Пример #1
if not password:
    password = getpass('Input your password (blank for admin): ')
if not password:
    password = '******'

bot = PhenoTipsBot(base_url, username, password)

if study == None:
    studies = bot.list_studies()
    if len(studies):
        print('Available study forms:')
        print('* ' + '\n* '.join(studies))
        study = input('Input the study form to use (blank for default): ')
elif study == 'None':
    study = None

#begin import

if yes or input('You are about to import ' + str(len(patients)) + ' patients. Type y to continue: ')[0] == 'y':
    count = 0
    start_time = time.time()
    for patient, clinvar_variants in patients:
        patient_id = bot.create(patient, study)
        for clinvar_variant in clinvar_variants:
            bot.create_object(patient_id, 'Main.ClinVarVariant', clinvar_variant)
        count += 1
        stdout.write(str(count) + '\r')
    print('All done! Elapsed time ' + str(timedelta(seconds=time.time() - start_time)))