def test_GetProjectsComputedMetadata(): p1 = makeProjectTestFile("testfile.ttl") p2 = makeProjectTestFile2("testfile2.ttl") files = ["testfile.ttl", "testfile2.ttl"] if USE_GITHUB_DATA: if not Path('./cmu_a.nidm.ttl').is_file(): urllib.request.urlretrieve( "", "cmu_a.nidm.ttl") files.append("cmu_a.nidm.ttl") parsed = Query.GetProjectsComputedMetadata(files) if USE_GITHUB_DATA: for project_id in parsed['projects']: print("looking at {}".format(project_id)) if project_id != p1 and project_id != p2: p3 = project_id print("got p3 of {}".format(p3)) assert parsed['projects'][p3][str( Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_NAME)] == "ABIDE CMU_a Site" assert parsed['projects'][p3][Query.matchPrefix( str(Constants.NIDM_NUMBER_OF_SUBJECTS))] == 14 assert parsed['projects'][p3]["age_min"] == 21 assert parsed['projects'][p3]["age_max"] == 33 assert parsed['projects'][p3][str(Constants.NIDM_GENDER)] == ['1', '2']
def getFieldInfoForSubject(self, project, subject): ''' Returns a dictionary of activities where the subject has matching field data The result[activity] is the full data_element so to get the value you would use result[activity].value Note that a subject could match the same field in multiple activities. :param project: :param subject: :return: ''' result = {} # if we got fields, drill into each subject and pull out the field data # subject details -> derivitives / instrument -> values -> element if 'fields' in self.query and len(self.query['fields']) > 0: # get all the synonyms for all the fields - we can seach for them all at once field_synonyms = functools.reduce(operator.iconcat, [ Query.GetDatatypeSynonyms(self.nidm_files, project, x) for x in self.query['fields'] ], []) # print (field_synonyms) for activity in Navigate.getActivities(self.nidm_files, subject): activity_data = Navigate.getActivityData( self.nidm_files, activity) # print ([ x.label for x in]) for data_element in if not set([ data_element.dataElement, data_element.label, data_element.isAbout ]).isdisjoint(set(field_synonyms)): result[Query.URITail(activity)] = data_element return result
def test_GetParticipantDetails(): import time start = time.time() restParser = RestParser() if cmu_test_project_uuid: project = cmu_test_project_uuid else: projects =, '/projects') project = projects[0] import time start = time.time() subjects =, '/projects/{}/subjects'.format(project)) subject = subjects['uuid'][0] Query.GetParticipantInstrumentData(BRAIN_VOL_FILES, project, subject) details = Query.GetParticipantDetails(BRAIN_VOL_FILES, project, subject) assert ('uuid' in details) assert ('id' in details) assert ('activity' in details) assert ('instruments' in details) assert ('derivatives' in details) end = time.time() runtime = end - start
def test_GetProjectsMetadata(): p1 = makeProjectTestFile("testfile.ttl") p2 = makeProjectTestFile2("testfile2.ttl") if not Path('./cmu_a.nidm.ttl').is_file(): urllib.request.urlretrieve( "", "cmu_a.nidm.ttl") p3 = "nidm:_504a60b0-7e86-11e9-ae20-003ee1ce9545" # from the cmu_a ttl file json_response = Query.GetProjectsMetadata( ["testfile.ttl", "testfile2.ttl", "cmu_a.nidm.ttl"]) parsed = json.loads(json_response) assert parsed['projects'][p1][str( Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION)] == "Test investigation" assert parsed['projects'][p2][str( Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION)] == "More Scans" assert parsed['projects'][p3][str( Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_NAME)] == "ABIDE CMU_a Site" # we shouldn't have the computed metadata in this result assert parsed['projects'][p1].get( Query.matchPrefix(str(Constants.NIDM_NUMBER_OF_SUBJECTS)), -1) == -1
def test_GetProjectsComputedMetadata(): p1 = makeProjectTestFile("testfile.ttl") p2 = makeProjectTestFile2("testfile2.ttl") if not Path('./cmu_a.nidm.ttl').is_file(): urllib.request.urlretrieve( "", "cmu_a.nidm.ttl") #DBK: this is a bit unsafe as the TTL files in the github repo above can change and the UUID will change since they are randomly #generated at this point. It's probably more robust to explicitly create these files for the time being and explicitly set the #UUID in the test file: # For example: kwargs={Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_NAME:"FBIRN_PhaseIII",Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_IDENTIFIER:1200,Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION:"Test investigation2"} # project = Project(uuid="_654321",attributes=kwargs) # p3 = "nidm:_504a60b0-7e86-11e9-ae20-003ee1ce9545" # from the cmu_a ttl file json_response = Query.GetProjectsComputedMetadata( ["testfile.ttl", "testfile2.ttl", "cmu_a.nidm.ttl"]) parsed = json.loads(json_response) assert parsed['projects'][p1][str( Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION)] == "Test investigation" assert parsed['projects'][p2][str( Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION)] == "More Scans" assert parsed['projects'][p3][str( Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_NAME)] == "ABIDE CMU_a Site" assert parsed['projects'][p2][Query.matchPrefix( str(Constants.NIDM_NUMBER_OF_SUBJECTS))] == 0 #DBK - this isn't working #assert parsed['projects'][p3][Query.matchPrefix(str(Constants.NIDM_NUMBER_OF_SUBJECTS))] == 14 assert parsed['projects'][p1][Query.matchPrefix( str(Constants.NIDM_NUMBER_OF_SUBJECTS))] == 0
def test_CMU_GetProjectsComputedMetadata(): ''' This will run the getProjectsComputedMetadata on a downloaded ttl file from the ABIDE dataset This is for dev purposes only and should be skipped during a normal test ''' if not Path('./cmu_a.nidm.ttl').is_file(): urllib.request.urlretrieve( "", "cmu_a.nidm.ttl") json_response = Query.GetProjectsComputedMetadata(["cmu_a.nidm.ttl"]) parsed = json.loads(json_response) print(parsed) # should be only one p1 = list(parsed['projects'].keys())[0] assert parsed['projects'][p1][Query.matchPrefix( str(Constants.NIDM_NUMBER_OF_SUBJECTS))] == 14 assert parsed['projects'][p1]["age_min"] == 21 assert parsed['projects'][p1]["age_max"] == 33 assert parsed['projects'][p1][str(Constants.NIDM_GENDER)] == ['1', '2'] assert parsed['projects'][p1][str( Constants.NIDM_HANDEDNESS)] == ['R', 'L', 'Ambi']
def test_OpenGraph(): g = Query.OpenGraph(BRAIN_VOL_FILES[0]) assert isinstance(g, rdflib.graph.Graph) # if you call OpenGraph with something that is already a graph, it should send it back g2 = Query.OpenGraph(g) assert isinstance(g, rdflib.graph.Graph)
def test_CheckSubjectMatchesFilter(): restParser = RestParser() if cmu_test_project_uuid: project = cmu_test_project_uuid else: projects =, '/projects') project = projects[0] subjects =, '/projects/{}/subjects'.format(project)) subject = subjects['uuid'][0] derivatives = Query.GetDerivativesDataForSubject(BRAIN_VOL_FILES, project, subject) for skey in derivatives: for vkey in derivatives[skey]['values']: dt = vkey val = derivatives[skey]['values'][vkey]['value'] if (dt and val): break # find an actual stat and build a matching filter to make sure our matcher passes it filter = "derivatives.{} eq {}".format(dt, val) assert Query.CheckSubjectMatchesFilter(BRAIN_VOL_FILES, project, subject, filter) instruments = Query.GetParticipantInstrumentData(BRAIN_VOL_FILES, project, subject) for (i, inst) in instruments.items(): if 'AGE_AT_SCAN' in inst: age = inst['AGE_AT_SCAN'] older = str(float(age) + 1) younger = str(float(age) - 1) assert Query.CheckSubjectMatchesFilter( BRAIN_VOL_FILES, project, subject, "instruments.AGE_AT_SCAN eq {}".format(str(age))) assert (Query.CheckSubjectMatchesFilter( BRAIN_VOL_FILES, project, subject, "instruments.AGE_AT_SCAN lt {}".format(younger)) == False) assert (Query.CheckSubjectMatchesFilter( BRAIN_VOL_FILES, project, subject, "instruments.AGE_AT_SCAN gt {}".format(younger)) == True) assert Query.CheckSubjectMatchesFilter( BRAIN_VOL_FILES, project, subject, "instruments.AGE_AT_SCAN lt {}".format(older)) assert (Query.CheckSubjectMatchesFilter( BRAIN_VOL_FILES, project, subject, "instruments.AGE_AT_SCAN gt {}".format(older)) == False) eq__format = "instruments.{} eq '{}'".format('WISC_IV_VOCAB_SCALED', 'nan') assert Query.CheckSubjectMatchesFilter(BRAIN_VOL_FILES, project, subject, eq__format) eq__format = "instruments.{} eq '{}'".format('WISC_IV_VOCAB_SCALED', 'not a match') assert (Query.CheckSubjectMatchesFilter(BRAIN_VOL_FILES, project, subject, eq__format) == False)
def restParser(nidm_files, command, verbosity_level=0): restLog("parsing command " + command, 1, verbosity_level) restLog("Files to read:" + str(nidm_files), 1, verbosity_level) text = ('On', 'Disable', 'unsetting') if os.getenv('PYNIDM_GRAPH_CACHE') != None else ( 'Off', 'Enable', 'setting') restLog("Graph cache is {}".format(text[0]), 1, verbosity_level) restLog( "{} graph cache by {} the PYNIDM_GRAPH_CACHE environment variable". format(text[1], text[2]), 1, verbosity_level) result = [] if re.match(r"^/?projects/?$", command): restLog("Returning all projects", 2, verbosity_level) projects = Query.GetProjectsUUID(nidm_files) for uuid in projects: result.append(str(uuid).replace(Constants.NIIRI, "")) elif re.match(r"^/?projects/[^/]+$", command): restLog("Returing metadata ", 2, verbosity_level) match = re.match(r"^/?projects/([^/]+)$", command) id = parse.unquote(str( restLog("computing metadata", 5, verbosity_level) projects = Query.GetProjectsComputedMetadata(nidm_files) for pid in projects['projects'].keys(): restLog("comparng " + str(pid) + " with " + str(id), 5, verbosity_level) restLog("comparng " + str(pid) + " with " + Constants.NIIRI + id, 5, verbosity_level) restLog("comparng " + str(pid) + " with niiri:" + id, 5, verbosity_level) if pid == id or pid == Constants.NIIRI + id or pid == "niiri:" + id: result = projects['projects'][pid] elif re.match(r"^/?projects/[^/]+/subjects/?$", command): match = re.match(r"^/?projects/([^/]+)/subjects/?$", command) project = restLog("Returning all agents for project {}".format(project), 2, verbosity_level) agents = Query.GetParticipantUUIDsForProject(nidm_files, project) result = [] vals = agents.values for x in vals: result.append(str(x[0]).replace("", "")) elif re.match(r"^/?projects/[^/]+/subjects/[^/]+/?$", command): match = re.match(r"^/?projects/([^/]+)/subjects/([^/]+)/?$", command) restLog("Returning info about subject {}".format(, 2, verbosity_level) result = Query.GetParticipantDetails(nidm_files,, else: restLog("NO MATCH!", 2, verbosity_level) return result
def projects(self): result = [] field_values = [] self.restLog("Returning all projects", 2) projects = Query.GetProjectsUUID(self.nidm_files) for uuid in projects: result.append(str(uuid).replace(Constants.NIIRI, "")) # if we got fields, drill into each subject and pull out the field data # subject details -> derivitives / instrument -> values -> element if 'fields' in self.query and len(self.query['fields']) > 0: subjects_set = set() dataelements_set = set() self.restLog("Using fields {}".format(self.query['fields']), 2) # result['field_values'] = [] for proj in projects: # get all the synonyms for all the fields field_synonyms = functools.reduce(operator.iconcat, [ Query.GetDatatypeSynonyms(self.nidm_files, proj, x) for x in self.query['fields'] ], []) files = self.nidm_files all_subjects = Query.GetParticipantUUIDsForProject( self.nidm_files, proj, self.query['filter'] ) # nidm_file_list= files, project_id=proj['uuid'], filter=self.query['filter']): for sub in all_subjects['uuid']: for activity in Navigate.getActivities( self.nidm_files, sub): activity = Navigate.getActivityData( self.nidm_files, activity) for data_element in if data_element.dataElement in field_synonyms: field_values.append( data_element._replace(subject=sub)) subjects_set.add(sub) dataelements_set.add((data_element.datumType, data_element.label)) if len(field_values) == 0: raise ValueError("Supplied field not found. (" + ", ".join(self.query['fields']) + ")") else: summary_result = {} summary_result['subjects'] = {"uuid": [], "subject id": []} for sub in subjects_set: summary_result["subjects"]["uuid"].append(sub) summary_result["subjects"]["subject id"].append("") summary_result['data_elements'] = {"uuid": [], "lable": []} for de in dataelements_set: summary_result['data_elements']["uuid"] = de[0] summary_result['data_elements']["label"] = de[1] summary_result['field_values'] = field_values return self.projectSummaryFormat(summary_result) return self.format(result, ["UUID"])
def test_prefix_helpers(): assert Query.expandNIDMAbbreviation( "ndar:src_subject_id" ) == "" assert Query.matchPrefix("") == "nidm:abc" assert Query.matchPrefix("") == "prov:123" assert Query.matchPrefix("") == "fsl:xyz" assert Query.matchPrefix("", short=True) == "fsl"
def test_getProjectAcquisitionObjects(): if not Path('./cmu_a.nidm.ttl').is_file(): urllib.request.urlretrieve( "", "cmu_a.nidm.ttl") files = ['cmu_a.nidm.ttl'] project_list = Query.GetProjectsUUID(files) project_uuid = str(project_list[0]) objects = Query.getProjectAcquisitionObjects(files, project_uuid) assert isinstance(objects, list)
def setup(): global cmu_test_project_uuid, cmu_test_subject_uuid projects = Query.GetProjectsUUID(ABIDE_FILES) for p in projects: proj_info = nidm.experiment.Navigate.GetProjectAttributes( ABIDE_FILES, p) if 'dctypes:title' in proj_info.keys( ) and proj_info['dctypes:title'] == 'ABIDE CMU_a Site': cmu_test_project_uuid = p break subjects = Query.GetParticipantIDs(ABIDE_FILES) cmu_test_subject_uuid = subjects['uuid'][0]
def ExpandProjectMetaData(self, meta_data): """ Takes in the meta_data from GetProjectsMetadata() and adds the following statistics about each project to the existing meta_data structure: age_max (float) age_min (float) handedness of subjects (list) genders of subjects (list) number of subjects (int) :param meta_data: :return: """ for project_id in meta_data['projects']: project_uuid = str(project_id)[6:] if ( str(project_id).startswith("niiri:")) else project_id project = meta_data['projects'][project_id] ages = set() hands = set() genders = set() for session in Navigate.getSessions(self.nidm_files, project_uuid): for acq in Navigate.getAcquisitions(self.nidm_files, session): act_data = Navigate.getActivityData(self.nidm_files, acq) for de in if de.isAbout == "" or de.isAbout == "": ages.add(float(de.value)) elif de.isAbout == "" or de.isAbout == ""\ or de.isAbout == "" or de.isAbout == \ "": genders.add(de.value) elif de.isAbout == "": hands.add(de.value) print( Query.GetParticipantUUIDsForProject(self.nidm_files, project_uuid)) project['age_max'] = max(ages) if len(ages) > 0 else 0 project['age_min'] = min(ages) if len(ages) > 0 else 0 project[Query.matchPrefix(str( Constants.NIDM_NUMBER_OF_SUBJECTS))] = len( (Query.GetParticipantUUIDsForProject( self.nidm_files, project_uuid))['uuid']) project[str(Constants.NIDM_GENDER)] = list(genders) project[str(Constants.NIDM_HANDEDNESS)] = list(hands)
def test_GetProjectMetadata(): kwargs={Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_NAME:"FBIRN_PhaseII",Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_IDENTIFIER:9610,Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION:"Test investigation"} project = Project(uuid="_123456",attributes=kwargs) session = Session(project) acq = AssessmentAcquisition(session) kwargs={Constants.NIDM_HANDEDNESS:"Left", Constants.NIDM_AGE:"90"} acq_obj = AssessmentObject(acq,kwargs) #save a turtle file with open("test.ttl",'w') as f: f.write(project.serializeTurtle()) kwargs={Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_NAME:"FBIRN_PhaseIII",Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_IDENTIFIER:1200,Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION:"Test investigation"} project = Project(uuid="_654321",attributes=kwargs) session = Session(project) acq = AssessmentAcquisition(session) kwargs={Constants.NIDM_HANDEDNESS:"Right", Constants.NIDM_AGE:"75"} acq_obj = AssessmentObject(acq,kwargs) #save a turtle file with open("test2.ttl",'w') as f: f.write(project.serializeTurtle()) test = Query.GetProjectMetadata(["test.ttl", "test2.ttl"])
def test_GetParticipantIDs(): kwargs = { Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_NAME: "FBIRN_PhaseII", Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_IDENTIFIER: 9610, Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION: "Test investigation" } project = Project(uuid="_123456", attributes=kwargs) session = Session(uuid="_13579", project=project) acq = Acquisition(uuid="_15793", session=session) acq2 = Acquisition(uuid="_15795", session=session) person = acq.add_person(attributes=({Constants.NIDM_SUBJECTID: "9999"})) acq.add_qualified_association(person=person, role=Constants.NIDM_PARTICIPANT) person2 = acq2.add_person(attributes=({Constants.NIDM_SUBJECTID: "8888"})) acq2.add_qualified_association(person=person2, role=Constants.NIDM_PARTICIPANT) #save a turtle file with open("test.ttl", 'w') as f: f.write(project.serializeTurtle()) participant_list = Query.GetParticipantIDs(["test.ttl"]) remove("test.ttl") assert (participant_list['ID'].str.contains('9999').any()) assert (participant_list['ID'].str.contains('8888').any())
def projects(self): result = [] self.restLog("Returning all projects", 2) projects = Query.GetProjectsUUID(self.nidm_files) for uuid in projects: result.append(str(uuid).replace(Constants.NIIRI, "")) return self.format(result)
def test_GetProjectsMetadata(): p1 = makeProjectTestFile("testfile.ttl") p2 = makeProjectTestFile2("testfile2.ttl") files = ["testfile.ttl", "testfile2.ttl"] if USE_GITHUB_DATA and not Path('./cmu_a.nidm.ttl').is_file(): urllib.request.urlretrieve( "", "cmu_a.nidm.ttl") files.append("cmu_a.nidm.ttl") parsed = Query.GetProjectsMetadata(files) # assert parsed['projects'][p1][str(Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION)] == "Test investigation" # assert parsed['projects'][p2][str(Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION)] == "More Scans" # we shouldn't have the computed metadata in this result # assert parsed['projects'][p1].get (Query.matchPrefix(str(Constants.NIDM_NUMBER_OF_SUBJECTS)), -1) == -1 if USE_GITHUB_DATA: # find the project ID from the CMU file for project_id in parsed['projects']: if project_id != p1 and project_id != p2: p3 = project_id assert parsed['projects'][p3][str( Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_NAME)] == "ABIDE CMU_a Site"
def test_get_software_agents(): nidm_file = BRAIN_VOL_FILES[0] rdf_graph = Query.OpenGraph(nidm_file) agents = Query.getSoftwareAgents(rdf_graph) assert len(agents) > 0 isa = URIRef('') count = 0 for a in agents: for s, o, p in rdf_graph.triples((a, isa, Constants.PROV['Agent'])): count += 1 assert (count == len(agents))
def projectSubjectSummary(self): match = re.match(r"^/?projects/([^/]+)/subjects/([^/]+)/?$", self.command) self.restLog("Returning info about subject {}".format(, 2) return self.subjectSummaryFormat( Query.GetParticipantDetails(self.nidm_files,,
def test_download_cde_files(): cde_dir = Query.download_cde_files() assert cde_dir == tempfile.gettempdir() fcount = 0 for url in Constants.CDE_FILE_LOCATIONS: fname = url.split('/')[-1] assert path.isfile("{}/{}".format(cde_dir, fname)) fcount += 1 assert fcount > 0
def projectStats(self): result = dict() subjects = None path = (urlparse(self.command)).path match = re.match(r"^/?statistics/projects/([^/]+)\??$", path) id = parse.unquote(str( self.restLog("Returing project {} stats metadata".format(id), 2) meta_data = Query.GetProjectsMetadata(self.nidm_files) self.ExpandProjectMetaData(meta_data) projects = Query.compressForJSONResponse(meta_data) for pid in projects['projects'].keys(): self.restLog("comparng " + str(pid) + " with " + str(id), 5) self.restLog( "comparng " + str(pid) + " with " + Constants.NIIRI + id, 5) self.restLog("comparng " + str(pid) + " with niiri:" + id, 5) if pid == id or pid == Constants.NIIRI + id or pid == "niiri:" + id: # stip off prefixes to make it more human readable for key in projects['projects'][pid]: short_key = key possible_prefix = re.sub(':.*', '', short_key) if possible_prefix in Constants.namespaces: short_key = re.sub('^.*:', '', short_key) result[short_key] = projects['projects'][pid][key] # now get any fields they reqested for field in self.query['fields']: if subjects == None: subjects = Query.GetParticipantUUIDsForProject( tuple(self.nidm_files), project_id=id, filter=self.query['filter']) result['subjects'] = subjects['uuid'] bits = field.split('.') if len(bits) > 1: stat_type = self.getStatType( bits[0] ) # should be either instruments or derivatives for now. self.addFieldStats(result, id, subjects['uuid'], bits[1], stat_type) # bits[1] will be the ID return self.dictFormat(result)
def derivativesList(self): result = [] match = re.match(r"^/?projects/([^/]+)/subjects/([^/]+)", self.command) self.restLog( "Returning derivatives in subject {}".format(, 2) derivatives = Query.GetDerivativesDataForSubject( self.nidm_files,, for s in derivatives: result.append(s) return self.format(result)
def test_GetProjectsComputedMetadata(): files = [] rest = RestParser() rest.nidm_files = tuple(BRAIN_VOL_FILES) meta_data = Query.GetProjectsMetadata(BRAIN_VOL_FILES) rest.ExpandProjectMetaData(meta_data) parsed = Query.compressForJSONResponse(meta_data) for project_id in parsed['projects']: if parsed['projects'][project_id][str(Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_NAME)] == "ABIDE CMU_a Site": p3 = project_id break assert parsed['projects'][p3][str(Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_NAME)] == "ABIDE CMU_a Site" assert parsed['projects'][p3][Query.matchPrefix(str(Constants.NIDM_NUMBER_OF_SUBJECTS))] == 14 assert parsed['projects'][p3]["age_min"] == 21.0 assert parsed['projects'][p3]["age_max"] == 33.0 assert set(parsed['projects'][p3][str(Constants.NIDM_GENDER)]) == set(['1', '2'])
def test_GetProjectsComputedMetadata(): p1 = makeProjectTestFile("testfile.ttl") p2 = makeProjectTestFile2("testfile2.ttl") json_response = Query.GetProjectsComputedMetadata( ["testfile.ttl", "testfile2.ttl"]) parsed = json.loads(json_response) assert parsed['projects'][p1][str( Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION)] == "Test investigation" assert parsed['projects'][p2][str( Constants.NIDM_PROJECT_DESCRIPTION)] == "More Scans" assert parsed['projects'][p2][Query.matchPrefix( str(Constants.NIDM_NUMBER_OF_SUBJECTS))] == 0 assert parsed['projects'][p1][Query.matchPrefix( str(Constants.NIDM_NUMBER_OF_SUBJECTS))] == 0
def subjectsList(self): match = re.match(r"^/?projects/([^/]+)/subjects/?$", self.command) project = self.restLog( "Returning all agents matching filter '{}' for project {}".format( self.query['filter'], project), 2) result = Query.GetParticipantUUIDsForProject(self.nidm_files, project, self.query['filter'], None) return self.format(result)
def addFieldStats(self, result, project, subjects, field, type): ''' Geneerates basic stats on a group of subjects and adds it to the result :param result: :param subjects: :param field: :return: ''' values = [] for s in subjects: if type == self.STAT_TYPE_INSTRUMENTS: data = Query.GetParticipantInstrumentData( tuple(self.nidm_files), project, s) for i in data: if field in data[i]: values.append(float(data[i][field])) # derivatives are of the form [UUID]['values'][URI]{datumType, label, values, units} if type == self.STAT_TYPE_DERIVATIVES: data = Query.GetDerivativesDataForSubject( tuple(self.nidm_files), project, s) for deriv in data: for URI in data[deriv]['values']: measures = data[deriv]['values'][URI] if field == measures[ 'label'] or field == self.getTailOfURI(URI): values.append(float(measures['value'])) if len(values) > 0: med = median(values) avg = mean(values) st = std(values) mn = min(values) mx = max(values) else: med = avg = st = mn = mx = None result[field] = { "max": mx, "min": mn, "median": med, "mean": avg, "standard_deviation": st }
def instrumentsList(self): result = [] match = re.match(r"^/?projects/([^/]+)/subjects/([^/]+)$", self.command) self.restLog( "Returning instruments in subject {}".format(, 2) instruments = Query.GetParticipantInstrumentData( self.nidm_files,, for i in instruments: result.append(i) return self.format(result)
def instrumentSummary(self): match = re.match( r"^/?projects/([^/]+)/subjects/([^/]+)/instruments/([^/]+)$", self.command) self.restLog( "Returning instrument {} in subject {}".format(,, 2) instruments = Query.GetParticipantInstrumentData( self.nidm_files,, return self.format(instruments[], headers=["Category", "Value"])
def subjects(self): self.restLog("Returning info about subjects", 2) projects = Navigate.getProjects(self.nidm_files) result = {'subject': []} if 'fields' in self.query and len(self.query['fields']) > 0: result['fields'] = {} for proj in projects: subs = Navigate.getSubjects(self.nidm_files, proj) for s in subs: result['subject'].append([ Query.URITail(s), Navigate.getSubjectIDfromUUID(self.nidm_files, s) ]) # print ("getting info for " + str(s)) x = self.getFieldInfoForSubject(proj, s) if x != {}: result['fields'][Query.URITail(s)] = x return self.subjectFormat(result)