Пример #1
    def test_angle2dcm(self):
        Test forming transformation from navigation to body frame based on
        specified Euler angles.
        Data Source: Example generated using book GNSS Applications and Methods
             Chapter 7 library function: eul2Cbn.m (transpose of this used)

        # Define Euler angles
        yaw, pitch, roll = np.deg2rad([-83, 2.3, 13])

        Rnav2body_expected = np.matrix([[0.121771, -0.991747, -0.040132],
                                        [0.968207, 0.109785, 0.224770],
                                        [-0.218509, -0.066226, 0.973585]])

        Rnav2body_computed = navpy.angle2dcm(yaw, pitch, roll)


        # Test units feature
        yaw_deg, pitch_deg, roll_deg = np.rad2deg([yaw, pitch, roll])
        Rnav2body_computed = navpy.angle2dcm(yaw_deg,
Пример #2
    def __init__(self, static_properties):
        self.static_properties = static_properties

        self.lat_ref = self.static_properties.initial_lat
        self.long_ref = self.static_properties.initial_long
        self.alt_ref = self.static_properties.initial_alt

        # Outputs of the Kalman filter

        # in NED, starting point is relative
        self.estimated_position = np.matrix(navpy.lla2ecef(self.lat_ref, self.long_ref, self.alt_ref)).T

        # prev gps variables
        self.prev_gps_position_ecef = np.matrix(navpy.lla2ecef(self.lat_ref, self.long_ref, self.alt_ref)).T

        self.estimated_velocity = self.ned_to_ecef(
        )  # initial velocity should be given in meters with respect to your NED

        # old_est_C_b_e in Loosely_coupled_INS_GNSS (line 166)
        self.estimated_attitude = navpy.angle2dcm(
Пример #3
    def __init__(self, initial_roll, initial_pitch, initial_yaw, initial_lat,
                 initial_long, initial_alt, initial_v_north, initial_v_east,
                 initial_v_down, initial_attitude_unc, initial_velocity_unc,
                 initial_position_unc, initial_accel_bias_unc,
                 initial_gyro_bias_unc, gyro_noise_PSD, accel_noise_PSD,
                 accel_bias_PSD, gyro_bias_PSD, pos_meas_SD, vel_meas_SD):
        # initialize properties (from in_profile)
        self.initial_lat = initial_lat  # Column 2
        self.initial_long = initial_long  # Column 3
        self.initial_alt = initial_alt  # Column 4
        self.initial_v_north = initial_v_north  # Column 5
        self.initial_v_east = initial_v_east  # Column 6
        self.initial_v_down = initial_v_down  # Column 7
        self.initial_roll = initial_roll  # Column 8
        self.initial_pitch = initial_pitch  # Column 9
        self.initial_yaw = initial_yaw  # Column 10

        # properties of LC_KF_config
        self.uncertainty_values = dict(
            attitude=initial_attitude_unc,  # init_att_unc
            velocity=initial_velocity_unc,  # init_vel_unc
            position=initial_position_unc,  # init_pos_unc
            accel_bias=initial_accel_bias_unc,  # init_b_a_unc
            gyro_bias=initial_gyro_bias_unc,  # init_b_g_unc

        self.lat_ref = self.initial_lat
        self.long_ref = self.initial_long
        self.alt_ref = self.initial_alt

        # Outputs of the Kalman filter

        self.estimated_position = np.matrix(
            navpy.lla2ecef(self.lat_ref, self.long_ref, self.alt_ref)).T

        # prev gps variables
        self.prev_gps_position_ecef = np.matrix(
            navpy.lla2ecef(self.lat_ref, self.long_ref, self.alt_ref)).T

        self.estimated_velocity = self.ned_to_ecef(
            self.initial_v_north, self.initial_v_east, self.initial_v_down
        )  # initial velocity should be given in meters with respect to your NED

        # old_est_C_b_e in Loosely_coupled_INS_GNSS (line 166)
        self.estimated_attitude = np.matrix(
            navpy.angle2dcm(  # Euler_to_CTM

        self.estimated_imu_biases = np.matrix(np.zeros((6, 1)))
Пример #4
    def test_angle2dcm(self):
        Test forming transformation from navigation to body frame based on
        specified Euler angles.
        Data Source: Example 1 generated using book GNSS Applications and Methods
             Chapter 7 library function: eul2Cbn.m (transpose of this used).
             Example 2 found in Performance, Stability, Dynamics, and Control
             of Airplanes, Second Edition (p. 355).
        # Define Euler angles and expected DCMs
        checks = (
            (np.deg2rad([-83, 2.3, 13]), 6,
             np.matrix([[ 0.121771, -0.991747, -0.040132],
                        [ 0.968207,  0.109785,  0.224770],
                        [-0.218509, -0.066226,  0.973585]])),
            (np.deg2rad([-10, 20, 30]), 4,
             np.matrix([[ 0.9254,  0.3188,  0.2049],
                        [-0.1632,  0.8232, -0.5438],
                        [-0.3420,  0.4698,  0.8138]]).T),

        for angles, decimal, Rnav2body_expected in checks:
            yaw, pitch, roll = angles

            Rnav2body_computed = navpy.angle2dcm(yaw, pitch, roll)
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(Rnav2body_expected, Rnav2body_computed, decimal=decimal)
            # Test units feature
            yaw_deg, pitch_deg, roll_deg = np.rad2deg([yaw, pitch, roll])
            Rnav2body_computed = navpy.angle2dcm(yaw_deg, pitch_deg, roll_deg, input_unit='deg')
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(Rnav2body_expected, Rnav2body_computed, decimal=decimal)

        # Test with multiple inputs
        angles = np.column_stack([a for a, d, r in checks])
        Rnav2body = navpy.angle2dcm(*angles)
        for (Rnav2body_expected, decimal), Rnav2body_computed in zip(
                [(r, d) for a, d, r in checks], Rnav2body):
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(Rnav2body_expected, Rnav2body_computed, decimal=decimal)
Пример #5
    def test_angle2dcm(self):
        Test forming transformation from navigation to body frame based on
        specified Euler angles.
        Data Source: Example generated using book GNSS Applications and Methods
             Chapter 7 library function: eul2Cbn.m (transpose of this used)
        # Define Euler angles
        yaw, pitch, roll = np.deg2rad([-83, 2.3, 13])

        Rnav2body_expected = np.matrix([[ 0.121771, -0.991747, -0.040132],
                                        [ 0.968207,  0.109785,  0.224770],
                                        [-0.218509, -0.066226,  0.973585]])

        Rnav2body_computed = navpy.angle2dcm(yaw, pitch, roll)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(Rnav2body_expected, Rnav2body_computed, decimal=6)
        # Test units feature
        yaw_deg, pitch_deg, roll_deg = np.rad2deg([yaw, pitch, roll])
        Rnav2body_computed = navpy.angle2dcm(yaw_deg, pitch_deg, roll_deg, input_unit='deg')
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(Rnav2body_expected, Rnav2body_computed, decimal=6)
Пример #6
def simulate_magnetometer(yaw, pitch, roll, input_units='rad'):
    Simulate magnetometer measurements, as measured by a 3-axis magnetomter.  
    This is useful to demonstrate the ability of our calibration algorithm to 
    recover a calibrated measurement in proximity to the truth.  

    yaw, pitch, roll : Length N numpy arrays of truth/assumed Euler angles,
                       assuming 3-2-1 rotation sequence, where N is the number
                       of data points.
    input_units: units for input angles {'rad', 'deg'}, optional.

    hb: (N x 3) numpy array of truth magnetic field in the body-frame
    hm: (N x 3) numpy array of corrupted magnetometer measurements in body-frame,
        where N is the numberof data points.

    The following describes the steps for simulating the magentometer measurements:

    1. Define magnetic fieled in navigation frame --> (h)
    2. Load simulated true attitude (Euler Angles) profile
    3. Map true magnetic field measurements to the body-frame using DCM --> (hb)
    4. Load simulated sensor errors for magnetometer & form corrupting transformation (C, b).
    5. Corrupt true body-frame measurements accoding to:  hm = C * hb + b + n
    6. Return true and corrupted body-axis magnetometer measurements.

    If position information is availble, we can use a magnetic field model to vary
    the true observed magnetic field.

    Date: September 25, 2013
    Updated: Octtober 6, 2013
    Author: Hamid Mokhtarzadeh
    print('Truth magnetic field assumed for Minneapolis, MN.')
    # TODO: Find way to define desired error terms - currently they are hard-coded!
    print('Warning: Assumed error terms are currently hard-coded in function!')
    # Apply necessary unit transformations.
    if input_units == 'rad':
        yaw_rad, pitch_rad, roll_rad = yaw, pitch, roll
    elif input_units == 'deg':
        yaw_rad, pitch_rad, roll_rad = np.radians([yaw, pitch, roll])

    drl = len(yaw_rad)

    # STEP 3 #
    hb = np.nan * np.zeros((drl,3))
    # Map true magnetic field measurements to the body-frame using DCM --> (hb)
    for k, [y, p, r] in enumerate(zip(yaw_rad, pitch_rad, roll_rad)):
        Rbody2nav = angle2dcm(y, p, r)
        hb[k,:] = np.dot(Rbody2nav, h)

    # STEP 4 #
    # Load simulated sensor errors for magnetometer & form
    # sigma_n - standard deviation of additive Guassian white-noise
    # b - 3x1 vector, null-shift or hard iron errors
    # Cs - 3x3 matrix, scale factor
    # Ce - 3x3 matrix, misalignment affects
    # Ca - 3x3 matrix, soft-iron and axes nonorthogonality
    # C = Cs * Ce * Ca
    sigma_n = 0.0007  # Guass # TODO: decide whether to add noise term or not

    bx, by, bz = 0.2, 0.2, -0.1 # bias
    sx, sy, sz = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 # scale factor (0: no scale factor error)
    ex, ey, ez = 0., 0., 0. # misalignment errors (0: no misalignment error)

    # Combined soft-iron and axes nonorthogonality effects (0: no error)
    axx, ayy, azz = 0., 0., 0.

    # We'll assume symmetric effects for now.
    axy = ayx = 0.
    axz = azx = 0.
    ayz = azy = 0.

    # Form error terms
    Cs = np.eye(3) + np.diag([sx, sy, sz])
    Ce = np.array([[ 1.,  ez, -ey],
                   [-ez,  1.,  ex],
                   [ ey, -ex,  1.]])
    Ca = np.array([[1.+axx,   axy,   axz],
                   [  ayx, 1.+ayy,   ayz],
                   [  azx,   azy, 1.+azz]])
    b = np.array([bx, by, bz])
    n = sigma_n * np.random.randn(drl, 3) 

    C = Cs.dot(Ce).dot(Ca)

    # STEP 5 #
    # Corrupt true body-frame measurements according to:
    # hm = C * hb + b + n
    hm = C.dot(hb.T).T + b + n
    return hb, hm
Пример #7
    estGB[i,3] = imu.temp
    Pp[i,:] = np.diag(est.P[0:3,0:3])
    Pvel[i,:] = np.diag(est.P[3:6,3:6])
    Patt[i,:] = np.diag(est.P[6:9,6:9])
    Pab[i,:] = np.diag(est.P[9:12,9:12])
    Pgb[i,:] = np.diag(est.P[12:15,12:15])
    stateInnov[i,:] = est.stateInnov[:]

psi, theta, phi = navpy.quat2angle(estATT[:,0],estATT[:,1:4],output_unit='deg')

# Calculate Attitude Error
delta_att = np.nan*np.zeros((drl,3))
for i in range(0,drl):
    # when processing real data, we have no truth reference
    #C1 = navpy.angle2dcm(flight_data.psi[i],flight_data.theta[i],flight_data.phi[i]).T
    C1 = navpy.angle2dcm(psi[i],theta[i],phi[i],input_unit='deg').T
    C2 = navpy.angle2dcm(psi[i],theta[i],phi[i],input_unit='deg').T
    dC = C2.dot(C1.T)-np.eye(3)
    # dC contains delta angle. To match delta quaternion, divide by 2.
    delta_att[i,:] = [-dC[1,2]/2.0, dC[0,2]/2.0, -dC[0,1]/2.0]

lat_ref = estPOS[idx_init[0],0]
lon_ref = estPOS[idx_init[0],1]
alt_ref = estPOS[idx_init[0],2]

ecef_ref = navpy.lla2ecef(lat_ref,lon_ref,alt_ref)

ecef = navpy.lla2ecef(estPOS[:,0],estPOS[:,1],estPOS[:,2])
filter_ned = navpy.ecef2ned(ecef-ecef_ref,lat_ref,lon_ref,alt_ref)

# when processing real data, we have no truth reference
Пример #8
    def test_angle2dcm(self):
        Test forming transformation from navigation to body frame based on
        specified Euler angles.
        Data Source: Example 1 generated using book GNSS Applications and Methods
             Chapter 7 library function: eul2Cbn.m (transpose of this used).
             Example 2 found in Performance, Stability, Dynamics, and Control
             of Airplanes, Second Edition (p. 355).
        # Define Euler angles and expected DCMs
        checks = (
            (np.deg2rad([45, 0, 0]), 15, 'ZYX',
             np.matrix([[  0.707106781186548, 0.707106781186547, 0 ],
                        [ -0.707106781186547, 0.707106781186548, 0],
                        [  0,                 0,                 1.000000000000000]])),
            (np.deg2rad([0, 45, 0]), 15, 'ZYX',
             np.matrix([[ 0.707106781186548,                 0,  -0.707106781186547 ],
                        [ 0,                 1.000000000000000,   0],
                        [ 0.707106781186547,                 0,   0.707106781186548]])),
            (np.deg2rad([0, 0, 45]), 15, 'ZYX',
             np.matrix([[ 1.000000000000000, 0,                   0],
                        [ 0,                 0.707106781186548,   0.707106781186547],
                        [ 0,                -0.707106781186547,   0.707106781186548]])),
            (np.deg2rad([-83, 2.3, 13]), 6, 'ZYX',
             np.matrix([[ 0.121771, -0.991747, -0.040132],
                        [ 0.968207,  0.109785,  0.224770],
                        [-0.218509, -0.066226,  0.973585]])),
            (np.deg2rad([-10, 20, 30]), 4, 'ZYX',
             np.matrix([[ 0.9254,  0.3188,  0.2049],
                        [-0.1632,  0.8232, -0.5438],
                        [-0.3420,  0.4698,  0.8138]]).T),
        checks_sequences = (
            (np.deg2rad([45, -5, 70]), 15, 'XYZ',
             np.matrix([[ 0.340718653421610,   0.643384864470459,   0.685541184306890],
                        [-0.936116806662859,   0.299756531066926,   0.183932994229025],
                        [-0.087155742747658,  -0.704416026402759,   0.704416026402759]])),
            (np.deg2rad([45, -5, 70]), 15, 'ZYX',
             np.matrix([[0.704416026402759,   0.704416026402759,   0.087155742747658 ],
                        [-0.299756531066926,   0.183932994229025,   0.936116806662859],
                        [ 0.643384864470459,  -0.685541184306890,   0.340718653421610]])),
            (np.deg2rad([45, -5, 70]), 15, 'ZYZ',
             np.matrix([[-0.423538554077505,   0.905387494699844,   0.029809019626209],
                        [-0.903779304621979,  -0.420089779326028,  -0.081899608319089],
                        [-0.061628416716219,  -0.061628416716219,   0.996194698091746]])),
            (np.deg2rad([45, -5, 70]), 15, 'ZXY',
             np.matrix([[0.299756531066926,   0.183932994229025,  -0.936116806662859],
                        [-0.704416026402759,   0.704416026402759,  -0.087155742747658],
                        [0.643384864470459,   0.685541184306890,   0.340718653421610]])),
            (np.deg2rad([45, -5, 70]), 15, 'ZXZ',
             np.matrix([[-0.420089779326028,   0.903779304621979,  -0.081899608319089],
                        [-0.905387494699844,  -0.423538554077505,  -0.029809019626209],
                        [-0.061628416716219,   0.061628416716219,   0.996194698091746]])),
            (np.deg2rad([45, -5, 70]), 15, 'YXZ',
             np.matrix([[0.183932994229025,   0.936116806662859,  -0.299756531066926],
                        [-0.685541184306890,   0.340718653421610,   0.643384864470459],
                        [0.704416026402759,   0.087155742747658,   0.704416026402759]])),
            (np.deg2rad([45, -5, 70]), 15, 'YXY',
             np.matrix([[-0.420089779326028,  -0.081899608319089,  -0.903779304621979],
                        [-0.061628416716219,   0.996194698091746,  -0.061628416716219],
                        [0.905387494699844,   0.029809019626209,  -0.423538554077505]])),
            (np.deg2rad([45, -5, 70]), 15, 'YZX',
             np.matrix([[0.704416026402759,  -0.087155742747658,  -0.704416026402759],
                        [0.685541184306890,   0.340718653421610,   0.643384864470459],
                        [0.183932994229025,  -0.936116806662859,   0.299756531066926]])),
            (np.deg2rad([45, -5, 70]), 15, 'YZY',
             np.matrix([[-0.423538554077505,  -0.029809019626209,  -0.905387494699844],
                        [0.061628416716219,   0.996194698091746,  -0.061628416716219],
                        [0.903779304621979,  -0.081899608319089,  -0.420089779326028]])),
            (np.deg2rad([45, -5, 70]), 15, 'XYX',
             np.matrix([[0.996194698091746,  -0.061628416716219,   0.061628416716219],
                        [-0.081899608319089,  -0.420089779326028,   0.903779304621979],
                        [-0.029809019626209,  -0.905387494699844,  -0.423538554077505]])),
            (np.deg2rad([45, -5, 70]), 15, 'XZY',
             np.matrix([[0.340718653421610,   0.643384864470459,  -0.685541184306890],
                        [0.087155742747658,   0.704416026402759,   0.704416026402759],
                        [0.936116806662859,  -0.299756531066926,   0.183932994229025]])),
            (np.deg2rad([45, -5, 70]), 15, 'XZX',
             np.matrix([[0.996194698091746,  -0.061628416716219,  -0.061628416716219],
                        [0.029809019626209,  -0.423538554077505,   0.905387494699844],
                        [-0.081899608319089,  -0.903779304621979,  -0.420089779326028]])),

        for angles, decimal, sequence, Rnav2body_expected in checks_sequences:
            yaw, pitch, roll = angles

            Rnav2body_computed = navpy.angle2dcm(yaw, pitch, roll, rotation_sequence=sequence)
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(Rnav2body_expected, Rnav2body_computed, decimal=decimal)
            # Test units feature
            yaw_deg, pitch_deg, roll_deg = np.rad2deg([yaw, pitch, roll])
            Rnav2body_computed = navpy.angle2dcm(yaw_deg, pitch_deg, roll_deg, input_unit='deg', rotation_sequence=sequence)
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(Rnav2body_expected, Rnav2body_computed, decimal=decimal)

        # Test with multiple inputs
        angles = np.column_stack([a for a, d, s, r in checks])
        sequences = np.column_stack([s for a, d, s, r in checks])
        Rnav2body = navpy.angle2dcm(*angles)
        for (Rnav2body_expected, decimal), Rnav2body_computed in zip(
                [(r, d) for a, d, s, r in checks], Rnav2body):
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(Rnav2body_expected, Rnav2body_computed, decimal=decimal)
Пример #9
if xmax > x.max():
    xmax = x.max()
print "flight range = %.3f - %.3f (%.3f)" % (xmin, xmax, xmax-xmin)
trange = xmax - xmin

sense_data = []
ideal_data = []

for i, x in enumerate( np.linspace(xmin, xmax, trange*args.resample_hz) ):
    alt = filter_alt(x)
    phi = filter_phi(x)
    the = filter_the(x)
    psi = filter_psi(x)
    #print phi, the, psi
    N2B = navpy.angle2dcm(psi, the, phi, input_unit='deg')
    mag_ideal = N2B.dot(mag_ned)
    norm = np.linalg.norm(mag_ideal)
    mag_ideal /= norm
    hx = imu_hx(x)
    hy = imu_hy(x)
    hz = imu_hz(x)
    if abs(hx) > 1000:
        print "oops:", hx, hy, hz
    mag_sense = np.array([hx, hy, hz])
    # print mag_sense
    if args.flight:
        ideal_data.append( mag_ideal[:].tolist() )
        sense_data.append( mag_sense[:].tolist() )
    elif args.sentera and alt >= alt_cutoff:
        ideal_data.append( mag_ideal[:].tolist() )
Пример #10
    estATT[i,:] = est.estATT[:]
    estAB[i,:] = est.estAB[:]
    estGB[i,:] = est.estGB[:]
    Pp[i,:] = np.diag(est.P[0:3,0:3])
    Pvel[i,:] = np.diag(est.P[3:6,3:6])
    Patt[i,:] = np.diag(est.P[6:9,6:9])
    Pab[i,:] = np.diag(est.P[9:12,9:12])
    Pgb[i,:] = np.diag(est.P[12:15,12:15])
    stateInnov[i,:] = est.stateInnov[:]

psi, theta, phi = navpy.quat2angle(estATT[:,0],estATT[:,1:4],output_unit='deg')

# Calculate Attitude Error
delta_att = np.nan*np.zeros((drl,3))
for i in range(0,drl):
    C1 = navpy.angle2dcm(flight_data.psi[i],flight_data.theta[i],flight_data.phi[i]).T
    C2 = navpy.angle2dcm(psi[i],theta[i],phi[i],input_unit='deg').T
    dC = C2.dot(C1.T)-np.eye(3)
    # dC contains delta angle. To match delta quaternion, divide by 2.
    delta_att[i,:] = [-dC[1,2]/2.0, dC[0,2]/2.0, -dC[0,1]/2.0]

lat_ref = estPOS[idx_init[0],0]
lon_ref = estPOS[idx_init[0],1]
alt_ref = estPOS[idx_init[0],2]

ecef_ref = navpy.lla2ecef(lat_ref,lon_ref,alt_ref)

ecef = navpy.lla2ecef(estPOS[:,0],estPOS[:,1],estPOS[:,2])
filter_ned = navpy.ecef2ned(ecef-ecef_ref,lat_ref,lon_ref,alt_ref)

ecef = navpy.lla2ecef(flight_data.lat,flight_data.lon,flight_data.alt)
Пример #11
def run_filter(imu_data, gps_data):
    drl = len(imu_data)

    # result structures
    estPOS = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 3))
    estVEL = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 3))
    estATT = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 4))
    estAB = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 4))
    estGB = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 4))

    Pp = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 3))
    Pvel = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 3))
    Patt = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 3))
    Pab = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 3))
    Pgb = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 3))

    stateInnov = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 6))

    plot_time = [0.0] * drl

    # Variable Initializer
    idx_init = []

    # Main Loop
    filter = EKF.Filter()

    gps_index = 1
    nav_init = False
    for i, imu in enumerate(imu_data):
        # walk the gps counter forward as needed
        if imu.time >= gps_data[gps_index].time:
            gps_index += 1
        if gps_index >= len(gps_data):
            # no more gps data, stick on the last record
            gps_index = len(gps_data) - 1
        gps = gps_data[gps_index - 1]
        # print "t(imu) = " + str(imu.time) + " t(gps) = " + str(gps.time)

        # update the filter
        plot_time[i] = imu.time
        est = filter.update(imu, gps, verbose=False)

        # save the results for plotting
        if not nav_init and est.valid:
            nav_init = True
        elif not est.valid:
            nav_init = False
        estPOS[i, :] = est.estPOS[:]
        estVEL[i, :] = est.estVEL[:]
        estATT[i, :] = est.estATT[:]
        estAB[i, 0:3] = est.estAB[:]
        estAB[i, 3] = imu.temp
        estGB[i, 0:3] = est.estGB[:]
        estGB[i, 3] = imu.temp
        Pp[i, :] = np.diag(est.P[0:3, 0:3])
        Pvel[i, :] = np.diag(est.P[3:6, 3:6])
        Patt[i, :] = np.diag(est.P[6:9, 6:9])
        Pab[i, :] = np.diag(est.P[9:12, 9:12])
        Pgb[i, :] = np.diag(est.P[12:15, 12:15])
        stateInnov[i, :] = est.stateInnov[:]

    psi, theta, phi = navpy.quat2angle(estATT[:, 0],
                                       estATT[:, 1:4],

    # Calculate Attitude Error
    delta_att = np.nan * np.zeros((drl, 3))
    for i in range(0, drl):
        # when processing real data, we have no truth reference
        #C1 = navpy.angle2dcm(flight_data.psi[i],flight_data.theta[i],flight_data.phi[i]).T
        C1 = navpy.angle2dcm(psi[i], theta[i], phi[i], input_unit='deg').T
        C2 = navpy.angle2dcm(psi[i], theta[i], phi[i], input_unit='deg').T
        dC = C2.dot(C1.T) - np.eye(3)
        # dC contains delta angle. To match delta quaternion, divide by 2.
        delta_att[i, :] = [-dC[1, 2] / 2.0, dC[0, 2] / 2.0, -dC[0, 1] / 2.0]

    lat_ref = estPOS[idx_init[0], 0]
    lon_ref = estPOS[idx_init[0], 1]
    alt_ref = estPOS[idx_init[0], 2]

    ecef_ref = navpy.lla2ecef(lat_ref, lon_ref, alt_ref)

    ecef = navpy.lla2ecef(estPOS[:, 0], estPOS[:, 1], estPOS[:, 2])
    filter_ned = navpy.ecef2ned(ecef - ecef_ref, lat_ref, lon_ref, alt_ref)

    # when processing real data, we have no truth reference
    #ecef = navpy.lla2ecef(flight_data.lat,flight_data.lon,flight_data.alt)
    #ecef = navpy.lla2ecef(estPOS[:,0],estPOS[:,1],estPOS[:,2])
    #gnss_ned = navpy.ecef2ned(ecef-ecef_ref,lat_ref,lon_ref,alt_ref)
    #gnss_ned[0:idx_init[0],:] = np.nan

    rawgps = np.nan * np.ones((len(gps_data), 3))
    for i, gps in enumerate(gps_data):
        rawgps[i, :] = [gps.lat, gps.lon, gps.alt]
    ecef = navpy.lla2ecef(rawgps[:, 0],
                          rawgps[:, 1],
                          rawgps[:, 2],
    ref_ned = navpy.ecef2ned(ecef - ecef_ref, lat_ref, lon_ref, alt_ref)
    ref_ned[0:idx_init[0], :] = np.nan

    return estPOS, estVEL, estATT, estAB, estGB, Pp, Pvel, Patt, Pab, Pgb, stateInnov, plot_time, idx_init, filter_ned, ref_ned, psi, theta, phi, delta_att
Пример #12
def run_filter(imu_data, gps_data):
    drl = len(imu_data)

    # result structures
    estPOS = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 3))
    estVEL = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 3))
    estATT = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 4))
    estAB = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 4))
    estGB = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 4))

    Pp = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 3))
    Pvel = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 3))
    Patt = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 3))
    Pab = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 3))
    Pgb = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 3))

    stateInnov = np.nan * np.ones((drl, 6))

    plot_time = [0.0] * drl

    # Variable Initializer
    idx_init = []

    # Main Loop
    filter = EKF.Filter()

    gps_index = 1
    nav_init = False
    for i, imu in enumerate(imu_data):
        # walk the gps counter forward as needed
        if imu.time >= gps_data[gps_index].time:
            gps_index += 1
        if gps_index >= len(gps_data):
            # no more gps data, stick on the last record
            gps_index = len(gps_data) - 1
        gps = gps_data[gps_index - 1]
        # print "t(imu) = " + str(imu.time) + " t(gps) = " + str(gps.time)

        # update the filter
        plot_time[i] = imu.time
        est = filter.update(imu, gps, verbose=False)

        # save the results for plotting
        if not nav_init and est.valid:
            nav_init = True
        elif not est.valid:
            nav_init = False
        estPOS[i, :] = est.estPOS[:]
        estVEL[i, :] = est.estVEL[:]
        estATT[i, :] = est.estATT[:]
        estAB[i, 0:3] = est.estAB[:]
        estAB[i, 3] = imu.temp
        estGB[i, 0:3] = est.estGB[:]
        estGB[i, 3] = imu.temp
        Pp[i, :] = np.diag(est.P[0:3, 0:3])
        Pvel[i, :] = np.diag(est.P[3:6, 3:6])
        Patt[i, :] = np.diag(est.P[6:9, 6:9])
        Pab[i, :] = np.diag(est.P[9:12, 9:12])
        Pgb[i, :] = np.diag(est.P[12:15, 12:15])
        stateInnov[i, :] = est.stateInnov[:]

    psi, theta, phi = navpy.quat2angle(estATT[:, 0], estATT[:, 1:4], output_unit="deg")

    # Calculate Attitude Error
    delta_att = np.nan * np.zeros((drl, 3))
    for i in range(0, drl):
        # when processing real data, we have no truth reference
        # C1 = navpy.angle2dcm(flight_data.psi[i],flight_data.theta[i],flight_data.phi[i]).T
        C1 = navpy.angle2dcm(psi[i], theta[i], phi[i], input_unit="deg").T
        C2 = navpy.angle2dcm(psi[i], theta[i], phi[i], input_unit="deg").T
        dC = C2.dot(C1.T) - np.eye(3)
        # dC contains delta angle. To match delta quaternion, divide by 2.
        delta_att[i, :] = [-dC[1, 2] / 2.0, dC[0, 2] / 2.0, -dC[0, 1] / 2.0]

    lat_ref = estPOS[idx_init[0], 0]
    lon_ref = estPOS[idx_init[0], 1]
    alt_ref = estPOS[idx_init[0], 2]

    ecef_ref = navpy.lla2ecef(lat_ref, lon_ref, alt_ref)

    ecef = navpy.lla2ecef(estPOS[:, 0], estPOS[:, 1], estPOS[:, 2])
    filter_ned = navpy.ecef2ned(ecef - ecef_ref, lat_ref, lon_ref, alt_ref)

    # when processing real data, we have no truth reference
    # ecef = navpy.lla2ecef(flight_data.lat,flight_data.lon,flight_data.alt)
    # ecef = navpy.lla2ecef(estPOS[:,0],estPOS[:,1],estPOS[:,2])
    # gnss_ned = navpy.ecef2ned(ecef-ecef_ref,lat_ref,lon_ref,alt_ref)
    # gnss_ned[0:idx_init[0],:] = np.nan

    rawgps = np.nan * np.ones((len(gps_data), 3))
    for i, gps in enumerate(gps_data):
        rawgps[i, :] = [gps.lat, gps.lon, gps.alt]
    ecef = navpy.lla2ecef(rawgps[:, 0], rawgps[:, 1], rawgps[:, 2], latlon_unit="deg")
    ref_ned = navpy.ecef2ned(ecef - ecef_ref, lat_ref, lon_ref, alt_ref)
    ref_ned[0 : idx_init[0], :] = np.nan

    return (
Пример #13
      # TODO: Print header
      csv_writer = csv.writer(fobj)
      for k in range(len(t_store)):
        # Convert eps_NED to eps_YPR
        yaw_rad   = nav_data_dict['psi_store'][k]
        pitch_rad = nav_data_dict['the_store'][k]
        roll_rad  = nav_data_dict['phi_store'][k]

        # Note, as part of transformation we are
        # ignoring uncertinty in the mapping.
        epsNED_std_deg = [r2d(nav_data_dict['epsN_std'][k]),
        yaw_std_deg = epsNED_std_deg[2]
        pitch_std_deg = navpy.angle2dcm(yaw_rad, 0, 0, input_unit='rad').dot(epsNED_std_deg)[1]
        roll_std_deg = navpy.angle2dcm(yaw_rad, pitch_rad, 0, input_unit='rad').dot(epsNED_std_deg)[0]

        row = [int(t_store[k]*1e6), 
Пример #14
def WF2NED(wf_frame_Float32MultiArray, wf_heading = cf.WF_HEADING):
    dcm = navpy.angle2dcm(-wf_heading,0,0)
    newloc = Float32MultiArray()
    newloc.data = np.matmul(wf_frame_Float32MultiArray.data,dcm)
    return newloc