def similarity_measure_area_of_overlap(arr_fixed: np.array,
                                       arr_to_transform: np.array,
                                       values: np.array,
    Transforms `arr_to_transform` using affine transformation parameters in `values`, then returns the normalised mutual information between the result and `arr_fixed`.
    Only the pixels covered by both arrays are considered when calculating the mutual information.
    assert arr_fixed.shape == arr_to_transform.shape
    arr_transformed = transform_using_values(arr_to_transform,
    arr_1 = arr_fixed.ravel()
    arr_2 = arr_transformed.ravel()
    arr_1_reduced = []
    arr_2_reduced = []
    assert len(arr_1) >= 3
    if debug:
        print("min = " + str(arr_to_transform.min()))
    for i in range(len(arr_1)):
        if arr_2[i] >= arr_to_transform.min():
    if debug:
        print("Length = " + str(len(arr_2_reduced)))
    if len(arr_1_reduced) < 3:
        return 0
        sm = im.similarity_measure(np.array(arr_1_reduced),
        return sm
Пример #2
    def match_dets_and_objs(self, distance_matrix: np.array):
        """Matches detections with tracked_objects from a distance matrix

        I used to match by minimizing the global distances, but found several
        cases in which this was not optimal. So now I just match by starting
        with the global minimum distance and matching the det-obj corresponding
        to that distance, then taking the second minimum, and so on until we
        reach the distance_threshold.

        This avoids the the algorithm getting cute with us and matching things
        that shouldn't be matching just for the sake of minimizing the global
        distance, which is what used to happen
        # NOTE: This implementation is terribly inefficient, but it doesn't
        #       seem to affect the fps at all.
        distance_matrix = distance_matrix.copy()
        if distance_matrix.size > 0:
            det_idxs = []
            obj_idxs = []
            current_min = distance_matrix.min()

            while current_min < self.distance_threshold:
                flattened_arg_min = distance_matrix.argmin()
                det_idx = flattened_arg_min // distance_matrix.shape[1]
                obj_idx = flattened_arg_min % distance_matrix.shape[1]
                distance_matrix[det_idx, :] = self.distance_threshold + 1
                distance_matrix[:, obj_idx] = self.distance_threshold + 1
                current_min = distance_matrix.min()

            return det_idxs, obj_idxs
            return [], []
Пример #3
    def print_one_set_statistics(x_train: np.array, y_train: np.array) -> None:

        Total_data_num = len(x_train)
        print("\n________Table : Data portions info_________")
        t = Texttable()
            ['Data Portion', 'Number', 'Percent'],
            ['Total', Total_data_num, "{:.0%}".format(1)],

            "_______________________Table : Data shape info________________________"
        t = Texttable()
        t.add_rows([['Name', 'Shape', 'Min', 'Max', 'Type'],
                        'x train', x_train.shape,
                        'y train', y_train.shape,
Пример #4
def normalize(arr: np.array, lower: float = 0.0, upper: float = 1.0) -> tuple:
    Normalize the input data in a range given by [lower, upper]

    :code:`arrNorm, t = normalize(arr, lower, upper)`

        arr (np.array): the input data array
        lower (float): the minimum value of the new range
        upper (float): the maximum value of the new range

        (tuple): tuple containing:

            arrNorm (np.array) : the normalized data
            t (np.array) : the corresponding linear transformation s.t. :code:`arrNorm = t[0] * arr + t[1]`


    arr = arr.copy()
    if lower > upper:
        lower, upper = upper, lower

    alpha = (upper - lower) / (arr.max() - arr.min())
    t = np.array([alpha, lower - arr.min() * alpha], dtype='float')

    arr = t[0] * arr + t[1]

    return arr, t
def normalised_image(arr_in: np.array):
    Scale the contents of an array to values between 0 and 1.
    if arr_in.max() == arr_in.min():
        return np.ones_like(arr_in) * max(0, min(1, arr_in.max()))
    return (arr_in - arr_in.min()) / (arr_in.max() - arr_in.min())
Пример #6
def scale_array(array: np.array) -> np.array:
    """ Scales a numpy array from 0 to 1. Works in 3D 
        Return np.array """
    assert array.max() - array.min() > 0

    return ((array - array.min()) / (array.max() - array.min())).astype(
Пример #7
def min_max(a: np.array) -> np.array:
    get the mean of this window len(v) and compare it to current price
    # x = ((s - s.min()) / (s.max() - s.min())).iat[-1]
    # return x * 2 - 1
    return (a - a.min()) / (a.max() - a.min())
Пример #8
def plot(model, X_test: np.array, y_test: np.array, grid_step=0.02):
    cmap_light = ListedColormap(["#FFAAAA", "#AAFFAA"])
    cmap_bold = ListedColormap(["#FF0000", "#00FF00"])
    # calculate min, max and limits
    x_min, x_max = X_test.min() - 1, X_test.max() + 1
    y_min, y_max = y_test.min() - 1, y_test.max() + 1

    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(
        np.arange(x_min, x_max, grid_step), np.arange(y_min, y_max, grid_step)

    # predict class using data and kNN classifier
    Z = model.predict(np.c_[xx.ravel(), yy.ravel()])

    # Put the result into a color plot
    Z = Z.reshape(xx.shape)

    plt.pcolormesh(xx, yy, Z, cmap=cmap_light)

    plt.scatter(X_test[:, 0], X_test[:, 1], c=y_test, cmap=cmap_bold)
    plt.xlim(xx.min(), xx.max())
    plt.ylim(yy.min(), yy.max())
Пример #9
 def set_fit_data(self, x_train: np.array):  # 设置训练数据
     self._x_train = x_train
     self._len_train = x_train.shape[0]
     self._dim = x_train.shape[1]
     self._alpha = np.array([1 / self._n for _ in range(self._n)])
     self._mean = np.array(
         [i / self._n * (x_train.max(axis=0) - x_train.min(axis=0)) + x_train.min(axis=0) for i in range(self._n)])
     self._var = np.array([np.ones(self._dim) for i in range(self._n)])
Пример #10
def linear_reg(xi: np.array, y: list):
    slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(xi, y)
    line = slope * xi + intercept
    mape = mean_absolute_percentage_error(y, line)
    line_x = np.arange(xi.min(), xi.max(),
                       (xi.max() - xi.min()) / 30) if len(xi) > 2 else []
    line_y = calculate_line(line_x, slope, intercept) if line_x != [] else []
    return line_x, line_y, r_value, mape
Пример #11
def prepareimage(img: np.array) -> np.array:
    # Remove cut.
    img = np.vstack((img[0:5, :], img[4, :], img[6:, :]))

    # Filter image.
    img = ndimage.gaussian_filter(img, sigma=1.0)

    # Normalise to [0, 1].
    img = np.array(img, dtype=float)
    img = (img - img.min()) / (img.max() - img.min())
    return img
Пример #12
def prepareimage(img: np.array) -> np.array:
    # Take image after cut.
    img = img[6:, :]

    # Filter image.
    img = ndimage.gaussian_filter(img, sigma=1.0)

    # Normalise to [0, 1].
    img = np.array(img, dtype=float)
    img = (img - img.min()) / (img.max() - img.min())
    return img
Пример #13
    def save_chebyshev(self, q: np.array, p: np.array):
        Pre-calculate the Chebyshev polynomials at specified grid points
        :param p:
        :param q:
        :return: None
        # if p and q were supplied before, do not re-calculate
        if self._p is not p or self._q is not q:

            # consistency checks
            assert len(p.shape) == 2 and (p.shape[0] == 1 or p.shape[1]
                                          == 1), "Array p must be flat"
            assert p.min() >= -1. and p.max(
            ) <= 1., "Range of p must be [-1, 1]"

            assert len(q.shape) == 2 and (q.shape[0] == 1 or q.shape[1]
                                          == 1), "Array q must be flat"
            assert q.min() >= -1. and q.max(
            ) <= 1., "Range of q must be [-1, 1]"

            self._p = p
            self._q = q

            self.chebyshev_t_p = get_chebyshev_list(p, np.ones_like(p), p,
            self.chebyshev_u_p = get_chebyshev_list(p, np.ones_like(p), 2. * p,

            self.chebyshev_t_q = get_chebyshev_list(q, np.ones_like(q), q,
            self.chebyshev_u_q = get_chebyshev_list(q, np.ones_like(q), 2. * q,

            #   Allocate arrays

            self.upsilon1 = np.zeros((p.size, q.size), dtype=np.complex)
            self.upsilon2 = self.upsilon1.copy()

            self.diff_p_upsilon1 = self.upsilon1.copy()
            self.diff_q_upsilon1 = self.upsilon1.copy()

            self.diff_p_upsilon2 = self.upsilon2.copy()
            self.diff_q_upsilon2 = self.upsilon2.copy()

            self.D11 = self.upsilon1.copy()
            self.D12 = self.D11.copy()
            self.D22 = self.D11.copy()

            self.classical_rho = np.zeros_like(self.D11, dtype=np.float)
Пример #14
def prepareimage(img: np.array, idx: int) -> np.array:
    # Remove first frame.
    img = img[idx:, :]

    # Filter image.
    # img = ndimage.gaussian_filter(img, sigma=1.0)

    # Normalise to [0, 1].
    img = np.array(img, dtype=float)
    img = (img - img.min()) / (img.max() - img.min())
    return img
Пример #15
def normalize_data(
        data_opm_reference: np.array, data_ensembles_flownet: List[np.array]
) -> Tuple[np.array, List[np.array]]:
    This function normalizes data from a 2D numpy array containing data from the
    reference simulation and multiple ensembles of FlowNet simulations,
    using the MinMaxScaler from sklearn.preprocessing module

        data_opm_reference: is the 2D numpy array containing data from reference
        simulation replicated into as many columns as the size of ensemble of
        FlowNet realizations
        data_ensembles_flownet: is a list of 2D numpy arrays containing data from
        ensembles of FlowNet simulations; each list entry correspond to the ensemble of
        a given iteration of ES-MDA

        norm_data_opm_reference: is a normalized 2D numpy array for the reference simulation data
        norm_data_ensembles_flownet: a list of normalized 2D numpy arrays for the ensembles of
        FlowNet simulations

    for k, data_ens in enumerate(data_ensembles_flownet):
        if k == 0:
            tmp = data_ens
            tmp = np.append(tmp, data_ens, axis=1)

    matrix_data = np.append(data_opm_reference, tmp, axis=1)

    if np.isclose(data_opm_reference.max(), data_opm_reference.min()):
        if np.isclose(data_opm_reference.max(), 0.0):
            scale = np.tile(1.0, matrix_data.shape[0])
            scale = 1 / (np.tile(data_opm_reference.max(),
        scale = 1 / (np.tile(data_opm_reference.max(), matrix_data.shape[0]) -
                     np.tile(data_opm_reference.min(), matrix_data.shape[0]))

    norm_matrix_data = (matrix_data * scale[:, None] - (np.tile(
        data_opm_reference.min(), matrix_data.shape[0]) * scale)[:, None])

    n_data = int(norm_matrix_data.shape[1] / (len(data_ensembles_flownet) + 1))
    norm_data_opm_reference = norm_matrix_data[:, :n_data]
    norm_data_ensembles_flownet = []
    for k in range(len(data_ensembles_flownet)):
            norm_matrix_data[:, (k + 1) * n_data:(k + 2) * n_data])

    return norm_data_opm_reference, norm_data_ensembles_flownet
def array_int_replace(a: np.array, replace: Dict[int, int]) -> np.array:
    """Replace values in `a` using mapping in `replace`.

    Follows `guidance on SO`_.

    .. _guidance on SO:
    indexer = np.array([replace.get(i, -1)
                        for i in range(a.min(), a.max() + 1)])
    if indexer[indexer < 0].size > 0:
        raise ValueError('replace dict must contain mappings for all values '
                         'in a.')

    return indexer[(a - a.min())]
Пример #17
    def calculate_for_continuous(data_train: np.array,
                                 data_valid: np.array) -> Real:
        kde_desc_train = stats.gaussian_kde(data_train)
        kde_desc_valid = stats.gaussian_kde(data_valid)

        interval = np.linspace(
            start=min(data_train.min(), data_valid.min()),
            stop=max(data_train.max(), data_valid.max()),

        return stats.entropy(
            kde_desc_train.evaluate(interval) + 1e-10,
            kde_desc_valid.evaluate(interval) + 1e-10,
Пример #18
def print_ts_model_stats(
        actuals: np.array,
        predicted: np.array,
        number_as_percentage: float = 100) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
    This program prints and returns MAE, RMSE, MAPE.
    If you like the MAE and RMSE as a percentage of something, just give that number
    in the input as "number_as_percentage" and it will return the MAE and RMSE as a
    ratio of that number. Returns MAE, MAE_as_percentage, and RMSE_as_percentage
    plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))
    dfplot = pd.DataFrame([predicted, actuals]).T
    dfplot.columns = ['Forecast', 'Actual']
    plt.legend(['Forecast', 'Actual'])
    mae = mean_absolute_error(actuals, predicted)
    mae_asp = (mean_absolute_error(actuals, predicted) /
               number_as_percentage) * 100
    rmse_asp = (np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(actuals, predicted)) /
                number_as_percentage) * 100
    print('MAE (%% AUM) = %0.2f%%' % mae_asp)
    print('RMSE (%% AUM) = %0.2f%%' % rmse_asp)
    print('MAE (as %% Actual) = %0.2f%%' % (mae / abs(actuals).mean() * 100))
    _ = print_mape(actuals, predicted)
    rmse = print_rmse(actuals, predicted)
    mape = print_mape(actuals, predicted)
    print("MAPE = %0.0f%%" % (mape))
    # Normalized RMSE print('RMSE = {:,.Of}'.format(rmse))
    print('Normalized RMSE (MinMax) = %0.0f%%' %
          (100 * rmse / abs(actuals.max() - actuals.min())))
    print('Normalized RMSE = %0.0f%%' % (100 * rmse / actuals.std()))
    return mae, mae_asp, rmse_asp
Пример #19
def get_card(img: Image, coords: np.array) -> Image:
    img_arr = np.array(img)

    # shift
    center = coords.sum(axis=0) / 4
    shift_x = img_arr.shape[0] / 2 - center[0]
    shift_y = img_arr.shape[1] / 2 - center[1]
    img_arr = shift_image(img_arr, shift_x, shift_y)
    coords = shift_coords(coords, shift_x, shift_y)

    # rotate
    p1 = coords[0]
    p2 = coords[1]
    delta_x = p2[0] - p1[0]
    delta_y = p2[1] - p1[1]
    theta_radians = math.atan2(-delta_y, delta_x)
    angle = -theta_radians / math.pi * 180
    img_arr = rotate_image(img_arr, angle)
    coords = rotate_coords(coords, theta_radians, img_arr.shape, radians=True)

    # crop
    a = coords.min(axis=0).astype(int)
    b = coords.max(axis=0).astype(int)
    box = (a.item(0), a.item(1), b.item(0), b.item(1))
    return Image.fromarray(img_arr).crop(box)
Пример #20
    def log_histogram(self, tag: str, data: np.array, step: int, num_bars: int = 30):
        Adds a histogram to log.

        tag: str
        data: np.array
            Array of any shape.
        step: int
        num_bars: int
            The number of bars if the resulting histogram.
        data = data.ravel()
        min_ = data.min()
        max_ = data.max()
        sum_ = data.sum()
        sum_sq =
        if min_ == max_:
            num = 1
            bucket_limit = [min_]
            bucket = [len(data)]
            bucket, bucket_limit = np.histogram(data, num_bars)
            num = len(bucket_limit)
            bucket_limit = bucket_limit[1:]

        hist = HistogramProto(min=min_, max=max_, sum=sum_, sum_squares=sum_sq, num=num,
                              bucket_limit=bucket_limit, bucket=bucket)
        self._write_event(tag, step, histo=hist)
Пример #21
def _warn_available_data(test_dates: Union[float, np.array],
                         dates_with_data: np.array) -> None:
    """Warn if given dates don't falls within a range dates with measurements

        test_dates: Dates to check for available data
        dates_with_data: Dates with data available

    test_dates = np.atleast_1d(test_dates)  # In case passed a float
    if not len(dates_with_data):
        err_msg = 'No PWV data for primary receiver available on local machine.'
        raise RuntimeError(err_msg)

    # Check date falls within the range of available PWV data
    min_known_date = dates_with_data.min(),
    if (test_dates < min_known_date).any():
        min_date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(min_known_date)
        raise ValueError(
            f'No PWV data found for dates before {min_date} on local machine')

    max_known_date = dates_with_data.max()
    if (test_dates > max_known_date).any():
        max_date = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(max_known_date)
        raise ValueError(
            f'No PWV data found for dates after {max_date} on local machine')
Пример #22
def character_for_2by2_pixels(square: np.array,
                              color_mode: bool = False) -> str:
    Convert 2x2 matrix (non-negative integers) to unicode character representation for plotting.
    assert square.shape == (2, 2)
    assert square.min() >= 0

    # Postprocess to remove everything that is not max color
    max_color = square.max()
    if max_color <= 1:
        binary_square = np.clip(square, a_min=0, a_max=1)
        binary_square = np.clip(square, a_min=max_color - 1,
                                a_max=max_color) - (max_color - 1)

    # binary_square = np.clip(square, a_min=0, a_max=1)
    integer_encoding = np.multiply(binary_square, BINARY_ENCODING_MATRIX).sum()
    char = UNICODE_SQUARES[integer_encoding]

    if char == "" or not color_mode:
        return char

    color_code = list(COLOR_CODES.values())[(square.max() - 1) %
    return f"{color_code}{char}{COLOR_RESET_CODE}"
Пример #23
    def train(self, x: np.array, y: np.array):
        self.train_x = x
        self.train_y = y
        self.n_classes = len(set(self.train_y))

        self.mins = x.min(axis=0)
        self.maxes = x.max(axis=0)
Пример #24
    def fit_fcs_in_xy_bin (xybin         : Tuple[int, int],
                           selection_map : Dict[int, List[DataFrame]],
                           event_map     : DataFrame,
                           n_time_bins   : int,
                           time_diffs    : np.array,
                           nbins_z       : int,
                           nbins_e       : int,
                           range_z       : Tuple[float, float],
                           range_e       : Tuple[float, float],
                           energy        : str                 = 'S2e',
                           z             : str                 = 'Z',
                           fit           : FitType             = FitType.profile,
                           n_min         : int                 = 100)->FitParTS:
        """Returns fits in the bin specified by xybin"""

        i = xybin[0]
        j = xybin[1]
        nevt = event_map[i][j]
        tlast = time_diffs.max()
        tfrst = time_diffs.min()
        ts, masks =  get_time_series_df(n_time_bins, (tfrst, tlast), selection_map[i][j])

        logging.debug(f' ****fit_fcs_in_xy_bin: bins ={i,j}')

        if nevt > n_min:
            logging.debug(f' events in fit ={nevt}, time series = {ts}')
            return time_fcs_df(ts, masks, selection_map[i][j],
                               nbins_z, nbins_e, range_z, range_e, energy, z, fit)
            warnings.warn(f'Cannot fit: events in bin[{i}][{j}] ={event_map[i][j]} < {n_min}',

            dum = np.zeros(len(ts), dtype=float)
            return FitParTS(ts, dum, dum, dum, dum, dum)
 def normalize_to_correlation_space(array: np.array):
     out = array - array.min()
     out /= out.max()
     out = out * 2 - 1
     assert out.shape == array.shape and out.min() == -1 and out.max(
     ) == 1
     return out
Пример #26
def _find_nearest_slice_index(list_of_values: np.array, val1, val2=False):
        assert list_of_values.ndim == 1
    except AssertionError as e:
        raise e

    min_val = list_of_values.min()
    max_val = list_of_values.max()
    if not max_val >= val1 >= min_val:
        raise ValueError(
            f'specified coordinate value ({val1}) is outside the min/max range: [{min_val}, {max_val}]'
    index1 = (np.abs(list_of_values - val1)).argmin()

    if val2 is False:
        return index1

    if not max_val >= val2 >= min_val:
        raise ValueError(
            f'specified coordinate value ({val2}) is outside the min/max range: [{min_val}, {max_val}]'
    index2 = (np.abs(list_of_values - val2)).argmin()
    if index1 == index2:
        return index1
    elif index1 < index2:  # we'll put this check in there just in case they got the coordinates wrong
        return slice(index1, index2)
        return slice(index2, index1)
Пример #27
def print_ts_model_stats(actuals: np.array,
                         predicted: np.array) -> Tuple[float, float, float]:
    This program prints and returns MAE, RMSE, MAPE.
    If you like the MAE and RMSE as a percentage of something, just give that number
    in the input as "number_as_percentage" and it will return the MAE and RMSE as a
    ratio of that number. Returns MAE, MAE_as_percentage, and RMSE_as_percentage
    number_as_percentage = actuals.std()
    plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))
    dfplot = pd.DataFrame([actuals, predicted]).T
    dfplot.columns = ['Actual', 'Forecast']
    plt.legend(['actual', 'forecast'])
        'Random Forest: Actual vs Forecast in expanding (training) Window Cross Validation',
    print('Model Cross Validation Results:')
    mae = mean_absolute_error(actuals, predicted)
    mae_asp = (mean_absolute_error(actuals, predicted) /
               number_as_percentage) * 100
    print('    MAE (as %% Std Dev of Actuals) = %0.2f%%' % mae_asp)
    rmse = print_rmse(actuals, predicted)
    mape = print_mape(actuals, predicted)
    print("    MAPE (Mean Absolute Percent Error) = %0.0f%%" % (mape))
    # Normalized RMSE print('RMSE = {:,.Of}'.format(rmse))
    print('    Normalized RMSE (MinMax) = %0.0f%%' %
          (100 * rmse / abs(actuals.max() - actuals.min())))
    rmse_asp = (np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(actuals, predicted)) /
                number_as_percentage) * 100
    print('    Normalized RMSE (as Std Dev of Actuals)= %0.0f%%' % rmse_asp)
    return rmse, rmse_asp
Пример #28
    def cutout(self, shape: np.array, padding: Tuple[int], background: tuple):
        """Cuts sub image from base image based on input shape. Adds padding if parameter is set.

        :param shape:
        :param padding:
        :param background:
        background = self.get_background(background)
        rect = cv2.boundingRect(shape)
        x, y, w, h = rect

        cropped = self.img[y:y + h, x:x + w].copy()

        pts = shape - shape.min(axis=0)
        mask = np.zeros(cropped.shape[:2], np.uint8)
        cv2.drawContours(mask, [pts], -1, (255, 255, 255), -1)

        dst = cv2.bitwise_and(cropped, cropped, mask=mask)

        im2 = np.full((dst.shape[0], dst.shape[1], 3),

        inverted_mask = cv2.bitwise_not(mask)
        bg = cv2.bitwise_or(im2, im2, mask=inverted_mask)
        final = rotate_img(dst + bg, self.orientation, self.background)

        self.img = final
        self.img = cv2.copyMakeBorder(final,
Пример #29
    def __to_one_hot(self, labels: np.array, name='') -> np.array:
        ''' convert input array (labels)
    e.g. from: [0, 3, 1]
         to: [[1, 0, 0, 0],
              [0, 0, 0, 1],
              [0, 1, 0, 0]]

    @param labels: input labels (np.array) with shape (?, 1)
    @return: to on hot converted array (np.array)
        try:  # check already is one_hot
            self.check_labels(labels, name)
            return labels
            # is not one hot...try to convert

        if len(labels.shape) != 1:
                f"to_one_hot: (len(labels.shape({labels.shape})) != 1) don't know what to do"
            if labels.shape[1] == 1:
                print('strip 1 dimension and go on with to_one_hot')
                labels = self.strip_1_dims(labels)
                return labels

        min_label = int(labels.min())
        max_label = int(labels.max())

        # check labels start at 0 and end at num_classes -1, else shift with -1
        if min_label == 1:
            labels = labels - 1
            max_label -= 1
            min_label -= 1

        if min_label != 0:
            raise Exception(
                f'to_one_hot: maximum class should be {self.num_classes} but is {max_label}'

        if max_label != self.num_classes - 1:
            raise Exception(
                f'to_one_hot: maximum class should be {self.num_classes - 1} but is {max_label}'

        # check all classes are available
        for _class in range(0, self.num_classes - 1):
            if _class not in labels:
                raise Exception(f'class ({_class}) missing in labels')

        # convert to one hot
        to_one_hot = np.zeros([labels.size, self.num_classes
                               ])  # allocate the to_one_hot array
            labels.astype(np.int32).ravel()] = 1  # convert labels to one_hot

        return to_one_hot.astype(np.float32)
def qpixmap_from(image: np.array):
    dwidth, dheight = image.shape

    # map the data range to 0 - 255
    img_8bit = ((image - image.min()) / (image.ptp() / 255.0)).astype(np.uint8)
    # qimg = QImage(img_8bit.repeat(4), dwidth, dheight, QImage.Format_RGB32)
    qimg = QImage(img_8bit.repeat(3), dwidth, dheight, QImage.Format_RGB888)
    return QPixmap(qimg)