def __init__(self, arg_count, py_func, pysig): self._tm = default_type_manager # A mapping of signatures to entry points self.overloads = utils.OrderedDict() # A mapping of signatures to compile results self._compileinfos = utils.OrderedDict() self.py_func = py_func # other parts of Numba assume the old Python 2 name for code object self.func_code = get_code_object(py_func) # but newer python uses a different name self.__code__ = self.func_code self._pysig = pysig argnames = tuple(self._pysig.parameters) defargs = self.py_func.__defaults__ or () try: lastarg = list(self._pysig.parameters.values())[-1] except IndexError: has_stararg = False else: has_stararg = lastarg.kind == lastarg.VAR_POSITIONAL _dispatcher.Dispatcher.__init__(self, self._tm.get_pointer(), arg_count, self._fold_args, argnames, defargs, has_stararg) self.doc = py_func.__doc__ self._compile_lock = utils.NonReentrantLock() utils.finalize(self, self._make_finalizer())
def __init__(self): logsz = int(os.environ.get('NUMBAPRO_CUDA_LOG_SIZE', 1024)) linkerinfo = (c_char * logsz)() linkererrors = (c_char * logsz)() options = { enums.CU_JIT_INFO_LOG_BUFFER: addressof(linkerinfo), enums.CU_JIT_INFO_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES: c_void_p(logsz), enums.CU_JIT_ERROR_LOG_BUFFER: addressof(linkererrors), enums.CU_JIT_ERROR_LOG_BUFFER_SIZE_BYTES: c_void_p(logsz), enums.CU_JIT_LOG_VERBOSE: c_void_p(1), } raw_keys = list(options.keys()) + [enums.CU_JIT_TARGET_FROM_CUCONTEXT] raw_values = list(options.values()) del options option_keys = (drvapi.cu_jit_option * len(raw_keys))(*raw_keys) option_vals = (c_void_p * len(raw_values))(*raw_values) self.handle = handle = drvapi.cu_link_state() driver.cuLinkCreate(len(raw_keys), option_keys, option_vals, byref(self.handle)) utils.finalize(self, driver.cuLinkDestroy, handle) self.linker_info_buf = linkerinfo self.linker_errors_buf = linkererrors self._keep_alive = [linkerinfo, linkererrors, option_keys, option_vals]
def __init__(self, arg_count, py_func, pysig, can_fallback, exact_match_required): self._tm = default_type_manager # A mapping of signatures to compile results self.overloads = collections.OrderedDict() self.py_func = py_func # other parts of Numba assume the old Python 2 name for code object self.func_code = get_code_object(py_func) # but newer python uses a different name self.__code__ = self.func_code argnames = tuple(pysig.parameters) default_values = self.py_func.__defaults__ or () defargs = tuple(OmittedArg(val) for val in default_values) try: lastarg = list(pysig.parameters.values())[-1] except IndexError: has_stararg = False else: has_stararg = lastarg.kind == lastarg.VAR_POSITIONAL _dispatcher.Dispatcher.__init__(self, self._tm.get_pointer(), arg_count, self._fold_args, argnames, defargs, can_fallback, has_stararg, exact_match_required) self.doc = py_func.__doc__ self._compiling_counter = _CompilingCounter() utils.finalize(self, self._make_finalizer())
def __init__(self, arg_count, py_func): self._tm = default_type_manager #_dispatcher.Dispatcher.__init__(self, self._tm.get_pointer(), arg_count) # A mapping of signatures to entry points self.overloads = {} # A mapping of signatures to compile results self._compileinfos = {} # A list of nopython signatures self._npsigs = [] self.py_func = py_func # other parts of Numba assume the old Python 2 name for code object self.func_code = get_code_object(py_func) # but newer python uses a different name self.__code__ = self.func_code self._pysig = utils.pysignature(self.py_func) _argnames = tuple(self._pysig.parameters) _dispatcher.Dispatcher.__init__(self, self._tm.get_pointer(), arg_count, _argnames) self.doc = py_func.__doc__ self._compile_lock = utils.NonReentrantLock() utils.finalize(self, self._make_finalizer())
def __init__(self): # Lazily load the libHLC library bitcode_path = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'share', 'rocmtools') assert os.path.exists(bitcode_path) and os.path.isdir(bitcode_path) self.bitcode_path = bitcode_path dev_ctx = devices.get_context() target_cpu = self.target_cpu = target_cpu if self.hlc is None: try: hlc = CDLL(os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'lib', '')) except OSError: raise ImportError(" cannot be found. Please " "install the roctools package by: " "conda install -c numba roctools") else: hlc.ROC_ParseModule.restype = moduleref_ptr hlc.ROC_ParseBitcode.restype = moduleref_ptr hlc.ROC_ModuleEmitBRIG.restype = c_size_t hlc.ROC_Initialize() utils.finalize(hlc, hlc.ROC_Finalize) hlc.ROC_SetCommandLineOption.argtypes = [ c_int, c_void_p, ] type(self).hlc = hlc
def _finalize_final_module(self): """ Make the underlying LLVM module ready to use. """ self._finalize_dyanmic_globals() # Remember this on the module, for the object cache hooks self._final_module.__library = weakref.proxy(self) # It seems add_module() must be done only here and not before # linking in other modules, otherwise get_pointer_to_function() # could fail. cleanup = self._codegen._add_module(self._final_module) if cleanup: utils.finalize(self, cleanup) self._finalize_specific() self._finalized = True if config.DUMP_OPTIMIZED: dump("OPTIMIZED DUMP %s" % self._name, self.get_llvm_str()) if config.DUMP_ASSEMBLY: # CUDA backend cannot return assembly this early, so don't # attempt to dump assembly if nothing is produced. asm = self.get_asm_str() if asm: dump("ASSEMBLY %s" % self._name, self.get_asm_str())
def __init__(self): ex = drvapi.hsa_executable_t() hsa.hsa_executable_create(enums.HSA_PROFILE_FULL, enums.HSA_EXECUTABLE_STATE_UNFROZEN, None, ctypes.byref(ex)) self._id = ex self._as_parameter_ = self._id utils.finalize(self, hsa.hsa_executable_destroy, self._id)
def __init__(self, model=enums.HSA_MACHINE_MODEL_LARGE, profile=enums.HSA_PROFILE_FULL, rounding_mode=enums.HSA_DEFAULT_FLOAT_ROUNDING_MODE_DEFAULT, options=None): self._id = drvapi.hsa_ext_program_t() assert options is None hsa.hsa_ext_program_create(model, profile, rounding_mode, options, ctypes.byref(self._id)) self._as_parameter_ = self._id utils.finalize(self, hsa.hsa_ext_program_destroy, self._id)
def __init__(self, device, handle, finalizer=None): self.device = device self.handle = handle self.external_finalizer = finalizer self.trashing = TrashService("cuda.device%d.context%x.trash" % (, self.handle.value)) self.allocations = utils.UniqueDict() self.modules = utils.UniqueDict() utils.finalize(self, self._make_finalizer()) # For storing context specific data self.extras = {}
def __init__(self, context, owner, pointer, size, finalizer=None): self.context = context self.owned = owner self.size = size self.host_pointer = pointer self.is_managed = finalizer is not None self.handle = self.host_pointer # For buffer interface self._buflen_ = self.size self._bufptr_ = self.host_pointer.value if finalizer is not None: utils.finalize(self, finalizer)
def finalize(self): """ Finalize the library. After this call, nothing can be added anymore. Finalization involves various stages of code optimization and linking. """ self._raise_if_finalized() if config.DUMP_FUNC_OPT: dump("FUNCTION OPTIMIZED DUMP %s" % self._name, self.get_llvm_str()) # Link libraries for shared code for library in self._linking_libraries: self._final_module.link_in(library._get_module_for_linking(), preserve=True) for library in self._codegen._libraries: self._final_module.link_in(library._get_module_for_linking(), preserve=True) # Optimize the module after all dependences are linked in above, # to allow for inlining. self._optimize_final_module() self._final_module.verify() # It seems add_module() must be done only here and not before # linking in other modules, otherwise get_pointer_to_function() # could fail. cleanup = self._codegen._add_module(self._final_module) if cleanup: utils.finalize(self, cleanup) self._finalize_specific() self._finalized = True if config.DUMP_OPTIMIZED: dump("OPTIMIZED DUMP %s" % self._name, self.get_llvm_str()) if config.DUMP_ASSEMBLY: # CUDA backend cannot return assembly this early, so don't # attempt to dump assembly if nothing is produced. asm = self.get_asm_str() if asm: dump("ASSEMBLY %s" % self._name, self.get_asm_str())
def __init__(self, memptr, view=None): self._mem = memptr if view is None: self._view = self._mem else: assert not view.is_managed self._view = view mem = self._mem def deref(): mem.refct -= 1 assert mem.refct >= 0 if mem.refct == 0: self._mem.refct += 1 utils.finalize(self, deref)
def __init__(self, arg_count, py_func): = default_type_manager _dispatcher.Dispatcher.__init__(self,, arg_count) # A mapping of signatures to entry points self.overloads = {} # A mapping of signatures to types.Function objects self._function_types = {} # A mapping of signatures to compile results self._compileinfos = {} self.py_func = py_func # other parts of Numba assume the old Python 2 name for code object self.func_code = get_code_object(py_func) # but newer python uses a different name self.__code__ = self.func_code self.doc = py_func.__doc__ self._compiling = False utils.finalize(self, self._make_finalizer())
def __init__(self, context, pointer, size, finalizer=None, owner=None): self.context = context self.device_pointer = pointer self.size = size self._cuda_memsize_ = size self.is_managed = finalizer is not None self.refct = 0 self.handle = self.device_pointer self._owner = owner if finalizer is not None: self._finalizer = utils.finalize(self, finalizer)
def __init__(self): # Lazily load the libHLC library if self.hlc is None: try: hlc = CDLL(os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'lib', '')) except OSError: raise ImportError( " cannot be found. Please install the libhlc " "package by: conda install -c numba libhlc") else: hlc.HLC_ParseModule.restype = moduleref_ptr hlc.HLC_ModuleEmitBRIG.restype = c_size_t hlc.HLC_Initialize() utils.finalize(hlc, hlc.HLC_Finalize) hlc.HLC_SetCommandLineOption.argtypes = [ c_int, c_void_p, ] type(self).hlc = hlc
def __init__(self, devnum): got_devnum = c_int() driver.cuDeviceGet(byref(got_devnum), devnum) assert devnum == got_devnum.value, "Driver returned another device" = got_devnum.value self.trashing = trashing = TrashService("cuda.device%d.trash" % self.attributes = {} # Read compute capability cc_major = c_int() cc_minor = c_int() driver.cuDeviceComputeCapability(byref(cc_major), byref(cc_minor), self.compute_capability = (cc_major.value, cc_minor.value) # Read name bufsz = 128 buf = (c_char * bufsz)() driver.cuDeviceGetName(buf, bufsz, = buf.value def finalizer(): trashing.clear() utils.finalize(self, finalizer)
def __init__(self, context, handle, finalizer=None): self.context = context self.handle = handle if finalizer is not None: utils.finalize(self, finalizer)
def __init__(self, code_object): self._id = code_object self._as_parameter_ = self._id utils.finalize(self, hsa.hsa_code_object_destroy, self._id)
def __init__(self, signal_id): self._id = signal_id self._as_parameter_ = self._id utils.finalize(self, hsa.hsa_signal_destroy, self._id)
pass moduleref_ptr = POINTER(OpaqueModuleRef) try: hlc = CDLL(os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'lib', '')) except OSError: raise ImportError(" cannot be found. Please install the libhlc " "package by: conda install -c numba libhlc") else: hlc.HLC_ParseModule.restype = moduleref_ptr hlc.HLC_ModuleEmitBRIG.restype = c_size_t hlc.HLC_Initialize() utils.finalize(hlc, hlc.HLC_Finalize) hlc.HLC_SetCommandLineOption.argtypes = [ c_int, c_void_p, ] def set_option(*opt): """ Use this for setting debug flags to libHLC using the same options available to LLVM. E.g -debug-pass=Structure """ inp = [ create_string_buffer(x.encode('ascii')) for x in (('libhlc', ) + opt)
def __init__(self, context, handle, info_log, finalizer=None): self.context = context self.handle = handle self.info_log = info_log if finalizer is not None: self._finalizer = utils.finalize(self, finalizer)