def initializeFromBulletBody(self, bodyUid, physicsClientId): self.initialize() #always create a base link baseLink = UrdfLink() baseLinkIndex = -1 self.convertLinkFromMultiBody(bodyUid, baseLinkIndex, baseLink, physicsClientId) baseLink.link_name = p.getBodyInfo(bodyUid, physicsClientId=physicsClientId)[0].decode("utf-8") self.robotName = p.getBodyInfo(bodyUid, physicsClientId=physicsClientId)[1].decode("utf-8") self.linkNameToIndex[baseLink.link_name] = len(self.urdfLinks) self.urdfLinks.append(baseLink) #optionally create child links and joints for j in range(p.getNumJoints(bodyUid, physicsClientId=physicsClientId)): jointInfo = p.getJointInfo(bodyUid, j, physicsClientId=physicsClientId) urdfLink = UrdfLink() self.convertLinkFromMultiBody(bodyUid, j, urdfLink, physicsClientId) urdfLink.link_name = jointInfo[12].decode("utf-8") self.linkNameToIndex[urdfLink.link_name] = len(self.urdfLinks) self.urdfLinks.append(urdfLink) urdfJoint = UrdfJoint() = urdfLink urdfJoint.joint_name = jointInfo[1].decode("utf-8") urdfJoint.joint_type = jointInfo[2] urdfJoint.joint_lower_limit = jointInfo[8] urdfJoint.joint_upper_limit = jointInfo[9] urdfJoint.joint_axis_xyz = jointInfo[13] orgParentIndex = jointInfo[16] if (orgParentIndex < 0): urdfJoint.parent_name = baseLink.link_name else: parentJointInfo = p.getJointInfo(bodyUid, orgParentIndex, physicsClientId=physicsClientId) urdfJoint.parent_name = parentJointInfo[12].decode("utf-8") urdfJoint.child_name = urdfLink.link_name #todo, compensate for inertia/link frame offset dynChild = p.getDynamicsInfo(bodyUid, j, physicsClientId=physicsClientId) childInertiaPos = dynChild[3] childInertiaOrn = dynChild[4] parentCom2JointPos = jointInfo[14] parentCom2JointOrn = jointInfo[15] tmpPos, tmpOrn = p.multiplyTransforms(childInertiaPos, childInertiaOrn, parentCom2JointPos, parentCom2JointOrn) tmpPosInv, tmpOrnInv = p.invertTransform(tmpPos, tmpOrn) dynParent = p.getDynamicsInfo(bodyUid, orgParentIndex, physicsClientId=physicsClientId) parentInertiaPos = dynParent[3] parentInertiaOrn = dynParent[4] pos, orn = p.multiplyTransforms(parentInertiaPos, parentInertiaOrn, tmpPosInv, tmpOrnInv) pos, orn_unused = p.multiplyTransforms(parentInertiaPos, parentInertiaOrn, parentCom2JointPos, [0, 0, 0, 1]) urdfJoint.joint_origin_xyz = pos urdfJoint.joint_origin_rpy = p.getEulerFromQuaternion(orn) self.urdfJoints.append(urdfJoint)
def getTableCenter(tableID): TABLE_HEIGHT = .63 print('%s = %s\n' % ('p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(tableID)', p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(tableID))) print('%s = %s\n' % ('p.getNumJoints(tableID)', p.getNumJoints(tableID))) #print('%s = %s\n'%('p.getJointInfo(tableID)',p.getJointInfo(tableID,0))); print('%s = %s\n' % ('p.getBodyInfo(tableID)', p.getBodyInfo(tableID))) print('%s = %s\n' % ('p.getBodyInfo(tableID)[0]', p.getBodyInfo(tableID)[0])) return [0, 0, TABLE_HEIGHT]
def main(): print("create env") # env = gym.make("HumanoidFlagrunHarderPyBulletEnv-v0") env = gym.make("ParkourBiped-v0") env.render(mode="human") print(env.observation_space) print(type(env.action_space)) pi = ReactivePolicy(env.observation_space, env.action_space) while 1: frame = 0 score = 0 restart_delay = 0 obs = env.reset() torsoId = -1 for i in range(p.getNumBodies()): print(p.getBodyInfo(i)) if p.getBodyInfo(i)[0].decode() == "base": torsoId = i print("found humanoid torso") while 1: time.sleep(0.02) a = pi.act(obs) obs, r, done, _ = env.step(a) score += r frame += 1 humanPos, humanOrn = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(torsoId) camInfo = p.getDebugVisualizerCamera() curTargetPos = camInfo[11] distance = camInfo[10] yaw = camInfo[8] pitch = camInfo[9] targetPos = [ 0.95 * curTargetPos[0] + 0.05 * humanPos[0], 0.95 * curTargetPos[1] + 0.05 * humanPos[1], curTargetPos[2] ] p.resetDebugVisualizerCamera(distance, yaw, pitch, targetPos) still_open = env.render("human") if still_open is None: return if not done: continue if restart_delay == 0: print("score=%0.2f in %i frames" % (score, frame)) restart_delay = 60 * 2 # 2 sec at 60 fps else: restart_delay -= 1 if restart_delay == 0: break
def test_remove_nao(self): """ Test the @removeNao method """ manager = SimulationManager() client = manager.launchSimulation(gui=False) nao = manager.spawnNao(client, spawn_ground_plane=True) manager.removeNao(nao) with self.assertRaises(pybullet.error): pybullet.getBodyInfo(nao.getRobotModel()) manager.stopSimulation(client)
def __load_robot_urdf(self): """ Load the single/trifinger model from the corresponding urdf """ finger_base_position = [0, 0, 0.0] finger_base_orientation = pybullet.getQuaternionFromEuler([0, 0, 0]) self.finger_id = pybullet.loadURDF( fileName=self.finger_urdf_path, basePosition=finger_base_position, baseOrientation=finger_base_orientation, useFixedBase=1, flags=(pybullet.URDF_USE_INERTIA_FROM_FILE | pybullet.URDF_USE_SELF_COLLISION), ) # create a map link_name -> link_index # Source: link_name_to_index = { pybullet.getBodyInfo(self.finger_id)[0].decode("UTF-8"): -1, } for joint_idx in range(pybullet.getNumJoints(self.finger_id)): link_name = pybullet.getJointInfo(self.finger_id, joint_idx)[12].decode("UTF-8") link_name_to_index[link_name] = joint_idx self.pybullet_link_indices = [ link_name_to_index[name] for name in self.link_names ] self.pybullet_tip_link_indices = [ link_name_to_index[name] for name in self.tip_link_names ] # joint and link indices are the same in pybullet self.pybullet_joint_indices = self.pybullet_link_indices
def get_cube(x, y, z): body = p.loadURDF(os.path.join(pybullet_data.getDataPath(),"cube_small.urdf"), x, y, z) p.changeDynamics(body,-1, mass=1.2)#match Roboschool part_name, _ = p.getBodyInfo(body, 0) part_name = part_name.decode("utf8") bodies = [body] return BodyPart(part_name, bodies, 0, -1)
def register_object(self, obj, name_override=None): """Registers an object with the simulator. Unless a specific name is given, the simulator will automatically assign one to the object. If the specific name is already taken an exception will be raised. :param obj: Object to register with the simulator. :type obj: iai_bullet_sim.rigid_body.RigidBody, iai_bullet_sim.multibody.MultiBody :param name_override: Name to assign to the object. :type obj: str, NoneType """ if name_override is None: if isinstance(obj, MultiBody): base_link, bodyId = pb.getBodyInfo( obj.bId(), physicsClientId=self.__client_id) elif isinstance(obj, RigidBody): bodyId = obj.type counter = 0 bodyName = bodyId while bodyId in self.bodies: bodyId = '{}.{}'.format(bodyName, counter) counter += 1 self.bodies[bodyId] = obj self.__bId_IdMap[obj.bId()] = bodyId return bodyId else: if name_override in self.bodies: raise Exception( 'Id "{}" is already taken.'.format(name_override)) self.bodies[name_override] = obj self.__bId_IdMap[obj.bId()] = name_override return name_override
def get_sphere(x, y, z): body = p.loadURDF( os.path.join(pybullet_data.getDataPath(), "sphere2red.urdf"), x, y, z) part_name, _ = p.getBodyInfo(body, 0) part_name = part_name.decode("utf8") bodies = [body] return BodyPart(part_name, bodies, 0, -1)
def buildTower(blockPath, tW, tH, basePos): #blockPath is string path to block object #tW is width of tower (usually 3, must be odd) #tH is height of tower #basePos is position of center bottom block blockList = [] BO = (tW - 1) / 2 curHeight = basePos[2] for i in range(0, tH): curHeight = basePos[2] + BLOCK_HEIGHT * i curPos = [basePos[0], basePos[1], curHeight] for j in range(0, tW): print('(i,j) = (%d,%d)' % (i, j)) if (i % 2 == 0): orientation = p.getQuaternionFromEuler([0, 0, 0]) yoffset = (j - BO) * BLOCK_WIDTH curPos[1] = basePos[1] + yoffset else: orientation = p.getQuaternionFromEuler([0, 0, 3.14159 / 2]) xoffset = (j - BO) * BLOCK_WIDTH curPos[0] = basePos[0] + xoffset print('Loading block at [%f,%f,%f]' % (curPos[0], curPos[1], curPos[2])) blockList.append(p.loadURDF(blockPath, curPos, orientation)) print(p.getBodyInfo(blockList[0])) return blockList
def get_robot_config(robot): nq, nv, na, joint_id, link_id = 0, 0, 0, OrderedDict(), OrderedDict() link_id[(p.getBodyInfo(robot)[0]).decode("utf-8")] = -1 for i in range(p.getNumJoints(robot)): info = p.getJointInfo(robot, i) if info[2] != p.JOINT_FIXED: joint_id[info[1].decode("utf-8")] = info[0] link_id[info[12].decode("utf-8")] = info[0] nq = max(nq, info[3]) nv = max(nv, info[4]) nq += 1 nv += 1 na = len(joint_id) print("=" * 80) print("SimulationRobot") print("nq: ", nq, ", nv: ", nv, ", na: ", na) print("+" * 80) print("Joint Infos") util.pretty_print(joint_id) print("+" * 80) print("Link Infos") util.pretty_print(link_id) return nq, nv, na, joint_id, link_id
def _reset(self): assert(self._robot_introduced) assert(self._scene_introduced) debugmode = 1 if debugmode: print("Episode: steps:{} score:{}".format(self.nframe, self.reward)) body_xyz = self.robot.body_xyz print("[{}, {}, {}],".format(body_xyz[0], body_xyz[1], body_xyz[2])) print("Episode count: {}".format(self.eps_count)) self.eps_count += 1 self.nframe = 0 self.eps_reward = 0 BaseEnv._reset(self) if not self.ground_ids:, self.jdict, self.ordered_joints, self.robot_body = self.robot.addToScene( []) self.ground_ids = set(self.scene.scene_obj_list) ## Todo: (hzyjerry) this part is not working, robot_tracking_id = -1 for i in range (p.getNumBodies()): if (p.getBodyInfo(i)[0].decode() == self.robot_body.get_name()): self.robot_tracking_id=i #print(p.getBodyInfo(i)[0].decode()) i = 0 eye_pos, eye_quat = self.get_eye_pos_orientation() pose = [eye_pos, eye_quat] observations = self.render_observations(pose) pos = self.robot._get_scaled_position() orn = self.robot.get_orientation() pos = (pos[0], pos[1], pos[2] + self.tracking_camera['z_offset']) p.resetDebugVisualizerCamera(self.tracking_camera['distance'],self.tracking_camera['yaw'], self.tracking_camera['pitch'],pos) return observations
def robot_specific_reset(self): WalkerBase.robot_specific_reset(self) humanoidId = -1 numBodies = p.getNumBodies() for i in range (numBodies): bodyInfo = p.getBodyInfo(i) if bodyInfo[1].decode("ascii") == 'humanoid': humanoidId = i ## Spherical radiance/glass shield to protect the robot's camera if self.glass_id is None: glass_id = p.loadMJCF(os.path.join(self.physics_model_dir, "glass.xml"))[0] #print("setting up glass", glass_id, humanoidId) p.changeVisualShape(glass_id, -1, rgbaColor=[0, 0, 0, 0]) cid = p.createConstraint(humanoidId, -1, glass_id,-1,p.JOINT_FIXED,[0,0,0],[0,0,1.4],[0,0,1]) self.motor_names = ["abdomen_z", "abdomen_y", "abdomen_x"] self.motor_power = [100, 100, 100] self.motor_names += ["right_hip_x", "right_hip_z", "right_hip_y", "right_knee"] self.motor_power += [100, 100, 300, 200] self.motor_names += ["left_hip_x", "left_hip_z", "left_hip_y", "left_knee"] self.motor_power += [100, 100, 300, 200] self.motor_names += ["right_shoulder1", "right_shoulder2", "right_elbow"] self.motor_power += [75, 75, 75] self.motor_names += ["left_shoulder1", "left_shoulder2", "left_elbow"] self.motor_power += [75, 75, 75] self.motors = [self.jdict[n] for n in self.motor_names]
def addToScene(self, bodies): if is not None: parts = else: parts = {} if self.jdict is not None: joints = self.jdict else: joints = {} if self.ordered_joints is not None: ordered_joints = self.ordered_joints else: ordered_joints = [] dump = 0 for i in range(len(bodies)): if p.getNumJoints(bodies[i]) == 0: part_name, robot_name = p.getBodyInfo(bodies[i], 0) robot_name = robot_name.decode("utf8") part_name = part_name.decode("utf8") parts[part_name] = BodyPart(part_name, bodies, i, -1, self.scale, model_type=self.model_type) for j in range(p.getNumJoints(bodies[i])): p.setJointMotorControl2(bodies[i],j,p.POSITION_CONTROL,positionGain=0.1,velocityGain=0.1,force=0) ## TODO (hzyjerry): the following is diabled due to pybullet update #_,joint_name,joint_type, _,_,_, _,_,_,_, _,_, part_name = p.getJointInfo(bodies[i], j) _,joint_name,joint_type, _,_,_, _,_,_,_, _,_, part_name, _,_,_,_ = p.getJointInfo(bodies[i], j) joint_name = joint_name.decode("utf8") part_name = part_name.decode("utf8") if dump: print("ROBOT PART '%s'" % part_name) if dump: print("ROBOT JOINT '%s'" % joint_name) # limits = %+0.2f..%+0.2f effort=%0.3f speed=%0.3f" % ((joint_name,) + j.limits()) ) parts[part_name] = BodyPart(part_name, bodies, i, j, self.scale, model_type=self.model_type) if part_name == self.robot_name: self.robot_body = parts[part_name] if i == 0 and j == 0 and self.robot_body is None: # if nothing else works, we take this as robot_body parts[self.robot_name] = BodyPart(self.robot_name, bodies, 0, -1, self.scale, model_type=self.model_type) self.robot_body = parts[self.robot_name] if joint_name[:6] == "ignore": Joint(joint_name, bodies, i, j, self.scale).disable_motor() continue if joint_name[:8] != "jointfix" and joint_type != p.JOINT_FIXED: joints[joint_name] = Joint(joint_name, bodies, i, j, self.scale, model_type=self.model_type) ordered_joints.append(joints[joint_name]) joints[joint_name].power_coef = 100.0 debugmode = 0 if debugmode: for j in ordered_joints: print(j, j.power_coef) return parts, joints, ordered_joints, self.robot_body
def register_object(self, body_id, urdf_path, global_scaling=1): link_id_map = dict() n = p.getNumJoints(body_id) link_id_map[p.getBodyInfo(body_id)[0].decode('gb2312')] = -1 for link_id in range(0, n): link_id_map[p.getJointInfo(body_id, link_id)[ 12].decode('gb2312')] = link_id dir_path = dirname(abspath(urdf_path)) file_name = splitext(basename(urdf_path))[0] robot = URDF.load(urdf_path) for link in robot.links: link_id = link_id_map[] if len(link.visuals) > 0: for i, link_visual in enumerate(link.visuals): mesh_scale = [global_scaling, global_scaling, global_scaling]\ if link_visual.geometry.mesh.scale is None \ else link_visual.geometry.mesh.scale * global_scaling self.links.append( PyBulletRecorder.LinkTracker( name=file_name + f'_{body_id}_{}_{i}', body_id=body_id, link_id=link_id, link_origin= # If link_id == -1 then is base link, # PyBullet will return # inertial_origin @ visual_origin, # so need to undo that transform (np.linalg.inv(link.inertial.origin) if link_id == -1 else np.identity(4)) @ link_visual.origin * global_scaling, mesh_path=dir_path + '/' + link_visual.geometry.mesh.filename, mesh_scale=mesh_scale))
def getLinkNames(model_id): _link_name_to_index = {p.getBodyInfo(model_id)[0].decode('UTF-8'):-1,} for _id in range(p.getNumJoints(model_id)): _name = p.getJointInfo(model_id, _id)[12].decode('UTF-8') _link_name_to_index[_name] = _id return _link_name_to_index
def get_cube(x, y, z): print("get cube") body = p.loadURDF( os.path.join(pybullet_data.getDataPath(), "cube_small.urdf"), x, y, z) part_name, _ = p.getBodyInfo(body, 0) part_name = part_name.decode("utf8") bodies = [body] return BodyPart(part_name, bodies, 0, -1)
def _check_body_exist(self, body_id): """ Check if the body exist in the pybullet client. Args: body_id (int): body index. Returns: bool: True if the body exists, False otherwise. """ exist = True try: p.getBodyInfo(body_id, physicsClientId=self._pb_id) except Exception: exist = False return exist
def addToScene(self, bodies): if is not None: parts = else: parts = {} if self.jdict is not None: joints = self.jdict else: joints = {} if self.ordered_joints is not None: ordered_joints = self.ordered_joints else: ordered_joints = [] dump = 1 for i in range(len(bodies)): print(i) if p.getNumJoints(bodies[i]) == 0: part_name, robot_name = p.getBodyInfo(bodies[i], 0) robot_name = robot_name.decode("utf8") part_name = part_name.decode("utf8") parts[part_name] = BodyPart(part_name, bodies, i, -1) for j in range(p.getNumJoints(bodies[i])): _, joint_name, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, part_name, _, _, _, _ = p.getJointInfo( bodies[i], j) joint_name = joint_name.decode("utf8") part_name = part_name.decode("utf8") if dump: print("ROBOT PART '%s'" % part_name) if dump: print( "ROBOT JOINT '%s'" % joint_name ) # limits = %+0.2f..%+0.2f effort=%0.3f speed=%0.3f" % ((joint_name,) + j.limits()) ) parts[part_name] = BodyPart(part_name, bodies, i, j) if part_name == self.robot_name: self.robot_body = parts[part_name] if i == 0 and j == 0 and self.robot_body is None: # if nothing else works, we take this as robot_body parts[self.robot_name] = BodyPart(self.robot_name, bodies, 0, -1) self.robot_body = parts[self.robot_name] if joint_name[:8] != "jointfix": joints[joint_name] = Joint(joint_name, bodies, i, j) ordered_joints.append(joints[joint_name]) if joint_name[:6] == "ignore": joints[joint_name].disable_motor() continue joints[joint_name].power_coef = 100.0 return parts, joints, ordered_joints, self.robot_body
def get_body_info(body): """ Get the body info :param body:int body's ID :return: class Return base name of the body """ return BodyInfo(*p.getBodyInfo(body))
def __init__(self, RobotId): self.RobotId = RobotId self.index_dof = { p.getBodyInfo(self.RobotId)[0].decode('UTF-8'): -1, } for id in range(p.getNumJoints(self.RobotId)): self.index_dof[p.getJointInfo( self.RobotId, id)[12].decode('UTF-8')] = p.getJointInfo( self.RobotId, id)[3] - 7
def robot_specific_reset(self): """ Humanoid robot specific reset Add spherical radiance/glass shield to protect the robot's camera """ humanoidId = -1 numBodies = p.getNumBodies() for i in range(numBodies): bodyInfo = p.getBodyInfo(i) if bodyInfo[1].decode("ascii") == 'humanoid': humanoidId = i # Spherical radiance/glass shield to protect the robot's camera super(Humanoid, self).robot_specific_reset() if self.glass_id is None: glass_path = os.path.join(self.physics_model_dir, "humanoid/glass.xml") glass_id = p.loadMJCF(glass_path)[0] self.glass_id = glass_id p.changeVisualShape(self.glass_id, -1, rgbaColor=[0, 0, 0, 0]) p.createMultiBody(baseVisualShapeIndex=glass_id, baseCollisionShapeIndex=-1) cid = p.createConstraint( humanoidId, -1, self.glass_id, -1, p.JOINT_FIXED, jointAxis=[0, 0, 0], parentFramePosition=[0, 0, self.glass_offset], childFramePosition=[0, 0, 0]) robot_pos = list(self.get_position()) robot_pos[2] += self.glass_offset robot_orn = self.get_orientation() p.resetBasePositionAndOrientation(self.glass_id, robot_pos, robot_orn) self.motor_names = ["abdomen_z", "abdomen_y", "abdomen_x"] self.motor_power = [100, 100, 100] self.motor_names += [ "right_hip_x", "right_hip_z", "right_hip_y", "right_knee" ] self.motor_power += [100, 100, 300, 200] self.motor_names += [ "left_hip_x", "left_hip_z", "left_hip_y", "left_knee" ] self.motor_power += [100, 100, 300, 200] self.motor_names += [ "right_shoulder1", "right_shoulder2", "right_elbow" ] self.motor_power += [75, 75, 75] self.motor_names += ["left_shoulder1", "left_shoulder2", "left_elbow"] self.motor_power += [75, 75, 75] self.motors = [self.jdict[n] for n in self.motor_names]
def initializeFromBulletBody(self, bodyUid, physicsClientId): self.initialize() #always create a base link baseLink = UrdfLink() baseLinkIndex = -1 self.convertLinkFromMultiBody(bodyUid, baseLinkIndex, baseLink, physicsClientId) baseLink.link_name = p.getBodyInfo(bodyUid, physicsClientId=physicsClientId)[0].decode("utf-8") self.linkNameToIndex[baseLink.link_name]=len(self.urdfLinks) self.urdfLinks.append(baseLink) #print(visualShapes) #optionally create child links and joints for j in range(p.getNumJoints(bodyUid,physicsClientId=physicsClientId)): jointInfo = p.getJointInfo(bodyUid,j,physicsClientId=physicsClientId) urdfLink = UrdfLink() self.convertLinkFromMultiBody(bodyUid, j, urdfLink,physicsClientId) urdfLink.link_name = jointInfo[12].decode("utf-8") self.linkNameToIndex[urdfLink.link_name]=len(self.urdfLinks) self.urdfLinks.append(urdfLink) urdfJoint = UrdfJoint() = urdfLink urdfJoint.joint_name = jointInfo[1].decode("utf-8") urdfJoint.joint_type = jointInfo[2] urdfJoint.joint_axis_xyz = jointInfo[13] orgParentIndex = jointInfo[16] if (orgParentIndex<0): urdfJoint.parent_name = baseLink.link_name else: parentJointInfo = p.getJointInfo(bodyUid,orgParentIndex,physicsClientId=physicsClientId) urdfJoint.parent_name = parentJointInfo[12].decode("utf-8") urdfJoint.child_name = urdfLink.link_name #todo, compensate for inertia/link frame offset dynChild = p.getDynamicsInfo(bodyUid,j,physicsClientId=physicsClientId) childInertiaPos = dynChild[3] childInertiaOrn = dynChild[4] parentCom2JointPos=jointInfo[14] parentCom2JointOrn=jointInfo[15] tmpPos,tmpOrn = p.multiplyTransforms(childInertiaPos,childInertiaOrn,parentCom2JointPos,parentCom2JointOrn) tmpPosInv,tmpOrnInv = p.invertTransform(tmpPos,tmpOrn) dynParent = p.getDynamicsInfo(bodyUid,orgParentIndex,physicsClientId=physicsClientId) parentInertiaPos = dynParent[3] parentInertiaOrn = dynParent[4] pos,orn = p.multiplyTransforms(parentInertiaPos,parentInertiaOrn, tmpPosInv, tmpOrnInv) pos,orn_unused=p.multiplyTransforms(parentInertiaPos,parentInertiaOrn, parentCom2JointPos,[0,0,0,1]) urdfJoint.joint_origin_xyz = pos urdfJoint.joint_origin_rpy = p.getEulerFromQuaternion(orn) self.urdfJoints.append(urdfJoint)
def __str__(self): robot_link_name = pb.getJointInfo(self.robot_body, self.robot_link, physicsClientId=self.pb_client)[12].decode('ascii') if self.self_collision: other_link_name = pb.getJointInfo(self.other_body, self.other_link, physicsClientId=self.pb_client)[12].decode('ascii') return f"Collision between xarm:{robot_link_name} and xarm:{other_link_name}" else: other_body_name = pb.getBodyInfo(self.other_body, physicsClientId=self.pb_client)[1].decode('ascii') return f"Collision between xarm:{robot_link_name} and {other_body_name}"
def addToScene(self, bodies): if is not None: parts = else: parts = {} if self.jdict is not None: joints = self.jdict else: joints = {} if self.ordered_joints is not None: ordered_joints = self.ordered_joints else: ordered_joints = [] dump = 0 for i in range(len(bodies)): if p.getNumJoints(bodies[i]) == 0: part_name, robot_name = p.getBodyInfo(bodies[i], 0) robot_name = robot_name.decode("utf8") part_name = part_name.decode("utf8") parts[part_name] = BodyPart(part_name, bodies, i, -1) for j in range(p.getNumJoints(bodies[i])): p.setJointMotorControl2(bodies[i],j,p.POSITION_CONTROL,positionGain=0.1,velocityGain=0.1,force=0) _,joint_name,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,part_name = p.getJointInfo(bodies[i], j) joint_name = joint_name.decode("utf8") part_name = part_name.decode("utf8") if dump: print("ROBOT PART '%s'" % part_name) if dump: print("ROBOT JOINT '%s'" % joint_name) # limits = %+0.2f..%+0.2f effort=%0.3f speed=%0.3f" % ((joint_name,) + j.limits()) ) parts[part_name] = BodyPart(part_name, bodies, i, j) if part_name == self.robot_name: self.robot_body = parts[part_name] if i == 0 and j == 0 and self.robot_body is None: # if nothing else works, we take this as robot_body parts[self.robot_name] = BodyPart(self.robot_name, bodies, 0, -1) self.robot_body = parts[self.robot_name] if joint_name[:6] == "ignore": Joint(joint_name, bodies, i, j).disable_motor() continue if joint_name[:8] != "jointfix": joints[joint_name] = Joint(joint_name, bodies, i, j) ordered_joints.append(joints[joint_name]) joints[joint_name].power_coef = 100.0 return parts, joints, ordered_joints, self.robot_body
def _predict(sess, env, policy_estimator, weight_path, num_episodes=5): policy_estimator.model.load_weights(weight_path) env.reset() torsoId = -1 for i in range(p.getNumBodies()): print('body_info_{}'.format(p.getBodyInfo(i))) if p.getBodyInfo(i)[1].decode() == 'walker2d': torsoId = i Step = collections.namedtuple('Step', ['state', 'action', 'reward']) scores = [] print('start_episodes...') for i_episode in range(1, num_episodes + 1): state = env.reset() episode = [] score = 0 steps = 0 while True: steps += 1 action = policy_estimator.predict(sess, state) state_new, r, done, _ = env.step(action) score += r distance = 5 yaw = 0 humanPos = p.getLinkState(torsoId, 4)[0] p.resetDebugVisualizerCamera(distance, yaw, -20, humanPos) still_open = env.render('human') if still_open is None: return episode.append(Step(state=state, action=action, reward=r)) state = state_new if done: print('episode_{}, score_{}'.format(i_episode, score)) scores.append(score) break print('{}episode avg_score_{}'.format(num_episodes, np.mean(scores)))
def __load_robot_urdf(self, robot_position_offset: typing.Sequence[float]): """ Load the single/trifinger model from the corresponding urdf Args: robot_position_offset: Position offset with which the robot is placed in the world. Use this, for example, to change the height of the fingers above the table. """ finger_base_orientation = (0, 0, 0, 1) self.finger_id = pybullet.loadURDF( fileName=self.finger_urdf_path, basePosition=robot_position_offset, baseOrientation=finger_base_orientation, useFixedBase=1, flags=( pybullet.URDF_USE_INERTIA_FROM_FILE | pybullet.URDF_USE_SELF_COLLISION ), physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_id, ) # create a map link_name -> link_index # Source: link_name_to_index = { pybullet.getBodyInfo( self.finger_id, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_id, )[0].decode("UTF-8"): -1, } for joint_idx in range( pybullet.getNumJoints( self.finger_id, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_id, ) ): link_name = pybullet.getJointInfo( self.finger_id, joint_idx, physicsClientId=self._pybullet_client_id, )[12].decode("UTF-8") link_name_to_index[link_name] = joint_idx self.pybullet_link_indices = [ link_name_to_index[name] for name in self.link_names ] self.pybullet_tip_link_indices = [ link_name_to_index[name] for name in self.tip_link_names ] # joint and link indices are the same in pybullet self.pybullet_joint_indices = self.pybullet_link_indices
def _check_collisions(self, jpos, gripper_mode='current'): '''Returns True if collisions present as arm joint position Parameters ---------- jpos : array_like positions of arm joints in radians gripper_mode : {'closed', 'open', 'ignore', 'current'} how to treat gripper during collision check. if 'current' then the gripper position will not be changed Returns ------- bool True if collision was detected dict data about collision ''' self._teleport_arm(jpos) if gripper_mode == 'open': self._teleport_gripper(state=GRIPPER_OPENED) elif gripper_mode == 'closed': self._teleport_gripper(state=GRIPPER_CLOSED) # ignore base because it doesnt move and will likely be in collision # with camera at all times ignored_links = ['base'] if gripper_mode == 'ignore': ignored_links.extend(['gripper_left', 'gripper_right']) pb.performCollisionDetection(self._client) contact_points = pb.getContactPoints(bodyA=self.robot_id, physicsClientId=self._client) for cont_pt in contact_points: assert cont_pt[1] == self.robot_id robot_link = cont_pt[3] robot_link_name = self.link_names[robot_link] if robot_link_name not in ignored_links: other_body_id = cont_pt[2] other_body_name = pb.getBodyInfo( other_body_id, physicsClientId=self._client)[1].decode('ascii') return True, { 'robot_link': robot_link_name, 'other_body': other_body_name } return False, {}
def get_link_name(body_unique_id: int, link_index: int): """Returns the link name. Args: body_unique_id (int): The body unique id, as returned by loadURDF, etc. link_index (int): Link index or -1 for the base. Returns: link_name (str): Name of the link. """ if link_index == -1: link_name = p.getBodyInfo(body_unique_id)[0] else: link_name = p.getJointInfo(body_unique_id, link_index)[12] return link_name.decode('UTF-8')
def construct_tables(robot): # construct tables # table (joint_name -> id) (link_name -> id) link_table = {pb.getBodyInfo(robot, physicsClientId=CLIENT)[0].decode('UTF-8'):-1} joint_table = {} heck = lambda path: "_".join(path.split("/")) for _id in range(pb.getNumJoints(robot, physicsClientId=CLIENT)): joint_info = pb.getJointInfo(robot, _id, physicsClientId=CLIENT) joint_id = joint_info[0] joint_name = joint_info[1].decode('UTF-8') joint_table[joint_name] = joint_id name_ = joint_info[12].decode('UTF-8') name = heck(name_) link_table[name] = _id return link_table, joint_table
def get_link_from_joint(robot_id): """Summary Args: robot_id (TYPE): Description Returns: TYPE: Description """ _link_name_to_index = { p.getBodyInfo(robot_id)[0].decode('UTF-8'): -1, } for _id in range(p.getNumJoints(robot_id)): _name = p.getJointInfo(robot_id, _id)[12].decode('UTF-8') _link_name_to_index[_name] = _id return _link_name_to_index
def construct_tables(robot): # construct tables # table (joint_name -> id) (link_name -> id) link_table = {pb.getBodyInfo(robot)[ 0].decode('UTF-8'): -1} joint_table = {} def heck(path): return "_".join(path.split("/")) for _id in range(pb.getNumJoints(robot)): joint_info = pb.getJointInfo( robot, _id) joint_id = joint_info[0] joint_name = joint_info[1].decode('UTF-8') joint_table[joint_name] = joint_id name_ = joint_info[12].decode('UTF-8') name = heck(name_) link_table[name] = _id return link_table, joint_table
def get_robot_config(robot, initial_pos=None, initial_quat=None, b_print_info=False): nq, nv, na, joint_id, link_id = 0, 0, 0, OrderedDict(), OrderedDict() link_id[(p.getBodyInfo(robot)[0]).decode("utf-8")] = -1 for i in range(p.getNumJoints(robot)): info = p.getJointInfo(robot, i) if info[2] != p.JOINT_FIXED: joint_id[info[1].decode("utf-8")] = info[0] link_id[info[12].decode("utf-8")] = info[0] nq = max(nq, info[3]) nv = max(nv, info[4]) nq += 1 nv += 1 na = len(joint_id) base_pos, base_quat = p.getBasePositionAndOrientation(robot) rot_world_com = util.quat_to_rot(base_quat) initial_pos = [0., 0., 0.] if initial_pos is None else initial_pos initial_quat = [0., 0., 0., 1.] if initial_quat is None else initial_quat rot_world_basejoint = util.quat_to_rot(np.array(initial_quat)) pos_basejoint_to_basecom =, base_pos - np.array(initial_pos)) rot_basejoint_to_basecom =, rot_world_com) if b_print_info: print("=" * 80) print("SimulationRobot") print("nq: ", nq, ", nv: ", nv, ", na: ", na) print("Vector from base joint frame to base com frame") print(pos_basejoint_to_basecom) print("Rotation from base joint frame to base com frame") print(rot_basejoint_to_basecom) print("+" * 80) print("Joint Infos") util.PrettyPrint(joint_id) print("+" * 80) print("Link Infos") util.PrettyPrint(link_id) return nq, nv, na, joint_id, link_id, pos_basejoint_to_basecom, rot_basejoint_to_basecom
orn = e[ORIENTATION] lineFrom = pos mat = p.getMatrixFromQuaternion(orn) dir = [mat[0],mat[3],mat[6]] to = [pos[0]+dir[0]*rayLen,pos[1]+dir[1]*rayLen,pos[2]+dir[2]*rayLen] hit = p.rayTest(lineFrom,to) oldRay = pointRay color = [1,1,0] width = 3 #pointRay = p.addUserDebugLine(lineFrom,to,color,width,lifeTime=1) #if (oldRay>=0): # p.removeUserDebugItem(oldRay) if (hit): #if (hit[0][0]>=0): hitObjectUid = hit[0][0] linkIndex = hit[0][1] if (hitObjectUid>=0): objectInfo = str(hitObjectUid)+" Link Index="+str(linkIndex)+"\nBase Name:"+p.getBodyInfo(hitObjectUid)[0].decode()+"\nBody Info:"+p.getBodyInfo(hitObjectUid)[1].decode() else: objectInfo="None" if e[CONTROLLER_ID] == controllerId: # To make sure we only get the value for one of the remotes #sync the vr pr2 gripper with the vr controller position p.changeConstraint(pr2_cid, e[POSITION], e[ORIENTATION], maxForce=500) relPosTarget = 1 - e[ANALOG] #open/close the gripper, based on analogue p.changeConstraint(pr2_cid2,gearRatio=1, erp=1, relativePositionTarget=relPosTarget, maxForce=3)
to = [pos[0] + dir[0] * rayLen, pos[1] + dir[1] * rayLen, pos[2] + dir[2] * rayLen] hit = p.rayTest(lineFrom, to) oldRay = pointRay color = [1, 1, 0] width = 3 #pointRay = p.addUserDebugLine(lineFrom,to,color,width,lifeTime=1) #if (oldRay>=0): # p.removeUserDebugItem(oldRay) if (hit): #if (hit[0][0]>=0): hitObjectUid = hit[0][0] linkIndex = hit[0][1] if (hitObjectUid >= 0): objectInfo = str(hitObjectUid) + " Link Index=" + str( linkIndex) + "\nBase Name:" + p.getBodyInfo(hitObjectUid)[0].decode( ) + "\nBody Info:" + p.getBodyInfo(hitObjectUid)[1].decode() else: objectInfo = "None" if e[ CONTROLLER_ID] == controllerId: # To make sure we only get the value for one of the remotes #sync the vr pr2 gripper with the vr controller position p.changeConstraint(pr2_cid, e[POSITION], e[ORIENTATION], maxForce=500) relPosTarget = 1 - e[ANALOG] #open/close the gripper, based on analogue p.changeConstraint(pr2_cid2, gearRatio=1, erp=1, relativePositionTarget=relPosTarget, maxForce=3)
useNullSpace = 0 count = 0 useOrientation = 1 useSimulation = 1 useRealTimeSimulation = 1 p.setRealTimeSimulation(useRealTimeSimulation) #trailDuration is duration (in seconds) after debug lines will be removed automatically #use 0 for no-removal trailDuration = 15 logId1 = p.startStateLogging(p.STATE_LOGGING_GENERIC_ROBOT,"LOG0001.txt",[0,1,2]) logId2 = p.startStateLogging(p.STATE_LOGGING_CONTACT_POINTS,"LOG0002.txt",bodyUniqueIdA=2) for i in xrange(5): print "Body %d's name is %s." % (i, p.getBodyInfo(i)[1]) while 1: if (useRealTimeSimulation): dt = t = (dt.second/60.)*2.*math.pi else: t=t+0.1 if (useSimulation and useRealTimeSimulation==0): p.stepSimulation() for i in range (1): pos = [-0.4,0.2*math.cos(t),0.+0.2*math.sin(t)] #end effector points down, not up (in case useOrientation==1) orn = p.getQuaternionFromEuler([0,-math.pi,0])
def get_sphere(x, y, z): body = p.loadURDF(os.path.join(pybullet_data.getDataPath(),"sphere2red_nocol.urdf"), x, y, z) part_name, _ = p.getBodyInfo(body, 0) part_name = part_name.decode("utf8") bodies = [body] return BodyPart(part_name, bodies, 0, -1)