Пример #1
def hermit_interpol_polynomial(nodes, f):
    def divided_difference(row, col):
        # row = j, col = i
        # Если знаменатель не ноль
        if nodes[row + col] != nodes[row]:
            return (dif_matrix[row + 1, col - 1] -
                    dif_matrix[row, col - 1]) / (nodes[row + col] - nodes[row])
        # Если знаменатель ноль
            deriv = derivative(f, col)
            return deriv(nodes[row]) / factorial(col)

    n = len(nodes)
    dif_matrix = np.zeros((n, n))

    for i in range(n):
        dif_matrix[i, 0] = f(nodes[i])

    for i in range(1, n):
        for j in range(0, n - i):
            dif_matrix[j, i] = divided_difference(j, i)

    result = Polynomial(dif_matrix[0, 0])

    for i in range(n - 1):
        result = pl.polyadd(
            Polynomial(np.poly(nodes[0:i + 1])[::-1]) *
            dif_matrix[0, i + 1])[0]

    return result, dif_matrix
Пример #2
def newton_interpol_polynomial(nodes, f):
    n = len(nodes)
    dif_matrix = np.zeros((n, n))

    for i in range(n):
        dif_matrix[i, 0] = f(nodes[i])

    # Считаем разделённые разности. Храним их в верхнетреугольной матрице
    for i in range(1, n):
        for j in range(0, n - i):
                       i] = (dif_matrix[j + 1, i - 1] -
                             dif_matrix[j, i - 1]) / (nodes[j + i] - nodes[j])

    # Строим интерпол. полином Ньютона, испоьзуя полученные разности
    result = Polynomial(dif_matrix[0, 0])

    for i in range(n - 1):
        result = pl.polyadd(
            Polynomial(np.poly(nodes[0:i + 1])[::-1]) *
            dif_matrix[0, i + 1])[0]

    # Помимо полинома возвращаем ещё и матрицу разностей, т.к. её, вообще говоря, можно использовать,
    # если мы захотим добавить ещё узлов интерполяции
    return result, dif_matrix
Пример #3
def zernike_dict(nmax):
    zerDic = {}
    for n in range(nmax+1):
        for l in range(n,-1,-2):
            # print(n,l)
            key = (n,l)
            if l == n:
                # coef = [0 for _ in range(n+1)]
                # coef[n] = 1
                poly = xn(n)
                # zerDic[key] = poly
            elif l == n-2:
                if n >=2:
                    poly = (n+0.5)*zerDic[(n,n)] - (n-0.5)*zerDic[(n-2,n-2)]
                    poly = (n+0.5)*zerDic[(n,n)]
                # zerDic[key] = poly
            elif l == 0:
                n2 = 2*n
                M1 = (n2+1)*(n2-1)/(n+l+1)/(n-l)
                M2 = -0.5*((2*l+1)**2*(n2-1) + (n2+1)*(n2-1)*(n2-3))/(n+l+1)/(n-l)/(n2-3)
                M3 = -1*(n2+1)*(n+l-1)*(n-l-2)/(n+l+1)/(n-l)/(n2-3)
                poly = (M1*Polynomial([0,0,1]) + M2)*zerDic[(n-2,l)] + M3*zerDic[(n-4,l)]
                # zerDic[key] = poly
                L1 = (2*n+1)/(n+l+1)
                L2 = -1*(n-l)/(n+l+1)
                poly = L1*Polynomial([0,1])*zerDic[(n-1,l-1)] + L2*zerDic[(n-2,l)]

            zerDic[key] = poly

    return zerDic
Пример #4
    def construct_polynomials(self):
        """Construct polynomials up to nth degree. Save the results to the instance.
        from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import Polynomial

        p = [Polynomial([1])]  # polynomials
        a = []
        b = [0]
        innerprod = [.5
                     ]  # constructed such that inner product of f(x)=1 is 1/2

        # first polynomial is special
            quad(lambda x: self.K(x) * x, self.x0, self.x1)[0] / innerprod[0])
        p.append(Polynomial([-a[0], 1]) * p[0])

        for i in range(1, self.n + 1):
                quad(lambda x: p[i](x)**2 * self.K(x), self.x0, self.x1)[0])
                quad(lambda x: x * p[i]
                     (x)**2 * self.K(x), self.x0, self.x1)[0] / innerprod[i])
            b.append(innerprod[i] / innerprod[i - 1])
            p.append(Polynomial([-a[i], 1]) * p[i] - b[i] * p[i - 1])

        self.p = p
        self.a = a
        self.b = b
        self.innerprod = innerprod
Пример #5
    def evaluate(self, par, mjd, t0par=None, integrate=False):
        """Evaluate 'par' at given MJD(s), with zero point t0par

        par : string
            key into dictionary = parameter to evaluate.  Takes into
            account possible par+'DOT' (for 'F': F0, F1, F2, F3)
        mjd : float or Time object
            MJD at which to evaluate (or Time with .tdb.mjd attribute)
        t0par : string or None
            key into dictionary with zero point for par
            default: None -> PEPOCH for 'F', 'TASC' for all others
        integrate : bool
            Whether to integrate the polynomial (e.g., to get mean
            anomaly out of 'FB' or pulse phase out of 'F')
        if par == 'F':
            t0par = t0par or 'PEPOCH'
            parpol = Polynomial((self['F0'], self.get('F1', 0.),
                                 self.get('F2', 0.), self.get('F3', 0.)))
            t0par = t0par or 'TASC'
            parpol = Polynomial((self[par], self.get(par + 'DOT', 0.)))

        if integrate:
            parpol = parpol.integ()

        # given time can be Time object
        if hasattr(mjd, 'tdb'):
            mjd = mjd.tdb.mjd

        return parpol((mjd - self[t0par]) * 86400.)
Пример #6
def n_k(order, coef_func):
    if order < 0:
        raise ValueError()
    if order == 0:
        return Polynomial([0, 1])
    elif order > 0:
        return pl.polymul(n_k(order - 1, coef_func),
                          Polynomial([coef_func(order), 1]))[0] / (order + 1)
Пример #7
def lagrange(nodes):
    result = Polynomial([0])
    w = Polynomial(np.poly(nodes)[::-1])
    deriv = w.deriv(1)
    for i in range(len(nodes)):
        result = pl.polyadd(result,
                            make_l_k(i, nodes, w, deriv) * f(nodes[i]))[0]
    return result
Пример #8
def _pq_completion(P):
    Find polynomial Q given P such that the following matrix is unitary.
    [[P(a), i Q(a) sqrt(1-a^2)],
      i Q*(a) sqrt(1-a^2), P*(a)]]

        P: Polynomial object P.

        Polynomial object Q giving described unitary matrix.
    pcoefs = P.coef

    P = Polynomial(pcoefs)
    Pc = Polynomial(pcoefs.conj())
    roots = (1. - P * Pc).roots()

    # catagorize roots
    real_roots = np.array([], dtype=np.float64)
    imag_roots = np.array([], dtype=np.float64)
    cplx_roots = np.array([], dtype=np.complex128)

    tol = 1e-6
    for root in roots:
        if np.abs(np.imag(root)) < tol:
            # real roots
            real_roots = np.append(real_roots, np.real(root))
        elif np.real(root) > -tol and np.imag(root) > -tol:
            if np.real(root) < tol:
                imag_roots = np.append(imag_roots, np.imag(root))
                cplx_roots = np.append(cplx_roots, root)

    # remove root r_i = +/- 1
    ridx = np.argmin(np.abs(1. - real_roots))
    real_roots = np.delete(real_roots, ridx)
    ridx = np.argmin(np.abs(-1. - real_roots))
    real_roots = np.delete(real_roots, ridx)

    # choose real roots in +/- pairs
    real_roots = np.sort(real_roots)
    real_roots = real_roots[::2]

    # include negative conjugate of complex roots
    cplx_roots = np.r_[cplx_roots, -cplx_roots]

    # construct Q
    Q = Polynomial(
        polyfromroots(np.r_[real_roots, 1j * imag_roots, cplx_roots]))
    Qc = Polynomial(Q.coef.conj())

    # normalize
    norm = np.sqrt(
        (1 - P * Pc).coef[-1] / (Q * Qc * Polynomial([1, 0, -1])).coef[-1])

    return Q * norm
Пример #9
 def _fitfunc(self, p, chip, x):
     """ThreeChipLineTable fit function:
     y = x - par[0] + par[1]*(chip-refchip) + par[2]*(chip-refchip)**2
     w = refwave + par[3]*y + par[4]*y**2 + ... + par[n]*y**(n-2)
     where refchip, refwave are taken from the Table meta data.
     pchip = Polynomial([-p[0], p[1], p[2]])
     px = Polynomial(np.hstack((self.meta['refwave'], p[3:])))
     return px(x + pchip(chip - self.meta['refchip']))
Пример #10
def lagrange(nodes):
    result = Polynomial([0])
    # np.poly строит полином по набору корней. Но порядок коэффициетов противоположный тому, который
    # принимает конструктор класса Polynomial
    w = Polynomial(np.poly(nodes)[::-1])
    deriv = w.deriv(1)
    for i in range(len(nodes)):
        result = pl.polyadd(result,
                            make_l_k(i, nodes, w, deriv) * f(nodes[i]))[0]
        # возвращается не только сумма
    return result
Пример #11
 def _coeffs2poly(self, coeffs):
     poly_coeffs = np.zeros((len(self.init_coeffs) + 2, ))
     poly_coeffs[0] = 0.5 * coeffs[0]  # v1
     poly_coeffs[1] = coeffs[0]  # v1
     poly_coeffs[2] = coeffs[1]  # v2
     poly_coeffs[3] = 2 * coeffs[1] - coeffs[0]
     poly_coeffs[4:] = coeffs[2:]
     p = Polynomial(poly_coeffs) * Polynomial([1, -1])**2
     assert abs(p.coef[3]) < 1e-10
     assert abs(p.coef[1]) < 1e-10
     assert abs(p(1.)) < 1e-10
     return p
Пример #12
def poles_to_rational_rep(poles, residues, d, h):
    Take the parameters produced by vectfit and construct a representation
    of the form f(s) / g(s), returning f and g
    pole_ps = [Polynomial([-p, 1]) for p in poles]
    denom = product(pole_ps)
    num = sum(r * denom / p for r, p in zip(residues, pole_ps))
    num += Polynomial([d, h]) * denom
    # Since we're a PR function, should be safe to convert these to real values
    num = Polynomial(num.coef.real)
    denom = Polynomial(denom.coef.real)
    return num, denom
Пример #13
def hermite5(x0, x1, v0, v1, a0, a1):
  return Polynomial([x0,
          0.5 * a0,
          -10 * x0 + 10 * x1 - 6 * v0 - 4 * v1 - 1.5 * a0 + 0.5 * a1,
          15 * x0 - 15 * x1 + 8 * v0 + 7 * v1 + 1.5 * a0 - a1,
          -6 * x0 + 6 * x1 - 3 * v0 - 3 * v1 + -.5 * a0 + 0.5 * a1])
Пример #14
 def _fitfunc(self, par, x):
     """LineTable fit function
     meta['refwave'] + \
         par[1]*(x-par[0])+par[2]*(x-par[0])**2+... +par[n]*(x-par[0])**n
     px = Polynomial(np.hstack((self.meta['refwave'], par[1:])))
     return px(x - par[0])
Пример #15
 def __init__(self, order, monom=None):
     self.monom = monom if monom else Polynomial(
         np.identity(order + 1)[order])
     assert isinstance(self.monom, Polynomial)
     self.order = order
     self.derivative = self.monom.deriv()
     self.linear = order == 1
Пример #16
    def __init__(self,
                 fs=2 * np.pi,
        """ Initialize class. 
        if initial_alpha is None:
            alpha = np.zeros(poly_order + 1)
            alpha = initial_alpha
        self.alpha = alpha

        self.z = data
        self.fs = fs
        self.poly_order = poly_order
        self._polynomial = Polynomial(alpha)
        # transform frequency
        num_time_bins = self.z.size // win_size
        num_freq_bins = win_size // 2
        self.win_size = win_size
        if overlap is None:
            self.overlap = num_freq_bins // 2
            self.overlap = overlap
        self.tfd = np.zeros((num_freq_bins, num_time_bins), dtype='complex')
Пример #17
def Newton(pts, prec):
    título("Newton", "=")
    # Definir Precisão
    mm.mp.dps = prec

    nv = len(pts[0])
    matX = pts[0]
    matY = [pts[1]]
    for i in range(1, nv):
        for j in range(nv - i):
            matY[i].append((matY[i - 1][j + 1] - matY[i - 1][j]) /
                           (matX[j + i] - matX[j]))

    print("\nTabela\n\n", mm.matrix(matY))

    # matP = [matY[1][0]]
    # for i in range(nv-1):
    # 	mult = 1
    # 	for n in range(i):
    # 		mult *= -matX[n]
    # 	matP.append(mult)

    matX = pts[0]
    matY = pts[1]
    matP = mm.matrix(list(reversed(Polynomial(lagrange(matX, matY)).coef)))

    # Transformar Resposta em String Polinômio
    sPol = pol2str(matP)
    print("\nPolinômio: ", sPol)

    return sPol
Пример #18
 def _get_pp_poly(self):
     p = self.ppsi_polynomial
     dp = p.deriv(1)
     dp_o_r = p.deriv(1) / Polynomial([0.,1.])
     ddp = p.deriv(2)
     pp_poly = self.calibration_energy + 2*dp_o_r + (ddp + dp**2)
     return pp_poly
Пример #19
    def fit(cls, x, y):

        if 0:
            # scipy version, numerically unstable
            from scipy.interpolate import lagrange
            final = lagrange(x, y)
        if 0:
            # numpy version
            import numpy as np
            x_ = np.array(x)
            x_[:, None] - x_[None, :]
            js, ms = np.triu_indices(len(x), 1)
            x_[js] - x_[ms]
            import operator as op
            from functools import reduce
            basis_polys = []
            for j, x_j in enumerate(x):
                parts_j = []
                for m, x_m in enumerate(x):
                    if m != j:
                        part_m_j = Polynomial([-1 * x_m, 1]) / (x_j - x_m)
                basis_j = reduce(op.mul, parts_j, 1)
            final = sum(y_j * basis_j for y_j, basis_j in zip(y, basis_polys))

            if __debug__:
                # Final lagrance polynomial must have this property
                for j in range(len(x)):
                    assert final(x[j]) == y[j]
Пример #20
    def test_response_4(self):
        pcoefs = [0., -2 + 1j, 0., 2.]
        poly = Polynomial(pcoefs)

Пример #21
    def test_response_1(self):
        pcoefs = [0, 1]

        poly = Polynomial(pcoefs)

        QuantumSignalProcessingPhases(poly, signal_operator="Wx")
        QuantumSignalProcessingPhases(poly, signal_operator="Wz")
def sturms_sequence(p: Polynomial):
    Returns Sturm's sequence of a given polynomial.
    # setting up the Sturm's sequence.
    sturms_seq = []

    # filling the Sturm's sequence list.
    f = -Polynomial(poly.polydiv(sturms_seq[-2].coef, sturms_seq[-1].coef)[1])
    while f.degree() != 0 or f.coef[0] != 0:
        f = -Polynomial(
            poly.polydiv(sturms_seq[-2].coef, sturms_seq[-1].coef)[1])

    return sturms_seq
Пример #23
def div_xn(poly, n):
    Divide the polynomial by x^n
    n <= m, m is the minimal index
    c = poly.coef
    assert np.all(c[:n] == 0)
    return Polynomial(c[n:])
Пример #24
    def test_response_5(self):
        pcoefs = [-1., 0., 50., 0., -400., 0., 1120., 0., -1280., 0., 512.]
        poly = Polynomial(pcoefs)

        QuantumSignalProcessingPhases(poly, signal_operator="Wx")
        QuantumSignalProcessingPhases(poly, signal_operator="Wz")
Пример #25
def make_nodes(n, p, a, b):
    mu_list = np.array(make_mu_k(n, p, a, b), dtype=np.float64)
    left_part = np.array([mu_list[i:n+i][::-1] for i in range(n)], dtype=np.float64)
    right_part = -1 * mu_list[n:]
    coef = solve(left_part, right_part)
    coef = np.append(coef[::-1], 1)

    w = Polynomial(coef)
    return w.roots()
Пример #26
    def __init__(self, x, y, dy):
        Spline initialization

        x, y : array_like float
            The (x, y) values at nodes that defines the spline
        dy : array_like float with two elements
            The first derivatives of the left and right ends of the nodes
        from numpy.linalg import solve
        from numpy.polynomial.polynomial import Polynomial
        self.x = np.asarray(x)
        self.y = np.asarray(y)
        self.dy = np.asarray(dy)
        n = len(self.y)
        h = self.x[1:]-self.x[:-1]
        r = (self.y[1:]-self.y[:-1])/(self.x[1:]-self.x[:-1])
        B = np.zeros((n-2, n))
        for i in range(n-2):
            k = i+1
            B[i, i:i+3] = [h[k], 2*(h[k-1]+h[k]), h[k-1]]
        C = np.empty((n-2, 1))
        for i in range(n-2):
            k = i+1
            C[i] = 3*(r[k-1]*h[k]+r[k]*h[k-1])
        C[0] = C[0]-self.dy[0]*B[0, 0]
        C[-1] = C[-1]-self.dy[1]*B[-1, -1]
        B = B[:, 1:n-1]
        dys = solve(B, C)
        dys = np.array(
            [self.dy[0]] + [tmp for tmp in dys.flatten()] + [self.dy[1]])
        A0 = self.y[:-1]
        A1 = dys[:-1]
        A2 = (3*r-2*dys[:-1]-dys[1:])/h
        A3 = (-2*r+dys[:-1]+dys[1:])/h**2
        self.coef = np.array([A0, A1, A2, A3]).T
        self.polys = [Polynomial(c) for c in self.coef]
        self.polys.insert(0, Polynomial(
            [self.y[0]-self.x[0]*self.dy[0], self.dy[0]]))
            [self.y[-1]-self.x[-1]*self.dy[-1], self.dy[-1]]))
Пример #27
    def encode(self, message):
        poly_coeffs = strencode(message, self.k)

        polynomial = Polynomial(poly_coeffs)

        shares = [(x, int(polyval(x, polynomial.coef))) for x in range(1, (self.k+self.e+1))]
        signed_shares = [(i, sign(str(i[1]), self.pri_key, self.bitlen, self.generator, self.prime)) for i in shares]

        return signed_shares
Пример #28
def expectedStockValue(p, x_test, days):

    poly = Polynomial(p)

    results = [poly(num) for num in x_test]

    for i in range(days - 1):

    return np.array(results)
Пример #29
    def test_response_6(self):
        pcoefs = [
            -1., 0., (1 / 2) * (4 + 3j - (1 - 2j) * np.sqrt(3)), 0.,
            (1 - 1j) * (-1j + np.sqrt(3))
        poly = Polynomial(pcoefs)

    def __init__(self):        
        #distance from encoders
        self.distance = 0

        self.c_poly = Polynomial(0)
        self.r_poly = Polynomial(0)
        self.l_poly = Polynomial(0)

        self.lookahead_c = 0.2 

        #obstacles polygon
        self.polygons = []
        self.start_distance = 0
        self.start_back_distance = 0
        self.change_distance = 0

        #distance from center lane
        self.center_dis = 0
        self.once_detected =0

        self.get_change_distance = 0

        self.border_distance_x = 1.1
        self.border_distance_y = 0.7

        self.fraction = 0.1

        self.normal_drive = 0

        self.box_right = 0

        self.get_call = 0

        self.threshold_normal = 2
        self.threshold_anormal = 2

        self.tests = False

        self.stop_call = False