Пример #1
    def infer(node: Node):
        Infers shape of convolution node as it is done in ONNX.
        It is very similar to one that Caffe does, but slightly different.
        We made a complete fork of this function because they are supposed to be
        supported differently by different people.
            node: graph convolution node
        input_shape = node.in_port(0).data.get_shape()
        if input_shape is None:
            raise Error('Input data shape is None for node {}'.format(
                node.soft_get('name', node.id)))

        # bias_term cannot be deduced earlier for frameworks that represent
        # convolution weights/biases as regular inputs; so the number of inputs
        # is being checked here and restore correct value for bias_term to
        # have the rest of the code unchanged. It will be used after we merge
        # several infer functions for convolution in different FWs to a single one.
        if not node.has_valid('bias_term'):
            node['bias_term'] = len(node.in_nodes()) == 3

        weights_index = node.weights_index if node.has_valid(
            'weights_index') else 1
        # Reshape weights kernel to original shape
        # In case of caffe or MXNet framework, values for weights have no structured shape like OIHW
        # so we have to reshape weights to normal shape
        # For this case, Convolution node should have attribute reshape_kernel = True
        if node.has_valid('reshape_kernel') and node.reshape_kernel:
            if not (node.has_valid('output') and node.has_valid('channel_dims')
                    and node.has_valid('group')
                    and node.has_valid('kernel_spatial')):
                    'Cannot reshape kernel due to not all required attrs was set to {} node'
            # layout for Convolution weights is OIHW
            kernel_shape = shape_array([
                input_shape[node.channel_dims].item() / node.group, *[
                    for i in range(len(node.kernel_spatial))
            if node.type == 'Deconvolution':  # layout for Deconvolution weights is IOHW
                kernel_shape[[0, 1]] = kernel_shape[[1, 0]]

            if is_fully_defined(
                    kernel_shape) and np.prod(kernel_shape) != np.prod(
                    "Size of weights {} does not match kernel shape: {}\n"
                              kernel_shape) +
                    "    Possible reason is wrong channel number in input shape\n"
                raise Error("Cannot reshape weights to kernel shape")

            if not is_fully_defined(kernel_shape):
                num_undefined = np.count_nonzero(kernel_shape.mask is True)  # pylint: disable=no-member
                if num_undefined > 1:
                    raise Error(
                        'Too many undefined dimensions of the kernel shape for node {}. Use --input_shape '
                        'command line parameter to specify model input shapes'.
                        format(node.soft_get('name', node.id)))
                kernel_size = np.prod(node.in_node(weights_index).value.shape)
                # calculate undefined dimension using fully defined shape of the weights input and known kernel_shape
                # dimensions
                kernel_shape[np.where(kernel_shape == np.ma.masked)[0]
                             [0]] = kernel_size // np.prod(kernel_shape)

            node.in_node(weights_index).shape = shape_array(kernel_shape)
            node.in_node(weights_index).value = np.reshape(
                node.in_node(weights_index).value, kernel_shape)
            node.reshape_kernel = False

        # Pass weights shape to node attribute kernel_shape
        kernel_shape = node.in_node(weights_index).shape
        node['kernel_shape'] = kernel_shape
        # Calculate kernel_spatial_idx and spatial_dims if it is not specified
        # It is necessary for ONNX dut to convolution can be 1D/2D/3D
        if not node.has_valid('kernel_spatial_idx'):
            node['kernel_spatial_idx'] = np.delete(
                [x for x in range(len(kernel_shape))],
                (node.input_feature_channel, node.output_feature_channel))

        if not node.has_valid('spatial_dims'):
            node['spatial_dims'] = np.delete(
                [x for x in range(len(input_shape))],
                (node.channel_dims[0], node.batch_dims[0]))

        node['kernel_spatial'] = kernel_shape[node.kernel_spatial_idx]

        if not node.has_valid('output'):
            # restore the number of output feature maps from the second argument that is weights
            if node.type in [
                    'Convolution', 'Deconvolution', 'DeformableConvolution',
                node['output'] = kernel_shape[node.output_feature_channel]
                raise Error(
                    'Convolution infer function was called for a node {} with unsupported type {}',
                    node.soft_get('name'), node.type)

        # Set default values for dilation, strides and pads if not set
        if not node.has_valid('dilation'):
            node['dilation'] = np.full([len(input_shape)], 1, dtype=np.int64)
        if not node.has_valid('stride'):
            node['stride'] = np.full([len(input_shape)], 1, dtype=np.int64)
        if not node.has_valid('pad'):
            node['pad'] = int64_array([[0, 0]] * len(input_shape))
        node['pad_spatial_shape'] = node.pad[node.spatial_dims]

        if not node.has_valid('output_padding'):
            node['output_padding'] = np.full([len(input_shape)],

        if node.has_valid('output_padding') and len(input_shape) > len(
            output_padding = np.zeros(len(input_shape), dtype=np.int64)
            for i in range(len(node['output_padding'])):
                output_padding[i] = node['output_padding'][i]
            node['output_padding'] = output_padding

        input_spatial_shape = input_shape[node.spatial_dims]
        stride_spatial_shape = node.stride[node.spatial_dims]

        kernel_extent = node.dilation[node.spatial_dims] * (
            node.kernel_spatial - 1) + 1
        # TensorFlow always has auto_pad attribute that can be either valid or same_upper
        # In ONNX auto_pad attribute is deprecated but appears in some models (could be valid, same_upper or same_lower)
        # Caffe do not use auto_pad attribute
        if node.has_valid(
        ) and node.auto_pad != 'explicit' and not node.has_valid(
            node['pad_spatial_shape'], node[
                'output_spatial_shape'] = tf_window_op_pad_infer(
                    input_spatial_shape, kernel_extent, stride_spatial_shape,
                    node.auto_pad, node.type == 'Deconvolution')

            pad = np.zeros((len(input_shape), 2), dtype=np.int64)
            pad[node.spatial_dims] = node.pad_spatial_shape
            node.pad = pad
            pad_spatial_shape = np.add.reduce(node.pad_spatial_shape, axis=1)
            if node.type in ('Convolution', 'BinaryConvolution'):
                float_spatial = Convolution.calc_convolution(
                    input_spatial_shape, stride_spatial_shape,
                    pad_spatial_shape, kernel_extent)
                node['output_spatial_shape'] = shape_array(float_spatial)
            elif node.type == 'Deconvolution':
                # In case of given output_spatial_shape we calculate pads spatial
                if node.has_valid('output_spatial_shape'):
                    if node.has_valid('get_pad'):
                        node['pad'] = node.get_pad(node, input_shape,
                            'Can\'t calculate paddings due to missing lambda get_pad in {} node'
                    output_padding = node.output_padding[
                        node.spatial_dims] if node.has_valid(
                            'output_padding') else None
                    if output_padding is not None and any(output_padding):
                        pad_spatial_shape -= output_padding
                        for dim in range(len(pad_spatial_shape)):
                                1] -= pad_spatial_shape[dim]

                    float_spatial = Convolution.calc_deconvolution(
                        node, input_spatial_shape, pad_spatial_shape,
                    node['output_spatial_shape'] = shape_array(float_spatial)
            elif node.type == 'DeformableConvolution':
                # get the output spatial shape from the second input with offsets
                node['output_spatial_shape'] = int64_array(
                assert 'Unsupported layer type "{}"'.format(node.type)

        # For cases when group attribute wasn't set in extractor we should specify get_group attribute
        # this attribute should store lambda node: ... (check tf convolution extractor)
        if node.has_valid('get_group'):
            node['group'] = node.get_group(node)
        output_shape = shape_array(
            [dynamic_dimension_value for _ in range(len(input_shape))])
        output_shape[node.batch_dims] = input_shape[node.batch_dims]  # pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation
        output_shape[node.spatial_dims] = node.output_spatial_shape  # pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation

        # For cases when output attribute wasn't set in extractor we should specify get_output_feature_dim attribute
        # this attribute should store lambda node: ... (check tf convolution extractor)
        if node.has_valid('get_output_feature_dim'):
            node['output'] = node.get_output_feature_dim(node)
        output_shape[node.channel_dims] = node.output  # pylint: disable=unsupported-assignment-operation
        node['output_shape'] = output_shape


        # bin attribute is used for pre-processing, but it will be deleted in BlobNormalizer transformation
        # and the blobs (weights, biases) will be represented as inputs to the node
            node, start_port=1 if node.type != 'DeformableConvolution' else 2)
                               node.output_feature_channel, len(kernel_shape))

                ('pad', 'input:0'),
                ('stride', 'input:0'),
                ('dilation', 'input:0'),
                ('output_shape', 'input:0'),
                ('batch_dims', 'input:0'),
                ('channel_dims', 'input:0'),
                ('spatial_dims', 'input:0'),
                ('kernel_shape', 'input:{}'.format(weights_index)),
                ('kernel_spatial_idx', 'input:{}'.format(weights_index)),
                ('input_feature_channel', 'input:{}'.format(weights_index)),
                ('output_feature_channel', 'input:{}'.format(weights_index)),

        # is needed to permute Conv weights from the original TF [H, W, C_IN, C_OUT] into IE [C_OUT, C_IN, H, W]
        # but for other nodes in weights subgraph permutations must turned off
        # by marking with MarkSubGraphsWithCorrectLayout even if graph layout is NCHW.
            node.in_node(weights_index), node,
            node.soft_get('get_weights_permute', None))