def flip(self, flip_direction = CLOCKWISE): if flip_direction == CLOCKWISE: self.attached = cycle_clockwise(self.attached) else: self.attached = cycle_counter_clockwise(self.attached) DynamicObject.flip(self, flip_direction) return
def update(self, level = None): DynamicObject.update(self, level) blood = [] if not return blood if self.on_ground: if self.current_animation != "dying": self.current_animation = "default" if self.jump_queue: self.true_jump() count = 0 while (count < 5): count += 1 blood.append(Particle(self.screen, 10, self.rect.centerx + random.uniform(-7, 7), self.rect.bottom, 0.0, -0.5, 0.3, level.dust_color, 4)) else: self.dy = self.dy - BLOB_AIR_JUMP if self.dy > 0 and self.current_animation == "jumping": self.current_animation = "default" if self.dy > 2 and self.current_animation == "default": self.current_animation = "falling" self.jump_queue = False if self.current_animation != "dying" and self.rect.colliderect(self.player.rect): self.die() blood = self.player.take_damage(BLOB_DAMAGE) return blood
def flip(self, flip_direction = CLOCKWISE): if flip_direction == CLOCKWISE: self.saveddx = -self.dy self.saveddy = self.dx else: self.saveddx = self.dy self.saveddy = -self.dx DynamicObject.flip(self, flip_direction) return
def __init__(self, screen, x = None, y = None, attached = RIGHT): DynamicObject.__init__(self, screen, x, y, 10, False, False) self.animations["default"] = Animation("spider", "standing") self.animations["walking"] = Animation("spider", "walking") self.image = self.animations[self.current_animation].update_and_get_image() self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.itemclass = "spider" self.attached = attached self.move_target = STAY self.fire_delay = 0
def __init__(self, screen, x, y, dx, dy, damage = 5, set = "energy"): DynamicObject.__init__(self, screen, x, y, -1, False, False) self.animations["default"] = Animation(set, "flying") self.animations["dying"] = Animation(set, "dying") self.image = self.animations[self.current_animation].update_and_get_image() self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.dx = dx self.dy = dy self.saveddx = None self.damage = damage self.itemclass = "projectile" return
def update(self, level = None): DynamicObject.update(self, level) if self.dx == 0 and self.dy == 0 and self.saveddx != None: #Restores values saved on flipping self.dx = self.saveddx self.dy = self.saveddy self.saveddx = None if level.ground_check(self.x - 1, self.y - 1) or level.ground_check(self.x + 1, self.y + 1): #Simplified collision detection self.die() self.dx = 0 self.dy = 0 return
def render(self, surface = None, topleft = None, static_render = False): self.rect.centerx = int(self.x) self.rect.centery = int(self.y) if self.rect.bottom > 0: DynamicObject.render(self, surface, topleft, static_render) else: self.arrowimage = self.animations["arrow"].update_and_get_image() self.arrowrect = self.arrowimage.get_rect() self.arrowrect.centerx = int(self.x) = 5 self.screen.blit(self.arrowimage, self.arrowrect) if self.umbrella_on: self.umbrella_on = False # This should be set again before next render by the jump function
def flip(self, flip_direction = CLOCKWISE): #Position correction - Guy's collision shape isn't an exact square, #so this is needed to avoid unwanted collisions after flipping self.y += 2 xmod = 20 - self.x % TILE_DIM if abs(xmod) < 6: #Guy hasn't crossed over to another (empty) tile, but isn't centered #- a chance of a post-flip collision self.x += xmod DynamicObject.flip(self, flip_direction) if self.current_animation == "arrow": self.current_animation = "default" return
def __init__(self, screen, x, y, player): DynamicObject.__init__(self, screen, x, y, 10, True, True) self.animations["default"] = Animation("blob", "standing") self.animations["dying"] = Animation("blob", "dying") self.animations["jumping"] = Animation("blob", "jumping") self.animations["falling"] = Animation("blob", "falling") self.image = self.animations[self.current_animation].update_and_get_image() self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.rect.centerx = int(self.x) self.rect.centery = int(self.y) self.jump_queue = False self.itemclass = "blob" self.player = player return
def update(self, level = None): #Automatic animation selection: if self.animations[self.current_animation].finished: if self.current_animation == "dying": pass elif self.current_animation == "exit": self.current_animation = "gone" else: #Special animation has finished, falling back to automatic selection self.animations[self.current_animation].reset() self.current_animation = "default" if self.on_ground: if self.current_animation == "jumping": self.current_animation = "default" if self.dx != 0 and self.current_animation == "default": self.current_animation = "walking" if (self.dx == 0) and self.current_animation == "walking" : self.current_animation = "default" elif self.current_animation == "default" or self.current_animation == "walking": self.current_animation = "jumping" collision_type = DynamicObject.update(self, level) blood = [] if collision_type > 0: blood = self.take_damage(collision_type) if self.current_animation != "dying": self.dy -= collision_type*PLAYER_JUMP_ACC / 4.5 return blood
def __init__(self, screen, character, x=None, y=None): DynamicObject.__init__(self, screen, x, y, PLAYER_LIFE, True, True) #Changing some of the values from DynamicObject, the animations should probably actually be parsed from a file: self.animations["default"] = Animation(character, "standing") self.animations["jumping"] = Animation(character, "standing") for anim in ('walking', 'arrow', 'dying', 'shouting', 'exit', 'gone'): self.animations[anim] = Animation(character, anim) self.image = self.animations[self.current_animation].update_and_get_image() self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.itemclass = "player" #Variables specific to this class: self.inventory = [] self.umbrella_on = False
def take_damage(self, amount, x = None, y = None): last_life = blood = DynamicObject.take_damage(self, amount, x, y) if self.current_animation != "dying": self.current_animation = "shouting" play_sound("augh") elif last_life > 0: play_sound("augh") return blood
def to_str(self, verbose = True): string = DynamicObject.to_str(self, False) try: string += " " + str_from_dir(self.attached) except: pass if verbose: log_message("Obj converted to string: " + string) return string
def __init__(self, screen, x = None, y = None): DynamicObject.__init__(self, screen, x, y, PLAYER_LIFE, True, True) #Changing some of the values from DynamicObject, the animations should probably actually be parsed from a file: self.animations["default"] = Animation("guy", "standing") self.animations["walking"] = Animation("guy", "walking") self.animations["arrow"] = Animation("guy", "arrow") self.animations["dying"] = Animation("guy", "dying") self.animations["shouting"] = Animation("guy", "shouting") self.animations["jumping"] = Animation("guy", "standing") self.animations["exit"] = Animation("guy", "exit") self.animations["gone"] = Animation("guy", "gone") self.image = self.animations[self.current_animation].update_and_get_image() self.rect = self.image.get_rect() self.itemclass = "player" #Variables spesific to this class: self.inventory = [] self.umbrella_on = False return
def dec(self, direction): if not self.on_ground: direction = (direction[0] * PLAYER_ACC_AIR_MULTIPLIER, direction[1]) DynamicObject.dec(self, direction) return
def update(self, level = None): DynamicObject.update(self, level) if self.x < 0 or self.y < 0 or self.flipping: return if self.attached == RIGHT or self.attached == LEFT: self.top_collide_point = (self.rect.centerx, + SPIDER_TOO_WIDE - 2) self.bottom_collide_point = (self.rect.centerx, self.rect.bottom - SPIDER_TOO_WIDE + 2) if self.attached == RIGHT: self.top_leg_attach_point = (self.rect.right + 2, + SPIDER_TOO_WIDE) self.bottom_leg_attach_point = (self.rect.right + 2, self.rect.bottom - SPIDER_TOO_WIDE) else: self.top_leg_attach_point = (self.rect.left - 2, + SPIDER_TOO_WIDE) self.bottom_leg_attach_point = (self.rect.left - 2, self.rect.bottom - SPIDER_TOO_WIDE) else: self.top_collide_point = (self.rect.left + SPIDER_TOO_WIDE - 2, self.rect.centery) self.bottom_collide_point = (self.rect.right - SPIDER_TOO_WIDE + 2, self.rect.centery) if self.attached == DOWN: self.top_leg_attach_point = (self.rect.left + SPIDER_TOO_WIDE, self.rect.bottom + 2) self.bottom_leg_attach_point = (self.rect.right - SPIDER_TOO_WIDE, self.rect.bottom + 2) else: self.top_leg_attach_point = (self.rect.left + SPIDER_TOO_WIDE, - 2) self.bottom_leg_attach_point = (self.rect.right - SPIDER_TOO_WIDE, - 2) fire = True self.move_target = STAY if self.attached == RIGHT or self.attached == LEFT: if > (self.y - 2): fire = False if not level.ground_check(self.bottom_collide_point[0], self.bottom_collide_point[1]): self.move_target = DOWN if level.player.rect.bottom < (self.y + 2): fire = False if not level.ground_check(self.top_collide_point[0], self.top_collide_point[1]): self.move_target = UP else: if level.player.rect.left > (self.x - 2): fire = False if not level.ground_check(self.bottom_collide_point[0], self.bottom_collide_point[1]): self.move_target = RIGHT if level.player.rect.right < (self.x + 2): fire = False if not level.ground_check(self.top_collide_point[0], self.top_collide_point[1]): self.move_target = LEFT if not self.gravity: if self.fire_delay > 0: self.fire_delay -= 1 self.dy = 0 self.dx = 0 if self.move_target == UP: if (level.ground_check(self.top_leg_attach_point[0], self.top_leg_attach_point[1] - 1)): self.dy = -1 elif self.move_target == DOWN: if (level.ground_check(self.bottom_leg_attach_point[0], self.bottom_leg_attach_point[1] + 1)): self.dy = 1 elif self.move_target == LEFT: if (level.ground_check(self.top_leg_attach_point[0] - 1, self.top_leg_attach_point[1])): self.dx = -1 elif self.move_target == RIGHT: if (level.ground_check(self.bottom_leg_attach_point[0] + 1, self.bottom_leg_attach_point[1])): self.dx = 1 elif fire and not level.player.dead: if (self.attached == RIGHT) and (level.player.x > self.x + 20): fire = False if (self.attached == LEFT) and (level.player.x < self.x - 20): fire = False if (self.attached == UP) and (level.player.y < self.y - 20): fire = False if (self.attached == DOWN) and (level.player.y > self.y + 20): fire = False if fire: if self.animations[self.current_animation].finished and self.current_animation != "dying": self.animations[self.current_animation].reset() self.current_animation = "default" if self.dx != 0 or self.dy != 0 and self.current_animation == "default": self.current_animation = "walking" if self.dx == 0 and self.dy == 0 and self.current_animation == "walking": self.current_animation = "default" return