def plot_epi_T1_corregistration(mean_epi_file, anat_edge, figsize=(11.7, 8.3)): fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) func = nb.load(mean_epi_file).get_data() func_affine = nb.load(mean_epi_file).get_affine() anat = nb.load(anat_edge).get_data() anat_affine = nb.load(anat_edge).get_affine() slicer = viz.plot_anat( np.asarray(func), np.asarray(func_affine), black_bg=True, cmap=cm.Greys_r, # @UndefinedVariable cut_coords=(-6, 3, 28), figure=fig, draw_cross=False) slicer.contour_map(np.asarray(anat), np.asarray(anat_affine), levels=[.51], colors=[ 'r', ]) return fig
def warp_report(in_file): """Plot the registration summary using nipy contours""" mni_file = op.join(os.environ["FSL_DIR"], "data/standard/MNI152_T1_1mm_brain.nii.gz") mni_img = nib.load(mni_file) mni_data, mni_aff = mni_img.get_data(), mni_img.get_affine() sub_img = nib.load(in_file) sub_data, sub_aff = sub_img.get_data(), sub_img.get_affine() sub_data[sub_data < 1] = 0 kwargs = dict(draw_cross=False, annotate=False) cut_coords = dict(x=(-45, -12, 12, 45), y=(-55, -25, 5, 45), z=(-30, -5, 20, 40)) colors = sns.color_palette("bright") im_data = dict() for axis in ["x", "y", "z"]: f = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 2.5)) coords = cut_coords[axis] slicer = viz.plot_anat(sub_data, sub_aff, slicer=axis, cut_coords=coords, figure=f, **kwargs) slicer.contour_map(mni_data, mni_aff, colors=colors) fname = "slices_%s.png" % axis f.savefig(fname, facecolor="k", edgecolor="k") im_data[axis] = mplimg.imread(fname) concat_data = [im_data[axis] for axis in ["x", "y", "z"]] concat_data = np.concatenate(concat_data, axis=0) mplimg.imsave("warp_report.png", concat_data) return op.abspath("warp_report.png")
def contour_image(contour, mean, mask, title=''): import nibabel as nib import numpy as np import nipy.labs.viz as viz import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def get_data(imfile): img = nib.load(imfile) data, affine = img.get_data(), img.get_affine() return data, affine bold_data, nat_aff = get_data(mean) wm_data, _ = get_data(contour) brain_mask, _ = get_data(mask) f = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) kwargs = dict(figure=f, draw_cross=False, annotate=False, slicer="y") for cut_coords, ax_pos in zip( np.linspace(-50, 70, 8).reshape(2, 4), [(0, 0, 1, .5), (0, .5, 1, .5)]): slicer = viz.plot_anat(bold_data, nat_aff, cut_coords=cut_coords, axes=ax_pos, **kwargs) slicer.contour_map(wm_data, nat_aff, colors="palegreen") slicer.contour_map(brain_mask, nat_aff, colors="tomato") plt.gca().set_title("%s" % title, size=14) outfile = os.path.abspath('%s_contour.png' % title) plt.savefig(outfile) return outfile
def plot_T1_brainmask(T1, brainmask, figsize=(11.7, 8.3)): fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) T1_data = nb.load(T1).get_data() T1_affine = nb.load(T1).get_affine() brain_nii = nb.load(brainmask) brain_data = brain_nii.get_data() #brain_data[wm_data > 1] = 1 brain_affine = brain_nii.get_affine() slicer = viz.plot_anat( np.asarray(T1_data), np.asarray(T1_affine), black_bg=True, cmap=cm.Greys_r, # @UndefinedVariable figure=fig, axes=ax, draw_cross=False) slicer.contour_map(np.asarray(brain_data), np.asarray(brain_affine), linewidths=[0.1], colors=[ 'r', ]) fig.suptitle('FS brain extraction', fontsize='14') return fig
def plot_hipp_subfields(brain_file, subfield_file, figsize=(40.7, 20.3)): fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) print "hello" brain = nb.load(brain_file).get_data() brain_affine = nb.load(brain_file).get_affine() subfield = nb.load(subfield_file).get_data() subfield_affine = nb.load(subfield_file).get_affine() plt.histogram(subfield[:]) # #plt.imshow(subfield[:,:,175], cmap="gray", origin="lower") subfield[subfield > 1] = 1 slicer = viz.plot_anat( np.asarray(brain), np.asarray(brain_affine), cut_coords=np.arange(-238, -220, 2), #None, #[0,50,100,150,200,250], slicer='z', black_bg=True, cmap=cm.Greys_r, # @UndefinedVariable figure=fig, axes=ax, draw_cross=False) slicer.edge_map(np.asarray(subfield), np.asarray(subfield_affine), color='r') # # fig.suptitle('subfields', fontsize='14') return fig
def plot_epi_T1_corregistration(mean_epi_file, wm_file, subject_id, similarity_distribution=None, figsize=(11.7,8.3),): fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if similarity_distribution: ax = plt.subplot(2,1,1) sns.distplot(similarity_distribution.values(), ax=ax) ax.set_xlabel("EPI-T1 mincost function (over all subjects)") cur_similarity = similarity_distribution[subject_id] label = "mincost function = %g"%cur_similarity plot_vline(cur_similarity, label, ax=ax) ax = plt.subplot(2,1,2) else: ax = plt.subplot(1,1,0) func = nb.load(mean_epi_file).get_data() func_affine = nb.load(mean_epi_file).get_affine() wm_data = nb.load(wm_file).get_data() wm_affine = nb.load(wm_file).get_affine() slicer = viz.plot_anat(np.asarray(func), np.asarray(func_affine), black_bg=True, cmap = cm.Greys_r, # @UndefinedVariable figure = fig, axes = ax, draw_cross = False) slicer.contour_map(np.asarray(wm_data), np.asarray(wm_affine), linewidths=[0.1], colors=['r',]) fig.suptitle('coregistration', fontsize='14') return fig
def plot_epi_to_t1_coregistration(epi_file, reg_file, ribbon, fssubjects_dir): import pylab as plt from nipy.labs import viz import nibabel as nb import numpy as np import os import nipype.interfaces.freesurfer as fs anat = nb.load(ribbon).get_data() anat[anat > 1] = 1 anat_affine = nb.load(ribbon).get_affine() func = nb.load(epi_file).get_data() func_affine = nb.load(epi_file).get_affine() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), edgecolor="k", facecolor="k") slicer = viz.plot_anat( np.asarray(func), np.asarray(func_affine), black_bg=True,, cut_coords=(-6, 3, 12), figure=fig, axes=[0, 0.50, 1, 0.33], ) slicer.contour_map(np.asarray(anat), np.asarray(anat_affine), levels=[0.51], colors=["r"]) slicer.title( "Mean EPI with cortical surface contour overlay (before registration)", size=12, color="w", alpha=0 ) res = fs.ApplyVolTransform( source_file=epi_file, reg_file=reg_file, fs_target=True, subjects_dir=fssubjects_dir ).run() func = nb.load(res.outputs.transformed_file).get_data() func_affine = nb.load(res.outputs.transformed_file).get_affine() slicer = viz.plot_anat( np.asarray(func), np.asarray(func_affine), black_bg=True,, cut_coords=(-6, 3, 12), figure=fig, axes=[0, 0, 1, 0.33], ) slicer.contour_map(np.asarray(anat), np.asarray(anat_affine), levels=[0.51], colors=["r"]) slicer.title("Mean EPI with cortical surface contour overlay (after registration)", size=12, color="w", alpha=0) plt.savefig("reg_plot.png", facecolor=fig.get_facecolor(), edgecolor="none") return os.path.abspath("reg_plot.png")
def plot_epi_T1_corregistration( mean_epi_file, reg_file, fssubjects_dir, subject_id, similarity_distribution=None, figsize=(11.7, 8.3), ): fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if similarity_distribution: ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) sns.distplot(similarity_distribution.values(), ax=ax) ax.set_xlabel( "EPI-T1 similarity after coregistration (over all subjects)") cur_similarity = similarity_distribution[subject_id] label = "similarity = %g" % cur_similarity plot_vline(cur_similarity, label, ax=ax) ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 0) else: ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 0) res = ApplyVolTransform(source_file=mean_epi_file, reg_file=reg_file, fs_target=True, subjects_dir=fssubjects_dir, terminal_output="none").run() func = nb.load(res.outputs.transformed_file).get_data() func_affine = nb.load(res.outputs.transformed_file).get_affine() ribbon_file = "%s/%s/mri/ribbon.mgz" % (fssubjects_dir, subject_id) ribbon_nii = nb.load(ribbon_file) ribbon_data = ribbon_nii.get_data() ribbon_data[ribbon_data > 1] = 1 ribbon_affine = ribbon_nii.get_affine() slicer = viz.plot_anat( np.asarray(func), np.asarray(func_affine), black_bg=True, cmap=cm.Greys_r, # @UndefinedVariable cut_coords=(-6, 3, 32), figure=fig, axes=ax, draw_cross=False) slicer.contour_map(np.asarray(ribbon_data), np.asarray(ribbon_affine), levels=[.51], colors=[ 'r', ]) return fig
def plot_unwarping( mean_epi, mean_epi_uncorrected, figsize=(11.7, 8.3), ): fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) before_unwarp_data = nb.load(mean_epi_uncorrected).get_data() before_unwarp_affine = nb.load(mean_epi_uncorrected).get_affine() slicer = viz.plot_anat( np.asarray(before_unwarp_data), np.asarray(before_unwarp_affine), black_bg=True, cmap=cm.Greys_r, # @UndefinedVariable cut_coords=(-8, 0, 8), slicer='x', figure=fig, axes=ax, draw_cross=False) ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) unwarped_data = nb.load(mean_epi).get_data() unwarped_affine = nb.load(mean_epi).get_affine() slicer = viz.plot_anat( np.asarray(unwarped_data), np.asarray(unwarped_affine), black_bg=True, cmap=cm.Greys_r, # @UndefinedVariable cut_coords=(-8, 0, 8), slicer='x', figure=fig, axes=ax, draw_cross=False) fig.suptitle('fieldmap correction', fontsize='14') return fig
def plot_anat(brain): import os.path import pylab as pl from nibabel import load from nipy.labs import viz import numpy as np img = load(brain) data = img.get_data() data[np.isnan(data)] = 0 affine = img.get_affine() viz.plot_anat(anat=data, anat_affine=affine, draw_cross=False, slicer='x') x_view = os.path.abspath('x_view.png') y_view = os.path.abspath('y_view.png') z_view = os.path.abspath('z_view.png') pl.savefig(x_view,bbox_inches='tight') viz.plot_anat(anat=data, anat_affine=affine, draw_cross=False, slicer='y') pl.savefig(y_view,bbox_inches='tight') viz.plot_anat(anat=data, anat_affine=affine, draw_cross=False, slicer='z') pl.savefig(z_view,bbox_inches='tight') images = [x_view, y_view, z_view] pl.close() return images
def plot_ribbon(Brain): import os.path import pylab as pl from nibabel import load from nipy.labs import viz images = [] for brain in Brain: if os.path.split(brain)[1] == 'ribbon.mgz': img = load(brain) data = img.get_data()*100 affine = img.get_affine() viz.plot_anat(anat=data, anat_affine=affine, draw_cross=False, slicer='x', x_view = os.path.abspath('x_view.png') y_view = os.path.abspath('y_view.png') z_view = os.path.abspath('z_view.png') pl.savefig(x_view,bbox_inches='tight') pl.close() viz.plot_anat(anat=data, anat_affine=affine, draw_cross=False, slicer='y', pl.savefig(y_view,bbox_inches='tight') pl.close() viz.plot_anat(anat=data, anat_affine=affine, draw_cross=False, slicer='z', pl.savefig(z_view,bbox_inches='tight') images = [x_view, y_view, z_view] pl.close() return images
def plot_epi_T1_corregistration(mean_epi_file, wm_file, reg_file, fssubjects_dir, subject_id, figsize=(11.7, 8.3)): fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 1) print ax res = ApplyVolTransform(source_file=mean_epi_file, reg_file=reg_file, fs_target=True, subjects_dir=fssubjects_dir, terminal_output="none").run() func = nb.load(res.outputs.transformed_file).get_data() func_affine = nb.load(res.outputs.transformed_file).get_affine() # ribbon_file = "%s/%s/mri/ribbon.mgz"%(fssubjects_dir, subject_id) # ribbon_nii = nb.load(ribbon_file) # ribbon_data = ribbon_nii.get_data() # ribbon_data[ribbon_data > 1] = 1 # ribbon_affine = ribbon_nii.get_affine() wm_nii = nb.load(wm_file) wm_data = wm_nii.get_data() wm_data[wm_data > 1] = 1 wm_affine = wm_nii.get_affine() slicer = viz.plot_anat( np.asarray(func), np.asarray(func_affine), black_bg=True, cmap=cm.Greys_r, # @UndefinedVariable figure=fig, axes=ax, draw_cross=False) slicer.contour_map(np.asarray(wm_data), np.asarray(wm_affine), linewidths=[0.1], colors=[ 'r', ]) fig.suptitle('coregistration', fontsize='14') return fig
def plot_epi_T1_corregistration( mean_epi_file, wm_file, subject_id, similarity_distribution=None, figsize=(11.7, 8.3), ): fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if similarity_distribution: ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) sns.distplot(similarity_distribution.values(), ax=ax) ax.set_xlabel("EPI-T1 mincost function (over all subjects)") cur_similarity = similarity_distribution[subject_id] label = "mincost function = %g" % cur_similarity plot_vline(cur_similarity, label, ax=ax) ax = plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) else: ax = plt.subplot(1, 1, 0) func = nb.load(mean_epi_file).get_data() func_affine = nb.load(mean_epi_file).get_affine() wm_data = nb.load(wm_file).get_data() wm_affine = nb.load(wm_file).get_affine() slicer = viz.plot_anat( np.asarray(func), np.asarray(func_affine), black_bg=True, cmap=cm.Greys_r, # @UndefinedVariable figure=fig, axes=ax, draw_cross=False) slicer.contour_map(np.asarray(wm_data), np.asarray(wm_affine), linewidths=[0.1], colors=[ 'r', ]) fig.suptitle('coregistration', fontsize='14') return fig
def plot_epi_T1_corregistration(mean_epi_file, reg_file, fssubjects_dir, subject_id, similarity_distribution=None, figsize=(11.7,8.3),): fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if similarity_distribution: ax = plt.subplot(2,1,1) sns.distplot(similarity_distribution.values(), ax=ax) ax.set_xlabel("EPI-T1 similarity after coregistration (over all subjects)") cur_similarity = similarity_distribution[subject_id] label = "similarity = %g"%cur_similarity plot_vline(cur_similarity, label, ax=ax) ax = plt.subplot(2,1,0) else: ax = plt.subplot(1,1,0) res = ApplyVolTransform(source_file = mean_epi_file, reg_file = reg_file, fs_target = True, subjects_dir = fssubjects_dir, terminal_output = "none").run() func = nb.load(res.outputs.transformed_file).get_data() func_affine = nb.load(res.outputs.transformed_file).get_affine() ribbon_file = "%s/%s/mri/ribbon.mgz"%(fssubjects_dir, subject_id) ribbon_nii = nb.load(ribbon_file) ribbon_data = ribbon_nii.get_data() ribbon_data[ribbon_data > 1] = 1 ribbon_affine = ribbon_nii.get_affine() slicer = viz.plot_anat(np.asarray(func), np.asarray(func_affine), black_bg=True, cmap = cm.Greys_r, # @UndefinedVariable cut_coords = (-6,3,32), figure = fig, axes = ax, draw_cross = False) slicer.contour_map(np.asarray(ribbon_data), np.asarray(ribbon_affine), levels=[.51], colors=['r',]) return fig
def contour_image(contour,mean,mask,title=''): import nibabel as nib import numpy as np import nipy.labs.viz as viz import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def get_data(imfile): img = nib.load(imfile) data, affine = img.get_data(), img.get_affine() return data,affine bold_data, nat_aff = get_data(mean) wm_data, _ = get_data(contour) brain_mask, _ = get_data(mask) f = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6)) kwargs = dict(figure=f, draw_cross=False, annotate=False, slicer="y") for cut_coords, ax_pos in zip(np.linspace(-50, 70, 8).reshape(2, 4), [(0, 0, 1, .5), (0, .5, 1, .5)]): slicer = viz.plot_anat(bold_data, nat_aff, cut_coords=cut_coords, axes=ax_pos, **kwargs) slicer.contour_map(wm_data, nat_aff, colors="palegreen") slicer.contour_map(brain_mask, nat_aff, colors="tomato") plt.gca().set_title("%s"%title, size=14) outfile = os.path.abspath('%s_contour.png'%title) plt.savefig(outfile) return outfile
def plot_epi_to_t1_coregistration(epi_file, reg_file, ribbon, fssubjects_dir): import pylab as plt from nipy.labs import viz import nibabel as nb import numpy as np import os import nipype.interfaces.freesurfer as fs anat = nb.load(ribbon).get_data() anat[anat > 1] = 1 anat_affine = nb.load(ribbon).get_affine() func = nb.load(epi_file).get_data() func_affine = nb.load(epi_file).get_affine() fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6), edgecolor='k', facecolor='k') slicer = viz.plot_anat(np.asarray(func), np.asarray(func_affine), black_bg=True,, cut_coords=(-6, 3, 12), figure=fig, axes=[0, .50, 1, .33]) slicer.contour_map(np.asarray(anat), np.asarray(anat_affine), levels=[.51], colors=[ 'r', ]) slicer.title( "Mean EPI with cortical surface contour overlay (before registration)", size=12, color='w', alpha=0) res = fs.ApplyVolTransform(source_file=epi_file, reg_file=reg_file, fs_target=True, subjects_dir=fssubjects_dir).run() func = nb.load(res.outputs.transformed_file).get_data() func_affine = nb.load(res.outputs.transformed_file).get_affine() slicer = viz.plot_anat(np.asarray(func), np.asarray(func_affine), black_bg=True,, cut_coords=(-6, 3, 12), figure=fig, axes=[0, 0, 1, .33]) slicer.contour_map(np.asarray(anat), np.asarray(anat_affine), levels=[.51], colors=[ 'r', ]) slicer.title( "Mean EPI with cortical surface contour overlay (after registration)", size=12, color='w', alpha=0) plt.savefig("reg_plot.png", facecolor=fig.get_facecolor(), edgecolor='none') return os.path.abspath("reg_plot.png")
cmaps_list = (cmaps['Yl'], cmaps['Gr'], cmaps['Rd'], cmaps['Ma'], cmaps['Or'], cmaps['Bl'], cmaps['Cy'], cmaps['Pu']) ############################################################################### atlas_name = atlas_file.replace('.nii.gz', '') if os.path.exists(atlas_name): shutil.rmtree(atlas_name, ignore_errors=True) os.mkdir(atlas_name) fnames = list() for axis, cut in cuts: slicer = viz.plot_anat(slicer=axis, cut_coords=(cut, ),) for level in (1, 2, 3): level_labels = np.trunc(atlas / 1000. * 10 ** (level - 1)) level_labels = level_labels.astype( for label in np.unique(level_labels): if label == 0: continue slicer.contour_map(level_labels == label, affine, levels=[.5], colors='k', linewidths=linewidths[level]) for label in range(1, 9): this_altas = atlas.copy() this_altas[atlas >= 1000 * (label + 1)] = 0 slicer.plot_map(atlas, affine, cmap=cmaps_list[label - 1], threshold=1000 * label - 2,
The idea is to represent the anatomical image to be checked with an overlay of the edges of the reference image. This idea is borrowed from FSL. Needs the *templates* data package. Needs matplotlib. """ print(__doc__) try: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt except ImportError: raise RuntimeError("This script needs the matplotlib library") from nipy.labs import viz from nipy.labs.viz_tools import anat_cache # Get the data. Here we are using the reference T1 image anat, affine, _ = anat_cache._AnatCache.get_anat() # Here we use the same image as a reference. As a result it is perfectly # aligned. reference = anat reference_affine = affine slicer = viz.plot_anat(anat, affine, dim=.2, black_bg=True) slicer.edge_map(reference, reference_affine)
def plot_segmentation(img, gm_filename, wm_filename=None, csf_filename=None, output_filename=None, cut_coords=None, slicer='ortho', cmap=None, title='GM + WM + CSF segmentation'): """ Plot a contour mapping of the GM, WM, and CSF of a subject's anatomical. Parameters ---------- img_filename: string or image object path of file containing image data, or image object simply gm_filename: string path of file containing Grey Matter template wm_filename: string (optional) path of file containing White Matter template csf_filename: string (optional) path of file containing Cerebro-Spinal Fluid template """ # sanity if cmap is None: cmap = if cut_coords is None: cut_coords = (-10, -28, 17) if slicer in ['x', 'y', 'z']: cut_coords = (cut_coords['xyz'.index(slicer)],) # plot img if hasattr(img, '__len__'): img = compute_mean_3D_image(img) # XXX else i'm assuming a nifi object ;) anat = img.get_data() anat_affine = img.get_affine() _slicer = viz.plot_anat( anat, anat_affine, cut_coords=cut_coords, slicer=slicer, cmap=cmap, # black_bg=True, ) # draw a GM contour map gm = nibabel.load(gm_filename) gm_template = gm.get_data() gm_affine = gm.get_affine() _slicer.contour_map(gm_template, gm_affine, levels=[.51], colors=["r"]) # draw a WM contour map if not wm_filename is None: wm = nibabel.load(wm_filename) wm_template = wm.get_data() wm_affine = wm.get_affine() _slicer.contour_map(wm_template, wm_affine, levels=[.51], colors=["g"]) # draw a CSF contour map if not csf_filename is None: csf = nibabel.load(csf_filename) csf_template = csf.get_data() csf_affine = csf.get_affine() _slicer.contour_map( csf_template, csf_affine, levels=[.51], colors=['b']) # misc _slicer.title("%s (cmap: %s)" % (title,, size=12, color='w', alpha=0) # pl.legend(("WM", "CSF", "GM"), loc="lower left", ncol=len(cut_coords)) if not output_filename is None: pl.savefig(output_filename, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=200, facecolor="k", edgecolor="k")
def plot_registration(reference_img, coregistered_img, title="untitled coregistration!", cut_coords=None, slicer='ortho', cmap=None, output_filename=None): """Plots a coregistered source as bg/contrast for the reference image Parameters ---------- reference_img: string path to reference (background) image coregistered_img: string path to other image (to be compared with reference) slicer: string (optional, defaults to 'ortho') slicer param to pass to the nipy.labs.viz.plot_??? APIs cmap: matplotlib colormap object (optional, defaults to spectral) colormap to user for plots output_filename: string (optional) path where plot will be stored """ # sanity if cmap is None: cmap = # registration QA always gray cmap! if cut_coords is None: cut_coords = (-10, -28, 17) if slicer in ['x', 'y', 'z']: cut_coords = (cut_coords['xyz'.index(slicer)],) # plot the coregistered image if hasattr(coregistered_img, '__len__'): coregistered_img = compute_mean_3D_image(coregistered_img) # XXX else i'm assuming a nifi object ;) coregistered_data = coregistered_img.get_data() coregistered_affine = coregistered_img.get_affine() _slicer = viz.plot_anat( anat=coregistered_data, anat_affine=coregistered_affine, cmap=cmap, cut_coords=cut_coords, slicer=slicer, # black_bg=True, ) # overlap the reference image if hasattr(reference_img, '__len__'): reference_img = compute_mean_3D_image(reference_img) # XXX else i'm assuming a nifi object ;) reference_data = reference_img.get_data() reference_affine = reference_img.get_affine() _slicer.edge_map(reference_data, reference_affine) # misc _slicer.title("%s (cmap: %s)" % (title,, size=12, color='w', alpha=0) if not output_filename is None: try: pl.savefig(output_filename, dpi=200, bbox_inches='tight', facecolor="k", edgecolor="k") except AttributeError: # XXX TODO: handy this case!! pass