Пример #1
    def write_process1():
        if state_m == bp_states_m.WRITE1:
            index_r                           = random[26:20]
            #btb_line[index_r][64:63].next     = Signal(True)  #Set Valid Bit
            #btb_line[index_r][61:32].next     = tag_pc[32:2]  #Store tag
            if BPio.valid_jump:
                btb_line[index_r].next        = concat(True,True,modbv(tag_pc[32:2])[30:],modbv(BPio.pc_id_brjmp[32:2])[30:],modbv(Consts.ST)[2:])
                # btb_line[index_r][63:62].next = Signal(True)              #Set Unconditional Bit
                # btb_line[index_r][2:0].next   = Consts.ST                 #As a jump it'll always be ST
                # BPio.current_state.next       = Consts.ST                 #Send our current state to Cpath
                # btb_line[index_r][32:2].next  = BPio.pc_id_brjmp[32:2]    #Store jump address in BTB

            elif BPio.valid_branch:
                btb_line[index_r].next        = concat(True,False,modbv(tag_pc[32:2])[30:],modbv(BPio.pc_id_brjmp[32:2])[30:],modbv(Consts.WN)[2:])
                #btb_line[index_r][63:62].next = Signal(False)           #Clear unconditional bit
                #btb_line[index_r][2:0].next   = Consts.WN               #It will be initialized in WN
                #BPio.current_state.next       = Consts.WN               #Send our current state to Cpath
                #btb_line[index_r][32:2].next  = BPio.pc_id_brjmp[32:2]  #Store Branch address in BTB
            else:   #Corresponding to JALR
                #btb_line[index_r][63:62]      = Signal(True)            #Set Unconditional bit
                #btb_line[index_r][2:0]        = Consts.ST               #As an indirect jump it'll always be taken
                #BPio.current_state.next       = Consts.ST               #Send our current state to Cpath
                #btb_line[index_r][32:2]       = BPio.pc_id_jalr[32:2]   #Store jump address in BTB  
                btb_line[index_r].next        = concat(True,True,modbv(tag_pc[32:2])[30:],modbv(BPio.pc_id_jalr[32:2])[30:],modbv(Consts.ST)[2:])


            final_write1.next      = True
Пример #2
 def rtl():
     b30_20.next = (
         if sel == Consts.IMM_U
         else concat(sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign)
     b19_12.next = (
         if (sel == Consts.IMM_U or sel == Consts.IMM_UJ)
         else concat(sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign, sign)
     b11.next = (
         if (sel == Consts.IMM_U or sel == Consts.IMM_Z)
         else (instruction[20] if sel == Consts.IMM_UJ else (instruction[7] if sel == Consts.IMM_SB else sign))
     b10_5.next = modbv(0)[6:] if (sel == Consts.IMM_U or sel == Consts.IMM_Z) else instruction[31:25]
     b4_1.next = (
         if sel == Consts.IMM_U
         else (
             if (sel == Consts.IMM_S or sel == Consts.IMM_SB)
             else (instruction[20:16] if sel == Consts.IMM_Z else instruction[25:21])
     b0.next = (
         if sel == Consts.IMM_S
         else (instruction[20] if sel == Consts.IMM_I else (instruction[15] if sel == Consts.IMM_Z else False))
Пример #3
    def beh_shifts():
        # extra registers on the serial inputs and outputs
        irei.next = sdi
        oreo.next = lastoreg[nby - 1]
        sdo.next = oreo

        # build the large shift register out of the logical
        # list of signals (array)
        for ii in range(nin):
            tmp1 = ireg[ii]
            if ii == 0:
                ireg[ii].next = concat(tmp1[nbx - 1:0], irei)
                tmp0 = ireg[ii - 1]
                ireg[ii].next = concat(tmp1[nbx - 1:0], tmp0[nbx - 1])

        if scnt == imax:
            valid.next = True
            scnt.next = 0
            for oo in range(nout):
                oreg[oo].next = pout[oo]
            valid.next = False
            scnt.next = scnt + 1
            for oo in range(nout):
                tmp1 = oreg[oo]
                if oo == 0:
                    oreg[oo].next = concat(tmp1[nby - 1:0], tmp1[nby - 1])
                    tmp0 = oreg[oo - 1]
                    oreg[oo].next = concat(tmp1[nby - 1:0], tmp0[nby - 1])
Пример #4
 def shift_banner_proc():
     if rst_aux_o:
         table2show.next = hdl.modbv(NMBR)[NBITS:]
         table2off.next = hdl.modbv(0xF)[NCHAR:]
     elif clk_banner:
         table2show.next = hdl.concat(table2show[4:0], table2show[NBITS:4])
         table2off.next = hdl.concat(table2off[0], table2off[NCHAR:1])
Пример #5
 def tx(self, decim=1):
     re = [intbv(i)[10:] for i in self.tx_i][::decim]
     re = [intbv(concat(not i[len(i)-1], i[len(i)-1:])).signed() for i in re]
     im = [intbv(q)[10:] for q in self.tx_q][::decim]
     im = [intbv(concat(not q[len(q)-1], q[len(q)-1:])).signed() for q in im]
     y = np.array([i + 1j * q for i, q in zip(re, im)])
     return y
    def continuous_assignment():

        digb_period.next = (not __ade) and (____ade or ade)

        decision1.next = (no_of_ones_video_in > 4) or \
                         (no_of_ones_video_in == 4 and not _video_in[0])
        decision2.next = (count == 0) | (no_of_zeros_q_m == no_of_ones_q_m)
        decision3.next = (not count[4]) & (no_of_ones_q_m > no_of_zeros_q_m) | \
                         (count[4]) & (no_of_ones_q_m < no_of_zeros_q_m)

        if is_blue:
            ade_vld.next = ade | __ade | ____ade
            if digb_period:
                audio_in_vld.next = concat(bool(1), bool(1), __c1, __c0)
                audio_in_vld.next = concat(__audio_in[3], __audio_in[2], __c1, __c0)

            ade_vld.next = __ade
            audio_in_vld.next = __audio_in

        q_m.next[0] = _video_in[0]
        temp = _video_in[0]
        if decision1:
            for i in range(1, 8):
                temp = temp ^ (not _video_in[i])
                q_m.next[i] = 1 if temp else 0
            q_m.next[8] = 0
            for i in range(1, 8):
                temp = temp ^ _video_in[i]
                q_m.next[i] = 1 if temp else 0
            q_m.next[8] = 1
    def output_logic():
        if __vde:
            if decision2:
                data_out.next[9] = not _q_m[8]
                data_out.next[8] = _q_m[8]
                if _q_m[8]:
                    data_out.next[8:0] = _q_m[8:0]
                    count.next = count + no_of_ones_q_m - no_of_zeros_q_m
                    data_out.next[8:0] = ~_q_m[8:0]
                    count.next = count + no_of_zeros_q_m - no_of_ones_q_m
            elif decision3:
                data_out.next[9] = True
                data_out.next[8] = _q_m[8]
                data_out.next[8:0] = ~_q_m[8:0]
                count.next = count - concat(_q_m[8], bool(0)) + no_of_zeros_q_m - no_of_ones_q_m
                data_out.next[9] = False
                data_out.next[8] = _q_m[8]
                data_out.next[8:0] = _q_m[8:0]
                count.next = count - concat(not _q_m[8], bool(0)) + no_of_ones_q_m - no_of_zeros_q_m
            if vde:
                data_out.next = video_guard_band
            elif ade_vld:
                data_out.next = terc4_encoding[audio_in_vld]
            elif (ade or ____ade) and (not is_blue):
                data_out.next = data_island_guard_band
                concat_c = concat(__c1, __c0)
                data_out.next = control_token[concat_c]

            count.next = 0
Пример #8
    def gain_correct():
        if in_valid:
            mul_valid.next = in_valid
            mul_last.next = in_last

            #print 'i', ia.signed()/2.**9, '*', ix.signed() / float(ix.max), '=', ia.signed()/2**9 * (ix.signed() / float(ix.max))

            mul_i.next = in_i.signed() * concat(bool(0), gain_i).signed()
            mul_q.next = in_q.signed() * concat(bool(0), gain_q).signed()
            mul_valid.next = False
            mul_last.next = False
            mul_i.next = 0
            mul_q.next = 0

        if mul_valid:
            out_valid.next = mul_valid
            out_last.next = mul_last
            #print 'm', mul_q[len(mul_q)-2] ^ mul_q[len(mul_q)-3]
            out_i.next = mul_i[len(mul_i) - 2:len(mul_i) - len(out_i) -
            out_q.next = mul_q[len(mul_q) - 2:len(mul_q) - len(out_q) -
            out_valid.next = False
            out_last.next = False
            out_i.next = 0
            out_q.next = 0
Пример #9
 def accessor():
     if state == state_t.READY:
         coeff_ram_blk.next = True
         if enable and in_valid:
             delay_line_i_ram_addr.next = concat(bank1, bank0, n)
             delay_line_i_ram_din.next = in_i
             delay_line_i_ram_blk.next = False
             delay_line_i_ram_wen.next = False
             delay_line_q_ram_addr.next = concat(bank1, bank0, n)
             delay_line_q_ram_din.next = in_q
             delay_line_q_ram_blk.next = False
             delay_line_q_ram_wen.next = False
             delay_line_i_ram_blk.next = True
             delay_line_q_ram_blk.next = True
     elif state == state_t.WAIT1 or state == state_t.WAIT2 or state == state_t.RUN:
         delay_line_i_ram_addr.next = concat(bank1, bank0, modbv(n - k, min=0, max=2**7-1))
         delay_line_i_ram_blk.next = False
         delay_line_i_ram_wen.next = True
         delay_line_q_ram_addr.next = concat(bank1, bank0,
                 modbv(n - k, min=0, max=2**7-1))
         delay_line_q_ram_blk.next = False
         delay_line_q_ram_wen.next = True
         coeff_ram_addr.next = concat(bank1, bank0, k)
         coeff_ram_blk.next = False
         coeff_ram_wen.next = True
         delay_line_i_ram_blk.next = True
         delay_line_q_ram_blk.next = True
         coeff_ram_blk.next = True
Пример #10
    def accessor():
        if state == state_t.READY:
            coeff_ram_blk.next = True
            if enable and in_valid:
                delay_line_i_ram_addr.next = concat(bank1, bank0, n)
                delay_line_i_ram_din.next = in_i
                delay_line_i_ram_blk.next = False
                delay_line_i_ram_wen.next = False
                delay_line_q_ram_addr.next = concat(bank1, bank0, n)
                delay_line_q_ram_din.next = in_q
                delay_line_q_ram_blk.next = False
                delay_line_q_ram_wen.next = False
                delay_line_i_ram_blk.next = True
                delay_line_q_ram_blk.next = True

        elif state == state_t.WAIT1 or state == state_t.WAIT2 or state == state_t.WAIT3 or state == state_t.RUN:
            delay_line_i_ram_addr.next = concat(
                bank1, bank0, modbv(n - k, min=0, max=2**7 - 1))
            delay_line_i_ram_blk.next = False
            delay_line_i_ram_wen.next = True
            delay_line_q_ram_addr.next = concat(
                bank1, bank0, modbv(n - k, min=0, max=2**7 - 1))
            delay_line_q_ram_blk.next = False
            delay_line_q_ram_wen.next = True
            coeff_ram_addr.next = concat(bank1, bank0, k)
            coeff_ram_blk.next = False
            coeff_ram_wen.next = True
            delay_line_i_ram_blk.next = True
            delay_line_q_ram_blk.next = True
            coeff_ram_blk.next = True
Пример #11
 def state_machine():
     if state == s_idle:
         if req_valid:
             result.next = 0
             a.next = abs_in_1
             b.next = concat(abs_in_2, modbv(0)[XPR_LEN:]) >> 1
             if op == MD_OP_REM:
                 negate_output.next = sign_in_1
                 negate_output.next = sign_in_1 ^ sign_in_2
             out_sel.next = req_out_sel
             op.next = req_op
             counter.next = XPR_LEN - 1
     elif state == s_compute:
         counter.next = counter + 1
         b.next = b >> 1
         if op == MD_OP_MUL:
             if a[counter]:
                 result.next = result + b
             b.next = b + 1
             if a_geq:
                 a.next = a - b
                 result.next = modbv(1 << counter)[DOUBLE_XPR_LEN:] | result
     elif state == s_setup_output:
         result.next = concat(modbv(0)[XPR_LEN:], final_result)
Пример #12
 def state_machine():
     if state == s_idle:
         if req_valid:
             result.next = 0
             a.next = abs_in_1
             b.next = concat(abs_in_2, modbv(0)[XPR_LEN:]) >> 1
             if op == MD_OP_REM:
                 negate_output.next = sign_in_1
                 negate_output.next = sign_in_1 ^ sign_in_2
             out_sel.next = req_out_sel
             op.next = req_op
             counter.next = XPR_LEN - 1
     elif state == s_compute:
         counter.next = counter + 1
         b.next = b >> 1
         if op == MD_OP_MUL:
             if a[counter]:
                 result.next = result + b
             b.next = b + 1
             if a_geq:
                 a.next = a - b
                 result.next = modbv(1 << counter)[DOUBLE_XPR_LEN:] | result
     elif state == s_setup_output:
         result.next = concat(modbv(0)[XPR_LEN:], final_result)
Пример #13
 def comb_logic():
     a_upper.next = a[A_MAX:A_MAX - MULTMAX].signed()
     a_lower.next = concat(False, a[A_MAX - MULTMAX:])
     b_upper.next = b[A_MAX:A_MAX - MULTMAX].signed()
     b_lower.next = concat(False, b[A_MAX - MULTMAX:])
     n_pipe.next = bufout
     p.next = pipe_buf
        def continuous_assignment():

            digb_period.next = (not __ade) and (____ade or self.ade)

            decision1.next = (no_of_ones_video_in > 4) or \
                             (no_of_ones_video_in == 4 and not _video_in[0])
            decision2.next = (count == 0) | (no_of_zeros_q_m == no_of_ones_q_m)
            decision3.next = (not count[4]) & (no_of_ones_q_m > no_of_zeros_q_m) | \
                             (count[4]) & (no_of_ones_q_m < no_of_zeros_q_m)

            if self.channel == "BLUE":

                ade_vld.next = self.ade | __ade | ____ade
                if digb_period:
                    audio_in_vld.next = concat(bool(1), bool(1), __c1, __c0)
                    audio_in_vld.next = concat(__audio_in[3], __audio_in[2], __c1, __c0)


                ade_vld.next = __ade
                audio_in_vld.next = __audio_in

            q_m.next[0] = _video_in[0]
            temp = _video_in[0]
            for i in range(1, self.color_depth):
                temp = (temp ^ (not _video_in[i] if decision1 else _video_in[i]))
                q_m.next[i] = 1 if temp else 0
            q_m.next[self.color_depth] = 0 if decision1 else 1
Пример #15
 def assign1():
     """assign quantizer core signals to buffer interface"""
     buffer_data.next = quant_output_stream_temp.data
     buffer_waddr.next = concat(not quanto_datastream.buffer_sel, write_cnt)
     buffer_we.next = quant_output_stream_temp.valid
     buffer_raddr.next = concat(quanto_datastream.buffer_sel,
Пример #16
 def beh_state_machine():
     fifobus.write.next = False
     if state == states.start:
         # @todo: wait some amount of time
         if sclkneg:
             bitcnt.next = 0
             state.next = states.capture
             csn.next = False
             sregout.next[14:11] = channel
     elif state == states.capture:
         if sclkpos:
             bitcnt.next = bitcnt + 1 
             sregin.next = concat(sregin[15:0], din)
         elif sclkneg:
             sregout.next = concat(sregout[15:0], '0')
         if bitcnt == 16:
             state.next = states.start
             sample.next = sregin[12:]   # this can be removed
             if not fifobus.full:
                 fifobus.write_data.next = sregin
                 fifobus.write.next = True
                 print("FIFO full dropping sample")
Пример #17
 def assigments():
     Some assignments.
     toHost.next = mtohost
     cycle.next = cycle_full[32:0]
     cycleh.next = cycle_full[64:32]
     time.next = time_full[32:0]
     timeh.next = time_full[64:32]
     instret.next = instret_full[32:0]
     instreth.next = instret_full[64:32]
     mtime.next = mtime_full[32:0]
     mtimeh.next = mtime_full[64:32]
     exc_io.interrupt.next = mint
     exc_io.interrupt_code.next = mecode
     exc_io.exception_handler.next = mtvec + (prv << 6)
     illegal_access.next = illegal_region or (system_en and (not defined))
     exc_io.epc.next = mepc
     ie.next = priv_stack[0]
     wen_internal.next = system_wen and not stall
     uinterrupt.next = 0
     minterrupt.next = mtie & mtimer_expired
     mcpuid.next = (1 << 20) | (1 << 8)  # RV32I, support for U mode
     mimpid.next = 0x8000
     mhartid.next = 0
     mstatus.next = concat(modbv(0)[26:], priv_stack)
     mtdeleg.next = 0
     mip.next = concat(mtip, modbv(0)[3:], msip, modbv(0)[3:])
     mie.next = concat(mtie, modbv(0)[3:], msie, modbv(0)[3:])
     mcause.next = concat(mint, modbv(0)[27:], mecode)
     code_imem.next = (
         (exc_io.exception_code == CSRExceptionCode.E_INST_ADDR_MISALIGNED)
         | (exc_io.exception_code == CSRExceptionCode.E_INST_ACCESS_FAULT))
Пример #18
 def assignments_0():
     sign_a.next = io.input1[31] if (io.cmd[0] or io.cmd[2]) else modbv(0)[1:]
     sign_b.next = io.input2[31] if io.cmd[0] else modbv(0)[1:]
     partial_sum.next = concat(modbv(0)[15:], result_mid_1) + concat(result_hh_1[32:], result_ll_1[32:16])
     io.output.next = -result_mult if sign_result3 else result_mult
     io.ready.next = active3
     io.active.next = active0 | active1 | active2 | active3
Пример #19
    def gain_correct():
        if in_valid:
            mul_valid.next = in_valid
            mul_last.next = in_last

            #print 'i', ia.signed()/2.**9, '*', ix.signed() / float(ix.max), '=', ia.signed()/2**9 * (ix.signed() / float(ix.max))

            mul_i.next = in_i.signed() * concat(bool(0), gain_i).signed()
            mul_q.next = in_q.signed() * concat(bool(0), gain_q).signed()
            mul_valid.next = False
            mul_last.next = False
            mul_i.next = 0
            mul_q.next = 0

        if mul_valid:
            out_valid.next = mul_valid
            out_last.next = mul_last
            #print 'm', mul_q[len(mul_q)-2] ^ mul_q[len(mul_q)-3]
            out_i.next = mul_i[len(mul_i)-2:len(mul_i)-len(out_i)-2].signed()
            out_q.next = mul_q[len(mul_q)-2:len(mul_q)-len(out_q)-2].signed()
            out_valid.next = False
            out_last.next = False
            out_i.next = 0
            out_q.next = 0
Пример #20
 def comb_logic():
     a_upper.next = a[A_MAX : A_MAX - MULTMAX].signed()
     a_lower.next = concat(False, a[A_MAX - MULTMAX :])
     b_upper.next = b[A_MAX : A_MAX - MULTMAX].signed()
     b_lower.next = concat(False, b[A_MAX - MULTMAX :])
     n_pipe.next = bufout
     p.next = pipe_buf
Пример #21
    def rtl_shifts():
        irei.next = sdi
        oreo.next = oreg[Nout - 1][nby - 1]
        sdo.next = oreo

        # build the large shift register out of the logical
        # list of signals (array)
        for ii in range(Nin):
            if ii == 0:
                ireg[ii].next = concat(ireg[ii][nbx - 1:0], irei)
                ireg[ii].next = concat(ireg[ii][nbx - 1:0],
                                       ireg[ii - 1][nbx - 1])

        if scnt == imax:
            scnt.next = 0
            for oo in range(Nout):
                oreg[oo].next = pout[oo]
            scnt.next = scnt + 1
            for oo in range(Nout):
                if oo == 0:
                    oreg[oo].next = oreg[oo] << 1
                    oreg[oo].next = concat(oreg[oo][nby - 1:0],
                                           oreg[oo - 1][nby - 1])
Пример #22
    def beh_shifts():
        # extra registers on the serial inputs and outputs
        irei.next = sdi
        oreo.next = lastoreg[nby-1]
        sdo.next = oreo

        # build the large shift register out of the logical
        # list of signals (array)
        for ii in range(nin):
            tmp1 = ireg[ii]
            if ii == 0:
                ireg[ii].next = concat(tmp1[nbx-1:0], irei)
                tmp0 = ireg[ii-1]
                ireg[ii].next = concat(tmp1[nbx-1:0], tmp0[nbx-1])

        if scnt == imax:
            valid.next = True
            scnt.next = 0
            for oo in range(nout):
                oreg[oo].next = pout[oo]
            valid.next = False
            scnt.next = scnt + 1
            for oo in range(nout):
                tmp1 = oreg[oo]
                if oo == 0:
                    oreg[oo].next = concat(tmp1[nby-1:0],  tmp1[nby-1])
                    tmp0 = oreg[oo-1]
                    oreg[oo].next = concat(tmp1[nby-1:0], tmp0[nby-1])
Пример #23
    def beh_state_machine():
        fifobus.write.next = False

        if state == states.start:
            # @todo: wait some amount of time
            if sclkneg:
                bitcnt.next = 0
                state.next = states.capture
                csn.next = False
                sregout.next[14:11] = channel

        elif state == states.capture:
            if sclkpos:
                bitcnt.next = bitcnt + 1
                sregin.next = concat(sregin[15:0], din)
            elif sclkneg:
                sregout.next = concat(sregout[15:0], '0')

            if bitcnt == 16:
                state.next = states.start
                sample.next = sregin[12:]  # this can be removed
                if not fifobus.full:
                    fifobus.write_data.next = sregin
                    fifobus.write.next = True
                    print("FIFO full dropping sample")
Пример #24
    def cache_control_comb():

        # Tag Control

        tag_control.en.next = bus_input.slave_en
        tag_control.we.next = (master.wbm_ack_i and wbm_state==t_wbm_state.wb_finish) or slave_cache_we
        tag_control.dirty.next = slave_cache_we
        tag_control.valid.next = not tag_control.dirty_miss
        tag_control.adr.next = bus_input.slave_adr_slice

        # Cache RAM control signals
        # Slave side
        cache_ram.slave_en.next = tag_control.hit and bus_input.slave_en

        # Master side
        cache_ram.master_en.next = ( master.wbm_ack_i and wbm_enable ) or \
                                   ( tag_control.dirty_miss and wbm_state == t_wbm_state.wb_idle )

        cache_ram.master_we.next = master.wbm_ack_i and not tag_control.dirty_miss
        cache_ram.master_db_wr.next = master.wbm_db_i

        if tag_control.dirty_miss:
            cache_ram.master_adr.next = concat(tag_control.buffer_index,cache_offset_counter)
            cache_ram.master_adr.next = concat(tag_control.tag_index,master_offset_counter)

        # Master bus
        master.wbm_cyc_o.next = wbm_enable
        master.wbm_stb_o.next = wbm_enable
        master.wbm_db_o.next = cache_ram.master_db_rd
Пример #25
    def store_data(data, mem_type):

        if mem_type == MEM_TYPE_SB:
            return concat(data[8:0], data[8:0], data[8:0], data[8:0])
        elif mem_type == MEM_TYPE_SH:
            return concat(data[16:0], data[16:0])
            return data
Пример #26
 def audio_shift_reg():
     if ce_bit:
         if seq[1]:
             sr.next = concat(parity1, inreg1)
         elif seq[33]:
             sr.next = concat(parity2, inreg2)
         elif out_ch1 or out_ch2:
             sr.next = concat(False, sr[28:1])
Пример #27
    def store_data(data, mem_type):

        if mem_type == MEM_TYPE_SB:
            return concat(data[8:0], data[8:0], data[8:0], data[8:0])
        elif mem_type == MEM_TYPE_SH:
            return concat(data[16:0], data[16:0])
            return data
Пример #28
        def stimulus():
            N = Signal(intbv(0)[32:])

            yield bus.reset()
            # Send a clear
            yield whitebox_clear(bus)

            # Check the fifo flags
            yield bus.receive(WE_STATUS_ADDR)
            assert bus.rdata & WES_SPACE
            assert not (bus.rdata & WES_DATA)

            yield bus.transmit(WE_THRESHOLD_ADDR,
            yield bus.receive(WE_THRESHOLD_ADDR)
            assert bus.rdata == concat(intbv(1)[16:], intbv(3)[16:])

            yield bus.transmit(WE_INTERP_ADDR, INTERP)
            yield bus.receive(WE_INTERP_ADDR)
            assert bus.rdata == INTERP

            ## Insert samples until overrun
            yield bus.receive(WE_RUNS_ADDR)
            while not (bus.rdata & 0x0000ffff):
                x = intbv(int(sin(1000 * (2 * pi) * N / 50000) * 2**15),
                yield bus.transmit(WE_SAMPLE_ADDR, concat(x, x))
                N.next = N + 1
                yield bus.receive(WE_RUNS_ADDR)

            # Check that we're full
            yield bus.receive(WE_STATUS_ADDR)
            assert not (bus.rdata & WES_SPACE)
            assert bus.rdata & WES_DATA

            ## Now start transmitting
            yield bus.transmit(WE_STATUS_ADDR, WES_TXEN)
            yield bus.receive(WE_STATUS_ADDR)
            assert bus.rdata & WES_TXEN

            ## Wait until underrun
            yield bus.receive(WE_RUNS_ADDR)
            while not (bus.rdata & 0xffff0000):
                yield bus.delay(1000)
                yield bus.receive(WE_RUNS_ADDR)

            ## Make sure we're both over and underrun
            assert bus.rdata & 0xffff0000 and bus.rdata & 0x0000ffff

            # Check the fifo flags
            yield bus.receive(WE_STATUS_ADDR)
            assert bus.rdata & WES_SPACE
            assert not (bus.rdata & WES_DATA)

            raise StopSimulation
Пример #29
 def frombytes(self, bytes):
     self.access.next = bytes[0][0]
     self.write.next = bytes[0][1]
     self.datamode.next = bytes[0][4:2]
     self.ctrlmode.next = bytes[0][8:4]
     self.dstaddr.next = concat(*reversed(bytes[1:5]))
     self.data.next = concat(*reversed(bytes[5:9]))
     self.srcaddr.next = concat(*reversed(bytes[9:13]))
Пример #30
    def proc_master_adr():

        if tag_control.dirty_miss:
            master.wbm_adr_o.next = concat(tag_control.tag_value,
            master.wbm_adr_o.next = concat(slave_adr_splitted.tag_value,
Пример #31
 def exception_setup():
     if interrupt_taken:
         mepc.next = (exception_PC & concat(intbv(1)[30:],
                                            intbv(0)[2:])) + intbv(
                                                int('4', 16))[XPR_LEN:]
     if exception:
         mepc.next = exception_PC & concat(intbv(1)[30:], intbv(0)[2:])
     if wen_internal & addr == CSR_ADDR_MEPC:
         mepc.next = wdata_internal & concat(intbv(1)[30:], intbv(0)[2:])
Пример #32
 def frombytes(self, bytes):
     self.access.next = bytes[0][0]
     self.write.next = bytes[0][1]
     self.datamode.next = bytes[0][4:2]
     self.ctrlmode.next = bytes[0][8:4]
     self.dstaddr.next = concat(*reversed(bytes[1:5]))
     self.data.next = concat(*reversed(bytes[5:9]))
     self.srcaddr.next = concat(*reversed(bytes[9:13]))
Пример #33
        def stimulus():
            N = Signal(intbv(0)[32:])

            yield bus.reset()
            # Send a clear
            yield whitebox_clear(bus)

            # Check the fifo flags
            yield bus.receive(WE_STATUS_ADDR)
            assert bus.rdata & WES_SPACE
            assert not (bus.rdata & WES_DATA)

            yield bus.transmit(WE_THRESHOLD_ADDR,
                concat(intbv(1)[16:], intbv(3)[16:]))
            yield bus.receive(WE_THRESHOLD_ADDR)
            assert bus.rdata == concat(intbv(1)[16:], intbv(3)[16:])

            yield bus.transmit(WE_INTERP_ADDR, INTERP)
            yield bus.receive(WE_INTERP_ADDR)
            assert bus.rdata == INTERP

            ## Insert samples until overrun
            yield bus.receive(WE_RUNS_ADDR)
            while not (bus.rdata & 0x0000ffff):
                x = intbv(int(sin(1000 * (2 * pi) * N / 50000) * 2**15), min=-2**15, max=2**15)[16:]
                yield bus.transmit(WE_SAMPLE_ADDR, concat(x, x))
                N.next = N + 1
                yield bus.receive(WE_RUNS_ADDR)

            # Check that we're full
            yield bus.receive(WE_STATUS_ADDR)
            assert not (bus.rdata & WES_SPACE)
            assert bus.rdata & WES_DATA

            ## Now start transmitting
            yield bus.transmit(WE_STATUS_ADDR, WES_TXEN)
            yield bus.receive(WE_STATUS_ADDR)
            assert bus.rdata & WES_TXEN

            ## Wait until underrun
            yield bus.receive(WE_RUNS_ADDR)
            while not (bus.rdata & 0xffff0000):
                yield bus.delay(1000)
                yield bus.receive(WE_RUNS_ADDR)

            ## Make sure we're both over and underrun
            assert bus.rdata & 0xffff0000 and bus.rdata & 0x0000ffff

            # Check the fifo flags
            yield bus.receive(WE_STATUS_ADDR)
            assert bus.rdata & WES_SPACE
            assert not (bus.rdata & WES_DATA)

            raise StopSimulation
Пример #34
 def binary_offset():
     if in_valid:
         out_valid.next = True
         out_last.next = in_last
         out_i.next = intbv(concat(not in_i[len(in_i) - 1], in_i[len(in_i) - 1:]), min=0, max=2**len(in_i))
         out_q.next = intbv(concat(not in_q[len(in_q) - 1], in_q[len(in_q) - 1:]), min=0, max=2**len(in_q))
         out_valid.next = False
         out_last.next = False
         out_i.next = 0
         out_q.next = 0
Пример #35
def random_read(n):
    """ Generate and return a random intbv suitable for a read operation

    n -- length of the expected value in number of bytes

    data = intbv(randrange(0xFF))[8:]  # key
    data[7] = 0  # read
    data = concat(data, intbv(n)[8:])  # length
    for j in range(n):
        data = concat(data, intbv(0)[8:])  # placeholder bytes for value
    return data
Пример #36
def random_write(n):
    """ Generate and return a random intbv suitable for a write operation

    n -- length of the written value in number of bytes

    data = intbv(randrange(0xFF))[8:] # key
    data[7] = 1 # write
    data = concat(data, intbv(n)[8:]) # length
    for j in range(n):
        data = concat(data, intbv(randrange(0xFF))[8:]) # value bytes
    return data
Пример #37
def random_write(n):
    """ Generate and return a random intbv suitable for a write operation

    n -- length of the written value in number of bytes

    data = intbv(randrange(0xFF))[8:]  # key
    data[7] = 1  # write
    data = concat(data, intbv(n)[8:])  # length
    for j in range(n):
        data = concat(data, intbv(randrange(0xFF))[8:])  # value bytes
    return data
Пример #38
def random_read(n):
    """ Generate and return a random intbv suitable for a read operation

    n -- length of the expected value in number of bytes

    data = intbv(randrange(0xFF))[8:] # key
    data[7] = 0 # read
    data = concat(data, intbv(n)[8:]) # length
    for j in range(n):
        data = concat(data, intbv(0)[8:]) # placeholder bytes for value
    return data
Пример #39
 def tx(self, decim=1):
     re = [intbv(i)[10:] for i in self.tx_i][::decim]
     re = [
         intbv(concat(not i[len(i) - 1], i[len(i) - 1:])).signed()
         for i in re
     im = [intbv(q)[10:] for q in self.tx_q][::decim]
     im = [
         intbv(concat(not q[len(q) - 1], q[len(q) - 1:])).signed()
         for q in im
     y = np.array([i + 1j * q for i, q in zip(re, im)])
     return y
        def output_logic():
            if __vde:
                if decision2:
                    self.data_out.next[9] = not _q_m[8]
                    self.data_out.next[8] = _q_m[8]
                    if _q_m[8]:
                        self.data_out.next[8:0] = _q_m[8:0]
                        count.next = count + no_of_ones_q_m - no_of_zeros_q_m
                        self.data_out.next[8:0] = ~_q_m[8:0]
                        count.next = count + no_of_zeros_q_m - no_of_ones_q_m
                elif decision3:
                    self.data_out.next[9] = True
                    self.data_out.next[8] = _q_m[8]
                    self.data_out.next[8:0] = ~_q_m[8:0]
                    count.next = count - concat(_q_m[8], bool(0)) + no_of_zeros_q_m - no_of_ones_q_m
                    self.data_out.next[9] = False
                    self.data_out.next[8] = _q_m[8]
                    self.data_out.next[8:0] = _q_m[8:0]
                    count.next = count - concat(not _q_m[8], bool(0)) + no_of_ones_q_m - no_of_zeros_q_m
                if self.vde:
                    self.data_out.next = video_guard_band
                elif ade_vld:
                    terc4_encoding = ['1010011100',
                    self.data_out.next = int(terc4_encoding[audio_in_vld], 2)
                elif (self.ade | ____ade) and (self.channel != "BLUE"):
                    self.data_out.next = data_island_guard_band
                    concat_c = concat(__c1, __c0)
                    self.data_out.next = CONTROL_TOKEN[concat_c]

                count.next = 0
Пример #41
    def priv_stack_setup():
        if reset:
            priv_stack.next = intbv(int('000110', 2))[6:]
        elif wen_internal & addr == CSR_ADDR_MSTATUS:
            priv_stack.next = wdata_internal[5:0]
        elif exception:
            priv_stack.next = concat(priv_stack[3:0], intbv(int('110', 2))[3:])
        elif eret:
            priv_stack.next = concat(intbv(int('001', 2))[3:], priv_stack[6:3])

        epc.next = mepc

        mstatus.next = concat(intbv(0)[26:], priv_stack)
        mtdeleg.next = 0
        mtimer_expired.next = (mtimecmp == mtime_full[XPR_LEN:])
Пример #42
    def operator():
        if state == state_t.READY:
            k.next = 0
            ac_i.next = 0
            if not enable:
                out_valid.next = in_valid
                out_last.next = in_last
                out_i.next = in_i
                out_q.next = in_q
            elif in_valid:
                last.next = in_last
                state.next = state_t.WAIT1
                out_valid.next = False
                out_valid.next = False
                out_last.next = False
                out_i.next = 0
                out_q.next = 0
        elif state == state_t.DONE:
            out_valid.next = True
            out_last.next = last
            out_i.next = ac_i[len(ac_i):len(ac_i) - len(out_i)].signed()
            out_q.next = ac_q[len(ac_q):len(ac_q) - len(out_q)].signed()
            state.next = state_t.READY
            n.next = n + 1
            ac_i.next = 0
            ac_q.next = 0
            k.next = 0
            k.next = k + 1
            m_i.next = concat(
                coeff_ram_dout0).signed() * delay_line_i_ram_dout.signed()
            m_q.next = concat(
                coeff_ram_dout0).signed() * delay_line_q_ram_dout.signed()
            if state == state_t.RUN:
                ac_i.next = ac_i + m_i
                ac_q.next = ac_q + m_q
            elif state == state_t.WAIT1:
                state.next = state_t.WAIT2
            elif state == state_t.WAIT2:
                state.next = state_t.WAIT3
            elif state == state_t.WAIT3:
                state.next = state_t.RUN

            if k == N + 3:
                state.next = state_t.DONE
Пример #43
    def tx_state_m():  # 50MHz
        if state == tx_state.IDLE:
            ready_o.next = 1
            if start_i:  # Condición para cambiar de estado
                data.next = dat_i
                ready_o.next = 0
                state.next = tx_state.TX
                tx_o.next = 1

        elif state == tx_state.TX:
            if tx_tick_i:  #Usando el divisor del clk_i
                #lectura de los 8 bits que nos impartan para el caracter
                if cnt >= 1 and cnt <= 8:
                    tx_o.next = data[0]
                    data.next = hdl.concat(
                        data[8:1])  #Usando una logica similar al uart_rx
                    cnt.next = cnt + 1
                    tx_o.next = 0
                    cnt.next = cnt + 1

                #cuando termina de leer el ultimo bit del caracter, reinicia todo.
                if cnt == 9:
                    tx_o.next = 1
                    ready_o.next = 1
                    state.next = tx_state.IDLE
                    cnt.next = 0

            state.next = tx_state.IDLE  #Default
Пример #44
 def apply(self):
     self.capture = False
     if not self.cached:
         self.cached = True
     seg = self.depth()
     while seg is not None:
         seg = seg.breadth()
     if self.pending:
         if self.data_mode is None:
             raise SchedulerError("Pending conflict with data_mode!")
         # Concatenate vectors together into a single vector to scan
         value = concat([v for v in self.segments])
         wrvf = RVF()
         if self.capture and self.data_mode:
             wrvf.command = "SDR"
         elif self.capture and not self.data_mode:
             wrvf.command = "SIR"
         elif self.data_mode:
             wrvf.command = "SDRNC"
         elif not self.data_mode:
             wrvf.command = "SIRNC"
             raise SchedulerError("Invalid data_mode detected.")
         wrvf.uid = self.uid
         wrvf.payload = value
         self.request_count += 1
         self.pending = False
         self.data_mode = None
             "JTAGNetwork.apply(uid={:d}, command={:s}, payload={:s})\n".
             format(wrvf.uid, wrvf.command, str(wrvf.payload)))
Пример #45
    def sampler():
        if txen:
            if done:
                sample_i.next = 0
                sample_q.next = 0
                sample_valid.next = True
                sample_last.next = True
            elif fifo_dvld:
                sample_i.next = fifo_rdata[16:].signed()
                sample_q.next = fifo_rdata[32:16].signed()
                sample_valid.next = True
                sample_last.next = False
                sample_i.next = 0
                sample_q.next = 0
                sample_valid.next = False
                sample_last.next = False
            sample_i.next = 0
            sample_q.next = 0
            sample_valid.next = False
            sample_last.next = False

        if rxen and downsampled_valid:
            rx_fifo_wdata.next = concat(downsampled_q[9], downsampled_q[9],
                                        downsampled_q[9], downsampled_q[9],
                                        downsampled_q[9], downsampled_q[9],
                                        downsampled_q[10:], downsampled_i[9],
                                        downsampled_i[9], downsampled_i[9],
                                        downsampled_i[9], downsampled_i[9],
                                        downsampled_i[9], downsampled_i[10:])
            rx_fifo_wdata.next = 0
Пример #46
 def logic():
     if reset:
         buf.next = 0
     elif load:
         buf.next = parallel_in
         buf.next = concat(buf[M - 1:0], d)
Пример #47
 def logic():
     if reset:
         buf.next = 0
     elif load:
         buf.next = parallel_in
         buf.next = concat(buf[M - 1:0], d)
Пример #48
    def assign_rle_in():
        """connections between quantizer and RLE module"""
        rle_input_datastream.data_in.next = quanto_datastream.data
        quanto_datastream.addr.next = concat(rle_input_datastream.buffer_sel,

        quanto_datastream.buffer_sel.next = rle_input_datastream.buffer_sel
Пример #49
    def sampler():
        if txen:
            if done:
                sample_i.next = 0
                sample_q.next = 0
                sample_valid.next = True
                sample_last.next = True
            elif fifo_dvld:
                sample_i.next = fifo_rdata[16:].signed()
                sample_q.next = fifo_rdata[32:16].signed()
                sample_valid.next = True
                sample_last.next = False
                sample_i.next = 0
                sample_q.next = 0
                sample_valid.next = False
                sample_last.next = False
            sample_i.next = 0
            sample_q.next = 0
            sample_valid.next = False
            sample_last.next = False

        if rxen and downsampled_valid:
            rx_fifo_wdata.next = concat(
                downsampled_q[9], downsampled_q[9],
                downsampled_q[9], downsampled_q[9], downsampled_q[9],
                downsampled_q[9], downsampled_q[10:],
                downsampled_i[9], downsampled_i[9],
                downsampled_i[9], downsampled_i[9], downsampled_i[9],
                downsampled_i[9], downsampled_i[10:])
            rx_fifo_wdata.next = 0
Пример #50
 def fsm_proc():
     if state == tx_state.IDLE:
         ready_o.next = True
         if start_i:
             dat_r.next = dat_i
             state.next = tx_state.START
             ready_o.next = False
             tx_o.next = True
     elif state == tx_state.START:
         if tx_tick_i:
             tx_o.next = False
             state.next = tx_state.DATA
     elif state == tx_state.DATA:
         if tx_tick_i:
             tx_o.next = dat_r[0]
             dat_r.next = hdl.concat(False, dat_r[8:1])
             bit_cnt.next = bit_cnt + 1
             if bit_cnt == 7:
                 state.next = tx_state.STOP
     elif state == tx_state.STOP:
         if tx_tick_i:
             state.next = tx_state.IDLE
             tx_o.next = True
             ready_o.next = True
         state.next = tx_state.IDLE
Пример #51
 def _rx_proc(data):
     yield tx.negedge
     yield hdl.delay((CLK_XTAL // (BAUD * 2)) * TICK_PERIOD)
     for _ in range(8):
         yield hdl.delay((CLK_XTAL // BAUD) * TICK_PERIOD)
         data.next = hdl.concat(tx, data[8:1])
     yield tx.posedge
Пример #52
    def assign_rle_in():
        """connections between quantizer and RLE module"""
        rle_input_datastream.data_in.next = quanto_datastream.data
        quanto_datastream.addr.next = concat(rle_input_datastream.buffer_sel,

        quanto_datastream.buffer_sel.next = rle_input_datastream.buffer_sel
Пример #53
 def decoder():
     for i in range(6):
         LED[i].next = concat(
             bool((count[i][0] and not count[i][1] and not count[i][2]
                   and not count[i][3])
                  or (not count[i][0] and not count[i][1] and count[i][2])
                  or (count[i][1] and count[i][3])),
             bool((count[i][0] and not count[i][1] and count[i][2])
                  or (not count[i][0] and count[i][1] and count[i][2])
                  or (count[i][1] and count[i][3])),
             bool((not count[i][0] and count[i][1] and not count[i][2])
                  or (count[i][2] and count[i][3])),
             bool((count[i][0] and not count[i][1] and not count[i][2]
                   and not count[i][3])
                  or (count[i][0] and count[i][1] and count[i][2])
                  or (not count[i][0] and not count[i][1] and count[i][2])),
             bool(count[i][0] or (not count[i][1] and count[i][2])),
             bool((count[i][0] and not count[i][2] and not count[i][3])
                  or (count[i][0] and count[i][1])
                  or (count[i][1] and not count[i][2])),
                 (count[i][0] and count[i][1] and count[i][2]) or
                 (not count[i][1] and not count[i][2] and not count[i][3])))
     #Disable the tens-hour 7-segment digit when it is zero
     if not bool(count[5]):
         LED[5].next = 0x7F
Пример #54
def test_pc_mux():

    PC_src_sel = Signal(modbv(0)[PC_SRC_SEL_WIDTH:])
    inst_DX = Signal(modbv(randint(0, (1 << INST_WIDTH) - 1))[INST_WIDTH:])
    rs1_data, PC_IF, PC_DX, handler_PC, epc = [Signal(modbv(randint(0, (1 << XPR_LEN) - 1))[XPR_LEN:]) for _ in range(5)]
    PC_PIF = Signal(modbv(0)[XPR_LEN:])

    pc_mux_inst = PC_mux(PC_src_sel, inst_DX, rs1_data, PC_IF, PC_DX, handler_PC, epc, PC_PIF)

    imm_b = concat(*[inst_DX[31] for _ in range(20)], inst_DX[7], inst_DX[31:25], inst_DX[12:8], False)
    jal_offset = concat(*[inst_DX[31] for _ in range(12)], inst_DX[20:12], inst_DX[20],
                        inst_DX[31:25], inst_DX[25:21], False)
    jalr_offset = concat(*[inst_DX[31] for _ in range(21)], inst_DX[31:21], False)

    def test():
        PC_src_sel.next = PC_JAL_TARGET
        yield delay(10)
        assert PC_PIF == modbv(PC_DX + jal_offset)[XPR_LEN:]

        PC_src_sel.next = PC_JALR_TARGET
        yield delay(10)
        assert PC_PIF == modbv(rs1_data + jalr_offset)[XPR_LEN:]

        PC_src_sel.next = PC_BRANCH_TARGET
        yield delay(10)
        assert PC_PIF == modbv(PC_DX + imm_b)[XPR_LEN:]

        PC_src_sel.next = PC_REPLAY
        yield delay(10)
        assert PC_PIF == PC_IF

        PC_src_sel.next = PC_HANDLER
        yield delay(10)
        assert PC_PIF == handler_PC

        PC_src_sel.next = PC_EPC
        yield delay(10)
        assert PC_PIF == epc

        PC_src_sel.next = PC_PLUS_FOUR
        yield delay(10)
        assert PC_PIF == modbv(PC_IF + 4)[XPR_LEN:]

    return pc_mux_inst, test
Пример #55
 def assign():
     rxclientintf.clk.next = rxgmii_intf.clk.next
     clearcrc.next = state == rxstate.IDLE
     calccrc.next = (state == rxstate.FILTER or state == rxstate.PAUSE or state == rxstate.PASS)
     rxflowintf.macaddr.next = concat(rxconfig1[16:], rxconfig0)
     matchcrc.next = crcout == 0x2144DF1C
     reseten = rxconfig1[31]
     reset.next = sysreset or not reseten
Пример #56
    def assign3():
        """write data into the FIFO Bus"""

        dfifo.write_data.next = concat(
            rlesymbols_temp.runlength, rlesymbols_temp.size,

        dfifo.write.next = rlesymbols_temp.dovalid
Пример #57
 def rtl_input_capture():
     input_reg.next = concat(input_reg[nbits-1:1], serial_in)
     if bcnt == nbits-1:
         bcnt.next = 0
         capture_reg.next = input_reg
         _pclk.next = True
     elif bcnt == hbits:
         _pclk.next = False
Пример #58
 def delay_preamble_reg():
     if rst:
         int_xyz.next = 0
         if din_valid:
             if pre_detect:
                 int_xyz.next = concat(x_detect, y_detect, z_detect)
             elif bitcntr == 0b111:
                 int_xyz.next = 0