Пример #1
    def pv(self, mkt_dict_, engine_, unit_=None):
        """calculate option PV with market data and engine"""
        _rate, _spot, _vol, _div, _method, _param, _sign, _strike, _t = self._prepare_risk_data(
            mkt_dict_, engine_)
        _unit = unit_ or self.unit

        if _method == EngineMethod.BS.value:
            _d1 = (log(_spot / _strike) +
                   (_rate - _div + _vol**2 / 2) * _t) / _vol / sqrt(_t)
            _d2 = _d1 - _vol * sqrt(_t)
            return _sign * (
                _spot * exp(-_div * _t) * norm.cdf(_sign * _d1) -
                _strike * exp(-_rate * _t) * norm.cdf(_sign * _d2)) * _unit

        elif _method == EngineMethod.MC.value:
            from utils.monte_carlo import MonteCarlo
            _iteration = self._check_iter(
            _spot = MonteCarlo.stock_price(_iteration,
            _price = [max(_sign * (_s - _strike), 0) for _s in _spot]
            return average(_price) * exp(-_rate * _t) * _unit
Пример #2
    def gamma(self, mkt_dict_, engine_, unit_=None):
        """calculate option GAMMA with market data and engine"""
        _rate, _spot, _vol, _div, _method, _param, _sign, _strike, _t = self._prepare_risk_data(
            mkt_dict_, engine_)
        _unit = unit_ or self.unit

        if _method == EngineMethod.BS.value:
            _d1 = (log(_spot / _strike) +
                   (_rate + _vol**2 / 2) * _t) / _vol / sqrt(_t)
            return exp(-_d1**2 / 2) / sqrt(
                2 * pi) / _spot / _vol / sqrt(_t) * exp(-_div * _t) * _unit

        elif _method == EngineMethod.MC.value:
            from utils.monte_carlo import MonteCarlo
            _iteration = self._check_iter(
            _spot = MonteCarlo.stock_price(_iteration,
            _step = 0.01
            _gamma = [
                ((max(_sign * (_s + 2 * _step - _strike), 0) -
                  max(_sign * (_s - _strike), 0)) -
                 (max(_sign * (_s - _strike), 0) -
                  max(_sign * (_s - 2 * _step - _strike), 0))) / (4 * _step**2)
                for _s in _spot
            return average(_gamma) * exp(-_rate * _t) * _unit
Пример #3
 def asym_sigmoidal(self, x, asym=1.0, mod_asym=1.0, xmid=None, lscale=1.0,
     if xmid is None:
         xmid = ma.median(x)
     return np.where(x <= xmid,
                     (asym * mod_asym) / (1 + ma.exp((xmid - x) / lscale)),
                     asym / (1 + ma.exp((xmid - x) / rscale)))
Пример #4
    def test_log_returns_to_prices(self):
        prices_values = array([1, exp(1), exp(2), exp(-1), exp(2)])
        prices_dates = pd.date_range('2015-01-01', periods=5)
        expected = PricesSeries(data=prices_values, index=prices_dates)

        returns_tms = LogReturnsSeries(data=[1, 1, -3, 3], index=expected.index[1::])
        actual = returns_tms.to_prices()
        assert_series_equal(expected, actual)
Пример #5
 def asym_sigmoidal(self,
     if xmid is None:
         xmid = ma.median(x)
     return np.where(x <= xmid, (asym * mod_asym) / (1 + ma.exp(
         (xmid - x) / lscale)), asym / (1 + ma.exp((xmid - x) / rscale)))
Пример #6
def _pfromz_MA(z, lapse_rate, P_bott, T_bott, z_bott):
    """Pressure given altitude in a constant lapse rate layer.

    The dry gas constant is used in calculations requiring the gas
    constant.  See the docstring for press2alt for references.

    Input Arguments:
    * z:  Geopotential altitude [m].
    * lapse_rate:  -dT/dz [K/m] over the layer.
    * P_bott:  Pressure [hPa] at the base of the layer.
    * T_bott:  Temperature [K] at the base of the layer.
    * z_bott:  Geopotential altitude [m] of the base of the layer.

    * Pressure [hPa] for each element given in the input arguments.

    All input arguments can be either a scalar or an MA array.  All 
    arguments that are MA arrays, however, are of the same size and 
    shape.  If every input argument is a scalar, the output is a scalar.  
    If any of the input arguments is an MA array, the output is an MA 
    array of the same size and shape.
    #jfp was import Numeric as N
    import numpy as N
    #jfp was import MA
    import numpy.ma as MA
    from atmconst import AtmConst

    const = AtmConst()

    if MA.size(lapse_rate) == 1:
        #jfp was if MA.array(lapse_rate)[0] == 0.0:
        if MA.array(lapse_rate) == 0.0:
            return P_bott * \
                   MA.exp( -const.g / (const.R_d*T_bott) * (z-z_bott) )
            exponent = const.g / (const.R_d * lapse_rate)
            return P_bott * \
                   ( (1.0 - (lapse_rate * (z-z_bott) / T_bott))**exponent )
        exponent = const.g / (const.R_d * lapse_rate)
        P = P_bott * \
            ( (1.0 - (lapse_rate * (z-z_bott) / T_bott))**exponent )
        P_at_0 = P_bott * \
                 MA.exp( -const.g / (const.R_d*T_bott) * (z-z_bott) )

        zero_lapse_mask = MA.filled(MA.where(lapse_rate == 0., 1, 0), 0)
        zero_lapse_mask_indices_flat = N.nonzero(N.ravel(zero_lapse_mask))
        P_flat = MA.ravel(P)
        MA.put( P_flat, zero_lapse_mask_indices_flat \
              , MA.take(MA.ravel(P_at_0), zero_lapse_mask_indices_flat) )
        return MA.reshape(P_flat, P.shape)
Пример #7
def _pfromz_MA(z, lapse_rate, P_bott, T_bott, z_bott):
    """Pressure given altitude in a constant lapse rate layer.

    The dry gas constant is used in calculations requiring the gas
    constant.  See the docstring for press2alt for references.

    Input Arguments:
    * z:  Geopotential altitude [m].
    * lapse_rate:  -dT/dz [K/m] over the layer.
    * P_bott:  Pressure [hPa] at the base of the layer.
    * T_bott:  Temperature [K] at the base of the layer.
    * z_bott:  Geopotential altitude [m] of the base of the layer.

    * Pressure [hPa] for each element given in the input arguments.

    All input arguments can be either a scalar or an MA array.  All 
    arguments that are MA arrays, however, are of the same size and 
    shape.  If every input argument is a scalar, the output is a scalar.  
    If any of the input arguments is an MA array, the output is an MA 
    array of the same size and shape.
    #jfp was import Numeric as N
    import numpy as N
    #jfp was import MA
    import numpy.ma as MA
    from atmconst import AtmConst

    const = AtmConst()

    if MA.size(lapse_rate) == 1:
        #jfp was if MA.array(lapse_rate)[0] == 0.0:
        if MA.array(lapse_rate) == 0.0:
            return P_bott * \
                   MA.exp( -const.g / (const.R_d*T_bott) * (z-z_bott) )
            exponent = const.g / (const.R_d * lapse_rate)
            return P_bott * \
                   ( (1.0 - (lapse_rate * (z-z_bott) / T_bott))**exponent )
        exponent = const.g / (const.R_d * lapse_rate)
        P = P_bott * \
            ( (1.0 - (lapse_rate * (z-z_bott) / T_bott))**exponent )
        P_at_0 = P_bott * \
                 MA.exp( -const.g / (const.R_d*T_bott) * (z-z_bott) )

        zero_lapse_mask = MA.filled(MA.where(lapse_rate == 0., 1, 0), 0)
        zero_lapse_mask_indices_flat = N.nonzero(N.ravel(zero_lapse_mask))
        P_flat = MA.ravel(P)
        MA.put( P_flat, zero_lapse_mask_indices_flat \
              , MA.take(MA.ravel(P_at_0), zero_lapse_mask_indices_flat) )
        return MA.reshape(P_flat, P.shape)
Пример #8
    def test_print_solved(self):
        potential = lambda x: 2 * (exp(-2 * x) - 2 * exp(-x) + 1
                                   )  # 0.5 * x ** 2 + 0.5 * x ** 4
        matrix_size = 501
        left_boundary = -10
        right_boundary = 10

        solver = Schrodinger_equation_solver(potential, matrix_size,
                                             left_boundary, right_boundary)
        solver.print_energies(1, 10)
        solver.print_wave_functions((1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
        solver.print_probability_density_function((1, 2, 3, 4, 5))
Пример #9
 def test_testUfuncs1(self):
     # Test various functions such as sin, cos.
     (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d
     assert_(eq(np.cos(x), cos(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.cosh(x), cosh(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.sin(x), sin(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.sinh(x), sinh(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.tan(x), tan(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.tanh(x), tanh(xm)))
     with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
         assert_(eq(np.sqrt(abs(x)), sqrt(xm)))
         assert_(eq(np.log(abs(x)), log(xm)))
         assert_(eq(np.log10(abs(x)), log10(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.exp(x), exp(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arcsin(z), arcsin(zm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arccos(z), arccos(zm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arctan(z), arctan(zm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arctan2(x, y), arctan2(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.absolute(x), absolute(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.equal(x, y), equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.not_equal(x, y), not_equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.less(x, y), less(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.greater(x, y), greater(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.less_equal(x, y), less_equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.greater_equal(x, y), greater_equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.conjugate(x), conjugate(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((xm, ym))))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((x, y))))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((xm, y))))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y, x)), concatenate((x, ym, x))))
Пример #10
def calculate_n_leaching(avail_n, n_added, dr_list, fc, calib_n_leach):
    """ Estimate the amount of N leached by the draining water during this
        time step.
        avail_n:       Grid of available N at end of previous step (kg/ha). 
        n_added:       N added during this step (kg/ha).  
        dr_list:       List of drainage grids from drainage.estimate_drainage().
        fc:            Soil field capacity grid.
        calib_n_leach: Calibrating parameter determining the leaching rate.
        List of grids: [leached_n, new_avail_n].
    import numpy.ma as ma

    # Extract individual parameters from drainage_list
    snow_pk, wat_lev, surf_ro, lat_dr, vert_dr, tot_dr = dr_list

    # Add today's N to the existing amount in the soil
    intermed_n = avail_n + n_added

    # Calculate the fraction of the available N that leaches
    exponent = -1*calib_n_leach*(lat_dr+vert_dr)/fc
    leach_frac = 1 - ma.exp(exponent)

    # Calculate the amount of N that leaches
    leached_n = leach_frac*intermed_n

    # Calculate amount of N left
    new_avail_n = intermed_n - leached_n

    return [leached_n, new_avail_n]
Пример #11
Файл: Counts.py Проект: SCV/cgat
def geometric_mean(array, axis=0):
    '''return the geometric mean of an array removing all zero-values but
    retaining total length
    non_zero = ma.masked_values(array, 0)
    log_a = ma.log(non_zero)
    return ma.exp(log_a.mean(axis=axis))
Пример #12
def stats(op, infiles, band, log, area_weighted):
    whats, years = get_domain(infiles)
    df = pd.DataFrame(columns=whats, index=sorted(years))
    for arg in infiles:
        with rasterio.open(arg) as src:
            data = src.read(band, masked=True)
            if log:
                data = ma.exp(data)
            if area_weighted:
                data *= rcs(data.shape[0], src.res, *src.bounds)
            data.mask = np.logical_or(data.mask,
                                      ma.where(np.isnan(data), True, False))
            if op == 'sum':
                op = 'total'
            res = eval("%s(data)" % op)
            if re.search(r'-hpd-(\d){4}.tif', arg):
                print('%s: %8.4f %8.4f' %
                      (os.path.basename(arg), res, np.log(res + 1) / 10.02083))
                print('%s: %8.4f' % (os.path.basename(arg), res))
            scenario, what, year = os.path.splitext(arg)[0].split('-')
            df.ix[int(year), what] = res

Пример #13
 def test_testUfuncs1(self):
     # Test various functions such as sin, cos.
     (x, y, a10, m1, m2, xm, ym, z, zm, xf, s) = self.d
     assert_(eq(np.cos(x), cos(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.cosh(x), cosh(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.sin(x), sin(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.sinh(x), sinh(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.tan(x), tan(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.tanh(x), tanh(xm)))
     with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
         assert_(eq(np.sqrt(abs(x)), sqrt(xm)))
         assert_(eq(np.log(abs(x)), log(xm)))
         assert_(eq(np.log10(abs(x)), log10(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.exp(x), exp(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arcsin(z), arcsin(zm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arccos(z), arccos(zm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arctan(z), arctan(zm)))
     assert_(eq(np.arctan2(x, y), arctan2(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.absolute(x), absolute(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.equal(x, y), equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.not_equal(x, y), not_equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.less(x, y), less(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.greater(x, y), greater(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.less_equal(x, y), less_equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.greater_equal(x, y), greater_equal(xm, ym)))
     assert_(eq(np.conjugate(x), conjugate(xm)))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((xm, ym))))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((x, y))))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y)), concatenate((xm, y))))
     assert_(eq(np.concatenate((x, y, x)), concatenate((x, ym, x))))
Пример #14
    def find_an_approximation(self, function_table: dict) -> Function:
            SLNX = sum(log(x) for x in function_table.keys())
            SLNXX = sum(log(x) * log(x) for x in function_table.keys())
            SLNY = sum(log(y) for y in function_table.values())
            SLNXY = sum(log(x) * log(y) for x, y in function_table.items())
            n = len(function_table)
        except ValueError:
            return None

            b, a = self.solve_matrix22([[n, SLNX], [SLNX, SLNXX]],
                                       [SLNY, SLNXY])
            if a is None:
                return None
            a = exp(a)
            fun = lambda x: a * (x**b)
            s = sum(
                (fun(x) - function_table[x])**2 for x in function_table.keys())
            root_mean_square_deviation = sqrt(s / n)
            f = Function(fun, f'ф = {round(a, 3)}*x^({round(b, 3)})', s,
            self.print_approximation_table(function_table, f,
            return f
        except TypeError:
            return None
Пример #15
def _apply_function(func, arg):
    # type: (QuilParser.FunctionContext, Any) -> Any
    if isinstance(arg, Expression):
        if func.SIN():
            return parameters.quil_sin(arg)
        elif func.COS():
            return parameters.quil_cos(arg)
        elif func.SQRT():
            return parameters.quil_sqrt(arg)
        elif func.EXP():
            return parameters.quil_exp(arg)
        elif func.CIS():
            return parameters.quil_cis(arg)
            raise RuntimeError("Unexpected function to apply: " + func.getText())
        if func.SIN():
            return sin(arg)
        elif func.COS():
            return cos(arg)
        elif func.SQRT():
            return sqrt(arg)
        elif func.EXP():
            return exp(arg)
        elif func.CIS():
            return cos(arg) + complex(0, 1) * sin(arg)
            raise RuntimeError("Unexpected function to apply: " + func.getText())
Пример #16
def saturation_vapor_pressure(temperature):
    r'''Calculate the saturation water vapor (partial) pressure

    temperature : array_like
        The temperature in degrees Celsius.

        The saturation water vapor (partial) presure in mb.

    See Also
    vapor_pressure, dewpoint

    Instead of temperature, dewpoint may be used in order to calculate
    the actual (ambient) water vapor (partial) pressure.

    The formula used is that from Bolton 1980 [2] for T in degrees Celsius:

    .. math:: 6.112 e^\frac{17.67T}{T + 243.5}

    .. [2] Bolton, D., 1980: The Computation of Equivalent Potential
           Temperature. Mon. Wea. Rev., 108, 1046-1053.

    return sat_pressure_0c * exp(17.67 * temperature / (temperature + 243.5))
Пример #17
def zonal_avg(data,Log=False):
    Compute the zonal average of field on POP gx3v5 grid.
    Shape of input data is expected to be either [nfoo,nlat,nlon]
    or [nlat,nlon]. Log=True computes the geometric average.

    Output: arrays zavg and lat
    print 'computing zonal average'
    # get lat and lon for new regular grid
#   fpin        = Nio.open_file('/home/ivan/Python/data/lat_t.nc','r')
    fpin        = Nio.open_file('/home/emunoz/Python/mapping/model_grid/lat_t.nc','r')
    lat_t       = fpin.variables['lat_t'][:]
    lat_t_edges = fpin.variables['lat_t_edges'][:]
#   fpin        = Nio.open_file('/home/ivan/Python/data/gx3v5.nc','r')
    fpin        = Nio.open_file('/home/emunoz/Python/mapping/model_grid/gx3v5.nc','r')
    lon_t       = N.sort(fpin.variables['TLONG'][0,:])
    ulon        = N.sort(fpin.variables['ULONG'][0,:])
    lon_t_edges = N.concatenate((ulon,ulon[0,N.newaxis]+360.),0)
    # get gx3v5 lat and lon
    tlon        = fpin.variables['TLONG'][:]
    tlat        = fpin.variables['TLAT'][:]

    # compute area of cells in new regular grid
    area = grid_area(lon_t_edges,lat_t_edges)

    nlat = lat_t.shape[0]
    nlon = lon_t.shape[0]

    if data.ndim == 3:
        new_data = MA.zeros((data.shape[0],nlat,nlon),dtype=float)
    elif data.ndim == 2:
        new_data = MA.zeros((nlat,nlon),dtype=float)
        print 'Check field dimensions'

    # geometric mean?
    if Log:
        work = MA.log(data)
        work = data

    # remap data to new regular grid
    for i in range(nlat):
        #print 'lat = %.2f'%(lat_t[i])
        for j in range(nlon):
            new_data[:,i,j] = extract_loc(lon_t[j],lat_t[i],tlon,tlat,work)

    # compute zonal average
    if Log:
        za_data = (MA.exp(MA.average(new_data,axis=-1,
        za_data = (MA.average(new_data,axis=-1,

    return za_data, lat_t
Пример #18
def saturation_vapor_pressure(temperature):
    r'''Calculate the saturation water vapor (partial) pressure

    temperature : array_like
        The temperature in degrees Celsius.

        The saturation water vapor (partial) presure in mb.

    See Also
    vapor_pressure, dewpoint

    Instead of temperature, dewpoint may be used in order to calculate
    the actual (ambient) water vapor (partial) pressure.

    The formula used is that from Bolton 1980 [2] for T in degrees Celsius:

    .. math:: 6.112 e^\frac{17.67T}{T + 243.5}

    .. [2] Bolton, D., 1980: The Computation of Equivalent Potential
           Temperature. Mon. Wea. Rev., 108, 1046-1053.

    return sat_pressure_0c * exp(17.67 * temperature / (temperature + 243.5))
Пример #19
 def stock_price(cls, iteration_=1, **kwargs):
     """generate stock spot through stochastic process"""
     _rand = rand_norm(0, 1, iteration_)
     _isp, _rate, _div, _vol, _t = parse_kwargs(
         kwargs, ['isp', 'rate', 'div', 'vol', 't'], 0)
     return _isp * exp((_rate - _div - _vol**2 / 2) * _t +
                       _vol * sqrt(_t) * _rand)
Пример #20
def relative_humidity(p, q, t, A=17.625, B=-30.11, C=610.94, masked=False):
    From Mark G. Lawrence, BAMS Feb 2005, eq. (6)

    RH = relative_humidity(p,q,t,A,B,C)
    inputs:   p = pressure (Pa)
              q = specific humidity (kg/kg)
              t = temperature (K)
    keywords: A, B and C are optional fitting parameters
              from Alduchov and Eskridge (1996).
              Masked = False (if True, perform operation on masked arrays)
    output:   RH = relative humidity (0-1)

    p, q and t can be arrays.
    if masked == False:
        es = C * exp(A * (t - 273.15) / (B + t))
        ws = 0.62198 * es / (maximum(p, es) - (1 - 0.62198) * es)
        RH = q / ws
        es = C * ma.exp(A * (t - 273.15) / (B + t))
        ws = 0.62198 * es / (maximum(p, es) - (1 - 0.62198) * es)
        RH = q / ws
    return RH
Пример #21
def geometric_mean(array, axis=0):
    '''return the geometric mean of an array removing all zero-values but
    retaining total length
    non_zero = ma.masked_values(array, 0)
    log_a = ma.log(non_zero)
    return ma.exp(log_a.mean(axis=axis))
Пример #22
 def findEout(self, numSamples=1000):
     e_out = 0
     dataSamples = [self.createDataPoint() for _ in range(numSamples)]
     for x, y in dataSamples:
         e_out += log(1 +
                      exp(-1 * multiply(y, np.dot(transpose(self.w), x))))
     e_out /= float(numSamples)
     return e_out
Пример #23
 def profit_discount(self, mkt_dict_, time_):
     """get instrument pnl for given spot"""
     _rate, _spot = tuple(
             [EnvParam.RiskFreeRate.value, EnvParam.UdSpotForPrice.value]))
     return self.payoff(_spot) * exp(
         -_rate * time_) - self.unit * self.price
Пример #24
 def transform(self, a):
     sign = np.sign(a)
     masked = ma.masked_inside(a, -self.linthresh, self.linthresh, copy=False)
     exp = sign * self.linthresh * ma.exp(sign * masked / self.linthresh - 1)
     if masked.mask.any():
         return ma.where(masked.mask, a, exp)
         return exp
Пример #25
    def to_simple_returns(self) -> "SimpleReturnsSeries":
        from qf_lib.containers.series.simple_returns_series import SimpleReturnsSeries

        simple_rets_values = [exp(log_ret) - 1 for log_ret in self.values]
        simple_returns_tms = SimpleReturnsSeries(

        return simple_returns_tms
Пример #26
 def transform(self, a):
     sign = np.sign(a)
     masked = ma.masked_inside(a,
     exp = sign * self.linthresh * ma.exp(sign * masked /
                                          self.linthresh - 1)
     if masked.mask.any():
         return ma.where(masked.mask, a, exp)
         return exp
Пример #27
    def delta(self, mkt_dict_, engine_, unit_=None):
        """calculate option DELTA with market data and engine"""
        _rate, _spot, _vol, _div, _method, _param, _sign, _strike, _t = self._prepare_risk_data(mkt_dict_, engine_)
        _unit = unit_ or self.unit

        if _method == EngineMethod.BS.value:
            _d1 = (log(_spot / _strike) + (_rate + _vol ** 2 / 2) * _t) / _vol / sqrt(_t)
            return _sign * norm.cdf(_sign * _d1) * exp(-_div * _t) * _unit

        elif _method == EngineMethod.MC.value:
            from utils.monte_carlo import MonteCarlo
            _iteration = _param.get(EngineParam.MCIteration.value)
            if not _iteration:
                raise ValueError("iteration not specified")
            if not isinstance(_iteration, int):
                raise ValueError("type <int> is required for iteration, not {}".format(type(_iteration)))
            _spot = MonteCarlo.stock_price(_iteration, isp=_spot, rate=_rate, div=_div, vol=_vol, t=_t)
            _step = 0.01
            _delta = [(max(_sign * (_s + _step - _strike), 0) - max(_sign * (_s - _step - _strike), 0)) /
                      (_step * 2) for _s in _spot]
            return average(_delta) * exp(-_rate * _t) * _unit
    def thelenTensonForce(self, tendonLength, tendonSlackLength):
        self.tendonLength = tendonLength
        self.tendonSlackLength = tendonSlackLength
        self.relativeTendonLength = ( self.tendonLength - self.tendonSlackLength ) / self.tendonSlackLength
        if self.relativeTendonLength <= 0 :
            self.tendonForce = 0
        elif self.relativeTendonLength > 0 and self.relativeTendonLength <= self.tendonStrainLinear :
            self.tendonForce = self.tendonNormalizedMaximalForceLinear * (exp(self.tendonNonlinearShapeFactor * self.relativeTendonLength / self.tendonStrainLinear) - 1) / ( exp( self.tendonNonlinearShapeFactor ) - 1)
        else :# self.relativeTendonLength > self.tendonStrainLinear :
            self.tendonForce = self.tendonLinearShapeFactor * (self.relativeTendonLength - self.tendonStrainLinear ) + self.tendonNormalizedMaximalForceLinear

        return self.tendonForce + 0.001 * (1 + self.relativeTendonLength)
    def thelenPassiveForce(self, muscleLength, muscleOptimaleLength):
        self.muscleLength = muscleLength
        self.muscleOptimaleLength = muscleOptimaleLength
        self.normalizedMuscleLength = self.muscleLength / self.muscleOptimaleLength
        if self.normalizedMuscleLength <= 1 + self.passiveNormalizedMaximalForce :
            passiveMuscleForce = (exp(self.passiveExpoShapeFactor*(self.normalizedMuscleLength-1)/self.passiveNormalizedMaximalForce)) / (exp(self.passiveExpoShapeFactor))
        elif self.normalizedMuscleLength > 1 + self.passiveNormalizedMaximalForce :
            passiveMuscleForce = 1+ self.passiveExpoShapeFactor/self.passiveNormalizedMaximalForce * (self.normalizedMuscleLength-(1+self.passiveNormalizedMaximalForce))
        else :# self.relativeTendonLength > self.tendonStrainLinear :
            passiveMuscleForce = 0

        return passiveMuscleForce
Пример #30
def _apply_function(func, arg):
    # type: (QuilParser.FunctionContext, Any) -> Any
    if func.SIN():
        return sin(arg)
    elif func.COS():
        return cos(arg)
    elif func.SQRT():
        return sqrt(arg)
    elif func.EXP():
        return exp(arg)
    elif func.CIS():
        return cos(arg) + complex(0, 1) * sin(arg)
        raise RuntimeError("Unexpected function to apply: " + str(func))
Пример #31
def entropyScore(dist, labels, label, cache=None):
    indices = np.where(labels == label)[0]

    if cache is not None:
        tindices = tuple(indices)
        if tindices in cache:
            return cache[tindices]

    if CYTHON:
        if conf.clustering == 'FastDBSCAN':
            result = cchen.entropyScoreDistIndex(dist, indices)
            result = cchen.entropyScore(dist, indices)
        if dist is None:
            return None

        # E(X) = - S_j( 1/m log( S_i( exp(-d(x_i, x_j, t ) 1/m ) )
        #      = - 1/m S_j( log( 1/m S_i( exp(-d(x_i, x_j, t ) ) )
        s1 = 0
        for j in indices:
            s2 = 0
            for i in indices:
                if conf.clustering == 'FastDBSCAN':
                    s2 = s2 + exp(-dist.get(i,j))
                    s2 = s2 + exp(-dist[i,j])
            s2 = s2 / len(indices)
            s1 = s1 + log(s2)
        s1 = s1 /len(indices)

        result = -s1

    if cache is not None:
        cache[tindices] = result
    return result
Пример #32
 def runLogisticRegression(self):
     diff = 1
     while diff > 0.01:
         permutation = np.random.permutation(self.N)
         newWeights = self.w.copy()
         for i in permutation:
             x, y = self.trainingData[i]
             gradient = divide(
                 multiply(-1.0, multiply(x, y)),
                 (1.0 + exp(multiply(y, np.dot(transpose(self.w), x)))))
             newWeights = subtract(newWeights,
                                   multiply(self.learningRate, gradient))
         self.epoch += 1
         diff = norm(self.w - newWeights)
         self.w = newWeights
Пример #33
def geoMean(array):
    Generate the geometric mean of a list or array,
    removing all zero-values but retaining total length
    if isinstance(array, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame):
        array = array.as_matrix()
    non_zero = ma.masked_values(array, 0)

    log_a = ma.log(non_zero)
    geom_mean = ma.exp(log_a.mean())

    return geom_mean
Пример #34
def sigmodFunction(dataArr, theta):
    z = dot(dataArr, theta)
    p = 1e-5
    hx = 1 / (1 + exp(-z))
    # print "sigmod Function 中hx 的值为:",hx
    hx_new = []
    for f in hx.flat:
        if f == 1:
            hx_new.append([f - p])
        elif f == 0:
            hx_new.append([f + p])
    hx = asarray(hx_new)
    return hx
Пример #35
def sigmodGradient(z):
    gz = 1.0 / (1 + exp(-z))
    p = 1e-5
    m, n = shape(gz)
    gz_new = []
    for f in gz.flat:
        if f == 1:
            gz_new.append([f - p])
        elif f == 0:
            gz_new.append([f + p])
    gz = asarray(gz_new)
    gz = reshape(gz, (m, n))
    return gz * (1 - gz)
Пример #36
def sigmodFunction(z2):
    p = 1e-5
    hx = 1.0 / (1 + exp(-z2))
    # print "sigmod Function 中hx 的值为:",hx
    m, n = shape(hx)
    hx_new = []
    for f in hx.flat:
        if f == 1:
            hx_new.append([f - p])
        elif f == 0:
            hx_new.append([f + p])
    hx = asarray(hx_new)
    hx = reshape(hx, (m, n))
    return hx
Пример #37
def geoMean(array):
    Generate the geometric mean of a list or array,
    removing all zero-values but retaining total length
    if isinstance(array, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame):
        array = array.as_matrix()
    non_zero = ma.masked_values(array,

    log_a = ma.log(non_zero)
    geom_mean = ma.exp(log_a.mean())

    return geom_mean
Пример #38
def vapor_pressure(temp):
    Calculate the saturation water vapor (partial) pressure given

    temp : scalar or array
        The temperature in degrees Celsius.

    Returns : scalar or array
        The saturation water vapor (partial) presure in millibars, with
        the same shape as *temp*.

    Instead of temperature, dewpoint may be used in order to calculate
    the actual (ambient) water vapor (partial) pressure.
    return sat_pressure_0c * exp(17.67 * temp / (temp + 243.5))
Пример #39
def saturation_vapor_pressure(temp):
    Calculate the saturation water vapor (partial) pressure given

    temp : scalar or array
        The temperature in degrees Celsius.

    Returns : scalar or array
        The saturation water vapor (partial) presure in millibars, with
        the same shape as *temp*.

    Instead of temperature, dewpoint may be used in order to calculate
    the actual (ambient) water vapor (partial) pressure.
    return sat_pressure_0c * exp(17.67 * temp / (temp + 243.5))
Пример #40
def compute_centroid(im,sigw=None,nb_iter=4):
    """ Computes centroid.
    #TODO: would be interesting to compare with Sam's moments based computation
    * gaussfitter.gaussfit
    if sigw is None:
        #print param
        sigw = (param[3]+param[4])/2
    sigw = float(sigw)
    n1 = im.shape[0]
    n2 = im.shape[1]
    rx = array(range(0,n1))
    ry = array(range(0,n2))
    Wc = ones((n1,n2))
    centroid = zeros((1,2))
    # Four iteration loop to compute the centroid
    for i in range(0,nb_iter):

        xx = npma.outerproduct(rx-centroid[0,0],ones(n2))
        yy = npma.outerproduct(ones(n1),ry-centroid[0,1])
        W = npma.exp(-(xx**2+yy**2)/(2*sigw**2))
        centroid = zeros((1,2))
        # Estimate Centroid
        Wc = copy(W)
        if i == 0:Wc = ones((n1,n2))

        for cx in range(0,n1):
            centroid[0,0] += (im[cx,:]*Wc[cx,:]).sum()*(cx)
            totx += (im[cx,:]*Wc[cx,:]).sum()
        for cy in range(0,n2):
            centroid[0,1] += (im[:,cy]*Wc[:,cy]).sum()*(cy)
            toty += (im[:,cy]*Wc[:,cy]).sum()
        centroid = centroid*array([1/totx,1/toty])

    return (centroid,Wc)
Пример #41
def compute_centroid(im, sigw=None, nb_iter=4):
    """ Computes centroid.
    #TODO: would be interesting to compare with Sam's moments based computation
    * gaussfitter.gaussfit
    if sigw is None:
        param = gaussfitter.gaussfit(im, returnfitimage=False)
        #print param
        sigw = (param[3] + param[4]) / 2
    sigw = float(sigw)
    n1 = im.shape[0]
    n2 = im.shape[1]
    rx = array(range(0, n1))
    ry = array(range(0, n2))
    Wc = ones((n1, n2))
    centroid = zeros((1, 2))
    # Four iteration loop to compute the centroid
    i = 0
    for i in range(0, nb_iter):

        xx = npma.outerproduct(rx - centroid[0, 0], ones(n2))
        yy = npma.outerproduct(ones(n1), ry - centroid[0, 1])
        W = npma.exp(-(xx**2 + yy**2) / (2 * sigw**2))
        centroid = zeros((1, 2))
        # Estimate Centroid
        Wc = copy(W)
        if i == 0: Wc = ones((n1, n2))
        totx = 0.0
        toty = 0.0
        cx = 0
        cy = 0

        for cx in range(0, n1):
            centroid[0, 0] += (im[cx, :] * Wc[cx, :]).sum() * (cx)
            totx += (im[cx, :] * Wc[cx, :]).sum()
        for cy in range(0, n2):
            centroid[0, 1] += (im[:, cy] * Wc[:, cy]).sum() * (cy)
            toty += (im[:, cy] * Wc[:, cy]).sum()
        centroid = centroid * array([1 / totx, 1 / toty])

    return (centroid, Wc)
def predictRes(x, theta, y, threshold):
    dataArr = asarray(x)
    labelArr = asarray(y)
    n = shape(y)[0]
    # print theta
    z = dot(x, theta)
    p = 1.0 / (1 + exp(-1 * z))
    p[p < threshold] = 0
    p[p >= threshold] = 1
    # print p
    res = p - labelArr
    count = 0
    for r in res.flat:
        if r != 0:
            count += 1
    print count
    print n
    return (n - count * 1.0) / n
Пример #43
def ljung_box_pierce(cross_correlation_array, length, n_lag):
    """Calculate Ljung-Box-Pierce statistics

        cross_correlation_array: array of spatial maps of correlations, for
            each lag
        length: length of the time series
        n_lag: integer, maximum temporal lag to sum

        2d array, same shape as value_map[0, :, :], contains lbp statistics
    statistic = ma.empty_like(cross_correlation_array[0])
    statistic[np.logical_not(statistic.mask)] = 0
    for i in range(n_lag + 1):
        statistic += (ma.exp(2 * ma.log(cross_correlation_array[i]) -
                             math.log(length - i)))
    return statistic
Пример #44
def compute_centroid(im,sigw,nb_iter=4):

    n1 = im.shape[0]
    n2 = im.shape[1]
    rx = array(range(0,n1))
    ry = array(range(0,n2))
    Wc = ones((n1,n2))
    centroid = zeros((1,2))
    # Four iteration loop to compute the centroid

    for i in range(0,nb_iter):

        xx = npma.outerproduct(rx-centroid[0,0],ones(n2))
        yy = npma.outerproduct(ones(n1),ry-centroid[0,1])
        W = npma.exp(-(xx**2+yy**2)/(2*sigw**2))

        centroid = zeros((1,2))
        # Estimate Centroid
        Wc = copy(W)
        if i == 0:Wc = ones((n1,n2))

        for cx in range(0,n1):
            centroid[0,0] += (im[cx,:]*Wc[cx,:]).sum()*(cx)
            totx += (im[cx,:]*Wc[cx,:]).sum()

        for cy in range(0,n2):
            centroid[0,1] += (im[:,cy]*Wc[:,cy]).sum()*(cy)
            toty += (im[:,cy]*Wc[:,cy]).sum()

        centroid = centroid*array([1/totx,1/toty])

    return (centroid,Wc)
    def thelenActiveMuscleForce(self, muscleLength, muscleOptimaleLength):
        self.muscleOptimalLength = muscleOptimaleLength
        self.muscleLength = muscleLength

        return exp(- (muscleLength / self.muscleOptimalLength - 1) ** 2 / self.kShapeActive)
Пример #46
    def run_model(self):
        Run the model


        shape = self._shape
        tew = self._tew
        taw = self._taw

        start_time = datetime.now()

        pkcb = zeros(shape)
        swe = zeros(shape)
        tot_snow = zeros(shape)

        tot_mass = zeros(shape)
        cum_mass = zeros(shape)
        ref_et = zeros(shape)
        a_min = ones(shape) * 0.45
        a_max = ones(shape) * 0.90
        a = a_max
        pA = a_min

        days = list(rrule.rrule(rrule.DAILY, dtstart=self._start, until=self._end))
        nsteps = len(days)
        plt_day = zeros(nsteps)
        plt_rain = zeros(nsteps)
        plt_eta = zeros(nsteps)
        plt_snow_fall = zeros(nsteps)
        plt_ro = zeros(nsteps)
        plt_dr = zeros(nsteps)
        plt_de = zeros(nsteps)
        plt_drew = zeros(nsteps)
        plt_temp = zeros(nsteps)
        plt_dp_r = zeros(nsteps)
        plt_ks = zeros(nsteps)
        plt_pdr = zeros(nsteps)
        plt_etrs = zeros(nsteps)
        plt_kcb = zeros(nsteps)
        plt_ppt = zeros(nsteps)
        plt_ke = zeros(nsteps)
        plt_kr = zeros(nsteps)
        plt_mlt = zeros(nsteps)
        plt_swe = zeros(nsteps)
        plt_tempm = zeros(nsteps)
        plt_fs1 = zeros(nsteps)
        plt_mass = zeros(nsteps)

        p_mo_et = zeros(shape)
        p_mo_precip = zeros(shape)
        p_mo_ro = zeros(shape)
        p_mo_deps = self._dr + self._de + self._drew
        p_mo_infil = zeros(shape)
        p_mo_etrs = zeros(shape)

        p_yr_et = zeros(shape)
        p_yr_precip = zeros(shape)
        p_yr_ro = zeros(shape)
        p_yr_deps = self._dr + self._de + self._drew
        p_yr_infil = zeros(shape)
        p_yr_etrs = zeros(shape)

        start_month = self._start_month
        end_month = self._end_month

        for i, dday in enumerate(days):
            if i > 0:
                pkcb = kcb
            doy = dday.timetuple().tm_yday
            year = dday.year
            month = dday.month
            day = dday.day

            msg = 'Time : {} day {}_{}'.format(datetime.now() - start_time, doy, year)

            # --------------  kcb -------------------
            if year == 2000:
                ndvi = self.calculate_ndvi_2000(doy)
            elif year == 2001:
                ndvi = self.calculate_ndvi_2001(doy)
                ndvi = self.calculate_ndvi(year, doy)

            kcb = ndvi * 1.25
            kcb = maximum(kcb, self._min_val)
            kcb = where(isnan(kcb), pkcb, kcb)

            # -------------- PRISM -------------------
            ppt, ppt_tom, max_temp, min_temp, mid_temp = self.load_prism(dday)

            # -------------- PM -------------------
            # PM data to etrs
            name = os.path.join('PM{}'.format(year),
                                'PM_NM_{}_{:03n}'.format(year, doy))
            etrs = tif_to_array(self._pm_data_root, name)
            etrs = maximum(etrs, self._min_val)

            name = os.path.join('PM{}'.format(year),
                                'RLIN_NM_{}_{:03n}'.format(year, doy))
            rlin = tif_to_array(self._pm_data_root, name)
            rlin = maximum(rlin, zeros(shape))

            name = os.path.join('rad{}'.format(year),
                                'RTOT_{}_{:03n}'.format(year, doy))
            rg = tif_to_array(self._pm_data_root, name)
            rg = maximum(rg, zeros(shape))

            if i == 0:
                #  Total evaporable water is depth of water in the evaporable
                #  soil layer, i.e., the water available to both stage 1 and 2 evaporation
                rew = minimum((2 + (tew / 3.)), 0.8 * tew)
                # del tew1, tew2

                # you should have all these from previous model runs
                pDr = self._dr
                pDe = self._de
                pDrew = self._drew
                dr = self._dr
                de = self._de
                drew = self._drew

            nom = 2 if start_month <= doy <= end_month else 6
            ksat = self._ksat * nom / 24.

            kc_max_1 = kcb + 0.0001
            min_val = ones(shape) * 0.0001
            kc_max = maximum(min_val, kc_max_1)

            self._nlcd_plt_hgt = self._nlcd_plt_hgt * 0.5 + 1
            numr = maximum(kcb - self._kc_min, min_val * 10)
            denom = maximum((kc_max - self._kc_min), min_val * 10)
            fcov_ref = (numr / denom) ** self._nlcd_plt_hgt
            fcov_min = minimum(fcov_ref, ones(shape))
            fcov = maximum(fcov_min, min_val * 10)
            few = maximum(1 - fcov, 0.01)  # exposed ground

            pKr = kr
            kr = minimum(((tew - de) / (tew - rew)), ones(shape))
            kr = where(isnan(kr), pKr, kr)

            pKs = ks
            ks_ref = where(((taw - pDr) / (0.6 * taw)) < zeros(shape), ones(shape) * 0.001,
                           ((taw - pDr) / (0.6 * taw)))
            ks_ref = where(isnan(ks), pKs, ks_ref)
            ks = minimum(ks_ref, ones(shape))

            # Ke evaporation reduction coefficient; stage 1 evaporation
            fsa = where(isnan((rew - drew) / (KE_MAX * etrs)), zeros(shape),
                        (rew - drew) / (KE_MAX * etrs))
            fsb = minimum(fsa, ones(shape))
            fs1 = maximum(fsb, zeros(shape))
            ke = where(drew < rew, minimum((fs1 + (1 - fs1) * kr) * (kc_max - ks * kcb), few * kc_max),

            transp = (ks * kcb) * etrs
            et_init = (ks * kcb + ke) * etrs
            eta = maximum(et_init, zeros(shape))
            evap_init = ke * etrs
            evap_min = maximum(evap_init, zeros(shape))
            evap = minimum(evap_min, kc_max)

            # Load temp, find swe, melt, and precipitation, load Ksat
            # Use SNOTEL data for precip and temps:
            # df_snow : (stel_date, stel_snow, stel_precip, stel_tobs, stel_tmax, stel_tmin, stel_tavg, stel_snwd)

            snow_fall = where(mid_temp <= 0.0, ppt, zeros(shape))
            rain = where(mid_temp >= 0.0, ppt, zeros(shape))

            pA = a
            a = where(snow_fall > 3.0, ones(shape) * a_max, a)
            a = where(snow_fall <= 3.0, a_min + (pA - a_min) * exp(-0.12), a)
            a = where(snow_fall == 0.0, a_min + (pA - a_min) * exp(-0.05), a)
            a = where(a < a_min, a_min, a)

            swe += snow_fall

            mlt_init = maximum(((1 - a) * rg * 0.2) + (mid_temp - 1.8) * 11.0,
                               zeros(shape))  # use calibrate coefficients
            mlt = minimum(swe, mlt_init)

            swe -= mlt

            # Find depletions
            pDr = dr
            pDe = de
            pDrew = drew
            watr = rain + mlt
            deps = dr + de + drew

            ro = zeros(shape)
            ro = where(watr > ksat + deps, watr - ksat - deps, ro)
            ro = maximum(ro, zeros(shape))

            dp_r = zeros(shape)
            id1 = where(watr > deps, ones(shape), zeros(shape))
            id2 = where(ksat > watr - deps, ones(shape), zeros(shape))
            dp_r = where(id1 + id2 > 1.99, maximum(watr - deps, zeros(shape)), dp_r)

            dp_r = where(watr > ksat + deps, ksat, dp_r)
            dp_r = maximum(dp_r, zeros(shape))

            drew_1 = minimum((pDrew + ro + (evap - (rain + mlt))), rew)
            drew = maximum(drew_1, zeros(shape))
            diff = maximum(pDrew - drew, zeros(shape))

            de_1 = minimum((pDe + (evap - (rain + mlt - diff))), tew)
            de = maximum(de_1, zeros(shape))
            diff = maximum(((pDrew - drew) + (pDe - de)), zeros(shape))

            dr_1 = minimum((pDr + ((transp + dp_r) - (rain + mlt - diff))), taw)
            dr = maximum(dr_1, zeros(shape))

            # Create cumulative rasters to show net over entire run

            infil += dp_r
            infil = maximum(infil, zeros(shape))

            prev_et = et
            ref_et += etrs
            et = et + evap + transp
            et_ind = et / ref_et
            et = where(isnan(et) == True, prev_et, et)
            et = where(et > ref_et, ref_et / 2., et)
            et = maximum(et, ones(shape) * 0.001)

            precip = precip + rain + snow_fall
            precip = maximum(precip, zeros(shape))

            runoff += ro
            runoff = maximum(runoff, zeros(shape))

            snow_ras = swe + snow_fall - mlt
            snow_ras = maximum(snow_ras, zeros(shape))

            tot_snow += snow_fall

            mo_date = calendar.monthrange(year, month)
            if day == mo_date[1]:
                infil_mo = infil - p_mo_infil
                infil_mo = maximum(infil_mo, zeros(shape))

                ref_et_mo = etrs - p_mo_etrs
                et_mo = et - p_mo_et
                et_mo = where(isnan(et_mo) == True, p_mo_et, et_mo)
                et_mo = where(et_mo > ref_et, ref_et / 2., et_mo)
                et_mo = maximum(et_mo, ones(shape) * 0.001)

                precip_mo = precip - p_mo_precip
                precip_mo = maximum(precip_mo, zeros(shape))

                runoff_mo = ro - p_mo_ro
                runoff_mo = maximum(runoff_mo, zeros(shape))

                snow_ras_mo = swe
                snow_ras_mo = maximum(snow_ras_mo, zeros(shape))

                deps_mo = drew + de + dr
                delta_s_mo = p_mo_deps - deps_mo

                outputs = (('infil', infil_mo), ('et', et_mo), ('precip', precip_mo), ('runoff', runoff_mo),
                           ('snow_ras', snow_ras_mo), ('delta_s_mo', delta_s_mo), ('deps_mo', deps_mo))

                self.save_month_step(outputs, month, year)

                p_mo_et = et
                p_mo_precip = precip
                p_mo_ro = ro
                p_mo_deps = deps_mo
                p_mo_infil = infil
                p_mo_etrs = etrs

            if day == 31 and month == 12:
                infil_yr = infil - p_yr_infil
                infil_yr = maximum(infil_yr, zeros(shape))

                ref_et_yr = etrs - p_yr_etrs
                et_yr = et - p_yr_et
                et_yr = where(isnan(et_yr) == True, p_yr_et, et_yr)
                et_yr = where(et_yr > ref_et, ref_et / 2., et_yr)
                et_yr = maximum(et_yr, ones(shape) * 0.001)

                precip_yr = precip - p_yr_precip
                precip_yr = maximum(precip_yr, zeros(shape))

                runoff_yr = ro - p_yr_ro
                runoff_yr = maximum(runoff_yr, zeros(shape))

                snow_ras_yr = swe
                snow_ras_yr = maximum(snow_ras_yr, zeros(shape))

                deps_yr = drew + de + dr
                delta_s_yr = p_yr_deps - deps_yr

                outputs = (('infil', infil_yr), ('et', et_yr), ('precip', precip_yr), ('runoff', runoff_yr),
                           ('snow_ras', snow_ras_yr), ('delta_s_yr', delta_s_yr), ('deps_yr', deps_yr))

                p_yr_et = et
                p_yr_precip = precip
                p_yr_ro = ro
                p_yr_deps = deps_yr  # this was originally p_mo_deps = deps_yr im assuming this is a typo
                p_yr_infil = infil
                p_yr_etrs = etrs

                self.save_year_step(outputs, month, year)

            # Check MASS BALANCE for the love of WATER!!!
            mass = rain + mlt - (ro + transp + evap + dp_r + ((pDr - dr) + (pDe - de) + (pDrew - drew)))
            tot_mass += abs(mass)
            cum_mass += mass

            plt_day[i] = dday

            plt_rain[i] = rain[S, E]
            plt_eta[i] = eta[S, E]
            plt_snow_fall[i] = snow_fall[S, E]
            plt_ro[i] = ro[S, E]
            plt_dr[i] = dr[S, E]
            plt_de[i] = de[S, E]
            plt_drew[i] = drew[S, E]
            plt_temp[i] = mid_temp[S, E]
            plt_dp_r[i] = dp_r[S, E]
            plt_ks[i] = ks[S, E]
            plt_pdr[i] = pDr[S, E]
            plt_etrs[i] = etrs[S, E]
            plt_kcb[i] = kcb[S, E]
            plt_ppt[i] = ppt[S, E]
            plt_ke[i] = ke[S, E]
            plt_kr[i] = kr[S, E]
            plt_mlt[i] = mlt[S, E]
            plt_swe[i] = swe[S, E]
            plt_tempm[i] = max_temp[S, E]
            plt_fs1[i] = fs1[S, E]
            plt_mass[i] = mass[S, E]
def logist(x, loc_, scale_):
    return exp((loc_ - x) / scale_) / (scale_ * (1 + exp((loc_ - x) / scale_)) ** 2)
def sigmoid(inX):
    return 1.0 / (1 + exp(-inX))
Пример #49
def py_sigmoidal(x, asym=1.0, xmid=None, scale=1.0):
    if xmid is None:
        xmid = ma.median(x)
    return asym / (1 + ma.exp((xmid - x) / scale))
Пример #50
 def sigmoidal(self, x, asym=1.0, xmid=None, xmod=0, scale=1.0):
     if xmid is None:
         xmid = ma.median(x)
     xmid = xmid + xmod
     return asym / (1 + ma.exp((xmid - x) / scale))