Пример #1
	def extract(self,derived_key):
		# Initialize state
		self.tj_count = 0
		self.tj_count_valid = 0
		tjs = []
		# Get the numerals from the key
		nums = encoding.encode_key(derived_key,self.nbits)
		# Initiate chaotic map
		if self.improve:
			ch_two = random.Random(derived_key)
			ch_two = chaos.Chaotic(self.mu_two,nums)
		# Open input file
		# NB: Only works for valid PDF files
		self.l.info("Input file: \"" + self.input + "\"")
		embedding_file = open(self.input+".qdf",encoding="iso-8859-1")
		# Determine start position
		if 0:#self.improve:#TODO: fix
			# Parse file
			for line in embedding_file:
				# Parse line for TJ blocks
				m = re.search(r'\[(.*)\][ ]?TJ',line)
				if m != None:
					tjs += self.get_tjs(m.group(1))
			start = int(tjs.__len__() * ch_two.random())
			tjs = []
			start = 0
		# Parse file
		self.l.info("Extracting data, please wait...")
		for line in embedding_file:
			# Parse line for TJ blocks
			# -> Look for a TJ block, starting at current position
			m = re.search(r'\[(.*)\][ ]?TJ',line)
			if m != None:
				# A TJ block is found
				# -> Try to extract data from TJ block
				tjs += self.extract_line(line,ch_two)
		# Close file and clean up
		# Extract data from TJ ops
		normalrange = 1
		# NB: Hack for custom range (do not shift by 1)
		# TODO: do that better and include in docs
		if self.customrange:
			normalrange = 0
		# Normalize values
		# TODO: check if really necessary
		tjs = list(map(lambda x: (x - normalrange) % (2**self.nbits), tjs))
		# Wrap values around in order
		# to move easily inside
		# TODO: use modulo calculation instead
		tjs_ = tjs + tjs
		# Start extracting after CheckStr
		# NB: CheckStr is 20 numerals long
		k = start + 20
		# Go through the list of numerals
		c = 0
		while c < tjs.__len__():
			# Look for end position FlagStr
			# at current position
			# NB: FlagStr is 20 numerals long
			if nums == tjs_[k:k+20]:
				# End position is found, register it
				end = k + 20 - 1
				self.l.debug("End position found",end)
				# NB: length = end - start + 1
				# Extract CheckStr
				checkstr = tjs_[start:start + 20]
				# Extract data
				embedded = tjs_[start + 20:k]
				# Break the loop
				c = tjs.__len__()
			# FlagStr not found
			# -> Look further
			c += 1
			k += 1
		# Check is FlagStr was found
		# TODO: check that
		if c != tjs.__len__() + 1:
			# FlagStr not found
			# -> Fail
			self.l.error("Ending code FlagStr not found")
			return -1
		# FlagStr was found
		# -> Decode embedded data
		self.l.info("Done extracting.")
		self.l.info("Decoding data, please wait...")
		# Go through the list of numerals
		# containing the data
		k = 0
		bin_str = ""
		while k < embedded.__len__():
			# Decode the next numeral into a binary string
			bin = encoding.num_to_binstr(embedded[k],self.nbits)
			# Check if it was the last numeral
			if k == embedded.__len__() - 1:
				# Processing the last numeral
				# -> Only take the bits needed
				bin_str += bin[bin.__len__() - self.nbits:]
				# Not processing the last numeral
				# -> Take all bits
				bin_str += bin
			# -> Keep decoding
			k += 1
		# Decode the full binary string into bytes
		emb_chars = encoding.decode(bin_str)
		emb_str = b""
		for ch in emb_chars:
			emb_str += ch
		# Check integrity
		if encoding.digest_to_nums(emb_str, self.nbits) != checkstr:
			# Data coes not match embedded checksum
			# -> Fail
			self.l.error("CheckStr does not match embedded data")
			return -1
		# Data matches checksum
		self.l.info("Done decoding.")
		# -> Produce output file
		output_file = open(self.output,"wb")
		# All finished
		self.l.info("Output file: \"" + self.output + "\"")
		return 0
Пример #2
 def extract(self, derived_key):
     # Initialize state
     self.tj_count = 0
     self.tj_count_valid = 0
     tjs = []
     # Get the numerals from the key
     nums = encoding.encode_key(derived_key, self.nbits)
     # Initiate chaotic map
     if self.improve:
         ch_two = random.Random(derived_key)
         ch_two = chaos.Chaotic(self.mu_two, nums)
     # Open input file
     # NB: Only works for valid PDF files
     self.l.info("Input file: \"" + self.input + "\"")
     driver.uncompress(self.input, self.input + ".qdf")
     embedding_file = open(self.input + ".qdf", encoding="iso-8859-1")
     # Determine start position
     if 0:  #self.improve:#TODO: fix
         # Parse file
         for line in embedding_file:
             # Parse line for TJ blocks
             m = re.search(r'\[(.*)\][ ]?TJ', line)
             if m != None:
                 tjs += self.get_tjs(m.group(1))
         start = int(tjs.__len__() * ch_two.random())
         embedding_file.seek(0, 0)
         tjs = []
         start = 0
     # Parse file
     self.l.info("Extracting data, please wait...")
     self.print_conf_extract(start, nums)
     for line in embedding_file:
         # Parse line for TJ blocks
         # -> Look for a TJ block, starting at current position
         m = re.search(r'\[(.*)\][ ]?TJ', line)
         if m != None:
             # A TJ block is found
             # -> Try to extract data from TJ block
             tjs += self.extract_line(line, ch_two)
     # Close file and clean up
     driver.delete(self.input + ".qdf")
     # Extract data from TJ ops
     normalrange = 1
     # NB: Hack for custom range (do not shift by 1)
     # TODO: do that better and include in docs
     if self.customrange:
         normalrange = 0
     # Normalize values
     # TODO: check if really necessary
     tjs = list(map(lambda x: (x - normalrange) % (2**self.nbits), tjs))
     # Wrap values around in order
     # to move easily inside
     # TODO: use modulo calculation instead
     tjs_ = tjs + tjs
     # Start extracting after CheckStr
     # NB: CheckStr is 20 numerals long
     k = start + 20
     # Go through the list of numerals
     c = 0
     while c < tjs.__len__():
         # Look for end position FlagStr
         # at current position
         # NB: FlagStr is 20 numerals long
         if nums == tjs_[k:k + 20]:
             # End position is found, register it
             end = k + 20 - 1
             self.l.debug("End position found", end)
             # NB: length = end - start + 1
             # Extract CheckStr
             checkstr = tjs_[start:start + 20]
             # Extract data
             embedded = tjs_[start + 20:k]
             # Break the loop
             c = tjs.__len__()
         # FlagStr not found
         # -> Look further
         c += 1
         k += 1
     # Check is FlagStr was found
     # TODO: check that
     if c != tjs.__len__() + 1:
         # FlagStr not found
         # -> Fail
         self.l.error("Ending code FlagStr not found")
         return -1
     # FlagStr was found
     # -> Decode embedded data
     self.l.info("Done extracting.")
     self.l.info("Decoding data, please wait...")
     # Go through the list of numerals
     # containing the data
     k = 0
     bin_str = ""
     while k < embedded.__len__():
         # Decode the next numeral into a binary string
         bin = encoding.num_to_binstr(embedded[k], self.nbits)
         # Check if it was the last numeral
         if k == embedded.__len__() - 1:
             # Processing the last numeral
             # -> Only take the bits needed
             bin_str += bin[bin.__len__() - self.nbits:]
             # Not processing the last numeral
             # -> Take all bits
             bin_str += bin
         # -> Keep decoding
         k += 1
     # Decode the full binary string into bytes
     emb_chars = encoding.decode(bin_str)
     emb_str = b""
     for ch in emb_chars:
         emb_str += ch
     self.debug_extract_print_sum(encoding.encode_key(emb_str, self.nbits),
                                  bin_str, checkstr, embedded, emb_str)
     # Check integrity
     if encoding.digest_to_nums(emb_str, self.nbits) != checkstr:
         # Data coes not match embedded checksum
         # -> Fail
         self.l.error("CheckStr does not match embedded data")
         return -1
     # Data matches checksum
     self.l.info("Done decoding.")
     # -> Produce output file
     output_file = open(self.output, "wb")
     # All finished
     self.l.info("Output file: \"" + self.output + "\"")
     return 0
Пример #3
	def embed(self,data,passkey,norandom=False):
		# Initialize state
		self.norandom = norandom
		if self.customrange:
			if norandom:
				self.l.warn("Custom range is enabled, so I am forcing the no-random flag")
			self.norandom = True
		self.tj_count = 0
		self.tj_count_valid = 0
		self.tjs = []
		i = 0
		j = 0
		new_file = b""
		# Get the numerals to embed from the key and the message
		nums = encoding.encode_msg(data,passkey,self.nbits)
		ind = nums[0] + nums[1] + nums[2]
		# Initialize chaotic maps
		if self.improve:
			ch_one = random.Random(encoding.digest(data))
			ch_two = random.Random(passkey)
			ch_one = chaos.Chaotic(self.mu_one,nums[2])
			ch_two = chaos.Chaotic(self.mu_two,nums[2])
		# Open input file
		# NB: Only works for valid PDF files
		self.l.info("Input file: \"" + self.input + "\"")
		cover_file = open(self.input + ".qdf","rb")
		# Determine start position
		if 0:#self.improve: #TODO: fix
			start = int(self.tjs.__len__() * ch_two.random())
			self.l.debug("Random start position",start)
			start = 0
		# Parse file
		self.l.info("Embedding data, please wait...")
		for line__ in cover_file:
			line = line__.decode("latin-1")
			line_ = line
			# Parse line for TJ blocks
			k = 0
			while k < line_.__len__():
				# Look for a TJ block, starting at current position
				m = re.match(r'\[(.*?)\][ ]?TJ',line_[k:])
				if m == None:
					# No TJ blocks
					# -> Look further
					# TODO: check that
					k += 1
					# A TJ block is found
					# -> Try to embed data in TJ block
					block = self.embed_line(m.group(1),ch_one,ch_two,ind,i,start,self.tjs.__len__(),j)
					# Insert new block in the line
					line_ = line_[:k + m.start(1)] + block[0] + line_[k + m.end(1):]
					# Update state
					i = block[1]
					j = block[2]
					# Update current position
					k += m.start(1) + block[0].__len__()
			# Encode new line
			new_file += line_.encode("latin-1")
		# Close file and clean up
		# Check if all data was embedded
		if i < ind.__len__():
			# All data was not embedded
			# -> Fail
			self.l.error("Not enough space available (only " + str(self.tj_count_valid) + " available, " + str(ind.__len__()) + " needed)")
			return -ind.__len__()
		# All data was embedded
		self.l.info("Done embedding.")
		# -> Produce output file
		output_file = open(self.output+".raw","wb")
		# Fix Compress Clean
		# All finished
		self.l.info("Output file: \"" + self.output + "\"")
		return nums[1].__len__()
Пример #4
 def embed(self, data, passkey, norandom=False):
     # Initialize state
     self.norandom = norandom
     if self.customrange:
         if norandom:
                 "Custom range is enabled, so I am forcing the no-random flag"
         self.norandom = True
     self.tj_count = 0
     self.tj_count_valid = 0
     self.tjs = []
     i = 0
     j = 0
     new_file = b""
     # Get the numerals to embed from the key and the message
     nums = encoding.encode_msg(data, passkey, self.nbits)
     ind = nums[0] + nums[1] + nums[2]
     # Initialize chaotic maps
     if self.improve:
         ch_one = random.Random(encoding.digest(data))
         ch_two = random.Random(passkey)
         ch_one = chaos.Chaotic(self.mu_one, nums[2])
         ch_two = chaos.Chaotic(self.mu_two, nums[2])
     # Open input file
     # NB: Only works for valid PDF files
     self.l.info("Input file: \"" + self.input + "\"")
     driver.uncompress(self.input, self.input + ".qdf")
     cover_file = open(self.input + ".qdf", "rb")
     cover_file.seek(0, 0)
     # Determine start position
     if 0:  #self.improve: #TODO: fix
         start = int(self.tjs.__len__() * ch_two.random())
         self.l.debug("Random start position", start)
         start = 0
     # Parse file
     self.l.info("Embedding data, please wait...")
     self.print_conf_embed(data, nums)
     for line__ in cover_file:
         line = line__.decode("latin-1")
         line_ = line
         # Parse line for TJ blocks
         k = 0
         while k < line_.__len__():
             # Look for a TJ block, starting at current position
             m = re.match(r'\[(.*?)\][ ]?TJ', line_[k:])
             if m == None:
                 # No TJ blocks
                 # -> Look further
                 # TODO: check that
                 k += 1
                 # A TJ block is found
                 # -> Try to embed data in TJ block
                 block = self.embed_line(m.group(1), ch_one, ch_two, ind, i,
                                         start, self.tjs.__len__(), j)
                 # Insert new block in the line
                 line_ = line_[:k +
                               m.start(1)] + block[0] + line_[k + m.end(1):]
                 # Update state
                 i = block[1]
                 j = block[2]
                 # Update current position
                 k += m.start(1) + block[0].__len__()
         # Encode new line
         new_file += line_.encode("latin-1")
     # Close file and clean up
     driver.delete(self.input + ".qdf")
     # Check if all data was embedded
     if i < ind.__len__():
         # All data was not embedded
         # -> Fail
         self.l.error("Not enough space available (only " +
                      str(self.tj_count_valid) + " available, " +
                      str(ind.__len__()) + " needed)")
         return -ind.__len__()
     # All data was embedded
     self.l.info("Done embedding.")
     # -> Produce output file
     output_file = open(self.output + ".raw", "wb")
     # Fix Compress Clean
     driver.fcc(self.output + ".raw", self.output)
     driver.delete(self.output + ".raw.fix")
     # All finished
     self.l.info("Output file: \"" + self.output + "\"")
     return nums[1].__len__()