Пример #1
    def test_ipv6_compare(self):
        """Test the underlying __compare__ functionality of the
        packet.  Two packets constructed from the same bytes should be
        equal and two that are not should not be equal."""
        file = PcapConnector("loopping6.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip1 = ipv6(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        ip2 = ipv6(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip1 != None)
        assert (ip2 != None)
        self.assertEqual(ip1, ip2, "packets should be equal but are not")

        ip1.dst = inet_pton(AF_INET6, "2001:ffff::1")

        self.assertNotEqual(ip1, ip2, "packets compare equal but should not")
Пример #2
    def test_ipv6_compare(self):
        """Test the underlying __compare__ functionality of the
        packet.  Two packets constructed from the same bytes should be
        equal and two that are not should not be equal."""
        file = PcapConnector("loopping6.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip1 = ipv6(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        ip2 = ipv6(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip1 != None)
        assert (ip2 != None)
        self.assertEqual(ip1, ip2, "packets should be equal but are not")

        ip1.dst = inet_pton(AF_INET6, "2001:ffff::1");

        self.assertNotEqual(ip1, ip2, "packets compare equal but should not")
Пример #3
    def test_icmpv6_compare(self):
        """Test the underlying __compare__ functionality of the
        packet.  Two packets constructed from the same bytes should be
        equal and two that are not should not be equal."""
        file = PcapConnector("loopping6.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip1 = ipv6(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        ip2 = ipv6(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip1 != None)
        assert (ip2 != None)
        icmp1 = ip1.data
        icmp2 = ip2.data
        self.assertEqual(icmp1, icmp2, "packets should be equal but are not")

        icmp1.code = 32
        self.assertNotEqual(icmp1, icmp2,
                            "packets compare equal but should not")
Пример #4
    def test_icmpv6_compare(self):
        """Test the underlying __compare__ functionality of the
        packet.  Two packets constructed from the same bytes should be
        equal and two that are not should not be equal."""
        file = PcapConnector("loopping6.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip1 = ipv6(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        ip2 = ipv6(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip1 != None)
        assert (ip2 != None)
        icmp1 = ip1.data
        icmp2 = ip2.data
        self.assertEqual(icmp1, icmp2, "packets should be equal but are not")

        icmp1.code = 32
        self.assertNotEqual(icmp1, icmp2,
                            "packets compare equal but should not")
Пример #5
    def test_ipv6(self):
        # create one packet, copy its bytes, then compare their fields
        ip = ipv6()
        assert (ip != None)
        ip.traffic_class = 1
        ip.flow = 0
        ip.length = 64
        ip.next_header = 6
        ip.hop = 64
        ip.src = inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::1")
        ip.dst = inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::1")

        # Create a packet to compare against
        ipnew = ipv6()

        self.assertEqual(ip.bytes, ipnew.bytes, "bytes not equal")
        for field in ip._fieldnames:
            self.assertEqual(getattr(ip, field), getattr(ipnew, field), ("%s not equal" % field))
Пример #6
    def test_icmpv6_ping(self):
        import os
        uname = os.uname()[0]
        if uname == "FreeBSD":
            devname = "edsc0"
        elif uname == "Linux":
            devname = "lo"
        elif uname == "Darwin":
            devname = "en0"
            print "unknown host os %s" % uname

        e = ethernet()
        e.type = 0x0800
        e.src = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
        e.dst = "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"
        e.type = 0x0800

        ip = ipv6()
        ip.traffic_class = 1
        ip.flow = 0
        ip.length = 64
        ip.next_header = IPV6_ICMP
        ip.hop = 64
        ip.src = inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::1")
        ip.dst = inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::1")

        icmp = icmpv6()
        icmp.type = 128
        icmp.code = 0
        icmp.cksum = 0

        ip.len = len(ip.bytes) + len(icmp.bytes)

        packet = Chain([e, ip, icmp])


        input = PcapConnector(devname)

        output = PcapConnector(devname)
        assert (ip != None)

        # XXX The use of IP triggers a bpf header format bug if used
        # with loopback device on FreeBSD, so we use edsc(4) there.

        n_out = output.write(packet.bytes, 42)
        assert (n_out == 42)

        packet_in = input.read()
        assert (n_out == len(packet_in))
Пример #7
    def test_ipv6(self):
        # create one packet, copy its bytes, then compare their fields
        ip = ipv6()
        assert (ip != None)
        ip.traffic_class = 1
        ip.flow = 0
        ip.length = 64
        ip.next_header = 6
        ip.hop = 64
        ip.src = inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::1")
        ip.dst = inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::1")

        # Create a packet to compare against
        ipnew = ipv6()

        self.assertEqual(ip.bytes, ipnew.bytes, "bytes not equal")
        for field in ip._fieldnames:
            self.assertEqual(getattr(ip, field), getattr(ipnew, field),
                             ("%s not equal" % field))
Пример #8
    def executeTrigger(self, pkt):
        Execute the trigger action the pkt which satisfies the trigger's 
        action conditions.
        @param pkt:
            The packet against which a trigger is actioned
            A trigger Chain for transmission, None if action is internal
        retChain = None

        # Action based on trigger type
        if self.action == Trigger.Trigger.STOP:
            # Test if pkt is really a HTTP packet
            (p, i) = pkt.chain().find_first_of(pcs.packets.http.httpResponse)
            if not p:
                self.logger.debug("HTTP trigger.STOP:\n%s" % pkt.chain())
                raise PcapReplayError(Trigger.ERR_PCAPR_TRIGGER_INVALID, 
                                      'executeTrigger : Invalid trigger/pkt ' +
                                      'pair execution')

            # Create a terminating response chain for xmit by the caller
            ether = pkt
            e = ethernet()
            e.dst = ether.src
            e.src = ether.dst
            e.type = ether.type
            ip = pkt.data
            if type(ip) == pcs.packets.ipv4.ipv4:
                i = ipv4()
                i.tos = ip.tos
                i.protocol = ip.protocol
                i.id = 0
                i.flags = 0
            elif type(ip) == pcs.packets.ipv6.ipv6:
                i = ipv6()
                i.traffic_class = ip.traffic_class
                i.next_header = ip.next_header
            i.src = ip.dst
            i.dst = ip.src
            tcp = pkt.data.data
            t = pcs.packets.tcp.tcp()
            t.sport = tcp.dport
            t.dport = tcp.sport
            t.reset = 1
            t.ack = 1
            t.ack_number = tcp.ack_number
            t.sequence = tcp.sequence
            t.data = None
            retChain = pcs.Chain([e, i, t])
        return retChain
def ICMPv6_pack_message(iface, pkt_type):
	#procedure to get iface address
	#iface = 'wlan2' #interface
	addrs = netifaces.ifaddresses(iface)
	ll_src_addr = addrs[netifaces.AF_INET6][1]['addr']
	ll_src_addr = ll_src_addr[:ll_src_addr.find('%')]
	gl_src_addr = addrs[netifaces.AF_INET6][0]['addr']
	#gl_src_addr = gl_src_addr[:gl_src_addr.find('%')]
	#print gl_src_addr
	#print ll_src_addr
	# building ethernet header
	e = ethernet()
	mac = netifaces.ifaddresses(iface)[netifaces.AF_LINK][0]['addr'] #geting mac addr
	e.src = ether_atob(mac)
	e.dst = ether_atob('ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff')
	e.type = 0x86dd #ETHERTYPE_IPV6
	#building ipv6 packet basic info
	ip6 = ipv6()
	ip6.version = 6
	#cs = icmp6.cksum(ip6) & 0xffff
	# building ipv6 header
	ip6.traffic_class = 0x0a
	ip6.flow = 0
	ip6.length = 50
	ip6.next_header = 58#IPPROTO_ICMPV6
	ip6.hop = 255
	ip6.src = pcs.inet_pton(AF_INET6, ll_src_addr)
	ip6.dst = pcs.inet_pton(AF_INET6, 'ff02::1')
	# building icmpv6
	icmp6.code = 0
	icmp6.seq  = 0
	icmp6.id = 0x03e8
	icmp6.checksum = 0x0 #kt.calc_checksums()
	data = payload(payload = gl_src_addr) #message data
	ip6.length = len(icmp6.getbytes()) + len(data) #recalculation of packet length
	if(pkt_type == 0):
		icmp6.cheksum = 0xf220
		ip6.traffic_class = 0x0a
		pkt = pcs.Chain([e, ip6, icmp6, data]) #appendin packet
		icmp6.checksum = 0xe91b
		ip6.traffic_class = 0x0f
		pkt = pcs.Chain([e, ip6, icmp6]) #appendin packet
	#icmp6.checksum = pkt.calc_checksums()
	#print pkt
	return pkt
Пример #10
    def test_icmpv6_ping(self):
	import os
	uname = os.uname()[0]
	if uname == "FreeBSD":
	    devname = "edsc0"
	elif uname == "Linux":
	    devname = "lo"
        elif uname == "Darwin":
            devname = "en0"
	    print "unknown host os %s" % uname

	e = ethernet()
	e.type = 0x0800
        e.src = "\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
        e.dst = "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff"
        e.type = 0x0800

        ip = ipv6()
        ip.traffic_class = 1
        ip.flow = 0
        ip.length = 64
        ip.next_header = IPV6_ICMP
        ip.hop = 64
        ip.src = inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::1")
        ip.dst = inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::1")

        icmp = icmpv6()
        icmp.type = 128
        icmp.code = 0
        icmp.cksum = 0
	ip.len = len(ip.bytes) + len(icmp.bytes)

        packet = Chain([e, ip, icmp])


        input = PcapConnector(devname)

        output = PcapConnector(devname)
        assert (ip != None)

	# XXX The use of IP triggers a bpf header format bug if used
	# with loopback device on FreeBSD, so we use edsc(4) there.

        n_out = output.write(packet.bytes, 42)
        assert (n_out == 42)

	packet_in = input.read()
	assert (n_out == len(packet_in))
Пример #11
    def test_icmpv6_read(self):
        """This test reads from a pre-stored pcap file generated with tcpdump and ping on the loopback interface."""
        file = PcapConnector("loopping6.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip = ipv6(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip != None)

        icmp = ip.data

        self.assertEqual(icmp.type, ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST,
                         "type not equal to %d" % icmp.type)
        self.assertEqual(icmp.code, 0, "code not equal to 0")
Пример #12
    def test_icmpv6_read(self):
        """This test reads from a pre-stored pcap file generated with tcpdump and ping on the loopback interface."""
        file = PcapConnector("loopping6.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip = ipv6(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip != None)

        icmp = ip.data

        self.assertEqual(icmp.type, ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST,
                         "type not equal to %d" % icmp.type)
        self.assertEqual(icmp.code, 0, "code not equal to 0")
Пример #13
    def test_ipv6_println(self):
        """This test reads from a pre-stored pcap file generated with
        tcpdump and ping on the loopback interface and tests the
        __str__ method to make sure the correct values are printed."""
        file = PcapConnector("loopping6.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip = ipv6(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip != None)

        test_string = "<IPv6: version: 6, traffic_class: 0, flow: 0, length: 16, next_header: 58, hop: 64, src: \'\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x01\', dst: \'\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x01\'>"

        string = ip.println()

        self.assertEqual(string, test_string,
                         "strings are not equal \nexpected %s \ngot %s " %
                         (test_string, string))
Пример #14
    def test_ipv6_print(self):
        """This test reads from a pre-stored pcap file generated with
        tcpdump and ping on the loopback interface and tests the
        __str__ method to make sure the correct values are printed."""
        file = PcapConnector("loopping6.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip = ipv6(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip != None)

        test_string = "version 6\ntraffic_class 0\nflow 0\nlength 16\nnext_header 58\nhop 64\nsrc ::1\ndst ::1\n"

        string = ip.__str__()

        self.assertEqual(string, test_string,
                         "strings are not equal \nexpected %s \ngot %s " %
                         (test_string, string))
Пример #15
 def createIpv6Pkt(self, ipproto=6, layer1=None, layer2=None):
     e = ethernet()
     e.dst = self.dmac
     e.src = self.smac
     e.type = 0x86dd
     i = ipv6()
     i.next_header = ipproto
     i.src = self.src6
     i.dst = self.dst6
     e.data = i
     i.data = layer1
     layer1.data = layer2
     if layer2 == None:
         retChain = pcs.Chain([e, i, layer1]).packets[0]
         retChain = pcs.Chain([e, i, layer1, layer2]).packets[0]
     return retChain
Пример #16
    def test_ipv6_println(self):
        """This test reads from a pre-stored pcap file generated with
        tcpdump and ping on the loopback interface and tests the
        __str__ method to make sure the correct values are printed."""
        file = PcapConnector("loopping6.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip = ipv6(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip != None)

        test_string = "<IPv6: version: 6, traffic_class: 0, flow: 0, length: 16, next_header: 58, hop: 64, src: \'\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x01\', dst: \'\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x00\\x01\'>"

        string = ip.println()

            string, test_string,
            "strings are not equal \nexpected %s \ngot %s " %
            (test_string, string))
Пример #17
    def test_ipv6_print(self):
        """This test reads from a pre-stored pcap file generated with
        tcpdump and ping on the loopback interface and tests the
        __str__ method to make sure the correct values are printed."""
        file = PcapConnector("loopping6.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip = ipv6(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip != None)

        test_string = "version 6\ntraffic_class 0\nflow 0\nlength 16\nnext_header 58\nhop 64\nsrc ::1\ndst ::1\n"

        string = ip.__str__()

            string, test_string,
            "strings are not equal \nexpected %s \ngot %s " %
            (test_string, string))
Пример #18
    def test_icmpv6_print(self):
        """This test reads from a pre-stored pcap file generated with
        tcpdump and ping on the loopback interface and tests the
        __str__ method to make sure the correct values are printed."""
        file = PcapConnector("loopping6.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip = ipv6(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip != None)

        icmp = ip.data
        #test_string = "ICMPv6\ntype 8\ncode 0\nchecksum 60550\n"
        test_string = "ICMPv6 Echo Request\ntype 128\ncode 0\nchecksum 60454\n"

        string = icmp.__str__()

        self.assertEqual(string, test_string,
                         "strings are not equal \nexpected %s \ngot %s " %
                         (test_string, string))
Пример #19
    def test_ipv6_read(self):
        """This test reads from a pre-stored pcap file generated with tcpdump and ping on the loopback interface."""
        file = PcapConnector("loopping6.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip = ipv6(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip != None)

        self.assertEqual(ip.version, 6, "version not equal %d" % ip.version)
        self.assertEqual(ip.traffic_class, 0,
                         "traffic_class not equal %d" % ip.traffic_class)
        self.assertEqual(ip.flow, 0, "flow not equal %d" % ip.flow)
        self.assertEqual(ip.length, 16, "length not equal %d" % ip.length)
        self.assertEqual(ip.next_header, 58,
                         "next_header not equal %d" % ip.next_header)
        self.assertEqual(ip.hop, 64, "hop not equal %d" % ip.hop)
        self.assertEqual(ip.src, inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::1"),
                         "src not equal %s" % ip.src)
        self.assertEqual(ip.dst, inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::1"),
                         "dst not equal %s" % ip.dst)
Пример #20
    def test_icmpv6_print(self):
        """This test reads from a pre-stored pcap file generated with
        tcpdump and ping on the loopback interface and tests the
        __str__ method to make sure the correct values are printed."""
        file = PcapConnector("loopping6.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip = ipv6(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip != None)

        icmp = ip.data

        #test_string = "ICMPv6\ntype 8\ncode 0\nchecksum 60550\n"
        test_string = "ICMPv6 Echo Request\ntype 128\ncode 0\nchecksum 60454\n"

        string = icmp.__str__()

            string, test_string,
            "strings are not equal \nexpected %s \ngot %s " %
            (test_string, string))
Пример #21
    def test_ipv6_read(self):
        """This test reads from a pre-stored pcap file generated with tcpdump and ping on the loopback interface."""
        file = PcapConnector("loopping6.out")
        packet = file.read()
        ip = ipv6(packet[file.dloff:len(packet)])
        assert (ip != None)

        self.assertEqual(ip.version, 6,
                         "version not equal %d" % ip.version)
        self.assertEqual(ip.traffic_class, 0,
                         "traffic_class not equal %d" % ip.traffic_class)
        self.assertEqual(ip.flow, 0, "flow not equal %d" % ip.flow)
        self.assertEqual(ip.length, 16, "length not equal %d" % ip.length)
        self.assertEqual(ip.next_header, 58,
                         "next_header not equal %d" % ip.next_header)
        self.assertEqual(ip.hop, 64, "hop not equal %d" % ip.hop)
        self.assertEqual(ip.src, inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::1"),
                         "src not equal %s" % ip.src)
        self.assertEqual(ip.dst, inet_pton(AF_INET6, "::1"),
                         "dst not equal %s" % ip.dst)
Пример #22
def main():

    from optparse import OptionParser
    parser = OptionParser()
    parser.add_option("-c", "--count",
                      dest="count", default=1,
                      help="Stop after sending (and recieving) count ECHO_RESPONSE packets..")
    parser.add_option("-D", "--dont_fragment",
                      dest="df", default=False,
                      help="Set the Don't Fragment bit.")

    parser.add_option("-s", "--ip_source",
                      dest="ip_source", default=None,
                      help="The IP source address.")

    parser.add_option("-d", "--ip_dest",
                      dest="ip_dest", default=None,
                      help="The IP destination address.")

    parser.add_option("-I", "--ether_iface",
                      dest="ether_iface", default=None,
                      help="The name of the source interface.")

    parser.add_option("-e", "--ether_source",
                      dest="ether_source", default=None,
                      help="The host Ethernet source address.")

    parser.add_option("-g", "--ether_dest",
                      dest="ether_dest", default=None,
                      help="The gateway Ethernet destination address.")

    parser.add_option("-r", "--rt_hop",
                      dest="hop", default="::",
                      help="The intermediate router address.")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    rtcount = 1
    # plen is 8 + rtcount * 16 for rt hdr, 8 for ICMP, 6 for foobar
    plen = 8 + rtcount * 16 + 8 + 6
    c = ethernet(src=ether_atob(options.ether_source),  \
                 dst=ether_atob(options.ether_dest)) /  \
        ipv6(hop=64, next_header = 43, length = plen, \
                     src=inet_pton(AF_INET6, options.ip_source),  \
                     dst=inet_pton(AF_INET6, options.ip_dest)) / \
        ipv6ext.rt_ext(next_header = 58, \
		       addr1 = inet_pton(AF_INET6, options.hop)) / \
        icmpv6(type=ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST, id=12345) / \


    # Increment ICMP echo sequence number with each iteration.
    output = PcapConnector(options.ether_iface)
    ip = c.packets[1]
    icmpecho = c.packets[3]
    count = int(options.count)
    while (count > 0):
        # c.calc_checksums()
        # icmpecho.cksum = icmpv6.cksum(icmpecho, ip)
        # icmpecho.calc_checksum()

        out = output.write(c.bytes, len(c.bytes))
#        packet = input.read()
#        print packet
        count -= 1
        icmpecho.sequence += 1
Пример #23
def main():

    from optparse import OptionParser
    parser = OptionParser()
    parser.add_option("-c", "--count",
                      dest="count", default=1,
                      help="Stop after sending (and recieving) count ECHO_RESPONSE packets..")
    parser.add_option("-D", "--dont_fragment",
                      dest="df", default=False,
                      help="Set the Don't Fragment bit.")

    parser.add_option("-s", "--ip_source",
                      dest="ip_source", default=None,
                      help="The IP source address.")

    parser.add_option("-d", "--ip_dest",
                      dest="ip_dest", default=None,
                      help="The IP destination address.")

    parser.add_option("-I", "--ether_iface",
                      dest="ether_iface", default=None,
                      help="The name of the source interface.")

    parser.add_option("-e", "--ether_source",
                      dest="ether_source", default=None,
                      help="The host Ethernet source address.")

    parser.add_option("-g", "--ether_dest",
                      dest="ether_dest", default=None,
                      help="The gateway Ethernet destination address.")

    parser.add_option("-r", "--rt_hop",
                      dest="hop", default="::",
                      help="The intermediate router address.")

    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
    rtcount = 1
    # plen is 8 + rtcount * 16 for rt hdr, 8 for ICMP, 6 for foobar
    plen = 8 + rtcount * 16 + 8 + 6
    c = ethernet(src=ether_atob(options.ether_source),  \
                 dst=ether_atob(options.ether_dest)) /  \
        ipv6(hop=64, next_header = 43, length = plen, \
                     src=inet_pton(AF_INET6, options.ip_source),  \
                     dst=inet_pton(AF_INET6, options.ip_dest)) / \
        ipv6ext.rt_ext(next_header = 58, \
		       addr1 = inet_pton(AF_INET6, options.hop)) / \
        icmpv6(type=ICMP6_ECHO_REQUEST, id=12345) / \


    # Increment ICMP echo sequence number with each iteration.
    output = PcapConnector(options.ether_iface)
    ip = c.packets[1]
    icmpecho = c.packets[3]
    count = int(options.count)
    while (count > 0):
        # c.calc_checksums()
        # icmpecho.cksum = icmpv6.cksum(icmpecho, ip)
        # icmpecho.calc_checksum()

        out = output.write(c.bytes, len(c.bytes))
#        packet = input.read()
#        print packet
        count -= 1
        icmpecho.sequence += 1