Пример #1
class Logic(object):

    def __init__(self):
        """ Implemantation of the broker messages """
        self.network = Network()
        self.home_dir = os.path.expanduser('~')

    def connect(self,ip,port):
        Peer this console to a broker endpoint

        :param ip:
        :param port: type integer
        :return: peering successfully created
        return self.network.connect(ip,port)

    def disconnect(self,connection_name):
        Terminate one peering connection of this console 

        :param connection_name: id of the connection can be obtained by list_connections
        return self.network.disconnect(connection_name)

    #return: [[ip,port],[ip2,port2]]
    def list_connections(self):
        List peering connections of this console

        :return: {connection_id1:[[ip,port],
        return self.network.list_connections()

    def get_logs(self):
        Get a list of all arrived logs since the last call of get_logs

        return self.network.get_logs()

    def extract_messages(self,msg_list):
        Helpermethod of check_answer
        Converts a list of json encodes messages to a list of dictionaries
        msgs = []
        for m in msg_list:
        return msgs

    def check_answer(self,msg_list,honeypotids,expect_dict):
        Helpermethod of get_messages
        Check which of the recieved messages are wanted
        :param msg_list: recieved messages
        :param honeypotids: 
        :param expect_dict: key value pairs to identify if a response is wanted
        filtered_msgs = []
        for msg in msg_list:
            if "ALL" in honeypotids or msg["from"] in honeypotids:
                for k in expect_dict.keys():
                    if k in msg.keys():
                        if msg[k] == expect_dict[k]:
        return filtered_msgs

    def get_messages(self,honeypotids,expect_dict):
        Helpermethod of send_receive
        Waits for messages from honeypots and check them

        :param honeypotids: list of honeypots responses are expected from
        :param expect_dict: 
        :return: list of expected responses, may be empty
        if type(honeypotids) == str:
            honeypotids = [honeypotids]
        if "ALL" in honeypotids:
            msg_list = self.network.wait_for_messages()
            if msg_list:
                msg_list = self.extract_messages(msg_list)
                msg_list = self.check_answer(msg_list,honeypotids,expect_dict)
            msg_count = len(honeypotids)
            msg_list = []
            while(msg_count > 0):
                msgs = self.network.get_message()
                if msgs:
                    msgs = self.extract_messages(msgs)
                    msgs = self.check_answer(msgs,honeypotids,expect_dict)
                    if msgs:
                        msg_list = msg_list + msgs
                        msg_count -= len(msgs)
                    msg_count = 0
        return msg_list

    def send_receive(self, req, honeypotids, expect_dict):
        Send a request to the specified honeypots, wait for messages and filter them for the wanted responses

        :param req: dictionary with the request
        :param honeypotids: honeypots, from which a response is expected
        :param expect_dict: if a message contains all these key value pairs, it is a wanted response
        :return: all wanted responses as a list of dictionaries
        return self.get_messages(honeypotids,expect_dict)

    def get_info(self,honeypotids):
        Get the infos of honeypots

        :param honeypotids:
        req = {"type":"get_info",
                "to": honeypotids}
        expect_dict = {"type":"send_info"}
        msg_list = self.send_receive(req,honeypotids,expect_dict)
        answer = {}
        for msg in msg_list:
            answer[msg["from"]] = msg["info"]
        return answer

    def honeypot_peer(self,honeypotids,ip,port):
        Peer honeypots to an endpoint

        :param honeypotids:
        :param ip:
        :param port: type:integer
        req = {"type":"set_peer",
        expect_dict = {"type":"peer_set"}
        msg_list = self.send_receive(req,honeypotids,expect_dict)
        answer = {}
        for msg in msg_list:
            answer[msg["from"]] = [msg["ip"],msg["port"]]
        return answer

    def honeypot_get_peering(self,honeypotids):
        Get info, to which endpoints the honeypots are peered to

        :param honeypotids:
        req = {"type":"get_peering",
        expect_dict = {"type":"send_peering"}
        msg_list = self.send_receive(req,honeypotids,expect_dict)
        answer = {}
        for msg in msg_list:
            answer[msg["from"]] = [msg["ip"],msg["port"]]
        return answer

    def honeypot_unpeer(self,honeypotids):
        Terminate the peerings of honeypots

        :param honeypotids:
        req = {"type":"unpeer",
        expect_dict = {"type":"unpeered"}
        msg_list = self.send_receive(req,honeypotids,expect_dict)
        answer = []
        for msg in msg_list:
        return answer

    def list_honeypots(self):
        Get a list of all honeypots this console can reach

        req = {"type": "ping",
                "from": self.network.mc_id}
        expect_dict = {"type":"pong"}
        msg_list = self.send_receive(req, "ALL", expect_dict)
        answer = []
        for msg in msg_list:
        return answer

    def list_services(self,honeypotids):
        Get all services (by their id, and sorted by honeypots) that are currently running on the honeypots

        :param honeypotids:
        req = {"type":"get_all_services",
        expect_dict = {"type":"send_all_services"}
        msg_list = self.send_receive(req,honeypotids,expect_dict)
        answer = {}
        for msg in msg_list:
            answer[msg["from"]] = msg["services"]
        return answer

    def get_service_config(self, honeypotids, serviceid):
        Get the configurations of one service from multiple honeypots

        :param honeypotids:
        :param serviceid:
        req = {"type": "get_settings", 
               "from": self.network.mc_id,
               "to": honeypotids,
               "service": serviceid}
        expect_dict = {"type": "hp_settings"}
        msg_list = self.send_receive(req, honeypotids, expect_dict)
        answer = {}
        for msg in msg_list:
            answer[msg["from"]] = msg["settings"]
        return answer

    def send_service_config(self, honeypotids, config):
        Send configirations to honeypots

        :param honeypotids:
        :param config: contains the information which service this is addressed to
        :return: how the configuration is after the changes
        req = {"type": "set_settings", 
                "from": self.network.mc_id,
                "to": honeypotids,
                "settings": config}
        expect_dict = {"type": "hp_settings"}
        msg_list = self.send_receive(req, honeypotids, expect_dict)
        answer = {}
        for msg in msg_list:
            answer[msg["from"]] = msg["settings"]
        return answer

    def start_service(self,honeypotids,serviceids):
        Start services on honeypots

        :param honeypotids:
        :param serviceids:
        req = {"type": "start_services",
                "services": serviceids, 
                "to": honeypotids, 
                "from": self.network.mc_id}
        expect_dict = {"type":"started_services"}
        msg_list = self.send_receive(req, honeypotids, expect_dict)
        answer = {}
        for msg in msg_list:
            answer[msg["from"]] = msg["services"]
        return answer

    def stop_service(self,honeypotids,serviceids):
        Stop services on honeypots

        :param honeypotids:
        :param serviceids:
        req = {"type": "stop_services",
                "services": serviceids, 
                "to": honeypotids, 
                "from": self.network.mc_id}
        expect_dict = {"type":"stopped_services"}
        msg_list = self.send_receive(req, honeypotids, expect_dict)
        answer = {}
        for msg in msg_list:
            answer[msg["from"]] = msg["services"]
        return answer

    # honeypotid: type string
    # return: bool: wurde eine Datei empfangen und geschrieben
    def get_filesystem(self, honeypotid, directory=[]):
        req = {"type": "get_filesystem_xml",
               "to": honeypotid,
               "from": self.network.mc_id}
        expect_dict = {"type": "respond_filesystem_xml"}
        msg_list = self.send_receive(req, honeypotid, expect_dict)
        if msg_list:
            iterator = 0
            while True:
                iterator_string = "" if iterator == 0 else "-" + str(iterator)

                if len(directory) > 0 and directory[0] != "":
                    filename = directory[0] + str("" if directory[0].endswith("/") else "/") + msg_list[0]["from"] + iterator_string + ".xml"
                    filename = self.home_dir + "/" + msg_list[0]["from"] + iterator_string + ".xml"

                iterator += 1
                if not(Path(filename).is_file()):
            with open(filename, 'x') as f:
            return filename
            return False

    def send_filesystem(self, honeypotids, xml_file):
        # eine XML fuer alle Honeypots
        with open(xml_file, "r") as myfile:
            data = myfile.read()
            req = {"type": "set_filesystem_xml",
                   "to": honeypotids,
                   "from": self.network.mc_id,
                   "file": data}
            expect_dict = {"type": "update", "response": "set_filesystem_xml"}
            msg_list = self.send_receive(req, honeypotids, expect_dict)
            answer = {}
            for msg in msg_list:
                answer[msg["from"]] = msg["successful"]
        return answer

    def get_token_files(self, honeypotid, directory=[]):

        Get all Tokenfile From one honeypot

        :param honeypotid:
        :param directory: not used yet

        req = {"type": "get_token_files",
               "to": honeypotid,
               "from": self.network.mc_id}
        expect_dict = {"type": "send_token_files"}
        msg_list = self.send_receive(req, honeypotid, expect_dict)
        answer = ""
        for msg in msg_list[0]['tokenfiles']:
            filename = self.home_dir + "/" + msg['name']
            answer = answer + "Tokenfile at: " + filename + "\n"
            # mode w will overwrite already existent files
            with open(filename, 'w') as f:
        return answer

    def add_token_files(self, honeypotid, filepath):
        Add a Tokenfile From to honeypot

        :param honeypotid:
        :param filepath:

        expect_dict = {"type": "update"}
        with open(filepath, 'r') as file:
            data = file.read()
            filename = os.path.basename(filepath)
            filejson = {"name": filename, "file": data}
            req = {"type": "add_token_file",
                   "to": honeypotid,
                   "from": self.network.mc_id,
                   "file": filejson}
            msg_list = self.send_receive(req, honeypotid, expect_dict)
                return msg_list[0]['successful']
            except IndexError:
                return False

    def remove_token_files(self, honeypotid, filenames):
        Remove Token Files honeypot

        :param honeypotid:
        :param filenames:
        :return: true/false
        expect_dict = {"type": "update"}
        req = {"type": "remove_token_files",
               "to": honeypotid,
               "from": self.network.mc_id,
               "names": filenames}
        msg_list = self.send_receive(req, honeypotid, expect_dict)
            return msg_list[0]['successful']
        except IndexError:
            return False

    def get_html_pages(self, honeypotid):
        Get all HTML pages from one honeypot

        :param honeypotid:
        :return: Msg
        req = {"type": "get_html_pages",
               "to": honeypotid,
               "from": self.network.mc_id}
        expect_dict = {"type": "send_html_pages"}
        msg_list = self.send_receive(req, honeypotid, expect_dict)
        answer = ""
        i = 0;
        for msg in msg_list[0]['pages']:
            mainHTMLfilename = self.home_dir + "/" + msg_list[0]["from"] + "_" + str(i) + "_" + msg['url'].replace("/",
                                                                                                                   "_") + "_login.html"
            dashboardHTMLfilename = self.home_dir + "/" + msg_list[0]["from"] + "_" + str(i) + "_" + msg['url'].replace("/",
                                                                                                                        "_") + "_dashboard.html"
            answer = answer + "Main HTML at: " + mainHTMLfilename + "\n"

            # mode w will overwrite already existent files
            with open(mainHTMLfilename, 'w') as f:
            if  not msg["dashboard"] == "None":
                answer = answer + "Dashboard HTML at: " + dashboardHTMLfilename + "\n"
                with open(dashboardHTMLfilename, 'w') as f:
            i = i + 1
        return answer  # json.dumps(req) + "\n" + msg_list[0]["pages"][0]["url"]

    def add_html_page(self, honeypotid, url, dir, dashdir):
        Add a HTML page to one honeypot

        :param honeypotid:
        :param url:
        :param dir:
        :param dashdir:
        :return: Msg
        expect_dict = {"type": "update"}
        with open(dir, 'r') as file:
            maindata = file.read()
            if (dashdir != ""):
                with open(dashdir, 'r') as dashfile:
                    dashdata = dashfile.read()
                    page = {"url": url, "html": maindata, "dashboard": dashdata}
                    req = {"type": "add_html",
                           "to": honeypotid,
                           "from": self.network.mc_id,
                           "page": page}
                    msg_list = self.send_receive(req, honeypotid, expect_dict)
                        return msg_list[0]['successful']
                    except IndexError:
                        return False
                page = {"url": url, "html": maindata, "dashboard": ""}
                req = {"type": "add_html",
                       "to": honeypotid,
                       "from": self.network.mc_id,
                       "page": page}
                msg_list = self.send_receive(req, honeypotid, expect_dict)
                    return msg_list[0]['successful']
                except IndexError:
                    return False

    def remove_html_pages(self, honeypotid, urls):
        remove HTML page

        :param honeypotid:
        :param urls:
        :return: true/false:
        expect_dict = {"type": "update"}
        req = {"type": "remove_html",
               "to": honeypotid,
               "from": self.network.mc_id,
               "urls": urls}
        msg_list = self.send_receive(req, honeypotid, expect_dict)
            return msg_list[0]['successful']
        except IndexError:
            return False
Пример #2
class Application:
    def __init__(self):
        self.net = None
        self.game = None
        self.game_window = None

    def set_environment(self):
        self.game_window = GameWindow()
        self.game = Game()


    def launch_game(self):
        clock = pygame.time.Clock()

        run = True
        while run:

            for event in pygame.event.get():
                if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                    run = False




    def update_game(self):

        data_to_send = self.game.player_one.get_position(
        ), self.game.player_one.color

        data_received = self.receive_data()
        x, y = data_received[0]
        color = data_received[1]
        self.game.player_two.set_position(x, y)
        self.game.player_two.color = color

    def send_data(self, data):

    def receive_data(self):
        data = self.net.recv()
        data = data.split('\n')[0]
            x, y = make_tuple(data)
            # print(x, y)
            return x, y
        except SyntaxError:
            return self.game.player_two.get_position()

    def set_snake_color(self, color):
        self.game.player_one.color = color

    def establish_network(self, ip="localhost", port=5555):
        self.net = Network(ip=ip, port=port)

    def connect_to_peer(self, ip, port):
        self.net.connect(ip=ip, port=port)