def __init__(self, url, username, password): self.log = logging.getLogger('%s.%s' % (__name__, self.__class__.__name__)) self.vim = Vim(url) self.vim.login(username, password)
class VMImport: def __init__(self, url, username, password): self.log = logging.getLogger('%s.%s' % (__name__, self.__class__.__name__)) self.vim = Vim(url) self.vim.login(username, password) def curl_progress(self, download_t, download_d, upload_t, upload_d): curtime=time() # TODO: Make poke frequency variable # 5 seconds isn't too much and it makes the status bar in the vSphere GUI look nice :-) if (curtime - self.time_at_last_poke) >= 5: self.vim.invoke('HttpNfcLeaseProgress', _this=self.lease_mo_ref, percent = int(upload_d*100/upload_t)) self.time_at_last_poke = time() def import_vm(self, datastore, network_name, name, disksize_kb, memory, num_cpus, guest_id, host=None, imagefilename=None): nic = {'network_name': network_name, 'type': 'VirtualE1000'} nics = [nic] # If the host is not set, use the ComputeResource as the target if not host: target = self.vim.find_entity_view(view_type='ComputeResource') target.update_view_data(['name', 'datastore', 'network', 'parent', 'resourcePool']) resource_pool = target.resourcePool else: target = self.vim.find_entity_view(view_type='HostSystem', filter={'name': host}) # Retrieve the properties we're going to use target.update_view_data(['name', 'datastore', 'network', 'parent']) host_cr = self.vim.get_view(mo_ref=target.parent, vim=self.vim) host_cr.update_view_data(properties=['resourcePool']) resource_pool = host_cr.resourcePool # A list of devices to be assigned to the VM vm_devices = [] # Create a disk controller controller = self.create_controller('VirtualLsiLogicController') vm_devices.append(controller) # Find the given datastore and ensure it is suitable if host: ds_target = host_cr else: ds_target = target try: ds = ds_target.find_datastore(name=datastore) except ObjectNotFoundError, e: raise ImageFactoryException('Could not find datastore with name %s: %s' % (datastore, e.error)) ds.update_view_data(properties=['summary']) # Ensure the datastore is accessible and has enough space if (not ds.summary.accessible or ds.summary.freeSpace < disksize_kb * 1024): raise ImageFactoryException('Datastore (%s) exists, but is not accessible or' 'does not have sufficient free space.' % disk = self.create_disk(datastore=ds, disksize_kb=disksize_kb) vm_devices.append(disk) cdrom = self.create_cdrom(datastore=ds) vm_devices.append(cdrom) for nic in nics: nic_spec = self.create_nic(target, nic) if not nic_spec: raise ImageFactoryException('Could not create spec for NIC') # Append the nic spec to the vm_devices list vm_devices.append(nic_spec) vmfi = self.vim.create_object('VirtualMachineFileInfo') vmfi.vmPathName = '[%s]' % vm_config_spec = self.vim.create_object('VirtualMachineConfigSpec') = name vm_config_spec.memoryMB = memory vm_config_spec.files = vmfi vm_config_spec.annotation = 'Auto-provisioned by pSphere' vm_config_spec.numCPUs = num_cpus vm_config_spec.guestId = guest_id vm_config_spec.deviceChange = vm_devices # Find the datacenter of the target try: dc = target.find_datacenter() except ObjectNotFoundError, e: raise ImageFactoryException('Error while trying to find datacenter for %s: %s' % (, e.error))
class VMImport: def __init__(self, url, username, password): self.log = logging.getLogger('%s.%s' % (__name__, self.__class__.__name__)) self.vim = Vim(url) self.vim.login(username, password) def curl_progress(self, download_t, download_d, upload_t, upload_d): #print "Total to download", download_t #print "Total downloaded", download_d #print "Total to upload", upload_t #print "Total uploaded", upload_d curtime = time() # TODO: Make poke frequency variable # 5 seconds isn't too much and it makes the status bar in the vSphere GUI look nice :-) if (curtime - self.time_at_last_poke) >= 5: #print "Current time (%s) - time at last poke (%s)" % (curtime, self.time_at_last_poke) #print "Ten or more seconds since last poke" #print "Trying to do a poke with progress of %d" % (int(upload_d*100/upload_t)) self.vim.invoke('HttpNfcLeaseProgress', _this=self.lease_mo_ref, percent=int(upload_d * 100 / upload_t)) self.time_at_last_poke = time() def import_vm(self, datastore, network_name, name, disksize_kb, memory, num_cpus, guest_id, host=None, imagefilename=None): nic = {'network_name': network_name, 'type': 'VirtualE1000'} nics = [nic] # If the host is not set, use the ComputeResource as the target if not host: target = self.vim.find_entity_view(view_type='ComputeResource') # filter={'name': compute_resource}) target.update_view_data( ['name', 'datastore', 'network', 'parent', 'resourcePool']) resource_pool = target.resourcePool else: target = self.vim.find_entity_view(view_type='HostSystem', filter={'name': host}) # Retrieve the properties we're going to use target.update_view_data(['name', 'datastore', 'network', 'parent']) host_cr = self.vim.get_view(mo_ref=target.parent, vim=self.vim) host_cr.update_view_data(properties=['resourcePool']) resource_pool = host_cr.resourcePool # Compute image size in KB rounding up # disksize_kb = int(math.ceil((1.0*os.path.getsize(imagefilename))/(1024.0))) # A list of devices to be assigned to the VM vm_devices = [] # Create a disk controller controller = self.create_controller('VirtualLsiLogicController') vm_devices.append(controller) # Find the given datastore and ensure it is suitable if host: ds_target = host_cr else: ds_target = target try: ds = ds_target.find_datastore(name=datastore) except ObjectNotFoundError, e: self.log.error('Could not find datastore with name %s: %s' % (datastore, e.error)) sys.exit() ds.update_view_data(properties=['summary']) # Ensure the datastore is accessible and has enough space if (not ds.summary.accessible or ds.summary.freeSpace < disksize_kb * 1024): self.log.error('Datastore (%s) exists, but is not accessible or' 'does not have sufficient free space.' % sys.exit() disk = self.create_disk(datastore=ds, disksize_kb=disksize_kb) vm_devices.append(disk) for nic in nics: nic_spec = self.create_nic(target, nic) if not nic_spec: self.log.error('Could not create spec for NIC') sys.exit() # Append the nic spec to the vm_devices list vm_devices.append(nic_spec) vmfi = self.vim.create_object('VirtualMachineFileInfo') vmfi.vmPathName = '[%s]' % vm_config_spec = self.vim.create_object('VirtualMachineConfigSpec') = name vm_config_spec.memoryMB = memory vm_config_spec.files = vmfi vm_config_spec.annotation = 'Auto-provisioned by pSphere' vm_config_spec.numCPUs = num_cpus vm_config_spec.guestId = guest_id vm_config_spec.deviceChange = vm_devices # Find the datacenter of the target try: dc = target.find_datacenter() except ObjectNotFoundError, e: self.log.error('Error while trying to find datacenter for %s: %s' % (, e.error)) sys.exit()