def bayes_net(edge_strength_matrix: np.array, filename: str, image) -> None:
    Naive Bayes Net implementation for the given image matrix
    :param edge_strength_matrix: a 2D numpy vector containing the edge strength matrix
    :param filename: name of the file we're working with
    :param image: the original image object to put pixels on
    :return: None
    # Save for our records
            color=(0, 0, 255),

    # Save for grading system
            color=(0, 0, 255),
    return None
Пример #2
def get_topics(M: np.array, n: int,
               id2word: Dict[int, str]) -> Dict[str, List[str]]:
    M = M if M.shape[0] > M.shape[1] else M.T

    topics_paper = {}
    for dim in range(M.shape[1]):
        topics_paper[f'Topic {dim + 1}'] = []

        embeddings = M[np.argwhere(M.argmax(axis=1) == dim).flatten()]
        indices = np.argwhere(M.argmax(axis=1) == dim).flatten()

        new_sorting_order = np.argsort(embeddings[:, dim], axis=0)[::-1]

        embeddings_sorted = embeddings[new_sorting_order].astype(
        indices_sorted = indices[new_sorting_order]

        counter = 0
        for embedding, id_ in zip(embeddings_sorted, indices_sorted):

            if counter < n:
                topics_paper[f'Topic {dim + 1}'].append(id2word[id_])

            counter += 1

        if embeddings_sorted.shape[0] < n:
            while len(topics_paper[f'Topic {dim + 1}']) < (n * 2):
                topics_paper[f'Topic {dim + 1}'].append('N/A')

    return topics_paper
Пример #3
def fit_sigmoid(time: np.array, flux: np.array) -> list:
    """ Find best-fit parameters using scipy.least_squares.

    time : array_like
        exploratory variable (time of observation)
    flux : array_like
        response variable (measured flux)

    result : list of float
        best fit parameter values
    flux = np.asarray(flux)
    t0 = time[flux.argmax()] - time[0]
    if t0 > 0:
        dt = time[flux.argmax()] - time[flux.argmin()]
        slope = (flux.argmax() - flux.argmin()) / dt
        slope = 1.
    f0 = flux[0]
    aguess = slope
    cguess = np.max(flux)

    if f0 != 0 and cguess / f0 != 1.:
        bguess = np.log(cguess / f0 - 1.) / aguess
        bguess = 1.0

    guess = [aguess, bguess, cguess]
    result = least_squares(errfunc_sigmoid, guess, args=(time, flux))

    return result.x
Пример #4
    def __calculate_hsl(self, rgb: np.array):
        assert rgb.size == 3, "RGB must have 3 values."
        normalized_rgb = rgb / 255
        normalized_red = normalized_rgb[self.RED_INDEX]
        normalized_green = normalized_rgb[self.GREEN_INDEX]
        normalized_blue = normalized_rgb[self.BLUE_INDEX]

        min_rgb = normalized_rgb.min()
        max_rgb = normalized_rgb.max()
        luminance = (min_rgb + max_rgb) / 2

        if min_rgb == max_rgb:
            return luminance, 0., 0.

        saturation = (max_rgb - min_rgb) / (max_rgb + min_rgb) if luminance < .5 else \
            (max_rgb - min_rgb) / (2. - max_rgb - min_rgb)

        max_rgb_arg = rgb.argmax()
        if max_rgb_arg == self.RED_INDEX:
            hue = (normalized_green - normalized_blue) / (max_rgb - min_rgb)
        elif max_rgb_arg == self.GREEN_INDEX:
            hue = 2. + (normalized_blue - normalized_red) / (max_rgb - min_rgb)
        elif max_rgb_arg == self.BLUE_INDEX:
            hue = 4. + (normalized_red - normalized_green) / (max_rgb -
            assert False, "Index of max_arg should be in [RED_INDEX, BLUE_INDEX]"

        hue *= 60
        hue = hue + 360 if hue < 0 else hue

        return luminance, saturation, hue
Пример #5
def sparsenet(G: nx.Graph, distance_matrix: np.array, vertex_to_index: dict):
    Finds the SparseNet for a given graph.
      G: a networkx graph
      distance_matrix: a 2d numpy array where distance_matrix[i][j] is the distance from node i to node j
      vertex_to_index: a dictionary which maps the names of vertices to an integer in {0, 1, 2, ..., |V|}.
    Returns a generator where each output is a path in the configuration.
    The first path is the longest path, 
    index_to_vertex = {i: v for v, i in vertex_to_index.items()}
    src_index, dest_index = np.unravel_index(distance_matrix.argmax(),
    configuration = [
        nx.shortest_path(G, index_to_vertex[src_index],
    yield configuration[-1]
    while True:
        farthest_from_config, closest_point_on_config = point_farthest_from_configuration(
            distance_matrix, configuration, vertex_to_index)
        path = nx.shortest_path(G, farthest_from_config,
        if len(path) < 2:
        yield path
Пример #6
def cross_entropy_error(y: np.array, t: np.array) -> float:
        loss = - SUM(t[i] * log(x[i]))
    # reshape 1-d vector to (1,n) matrix
    # if y.ndim == 1:
    #     t = t.reshape(1, t.size)
    #     y = y.reshape(1, y.size)
    # batch_size = y.shape[0]
    # delta = 1e-7
    # return -np.sum(t * np.log(y + delta)) / batch_size
    # return -np.sum(np.log(x[np.arange(batch_size), t] + delta)) / batch_size

    # reshape 1-d vector to (1,n) matrix
    if y.ndim == 1:
        t = t.reshape(1, t.size)
        y = y.reshape(1, y.size)

    # If training data is one-hot-vectorm convert to correct index
    if t.size == y.size:
        t = t.argmax(axis=1)

    batch_size = y.shape[0]
    # only need to calculate the true label
    return -np.sum(np.log(y[np.arange(batch_size), t] + 1e-7)) / batch_size
Пример #7
def get_performance_metrics(y_true: np.array,
                            y_score: np.array,
                            accuracy_cutoff: float = 0.5):
    """Get current performance metrics.

    y_true: np.array
    y_score: np.array
    accuracy_cutoff: float
        When to predict positive predictions in binary case.


    if len(y_score.shape) == 1:
        y_pred = (y_score > accuracy_cutoff).astype(int)

        if len(np.unique(y_true)) == 2:
            auc = roc_auc_score(y_true, y_score)

        f1 = f1_score(y_true, y_pred)
        ap = average_precision_score(y_true, y_score)

        y_pred = y_score.argmax(-1)
        auc = 0
        f1 = 0
        ap = 0

    acc = accuracy_score(y_true, y_pred)

    return auc, f1, ap, acc
Пример #8
def get_topics(
    M: np.array,
    n: int,
    id2word: Dict[int, str],
    save_dir: str = None
) -> Tuple[Dict[str, List[str]], Dict[str, List[Tuple[str, int, np.array]]]]:
    M = M if M.shape[0] > M.shape[1] else M.T

    topics_paper = {}
    topics_all = {}
    for dim in range(M.shape[1]):
        topics_paper[f'Topic {dim + 1}'] = []
        topics_all[f'Topic {dim + 1}'] = []

        embeddings = M[np.argwhere(M.argmax(axis=1) == dim).flatten()]
        indices = np.argwhere(M.argmax(axis=1) == dim).flatten()

        new_sorting_order = np.argsort(embeddings[:, dim], axis=0)[::-1]

        embeddings_sorted = embeddings[new_sorting_order].astype(
        indices_sorted = indices[new_sorting_order]

        counter = 0
        for embedding, id_ in zip(embeddings_sorted, indices_sorted):

            if counter < n:
                topics_paper[f'Topic {dim + 1}'].append(id2word[id_])
                topics_paper[f'Topic {dim + 1}'].append(
                    f'({np.round(embedding.max(), 3)})')

            if counter >= n and not save_dir:
            topics_all[f'Topic {dim + 1}'].append(
                (id2word[id_], id_, embedding))

            counter += 1

        if embeddings_sorted.shape[0] < n:
            while len(topics_paper[f'Topic {dim + 1}']) < (n * 2):
                topics_paper[f'Topic {dim + 1}'].append('N/A')

    if save_dir:
                    open(os.path.join(save_dir, 'topics_all.p'), 'wb'))

    return topics_paper, topics_all
def _argmax2d(xs: np.array) -> Tuple[int, int]:
    assert len(xs.shape) == 2

    n_col = xs.shape[1]
    ij = xs.argmax()
    i = ij // n_col
    j = ij % n_col
    return i, j
Пример #10
def convertRGBToHSVColor(colours : np.array):
    col_arr = np.float32(colours)
    min_col = colours.argmin()
    max_col = colours.argmax()
    chroma = col_arr[max_col] - col_arr[min_col]
    hue = getHueFromChroma(col_arr, chroma, max_col, min_col)
    value = np.mean(col_arr)
    saturation = getSatuationFromChroma(col_arr, chroma, value)
    return np.array([hue, saturation, value], dtype = np.uint8)
Пример #11
	def get_action(self, legal_actions: Actions, q_values: np.array) -> Action:
		indices: List[int] = [row * self.board_size + col for (row, col) in list(legal_actions)]
		q_values: np.array = q_values[0, indices]
		index: int = q_values.argmax()
		location: Location = list(legal_actions)[index]
		directions: Directions = legal_actions[location]
		action: Action = (location, directions)

		return action
Пример #12
def get_topic_counts_of_vocab(M: np.array) -> Dict:
    M = M if M.shape[0] > M.shape[1] else M.T

    topic_counts = Counter(M.argmax(axis=1))
    topic_counts = {
        f'Topic {topic + 1}': count
        for topic, count in sorted(topic_counts.items())
    return topic_counts
Пример #13
def cross_entropy(target: np.array, preds: np.array):
    res = 0

    EPS = 1e-10
    for c in range(target.shape[1]):
        tmp = np.array(target.argmax(1) == c,
        tmp2 = np.log(preds[:, c] + EPS)
        res += np.sum(tmp * tmp2)

    return -res
Пример #14
Файл: Проект: laume/dlai
def get_most_confused(
    df: pd.DataFrame,
    path_column: str,
    predictions: np.array,
    labels: np.array,
    image_count: int,
    difference_rate: Optional[float] = None,
    plot: Optional[bool] = True,
    random_plot: Optional[bool] = True,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    Plots given number of images from DataFrame, which predicted values differs from real values
    by specified difference_rate.
    :param df: DataFrame you use for predictions.
    :param path_column: Column where image paths are specified
    :param predictions: Predictions tensor.
    :param labels: Label tensor.
    :param image_count: number of images you want to plot
    :param difference_rate: percentage of difference between predicted and real values (0-1)
    :param plot: If True images are plotted, otherwise returns pd.DataFrame. Default True
    :param random_plot: If True selects images randomly. Default True
    :return: pd.DataFrame
    max_predictions = predictions.argmax(axis=1)
    data = {'pred_label / label / df_label': [], 'image': []}
    for i, (a, b, c) in enumerate(
            zip(max_predictions, labels, df['AdoptionSpeed'].tolist())):
        if not difference_rate:
            if a != b:
                data['pred_label / label / df_label'].append(
                    f'{a} / {b} / {c}')
            y_hat = int(a)
            y = int(b)
            if predictions[i][y_hat] - predictions[i][y] >= difference_rate:
                predicted = str(round(predictions[i][y_hat], 4))
                real_class = str(round(predictions[i][y], 4))
                data['pred_label / label / df_label'].append(
                    f'{y_hat}: {predicted} / {y}: {real_class} / {c}')

    confused_df = pd.DataFrame(data)

    if not plot:
        return confused_df

        f'From {len(df)} images of tested dataframe {len(confused_df)} images were predicted incorrectly with the difference_rate = {difference_rate}.\n'
                   'pred_label / label / df_label',
Пример #15
def find_first(arr: np.array) -> int:
    """ Finds the index of the first instance of true in a vector or None if not found. """
    if len(arr) == 0:
        return None
    idx = arr.argmax()

    # Numpy argmax will return 0 if no True is found
    if idx == 0 and not arr[0]:
        return None

    return idx
def cross_entropy_error(y: np.array, t: np.array) -> np.array:
    if y.ndim == 1:
        t = t.reshape(1, t.size)
        y = y.reshape(1, y.size)

    # 教師データがone-hot-vectorの場合、正解ラベルのインデックスに変換
    if t.size == y.size:
        t = t.argmax(axis=1)

    batch_size = y.shape[0]
    return -np.sum(np.log(y[np.arange(batch_size), t] + 1e-7)) / batch_size
Пример #17
def ProbToPred(matrix_prob: np.array, method: str, threhold=0.75):
    if method == 'max':
        res = np.zeros_like(matrix_prob)
        res[np.arange(len(matrix_prob)), matrix_prob.argmax(1)] = 1
        return res
    elif method == 'threhold':
        res = np.copy(matrix_prob)
        res[res >= threhold] = 1
        res[res < threhold] = 0
        return res
        raise Exception('unknow method, method must be max or threhold')
Пример #18
    def __run_circuit(self, registers: np.array, mem: np.array,
                      gates: np.array, controller_coefficients: np.array,
                      debug: DebugTimestep) -> (np.ndarray, np.ndarray):
        # Initially, only the registers may be used as inputs.
        gate_inputs = registers

        # Debug purpose, dictionary for gates and regs history
        debug_step_gates = dict()
        debug_step_regs = dict()
        debug_previous_mod_regs = dict()

        debug.mem_previous_mod = mem.argmax(axis=1)
        # Run through all the gates.
        ptr = 0
        for i, (gate, coeffs) in enumerate(zip(gates,
            output, mem, args = self.__run_gate(gate_inputs, mem, gate, coeffs)

            gate_info = dict()
            for i in range(gate.arity):
                gate_info[str(i)] = [coeffs[i].argmax(), args[i].argmax()]
            gate_info["res"] = output.argmax()
            debug_step_gates[gate.__str__()] = gate_info

            # Append the output of the gate as an input for future gates.
            gate_inputs = np.concatenate([gate_inputs, output])
        debug.gates = debug_step_gates
        debug.mem = mem.argmax(axis=1)

        # All leftover coefficients are for registers.
        for i, coeff in enumerate(controller_coefficients[len(gates):]):
            debug_previous_mod_regs[str(i)] = [
                coeff.argmax(), gate_inputs[i].argmax()
            gate_inputs[i] = self.avg(gate_inputs, coeff)
            debug_step_regs[str(i)] = [coeff.argmax(), gate_inputs[i].argmax()]
        debug.regs_previous_mod = debug_previous_mod_regs
        debug.regs = debug_step_regs

        return gate_inputs[np.arange(self.context.num_regs)], mem
Пример #19
def get_score_str(scores: np.array):

    max_index = scores.argmax()
    string = f''
    for i, score in enumerate(scores.tolist()):
        if i == max_index:
            string += f'{G}'
            string += f'{RE}'

        string += f'{round(float(score), 5):<10}{RE}'

    return string
Пример #20
 def _transform_arrays(
         y_true: np.array,
         y_pred: np.array,
         multi_label: bool,
         binary: bool,
         binary_cutoffs: List[float] = None) -> (np.array, np.array):
     if binary:
         if len(y_pred.shape) > 1:
             y_pred = np.reshape(y_pred, -1)
         if len(y_true.shape) > 1:
             y_true = np.reshape(y_true, -1)
         assert (
             y_true.shape == y_pred.shape and len(y_true.shape) == 1
         ), f'Shapes of predictions and labels for binary classification should conform to (n_samples,) but received {y_pred.shape} and {y_true.shape}.'
         if binary_cutoffs is None:
             binary_cutoffs = compute_binary_cutoffs(y_true, y_pred)
         y_pred_transformed = np.where(y_pred > binary_cutoffs, 1, 0)
         y_true_transformed = y_true
     elif multi_label:
         assert (
             y_true.shape == y_pred.shape
         ), f'Shapes of predictions and labels for multilabel classification should conform to (n_samples, n_classes) but received {y_pred.shape} and {y_true.shape}.'
         if binary_cutoffs is None:
             binary_cutoffs = compute_binary_cutoffs(y_true, y_pred)
         y_pred_transformed = np.where(y_pred > binary_cutoffs, 1, 0)
         y_true_transformed = y_true
         if y_true.shape[1] > 1:
             y_true_transformed = np.zeros_like(y_true)
             y_true_transformed[range(len(y_true)), y_true.argmax(1)] = 1
         if y_pred.shape[1] > 1:
             y_pred_transformed = np.zeros_like(y_pred)
             y_pred_transformed[range(len(y_pred)), y_pred.argmax(1)] = 1
         assert (
             y_true.shape == y_pred.shape
         ), f'Shapes of predictions and labels for multiclass classification should conform to (n_samples,n_classes) but received {y_pred.shape} and {y_true.shape}.'
     return y_true_transformed, y_pred_transformed
Пример #21
def eval_accuracy(_model: Sequential, data_x: np.array, data_y: np.array) -> np.float64:
    Determines the accuracy of the predicted keys and the expected keys after inverting prediction.
    (by invert, this basically means to realign the predictions with respective expected result.)
    (accuracy is higher after performing the shift, may require a change to how training data is given during fitting)

    :param _model: the LSTM model
    :param data_x: the input data to analyze
    :param data_y: the expected key data
    :return: the accuracy as a float from 0.0 to 1.0
    predicted_key = _model.predict(data_x, BATCH_SIZE)
    inverted_key_as_classes = np.roll(predicted_key.argmax(axis=1), -N_STEPS)
    expected_key_as_classes = data_y.argmax(axis=1)
    return np.equal(inverted_key_as_classes, expected_key_as_classes).sum() / data_y.shape[0]
Пример #22
    def __init__(self,
                 strength: float,
                 blocks_start: np.array,
                 blocks_length: np.array,
                 range: tuple = None,
                 positive: bool = False):
        Prox.__init__(self, range)

        if any(length <= 0 for length in blocks_length):
            raise ValueError("all blocks must be of positive size")
        if any(start < 0 for start in blocks_start):
            raise ValueError("all blocks must have positive starting indices")

        if type(blocks_start) is list:
            blocks_start = np.array(blocks_start, dtype=np.uint64)
        if type(blocks_length) is list:
            blocks_length = np.array(blocks_length, dtype=np.uint64)
        if blocks_start.dtype is not np.uint64:
            blocks_start = blocks_start.astype(np.uint64)
        if blocks_length.dtype is not np.uint64:
            blocks_length = blocks_length.astype(np.uint64)

        if blocks_start.shape != blocks_length.shape:
            raise ValueError("``blocks_start`` and ``blocks_length`` "
                             "must have the same size")
        if any(blocks_start[1:] < blocks_start[:-1]):
            raise ValueError('``block_start`` must be sorted')

        if any(blocks_start[1:] < blocks_start[:-1] + blocks_length[:-1]):
            raise ValueError("blocks must not overlap")

        self.strength = strength
        self.positive = positive
        self.blocks_start = blocks_start
        self.blocks_length = blocks_length

        if range is None:
            self._prox = _ProxBinarsity(strength, blocks_start, blocks_length,
            start, end = self.range
            i_max = blocks_start.argmax()
            if end - start < blocks_start[i_max] + blocks_length[i_max]:
                raise ValueError("last block is not within the range "
                                 "[0, end-start)")
            self._prox = _ProxBinarsity(strength, blocks_start, blocks_length,
                                        start, end, positive)
Пример #23
    def get_probs(self, Q_s: np.array, epsilon: float, nA: int):
        Returns the epsilon-greedy weights for sampling next action

        Q_s : np.array
            Current Q estimate for each action available at current state
        epsilon : float
            epsilon value for epsilon greedy search
        nA : int
            Number of actions available for current state
        policy_s = np.zeros(nA) + epsilon / nA
        a_star = Q_s.argmax()
        policy_s[a_star] += 1 - epsilon
        return policy_s
Пример #24
    def classify_prepare(
            input: np.array,
            pred: np.array,
            target: Union[np.array,
            prob: np.array,
            target_int: int,
            meta: dict

        return {
            'y_pred': prob.argmax(),
            'img': self.img(input,
            'metric_diff': 1 - prob[target_int]
Пример #25
def calculate_train_accuracy(targets_path: str, probs: np.array) -> float:
    Calculate accuracy on training data.

    targets_path : str
        Path to fastText normalized training data.
    probs : np.array
        Class probability distribution for each line the `targets_path`

    accuracy : float
    targets = read_labels(targets_path)
    preds = probs.argmax(axis=1)
    assert len(targets) == len(preds)
    return (targets == preds).sum() / len(targets)
Пример #26
def fit_sigmoid(time: np.array, flux: np.array) -> list:
    """ Find best-fit parameters using scipy.least_squares.

    time : array_like
        exploratory variable (time of observation)
    flux : array_like
        response variable (measured flux)

    output : list of float
        best fit parameter values
    flux = np.asarray(flux)
    t0 = time[flux.argmax()] - time[0]
    guess = [1, t0 / 2, np.max(flux)]

    result = least_squares(errfunc_sigmoid, guess, args=(time, flux))

    return result.x
Пример #27
def calculate_metrics_by_thresh_multi(
    y_true: np.array,
    y_prob: np.array,
    metrics: Union[Callable, Sequence[Callable]],
    thresholds: Optional[Sequence] = None,
) -> pd.DataFrame:
    """Calculate multiclass metrics as a function of threshold

    Takes prediction to be the position of the column in `y_prob` with
    the greatest value if that value is greater than the threshold,
    `np.nan` otherwise.

    - `y_true`: Ground-truth values
    - `y_prob`: Probability distributions
    - `metrics`: Callables that take `y_true`, `y_pred` as positional arguments
    and return a number. Must have a `__name__` attribute.
    - `thresholds`: `Sequence` of `float` threshold values to use. By
    default uses 0 and all values that appear in `y_prob`, which is a
    minimal set that covers all of the relevant possibilities. One
    reason to override that default would be to save time with a large

    Returns: DataFrame with one column "thresh" indicating the
    thresholds used and an additional column for each input metric
    giving the value of that metric at that threshold.
    thresh_picker = (
        (lambda y_prob: thresholds) if thresholds is not None else
        (lambda y_prob: sorted(np.hstack([0, np.unique(y_prob)]))))
    return _calculate_metrics_by_thresh(
        prob_to_pred=lambda y_prob, thresh: np.where(
            y_prob.max(axis=1) > thresh, y_prob.argmax(axis=1), np.nan),
Пример #28
 def step_simulation(self, action: np.array, fixed_steps=1) -> State:
     """Perturb the simulator with an arbitrary action"""
     end = False
     for i in range(fixed_steps):
         observed, reward, _end, info = self.env.step(action.argmax())
         self._cum_reward += reward
         end = end or _end
         if end:
     if hasattr(self.env.unwrapped, "state"):
         microstate = copy.deepcopy(self.env.unwrapped.state)
         microstate = 0  # State will not be stored. Implement a subclass if you need it.
         end=end,  # model_action=action, policy_action=action,
     if end:
     return self.state
Пример #29
def evaluate_accuracy(x: np.array, y: np.array) -> float:
    if x.shape[1] == 1:
        return np.mean((y > 0) == (x > 0)).item()

    return np.mean(y.squeeze().argmax(dim=1) == x.argmax(dim=1)).item()
Пример #30
def accuracy(y_hat: np.array, y: np.array):
    tmp = y_hat.argmax(axis=1) == y  # type: np.ndarray
    return np.mean(tmp)