Пример #1
def calculate_root(f: Polynomial, a, b, eps):
    Return root (assuming there's one) of f function
    on the (a, b) interval using secant method
    and also return number of iterations.

    f's first two derivatives should be differentiable.
    assert f(a) * f(b) < 0

    if f(a) > 0:
        f = -f

    if f(b) * f.deriv(2)(b) > 0:
        x = a
        c = b
    elif f(a) * f.deriv(2)(a) > 0:
        x = b
        c = a
        raise Exception()

    true_x = spo.brentq(f, a, b)

    iter_count = 0
    while abs(x - true_x) > eps and iter_count < MAX_ITERATION_COUNT:
        x -= (c - x) / (f(c) - f(x)) * f(x)
        iter_count += 1

    return x, iter_count
Пример #2
def lagrange(nodes):
    result = Polynomial([0])
    w = Polynomial(np.poly(nodes)[::-1])
    deriv = w.deriv(1)
    for i in range(len(nodes)):
        result = pl.polyadd(result,
                            make_l_k(i, nodes, w, deriv) * f(nodes[i]))[0]
    return result
Пример #3
def lagrange(nodes):
    result = Polynomial([0])
    # np.poly строит полином по набору корней. Но порядок коэффициетов противоположный тому, который
    # принимает конструктор класса Polynomial
    w = Polynomial(np.poly(nodes)[::-1])
    deriv = w.deriv(1)
    for i in range(len(nodes)):
        result = pl.polyadd(result,
                            make_l_k(i, nodes, w, deriv) * f(nodes[i]))[0]
        # возвращается не только сумма
    return result
def calculate_root(f: Polynomial, a, b, eps):
    Return root approximation calculated with Newton's method as well
    as number of iterations made to calculate it.

    Root of polynomial f is approximated in [a, b] interval until
    error is smaller than epsilon eps.
    assert f(a) * f(b) < 0

    df = f.deriv()

    def newtons_lambda(x):
        return -1 / df(x)

    return sim.calculate_root(f, newtons_lambda, a, b, eps)
Пример #5
def make_a_k(nodes, p, a, b):
    w = Polynomial(np.poly(nodes)[::-1])
    result_coeffs = []
    x = Symbol("x")
    for k in range(len(nodes)):
        poly_part = np.polydiv(w.coef, np.array([-nodes[k], 1]))[0] / w.deriv()(nodes[k])

        # Вручную домножаем каждый член многоочлена на весовую функцию, чтобы потом взять интеграл
        under_integral_list = []
        for i, coef in enumerate(poly_part):
            under_integral_list.append(coef * x**i * p(x))
        under_integral = sum(under_integral_list)

        # Берём интеграл на промежутке [a,b]
        result_coeffs.append(integrate(under_integral, (x, a, b)))
    return result_coeffs
def sturms_sequence(p: Polynomial):
    Returns Sturm's sequence of a given polynomial.
    # setting up the Sturm's sequence.
    sturms_seq = []

    # filling the Sturm's sequence list.
    f = -Polynomial(poly.polydiv(sturms_seq[-2].coef, sturms_seq[-1].coef)[1])
    while f.degree() != 0 or f.coef[0] != 0:
        f = -Polynomial(
            poly.polydiv(sturms_seq[-2].coef, sturms_seq[-1].coef)[1])

    return sturms_seq
Пример #7
class MPolynomial:
    def __init__(self):
        self.roots = [complex(-0.5, 0), complex(0.5, 0)]

    def update(self):
        if len(self.roots)>0:
            self.poly = Polynomial.fromroots(self.roots)
            self.poly = Polynomial([0])

    def add_root(self, root):

    def remove_root(self, root_idx):
        assert root_idx >= 0 and root_idx < len(self.roots), "remove_root invalid index"
        del self.roots[root_idx]

    def get_roots(self):
        return self.roots

    def get_n_roots(self):
        return len(self.roots)

    def poly_as_str(self):
        prev = "(float2)(0.0f,0.0f)"
        for i,c in enumerate(self.poly.coef):
            formula = "plus(mult((float2)({}f,{}f), complexPower(z,(float2)({}.0f,0.0f))),{})".format(c.real, c.imag, i,
            prev = formula
        return prev

    def deriv_poly_as_str(self):
        deriv = self.poly.deriv()
        prev = "(float2)(0.0f,0.0f)"
        for i, c in enumerate(deriv.coef):
            formula = "plus(mult((float2)({}f,{}f), complexPower(z,(float2)({}.0f,0.0f))),{})".format(c.real, c.imag, i, prev)
            prev = formula
        return prev
    w = Polynomial(np.array(coef, dtype=np.float))
    # have to explicitly specify dtype,
    # otherwise root finder doesn't work
    print([w(x) for x in range(1, 21)])
    # This uses eigenvalues of the companion matrix for roots
    from scipy.optimize import root
    print(root(w, 21.0))
    # This uses Optimization method root finding
    for delta in (1e-8, 1e-6, 1e-4, 1e-2):
        coef[20] = 1 + delta
        w = Polynomial(np.array(coef, dtype=np.float))
        print(root(w, 21.0))
    coef[20] = 1
    coef[19] = -210 - 2**(-23)
    w = Polynomial(np.array(coef, dtype=np.float))
    print(root(w, 16.1))
    print(root(w, 17.1))
    coef[19] = -210
    w = Polynomial(np.array(coef, dtype=np.float))
    wp = w.deriv()
        print("%g" %
              (sum([abs(coef[l]) * k**(l - 1)
                    for l in range(len(coef))]) / abs(wp(k))))
        for k in (14, 16, 17, 20)
Пример #9
def measure_under_midline(
    fl: xr.DataArray,
    mid: Polynomial,
    n_points: int = 100,
    thickness: float = 0.0,
) -> np.ndarray:
    Measure the intensity profile of the given image under the given midline at the given x-coordinates.

        the interpolation order
        The fluorescence image to measure
        The midline under which to measure
        The number of points to measure under
        The thickness of the line to measure under. 
    Using thickness is slower, depending on the amount of thickness 

    On my machine (2GHz Intel Core i5), as of 12/4/19:
            492 µs ± 16.6 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1000 loops each)
            1.99 ms ± 65.8 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
            3.89 ms ± 92.1 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)

    zs: np.ndarray
        The intensity profile of the image measured under the midline at the given 

    # Make sure the image orientation matches with the expected order of map_coordinates
        if thickness == 0:
            xs, ys = mid.linspace(n=n_points)
            fl = np.asarray(fl)
            return ndi.map_coordinates(fl, np.stack([xs, ys]), order=order)
            # Gets a bit wonky, but makes sense

            # We need to get the normal lines from each point in the midline
            # then measure under those lines.

            # First, get the coordinates of the midline
            xs, ys = mid.linspace(n=n_points)

            # Now, we get the angles of each normal vector
            der = mid.deriv()
            normal_slopes = -1 / der(xs)
            normal_thetas = np.arctan(normal_slopes)

            # We get the x and y components of the start/end of the normal vectors
            mag = thickness / 2
            x0 = np.cos(normal_thetas) * mag
            y0 = np.sin(normal_thetas) * mag

            x1 = np.cos(normal_thetas) * -mag
            y1 = np.sin(normal_thetas) * -mag

            # These are the actual coordinates of the starts/ends of the normal vectors as they move
            # from (x,y) coordinates in the midline
            xs0 = xs + x0
            xs1 = xs + x1
            ys0 = ys + y0
            ys1 = ys + y1

            # We need to measure in a consistent direction along the normal line
            # if y0 < y1, we're going to be measuring in an opposite direction along the line... so we need flip the coordinates
            for y0, y1, x0, x1, i in zip(ys0, ys1, xs0, xs1, range(len(xs0))):
                if y0 < y1:
                    tx = xs0[i]
                    xs0[i] = xs1[i]
                    xs1[i] = tx

                    ty = ys0[i]
                    ys0[i] = ys1[i]
                    ys1[i] = ty

            n_line_pts = thickness

            all_xs = np.linspace(xs0, xs1, n_line_pts)
            all_ys = np.linspace(ys0, ys1, n_line_pts)

            straightened = ndi.map_coordinates(fl, [all_xs, all_ys], order=order)

            if flatten:
                # Create a normal distribution centered around 0 with the given scale (see scipy.norm.pdf)
                # the distribution is then tiled to be the same shape as the straightened pharynx
                # then, this resultant matrix is the weights for averaging
                w = np.tile(
                    norm.pdf(np.linspace(-1, 1, n_line_pts), scale=norm_scale),
                    (n_points, 1),
                profile = np.average(straightened, axis=0, weights=w)

                return profile
                return straightened
    except AttributeError:
        # This happens if the image is TL. Then it will have `None` instead of
        # a midline object
    except Exception as e:
        # Here, something actually went wrong
        logging.warning(f"measuring under midline failed with error {e}")

    return np.zeros((1, n_points))