Пример #1
def external_ip(query_url='http://ipv4.icanhazip.com/'):
	'''Return external IP address.

	Suggested URIs:

	* http://ipv4.icanhazip.com/
	* http://ipv6.icanhazip.com/
	* http://icanhazip.com/ (returns IPv6 address if available, else IPv4)

	:param str query_url:
		URI to query for IP address, should return only the IP address as a text string
	return urllib_read(query_url).strip()
Пример #2
def weather(unit='c', location_query=None, icons=None):
	'''Return weather from Yahoo! Weather.

	Uses GeoIP lookup from http://freegeoip.net/ to automatically determine
	your current location. This should be changed if you're in a VPN or if your
	IP address is registered at another location.

	Returns a list of colorized icon and temperature segments depending on
	weather conditions.

	:param str unit:
		temperature unit, can be one of ``F``, ``C`` or ``K``
	:param str location_query:
		location query for your current location, e.g. ``oslo, norway``
	:param dict icons:
		dict for overriding default icons, e.g. ``{'heavy_snow' : u'❆'}``
	import json

	if not location_query:
			location = json.loads(urllib_read('http://freegeoip.net/json/' + _external_ip()))
			location_query = ','.join([location['city'], location['region_name'], location['country_name']])
		except (TypeError, ValueError):
			return None
	query_data = {
			'use "http://github.com/yql/yql-tables/raw/master/weather/weather.bylocation.xml" as we;'
			'select * from we where location="{0}" and unit="{1}"'.format(location_query, unit).encode('utf-8'),
		'format': 'json'
		url = 'http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?' + urllib_urlencode(query_data)
		response = json.loads(urllib_read(url))
		condition = response['query']['results']['weather']['rss']['channel']['item']['condition']
		condition_code = int(condition['code'])
	except (KeyError, TypeError, ValueError):
		return None

		icon_names = weather_conditions_codes[condition_code]
	except IndexError:
		icon_names = (('not_available' if condition_code == 3200 else 'unknown'),)

	for icon_name in icon_names:
		if icons:
			if icon_name in icons:
				icon = icons[icon_name]
		icon = weather_conditions_icons[icon_names[-1]]

	groups = ['weather_condition_' + icon_name for icon_name in icon_names] + ['weather_conditions', 'weather']
	return [
			'contents': icon + ' ',
			'highlight_group': groups,
			'divider_highlight_group': 'background:divider',
			'contents': '{0}°{1}'.format(condition['temp'], unit.upper()),
			'highlight_group': ['weather_temp_cold' if int(condition['temp']) < 0 else 'weather_temp_hot', 'weather_temp', 'weather'],
			'draw_divider': False,
			'divider_highlight_group': 'background:divider',
Пример #3
def _external_ip(query_url='http://ipv4.icanhazip.com/'):
	return urllib_read(query_url).strip()