Пример #1
 def detect_provider(cls, identifier_type):
     plugins = []
     for plugin_class in config.provider_detection.get(identifier_type, []):
         # all provider plugins run, until each plugin has had a go at determining provider information
         klazz = plugloader.load(plugin_class)
         plugins.append(klazz()) # append an instance of the class
     return plugins
 def test_04_with_search(self):
     old_search_list = config.module_search_list
     config.module_search_list = ["openarticlegauge.tests"]
     call = plugloader.load("test_plugloader.patch")
     assert call is not None
     res = call()
     assert res == "patched"
     config.module_search_list = old_search_list
Пример #3
 def type_detect_verify(cls):
     # FIXME: this should be updated to utilise the "capabilities" aspect of the plugin
     plugins = []
     for plugin_class in config.type_detection:
         klazz = plugloader.load(plugin_class)
         if klazz is None:
             log.warn("unable to load plugin for detecting identifier type from " + str(plugin_class))
         plugins.append(klazz()) # append an instance of the class
     return plugins
Пример #4
 def license_detect(cls, provider_record):
     for plugin_class in config.license_detection:
         log.debug("checking " + plugin_class + " for support of provider " + str(provider_record))
         klazz = plugloader.load(plugin_class)
         if klazz is None:
         inst = klazz()
         if inst.supports(provider_record):
             log.debug(plugin_class + " (" + inst._short_name + " v" + inst.__version__ + ") services provider " + str(provider_record))
             return inst
     return None
Пример #5
 def canonicalise(cls, identifier_type):
     Load the plugin which is capable of producing canonical versions of the supplied identifier_type
     identifier_type -- string representation of the identifier type (e.g. "doi" or "pmid")
     returns a plugin object (instance, not class), which implements the plugin.canonicalise method
     plugin_class = config.canonicalisers.get(identifier_type)
     klazz = plugloader.load(plugin_class)
     return klazz() # return an instance of the class
Пример #6
 def type_detect_verify(cls):
     Load the list of plugins responsible for detecting and verifying the types of identifiers
     returns a list of plugin objects (instances, not classes), which all implement the
         plugin.type_detect_verify method
     # FIXME: this should be updated to utilise the "capabilities" aspect of the plugin
     plugins = []
     for plugin_class in config.type_detection:
         klazz = plugloader.load(plugin_class)
         if klazz is None:
             log.warn("unable to load plugin for detecting identifier type from " + str(plugin_class))
         plugins.append(klazz()) # append an instance of the class
     return plugins
Пример #7
 def detect_provider(cls, identifier_type):
     Load the list of plugins which may be responsible for determining the provider for the given
     identifier_type -- string representation of the identifier type (e.g. "doi" or "pmid")
     returns a list of plugin objects (instances, not classes), which all implement the
         plugin.detect_provider method
     plugins = []
     for plugin_class in config.provider_detection.get(identifier_type, []):
         # all provider plugins run, until each plugin has had a go at determining provider information
         klazz = plugloader.load(plugin_class)
         plugins.append(klazz()) # append an instance of the class
     return plugins
Пример #8
 def license_detect(cls, provider_record):
     Return a plugin which asserts that it is capable of determining the licence type for a
     resource held by the supplied provider
     provider_record -- an OAG provider record data structure.  See the top-level documentation
         for details on its structure
     returns a plugin object (instance, not class) which implements the plugin.license_detect method
     for plugin_class in config.license_detection:
         log.debug("checking " + plugin_class + " for support of provider " + str(provider_record))
         klazz = plugloader.load(plugin_class)
         if klazz is None:
         inst = klazz()
         if inst.supports(provider_record):
             log.debug(plugin_class + " (" + inst._short_name + " v" + inst.__version__ + ") services provider " + str(provider_record))
             return inst
     return None
 def test_09_load_class(self):
     doi_class = plugloader.load("openarticlegauge.plugins.doi.DOIPlugin")
     doi = doi_class()
 def test_03_load_error(self):
     # an attempt to load a non existant callable from an
     # existing module
     call = plugloader.load("tests.test_plugloader.nothing")
     assert call is None
 def test_02_load_none(self):
     # shouldn't find the test_plugloader module in this context, so 
     # call will fail
     call = plugloader.load("test_plugloader.patch")
     assert call is None
 def test_01_load_monkey_patch(self):
     call = plugloader.load("tests.test_plugloader.patch")
     assert call is not None
     res = call()
     assert res == "patched"
Пример #13
 def canonicalise(cls, identifier_type):
     plugin_class = config.canonicalisers.get(identifier_type)
     klazz = plugloader.load(plugin_class)
     return klazz() # return an instance of the class