def updateXML(self, assetRefs = []): if self.checkExportErrors(self.silent): return False cacheXmlPath = self.shotCacheXmlAn xmlRead = self.readXML() if not xmlRead: return False xmlRefs = self.assets.keys() scnRefs = self.mayaShot.refNodes newRefs = list(set(scnRefs).difference(set(xmlRefs))) cchRefs = list(set(newRefs).union(set(assetRefs))) remRefs = list(set(xmlRefs).difference(set(scnRefs))) staticRefs = list(set(xmlRefs).difference(set(cchRefs).union(set(remRefs)))) xmlRoot = ET.Element(self.fileName) self.commonData(xmlRoot) assets = ET.SubElement(xmlRoot,'assets') self.createAssetsXML(cchRefs, assets) for ref in staticRefs: refDict = self.assets[ref] asset = ET.SubElement(assets, ref, assettype = refDict["assettype"], name = refDict["name"], namespace = refDict["namespace"], date = refDict["date"], time = refDict["time"], path = refDict["path"]) #@UnusedVariable self.msg += '\nScene Asset Info exported' tree = ET.ElementTree(xmlRoot) tree.write(cacheXmlPath) cleanLog = self.cleanCacheFolder("anim") if cleanLog: self.msg += "\n\n%s"%cleanLog self.msg += '\n\nXML updated successfully' utils.msgWin("Export Successful", "Scene info successfully exported\n%s"%self.msg, self.silent) self.msg = "\n" return True
def checkExportErrors(self, silent = True): errorLog = [] if not os.path.exists(self.shotCacheFldr): try: os.makedirs(self.shotCacheFldr) except: utils.msgWin("Error", "Unable to create folder %s"%self.shotCacheFldr, silent = True) errorLog.append("Unable to create folder %s"%self.shotCacheFldr) if not utils.writePermission(self.shotCacheFldr): utils.msgWin("Error", "No write permission in %s"%self.shotCacheFldr, silent = True) errorLog.append("No write permission in %s"%self.shotCacheFldr) if not os.path.exists(self.shotPath): try: os.makedirs(self.shotPath) except: utils.msgWin("Error", "Unable to create folder %s"%self.shotPath, silent = True) errorLog.append("Unable to create folder %s"%self.shotPath) if not utils.writePermission(os.path.dirname(self.shotPath)): utils.msgWin("Error", "No write permission in %s"%os.path.dirname(self.shotPath), silent = True) errorLog.append("No write permission in %s"%os.path.dirname(self.shotPath)) if errorLog: self.exportErrorLog = errorLog utils.msgWin("Export Errors", "\n".join(errorLog), silent) return True else: return False
def cleanCacheFolder(self, typ = "anim"): cacheFldrs, curFldrs, cleanLog = [], [], [] cacheFolder = self.mayaShot.getCacheFldr(typ) subFldrs = ["char", "prop", "sets", "elms"] for fldr in subFldrs: curAstTypeFldr = os.path.join(cacheFolder, fldr) if os.path.exists(curAstTypeFldr): curFldrPaths = [str(os.path.join(curAstTypeFldr, pth).replace("\\", "/")) for pth in os.listdir(curAstTypeFldr)] curFldrs.extend(curFldrPaths) mayaShot = MayaShot() if not mayaShot.validShot: return "Error getting shot info to remove redundant cache folders" scnRefs = mayaShot.refNodes for ref in scnRefs: if not mc.objExists(ref): continue ast = MayaAsset(ref) astCacheFldr = ast.getAstCacheFldr(self.shotCacheFldr, typ) cacheFldrs.append(str(astCacheFldr.replace("\\", "/"))) fldrs2del = list(set(curFldrs).difference(set(cacheFldrs))) for fldr in fldrs2del: try: shutil.rmtree(fldr) utils.msgWin("Message", "Successfully removed redundant cache folder %s"%os.path.basename(fldr), True) cleanLog.append("Successfully removed redundant cache folder %s"%os.path.basename(fldr)) except: utils.msgWin("Error", "Error removing redundant cache folder %s"%os.path.basename(fldr), True) cleanLog.append("Error removing redundant cache folder %s"%os.path.basename(fldr)) if cleanLog: return "\n".join(cleanLog) return None
def importCamera(self): cmsObj = self.getCmsObj() if mc.objExists("CAM"): msg = "A camera already exists in the scene.\nDo you want to replace it?" conf=mc.confirmDialog(t='Warning',m=msg,b=['Replace','Cancel'],cb='Cancel',ds='Cancel' ) if conf=='Replace': utils.importCamera(cmsObj.epsq, cmsObj.shot) else: return projInfo = ppc.ProjectInfo() mapDrive = projInfo.mapDrive cacheXmlPath = "%s/data/cache/%s/%s/%s/"%(mapDrive, cmsObj.epsq, cmsObj.shot, "anim") xmlFile = None if os.path.exists(cacheXmlPath): files = os.listdir(cacheXmlPath) for fil in files: if fil.lower().endswith(".xml"): xmlFile = fil if not xmlFile: utils.msgWin("Error", "Animation file has not been cached yet\nOr error retrieving cache xml file.", False) return self.cacheDataObj = ppc.CacheDataXml() self.cacheDataObj.readXML(os.path.join(cacheXmlPath, xmlFile)) for camXMLNode in self.cacheDataObj.cameraXMLNodes: utils.loadAnimXML(self.cacheDataObj.xmlTree, camXMLNode) camName = self.cacheDataObj.cameraName camAttrs = mc.listAttr(camName, k = 1) for attr in camAttrs: mc.setAttr("%s.%s"%(camName, attr), l = 1) else: utils.msgWin("Error", "Couldn't find the camera. Contact R&D with the error", False)
def getCacheFldr(self, typ = "anim"): types = ["anim", "light", "shot"] if not typ in types: utils.msgWin("Error", "Unknown cache folder type %s"%typ, self.silent) return None if typ == "shot": return "%s/data/cache/%s/%s"%(self.mapDrive, self.epSqName, self.shName) else: return "%s/data/cache/%s/%s/%s"%(self.mapDrive, self.epSqName, self.shName, typ)
def getShotFldr(self, dept = "an", area = "workspace"): areas = ["workspace", "scenes"] if not dept in deptDict.keys(): utils.msgWin("Error", "Unknown department short %s"%dept, self.silent) return None if not area in areas: utils.msgWin("Error", "Unknown area %s"%area, self.silent) return None return "%s/%s/%s/%s/%s"%(self.mapDrive, area, deptDict[dept], self.epSqName, self.shName)
def getCacheXmlFile(self, typ = "anim"): types = ["anim", "light"] if not typ in types: utils.msgWin("Error", "Unknown cache folder type %s"%typ, self.silent) return None pattern = "_%s([0-9]{2})?_"%self.deptShort matchObj =, self.filename.split(".")[0]) if matchObj: xmlFileName = (self.filename.split(".")[0]).replace(, "_an_") return "%s/data/cache/%s/%s/%s/%s.xml"%(self.mapDrive, self.epSqName, self.shName, typ, xmlFileName) else: return None
def exportAssetCache(self, cacheXmlAn): """ cacheXmlAn = "R:/data/cache/sq999/sh001" """ self.animCachePath=self.getAstCacheFldr(cacheXmlAn, "anim") stF = mc.playbackOptions(q=1,ast=1) edF = mc.playbackOptions(q=1,aet=1) if os.path.exists(self.animCachePath): shutil.rmtree(self.animCachePath,ignore_errors=True) os.makedirs(self.animCachePath) pts = self.getCacheGeos() if pts: mc.cacheFile(pts=pts,f=self.astCacheName,directory=self.animCachePath,cacheFormat="mcc",st=stF,et=edF,fm='OneFile',sch=1) utils.msgWin("Message", "Cache exported successfully for %s"%self.namespace, self.silent) return True
def defineShot(self): """ self.filename =| """ self.startF = mc.playbackOptions(q=1,ast=1) self.endF = mc.playbackOptions(q=1,aet=1) fObj = utils.analyseFileName(self.filename) if fObj.validShot: self.ext = fObj.ext self.projShort = fObj.projShort self.epsq = fObj.epsq self.epsqNum = fObj.epsqNum self.epSqName = '%s%s' % (self.epsq,self.epsqNum) self.shot = fObj.shot self.shName = 'sh%s' % (self.shot) self.deptShort = fObj.deptShort self.deptVer = fObj.deptVer self.xlPath = '%s/inputs/breakdownlist/%s_%s_bld.xls'%(self.projInfo.mapDrive,self.projInfo.projShort,self.epSqName) self.xlShotDict = None if os.path.exists(self.xlPath): self.xlShotDict = utils.getXLShotDetails(self.xlPath, self.shot) if not self.xlShotDict: utils.msgWin("Error", "Invalid breakdown excel file %s"%self.xlPath, self.silent) return False self.frames = self.xlShotDict["frames"] self.cacheFldr = "%s/data/cache/%s/%s"%(self.mapDrive, self.epSqName, self.shName) self.refNodes = [] for ref in = "reference"): try: mc.referenceQuery(ref, inr=1) except: continue try: mc.referenceQuery(ref, f = 1,wcn = 1) except: continue topRef = mc.referenceQuery(ref, rfn = True, tr = True) if not topRef in self.refNodes: self.refNodes.append(topRef) self.namespaces = [] for ref in self.refNodes: ast = MayaAsset(ref) if ast.validAsset: self.assets.append(ast) self.namespaces.append(ast.namespace) if ast.assetType == "char": self.chars.append(ast) if ast.assetType == "prop": self.props.append(ast) if ast.assetType == "sets": self.sets.append(ast) if ast.assetType == "elms": self.elms.append(ast) return True else: utils.msgWin("Error", "Invalid shot name %s"%self.filename, self.silent) return False
def __init__(self): self.projInfo = ppc.ProjectInfo() if not self.projInfo.validProject: utils.msgWin("Error", "Not a valid Project", False) return self.cachePipe = True if self.projInfo.pipelineType == "cache" else False if mc.window('shotManager', exists=1): mc.deleteUI('shotManager') if mc.windowPref('shotManager', exists=1): mc.windowPref('shotManager', r=1) if mc.dockControl('shotDock', q=True, exists=1): mc.deleteUI('shotDock') if mc.tabLayout("mainShotTab", ex=True): mc.deleteUI("mainShotTab") mel.eval( "global string $gMainWindow;tabLayout -parent $gMainWindow mainShotTab" ) = mc.loadUI(f=shotUi) mc.control(, e=1, ebg=1, p="mainShotTab") mc.tabLayout("mainShotTab", e=1, tv=0) mc.dockControl('shotDock', w=375, a='right', con="mainShotTab", aa=['right', 'left'], l='Toonz Shot Manager', vcc=self.clearDock) eporsq = "Episode : " if self.projInfo.epOrSeq == "ep" else "Sequence : " mc.text("lblEpisode", e=True, l=eporsq) breakDown = self.projInfo.breakDown self.breakDownPath = "%s/%s" % (self.projInfo.mapDrive, breakDown) self.setDept() self.deptChange() mc.optionMenu('cmbDepts', e=1, cc=lambda event: self.deptChange()) mc.optionMenu('cmbEpisode', e=1, cc=lambda event: self.loadShots()) mc.optionMenu('cmbShot', e=1, cc=lambda event: self.selectDeptVer()) mc.optionMenu('cmbDeptVer', e=1, cc=lambda event: self.loadVersions()) mc.optionMenu('cmbRetake', e=1, cc=lambda event: self.loadVersions()) mc.optionMenu('cmbCategory', e=1, cc=lambda event: self.fgbgSwitch()) mc.button('btnOpen', e=1, c=lambda event: self.openFile("file")) mc.button('btnOpenVer', e=1, c=lambda event: self.openFile("ver")) mc.button('btnImpCam', e=1, c=lambda event: self.importCamera()) mc.button('btnOpenBlast', e=1, c=lambda event: self.openBlast()) mc.button('btnCreateWs', e=1, c=lambda event: self.createWs()) mc.button('btnSaveToWs', e=1, c=lambda event: self.saveFile()) mc.button('btnSaveToLocal', e=1, c=lambda event: self.saveFile(True)) mc.checkBox('chkPlayblast', e=1, cc=lambda event: self.toggleCache()) mc.checkBox('chkCache', e=1, cc=lambda event: self.togglePb())
def readXML(self, cacheXmlPath = None): if not cacheXmlPath: cacheXmlPath = self.shotCacheXmlAn if os.path.exists(cacheXmlPath): self.xmlTree = ET.parse(cacheXmlPath) self.user = self.xmlTree.find('user').text = self.xmlTree.find('date').text self.time = self.xmlTree.find('time').text self.stF = self.xmlTree.find('startFrame').text self.edF = self.xmlTree.find('endFrame').text cameraXMLNode = self.xmlTree.find('camera') camDict = cameraXMLNode.attrib self.cameraName = camDict["cameraName"] commsNode = self.xmlTree.find('comments') if commsNode == None: self.comments = "" else: self.comments = commsNode.text self.invisObjs = [] statVisXml = self.xmlTree.find('staticInvisData') for node in statVisXml.getchildren(): self.invisObjs.append(node.tag) self.dynVisXMLNodes = [] dynVisXml = self.xmlTree.find('dynamicVisData') for node in dynVisXml.getchildren(): self.dynVisXMLNodes.append(node) self.cameraXMLNodes = [] for node in cameraXMLNode.getchildren(): self.cameraXMLNodes.append(node) self.assets = {} getAssetXml = self.xmlTree.find('assets') for node in getAssetXml.getchildren(): self.assets[node.tag] = node.attrib if node.attrib["assettype"] == 'char': self.characters.append(node.tag) elif node.attrib["assettype"] == 'prop': self.props.append(node.tag) elif node.attrib["assettype"] == 'sets': self.sets.append(node.tag) elif node.attrib["assettype"] == 'elms': self.elms.append(node.tag) return True else: utils.msgWin("Error", "XML file does not exist : %s"%cacheXmlPath, self.silent) return False
def writeXML(self, cacheXmlPath = None): if self.checkExportErrors(self.silent): return False if not cacheXmlPath: cacheXmlPath = self.shotCacheXmlAn xmlRoot = ET.Element(self.fileName) assetRefs = self.mayaShot.refNodes self.commonData(xmlRoot) assets = ET.SubElement(xmlRoot,'assets') self.createAssetsXML(assetRefs, assets) self.msg += '\nScene Asset Info exported' tree = ET.ElementTree(xmlRoot) tree.write(cacheXmlPath) # cleanLog = self.cleanCacheFolder("anim") # if cleanLog: self.msg += "\n\n%s"%cleanLog self.msg += '\n\nXML created successfully' utils.msgWin("Export Successful", "Scene file successfully cached\n%s"%self.msg, self.silent) self.msg = "\n" return True
def importCamera(self): cmsObj = self.getCmsObj() if mc.objExists("CAM"): msg = "A camera already exists in the scene.\nDo you want to replace it?" conf = mc.confirmDialog(t='Warning', m=msg, b=['Replace', 'Cancel'], cb='Cancel', ds='Cancel') if conf == 'Replace': utils.importCamera(cmsObj.epsq, cmsObj.shot) else: return projInfo = ppc.ProjectInfo() mapDrive = projInfo.mapDrive cacheXmlPath = "%s/data/cache/%s/%s/%s/" % (mapDrive, cmsObj.epsq, cmsObj.shot, "anim") xmlFile = None if os.path.exists(cacheXmlPath): files = os.listdir(cacheXmlPath) for fil in files: if fil.lower().endswith(".xml"): xmlFile = fil if not xmlFile: utils.msgWin( "Error", "Animation file has not been cached yet\nOr error retrieving cache xml file.", False) return self.cacheDataObj = ppc.CacheDataXml() self.cacheDataObj.readXML(os.path.join(cacheXmlPath, xmlFile)) for camXMLNode in self.cacheDataObj.cameraXMLNodes: utils.loadAnimXML(self.cacheDataObj.xmlTree, camXMLNode) camName = self.cacheDataObj.cameraName camAttrs = mc.listAttr(camName, k=1) for attr in camAttrs: mc.setAttr("%s.%s" % (camName, attr), l=1) else: utils.msgWin( "Error", "Couldn't find the camera. Contact R&D with the error", False)
def __init__(self, filename = None, silent = True): self.validShot, self.mapDrive = True, None self.silent = silent self.assets, self.chars, self.props, self.sets, self.elms, self.namespaces = [], [], [], [], [], [] self.projInfo = ProjectInfo() if self.projInfo.validProject: self.mapDrive = self.projInfo.mapDrive else: utils.msgWin("Error", "Error getting project information", self.silent) self.validShot = False return if not self.mapDrive: self.validShot = False self.shotPath = mc.file(q = True, sn = True) if filename: self.filename = filename else: curFile = os.path.basename(self.shotPath) self.filename = curFile.replace("_tmp", "") if "_tmp" in curFile else curFile if not self.defineShot(): self.validShot = False
def getCacheGeos(self): geoGrp = self.getGrp('GEO') if not geoGrp: return [] cacheGeos = [] if mc.listAttr(geoGrp, st = "Static"): if mc.getAttr("%s.Static"%geoGrp): return [] geoTransforms=mc.listRelatives(geoGrp,c=1,ad=1,ni=1,type='transform',f=1) if geoTransforms: for eachTrans in geoTransforms: shpNode=mc.listRelatives(eachTrans,s=1,c=1,type='mesh',ni=1,f=1) if shpNode: vtxCheck=mc.polyEvaluate(shpNode,v=1) if vtxCheck: cacheGeos.append(str(shpNode[0])) if cacheGeos: return cacheGeos else: utils.msgWin("Warning", "No cacheable geomtry found", self.silent) return []
def loadEpSqs(self): epsqIndex = 1 epsqNums = [] if self.mayaShot.validShot: self.epsqNum = self.mayaShot.epsqNum else: self.epsqNum = mc.optionMenu('cmbEpisode', q = 1, v = 1) if not self.epsqNum: self.epsqNum = "001" if os.path.exists(self.breakDownPath): xlFiles = [x for x in os.listdir(self.breakDownPath) if x.lower().endswith(".xls")] else: utils.msgWin("Error", "No breakdownlist created yet", False) return for xlFile in xlFiles: epsqName = xlFile.split("_")[1] if "_" in xlFile else None if epsqName: try: epsqNums.append(epsqName[2:]) except: utils.msgWin("Warning", "Failed to read EP/SQ num from %s"%xlFile, True) continue menuItems = mc.optionMenu('cmbEpisode', q = True, ill = True) if menuItems: mc.deleteUI(menuItems) if epsqNums: for i in range(len(sorted(epsqNums))): mc.menuItem(label = sorted(epsqNums)[i], p = 'cmbEpisode') if self.epsqNum == sorted(epsqNums)[i]: epsqIndex = i + 1 else: utils.msgWin("Error", "No breakdownlist created yet", False) return mc.optionMenu('cmbEpisode', e = 1, sl = epsqIndex) self.loadShots()
def defineAsset(self): self.assetType, self.topGrp, self.astRes = None, None, None self.refObjs = [] if not mc.referenceQuery(self.refNode,il=1): utils.msgWin("Warning", "Reference not loaded for %s"%self.refNode, self.silent) self.refLoaded = False else: self.refLoaded = True self.assetPath = mc.referenceQuery(self.refNode, f = True, wcn = True) self.assetPathCopyNum = mc.referenceQuery(self.refNode, f = True, wcn = False) self.namespace = mc.file(self.assetPathCopyNum, q = 1, ns = 1) if "/char/" in self.assetPath: self.assetType = "char" if "/prop/" in self.assetPath: self.assetType = "prop" if "/sets/" in self.assetPath: self.assetType = "sets" if not self.assetType: utils.msgWin("Error", "Error identifying asset type from asset path for %s"%self.refNode, self.silent) self.validAsset = False if self.refLoaded: self.refObjs = mc.referenceQuery(self.refNode,n=1) if not self.refObjs: utils.msgWin("Error", "Couldn't find any referenced objects", self.silent) self.validAsset = False self.topGrp = self.refObjs[0] if self.assetType == "prop": topGrpAttrs = mc.listAttr(self.topGrp,ud=1) if topGrpAttrs: if ('Elements' in topGrpAttrs): self.assetType = 'elms' self.astRes = str(utils.findObjRes(self.topGrp))
def importAssetCache(self, cacheXmlLt, cacheErrorCheck = False): """ cacheXmlLt = "R:/data/cache/sq001/sh001/light/char/ben00c_ben/ben00c_ben.xml" """ if os.path.exists(cacheXmlLt): cacheChannels = mc.cacheFile(fileName=cacheXmlLt,q=1,channelName=1) cacheGeos = self.getCacheGeos() cacheGeoDict, cacheChannelsTmp = {}, [] for chn in cacheChannels: for geo in cacheGeos: baseChn = utils.stripNames(utils.convertName(chn, "texture")) baseGeo = utils.stripNames(utils.stripNames(geo, ":"), "|") if baseChn in baseGeo: cacheGeoDict[chn] = geo cacheChannelsTmp.append(chn) continue else: utils.msgWin("Error", "File does not exist : %s"%cacheXmlLt, self.silent) return False if cacheErrorCheck: missedChannels = list(set(cacheChannels).difference(set(cacheGeoDict.keys()))) if len(missedChannels) > 0: msg = "Cache geometry missing\n" msg += "\n".join(missedChannels) utils.msgWin("Error", msg, self.silent) return missedChannels else: return False for chNode in self.getCacheNodes(): mc.delete(chNode) for chn in cacheGeoDict.keys(): deformShp = cacheGeoDict[chn] try: shpSwitch = mc.deformer(deformShp, type="historySwitch") except: continue shpHist = mc.listHistory(deformShp, pdo=1) if shpHist: for hist in shpHist: if mc.nodeType(hist) == "tweak": dblList = mc.listAttr("%s.plist"%hist, m= 1) fltList = mc.listAttr("%s.vlist"%hist, m= 1) dbCon, flCon = False, False if dblList: if len(dblList) > 1: dbCon = True if fltList: if len(fltList) > 1: flCon = True if not(dbCon or flCon): mc.delete(hist) break conns = mc.listConnections("%s.ip[0].ig"%shpSwitch[0], p=1) mc.connectAttr(conns[0], "[0]"%shpSwitch[0]) mc.setAttr("%s.playFromCache"%shpSwitch[0], 1) mc.getAttr("%s.op[0]"%shpSwitch[0], sl = 1) mc.setAttr("%s.playFromCache"%shpSwitch[0], 0) mc.disconnectAttr(conns[0], "[0]"%shpSwitch[0]) switch = mc.rename(shpSwitch[0],'cacheSwitch#') mc.setAttr(switch+'.ihi',0) cacheNode = mc.cacheFile(f = cacheXmlLt, attachFile = True, ia = '%s.inp[0]'%switch, cnm = chn) mc.connectAttr(cacheNode+".inRange", switch + '.playFromCache') utils.msgWin("Message", "Cache loaded successfully for %s"%self.namespace, self.silent) return True
def __init__(self): self.projInfo = ppc.ProjectInfo() if not self.projInfo.validProject: utils.msgWin("Error", "Not a valid Project", False) return self.cachePipe = True if self.projInfo.pipelineType == "cache" else False if mc.window('shotManager', exists = 1): mc.deleteUI('shotManager') if mc.windowPref('shotManager', exists = 1): mc.windowPref('shotManager', r = 1) if mc.dockControl ('shotDock', q = True, exists = 1): mc.deleteUI ('shotDock') if mc.tabLayout("mainShotTab", ex = True): mc.deleteUI("mainShotTab") mel.eval("global string $gMainWindow;tabLayout -parent $gMainWindow mainShotTab") = mc.loadUI(f = shotUi) mc.control(, e = 1, ebg = 1, p = "mainShotTab") mc.tabLayout("mainShotTab", e = 1, tv = 0) mc.dockControl('shotDock', w = 375, a = 'right', con = "mainShotTab", aa = ['right', 'left'], l ='Toonz Shot Manager', vcc = self.clearDock) eporsq = "Episode : " if self.projInfo.epOrSeq == "ep" else "Sequence : " mc.text("lblEpisode", e = True, l = eporsq) breakDown = self.projInfo.breakDown self.breakDownPath = "%s/%s"%(self.projInfo.mapDrive, breakDown) self.setDept() self.deptChange() mc.optionMenu('cmbDepts', e = 1, cc = lambda event:self.deptChange()) mc.optionMenu('cmbEpisode',e = 1,cc = lambda event:self.loadShots()) mc.optionMenu('cmbShot',e = 1,cc = lambda event:self.selectDeptVer()) mc.optionMenu('cmbDeptVer',e = 1,cc = lambda event:self.loadVersions()) mc.optionMenu('cmbRetake',e = 1,cc = lambda event:self.loadVersions()) mc.optionMenu('cmbCategory',e = 1,cc = lambda event:self.fgbgSwitch()) mc.button('btnOpen',e = 1,c = lambda event:self.openFile("file")) mc.button('btnOpenVer',e = 1,c = lambda event:self.openFile("ver")) mc.button('btnImpCam',e = 1,c = lambda event:self.importCamera()) mc.button('btnOpenBlast',e = 1,c = lambda event:self.openBlast()) mc.button('btnCreateWs',e = 1,c = lambda event: self.createWs()) mc.button('btnSaveToWs',e = 1, c = lambda event:self.saveFile()) mc.button('btnSaveToLocal',e = 1, c = lambda event:self.saveFile(True)) mc.checkBox('chkPlayblast', e = 1, cc = lambda event:self.toggleCache()) mc.checkBox('chkCache', e = 1, cc = lambda event:self.togglePb())
def getSceneCamera(self, silent = True): camPattern = "(ep|sq)[0-9]{3}sh[0-9]{3}([a-z]{1})?_camCt" camName = "%s%s_camCt" % (self.epSqName, self.shName) scCams = = "camera") renCams = [] for cam in scCams: camTr = mc.listRelatives(cam, p = True) pMatch =, camTr[0]) if pMatch: renCams.append(camTr[0]) if not renCams: utils.msgWin("Error", "Couldn't find a valid camera", silent) return None if len(renCams) > 1: utils.msgWin("Error", "Too many cameras in the scene.\nPlease delete unwanted cameras", silent) return None if not renCams[0] == camName: utils.msgWin("Error", "Camera has wrong name. Please run Scene Cleanup", silent) return None return camName
def loadEpSqs(self): epsqIndex = 1 epsqNums = [] if self.mayaShot.validShot: self.epsqNum = self.mayaShot.epsqNum else: self.epsqNum = mc.optionMenu('cmbEpisode', q=1, v=1) if not self.epsqNum: self.epsqNum = "001" if os.path.exists(self.breakDownPath): xlFiles = [ x for x in os.listdir(self.breakDownPath) if x.lower().endswith(".xls") ] else: utils.msgWin("Error", "No breakdownlist created yet", False) return for xlFile in xlFiles: epsqName = xlFile.split("_")[1] if "_" in xlFile else None if epsqName: try: epsqNums.append(epsqName[2:]) except: utils.msgWin("Warning", "Failed to read EP/SQ num from %s" % xlFile, True) continue menuItems = mc.optionMenu('cmbEpisode', q=True, ill=True) if menuItems: mc.deleteUI(menuItems) if epsqNums: for i in range(len(sorted(epsqNums))): mc.menuItem(label=sorted(epsqNums)[i], p='cmbEpisode') if self.epsqNum == sorted(epsqNums)[i]: epsqIndex = i + 1 else: utils.msgWin("Error", "No breakdownlist created yet", False) return mc.optionMenu('cmbEpisode', e=1, sl=epsqIndex) self.loadShots()
def saveFile(self, local=False): pBlast, cchChk, pbStat = False, False, True cmsObj = self.getCmsObj() if cmsObj.deptShort in ["ly", "bk", "an"]: pBlast = mc.checkBox("chkPlayblast", q=1, v=1) if pBlast: viewport = utils.getActiveViewport() if not viewport: utils.msgWin( "Error", "Couldn't get active viewport. Please\nactivate viewport and try again.", False) return cchChk = mc.checkBox("chkCache", q=1, v=1) if cchChk: cacheDataObj = ppc.CacheDataXml() cacheExportError = cacheDataObj.checkExportErrors(False) if cacheExportError: return mayaShot = ppc.MayaShot(silent="disabled") if not mayaShot.validShot: utils.msgWin("Error", "Not a valid shot", False) return if not (mayaShot.deptShort == cmsObj.deptShort): msg = "Scene department does not match the dept selected in manager." utils.msgWin("Error", msg, False) return if not (mayaShot.epSqName == cmsObj.epsq and mayaShot.shName == cmsObj.shot): msg = "Scene shot number does not match the shot selected in manager." msg += "\nDo you want to save using the shot number selected in manager?" msg += "\nThis will rename camera and obtain frames from breakdown list." conf = mc.confirmDialog(t="Warning", m=msg, button=['Save', 'Cancel'], cancelButton='Cancel', dismissString='Cancel') if conf == 'Cancel': return if local: wsFileFldr = mc.fileDialog2(dialogStyle=1, fm=3) if wsFileFldr: newFilePath = os.path.join( wsFileFldr[0], "%s.%s" % (cmsObj.fileName, cmsObj.ext)) if os.path.exists(newFilePath): utils.saveVersion(newFilePath) mc.file(rename=newFilePath) mc.file(save=True) blastPath = newFilePath.replace(".%s" % cmsObj.ext, ".avi") else: utils.msgWin("Error", "No folder selected", True) return else: wsFilePath = os.path.join(cmsObj.wsPath, "%s.%s" % (cmsObj.fileName, cmsObj.ext)) utils.saveVersion(wsFilePath) mc.file(rename=wsFilePath) utils.sceneCleanup() mc.file(save=True) blastPath = None msg = "File successfully Saved" if pBlast: pbStat = utils.takePlayblast(True, False, blastPath) mc.refresh() if cchChk and not local: cacheDataObj = ppc.CacheDataXml() cacheDataObj.writeXML() msg = "File successfully Saved and Cached" if not pbStat: msg = msg + "\n\nThere were errors while taking the playblast.\nPlease check the script editor for details." utils.msgWin("Success", msg, False) self.loadVersions()
def getGrp(self, grpName = 'GEO'): for obj in self.refObjs: if obj.endswith(grpName): return obj utils.msgWin("Error", "Couldn't find %s group"%grpName, self.silent) return None
def __init__(self, silent = True): self.validProject = True self.silent = silent self.mapDrive, self.configXML, self.projShort, self.astNameConv, self.astFdrConv = None, None, None, None, None self.resWidth, self.resHeight, self.aspectRatio, self.stereo = 1920, 1080, 1.778, False self.epOrSeq, self.epsqNums, self.timeUnit, self.cameraType = "ep", 10, "pal", "normal" self.pipelineType, self.mayaVer, self.mayaExt = "cache", 2013, "ma" self.charPb = "assets/publish/char" self.propPb = "assets/publish/prop" self.bgPb = "assets/publish/sets" self.soundFldr = "inputs/audio" self.breakDown = "inputs/breakdownlist" self.durationLst = "inputs/breakdownlist/durationlist" self.pubFldr = "assets/publish" self.modelFldr = "workspace/model" self.modelFinl = "assets/model" self.texFldr = "workspace/texture" self.texFinl = "assets/texture" self.rigFldr = "workspace/rig" self.rigFinl = "assets/rig" self.chfAstFldr = "workspace/chfasset" self.chfAstFinl = "assets/chfasset" self.stageFldr = "workspace/staging" self.stageFinl = "scenes/staging" self.animFldr = "workspace/animation" self.animFinl = "scenes/animation" self.lightFldr = "workspace/lighting" self.lightFinl = "scenes/lighting" self.fxFldr = "workspace/fx" self.fxFinl = "scenes/fx" self.chfFldr = "workspace/chf" self.chfFinl = "scenes/chf" self.compInput = "renderScenes" self.compFldr = "workspace/compositing" self.compFinl = "output" currProj = None if mc.optionVar(ex = 'currentProject'): currProj = mc.optionVar(q = 'currentProject') else: self.validProject = False return projTree = ET.parse(projectPathsXml) projRoot = projTree.getroot() for node in projRoot: getPathAttr = node.attrib if currProj: if getPathAttr['nam'] == currProj: self.mapDrive = getPathAttr['path'] break else: self.mapDrive = getPathAttr['path'] break if not (os.path.exists(self.mapDrive)) or not (os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.mapDrive, "/config.xml"))): utils.msgWin("Error", "Project drive/config file not accessible", self.silent) self.validProject = False else: self.configXML = os.path.join(self.mapDrive, "/config.xml") xmlTree = ET.parse(self.configXML) projShortElm = xmlTree.find('project-short') if not projShortElm == None: self.projShort = projShortElm.text epOrSeqElm = xmlTree.find('ep-or-seq') if not epOrSeqElm == None: self.epOrSeq = epOrSeqElm.text epsqNumsElm = xmlTree.find('episodes') if not epsqNumsElm == None: self.epsqNums = epsqNumsElm.text mayaExtElm = xmlTree.find('maya-ext') if not mayaExtElm == None: self.mayaExt = mayaExtElm.text astNmCnvElm = xmlTree.find('asset-naming') if not astNmCnvElm == None: self.astNameConv = astNmCnvElm.text else: self.astNameConv = "%s~projShort~[0-9]{2}~epsqNum~_[a-z,A-Z]{2}[a-z,A-Z]*~astName~[0-9]{2}~astVer~(c|s|p)~astType~_[a-z]{2}~deptShort~[0-9]{2}~deptVer~_v[0-9]{3}"%self.projShort print "Falling back to default asset naming convention" astfdrnvElm = xmlTree.find('asset-naming') if not astfdrnvElm == None: self.astFdrConv = astfdrnvElm.text else: self.astFdrConv = "%s~projShort~[0-9]{3}~epsqNum~_[a-z,A-Z]{2}[a-z,A-Z]*~astName~[0-9]{2}~astVer~(c|s|p)~astType~_(p|m|h)~astRes"%self.projShort print "Falling back to default asset folder convention" resWidthElm = xmlTree.find('resol-width') if not resWidthElm == None: self.resWidth = int(resWidthElm.text) resHeightElm = xmlTree.find('resol-height') if not resHeightElm == None: self.resHeight = int(resHeightElm.text) aspectRatioElm = xmlTree.find('aspRto') if not aspectRatioElm == None: self.aspectRatio = float(aspectRatioElm.text) timeUnitElm = xmlTree.find('time-unit') if not timeUnitElm == None: self.timeUnit = timeUnitElm.text cameraTypeElm = xmlTree.find('camera-type') if not cameraTypeElm == None: self.cameraType = cameraTypeElm.text self.stereo = True if self.cameraType == "stereo" else False pipeTypeElm = xmlTree.find('pipeline-type') if not pipeTypeElm == None: self.pipelineType = pipeTypeElm.text soundFldrElm = xmlTree.find("sound-folder") if not soundFldrElm == None: self.soundFldr = soundFldrElm.text mayaVerElm = xmlTree.find('maya-ver') if not mayaVerElm == None: self.mayaVer = mayaVerElm.text pubFldrElm = xmlTree.find('pub-folder') if not pubFldrElm == None: self.pubFldr = pubFldrElm.text charPbElm = xmlTree.find('char-folder') if not charPbElm == None: self.charPb = charPbElm.text propPbElm = xmlTree.find('prop-folder') if not propPbElm == None: self.propPb = propPbElm.text bgPbElm = xmlTree.find('bg-folder') if not bgPbElm == None: self.bgPb = bgPbElm.text soundFldrElm = xmlTree.find('sound-folder') if not soundFldrElm == None: self.soundFldr = soundFldrElm.text breakDownElm = xmlTree.find('breakdown-folder') if not breakDownElm == None: self.breakDown = breakDownElm.text durationLstElm = xmlTree.find('durationlist-folder') if not durationLstElm == None: self.durationLst = durationLstElm.text modelFldrElm = xmlTree.find('model-folder') if not modelFldrElm == None: self.modelFldr = modelFldrElm.text modelFinlElm = xmlTree.find('model-final') if not modelFinlElm == None: self.modelFinl = modelFinlElm.text texFldrElm = xmlTree.find('texture-folder') if not texFldrElm == None: self.texFldr = texFldrElm.text texFinlElm = xmlTree.find('texture-final') if not texFinlElm == None: self.texFinl = texFinlElm.text rigFldrElm = xmlTree.find('rig-folder') if not rigFldrElm == None: self.rigFldr = rigFldrElm.text rigFinlElm = xmlTree.find('rig-final') if not rigFinlElm == None: self.rigFinl = rigFinlElm.text chfAstFldrElm = xmlTree.find('chfasset-folder') if not chfAstFldrElm == None: self.chfAstFldr = chfAstFldrElm.text chfAstFinlElm = xmlTree.find('chfasset-final') if not chfAstFinlElm == None: self.chfAstFinl = chfAstFinlElm.text stageFldrElm = xmlTree.find('staging-folder') if not stageFldrElm == None: self.stageFldr = stageFldrElm.text stageFinlElm = xmlTree.find('staging-final') if not stageFinlElm == None: self.stageFinl = stageFinlElm.text blockFldrElm = xmlTree.find('blocking-folder') if not blockFldrElm == None: self.blockFldr = blockFldrElm.text blockingFinlElm = xmlTree.find('blocking-final') if not blockingFinlElm == None: self.blockingFinl = blockingFinlElm.text animFldrElm = xmlTree.find('anim-folder') if not animFldrElm == None: self.animFldr = animFldrElm.text animFinlElm = xmlTree.find('anim-final') if not animFinlElm == None: self.animFinl = animFinlElm.text lightFldrElm = xmlTree.find('light-folder') if not lightFldrElm == None: self.lightFldr = lightFldrElm.text lightFinlElm = xmlTree.find('light-final') if not lightFinlElm == None: self.lightFinl = lightFinlElm.text fxFldrElm = xmlTree.find('fx-folder') if not fxFldrElm == None: self.fxFldr = fxFldrElm.text fxFinlElm = xmlTree.find('fx-final') if not fxFinlElm == None: self.fxFinl = fxFinlElm.text chfFldrElm = xmlTree.find('chf-folder') if not chfFldrElm == None: self.chfFldr = chfFldrElm.text chfFinlElm = xmlTree.find('chf-final') if not chfFinlElm == None: self.chfFinl = chfFinlElm.text compInputElm = xmlTree.find('comp-input') if not compInputElm == None: self.compInput = compInputElm.text compFldrElm = xmlTree.find('comp-folder') if not compFldrElm == None: self.compFldr = compFldrElm.text compFinlElm = xmlTree.find('comp-final') if not compFinlElm == None: self.compFinl = compFinlElm.text
def saveFile(self, local = False): pBlast, cchChk, pbStat = False, False, True cmsObj = self.getCmsObj() if cmsObj.deptShort in ["ly", "bk", "an"]: pBlast = mc.checkBox("chkPlayblast", q = 1, v = 1) if pBlast: viewport = utils.getActiveViewport() if not viewport: utils.msgWin("Error", "Couldn't get active viewport. Please\nactivate viewport and try again.", False) return cchChk = mc.checkBox("chkCache", q = 1, v = 1) if cchChk: cacheDataObj = ppc.CacheDataXml() cacheExportError = cacheDataObj.checkExportErrors(False) if cacheExportError: return mayaShot = ppc.MayaShot(silent = "disabled") if not mayaShot.validShot: utils.msgWin("Error", "Not a valid shot", False) return if not (mayaShot.deptShort == cmsObj.deptShort): msg = "Scene department does not match the dept selected in manager." utils.msgWin("Error", msg, False) return if not(mayaShot.epSqName == cmsObj.epsq and mayaShot.shName == cmsObj.shot): msg = "Scene shot number does not match the shot selected in manager." msg += "\nDo you want to save using the shot number selected in manager?" msg += "\nThis will rename camera and obtain frames from breakdown list." conf = mc.confirmDialog(t = "Warning", m = msg, button = ['Save', 'Cancel'], cancelButton = 'Cancel', dismissString = 'Cancel') if conf == 'Cancel': return if local: wsFileFldr = mc.fileDialog2(dialogStyle = 1, fm = 3) if wsFileFldr: newFilePath = os.path.join(wsFileFldr[0], "%s.%s"%(cmsObj.fileName, cmsObj.ext)) if os.path.exists(newFilePath): utils.saveVersion(newFilePath) mc.file(rename = newFilePath) mc.file(save = True) blastPath = newFilePath.replace(".%s"%cmsObj.ext, ".avi") else: utils.msgWin("Error", "No folder selected", True) return else: wsFilePath = os.path.join(cmsObj.wsPath, "%s.%s"%(cmsObj.fileName, cmsObj.ext)) utils.saveVersion(wsFilePath) mc.file(rename = wsFilePath) utils.sceneCleanup() mc.file(save = True) blastPath = None msg = "File successfully Saved" if pBlast: pbStat = utils.takePlayblast(True, False, blastPath) mc.refresh() if cchChk and not local: cacheDataObj = ppc.CacheDataXml() cacheDataObj.writeXML() msg = "File successfully Saved and Cached" if not pbStat: msg = msg + "\n\nThere were errors while taking the playblast.\nPlease check the script editor for details." utils.msgWin("Success", msg, False) self.loadVersions()
def checkImportErrors(self, silent = True, update = False, refNodes = []): errorLog = [] if self.checkExportErrors(): errorLog.extend(self.exportErrorLog) if not os.path.exists(self.shotCacheXmlAn): utils.msgWin("Error", "XML file does not exist : %s"%self.shotCacheXmlAn, True) errorLog.append("XML file does not exist : %s"%self.shotCacheXmlAn) else: self.readXML() cacheNotFound = [] animFldr = os.path.join(self.shotCacheFldr, "anim") liteFldr = os.path.join(self.shotCacheFldr, "light") if refNodes: asts = refNodes refRes = "texture" else: asts = self.assets.keys() refRes = "rig" for ast in asts: if refRes == "texture": astObj = MayaAsset(ast) if astObj.validAsset: scNamespace = astObj.namespace namespace = utils.convertName(scNamespace, "rig", True) topNode = astObj.topGrp if not mc.objExists(topNode): errorLog.append("Missing reference/assets in scene : %s"%topNode) continue else: continue else: namespace = self.assets[ast]['namespace'] scNamespace = utils.convertName(namespace, "texture", True) topName = self.assets[ast]['name'] topNode = "%s:%s"%(scNamespace, topName) if mc.objExists(topNode): try: refNode = mc.referenceQuery(topNode, rfn = True) except: print "Reference has been cut for : %s"%topNode continue else: errorLog.append("Missing reference/asset in scene : %s"%topNode) continue astObj = MayaAsset(refNode) if not os.path.exists(astObj.assetPath): errorLog.append("Missing High Asset : %s"%astObj.assetPath) utils.msgWin("Error", "Missing High Asset : %s"%astObj.assetPath, True) astType = astObj.assetType cacheName = (utils.convertName(topNode, "rig", False)).replace(":", "_") cacheFldrAn = os.path.join(animFldr, astType, cacheName) cacheFldrLt = os.path.join(liteFldr, astType, cacheName) cacheFile = os.path.join(cacheFldrAn, ""%cacheName) if astObj.getCacheGeos(): if not os.path.exists(cacheFile): cacheFile = os.path.join(cacheFldrLt, ""%cacheName) if not os.path.exists(cacheFile): print "missing", cacheFile cacheNotFound.append(cacheFile.replace("\\", "/")) missedChn = astObj.importAssetCache(cacheFile, True) if missedChn: errorLog.append("Cache Geometry missing for %s"%astObj.namespace) print "\nCache Geometry missing for %s:"%astObj.namespace for chn in missedChn: print "Channel mismatch for %s"%chn print "\n" if cacheNotFound: errorLog.append("\nThe following animation cache files do not exist:\n") utils.msgWin("Error", "\nThe following animation cache files do not exist:\n", True) for cchNotF in cacheNotFound: errorLog.append("%s"%cchNotF) utils.msgWin("Error", "%s"%cchNotF, True) if os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(self.shotCacheXmlLt)): lockedFiles = utils.checkLockedFiles(os.path.dirname(self.shotCacheXmlLt), "mc") if lockedFiles: msg = "Following Light cache files are in use. Please close\nallother maya files that might be accessing this cache folder\n" for lckFil in lockedFiles: msg += "%s\n"%lckFil utils.msgWin("Error", msg, True) errorLog.append(msg) if update: if not os.path.exists(self.shotCacheXmlLt): utils.msgWin("Error", "Light XML not found : %s"%self.shotCacheXmlLt, True) errorLog.append("Light XML not found : %s"%self.shotCacheXmlLt) if errorLog: errorLog.append("\nImport Cache Operation Aborted\n") self.importErrorLog = errorLog utils.msgWin("Cache Scene Errors", "\n".join(errorLog), silent) return True else: return False