np.empty((len(solr),np.shape(M1)[0]),dtype = object)

    with mp.workdps(int(mp.mp.dps*2)):
        for i in range(len(solr)):
            M2 = mpmathM(M1.xreplace({kz:solr[i]}))
            eigen1[i] = null_space(M2)
        solr1 = solr

        div = [mp.fabs(x) for x in (order*kxl.xreplace(dic)*eigen1[:,4]+order*kyl.xreplace(dic)*eigen1[:,5]+solr1*eigen1[:,6])]
        testdivB = [mp.almosteq(x,0,10**(-(mp.mp.dps/2))) for x in div]
        eigen1 =eigen1[testdivB]
        solr1 = solr1[testdivB]
        if len(solr1) == 3:
            print("Inviscid semi infinite domain")
        elif len(solr1) == 6:
            print("Inviscid 2 boundaries")
        elif len(solr1) == 5:
            print("Viscous semi infinite domain")
        elif len(solr1) == 10:
            print("Viscous 2 boundaries")
            print("number of solution inconsistent,",len(solr1))

Пример #12
    def check(self, f):
        # reciprocal version of Dimitrov's first comment in https://mathoverflow.net/questions/214962/criteria-for-irreducibility-using-the-location-of-complex-roots
        import mpmath
        import sympy

        const_coeff = f.TC()
        if const_coeff == 0:
            return REDUCIBLE, None

        # constant coeff needs to be in form +-p^d
        primes = sympy.ntheory.factorint(abs(const_coeff))
        if len(primes) != 1:
            return UNKNOWN, None

        # extract p
        p = next(iter(primes.keys()))

        # linear coefficients must not be divisible by p
        a1 = get_coeff(f, 1)
        if a1 % p == 0:
            return UNKNOWN, None

        if self.max_p and abs(const_coeff) >= self.max_p:
            return UNKNOWN, None

        # check if there are roots inside as well as outside of unit circle
            all = mpmath.polyroots(f.all_coeffs(), maxsteps=100)
            inside_unit_circle = 0
            outside_unit_circle = 0
            on_unit_circle = 0
            for root in all:
                root_size = abs(root)
                if root_size == 1:
                    on_unit_circle += 1
                elif root_size < 1:
                    inside_unit_circle += 1
                    outside_unit_circle += 1

            if (inside_unit_circle + on_unit_circle == 0):
                return IRREDUCIBLE, {
                    "inside/on": inside_unit_circle + on_unit_circle,
                    "outside": outside_unit_circle,
                    "p": p
        except Exception as e:
            # could not get complex roots, too bad

        return UNKNOWN, None
Пример #13
def pade_propagator_coefs(*, pade_order, diff2, k0, dx, spe=False, alpha=0):

    :param pade_order: order of Pade approximation, tuple, for ex (7, 8)
    :param diff2:
    :param k0:
    :param dx:
    :param spe:
    :param alpha: rotation angle, see F. A. Milinazzo et. al. Rational square-root approximations for parabolic equation algorithms. 1997. Acoustical Society of America.

    mpmath.mp.dps = 63
    if spe:

        def sqrt_1plus(x):
            return 1 + x / 2
    elif alpha == 0:

        def sqrt_1plus(x):
            return mpmath.mp.sqrt(1 + x)
        a_n, b_n = pade_sqrt_coefs(pade_order[1])

        def sqrt_1plus(x):
            return pade_sqrt(x, a_n, b_n, alpha)

    def propagator_func(s):
        return mpmath.mp.exp(1j * k0 * dx * (sqrt_1plus(diff2(s)) - 1))

    t = mpmath.taylor(propagator_func, 0, pade_order[0] + pade_order[1] + 2)
    p, q = mpmath.pade(t, pade_order[0], pade_order[1])
    pade_coefs = list(
            -1 / complex(v) for v in mpmath.polyroots(p[::-1], maxsteps=2000)
        ], [-1 / complex(v) for v in mpmath.polyroots(q[::-1], maxsteps=2000)],
    return pade_coefs
Пример #14
def solvePolynomial( args ):
    if isinstance( args, RPNGenerator ):
        args = list( args )
    elif not isinstance( args, list ):
        args = [ args ]

    while args[ 0 ] == 0:
        args = args[ 1 : ]

    length = len( args )

    if length == 0:
        raise ValueError( 'invalid expression, no variable coefficients' )

    if length < 2:
        raise ValueError( "'solve' requires at least an order-1 polynomial (i.e., 2 terms)" )

    nonZeroes = 0
    nonZeroIndex = 0

    for i in range( 0, length ):
        if args[ i ] != 0:
            nonZeroes += 1
            nonZeroIndex = i

    if nonZeroes == 1 and nonZeroIndex == length - 1:
        raise ValueError( 'invalid expression, no variable coefficients' )

    if nonZeroes == 1:
        return [ 0 ] * ( length - nonZeroIndex - 1 )

        result = polyroots( args )
    except libmp.libhyper.NoConvergence:
        result = polyroots( args, maxsteps = 100, extraprec = 20 )

    return result
Пример #15
    def check(self, f):
        import mpmath
        import sympy

        const_coeff = f.TC()
        if const_coeff == 0:
            return REDUCIBLE, None

        # const coefficient needs to be prime
        if not sympy.isprime(abs(const_coeff)):
            return UNKNOWN, None

        if self.max_p and abs(const_coeff) >= self.max_p:
            return UNKNOWN, None

        # need to be monic
        lead_coeff = f.LC()
        if lead_coeff != 1:
            return UNKNOWN, None

        # check if there are roots inside as well as outside of unit circle
            all = mpmath.polyroots(f.all_coeffs(), maxsteps=100)
            inside_unit_circle = 0
            outside_unit_circle = 0
            on_unit_circle = 0
            for root in all:
                root_size = abs(root)
                if root_size == 1:
                    on_unit_circle += 1
                elif root_size < 1:
                    inside_unit_circle += 1
                    outside_unit_circle += 1

            if (inside_unit_circle + on_unit_circle
                    == 0) or (outside_unit_circle == 0):
                return IRREDUCIBLE, {
                    "inside/on": inside_unit_circle + on_unit_circle,
                    "outside": outside_unit_circle,
                    "p": const_coeff
        except mpmath.libmp.libhyper.NoConvergence as e:
            # could not get complex roots, too bad

        return UNKNOWN, None
Пример #16
    def check(self, f):
        # Polynomials - Prasolov - Theorem 2.2.7 ([Os1]) part b)
        lead_coeff = f.LC()
        if lead_coeff != 1:
            return UNKNOWN, None

        const_coeff = abs(f.TC())
        if not sympy.isprime(const_coeff):
            return UNKNOWN, None

        if self.max_p and const_coeff >= self.max_p:
            return UNKNOWN, None

        s = 0
        for exp, coeff in poly_non_zero_exps(f):
            if exp != f.degree() and exp != 0:
                s += abs(coeff)

        if const_coeff < 1 + s:
            return UNKNOWN, None

        import mpmath

        # check if there are roots inside as well as outside of unit circle
            all = mpmath.polyroots(f.all_coeffs(), maxsteps=100)
            inside_unit_circle = 0
            outside_unit_circle = 0
            on_unit_circle = 0
            for root in all:
                root_size = abs(root)
                if root_size == 1:
                    on_unit_circle += 1
                elif root_size < 1:
                    inside_unit_circle += 1
                    outside_unit_circle += 1

            if on_unit_circle == 0:
                return IRREDUCIBLE, {'s': const_coeff,
                                                 "on": on_unit_circle}
        except mpmath.libmp.libhyper.NoConvergence:
            # could not get complex roots, too bad

        return UNKNOWN, None
Пример #17
def polynomial_C(polynomial):
    zeros = 0
    for i in range(len(polynomial)):
        if polynomial[i] == 0:
            zeros += 1
    poles = [float('Inf') for i in range(zeros)]
        roots = [complex(root) for root in mpmath.polyroots(polynomial)]
            roots = [complex(root) for root in np.roots(polynomial)]
            roots = [float('Inf') for i in range(len(polynomial) - zeros)]
    return poles + roots
Пример #18
 def generate_roots(self, polly):
     Given a polynomial, cleans it up (removes leading zeros), and generates roots.
     Returns roots as list of tuples
     polly = np.trim_zeros(polly)
     # print(polly)
     if len(polly) < 2:  # no roots!
         return []
         roots = mpmath.polyroots(polly,
         self.didnotconverge += 1
         return []
     return roots
	def __cubic_roots(self,a,c,d):
		from mpmath import mpf, polyroots
		assert(all([isinstance(_,mpf) for _ in [a,c,d]]))
		Delta = -4 * a * c*c*c - 27 * a*a * d*d
		self.__Delta = Delta
		# NOTE: replace with exact calculation of cubic roots.
		proots, err = polyroots([a,0,c,d],error=True,maxsteps=100)
		if Delta < 0:
			# NOTE: here and below we ignore any residual imaginary part that we know must come from numerical artefacts.
			# Sort the roots following the convention. proots[1] is the first complex root, proots[0] is the real one.
			# The complex root with negative imaginary part is e3.
			if proots[2].imag <= 0:
				e1,e2,e3 = proots[1],proots[0].real,proots[2]
				e1,e2,e3 = proots[2],proots[0].real,proots[1]
			# The convention in this case is to sort in descending order.
			e1,e2,e3 = sorted([_.real for _ in proots],reverse = True)
		return e1,e2,e3
Пример #20
 def __cubic_roots(self, a, c, d):
     from mpmath import mpf, polyroots
     assert (all([isinstance(_, mpf) for _ in [a, c, d]]))
     Delta = -4 * a * c * c * c - 27 * a * a * d * d
     self.__Delta = Delta
     # NOTE: replace with exact calculation of cubic roots.
     proots, err = polyroots([a, 0, c, d], error=True, maxsteps=100)
     if Delta < 0:
         # NOTE: here and below we ignore any residual imaginary part that we know must come from numerical artefacts.
         # Sort the roots following the convention. proots[1] is the first complex root, proots[0] is the real one.
         # The complex root with negative imaginary part is e3.
         if proots[2].imag <= 0:
             e1, e2, e3 = proots[1], proots[0].real, proots[2]
             e1, e2, e3 = proots[2], proots[0].real, proots[1]
         # The convention in this case is to sort in descending order.
         e1, e2, e3 = sorted([_.real for _ in proots], reverse=True)
     return e1, e2, e3
Пример #21
def test_poly():
        r:{$[prec>=abs(x:reim x)1;x 0;x]} each .qml.poly x;
        r iasc {x:reim x;(abs x 1;neg x 1;x 0)} each r};""")

    for A in poly_subjects:
        A = sp.Poly(A, sp.Symbol("x"))
        if A.degree() <= 3 and all(a.is_real for a in A.all_coeffs()):
            R = []
            for r in sp.roots(A, multiple=True):
                r = sp.simplify(sp.expand_complex(r))
            R.sort(key=lambda x: (abs(sp.im(x)), -sp.im(x), sp.re(x)))
            R = mp.polyroots([mp.mpc(*(a.evalf(mp.mp.dps)).as_real_imag())
                              for a in A.all_coeffs()])
            R.sort(key=lambda x: (abs(x.imag), -x.imag, x.real))
        assert len(R) == A.degree()
        test("poly_", A.all_coeffs(), R, complex_pair=True)
def plot_phase_line(a,b,c,d,e):
	from mpmath import polyroots, sqrt, polyval
	from numpy import linspace
	from pylab import plot, xlim, xticks, yticks, grid, xlabel, ylabel
	assert(a < 0)
	p4roots, err = polyroots([a,b,c,d,e],error = True, maxsteps = 1000)
	real_roots = filter(lambda x: x.imag == 0,p4roots)
	assert(len(real_roots) == 2 or len(real_roots) == 4)
	# Left and right padding for the plot.
	lr_pad = (real_roots[-1] - real_roots[0]) / 10
	# This is the plotting function.
	def func(x):
		retval = sqrt(polyval([a,b,c,d,e],x))
		if retval.imag == 0:
			return retval
			return float('nan')
	func_m = lambda x: -func(x)
	def plot_lobe(start,end,f):
		delta = (end - start) / 100
		rng = linspace(start + delta,end - delta,1000)
		plot(rng,[f(x) for x in rng],'k-',linewidth=2)
		rng = linspace(start,start + delta,1000)
		plot(rng,[f(x) for x in rng],'k-',linewidth=2)
		rng = linspace(end - delta,end,1000)
		plot(rng,[f(x) for x in rng],'k-',linewidth=2)
	if len(real_roots) == 2:
	xlim(float(real_roots[0] - lr_pad),float(real_roots[-1] + lr_pad))
Пример #23
def gauss_lobatto_points(start, stop, num_points):
    """Get the node points for Gauss-Lobatto quadrature.

    Rather than using the optimizations in
    :func:`.dg1.gauss_lobatto_points`, this uses :mod:`mpmath` utilities
    directly to find the roots of :math:`P_n'(x)` (where :math:`n` is equal
    to ``num_points - 1``).

    :type start: :class:`mpmath.mpf` (or ``float``)
    :param start: The beginning of the interval.

    :type stop: :class:`mpmath.mpf` (or ``float``)
    :param stop: The end of the interval.

    :type num_points: int
    :param num_points: The number of points to use.

    :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray`
    :returns: 1D array, the interior quadrature nodes.
    def leg_poly(value):
        """Legendre polynomial :math:`P_n(x)`."""
        return mpmath.legendre(num_points - 1, value)

    def leg_poly_diff(value):
        """Legendre polynomial derivative :math:`P_n'(x)`."""
        return mpmath.diff(leg_poly, value)

    poly_coeffs = mpmath.taylor(leg_poly_diff, 0, num_points - 2)[::-1]
    inner_roots = mpmath.polyroots(poly_coeffs)
    # Create result.
    start = mpmath.mpf(start)
    stop = mpmath.mpf(stop)
    result = [start]
    # Convert the inner nodes to the interval at hand.
    half_width = (stop - start) / 2
    for index in six.moves.xrange(num_points - 2):
        result.append(start + (inner_roots[index] + 1) * half_width)
    return np.array(result)
Пример #24
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.n = n
        mpmath.mp.dps = 100

        def func(x):
            return mpmath.exp(-x) * mpmath.besseli(0, x)

        t = mpmath.taylor(func, 0, 2 * n + 1)
        self.p, self.q = mpmath.pade(t, n, n)
        # self.pade_coefs = list(zip_longest([-1 / complex(v) for v in mpmath.polyroots(p[::-1], maxsteps=2000)],
        #                               [-1 / complex(v) for v in mpmath.polyroots(q[::-1], maxsteps=2000)],
        #                               fillvalue=0.0j))
        #self.pade_roots_num = [complex(v) for v in mpmath.polyroots(self.p[::-1], maxsteps=5000)]
        #self.pade_roots_den = [complex(v) for v in mpmath.polyroots(self.q[::-1], maxsteps=5000)]
        self.pade_coefs_num = [complex(v) for v in self.p]
        self.pade_coefs_den = [complex(v) for v in self.q]
        self.taylor_coefs = [complex(v) for v in t]

        a = [self.q[-1]] + [b + c for b, c in zip(self.q[:-1:], self.p)]
        self.a_roots = [
            complex(v) for v in mpmath.polyroots(a[::-1], maxsteps=5000)
Пример #25
def test_poly():
        r:{$[prec>=abs(x:reim x)1;x 0;x]} each .qml.poly x;
        r iasc {x:reim x;(abs x 1;neg x 1;x 0)} each r};""")

    for A in poly_subjects:
        A = sp.Poly(A, sp.Symbol("x"))
        if A.degree() <= 3 and all(a.is_real for a in A.all_coeffs()):
            R = []
            for r in sp.roots(A, multiple=True):
                r = sp.simplify(sp.expand_complex(r))
            R.sort(key=lambda x: (abs(sp.im(x)), -sp.im(x), sp.re(x)))
            R = mp.polyroots([
                for a in A.all_coeffs()
            R.sort(key=lambda x: (abs(x.imag), -x.imag, x.real))
        assert len(R) == A.degree()
        test("poly_", A.all_coeffs(), R, complex_pair=True)
Пример #26
    def check(self, f):
        # see question body in https://mathoverflow.net/questions/214962/criteria-for-irreducibility-using-the-location-of-complex-roots
        import mpmath

        const_coeff = f.TC()
        if const_coeff == 0:
            return REDUCIBLE, None

        # need to be monic
        lead_coeff = f.LC()
        if lead_coeff != 1:
            return UNKNOWN, None

        # check if there are roots inside as well as outside of unit circle
            all = mpmath.polyroots(f.all_coeffs(), maxsteps=100)
            inside_unit_circle = 0
            outside_unit_circle = 0
            on_unit_circle = 0
            for root in all:
                root_size = abs(root)
                if root_size == 1:
                    on_unit_circle += 1
                elif root_size < 1:
                    inside_unit_circle += 1
                    outside_unit_circle += 1

            if (outside_unit_circle + on_unit_circle == 1):
                return IRREDUCIBLE, {
                    "inside": inside_unit_circle,
                    "outside/on": outside_unit_circle + on_unit_circle
        except mpmath.libmp.libhyper.NoConvergence as e:
            # could not get complex roots, too bad

        return UNKNOWN, None
	def __set_params(self,d):
		from copy import deepcopy
		from mpmath import mpf, sqrt, polyroots, cos, acos, pi, mp
		from weierstrass_elliptic import weierstrass_elliptic as we
		names = ['m2','r2','rot2','r1','rot1','i_a','ht','a','e','i','h']
		if not all([s in d for s in names]):
			raise ValueError('invalid set of parameters')
		# Convert all the values to mpf and introduce convenience shortcuts.
		m2, r2, rot2, r1, rot1, i_a, ht_in, a, e, i, h_in = [mpf(d[s]) for s in names]
		L_in = sqrt(self.__GG_val * m2 * a)
		G_in = L_in * sqrt(1. - e**2)
		H_in = G_in * cos(i)
		Gt_in = (2 * r1**2 * rot1) / 5
		Ht_in = Gt_in * cos(i_a)
		Hts_in = H_in + Ht_in
		hs_in = h_in - ht_in
		Gxy_in = sqrt(G_in**2 - H_in**2)
		Gtxys_in = sqrt(Gt_in**2 - Ht_in**2)
		J2 = (2 * m2 * r2**2 * rot2) / 5
		II_1 = mpf(5) / (2 * r1**2)
		# Evaluation dictionary.
		eval_names = ['L','G','H','\\tilde{G}','\\tilde{H}_\\ast','h_\\ast','\\tilde{G}_{xy\\ast}','m_2','\\mathcal{G}','J_2','G_{xy}',\
		eval_values = [L_in,G_in,H_in,Gt_in,Hts_in,hs_in,Gtxys_in,m2,self.__GG_val,J2,Gxy_in,self.__eps_val,II_1]
		d_eval = dict(zip(eval_names,eval_values))
		# Evaluate Hamiltonian with initial conditions.
		HHp_val = self.__HHp.trim().evaluate(d_eval)
		# Add the value of the Hamiltonian to the eval dictionary.
		d_eval['\\mathcal{H}^\\prime'] = HHp_val
		# Evaluate g2 and g3.
		g2_val, g3_val = self.__g2.trim().evaluate(d_eval), self.__g3.trim().evaluate(d_eval)
		# Create the Weierstrass object.
		wp = we(g2_val,g3_val)
		# Store the period.
		self.__wp_period = wp.periods[0]
		# Now let's find the roots of the quartic polynomial.
		# NOTE: in theory here we could use the exact solution for the quartic.
		p4coeffs = [t[0] * t[1].trim().evaluate(d_eval) for t in zip([1,4,6,4,1],self.__f4_cf)]
		p4roots, err = polyroots(p4coeffs,error = True, maxsteps = 1000)
		# Find a reachable root.
		Hr, H_max, n_lobes, lobe_idx = self.__reachable_root(p4roots,H_in)
		# Determine t_r
		t_r = self.__compute_t_r(n_lobes,lobe_idx,H_in,Hr,d_eval,p4roots,p4coeffs[0])
		# Now evaluate the derivatives of the polynomial. We will need to replace H_in with Hr in the eval dict.
		d_eval['H'] = Hr
		_, f4Hp, f4Hpp, _, _ = self.__f4
		f4p_eval = f4Hp.trim().evaluate(d_eval)
		f4pp_eval = f4Hpp.trim().evaluate(d_eval)
		# Build and store the expression for H(t).
		self.__H_time = lambda t: Hr + f4p_eval / (4 * (wp.P(t - t_r) - f4pp_eval / 24))
		# H will not be needed any more, replace with H_r
		del d_eval['H']
		d_eval['H_r'] = Hr
		# Inject the invariants and the other two constants into the evaluation dictionary.
		d_eval['g_2'] = g2_val
		d_eval['g_3'] = g3_val
		d_eval['A'] = f4p_eval / 4
		d_eval['B'] = f4pp_eval / 24
		# Verify the formulae in solutions.py
		# Assuming g = 0 as initial angle.
		self.__g_time = spin_gr_theory.__get_g_time(d_eval,t_r,0.)
		self.__hs_time = spin_gr_theory.__get_hs_time(d_eval,t_r,hs_in)
		self.__ht_time = spin_gr_theory.__get_ht_time(d_eval,t_r,ht_in)
		def obliquity(t):
			from mpmath import acos, cos, sqrt
			H = self.__H_time(t)
			hs = self.__hs_time(t)
			G = d_eval['G']
			Gt = d_eval['\\tilde{G}']
			Hts = d_eval['\\tilde{H}_\\ast']
			Gxy = sqrt(G**2-H**2)
			Gtxys = sqrt(Gt**2-(Hts-H)**2)
			retval = (Gxy*Gtxys*cos(hs)+H*(Hts-H))/(G*Gt)
			return acos(retval)
		self.__obliquity_time = obliquity
		def spin_vector(t):
			import numpy
			ht = self.__ht_time(t)
			H = self.__H_time(t)
			G = d_eval['G']
			Gt = d_eval['\\tilde{G}']
			Hts = d_eval['\\tilde{H}_\\ast']
			Gtxys = sqrt(Gt**2-(Hts-H)**2)
			return numpy.array([x.real for x in [Gtxys*sin(ht),-Gtxys*cos(ht),Hts-H]])
		self.__spin_vector_time = spin_vector
		def orbit_vector(t):
			import numpy
			ht = self.__ht_time(t)
			hs = self.__hs_time(t)
			h = hs + ht
			H = self.__H_time(t)
			G = d_eval['G']
			Gxy = sqrt(G**2-H**2)
			return numpy.array([x.real for x in [Gxy*sin(h),-Gxy*cos(h),H]])
		self.__orbit_vector_time = orbit_vector
		# Store the params of the system.
		self.__params = dict(zip(names,[mpf(d[s]) for s in names]))
		# Final report.
		rad_conv = 360 / (2 * pi())
		print("\x1b[31mAccuracy in the identification of the poly roots:\x1b[0m")
		print("\n\x1b[31mPeriod (years):\x1b[0m")
		print(wp.periods[0] / (3600*24*365))
		print("\n\x1b[31mMin and max orbital inclination (deg):\x1b[0m")
		print(acos(Hr/G_in) * rad_conv,acos(H_max/G_in) * rad_conv)
		print("\n\x1b[31mMin and max axial inclination (deg):\x1b[0m")
		print(acos((Hts_in - Hr)/Gt_in) * rad_conv,acos((Hts_in-H_max)/Gt_in)  * rad_conv)
		print("\n\x1b[31mNumber of lobes:\x1b[0m " + str(n_lobes))
		print("\n\x1b[31mLobe idx:\x1b[0m " + str(lobe_idx))
		# Report the known results for simplified system for comparison.
		H = H_in
		HHp,G,L,GG,eps,m2,Hts,Gt,J2 = [d_eval[s] for s in ['\\mathcal{H}^\\prime','G','L','\\mathcal{G}',\
		print("\n\x1b[31mEinstein (g):\x1b[0m " + str((3 * eps * GG**4 * m2**4/(G**2*L**3))))
		print("\n\x1b[31mLense-Thirring (g):\x1b[0m " + str(((eps * ((-6*H*J2*GG**4*m2**3)/(G**4*L**3)+3*GG**4*m2**4/(G**2*L**3))))))
		print("\n\x1b[31mLense-Thirring (h):\x1b[0m " + str((2*eps*J2*GG**4*m2**3/(G**3*L**3))))
		# These are the Delta_ constants of quasi-periodicity.
		f_period = self.wp_period
		print("\n\x1b[31mDelta_g:\x1b[0m " + str(self.g_time(f_period) - self.g_time(0)))
		print("\n\x1b[31mg_rate:\x1b[0m " + str((self.g_time(f_period) - self.g_time(0))/f_period))
		Delta_hs = self.hs_time(f_period) - self.hs_time(0)
		print("\n\x1b[31mDelta_hs:\x1b[0m " + str(Delta_hs))
		print("\n\x1b[31mhs_rate:\x1b[0m " + str(Delta_hs/f_period))
		Delta_ht = self.ht_time(f_period) - self.ht_time(0)
		print("\n\x1b[31mDelta_ht:\x1b[0m " + str(Delta_ht))
		print("\n\x1b[31mht_rate:\x1b[0m " + str(Delta_ht/f_period))
		print("\n\x1b[31mDelta_h:\x1b[0m " + str(Delta_ht+Delta_hs))
		print("\n\x1b[31mh_rate:\x1b[0m " + str((Delta_ht+Delta_hs)/f_period))
Пример #28
def solve_scattering_equations(n, dict_ss):
    """Solves the scattering equations given multiplicity and mandelstams."""

    if n == 3:
        return [{}]

    Mn = M(n)
    zs = punctures(n)

    num_coeffs = numerical_coeffs(Mn, n, dict_ss)
    roots = mpmath.polyroots(num_coeffs, maxsteps=10000, extraprec=300)
    sols = [{str(zs[-2]): root * zs[-3]} for root in roots]

    if n == 4:
        sols = [{
            mpmath.mpc(sympy.simplify(sols[0][str(zs[-2])].subs({zs[1]: 1})))
        Mnew = copy.deepcopy(Mn)
        Mnew[:, 0] += Mnew[:, 1] * zs[1]

        # subs
        sol = sols[0]
        Mnew = Mnew.tolist()
        Mnew = [[
                "dict_zs['z{}']".format(n - 1),
                "dict_zs['z{}'] * mpmath.mpc(sol[str(zs[-2])] / zs[-3])".
                format(n - 2)) for entry in line
        ] for line in Mnew]

        # get scaling
        if n == 5:
            scaling = 0
        elif n == 6:
            scaling = 2
        elif n == 7:
            scaling = 17
        else:  # computing from scratch, should work for any multiplicity in principle
            dict_zs = {str(zs[-3]): 10**-100, str(zs[1]): 1}
            nMn = mpmath.matrix([[eval(entry, None) for entry in line]
                                 for line in Mnew])
            a = mpmath.det(nMn)
            dict_zs = {str(zs[-3]): 10**-101, str(zs[1]): 1}
            nMn = mpmath.matrix([[eval(entry, None) for entry in line]
                                 for line in Mnew])
            b = mpmath.det(nMn)
            scaling = -round(mpmath.log(abs(b) / abs(a)) / mpmath.log(10))
            assert (abs(
                round(mpmath.log(abs(b) / abs(a)) / mpmath.log(10)) -
                mpmath.log(abs(b) / abs(a)) / mpmath.log(10)) < 10**-30)

        # solve the linear equations
        for i in range(1, n - 3):
            Mnew = copy.deepcopy(Mn)
            index = V(n).index(zs[i])
            Mnew[:, 0] += Mnew[:, index] * zs[i]
            Mnew = Mnew.tolist()
            if i == 1:
                Mnew = [[
                        "dict_zs['z{}']".format(n - 1),
                        "dict_zs['z{}'] * mpmath.mpc(sol[str(zs[-2])] / zs[-3])"
                        .format(n - 2)) for entry in line
                ] for line in Mnew]
                for sol in sols:
                    A = [[value**exponent for exponent in [1, 0]]
                         for value in [-1, 1]]
                    b = []
                    for value in [-1, 1]:
                        dict_zs = {str(zs[-3]): value, str(zs[1]): 1}
                        nMn = mpmath.matrix(
                            [[eval(entry, None) for entry in line]
                             for line in Mnew])
                        b += [mpmath.det(nMn) / (value**scaling)]
                    coeffs = mpmath.lu_solve(A, b).T.tolist()[0]
                    sol[str(zs[-3])] = -coeffs[1] / coeffs[0]
                    sol[str(zs[-2])] = mpmath.mpc((sympy.simplify(sol[str(
                        zs[-2])].subs({zs[-3]: sol[str(zs[-3])]}))))
                Mnew = [[_zs_sub(_ss_sub(str(entry))) for entry in line]
                        for line in Mnew]

                for sol in sols:
                    A = [[value**exponent for exponent in [1, 0]]
                         for value in [-1, 1]]
                    b = []
                    for value in [-1, 1]:
                        dict_zs = {
                            str(zs[i]): value,
                            str(zs[-3]): sol[str(zs[-3])],
                            str(zs[-2]): sol[str(zs[-2])]
                        }  # noqa --- used in eval function
                        nMn = mpmath.matrix(
                            [[eval(entry, None) for entry in line]
                             for line in Mnew])
                        b += [mpmath.det(nMn)]
                    coeffs = mpmath.lu_solve(A, b).T.tolist()[0]
                    sol[str(zs[i])] = -coeffs[1] / coeffs[0]

    return sols
Пример #29
 def __init__(self, eps, x0, v0):
     from numpy import dot
     from mpmath import polyroots, mpf, mpc, sqrt, atan2, polyval
     from weierstrass_elliptic import weierstrass_elliptic as we
     if eps <= 0:
         raise ValueError('thrust must be strictly positive')
     eps = mpf(eps)
     # Unitary grav. parameter.
     mu = mpf(1.)
     x, y, z = [mpf(x) for x in x0]
     vx, vy, vz = [mpf(v) for v in v0]
     r = sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
     xi = sqrt(r + z)
     eta = sqrt(r - z)
     phi = atan2(y, x)
     vr = dot(v0, x0) / r
     vxi = (vr + vz) / (2 * sqrt(r + z))
     veta = (vr - vz) / (2 * sqrt(r - z))
     vphi = (vy * x - vx * y) / (x**2 + y**2)
     pxi = (xi**2 + eta**2) * vxi
     peta = (xi**2 + eta**2) * veta
     pphi = xi**2 * eta**2 * vphi
     if pphi == 0:
         raise ValueError('bidimensional case')
     # Energy constant.
     h = (pxi**2 + peta**2) / (2 * (xi**2 + eta**2)) + pphi**2 / (
         2 * xi**2 *
         eta**2) - (2 * mu) / (xi**2 + eta**2) - eps * (xi**2 - eta**2) / 2
     # Alpha constants.
     alpha1 = -eps * xi**4 / 2 - h * xi**2 + pxi**2 / 2 + pphi**2 / (2 *
     alpha2 = eps * eta**4 / 2 - h * eta**2 + peta**2 / 2 + pphi**2 / (
         2 * eta**2)
     # Analysis of the cubic polynomials in the equations for pxi and peta.
     roots_xi, _ = polyroots([8 * eps, 8 * h, 4 * alpha1, -pphi**2],
     roots_eta, _ = polyroots([-8 * eps, 8 * h, 4 * alpha2, -pphi**2],
     # NOTE: these are all paranoia checks that could go away if we used the exact cubic formula.
     if not (all([isinstance(x, mpf) for x in roots_xi]) or
             (isinstance(roots_xi[0], mpf) and isinstance(roots_xi[1], mpc)
              and isinstance(roots_xi[2], mpc))):
         raise ValueError('invalid xi roots detected: ' + str(roots_xi))
     if not (all([isinstance(x, mpf) for x in roots_eta]) or
             (isinstance(roots_eta[0], mpf) and isinstance(
                 roots_eta[1], mpc) and isinstance(roots_eta[2], mpc))):
         raise ValueError('invalid eta roots detected: ' + str(roots_eta))
     # For xi we need to understand which of the real positive roots will be or was reached
     # given the initial condition.
     rp_roots_extract = lambda x: isinstance(x, mpf) and x > 0
     rp_roots_xi = [sqrt(2 * _) for _ in filter(rp_roots_extract, roots_xi)]
     rp_roots_eta = [
         sqrt(2. * _) for _ in filter(rp_roots_extract, roots_eta)
     # Paranoia.
     if not len(rp_roots_xi) in [1, 3]:
         raise ValueError('invalid xi roots detected: ' + str(roots_xi))
     if len(rp_roots_eta) != 2:
         raise ValueError('invalid eta roots detected: ' + str(roots_eta))
     # We choose as reachable/reached roots always those corresponding to the "pericentre"
     # for the two coordinates.
     if len(rp_roots_xi) == 1:
         # Here there's really no choice, only 1 root available.
         rr_xi = rp_roots_xi[0]
         # If motion is unbound, take the only root, otherwise take the smallest of the
         # two roots of the bound motion.
         rr_xi = rp_roots_xi[-1] if xi >= rp_roots_xi[-1] else rp_roots_xi[0]
     # No choice to be made here.
     rr_eta = rp_roots_eta[0]
     # Store parameters and constants.
     self.__init_coordinates = [xi, eta, phi]
     self.__init_momenta = [pxi, peta, pphi]
     self.__eps = eps
     self.__h = h
     self.__alpha1 = alpha1
     self.__alpha2 = alpha2
     self.__rp_roots_xi = rp_roots_xi
     self.__rp_roots_eta = rp_roots_eta
     self.__rr_xi = rr_xi
     self.__rr_eta = rr_eta
     self.__roots_xi = roots_xi
     self.__roots_eta = roots_eta
     # Create the Weierstrass objects for xi and eta.
     a1, a2, a3, a4 = 2 * eps, (4 * h) / 3, alpha1, -pphi**2
     g2 = -4 * a1 * a3 + 3 * a2**2
     g3 = 2 * a1 * a2 * a3 - a2**3 - a1**2 * a4
     self.__f_xi = [4 * a1, 6 * a2, 4 * a3, a4]
     self.__fp_xi = [12 * a1, 12 * a2, 4 * a3]
     self.__fpp_xi = [24 * a1, 12 * a2]
     self.__w_xi = we(g2, g3)
     # Eta.
     a1, a3 = -a1, alpha2
     g2 = -4 * a1 * a3 + 3 * a2**2
     g3 = 2 * a1 * a2 * a3 - a2**3 - a1**2 * a4
     self.__f_eta = [4 * a1, 6 * a2, 4 * a3, a4]
     self.__fp_eta = [12 * a1, 12 * a2, 4 * a3]
     self.__fpp_eta = [24 * a1, 12 * a2]
     self.__w_eta = we(g2, g3)
     # Compute the taus.
     tau_xi = self.__compute_tau_xi()
     tau_eta = self.__compute_tau_eta()
     self.__tau_xi = tau_xi
     self.__tau_eta = tau_eta
     # Store the real periods.
     self.__T_xi = self.__w_xi.periods[0]
     self.__T_eta = self.__w_eta.periods[0]
     # Delta bound (for debugging).
     xi_roots = self.__w_xi.roots
     # Determine the root corresponding to the real half-period.
     e_R = min(xi_roots,
               key=lambda x: abs(self.__w_xi.P(self.__T_xi / 2) - x))
     self.__Dbound = e_R - polyval(self.__fpp_xi, xi**2 / 2) / 24
Пример #30
    def compute_extremum_on_arc(self, col, row, endpoints,

        (lb_col, ub_col), (lb_row, ub_row) = interpolation_region

        alpha = interpolate(
            torch.tensor([lb_col, lb_row]).double().to(self.device))
        beta = interpolate(
            torch.tensor([ub_col, lb_row]).double().to(self.device))
        gamma = interpolate(
            torch.tensor([lb_col, ub_row]).double().to(self.device))
        delta = interpolate(
            torch.tensor([ub_col, ub_row]).double().to(self.device))

        # a = torch.add(
        #     alpha * ub_col * ub_row - beta * lb_col * ub_row,
        #     delta * lb_col * lb_row - gamma * ub_col * lb_row
        # )
        b = (beta - alpha) * ub_row + (gamma - delta) * lb_row
        c = (gamma - alpha) * ub_col + (beta - delta) * lb_col
        d = alpha - beta - gamma + delta

        e = -b / (2 * d)
        f = b * b / (4 * d * d)
        g = c / d
        h = e * e + f

        j = (self.delta**2 - h)**2 - 4 * f * e * e
        k = -2 * g * ((self.delta**2 - h) + 2 * e * e)
        l = g * g - 4 * ((self.delta**2 - h) + e * e)
        m = 4 * g
        n = torch.full_like(m, 4).double().to(self.device)

        flows = [[
            torch.zeros(self.batch_size, self.height, self.width,
                        2).float().to(self.device) for _ in range(16)
        ] for channel in range(self.channels)]

        for batch in range(self.batch_size):
            for channel in range(self.channels):
                for height in range(self.height):
                    for width in range(self.width):

                        b_val = b[batch, channel, height, width].item()
                        c_val = c[batch, channel, height, width].item()
                        d_val = d[batch, channel, height, width].item()

                        if math.isclose(d_val, 0, abs_tol=1e-6):

                            if (c_val == 0) or (b_val == 0):

                            denominator = math.sqrt(b_val**2 + c_val**2)
                            x = b_val * self.delta / denominator
                            y = c_val * self.delta / denominator

                            flows[channel][0][batch, height, width, 0] = x
                            flows[channel][0][batch, height, width, 1] = y

                            flows[channel][1][batch, height, width, 0] = x
                            flows[channel][1][batch, height, width, 1] = -y

                            flows[channel][2][batch, height, width, 0] = -x
                            flows[channel][2][batch, height, width, 1] = y

                            flows[channel][3][batch, height, width, 0] = -x
                            flows[channel][3][batch, height, width, 1] = -y


                        coeffs = [
                            n[batch, channel, height, width].item(),
                            m[batch, channel, height,
                              width].item(), l[batch, channel, height,
                            k[batch, channel, height,
                              width].item(), j[batch, channel, height,
                        roots = polyroots(coeffs, maxsteps=500, extraprec=100)

                        for idx, root in enumerate(roots):

                            root = complex(root)

                            if not math.isclose(root.imag, 0, abs_tol=1e-7):

                            x = float(root.real)

                            if self.delta**2 < x**2:

                            y = math.sqrt(self.delta**2 - x**2)

                            i = 4 * idx

                            flows[channel][i + 0][batch, height, width, 0] = x
                            flows[channel][i + 0][batch, height, width, 1] = y

                            flows[channel][i + 1][batch, height, width, 0] = x
                            flows[channel][i + 1][batch, height, width, 1] = -y

                            flows[channel][i + 2][batch, height, width, 0] = -x
                            flows[channel][i + 2][batch, height, width, 1] = y

                            flows[channel][i + 3][batch, height, width, 0] = -x
                            flows[channel][i + 3][batch, height, width, 1] = -y

        for channel in range(self.channels):
            for idx in range(16):

                vx = flows[channel][idx][:, :, :, 0]
                vy = flows[channel][idx][:, :, :, 1]

                box_col_constraint = (lb_col <= vx) & (vx <= ub_col)
                box_row_constraint = (lb_row <= vy) & (vy <= ub_row)
                box_constraint = box_col_constraint & box_row_constraint

                flows[channel][idx][:, :, :,
                                    0] = torch.where(box_constraint, vx,
                flows[channel][idx][:, :, :,
                                    1] = torch.where(box_constraint, vy,

        return flows
Пример #31
            polysol = np.poly1d(np.array(lsq[::-1]))
            # deviation from model
            dev = y - polysol(x)
            # mad = np.median(np.abs(dev)) / 0.6745
            chisq = sum((dev**2) / lc['dmag'][indx])
            rchisq = chisq / (len(dev) - deg - 2)  # reduced chi sq
            lsq = all[0]  # /[0.1, 10.0, 1000., 10000]
            covar = all[1]
            success = all[4]
            solution = {'sol': polysol,
                        'deg': deg,
                        'pars': pars,
                        'covar': covar}
                root = polyroots(solution['pars'])[0].real
            except:  # what is this exception...
            mjdindex = np.where(solution['sol'](xp) == 
                                min(solution['sol'](xp)))[0]  # index of max
            maxjd = np.mean(xp[mjdindex])  # if there are more than one identical maxima - this should make you suspicious anyways
            maxflux = solution['sol'](maxjd)  # mag at max
            print ("maxjd", maxjd+50000, "maxflux", maxflux)

            ax.plot(x + 0.5, y, 'o', alpha=0.1, color='k')
            ax.plot(xp + 0.5, solution['sol'](xp + 0.5), '-',
                    color="k", alpha=0.1)
            # why + 0.5? I forgot
Пример #32
def croots(co):
    return [mp.mpc(x) for x in mp.polyroots(co)]
def solve_r(pv=False,
    # docstring
       Function Description:
            Solves for interest rates [i,d,v,delta] based on payments described by either pv, q, t, and fv
            Use get to return a specific interest rate, otherwise function returns a dict of all four based
            on the output of the function rates().

        Calculation assumptions:
            pv and fv are assumed to be the opposite of q, i.e. if pv = 3, q = 1, and t = 4, then the
            annuity payment stream is assumed to be either [-3,1,1,1,1] or [3,-1,-1,-1,-1] - both of which
            return the same interest rate (in this case ~12.6%).

            t multiplies q, so if t = 2 and q = 1, then the annuity stream is assumed to be [1,1]. However
            if q = [1,2] and t = 2, then the annuity stream is assumed to be [1,2,1,2]. t has no affect on
            pv or fv.

            annuity payments q are evenly spaced for the duration of the annuity.

            There is no bottom limit to negative interest rates.

        Variable/argument Description:
                present value of future funds/first annuity payment made to opposite to q
                annuity payments equally spaced out over time
                the number of times the annuity payments are made. If q is a list and t is passed,
                then the pattern q is assumed to be repeated t times, all the payments of which are
                made at evenly spaced intervals.
                accumulated value of funds/final annuity payment made opposite to q
                annuity payments are assumed to be immediate, i.e. begin one period t from inception. If
                that is not the case, i.e. annuity payments begin immediately upon inception, then the annuity
                due on inception, and thus an annuity-due. Annuities-due are atypical.
                return a rate either i, d, v, or delta. See rates() function for descriptions of each. This
                function returns i by default
                return rate r adjusted for different compounding period than calculated. So if the annuity payments
                passed are actually monthly but you're looking for an annual effective rate, then pass q_per_t as 12.
                Conversely if the annuity payments as described are biannual, then pass q_per_t as 0.5 to return the
                effective annual interest rate.

                See the description in the rates() function for further explanation, but be advised that it this functions
                inversely here as opposed to there. i.e. passing 12 in this function will mean that the returned rate
                r is r ** 12 as opposed to r ** (1/12)

        Acceptable argument inputs:
                int, float, or a list of either or both
                interest rate i, pass:
                    nothing OR 1 OR a string that starts with 'i'
                discount rate d, pass:
                    2 OR a string that starts with 'd'
                discount rate v, pass:
                    3 OR a string that starts with 'v'
                continuously compounded force of interest, pass:
                    4 OR a string that starts with 'de', 'c', or 'f'
                int only
                True or False
            all others:
                int or float

    # Function Body
    #   If q is False, the answer is easier
    if q == False:
        #   account for the possibility that we are only given fv
        if pv == False:
            pv = 1
        if fv == False:
            fv = 1

        #   simple rate calculation
        r = (fv / pv)**(1 / t) - 1
        # need to create a list of payments (q).
        if isinstance(q, list) == False:
            q = [q]
        if t != False:
            q *= t
        if pv != False and annuity_due == True:
            q[0] = q[0] - pv
        elif pv != False:
            q = [-pv] + q
        if fv != False and annuity_due == False:
            q[-1] = q[-1] - fv
        elif fv != False and annuity_due == True:

        #   find the roots of the polynomial as created above
        real = []
        for i in polyroots(q):
            # we only want real numbers
            if isinstance(i, ctx_mp_python.mpf):
        # we want the positive zero, if it exists, and we can't take the max of a null list
        if real == []:
            real = [1]
        r = max(real)
        #   make r a percentage
        r = float(r - 1)

        #   payments q must have ins and outs. If it is all outs or all ins then q is free money and no investment was
        #   made to make a return. Therefore test for lack of investment and return an error value (0) if no
        #   investment was ever made.
        if max(q) < 0 or min(q) > 0:
            r = 0

    # q_per_t functions inversely in this function to all other functions.
    if q_per_t != False:
        q_per_t = 1 / q_per_t
    r = rates(r=r, get=get, q_per_t=q_per_t)

    return r
Пример #34
def polyroots(l):
    from mpmath import polyroots, mpc, mpf
    retval = polyroots(l,maxsteps=200,extraprec=40)
    if not any([isinstance(_,(mpf,mpc)) for _ in l]):
        retval = [float(_) if isinstance(_,mpf) else complex(_) for _ in retval]
    return retval
Пример #35
 def roots(self, r):
     a = [r * p + q for p, q in zip(self.p, self.q)]
     rootss = [v for v in mpmath.polyroots(a[::-1], maxsteps=5000)]
     #b =  mpmath.polyval(self.p[::-1], rootss[0]) + mpmath.polyval(self.q[::-1], rootss[0])
     return [complex(v) for v in rootss]
Пример #36
def volume_solutions_mpmath(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha, dps=30):
    r'''Solution of this form of the cubic EOS in terms of volumes, using the
    `mpmath` arbitrary precision library. The number of decimal places returned
    is controlled by the `dps` parameter.

    This function is the reference implementation which provides exactly
    correct solutions; other algorithms are compared against this one.

    T : float
        Temperature, [K]
    P : float
        Pressure, [Pa]
    b : float
        Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
    delta : float
        Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^3/mol]
    epsilon : float
        Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [m^6/mol^2]
    a_alpha : float
        Coefficient calculated by EOS-specific method, [J^2/mol^2/Pa]
    dps : int
        Number of decimal places in the result by `mpmath`, [-]

    Vs : tuple[complex]
        Three possible molar volumes, [m^3/mol]

    Although `mpmath` has a cubic solver, it has been found to fail to solve in
    some cases. Accordingly, the algorithm is as follows:

    Working precision is `dps` plus 40 digits; and if P < 1e-10 Pa, it is
    `dps` plus 400 digits. The input parameters are converted exactly to `mpf`
    objects on input.

    `polyroots` from mpmath is used with `maxsteps=2000`, and extra precision
    of 15 digits. If the solution does not converge, 20 extra digits are added
    up to 8 times. If no solution is found, mpmath's `findroot` is called on
    the pressure error function using three initial guesses from another solver.

    Needless to say, this function is quite slow.

    Test case which presented issues for PR EOS (three roots were not being returned):

    >>> volume_solutions_mpmath(0.01, 1e-05, 2.5405184201558786e-05, 5.081036840311757e-05, -6.454233843151321e-10, 0.3872747173781095)
    (mpf('0.0000254054613415548712260258773060137'), mpf('4.66038025602155259976574392093252'), mpf('8309.80218708657190094424659859346'))

    .. [1] Johansson, Fredrik. Mpmath: A Python Library for Arbitrary-Precision
       Floating-Point Arithmetic, 2010.
    # Tried to remove some green on physical TV with more than 30, could not
    # 30 is fine, but do not dercease further!
    # No matter the precision, still cannot get better
    # Need to switch from `rindroot` to an actual cubic solution in mpmath
    # Three roots not found in some cases
    # PRMIX(T=1e-2, P=1e-5, Tcs=[126.1, 190.6], Pcs=[33.94E5, 46.04E5], omegas=[0.04, 0.011], zs=[0.5, 0.5], kijs=[[0,0],[0,0]]).volume_error()
    # Once found it possible to compute VLE down to 0.03 Tc with ~400 steps and ~500 dps.
    # need to start with a really high dps to get convergence or it is discontinuous
    if P == 0.0 or T == 0.0:
        raise ValueError("Bad P or T; issue is not the algorithm")

    import mpmath as mp
    mp.mp.dps = dps + 40#400#400
    if P < 1e-10:
        mp.mp.dps = dps + 400
    b, T, P, epsilon, delta, a_alpha = [mp.mpf(i) for i in [b, T, P, epsilon, delta, a_alpha]]
    roots = None
    if 1:
        RT_inv = 1/(mp.mpf(R)*T)
        P_RT_inv = P*RT_inv
        B = etas = b*P_RT_inv
        deltas = delta*P_RT_inv
        thetas = a_alpha*P_RT_inv*RT_inv
        epsilons = epsilon*P_RT_inv*P_RT_inv

        b = (deltas - B - 1)
        c = (thetas + epsilons - deltas*(B + 1))
        d = -(epsilons*(B + 1) + thetas*etas)

        extraprec = 15
        # extraprec alone is not enough to converge everything
            # found case 20 extrapec not enough, increased to 30
            # Found another case needing 40
            for i in range(8):
                    # Found 1 case 100 steps not enough needed 200; then found place 400 was not enough
                    roots = mp.polyroots([mp.mpf(1.0), b, c, d], extraprec=extraprec, maxsteps=2000)
                except Exception as e:
                    extraprec += 20
#                        print(e, extraprec)
                    if i == 7:
#                            print(e, 'failed')
                        raise e

            if all(i == 0 or i == 1 for i in roots):
                return volume_solutions_mpmath(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha, dps=dps*2)
                guesses = volume_solutions_fast(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha)
                roots = mp.polyroots([mp.mpf(1.0), b, c, d], extraprec=40, maxsteps=100, roots_init=guesses)
#            roots = np.roots([1.0, b, c, d]).tolist()
        if roots is not None:
            RT_P = mp.mpf(R)*T/P
            hits = [V*RT_P for V in roots]

    if roots is None:
#        print('trying numerical mpmath')
        guesses = volume_solutions_fast(T, P, b, delta, epsilon, a_alpha)
        RT = T*R
        def err(V):
            return(RT/(V-b) - a_alpha/(V*(V + delta) + epsilon)) - P

        hits = []
        for Vi in guesses:
                V_calc = mp.findroot(err, Vi, solver='newton')
            except Exception as e:
        if not hits:
            raise ValueError("Could not converge any mpmath volumes")
    # Return in the specified precision
    mp.mp.dps = dps
    sort_fun = lambda x: (x.real, x.imag)
    return tuple(sorted(hits, key=sort_fun))
Пример #37
 def __init__(self,rang=10,acc=100):
 # Generates the coefficients of Legendre polynomial of n-th order.
 # acc is the number of decimal characters of the coefficients.
 # self.cf is the list with coefficients.
 self.rang = rang
 self.acc = mp.dps = acc
 cn = mpf(0.0)
 k = mpf(0)
 n = mpf(rang)
 m = mpf(n/2)
 cf = []
 for k in range(n+1):
 cn = (-

 # Generates the coefficients of of the
implicit Runge-Kutta scheme of Gauss-Legendre type.
 # acc is the number of the decimal
characters of the coefficients.
 # Gives back the cortege (r,b,a), the terms
of which correspond to Butcher scheme
 # r1 | a11 . . . а1n
 # . | . .
 # . | . .
 # . | . .
 # rn | an1 . . . ann
 # ---+--------------
 # | b1 . . . bn
 self.r = polyroots(cf)
 A1 = matrix(rang)
 for j in range(n):
 for k in range(n):
 A1[k,j] = self.r[j]**k
 bn = []
 for j in range(n):
 B = matrix(bn)
 self.b = lu_solve(A1,B)
 self.a = matrix(rang)
 for i in range(1,n+1):
 A1 = matrix(rang)
 cil = []
 for l in range(1,n+1):
 for j in range(n):
 A1[l-1,j] = self.r[j]**(l-1)
 Cil = matrix(cil)
 an = lu_solve(A1,Cil)
 for k in range(n):
 self.a[i-1,k] = an[k]
 def init(self,f,t,h,initvalues):
 self.size = len(initvalues)
 self.f = f
 self.t = t
 self.h = h
 self.yb = matrix(initvalues)
 self.ks = matrix(self.size,self.rang)
 for k in range(self.size):
 for i in range(self.rang):
 self.ks[k,i] = self.r[i]
 self.tn = matrix(1,self.rang)
 for i in range(self.rang):
 self.tn[i] = t + h*self.r[i]
 self.y = matrix(self.size,self.rang)
 for k in range(self.size):
 for i in range(self.rang):
 self.y[k,i] = self.yb[k]
 temp = mpf(0.0)
 for j in range(self.rang):
 temp += self.a[i,j]*self.ks[k,j]
 self.y[k,i] += temp
 self.yn = matrix(self.yb)

 def iterate(self,tn,y,yn,ks):
 # Generates the coefficients of the implicit
Runge-Kutta scheme for the given step
 # with the method of the simple iteration
with an initial value, coinciding with the coefficients,
 # calculated at the previous step. At
sufficiently small step this must
 # work. There exists such a value of the
step, Under which convergence is guaranteed.
 # No automatic re-setup of the step is
foreseen in this procedure.
 mp.dps = self.acc
 y0 = matrix(yn)
 norme = mpf(1.0)
 #eps0 = pow(eps,mpf(3.0)/mpf(4.0))
 eps0 = sqrt(eps)
 ks1 = matrix(self.size,self.rang)
 yt = matrix(1,self.size)
 count = 0
 while True:
 count += 1
 for i in range(self.rang):
 for k in range(self.size):
 yt[k] = y[k,i]
 for k in range(self.size):
 ks1[k,i] = self.f(tn,yt)[k]
 norme = mpf(0.0)
 for k in range(self.size):
 for i in range(self.rang):
 norme += (ks1[k,i]-
 norme = sqrt(norme)
 for k in range(self.size):
 for i in range(self.rang):
 ks[k,i] = ks1[k,i]
 for k in range(self.size):
 for i in range(self.rang):
 y[k,i] = y0[k]
 for j in range(self.rang):
 y[k,i] +=
 if norme <= eps0:
 if count >= 100:
 print unicode('No convergence','UTF-8')
 return ks1
 def step(self):
 mp.dps = self.acc
 self.ks =
 for k in range(self.size):
 for i in range(self.rang):
 self.yn[k] +=
 for k in range(self.size):
 for i in range(self.rang):
 self.y[k,i] = self.yn[k]
 for j in range(self.rang):
 self.y[k,i] +=
 self.t += self.h
 for i in range(self.rang):
 self.tn[i] = self.t + self.h*self.r[i]
 return self.yn
Пример #38
	def __init__(self,eps,x0,v0):
		from numpy import dot
		from mpmath import polyroots, mpf, mpc, sqrt, atan2, polyval
		from weierstrass_elliptic import weierstrass_elliptic as we
		if eps <= 0:
			raise ValueError('thrust must be strictly positive')
		eps = mpf(eps)
		# Unitary grav. parameter.
		mu = mpf(1.)
		x,y,z = [mpf(x) for x in x0]
		vx,vy,vz = [mpf(v) for v in v0]
		r = sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2)
		xi = sqrt(r+z)
		eta = sqrt(r-z)
		phi = atan2(y,x)
		vr = dot(v0,x0) / r
		vxi = (vr + vz) / (2 * sqrt(r+z))
		veta = (vr - vz) / (2 * sqrt(r-z))
		vphi = (vy*x - vx*y) / (x**2 + y**2)
		pxi = (xi**2 + eta**2) * vxi
		peta = (xi**2 + eta**2) * veta
		pphi = xi**2*eta**2*vphi
		if pphi == 0:
			raise ValueError('bidimensional case')
		# Energy constant.
		h = (pxi**2 + peta**2) / (2*(xi**2 + eta**2)) + pphi**2 / (2*xi**2*eta**2) - (2 * mu) / (xi**2+eta**2) - eps * (xi**2 - eta**2) / 2
		# Alpha constants.
		alpha1 = -eps * xi**4 / 2 - h * xi**2 + pxi**2 / 2 + pphi**2 / (2*xi**2)
		alpha2 = eps * eta**4 / 2 - h * eta**2 + peta**2 / 2 + pphi**2 / (2*eta**2)
		# Analysis of the cubic polynomials in the equations for pxi and peta.
		roots_xi, _ = polyroots([8*eps,8*h,4*alpha1,-pphi**2],error=True,maxsteps=100)
		roots_eta, _ = polyroots([-8*eps,8*h,4*alpha2,-pphi**2],error=True,maxsteps=100)
		# NOTE: these are all paranoia checks that could go away if we used the exact cubic formula.
		if not (all([isinstance(x,mpf) for x in roots_xi]) or (isinstance(roots_xi[0],mpf) and isinstance(roots_xi[1],mpc) and isinstance(roots_xi[2],mpc))):
			raise ValueError('invalid xi roots detected: ' + str(roots_xi))
		if not (all([isinstance(x,mpf) for x in roots_eta]) or (isinstance(roots_eta[0],mpf) and isinstance(roots_eta[1],mpc) and isinstance(roots_eta[2],mpc))):
			raise ValueError('invalid eta roots detected: ' + str(roots_eta))
		# For xi we need to understand which of the real positive roots will be or was reached
		# given the initial condition.
		rp_roots_extract = lambda x: isinstance(x,mpf) and x > 0
		rp_roots_xi = [sqrt(2 * _) for _ in filter(rp_roots_extract,roots_xi)]
		rp_roots_eta = [sqrt(2. * _) for _ in filter(rp_roots_extract,roots_eta)]
		# Paranoia.
		if not len(rp_roots_xi) in [1,3]:
			raise ValueError('invalid xi roots detected: ' + str(roots_xi))
		if len(rp_roots_eta) != 2:
			raise ValueError('invalid eta roots detected: ' + str(roots_eta))
		# We choose as reachable/reached roots always those corresponding to the "pericentre"
		# for the two coordinates.
		if len(rp_roots_xi) == 1:
			# Here there's really no choice, only 1 root available.
			rr_xi = rp_roots_xi[0]
			# If motion is unbound, take the only root, otherwise take the smallest of the
			# two roots of the bound motion.
			rr_xi = rp_roots_xi[-1] if xi >= rp_roots_xi[-1] else rp_roots_xi[0]
		# No choice to be made here.
		rr_eta = rp_roots_eta[0]
		# Store parameters and constants.
		self.__init_coordinates = [xi,eta,phi]
		self.__init_momenta = [pxi,peta,pphi]
		self.__eps = eps
		self.__h = h
		self.__alpha1 = alpha1
		self.__alpha2 = alpha2
		self.__rp_roots_xi = rp_roots_xi
		self.__rp_roots_eta = rp_roots_eta
		self.__rr_xi = rr_xi
		self.__rr_eta = rr_eta
		self.__roots_xi = roots_xi
		self.__roots_eta = roots_eta
		# Create the Weierstrass objects for xi and eta.
		a1, a2, a3, a4 = 2*eps, (4 * h)/3, alpha1, -pphi**2
		g2 = -4 * a1 * a3 + 3 * a2**2
		g3 = 2 * a1 * a2 * a3 - a2**3 - a1**2*a4
		self.__f_xi = [4*a1,6*a2,4*a3,a4]
		self.__fp_xi = [12*a1,12*a2,4*a3]
		self.__fpp_xi = [24*a1,12*a2]
		self.__w_xi = we(g2,g3)
		# Eta.
		a1,a3 = -a1,alpha2
		g2 = -4 * a1 * a3 + 3 * a2**2
		g3 = 2 * a1 * a2 * a3 - a2**3 - a1**2*a4
		self.__f_eta = [4*a1,6*a2,4*a3,a4]
		self.__fp_eta = [12*a1,12*a2,4*a3]
		self.__fpp_eta = [24*a1,12*a2]
		self.__w_eta = we(g2,g3)
		# Compute the taus.
		tau_xi = self.__compute_tau_xi()
		tau_eta = self.__compute_tau_eta()
		self.__tau_xi = tau_xi
		self.__tau_eta = tau_eta
		# Store the real periods.
		self.__T_xi = self.__w_xi.periods[0]
		self.__T_eta = self.__w_eta.periods[0]
		# Delta bound (for debugging).
		xi_roots = self.__w_xi.roots
		# Determine the root corresponding to the real half-period.
		e_R = min(xi_roots,key = lambda x: abs(self.__w_xi.P(self.__T_xi/2) - x))
		self.__Dbound = e_R - polyval(self.__fpp_xi,xi**2/2) / 24
Пример #39
def PolynomialSolver(polynomial):
    assert isinstance(polynomial, Polynomial)
    assert polynomial.coefficientType(mpmath.mpc) == mpmath.mpc
    return [
        for x in mpmath.polyroots(polynomial.getCoefficients(mpmath.mpc))]
Пример #40
 def solve_eq(self):
    c = [self._c8(),self._c7(),self._c6(),self._c5(),self._c4(),self._c3(),self._c2(),self._c1(),self._c0()]
    self.omega_tab = mp.polyroots(c)
    self.omega = sorted(self.omega_tab,key=lambda x: x.imag,reverse=True)[0]
    return sorted(self.omega_tab,key=lambda x: x.imag,reverse=True)