def run(core, actor, target, commandString): playerObject = actor.getSlottedObject('ghost') if not playerObject: return commandArgs = commandString.split(' ') command = commandArgs[0] if len(commandArgs) > 1: arg1 = commandArgs[1] if len(commandArgs) > 2: arg2 = commandArgs[2] if len(commandArgs) > 3: arg3 = commandArgs[3] if len(commandArgs) > 4: arg4 = commandArgs[4] if len(commandArgs) > 5: arg5 = commandArgs[5] if not command: return if actor.getClient().isGM() is False: return if playerObject.getGodLevel() == 0: actor.addAbility("admin") playerObject.setGodLevel(50) if command == 'giveExperience' and arg1: core.playerService.giveExperience(actor, int(arg1)) if command == 'level' and arg1: core.playerService.grantLevel(actor, int(arg1)) elif command == 'setSpeed' and arg1: actor.sendSystemMessage( 'Your speed was ' + str(actor.getSpeedMultiplierBase()) + '. Don\'t forget to set this back or it\'ll permanently imbalance your speed. Default without buffs or mods is 1.', 2) actor.setSpeedMultiplierBase(float(arg1)) actor.sendSystemMessage( 'Your new speed is ' + str(actor.getSpeedMultiplierBase()) + '.', 2) elif command == 'teleport' and arg2 and arg3 and arg4: position = Point3D(float(arg2), float(arg3), float(arg4)) core.simulationService.transferToPlanet( actor, core.terrainService.getPlanetByName(arg1), position, actor.getOrientation(), None) elif command == 'teleportplayer' and arg1 and arg2 and arg3 and arg4 and arg5: player = core.chatService.getObjectByFirstName(arg1) if player: position = Point3D(float(arg3), float(arg4), float(arg5)) core.simulationService.transferToPlanet( player, core.terrainService.getPlanetByName(arg2), position, player.getOrientation(), None) elif command == 'credits' and arg1: actor.setCashCredits(actor.getCashCredits() + int(arg1)) actor.sendSystemMessage( 'The Galactic Empire has transferred ' + arg1 + ' credits to you for your service.', 0) elif command == 'addability' and arg1: actor.addAbility(str(arg1)) actor.sendSystemMessage('You have learned ' + arg1 + '.', 0) elif command == 'anim' and arg1: actor.doSkillAnimation(arg1) actor.sendSystemMessage('Performed ' + arg1, 0) elif command == 'changeBio' and arg1: actor.getSlottedObject('ghost').setBiography(arg1) elif command == 'spawn' and arg1 and arg2: pos = actor.getWorldPosition() core.spawnService.spawnCreature(arg1, actor.getPlanet().getName(), 0, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 1, 0, 1, 0, int(arg2)) elif command == 'instance' and arg1: core.instanceService.queue(arg1, actor) elif command == 'action' and arg1: actor.setAction(int(arg1)) elif command == 'health' and arg1: actor.setHealth(int(arg1)) elif command == 'id': actor.sendSystemMessage('Your id is: ' + str(actor.getObjectId()), 0) elif command == 'cust' and arg1 and arg2 and arg3: obj = core.objectService.getObject(long(arg1)) obj.setCustomizationVariable(str(arg2), int(arg3)) elif command == 'buff' and arg1: core.buffService.addBuffToCreature(actor, str(arg1), actor) elif command == 'stealth': if (actor.isInStealth()): actor.setInStealth(False) actor.setRadarVisible(True) else: actor.setInStealth(True) actor.setRadarVisible(False) elif command == 'holoEmote' and arg1: playerObject.setHoloEmote('holoemote_' + arg1) playerObject.setHoloEmoteUses(20) actor.sendSystemMessage( 'Holo-Emote Generator set to ' + 'holoemote_' + arg1, 0) elif command == 'off': if playerObject.getGodLevel > 0: actor.removeAbility("admin") playerObject.setGodLevel(0) elif command == 'setBounty': if actor.getFaction() == "": actor.sendSystemMessage( 'You must be aligned in order to place a bounty on yourself.', 0) return core.playerService.sendSetBountyWindow(actor, actor) return elif command == 'genloot': object = core.lootService.generateLootItem(actor, arg1) inventory = actor.getSlottedObject('inventory') if inventory: inventory.add(object) elif command == 'unknownAbilityPacket' and arg1: packet = UnknownAbilityPacket(arg1) actor.getClient().getSession().write(packet.serialize()) actor.sendSystemMessage( 'Sent UnknownAbilityPacket for ability ' + arg1, 0) return return
def run(core, actor, target, commandString): playerObject = actor.getSlottedObject('ghost') global str if not playerObject: return commandArgs = commandString.split(' ') command = commandArgs[0] if len(commandArgs) > 1: arg1 = commandArgs[1] if len(commandArgs) > 2: arg2 = commandArgs[2] if len(commandArgs) > 3: arg3 = commandArgs[3] if len(commandArgs) > 4: arg4 = commandArgs[4] if len(commandArgs) > 5: arg5 = commandArgs[5] if not command: return if actor.getClient().isGM() is False: return if playerObject.getGodLevel() == 0: actor.addAbility("admin") playerObject.setGodLevel(50) if command == 'giveExperience' and arg1: core.playerService.giveExperience(actor, int(arg1)) if command == 'level' and arg1: core.playerService.grantLevel(actor, int(arg1)) elif command == 'setSpeed' and arg1: #actor.sendSystemMessage("Your speed was " + str(actor.getSpeedMultiplierBase()) + ". Don\'t forget to set this back or it\'ll permanently imbalance your speed. Default without buffs or mods is 1.", 2) actor.setSpeedMultiplierBase(float(arg1)) actor.sendSystemMessage('Your new speed is ' + arg1 + '.', 2) elif command == 'teleport' and arg2 and arg3 and arg4: position = Point3D(float(arg2), float(arg3), float(arg4)) core.simulationService.transferToPlanet(actor, core.terrainService.getPlanetByName(arg1), position, actor.getOrientation(), None) elif command == 'teleportplayer' and arg1 and arg2 and arg3 and arg4 and arg5: player = core.chatService.getObjectByFirstName(arg1) if player: position = Point3D(float(arg3), float(arg4), float(arg5)) core.simulationService.transferToPlanet(player, core.terrainService.getPlanetByName(arg2), position, player.getOrientation(), None) elif command == 'credits' and arg1: actor.setCashCredits(actor.getCashCredits() + int(arg1)) actor.sendSystemMessage('The Galactic Empire has transferred ' + arg1 + ' credits to you for your service.', 0) elif command == 'addability' and arg1: actor.addAbility(str(arg1)) actor.sendSystemMessage('You have learned ' + arg1 + '.', 0) elif command == 'anim' and arg1: actor.doSkillAnimation(arg1) actor.sendSystemMessage('Performed ' + arg1 ,0) elif command == 'changeBio' and arg1: actor.getSlottedObject('ghost').setBiography(arg1) elif command == 'spawn' and arg1 and arg2: pos = actor.getWorldPosition() core.spawnService.spawnCreature(arg1, actor.getPlanet().getName(), 0, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 1, 0, 1, 0, int(arg2)) elif command == 'instance' and arg1: core.instanceService.queue(arg1, actor) elif command == 'action' and arg1: actor.setAction(int(arg1)) elif command == 'health' and arg1: actor.setHealth(int(arg1)) elif command == 'id': actor.sendSystemMessage('Your id is: ' + str(actor.getObjectId()), 0) elif command == 'cust' and arg1 and arg2 and arg3: obj = core.objectService.getObject(long(arg1)) obj.setCustomizationVariable(str(arg2), int(arg3)) elif command == 'buff' and arg1: core.buffService.addBuffToCreature(actor, str(arg1), actor) elif command == 'stealth': if (actor.isInStealth()): actor.setInStealth(False) actor.setRadarVisible(True) else: actor.setInStealth(True) actor.setRadarVisible(False) elif command == 'holoEmote' and arg1: playerObject.setHoloEmote('holoemote_' + arg1) playerObject.setHoloEmoteUses(20) actor.sendSystemMessage('Holo-Emote Generator set to ' + 'holoemote_' + arg1, 0) elif command == 'off': if playerObject.getGodLevel > 0: actor.removeAbility("admin") playerObject.setGodLevel(0) elif command == 'setBounty': if actor.getFaction() == "": actor.sendSystemMessage('You must be aligned in order to place a bounty on yourself.', 0) return core.playerService.sendSetBountyWindow(actor, actor) return elif command == 'genloot': object = core.lootService.generateLootItem(actor, arg1) inventory = actor.getSlottedObject('inventory') if inventory: inventory.add(object) elif command == 'spawnobj': pos = actor.getPosition() core.staticService.spawnObject(arg1, actor.getPlanet().getName(), 0, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 0, 0) elif command == 'showpos': pos = actor.getPosition() ori = actor.getOrientation() cellid = 0 planetName = actor.getPlanet().getName() actor.sendSystemMessage('Position.x : %s' % pos.x, 0) print ('Position.x : %s' % pos.x, 0) actor.sendSystemMessage('Position.y : %s' % pos.y, 0) print ('Position.y : %s' % pos.y, 0) actor.sendSystemMessage('Position.z : %s' % pos.z, 0) print ('Position.z : %s' % pos.z, 0) actor.sendSystemMessage('Orientation.w : %s' % ori.w, 0) print ('Orientation.x : %s' % ori.w, 0) actor.sendSystemMessage('Orientation.x : %s' % ori.x, 0) print ('Orientation.w : %s' % ori.x, 0) actor.sendSystemMessage('Orientation.y : %s' % ori.y, 0) print ('Orientation.y : %s' % ori.y, 0) actor.sendSystemMessage('Orientation.z : %s' % ori.z, 0) print ('Orientation.z : %s' % ori.z, 0) if (actor.getContainer()): building_id = actor.getGrandparent().getObjectID() cid = actor.getContainer().getCellNumber() cellid = cid actor.sendSystemMessage('Cell ID : %s' % cid, 0) actor.sendSystemMessage('Building ID : %s' % building_id, 0) print('Cell ID : %s' % cid, 0) print('Building ID : %s' % building_id, 0) if cellid == 0: str = "<OBJECTNAME> = stcSvc.spawnObject('<MOBILENAME>', '" + planetName + "', long(%s" % cellid + "), float(%.4f" % pos.x + "), float(%.4f" % pos.y + "), float(%.4f" % pos.z + "), float(%.4f" % ori.w + "), float(%.4f" % ori.x + "), float(%.4f" % ori.y + "), float(%.4f" % ori.z + "))" elif cellid != 0: str = "\tbuilding = core.objectService.getObject(long(%s" % building_id + "))\n\t<OBJECTNAME> = stcSvc.spawnObject('<MOBILENAME>', '" + planetName + "', building.getCellByCellNumber(long(%s" % cellid + ")), float(%.4f" % pos.x + "), float(%.4f" % pos.y + "), float(%.4f" % pos.z + "), float(%.4f" % ori.w + "), float(%.4f" % ori.x + "), float(%.4f" % ori.y + "), float(%.4f" % ori.z + "))" toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() clipboard = toolkit.getSystemClipboard() clipboard.setContents(StringSelection(str), None) elif command == 'patrolpoint': pos = actor.getPosition() str = "patrolpoints.add(Point3D(float(%.2f" % pos.x + "), float(%.2f" % pos.y + "), float(%.2f" % pos.z + ")))" toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() clipboard = toolkit.getSystemClipboard() clipboard.setContents(StringSelection(str), None) actor.sendSystemMessage('Patrolpoint copied to clipboard', 0) elif command == 'jesus': actor.setHealth(actor.getMaxHealth()) actor.setAction(actor.getMaxAction()) actor.setPosture(0) actor.setSpeedMultiplierBase(1) actor.setTurnRadius(1) elif command == 'unknownAbilityPacket' and arg1: packet = UnknownAbilityPacket(arg1) actor.getClient().getSession().write(packet.serialize()) actor.sendSystemMessage('Sent UnknownAbilityPacket for ability ' + arg1, 0) return elif command == 'rank' and arg1: playerObject.setCurrentRank(int(arg1)) print (playerObject.getCurrentRank()) return elif command == 'addToFrogAdminList': frogBuilding = core.objectService.getObject(core.devService.getFrogBuildingId()) if frogBuilding is None: return frogBuilding.addPlayerToAdminList(None, actor.getObjectID(), actor.getCustomName().split(' ')[0]) actor.sendSystemMessage('You were added to the Admin list for the Frog Building.', 0) return return
def run(core, actor, target, commandString): playerObject = actor.getSlottedObject('ghost') if not playerObject: return commandArgs = commandString.split(' ') command = commandArgs[0] if len(commandArgs) > 1: arg1 = commandArgs[1] if len(commandArgs) > 2: arg2 = commandArgs[2] if len(commandArgs) > 3: arg3 = commandArgs[3] if len(commandArgs) > 4: arg4 = commandArgs[4] if len(commandArgs) > 5: arg5 = commandArgs[5] if not command: return if actor.getClient().isGM() is False: return if playerObject.getGodLevel() == 0: actor.addAbility("admin") playerObject.setGodLevel(50) if command == 'giveExperience' and arg1: core.playerService.giveExperience(actor, int(arg1)) if command == 'level' and arg1: core.playerService.grantLevel(actor, int(arg1)) elif command == 'setSpeed' and arg1: actor.sendSystemMessage('Your speed was ' + str(actor.getSpeedMultiplierBase()) + '. Don\'t forget to set this back or it\'ll permanently imbalance your speed. Default without buffs or mods is 1.', 2) actor.setSpeedMultiplierBase(float(arg1)) actor.sendSystemMessage('Your new speed is ' + str(actor.getSpeedMultiplierBase()) + '.', 2) elif command == 'teleport' and arg2 and arg3 and arg4: position = Point3D(float(arg2), float(arg3), float(arg4)) core.simulationService.transferToPlanet(actor, core.terrainService.getPlanetByName(arg1), position, actor.getOrientation(), None) elif command == 'teleportplayer' and arg1 and arg2 and arg3 and arg4 and arg5: player = core.chatService.getObjectByFirstName(arg1) if player: position = Point3D(float(arg3), float(arg4), float(arg5)) core.simulationService.transferToPlanet(player, core.terrainService.getPlanetByName(arg2), position, player.getOrientation(), None) elif command == 'credits' and arg1: actor.setCashCredits(actor.getCashCredits() + int(arg1)) actor.sendSystemMessage('The Galactic Empire has transferred ' + arg1 + ' credits to you for your service.', 0) elif command == 'addability' and arg1: actor.addAbility(str(arg1)) actor.sendSystemMessage('You have learned ' + arg1 + '.', 0) elif command == 'anim' and arg1: actor.doSkillAnimation(arg1) actor.sendSystemMessage('Performed ' + arg1 ,0) elif command == 'changeBio' and arg1: actor.getSlottedObject('ghost').setBiography(arg1) elif command == 'spawn' and arg1 and arg2: pos = actor.getWorldPosition() core.spawnService.spawnCreature(arg1, actor.getPlanet().getName(), 0, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 1, 0, 1, 0, int(arg2)) elif command == 'instance' and arg1: core.instanceService.queue(arg1, actor) elif command == 'action' and arg1: actor.setAction(int(arg1)) elif command == 'health' and arg1: actor.setHealth(int(arg1)) elif command == 'id': actor.sendSystemMessage('Your id is: ' + str(actor.getObjectId()), 0) elif command == 'cust' and arg1 and arg2 and arg3: obj = core.objectService.getObject(long(arg1)) obj.setCustomizationVariable(str(arg2), int(arg3)) elif command == 'buff' and arg1: core.buffService.addBuffToCreature(actor, str(arg1), actor) elif command == 'stealth': if (actor.isInStealth()): actor.setInStealth(False) actor.setRadarVisible(True) else: actor.setInStealth(True) actor.setRadarVisible(False) elif command == 'holoEmote' and arg1: playerObject.setHoloEmote('holoemote_' + arg1) playerObject.setHoloEmoteUses(20) actor.sendSystemMessage('Holo-Emote Generator set to ' + 'holoemote_' + arg1, 0) elif command == 'off': if playerObject.getGodLevel > 0: actor.removeAbility("admin") playerObject.setGodLevel(0) elif command == 'setBounty': if actor.getFaction() == "": actor.sendSystemMessage('You must be aligned in order to place a bounty on yourself.', 0) return core.playerService.sendSetBountyWindow(actor, actor) return elif command == 'genloot': object = core.lootService.generateLootItem(actor, arg1) inventory = actor.getSlottedObject('inventory') if inventory: inventory.add(object) elif command == 'unknownAbilityPacket' and arg1: packet = UnknownAbilityPacket(arg1) actor.getClient().getSession().write(packet.serialize()) actor.sendSystemMessage('Sent UnknownAbilityPacket for ability ' + arg1, 0) return return
def run(core, actor, target, commandString): playerObject = actor.getSlottedObject('ghost') global str if not playerObject: return commandArgs = commandString.split(' ') command = commandArgs[0] if len(commandArgs) > 1: arg1 = commandArgs[1] if len(commandArgs) > 2: arg2 = commandArgs[2] if len(commandArgs) > 3: arg3 = commandArgs[3] if len(commandArgs) > 4: arg4 = commandArgs[4] if len(commandArgs) > 5: arg5 = commandArgs[5] if not command: return if actor.getClient().isGM() is False: return if playerObject.getGodLevel() == 0: actor.addAbility("admin") playerObject.setGodLevel(50) if command == 'giveExperience' and arg1: core.playerService.giveExperience(actor, int(arg1)) if command == 'level' and arg1: core.playerService.grantLevel(actor, int(arg1)) elif command == 'setSpeed' and arg1: #actor.sendSystemMessage("Your speed was " + str(actor.getSpeedMultiplierBase()) + ". Don\'t forget to set this back or it\'ll permanently imbalance your speed. Default without buffs or mods is 1.", 2) actor.setSpeedMultiplierBase(float(arg1)) actor.sendSystemMessage('Your new speed is ' + arg1 + '.', 2) elif command == 'teleport' and arg2 and arg3 and arg4: position = Point3D(float(arg2), float(arg3), float(arg4)) core.simulationService.transferToPlanet( actor, core.terrainService.getPlanetByName(arg1), position, actor.getOrientation(), None) elif command == 'teleportplayer' and arg1 and arg2 and arg3 and arg4 and arg5: player = core.chatService.getObjectByFirstName(arg1) if player: position = Point3D(float(arg3), float(arg4), float(arg5)) core.simulationService.transferToPlanet( player, core.terrainService.getPlanetByName(arg2), position, player.getOrientation(), None) elif command == 'credits' and arg1: actor.setCashCredits(actor.getCashCredits() + int(arg1)) actor.sendSystemMessage( 'The Galactic Empire has transferred ' + arg1 + ' credits to you for your service.', 0) elif command == 'addability' and arg1: actor.addAbility(str(arg1)) actor.sendSystemMessage('You have learned ' + arg1 + '.', 0) elif command == 'anim' and arg1: actor.doSkillAnimation(arg1) actor.sendSystemMessage('Performed ' + arg1, 0) elif command == 'changeBio' and arg1: actor.getSlottedObject('ghost').setBiography(arg1) elif command == 'spawn' and arg1 and arg2: pos = actor.getWorldPosition() core.spawnService.spawnCreature(arg1, actor.getPlanet().getName(), 0, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 1, 0, 1, 0, int(arg2)) elif command == 'instance' and arg1: core.instanceService.queue(arg1, actor) elif command == 'action' and arg1: actor.setAction(int(arg1)) elif command == 'health' and arg1: actor.setHealth(int(arg1)) elif command == 'id': actor.sendSystemMessage('Your id is: ' + str(actor.getObjectId()), 0) elif command == 'cust' and arg1 and arg2 and arg3: obj = core.objectService.getObject(long(arg1)) obj.setCustomizationVariable(str(arg2), int(arg3)) elif command == 'buff' and arg1: core.buffService.addBuffToCreature(actor, str(arg1), actor) elif command == 'stealth': if (actor.isInStealth()): actor.setInStealth(False) actor.setRadarVisible(True) else: actor.setInStealth(True) actor.setRadarVisible(False) elif command == 'holoEmote' and arg1: playerObject.setHoloEmote('holoemote_' + arg1) playerObject.setHoloEmoteUses(20) actor.sendSystemMessage( 'Holo-Emote Generator set to ' + 'holoemote_' + arg1, 0) elif command == 'off': if playerObject.getGodLevel > 0: actor.removeAbility("admin") playerObject.setGodLevel(0) elif command == 'setBounty': if actor.getFaction() == "": actor.sendSystemMessage( 'You must be aligned in order to place a bounty on yourself.', 0) return core.playerService.sendSetBountyWindow(actor, actor) return elif command == 'genloot': object = core.lootService.generateLootItem(actor, arg1) inventory = actor.getSlottedObject('inventory') if inventory: inventory.add(object) elif command == 'spawnobj': pos = actor.getPosition() core.staticService.spawnObject(arg1, actor.getPlanet().getName(), 0, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 0, 0) elif command == 'showpos': pos = actor.getPosition() ori = actor.getOrientation() cellid = 0 planetName = actor.getPlanet().getName() actor.sendSystemMessage('Position.x : %s' % pos.x, 0) print('Position.x : %s' % pos.x, 0) actor.sendSystemMessage('Position.y : %s' % pos.y, 0) print('Position.y : %s' % pos.y, 0) actor.sendSystemMessage('Position.z : %s' % pos.z, 0) print('Position.z : %s' % pos.z, 0) actor.sendSystemMessage('Orientation.w : %s' % ori.w, 0) print('Orientation.x : %s' % ori.w, 0) actor.sendSystemMessage('Orientation.x : %s' % ori.x, 0) print('Orientation.w : %s' % ori.x, 0) actor.sendSystemMessage('Orientation.y : %s' % ori.y, 0) print('Orientation.y : %s' % ori.y, 0) actor.sendSystemMessage('Orientation.z : %s' % ori.z, 0) print('Orientation.z : %s' % ori.z, 0) if (actor.getContainer()): building_id = actor.getGrandparent().getObjectID() cid = actor.getContainer().getCellNumber() cellid = cid actor.sendSystemMessage('Cell ID : %s' % cid, 0) actor.sendSystemMessage('Building ID : %s' % building_id, 0) print('Cell ID : %s' % cid, 0) print('Building ID : %s' % building_id, 0) if cellid == 0: str = "<OBJECTNAME> = stcSvc.spawnObject('<MOBILENAME>', '" + planetName + "', long(%s" % cellid + "), float(%.4f" % pos.x + "), float(%.4f" % pos.y + "), float(%.4f" % pos.z + "), float(%.4f" % ori.w + "), float(%.4f" % ori.x + "), float(%.4f" % ori.y + "), float(%.4f" % ori.z + "))" elif cellid != 0: str = "\tbuilding = core.objectService.getObject(long(%s" % building_id + "))\n\t<OBJECTNAME> = stcSvc.spawnObject('<MOBILENAME>', '" + planetName + "', building.getCellByCellNumber(long(%s" % cellid + ")), float(%.4f" % pos.x + "), float(%.4f" % pos.y + "), float(%.4f" % pos.z + "), float(%.4f" % ori.w + "), float(%.4f" % ori.x + "), float(%.4f" % ori.y + "), float(%.4f" % ori.z + "))" toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() clipboard = toolkit.getSystemClipboard() clipboard.setContents(StringSelection(str), None) elif command == 'patrolpoint': pos = actor.getPosition() str = "patrolpoints.add(Point3D(float(%.2f" % pos.x + "), float(%.2f" % pos.y + "), float(%.2f" % pos.z + ")))" toolkit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit() clipboard = toolkit.getSystemClipboard() clipboard.setContents(StringSelection(str), None) actor.sendSystemMessage('Patrolpoint copied to clipboard', 0) elif command == 'jesus': actor.setHealth(actor.getMaxHealth()) actor.setAction(actor.getMaxAction()) actor.setPosture(0) actor.setSpeedMultiplierBase(1) actor.setTurnRadius(1) elif command == 'unknownAbilityPacket' and arg1: packet = UnknownAbilityPacket(arg1) actor.getClient().getSession().write(packet.serialize()) actor.sendSystemMessage( 'Sent UnknownAbilityPacket for ability ' + arg1, 0) return elif command == 'rank' and arg1: playerObject.setCurrentRank(int(arg1)) print(playerObject.getCurrentRank()) return elif command == 'addToFrogAdminList': frogBuilding = core.objectService.getObject( core.devService.getFrogBuildingId()) if frogBuilding is None: return frogBuilding.addPlayerToAdminList(None, actor.getObjectID(), actor.getCustomName().split(' ')[0]) actor.sendSystemMessage( 'You were added to the Admin list for the Frog Building.', 0) return return
def run(core, actor, target, commandString): playerObject = actor.getSlottedObject("ghost") if not playerObject: return commandArgs = commandString.split(" ") command = commandArgs[0] if len(commandArgs) > 1: arg1 = commandArgs[1] if len(commandArgs) > 2: arg2 = commandArgs[2] if len(commandArgs) > 3: arg3 = commandArgs[3] if len(commandArgs) > 4: arg4 = commandArgs[4] if len(commandArgs) > 5: arg5 = commandArgs[5] if not command: return if actor.getClient().isGM() is False: return if playerObject.getGodLevel() == 0: actor.addAbility("admin") playerObject.setGodLevel(50) if command == "giveExperience" and arg1: core.playerService.giveExperience(actor, int(arg1)) if command == "level" and arg1: core.playerService.grantLevel(actor, int(arg1)) elif command == "setSpeed" and arg1: actor.sendSystemMessage( "Your speed was " + str(actor.getSpeedMultiplierBase()) + ". Don't forget to set this back or it'll permanently imbalance your speed. Default without buffs or mods is 1.", 2, ) actor.setSpeedMultiplierBase(float(arg1)) actor.sendSystemMessage("Your new speed is " + str(actor.getSpeedMultiplierBase()) + ".", 2) elif command == "teleport" and arg2 and arg3 and arg4: position = Point3D(float(arg2), float(arg3), float(arg4)) core.simulationService.transferToPlanet( actor, core.terrainService.getPlanetByName(arg1), position, actor.getOrientation(), None ) elif command == "teleportplayer" and arg1 and arg2 and arg3 and arg4 and arg5: player = core.chatService.getObjectByFirstName(arg1) if player: position = Point3D(float(arg3), float(arg4), float(arg5)) core.simulationService.transferToPlanet( player, core.terrainService.getPlanetByName(arg2), position, player.getOrientation(), None ) elif command == "credits" and arg1: actor.setCashCredits(actor.getCashCredits() + int(arg1)) actor.sendSystemMessage("The Galactic Empire has transferred " + arg1 + " credits to you for your service.", 0) elif command == "addability" and arg1: actor.addAbility(str(arg1)) actor.sendSystemMessage("You have learned " + arg1 + ".", 0) elif command == "anim" and arg1: actor.doSkillAnimation(arg1) actor.sendSystemMessage("Performed " + arg1, 0) elif command == "changeBio" and arg1: actor.getSlottedObject("ghost").setBiography(arg1) elif command == "spawn" and arg1 and arg2: pos = actor.getWorldPosition() core.spawnService.spawnCreature( arg1, actor.getPlanet().getName(), 0, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 1, 0, 1, 0, int(arg2) ) elif command == "instance" and arg1: core.instanceService.queue(arg1, actor) elif command == "action" and arg1: actor.setAction(int(arg1)) elif command == "health" and arg1: actor.setHealth(int(arg1)) elif command == "id": actor.sendSystemMessage("Your id is: " + str(actor.getObjectId()), 0) elif command == "cust" and arg1 and arg2 and arg3: obj = core.objectService.getObject(long(arg1)) obj.setCustomizationVariable(str(arg2), int(arg3)) elif command == "buff" and arg1: core.buffService.addBuffToCreature(actor, str(arg1), actor) elif command == "stealth": if actor.isInStealth(): actor.setInStealth(False) actor.setRadarVisible(True) else: actor.setInStealth(True) actor.setRadarVisible(False) elif command == "holoEmote" and arg1: playerObject.setHoloEmote("holoemote_" + arg1) playerObject.setHoloEmoteUses(20) actor.sendSystemMessage("Holo-Emote Generator set to " + "holoemote_" + arg1, 0) elif command == "off": if playerObject.getGodLevel > 0: actor.removeAbility("admin") playerObject.setGodLevel(0) elif command == "setBounty": if actor.getFaction() == "": actor.sendSystemMessage("You must be aligned in order to place a bounty on yourself.", 0) return core.playerService.sendSetBountyWindow(actor, actor) return elif command == "genloot": object = core.lootService.generateLootItem(actor, arg1) inventory = actor.getSlottedObject("inventory") if inventory: inventory.add(object) elif command == "spawnobj": pos = actor.getPosition() core.staticService.spawnObject(arg1, actor.getPlanet().getName(), 0, pos.x, pos.y, pos.z, 0, 0) elif command == "unknownAbilityPacket" and arg1: packet = UnknownAbilityPacket(arg1) actor.getClient().getSession().write(packet.serialize()) actor.sendSystemMessage("Sent UnknownAbilityPacket for ability " + arg1, 0) return return