Пример #1
def get_max_flow_values(G, use_node_capacities=True, use_node_demands=False):
    This runs a ford-fulkerson maximum flow algrothim over the provided network
    and assigns the resulting flows to each edge. The flows for each node are 
    also calcualted and assigned.
    print G.edges()
    #print G.edges()

    if use_node_capacities == True:
        G = convert_topo(G)

    print G.edges()

    #check for supply and demand nodes. Needs to be at least one of each.
    #if more than one need to create a super source/sink(demand) nodes.
    G, supply_nodes, demand_nodes, added_nodes, added_edges = check_for_demand_supply_nodes(

    #get supply node and demand node
    supply_nd, demand_nd = get_check_supply_demand_nodes(
        G, supply_nodes, demand_nodes, added_nodes)

    if use_node_capacities == True and use_node_demands == False:
        #this returns the maximum flow and the flow on each edge by node
        #first check a path is possible - ford-fulkerson would just return 0 otherwise
        path = nx.has_path(G, supply_nd, demand_nd)
        if path == False:
            raise error_classes.GeneralError(
                'No path exists between the supply node (node %s) and the demand node (node %s).'
                % (supply_nd, demand_nd))

        max_flow, edge_flows = nx.ford_fulkerson(G, supply_nd, demand_nd,

    elif use_node_capacities == True and use_node_demands == True:
        #returns the flow on each edge given capacities and demands
        #the sum of the demand needs to equal the sum of the supply (indicated by a negative demand value)
        edge_flows = nx.min_cost_flow(G, 'demand', 'flow_capacity', 'weight')
    elif use_node_capacities == False and use_node_demands == True:
        #returns the flow on each edge given demands (capacities should be set at 9999999 (a very high number))
        edge_flows = nx.min_cost_flow(G, 'demand', 'flow_capacity', 'weight')

    #assign flows to nodes and edges
    G = assign_edge_node_flows(G, edge_flows)

    #before running any analysis, need to remove the added nodes and edges - the super source/demand if used
    G = remove_added_nodes_edges(G, added_edges, added_nodes)

    node_flow_max, edge_flow_max = get_max_flows(G)

    return G, {
        'max_flow': max_flow,
        'max_node_flow': node_flow_max,
        'max_edge_flow': edge_flow_max
Пример #2
    def test_digon(self):
        """Check if digons are handled properly. Taken from ticket
        #618 by arv."""
        nodes = [(1, {}),
                 (2, {'demand': -4}),
                 (3, {'demand': 4}),
        edges = [(1, 2, {'capacity': 3, 'weight': 600000}),
                 (2, 1, {'capacity': 2, 'weight': 0}),
                 (2, 3, {'capacity': 5, 'weight': 714285}),
                 (3, 2, {'capacity': 2, 'weight': 0}),
        G = nx.DiGraph(edges)
        flowCost, H = nx.network_simplex(G)
        soln = {1: {2: 0},
                2: {1: 0, 3: 4},
                3: {2: 0}}
        assert_equal(flowCost, 2857140)
        assert_equal(nx.min_cost_flow_cost(G), 2857140)
        assert_equal(H, soln)
        assert_equal(nx.min_cost_flow(G), soln)
        assert_equal(nx.cost_of_flow(G, H), 2857140)

        flowCost, H = nx.capacity_scaling(G)
        assert_equal(flowCost, 2857140)
        assert_equal(H, soln)
        assert_equal(nx.cost_of_flow(G, H), 2857140)
Пример #3
 def test_digraph1(self):
     # From Bradley, S. P., Hax, A. C. and Magnanti, T. L. Applied
     # Mathematical Programming. Addison-Wesley, 1977.
     G = nx.DiGraph()
     G.add_node(1, demand=-20)
     G.add_node(4, demand=5)
     G.add_node(5, demand=15)
     G.add_edges_from([(1, 2, {
         'capacity': 15,
         'weight': 4
     }), (1, 3, {
         'capacity': 8,
         'weight': 4
     }), (2, 3, {
         'weight': 2
     }), (2, 4, {
         'capacity': 4,
         'weight': 2
     }), (2, 5, {
         'capacity': 10,
         'weight': 6
     }), (3, 4, {
         'capacity': 15,
         'weight': 1
     }), (3, 5, {
         'capacity': 5,
         'weight': 3
     }), (4, 5, {
         'weight': 2
     }), (5, 3, {
         'capacity': 4,
         'weight': 1
     flowCost, H = nx.network_simplex(G)
     soln = {
         1: {
             2: 12,
             3: 8
         2: {
             3: 8,
             4: 4,
             5: 0
         3: {
             4: 11,
             5: 5
         4: {
             5: 10
         5: {
             3: 0
     assert_equal(flowCost, 150)
     assert_equal(nx.min_cost_flow_cost(G), 150)
     assert_equal(H, soln)
     assert_equal(nx.min_cost_flow(G), soln)
     assert_equal(nx.cost_of_flow(G, H), 150)
Пример #4
    def test_digon(self):
        """Check if digons are handled properly. Taken from ticket
        #618 by arv."""
        nodes = [(1, {}),
                 (2, {'demand': -4}),
                 (3, {'demand': 4}),
        edges = [(1, 2, {'capacity': 3, 'weight': 600000}),
                 (2, 1, {'capacity': 2, 'weight': 0}),
                 (2, 3, {'capacity': 5, 'weight': 714285}),
                 (3, 2, {'capacity': 2, 'weight': 0}),
        G = nx.DiGraph(edges)
        flowCost, H = nx.network_simplex(G)
        soln = {1: {2: 0},
                2: {1: 0, 3: 4},
                3: {2: 0}}
        assert flowCost == 2857140
        assert nx.min_cost_flow_cost(G) == 2857140
        assert H == soln
        assert nx.min_cost_flow(G) == soln
        assert nx.cost_of_flow(G, H) == 2857140

        flowCost, H = nx.capacity_scaling(G)
        assert flowCost == 2857140
        assert H == soln
        assert nx.cost_of_flow(G, H) == 2857140
    def checkFeasible(self):
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        totalQuantity = 0
        totalPrice = 0
        for bid in self.winningBids:
            bidName = 'b' + str(bid[1])
            G.add_edge('s', bidName)
            totalPrice += self.cab.bidList[bid[1]].priceOfBid
            for s in range(len(self.cab.bidList[bid[1]].listOfSubBids)):
                subbidName = bidName + 's' + str(s)
                quantity = self.cab.bidList[bid[1]].listOfSubBids[s].quantity
                totalQuantity += quantity
                G.add_edge(bidName, subbidName, capacity=quantity)
                for i in self.cab.bidList[bid[1]].listOfSubBids[s].listOfItems:
                    itemName = 'r' + str(i)
                    unitOfItem = self.cab.itemList[i].numberOfUnits
                    G.add_edge(subbidName, itemName)
                    G.add_edge(itemName, 't', capacity=unitOfItem)

        G.add_node('s', demand=-totalQuantity)
        G.add_node('t', demand=totalQuantity)
            flowDict = nx.min_cost_flow(G)
            self.maxValue = [self.maxValue,
                             totalPrice][self.maxValue < totalPrice]
            return flowDict
            return False
Пример #6
    def test_zero_capacity_edges(self):
        """Address issue raised in ticket #617 by arv."""
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        G.add_edges_from([(1, 2, {'capacity': 1, 'weight': 1}),
                          (1, 5, {'capacity': 1, 'weight': 1}),
                          (2, 3, {'capacity': 0, 'weight': 1}),
                          (2, 5, {'capacity': 1, 'weight': 1}),
                          (5, 3, {'capacity': 2, 'weight': 1}),
                          (5, 4, {'capacity': 0, 'weight': 1}),
                          (3, 4, {'capacity': 2, 'weight': 1})])
        G.nodes[1]['demand'] = -1
        G.nodes[2]['demand'] = -1
        G.nodes[4]['demand'] = 2

        flowCost, H = nx.network_simplex(G)
        soln = {1: {2: 0, 5: 1},
                2: {3: 0, 5: 1},
                3: {4: 2},
                4: {},
                5: {3: 2, 4: 0}}
        assert flowCost == 6
        assert nx.min_cost_flow_cost(G) == 6
        assert H == soln
        assert nx.min_cost_flow(G) == soln
        assert nx.cost_of_flow(G, H) == 6

        flowCost, H = nx.capacity_scaling(G)
        assert flowCost == 6
        assert H == soln
        assert nx.cost_of_flow(G, H) == 6
Пример #7
  def minCostFlow(src,dst,bw,edges,all=False,factor=1):
    #print "Find flow %s->%s: %s"%(src,dst,bw)
    #for e in edges:
    #  print str(e)
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    G.add_node(src, demand = bw)
    G.add_node(dst, demand = -bw)
    for e in edges:
#        print "v1: %s v2: %s  bw: %s cost: %s" %(e.v1,e.v2, e.getAVLBW(all),int((e.cost+e.beta)/factor))
#        sys.stdout.flush()
        G.add_edge(e.v1, e.v2, weight = int((e.cost+e.beta)/factor), capacity = e.getAVLBW(all))
        G.add_edge(e.v2, e.v1, weight = int((e.cost+e.beta)/factor), capacity = e.getAVLBW(all))
#      print G.edges
      flowDict = nx.min_cost_flow(G)
      for k in flowDict:
        for j in flowDict[k]:
          if flowDict[k][j]>0:
    except nx.exception.NetworkXUnfeasible:
      print "No feasible Flow"
    return res
    def min_cost_flow(self):
        def get_demand(flow_dict, node):
            in_flow = sum(flow_dict[u][v][key]
                          for u, v, key in self.in_edges(node, keys=True))
            out_flow = sum(flow_dict[u][v][key]
                           for u, v, key in self.out_edges(node, keys=True))
            return in_flow - out_flow

        def split(multi_flowG):
            base_dict = coll.defaultdict(lambda: coll.defaultdict(dict))
            new_mdg = nx.MultiDiGraph()

            for u, v, key in multi_flowG.edges:
                lowerbound = multi_flowG[u][v][key]['lowerbound']
                base_dict[u][v][key] = lowerbound
                new_mdg.add_edge(u, v, key,
                                          capacity=multi_flowG[u][v][key]['capacity'] - lowerbound,
            for node in multi_flowG:
                new_mdg.nodes[node]['demand'] =  \
                    multi_flowG.nodes[node]['demand'] - \
                    get_demand(base_dict, node)
            return base_dict, new_mdg

        base_dict, new_mdg = split(self)
        flow_dict = nx.min_cost_flow(new_mdg)
        for u, v, key in self.edges:
            flow_dict[u][v][key] += base_dict[u][v][key]

        self.cost = self.cost_of_flow(flow_dict)
        return flow_dict
Пример #9
    def test_digraph1(self):
        # From Bradley, S. P., Hax, A. C. and Magnanti, T. L. Applied
        # Mathematical Programming. Addison-Wesley, 1977.
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        G.add_node(1, demand=-20)
        G.add_node(4, demand=5)
        G.add_node(5, demand=15)
        G.add_edges_from([(1, 2, {'capacity': 15, 'weight': 4}),
                          (1, 3, {'capacity': 8, 'weight': 4}),
                          (2, 3, {'weight': 2}),
                          (2, 4, {'capacity': 4, 'weight': 2}),
                          (2, 5, {'capacity': 10, 'weight': 6}),
                          (3, 4, {'capacity': 15, 'weight': 1}),
                          (3, 5, {'capacity': 5, 'weight': 3}),
                          (4, 5, {'weight': 2}),
                          (5, 3, {'capacity': 4, 'weight': 1})])
        flowCost, H = nx.network_simplex(G)
        soln = {1: {2: 12, 3: 8},
                2: {3: 8, 4: 4, 5: 0},
                3: {4: 11, 5: 5},
                4: {5: 10},
                5: {3: 0}}
        assert_equal(flowCost, 150)
        assert_equal(nx.min_cost_flow_cost(G), 150)
        assert_equal(H, soln)
        assert_equal(nx.min_cost_flow(G), soln)
        assert_equal(nx.cost_of_flow(G, H), 150)

        flowCost, H = nx.capacity_scaling(G)
        assert_equal(flowCost, 150)
        assert_equal(H, soln)
        assert_equal(nx.cost_of_flow(G, H), 150)
Пример #10
    def test_zero_capacity_edges(self):
        """Address issue raised in ticket #617 by arv."""
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        G.add_edges_from([(1, 2, {'capacity': 1, 'weight': 1}),
                          (1, 5, {'capacity': 1, 'weight': 1}),
                          (2, 3, {'capacity': 0, 'weight': 1}),
                          (2, 5, {'capacity': 1, 'weight': 1}),
                          (5, 3, {'capacity': 2, 'weight': 1}),
                          (5, 4, {'capacity': 0, 'weight': 1}),
                          (3, 4, {'capacity': 2, 'weight': 1})])
        G.nodes[1]['demand'] = -1
        G.nodes[2]['demand'] = -1
        G.nodes[4]['demand'] = 2

        flowCost, H = nx.network_simplex(G)
        soln = {1: {2: 0, 5: 1},
                2: {3: 0, 5: 1},
                3: {4: 2},
                4: {},
                5: {3: 2, 4: 0}}
        assert_equal(flowCost, 6)
        assert_equal(nx.min_cost_flow_cost(G), 6)
        assert_equal(H, soln)
        assert_equal(nx.min_cost_flow(G), soln)
        assert_equal(nx.cost_of_flow(G, H), 6)

        flowCost, H = nx.capacity_scaling(G)
        assert_equal(flowCost, 6)
        assert_equal(H, soln)
        assert_equal(nx.cost_of_flow(G, H), 6)
Пример #11
def assignLB ( problem ):
    Uses networkx min_cost_flow algorithm for computes the assignment
    lower bound. Alternatively, also networkx network simplex algorithm
    could be used instead.

        problem : class
            The TSP problem object has returned by function load_problem
            of package tsplib95.

        cost : int
            The lower bound (objective value of the assignment problem).
        elist : list of int
            The list of edges in the assignment.
    # Solve assignment problem as a minimum-cost network flow problem
    n = problem.dimension
    G = nx.DiGraph()
    for i in problem.get_nodes(): G.add_node(i, demand = -1 )
    for j in problem.get_nodes(): G.add_node(j+n, demand = 1 )
    for i in problem.get_nodes():
        for j in problem.get_nodes():
             if i != j:
                 G.add_edge(i,j+n, weight=problem.wfunc(i,j), capacity = n+1 )
    flow = nx.min_cost_flow( G )
    cost = nx.cost_of_flow(G,flow)

    # Retrieve list of edges in the assignment
    elist = [ (e[0],e[1]-n) for e in G.edges if flow[e[0]][e[1]] > 0 ]
    return cost, elist    
Пример #12
def constrained_kmeans(data, demand, maxiter=None, fixedprec=1e9):
    data = np.array(data)

    min_ = np.min(data, axis=0)
    max_ = np.max(data, axis=0)

    c = min_ + np.random.random((len(demand), data.shape[1])) * (max_ - min_)
    m = np.array([-1] * len(data), dtype=np.int)

    itercnt = 0
    while True:
        itercnt += 1

        # memberships
        g = nx.DiGraph()
        g.add_nodes_from(xrange(0, data.shape[0]), demand=-1)  # points
        for i in xrange(0, len(c)):
            g.add_node(len(data) + i, demand=demand[i])

        # Calculating cost...
        cost = np.array([np.linalg.norm(
            np.tile(data.T, len(c)).T - np.tile(c, len(data)).reshape(len(c) * len(data), c.shape[1]), axis=1)])
        # Preparing data_to_c_edges...
        data_to_c_edges = np.concatenate((np.tile([xrange(0, data.shape[0])], len(c)).T,
                                          np.tile(np.array([xrange(data.shape[0], data.shape[0] + c.shape[0])]).T,
                                                  len(data)).reshape(len(c) * len(data), 1), cost.T * fixedprec),
        # Adding to graph

        a = len(data) + len(c)
        g.add_node(a, demand=len(data) - np.sum(demand))
        c_to_a_edges = np.concatenate((np.array([xrange(len(data), len(data) + len(c))]).T, np.tile([[a]], len(c)).T),

        # Calculating min cost flow...
        f = nx.min_cost_flow(g)

        # assign
        m_new = np.ones(len(data), dtype=np.int) * -1
        for i in xrange(len(data)):
            p = sorted(f[i].iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1])[-1][0]
            m_new[i] = p - len(data)

        # stop condition
        if np.all(m_new == m):
            # Stop
            return c, m, f

        m = m_new

        # compute new centers
        for i in xrange(len(c)):
            c[i, :] = np.mean(data[m == i, :], axis=0)

        if maxiter is not None and itercnt >= maxiter:
            # Max iterations reached
            return c, m, f
Пример #13
 def schedule(self):
     computes a MCNF
     rtype: dict of dicts
     diff = self.necessary_supply - self.necessary_demand
     self.network.nodes['s']['demand'] = -self.total
     self.network.nodes['t']['demand'] = self.total + diff
     return networkx.min_cost_flow(self.network)
Пример #14
def constrained_kmeans(data, demand, maxiter=None, fixedprec=1e9):
	data = np.array(data)
	min_ = np.min(data, axis = 0)
	max_ = np.max(data, axis = 0)
	C = min_ + np.random.random((len(demand), data.shape[1])) * (max_ - min_)
	M = np.array([-1] * len(data), dtype=np.int)
	itercnt = 0
	while True:
		itercnt += 1
		# memberships
		g = nx.DiGraph()
		g.add_nodes_from(xrange(0, data.shape[0]), demand=-1) # points
		for i in xrange(0, len(C)):
			g.add_node(len(data) + i, demand=demand[i])
		# Calculating cost...
		cost = np.array([np.linalg.norm(np.tile(data.T, len(C)).T - np.tile(C, len(data)).reshape(len(C) * len(data), C.shape[1]), axis=1)])
		# Preparing data_to_C_edges...
		data_to_C_edges = np.concatenate((np.tile([xrange(0, data.shape[0])], len(C)).T, np.tile(np.array([xrange(data.shape[0], data.shape[0] + C.shape[0])]).T, len(data)).reshape(len(C) * len(data), 1), cost.T * fixedprec), axis=1).astype(np.uint64)
		# Adding to graph

		a = len(data) + len(C)
		g.add_node(a, demand=len(data)-np.sum(demand))
		C_to_a_edges = np.concatenate((np.array([xrange(len(data), len(data) + len(C))]).T, np.tile([[a]], len(C)).T), axis=1)
		# Calculating min cost flow...
		f = nx.min_cost_flow(g)
		# assign
		M_new = np.ones(len(data), dtype=np.int) * -1
		for i in xrange(len(data)):
			p = sorted(f[i].iteritems(), key=lambda x: x[1])[-1][0]
			M_new[i] = p - len(data)
		# stop condition
		if np.all(M_new == M):
			# Stop
			return (C, M, f)
		M = M_new
		# compute new centers
		for i in xrange(len(C)):
			C[i, :] = np.mean(data[M==i, :], axis=0)
		if maxiter is not None and itercnt >= maxiter:
			# Max iterations reached
			return (C, M, f)
Пример #15
def remake_to_labelorder(pred_tensor: torch.tensor,
                         label_tensor: torch.tensor) -> dict:
    pred_ = pred_tensor.cuda().cpu().detach().numpy().copy()
    pred_ = np.array([np.argmax(i) for i in pred_])
    label_ = label_tensor.cuda().cpu().detach().numpy().copy()
    n_of_clusters = max(label_) + 1
    pred_ids, label_ids = {}, {}
    for vid, (pred_id, label_id) in enumerate(zip(pred_, label_)):
        if (pred_id in pred_ids):
            pred_ids[pred_id] = []
        if (label_id in label_ids):
            label_ids[label_id] = []

    pred_pairs, label_pairs = [set() for _ in range(n_of_clusters)
                               ], [set() for _ in range(n_of_clusters)]
    for pred_key, label_key in zip(pred_ids.keys(), label_ids.keys()):
        pred_pairs[pred_key] |= set(
            [pair for pair in itertools.combinations(pred_ids[pred_key], 2)])
        label_pairs[label_key] |= set(
            [pair for pair in itertools.combinations(label_ids[label_key], 2)])

    table = np.array(
        [[len(label_pair & pred_pair) for label_pair in label_pairs]
         for pred_pair in pred_pairs])

    G = nx.DiGraph()
    G.add_node('s', demand=-n_of_clusters)
    G.add_node('t', demand=n_of_clusters)
    for pred_id in range(n_of_clusters):
        G.add_edge('s', 'p_{}'.format(pred_id), weight=0, capacity=1)
    for source, weights in enumerate(table):
        for target, w in enumerate(weights):
    for label_id in range(n_of_clusters):
        G.add_edge('l_{}'.format(label_id), 't', weight=0, capacity=1)

    clus_label_map = {}
    result = nx.min_cost_flow(G)
    for i, d in result.items():
        for j, f in d.items():
            if f and i[0] == 'p' and j[0] == 'l':
                clus_label_map[int(i[2])] = int(j[2])
    w = torch.FloatTensor(
        [[1 if j == clus_label_map[i] else 0 for j in range(n_of_clusters)]
         for i in range(n_of_clusters)]).cuda()
    return torch.mm(pred_tensor, w)
Пример #16
    def getConsumerDicts(self, start, stop):
        consumerDicts = []

        for currentSlice in range(start, stop):
            _demands, _locations, _ids = self.getTimeSliceData(currentSlice)
            G = self.generateGraph(_demands, _locations, _ids)
            _flowDict = nx.min_cost_flow(G)
            _consumerDict = self.flowToConsumerDict(_flowDict, G)
            _consumerDict['graph'] = G
            _consumerDict['flowDict'] = _flowDict
        return consumerDicts
Пример #17
    def get_flow_per_edge(idle_drivers, arriving_drivers, expected_orders,
        :param idle_drivers: a vector of idle drivers per supernode in the current time step
        :param arriving_drivers: a vector of drivers that arrive due to customers in the next time step
        :param expected_orders: a vector of number of orders expected in the next time step
        :param superworld: a superworld
        :returns: a dict keyed by [node1][node2] with number of cars to be travelled
        directed_superworld = nx.DiGraph(superworld)
        idle_drivers = np.array(idle_drivers)
        arriving_drivers = np.array(arriving_drivers)
        expected_orders = np.array(expected_orders)
        assert np.sum(idle_drivers) > 0
        if np.sum(expected_orders) == 0:
            expected_orders = np.ones(
                expected_orders.shape)  # aim for a uniform driver distribution
        expected_orders = expected_orders / np.sum(expected_orders)
        total_drivers_with_arriving = np.sum(idle_drivers + arriving_drivers)

        # distribute drivers according to customers
        required_drivers = np.array([
            int(n * total_drivers_with_arriving) for n in expected_orders
        ])  # rounds down
        required_drivers -= arriving_drivers  # substract those we can not control
        # we might end up with negative values, because too many are arriving at the same place, for example
        # or with positive, becauce of rounding up/down
        # randomly assign or substract excess drivers
        required_drivers[required_drivers < 0] = 0
        total_idle_drivers = np.sum(idle_drivers)
        s = np.sum(required_drivers)
        while total_idle_drivers - s != 0:
            ind = np.nonzero(required_drivers)
            a = np.random.choice(ind[0])
            required_drivers[a] += (total_idle_drivers -
                                    s) / np.abs(total_idle_drivers - s)
            s = np.sum(required_drivers)

        # set demand property on superworld graph and solve mincostflow
            directed_superworld, 1,
            name='weight')  # assume approximately equal distances
        demand = required_drivers - idle_drivers  # positive demand = inflow
        assert np.sum(demand) == 0
                               {i: demand[i]
                                for i in range(len(demand))}, "demand")
        flow_per_edge_dict = nx.min_cost_flow(directed_superworld,

        return flow_per_edge_dict
Пример #18
def assign(photos, pois):
    """Assign photos to POIs with minimum cost"""
    #REF: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum-cost_flow_problem
    #assert(len(photos) == len(pois))

    dists = np.zeros((len(photos), len(pois)), dtype=np.float64)
    for i, d in enumerate(photos):
        for j, p in enumerate(pois):
            dists[i, j] = round(math.sqrt( (d[0] - p[0])**2 + (d[1] - p[1])**2 ))

    G = nx.DiGraph()
    # complete bipartite graph: photo -> POI
    # infinity capacity
    for i in range(len(photos)):
        for j in range(len(pois)):
            u = 'd' + str(i)
            v = 'p' + str(j)
            G.add_edge(u, v, weight=dists[i, j])

    # source -> photo
    # capacity = 1
    for i in range(len(photos)):
        u = 's'
        v = 'd' + str(i)
        G.add_edge(u, v, capacity=1, weight=0)

    # POI -> sink
    # infinity capacity
    for j in range(len(pois)):
        u = 'p' + str(j)
        v = 't'
        G.add_edge(u, v, weight=0)

    # demand for source and sink
    G.add_node('s', demand=-len(photos))
    G.add_node('t', demand=len(photos))


    flowDict = nx.min_cost_flow(G)

    assignment = dict()
    for e in G.edges():
        u = e[0]
        v = e[1]
        if u != 's' and v != 't' and flowDict[u][v] > 0:
            #print(e, flowDict[u][v])
            assignment[u] = v
    return assignment
Пример #19
def make_pred_label_map(pred_: list, label_: list) -> dict:
    pred_ids, label_ids = {}, {}
    for vid, (pred_id, label_id) in enumerate(zip(pred_, label_)):
        if (pred_id in pred_ids):
            pred_ids[pred_id] = []
        if (label_id in label_ids):
            label_ids[label_id] = []

    pred_pairs, label_pairs = [None
                               for _ in range(3)], [None for _ in range(3)]
    for pred_key, label_key in zip(pred_ids.keys(), label_ids.keys()):
        pred_pairs[pred_key] = set(
            [pair for pair in itertools.combinations(pred_ids[pred_key], 2)])
        label_pairs[label_key] = set(
            [pair for pair in itertools.combinations(label_ids[label_key], 2)])

    table = np.array(
        [[len(label_pair & pred_pair) for label_pair in label_pairs]
         for pred_pair in pred_pairs])

    G = nx.DiGraph()
    with open('./test.csv', 'r') as r:
        n_preds, n_labels = table.shape[0], table.shape[1]
        G.add_node('s', demand=-n_preds)
        G.add_node('t', demand=n_labels)
        for pred_id in range(n_preds):
            G.add_edge('s', 'p_{}'.format(pred_id), weight=0, capacity=1)
        for source, weights in enumerate(table):
            for target, w in enumerate(weights):
        for label_id in range(n_labels):
            G.add_edge('l_{}'.format(label_id), 't', weight=0, capacity=1)

    clus_label_map = {}
    result = nx.min_cost_flow(G)
    for i, d in result.items():
        for j, f in d.items():
            if f and i[0] == 'p' and j[0] == 'l':
                clus_label_map[int(i[2])] = int(j[2])
    return clus_label_map
Пример #20
 def test_simple_digraph(self):
     G = nx.DiGraph()
     G.add_node('a', demand=-5)
     G.add_node('d', demand=5)
     G.add_edge('a', 'b', weight=3, capacity=4)
     G.add_edge('a', 'c', weight=6, capacity=10)
     G.add_edge('b', 'd', weight=1, capacity=9)
     G.add_edge('c', 'd', weight=2, capacity=5)
     flowCost, H = nx.network_simplex(G)
     soln = {'a': {'b': 4, 'c': 1}, 'b': {'d': 4}, 'c': {'d': 1}, 'd': {}}
     assert_equal(flowCost, 24)
     assert_equal(nx.min_cost_flow_cost(G), 24)
     assert_equal(H, soln)
     assert_equal(nx.min_cost_flow(G), soln)
     assert_equal(nx.cost_of_flow(G, H), 24)
Пример #21
    def get_path(self):
        new_G = self._add_end_node()
        flow_dict = nx.min_cost_flow(new_G)

        path = []
        before_node_name = "s"
        while True:
            edges = flow_dict[before_node_name]
            for node_name, flow in edges.items():
                if flow == 1:
                    if node_name == "e":
                        return path
                    node = self.nodes_dict[node_name]
                    before_node_name = node_name
Пример #22
    def test_transshipment(self):
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        G.add_node("a", demand=1)
        G.add_node("b", demand=-2)
        G.add_node("c", demand=-2)
        G.add_node("d", demand=3)
        G.add_node("e", demand=-4)
        G.add_node("f", demand=-4)
        G.add_node("g", demand=3)
        G.add_node("h", demand=2)
        G.add_node("r", demand=3)
        G.add_edge("a", "c", weight=3)
        G.add_edge("r", "a", weight=2)
        G.add_edge("b", "a", weight=9)
        G.add_edge("r", "c", weight=0)
        G.add_edge("b", "r", weight=-6)
        G.add_edge("c", "d", weight=5)
        G.add_edge("e", "r", weight=4)
        G.add_edge("e", "f", weight=3)
        G.add_edge("h", "b", weight=4)
        G.add_edge("f", "d", weight=7)
        G.add_edge("f", "h", weight=12)
        G.add_edge("g", "d", weight=12)
        G.add_edge("f", "g", weight=-1)
        G.add_edge("h", "g", weight=-10)
        flowCost, H = nx.network_simplex(G)
        soln = {
            "a": {"c": 0},
            "b": {"a": 0, "r": 2},
            "c": {"d": 3},
            "d": {},
            "e": {"r": 3, "f": 1},
            "f": {"d": 0, "g": 3, "h": 2},
            "g": {"d": 0},
            "h": {"b": 0, "g": 0},
            "r": {"a": 1, "c": 1},
        assert flowCost == 41
        assert nx.min_cost_flow_cost(G) == 41
        assert H == soln
        assert nx.min_cost_flow(G) == soln
        assert nx.cost_of_flow(G, H) == 41

        flowCost, H = nx.capacity_scaling(G)
        assert flowCost == 41
        assert nx.cost_of_flow(G, H) == 41
        assert H == soln
 def nxGraph(self, data):
     bs = data.shape[0]
     G = nx.DiGraph()
     G.add_node('s', demand=-int(bs ** 2 / 2))
     G.add_node('t', demand=int(bs ** 2 / 2))
     names = []
     for i in range(bs):
         G.add_edge('s', 'row' + str(i), capacity=self.topk, weight=0)
         G.add_edge('col' + str(i), 't', capacity=self.topk, weight=0)
         for j in range(bs):
             G.add_edge('row' + str(i), 'col' + str(j), capacity=1, weight=data[i, j].numpy())
         names.append('row' + str(i))
     dictMinFLow = nx.min_cost_flow(G)
     mask = []
     for w in names:
     return np.array(mask)
Пример #24
 def execute(self):
     solution = nx.min_cost_flow(self.network)
     print("----------------- networkx o-d | original event | cost ------------------")
     for node_origen in solution.keys():
         for node_destination in solution[node_origen].keys():
             print(node_origen, node_destination, "|",
                   self.network[node_origen][node_destination]['original_events'], "|",
     print("-------------- solution arcs -----------------")
     for node_origen in solution.keys():
         for node_destination in solution[node_origen].keys():
             if solution[node_origen][node_destination] > 0 or self.network[node_origen][node_destination]['capacity'] == 0:
                 print(node_origen, node_destination, "|",
                       self.network[node_origen][node_destination]['original_events'], "|",
                 self.network[node_origen][node_destination]['color'] = 'red' if solution[node_origen][node_destination] > 0 else 'green'
Пример #25
    def test_transshipment(self):
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        G.add_node('a', demand=1)
        G.add_node('b', demand=-2)
        G.add_node('c', demand=-2)
        G.add_node('d', demand=3)
        G.add_node('e', demand=-4)
        G.add_node('f', demand=-4)
        G.add_node('g', demand=3)
        G.add_node('h', demand=2)
        G.add_node('r', demand=3)
        G.add_edge('a', 'c', weight=3)
        G.add_edge('r', 'a', weight=2)
        G.add_edge('b', 'a', weight=9)
        G.add_edge('r', 'c', weight=0)
        G.add_edge('b', 'r', weight=-6)
        G.add_edge('c', 'd', weight=5)
        G.add_edge('e', 'r', weight=4)
        G.add_edge('e', 'f', weight=3)
        G.add_edge('h', 'b', weight=4)
        G.add_edge('f', 'd', weight=7)
        G.add_edge('f', 'h', weight=12)
        G.add_edge('g', 'd', weight=12)
        G.add_edge('f', 'g', weight=-1)
        G.add_edge('h', 'g', weight=-10)
        flowCost, H = nx.network_simplex(G)
        soln = {'a': {'c': 0},
                'b': {'a': 0, 'r': 2},
                'c': {'d': 3},
                'd': {},
                'e': {'r': 3, 'f': 1},
                'f': {'d': 0, 'g': 3, 'h': 2},
                'g': {'d': 0},
                'h': {'b': 0, 'g': 0},
                'r': {'a': 1, 'c': 1}}
        assert flowCost == 41
        assert nx.min_cost_flow_cost(G) == 41
        assert H == soln
        assert nx.min_cost_flow(G) == soln
        assert nx.cost_of_flow(G, H) == 41

        flowCost, H = nx.capacity_scaling(G)
        assert flowCost == 41
        assert nx.cost_of_flow(G, H) == 41
        assert H == soln
Пример #26
    def test_transshipment(self):
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        G.add_node('a', demand=1)
        G.add_node('b', demand=-2)
        G.add_node('c', demand=-2)
        G.add_node('d', demand=3)
        G.add_node('e', demand=-4)
        G.add_node('f', demand=-4)
        G.add_node('g', demand=3)
        G.add_node('h', demand=2)
        G.add_node('r', demand=3)
        G.add_edge('a', 'c', weight=3)
        G.add_edge('r', 'a', weight=2)
        G.add_edge('b', 'a', weight=9)
        G.add_edge('r', 'c', weight=0)
        G.add_edge('b', 'r', weight=-6)
        G.add_edge('c', 'd', weight=5)
        G.add_edge('e', 'r', weight=4)
        G.add_edge('e', 'f', weight=3)
        G.add_edge('h', 'b', weight=4)
        G.add_edge('f', 'd', weight=7)
        G.add_edge('f', 'h', weight=12)
        G.add_edge('g', 'd', weight=12)
        G.add_edge('f', 'g', weight=-1)
        G.add_edge('h', 'g', weight=-10)
        flowCost, H = nx.network_simplex(G)
        soln = {'a': {'c': 0},
                'b': {'a': 0, 'r': 2},
                'c': {'d': 3},
                'd': {},
                'e': {'r': 3, 'f': 1},
                'f': {'d': 0, 'g': 3, 'h': 2},
                'g': {'d': 0},
                'h': {'b': 0, 'g': 0},
                'r': {'a': 1, 'c': 1}}
        assert_equal(flowCost, 41)
        assert_equal(nx.min_cost_flow_cost(G), 41)
        assert_equal(H, soln)
        assert_equal(nx.min_cost_flow(G), soln)
        assert_equal(nx.cost_of_flow(G, H), 41)

        flowCost, H = nx.capacity_scaling(G)
        assert_equal(flowCost, 41)
        assert_equal(nx.cost_of_flow(G, H), 41)
        assert_equal(H, soln)
Пример #27
def MinCostFlow(
        dfnd: 点のDataFrameもしくはCSVファイル名
        dfed: 辺のDataFrameもしくはCSVファイル名(有向)
        node_label: 点IDの属性文字
        demand_label: 需要の属性文字
        from_label: 元点の属性文字
        to_label: 先点の属性文字
        weight_label: 辺の重みの属性文字
        capacity_label: 辺の容量の属性文字
        flow_label: 辺の流量の属性文字(結果)
    g, dfnd, dfed = graph_from_table(
    t = nx.min_cost_flow(g,
    dftmp = pd.DataFrame(
        [(i, j, f) for i, d in t.items() for j, f in d.items() if f],
        columns=[from_label, to_label, flow_label],
    return pd.merge(dfed, dftmp)
Пример #28
def resolver_pfmc(abastecimiento, encuentro, transporte, inventario) :
    abastecimientos = abrir(f"Instancias/{abastecimiento}")
    encuentros = abrir(f"Instancias/{encuentro}")
    transporte = abrir (f"Instancias/{transporte}")
    inventario = abrir (f"Instancias/{inventario}")
    #crea un grafo con los datos de las intancias
    G = crear_grafo(abastecimientos,encuentros,transporte,inventario)
    flowDict = nx.min_cost_flow(G)
    """BONUS: grafica con solo los nodos"""
    grafico = Graficar(G,solo_nodos=True)
    grafico.title("Representacion Completa Solo Nodos")
    #guarda el resultado en el archivo resultado.txt
    with open('resultado.txt', 'w') as outfile:
        json.dump(flowDict, outfile)
    return flowDict
Пример #29
 def test_simple_digraph(self):
     G = nx.DiGraph()
     G.add_node('a', demand = -5)
     G.add_node('d', demand = 5)
     G.add_edge('a', 'b', weight = 3, capacity = 4)
     G.add_edge('a', 'c', weight = 6, capacity = 10)
     G.add_edge('b', 'd', weight = 1, capacity = 9)
     G.add_edge('c', 'd', weight = 2, capacity = 5)
     flowCost, H = nx.network_simplex(G)
     soln = {'a': {'b': 4, 'c': 1},
             'b': {'d': 4},
             'c': {'d': 1},
             'd': {}}
     assert_equal(flowCost, 24)
     assert_equal(nx.min_cost_flow_cost(G), 24)
     assert_equal(H, soln)
     assert_equal(nx.min_cost_flow(G), soln)
     assert_equal(nx.cost_of_flow(G, H), 24)
Пример #30
 def bend(self):
     Computes a minimal size set of edge bends that allows the link diagram
     to be embedded orthogonally. This follows directly Tamassia's first
     N = self.face_network
     flow = networkx.min_cost_flow(N)
     for a, flows in flow.iteritems():
         for b, w_a in flows.iteritems():
             if w_a and set(['s', 't']).isdisjoint(set([a, b])):
                 w_b = flow[b][a]
                 A, B = self[a], self[b]
                 e_a, e_b = A.edge_of_intersection(B)
                 turns_a = w_a*[1] + w_b*[-1]
                 turns_b = w_b*[1] + w_a*[-1]
                 subdivide_edge(e_a, len(turns_a))
                 A.bend(e_a, turns_a)
                 B.bend(e_b, turns_b)
Пример #31
    def test_simple_digraph(self):
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        G.add_node('a', demand=-5)
        G.add_node('d', demand=5)
        G.add_edge('a', 'b', weight=3, capacity=4)
        G.add_edge('a', 'c', weight=6, capacity=10)
        G.add_edge('b', 'd', weight=1, capacity=9)
        G.add_edge('c', 'd', weight=2, capacity=5)
        flowCost, H = nx.network_simplex(G)
        soln = {'a': {'b': 4, 'c': 1}, 'b': {'d': 4}, 'c': {'d': 1}, 'd': {}}
        assert flowCost == 24
        assert nx.min_cost_flow_cost(G) == 24
        assert H == soln
        assert nx.min_cost_flow(G) == soln
        assert nx.cost_of_flow(G, H) == 24

        flowCost, H = nx.capacity_scaling(G)
        assert flowCost == 24
        assert nx.cost_of_flow(G, H) == 24
        assert H == soln
    def test_simple_digraph(self):
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        G.add_node("a", demand=-5)
        G.add_node("d", demand=5)
        G.add_edge("a", "b", weight=3, capacity=4)
        G.add_edge("a", "c", weight=6, capacity=10)
        G.add_edge("b", "d", weight=1, capacity=9)
        G.add_edge("c", "d", weight=2, capacity=5)
        flowCost, H = nx.network_simplex(G)
        soln = {"a": {"b": 4, "c": 1}, "b": {"d": 4}, "c": {"d": 1}, "d": {}}
        assert flowCost == 24
        assert nx.min_cost_flow_cost(G) == 24
        assert H == soln
        assert nx.min_cost_flow(G) == soln
        assert nx.cost_of_flow(G, H) == 24

        flowCost, H = nx.capacity_scaling(G)
        assert flowCost == 24
        assert nx.cost_of_flow(G, H) == 24
        assert H == soln
Пример #33
def print_stats(G):
        # https://networkx.github.io/documentation/stable/reference/algorithms/generated/networkx.algorithms.flow.min_cost_flow.html#networkx.algorithms.flow.min_cost_flow
        # demand maybe from strongly_connected_components
        print(nx.min_cost_flow(G, capacity="inverse_weight", weight="weight"))




    except Exception:
Пример #34
 def test_transshipment(self):
     G = nx.DiGraph()
     G.add_node('a', demand = 1)
     G.add_node('b', demand = -2)
     G.add_node('c', demand = -2)
     G.add_node('d', demand = 3)
     G.add_node('e', demand = -4)
     G.add_node('f', demand = -4)
     G.add_node('g', demand = 3)
     G.add_node('h', demand = 2)
     G.add_node('r', demand = 3)
     G.add_edge('a', 'c', weight = 3)
     G.add_edge('r', 'a', weight = 2)
     G.add_edge('b', 'a', weight = 9)
     G.add_edge('r', 'c', weight = 0)
     G.add_edge('b', 'r', weight = -6)
     G.add_edge('c', 'd', weight = 5)
     G.add_edge('e', 'r', weight = 4)
     G.add_edge('e', 'f', weight = 3)
     G.add_edge('h', 'b', weight = 4)
     G.add_edge('f', 'd', weight = 7)
     G.add_edge('f', 'h', weight = 12)
     G.add_edge('g', 'd', weight = 12)
     G.add_edge('f', 'g', weight = -1)
     G.add_edge('h', 'g', weight = -10)
     flowCost, H = nx.network_simplex(G)
     soln = {'a': {'c': 0},
             'b': {'a': 0, 'r': 2},
             'c': {'d': 3},
             'd': {},
             'e': {'r': 3, 'f': 1},
             'f': {'d': 0, 'g': 3, 'h': 2},
             'g': {'d': 0},
             'h': {'b': 0, 'g': 0},
             'r': {'a': 1, 'c': 1}}
     assert_equal(flowCost, 41)
     assert_equal(nx.min_cost_flow_cost(G), 41)
     assert_equal(H, soln)
     assert_equal(nx.min_cost_flow(G), soln)
     assert_equal(nx.cost_of_flow(G, H), 41)
Пример #35
def grafico_pfmc():
    #le cambie los valores para que tuviera solucion
    encuentros = {'e0': {'t0': 22, 't1': 16}, 'e1': {'t0': 34, 't1': 26}}
    abastecimientos = {'a0': {'t0': 720, 't1': 586}, 'a1': {'t0': 561, 't1': 985}}
    transporte = {'a0': {'e0': (5, 32), 'e1': (6, 43)},'a1': {'e0': (7, 67), 'e1': (8, 36)}}
    inventario = {'a0': (0, 427), 'a1': (0, 445)}
    G = crear_grafo(abastecimientos,encuentros,transporte,inventario)
    grafico = Graficar(G)
    grafico.title("Representacion Simple")

    """ Bonus: Esto resuleve el PFMC del ejemplo chico y lo grafica, podria mostrar las
    cantidades de flujo en el grafico pero no nos dan puntaje por eso"""
    flowDict = nx.min_cost_flow(G)
    flow_to_xlsx(flowDict,"Resultado Simple.xlsx") #lo paso a excel
    with open('resultado_simple.txt', 'w') as outfile: # y a txt pot si acaso
        json.dump(flowDict, outfile)
    grafico = Graficar(G,flowDict)
    grafico.title("Solucion Simple")
Пример #36
    def test_digraph1(self):
        # From Bradley, S. P., Hax, A. C. and Magnanti, T. L. Applied
        # Mathematical Programming. Addison-Wesley, 1977.
        G = nx.DiGraph()
        G.add_node(1, demand=-20)
        G.add_node(4, demand=5)
        G.add_node(5, demand=15)
                (1, 2, {"capacity": 15, "weight": 4}),
                (1, 3, {"capacity": 8, "weight": 4}),
                (2, 3, {"weight": 2}),
                (2, 4, {"capacity": 4, "weight": 2}),
                (2, 5, {"capacity": 10, "weight": 6}),
                (3, 4, {"capacity": 15, "weight": 1}),
                (3, 5, {"capacity": 5, "weight": 3}),
                (4, 5, {"weight": 2}),
                (5, 3, {"capacity": 4, "weight": 1}),
        flowCost, H = nx.network_simplex(G)
        soln = {
            1: {2: 12, 3: 8},
            2: {3: 8, 4: 4, 5: 0},
            3: {4: 11, 5: 5},
            4: {5: 10},
            5: {3: 0},
        assert flowCost == 150
        assert nx.min_cost_flow_cost(G) == 150
        assert H == soln
        assert nx.min_cost_flow(G) == soln
        assert nx.cost_of_flow(G, H) == 150

        flowCost, H = nx.capacity_scaling(G)
        assert flowCost == 150
        assert H == soln
        assert nx.cost_of_flow(G, H) == 150
Пример #37
def is_flow_feasible(m, ResMastery, SkillReq, SkillSet):

	Resources = range(m)

	# initialise directed graph to run flow algorithm on
	G = nx.DiGraph()
	G.add_node('s', demand=-np.sum(SkillReq)) # source
	G.add_node('t', demand= np.sum(SkillReq)) # sink

	# pdb.set_trace()
	UsefulRes = find_useful_resources(Resources, ResMastery, SkillSet)

	# define resource nodes and edges from the source to resources
	for res in UsefulRes:
		G.add_node(res, demand=0)
		G.add_edge('s', res, weight=0, capacity=1)

	# define required skill nodes and edges from skills to sink node
	for skill in SkillSet:
		# offset the index by the # of res
		G.add_node(skill+m, demand=0)
		G.add_edge(skill+m, 't', weight=0, capacity=SkillReq[skill])

	# define the edges between the resource and the skill nodes
	for res in Resources:
		for skill in SkillSet:
			if ResMastery[res][skill] == 1:
				G.add_edge(res, skill+m, weight=0, capacity=1)

	# pdb.set_trace()
		flowDict = nx.min_cost_flow(G)
	except nx.exception.NetworkXUnfeasible:
		return False

	return True
Пример #38
def constrcut_flow_graph(reach_graph,sorted_bbox,flow_graph=None,scores=None):
    def to_left_node(index):
        return 2*index+1

    def to_right_node(index):
        return 2*index+2

    def scale_to_int(score):
        MAX_VALUE = 10000
        return int(score*MAX_VALUE)

    def compute_box_center(box):
        center_y = (box[3]+box[1])/2
        center_x = (box[2]+box[0])/2
        return center_x,center_y

    def get_data_cost(score):
        return scale_to_int(score)

    def get_smoothness_cost(box1, box2):
        x1, y1=compute_box_center(box1)
        x2, y2=compute_box_center(box2)
        s=float(abs(h1-h2))/min(h1, h2)
        return scale_to_int(alpha*d+(1-alpha)*s)

    def get_entry_cost(index,reach_graph,scores):
        reach_node_costs = [scores[left] for left, right in reach_graph.edges() if right == index]
        sorted_costs = sorted(reach_node_costs)
        if len(sorted_costs) > 0:
            cost = scale_to_int(-sorted_costs[-1])
            cost = 0
        return cost

    def get_exit_cost(index,reach_graph,scores):
        reach_node_costs = [scores[right] for left, right in reach_graph.edges() if left == index]
        sorted_costs = sorted(reach_node_costs)
        if len(sorted_costs) > 0:
            cost = scale_to_int(-sorted_costs[-1])
            cost = 0
        return cost

    def overlaps(box1,box2):
        overlaps=min(box2[3], box1[3])-max(box1[1], box2[1])
        overlaps=overlaps if overlaps>0 else 0
        return float(overlaps)/h2

    length = len(sorted_bbox)
    scores = [-1 for i in range(length)]

    if flow_graph == None:
        print 'construct graph'
        flow_graph = nx.DiGraph()
        ENTRY_NODE = -1
        flow_graph.add_node(ENTRY_NODE,demand = -1)
        EXIT_NODE = -2
        flow_graph.add_node(EXIT_NODE,demand = 1)
        # data cost
        for index in range(length):
            left_node = to_left_node(index)
            right_node = to_right_node(index)
            data_cost = get_data_cost(scores[index])
            flow_graph.add_edge(left_node,right_node,weight=data_cost,capacity = 1)
        # smoothness cost
        for left,right in reach_graph.edges():
            left_node = to_right_node(left)
            right_node = to_left_node(right)
            smoothness_cost = get_smoothness_cost(sorted_bbox[left],sorted_bbox[right])
            flow_graph.add_edge(left_node,right_node,weight=smoothness_cost,capacity = 1)
        # entry cost
        for index in range(length):
            entry_cost = get_entry_cost(index,reach_graph,scores)
            left_node = to_left_node(index)
            flow_graph.add_edge(ENTRY_NODE,left_node,weight=entry_cost,capacity = 1)
        # exit cost
        for index in range(length):
            exit_cost = get_exit_cost(index,reach_graph,scores)
            right_node = to_right_node(index)
            flow_graph.add_edge(right_node,EXIT_NODE,weight=exit_cost,capacity = 1)
    flowDict = nx.min_cost_flow(flow_graph)
    flowCost = nx.min_cost_flow_cost(flow_graph)
    for index in range(length):
            find = [node for node, value in flowDict[left_node].iteritems() if value == 1]
            find = []
        if len(find)>0:
    # find node overlaps over 0.5
    remove_inds = box_inds
    for index in box_inds:
        print index
        node_neighbor_right = [right for left, right in reach_graph.edges() if left == index]
        node_neighbor_left = [left for left, right in reach_graph.edges() if right == index]
        for node_index in node_neighbor_right:
            if overlaps(sorted_bbox[node_index],sorted_bbox[index]) > 0.5:
        for node_index in node_neighbor_left:
            if overlaps(sorted_bbox[node_index],sorted_bbox[index]) > 0.5:
    # remove node for next iteration
    for index in remove_inds:
        left_node = to_right_node(index)
        right_node = to_left_node(index)
        if left_node > 0:
        if right_node > 0:
    return box_inds,flowCost,flow_graph
Пример #39
		total += int(exits) - int(entries)

	for n in G.nodes():
		if "demand" not in G.node[n]:

	turnstile_stations = [record.strip().split(',')[2] for record in noondata]
	gtfs_stations = G.nodes()

	#print set(turnstile_stations) - set(gtfs_stations)
	extra_nodes = set(gtfs_stations) - set(turnstile_stations)

	nx.draw_spring(G, with_labels=True, node_color='w', node_size=350, font_size=7)

	flow = nx.min_cost_flow(G)

	for x in G.nodes():
		total = 0
		for p in G.predecessors(x):
			total = total+ flow[p][x]

	rows = zip(inflowstation,inflow)

	length= range(0,len(inflowstation))
        y = [ func(xx) for xx in x ]
    def FLOWCOST( flow, cost ) :
        res = [ cc( flow.get( e, 0. ) ) for e, cc in cost.iteritems() ]    # big difference!
        #res = [ cost.get( e, line(0.) )( flow[e] ) for e in flow ]
        return sum( res )
    def FEAS( flow, capacity, network ) :
        for e in network.edges() :
            if flow.get(e, 0. ) > capacity.get(e, np.Inf ) : return False
        return True
    flow = MinConvexCostFlow( g, u, supply, cf, epsilon=.001 )
    print ( flow, FLOWCOST( flow, cf ), FEAS( flow, u, g ) )
    flowstar = { 'b' : 10., 'd' : 10. }
    print ( flowstar, FLOWCOST( flowstar, cf ), FEAS( flowstar, u, g ) )
    digraph = mincostflow_nx( g, u, supply, c )
    compare = nx.min_cost_flow( digraph )
Пример #41
# Let's now solve for the min-cost flow of the example we had in class. We have already added capacities and demands to our network. We finally need to introduce edge costs (weights).

# In[10]:

G.edge['s']['u']['weight'] = 1
G.edge['s']['v']['weight'] = 1
G.edge['u']['v']['weight'] = 1
G.edge['u']['t']['weight'] = 1
G.edge['v']['t']['weight'] = 2

# Now we can just call the min-cost flow function. Note that we could have used this to solve the flow-with-demands problem, just by setting all the costs (weights) to 0.

# In[11]:

minimum_cost_flow = nx.min_cost_flow(G)

# This is the same as the maximum flow found in class. For this example, the maximum flow is unique.

# ## Exercises
# 1. Construct the bipartite graph from the example application in the slides and find a matching using max flow.
# 2. Write a function to compute a conformal decomposition of a flow with demands, and run it on the flows found in the "Min-Cost Flow" section above.

# ### Solution 1
# For the first problem, we form the network by hand then solve max flow using new source and sink vertices, imposing a capacity of 1 on all edges.