def test_aabb(robot): base_link = link_from_name(robot, BASE_LINK_NAME) region_aabb = AABB(lower=-np.ones(3), upper=+np.ones(3)) draw_aabb(region_aabb) # bodies = get_bodies_in_region(region_aabb) # print(len(bodies), bodies) # for body in get_bodies(): # set_pose(body, Pose()) #step_simulation() # Need to call before get_bodies_in_region #update_scene() for i in range(3): with timer(message='{:f}'): bodies = get_bodies_in_region( region_aabb) # This does cache some info print(i, len(bodies), bodies) # # # # aabb = get_aabb(robot) # aabb = get_subtree_aabb(robot, base_link) print(aabb) draw_aabb(aabb) for link in [BASE_LINK, base_link]: print(link, get_collision_data(robot, link), pairwise_link_collision(robot, link, robot, link))
def visualize_cartesian_path(body, pose_path): for i, pose in enumerate(pose_path): set_pose(body, pose) print('{}/{}) continue?'.format(i, len(pose_path))) wait_for_user() handles = draw_pose(get_pose(body)) handles.extend(draw_aabb(get_aabb(body))) print('Finish?') wait_for_user() for h in handles: remove_debug(h)
def add_walls(ros_world): thickness = 0.01 # 0.005 | 0.01 | 0.02 height = 0.11 # 0.11 | 0.12 [table_name] = ros_world.perception.get_surfaces() #table_body = ros_world.get_body(table_name) table_info = ros_world.perception.info_from_name[table_name] #draw_pose(table_info.pose, length=1) with ros_world: #aabb = aabb_from_points(apply_affine(table_info.pose, table_info.type.vertices)) aabb = aabb_from_points(table_info.type.vertices) draw_aabb(aabb) # pose = get_pose(table_body) # pose = ros_world.get_pose(table_name) # aabb = approximate_as_prism(table_body, pose) x, y, z = get_aabb_center(aabb) l, w, h = get_aabb_extent(aabb) #right_wall = create_box(l, thickness, height) #set_pose(right_wall, multiply(table_info.pose, (Pose(point=[x, y - (w + thickness) / 2., z + (h + height) / 2.])))) #bottom_wall = create_box(thickness, w / 2., height) #set_point(bottom_wall, [x - (l + thickness) / 2., y - w / 4., z + (h + height) / 2.]) top_wall = create_box(thickness, w, height) set_pose( top_wall, multiply(table_info.pose, (Pose( point=[x + (l + thickness) / 2., y, z + (h + height) / 2.])))) walls = [top_wall] #walls = [right_wall, top_wall] # , bottom_wall] for i, body in enumerate(walls): name = create_name('wall', i + 1) ros_world.perception.sim_bodies[name] = body ros_world.perception.sim_items[name] = None #wait_for_user() return walls # Return names?
def main(floor_width=2.0): # Creates a pybullet world and a visualizer for it connect(use_gui=True) identity_pose = (unit_point(), unit_quat()) origin_handles = draw_pose( identity_pose, length=1.0 ) # Draws the origin coordinate system (x:RED, y:GREEN, z:BLUE) # Bodies are described by an integer index floor = create_box(w=floor_width, l=floor_width, h=0.001, color=TAN) # Creates a tan box object for the floor set_point(floor, [0, 0, -0.001 / 2.]) # Sets the [x,y,z] translation of the floor obstacle = create_box(w=0.5, l=0.5, h=0.1, color=RED) # Creates a red box obstacle set_point( obstacle, [0.5, 0.5, 0.1 / 2.]) # Sets the [x,y,z] position of the obstacle print('Position:', get_point(obstacle)) set_euler(obstacle, [0, 0, np.pi / 4 ]) # Sets the [roll,pitch,yaw] orientation of the obstacle print('Orientation:', get_euler(obstacle)) with LockRenderer( ): # Temporarily prevents the renderer from updating for improved loading efficiency with HideOutput(): # Temporarily suppresses pybullet output robot = load_model(ROOMBA_URDF) # Loads a robot from a *.urdf file robot_z = stable_z( robot, floor ) # Returns the z offset required for robot to be placed on floor set_point(robot, [0, 0, robot_z]) # Sets the z position of the robot dump_body(robot) # Prints joint and link information about robot set_all_static() # Joints are also described by an integer index # The turtlebot has explicit joints representing x, y, theta x_joint = joint_from_name(robot, 'x') # Looks up the robot joint named 'x' y_joint = joint_from_name(robot, 'y') # Looks up the robot joint named 'y' theta_joint = joint_from_name( robot, 'theta') # Looks up the robot joint named 'theta' joints = [x_joint, y_joint, theta_joint] base_link = link_from_name( robot, 'base_link') # Looks up the robot link named 'base_link' world_from_obstacle = get_pose( obstacle ) # Returns the pose of the origin of obstacle wrt the world frame obstacle_aabb = get_subtree_aabb(obstacle) draw_aabb(obstacle_aabb) random.seed(0) # Sets the random number generator state handles = [] for i in range(10): for handle in handles: remove_debug(handle) print('\nIteration: {}'.format(i)) x = random.uniform(-floor_width / 2., floor_width / 2.) set_joint_position(robot, x_joint, x) # Sets the current value of the x joint y = random.uniform(-floor_width / 2., floor_width / 2.) set_joint_position(robot, y_joint, y) # Sets the current value of the y joint yaw = random.uniform(-np.pi, np.pi) set_joint_position(robot, theta_joint, yaw) # Sets the current value of the theta joint values = get_joint_positions( robot, joints) # Obtains the current values for the specified joints print('Joint values: [x={:.3f}, y={:.3f}, yaw={:.3f}]'.format(*values)) world_from_robot = get_link_pose( robot, base_link) # Returns the pose of base_link wrt the world frame position, quaternion = world_from_robot # Decomposing pose into position and orientation (quaternion) x, y, z = position # Decomposing position into x, y, z print('Base link position: [x={:.3f}, y={:.3f}, z={:.3f}]'.format( x, y, z)) euler = euler_from_quat( quaternion) # Converting from quaternion to euler angles roll, pitch, yaw = euler # Decomposing orientation into roll, pitch, yaw print('Base link orientation: [roll={:.3f}, pitch={:.3f}, yaw={:.3f}]'. format(roll, pitch, yaw)) handles.extend( draw_pose(world_from_robot, length=0.5) ) # # Draws the base coordinate system (x:RED, y:GREEN, z:BLUE) obstacle_from_robot = multiply( invert(world_from_obstacle), world_from_robot) # Relative transformation from robot to obstacle robot_aabb = get_subtree_aabb( robot, base_link) # Computes the robot's axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) lower, upper = robot_aabb # Decomposing the AABB into the lower and upper extrema center = (lower + upper) / 2. # Computing the center of the AABB extent = upper - lower # Computing the dimensions of the AABB handles.extend(draw_aabb(robot_aabb)) collision = pairwise_collision( robot, obstacle ) # Checks whether robot is currently colliding with obstacle print('Collision: {}'.format(collision)) wait_for_duration(1.0) # Like sleep() but also updates the viewer wait_for_user() # Like raw_input() but also updates the viewer # Destroys the pybullet world disconnect()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-c', '--cfree', action='store_true', help='When enabled, disables collision checking.') # parser.add_argument('-p', '--problem', default='test_pour', choices=sorted(problem_fn_from_name), # help='The name of the problem to solve.') parser.add_argument('--holonomic', action='store_true', # '-h', help='') parser.add_argument('-l', '--lock', action='store_false', help='') parser.add_argument('-s', '--seed', default=None, type=int, help='The random seed to use.') parser.add_argument('-v', '--viewer', action='store_false', help='') args = parser.parse_args() connect(use_gui=args.viewer) seed = args.seed #seed = 0 #seed = time.time() set_random_seed(seed=seed) # None: 2147483648 = 2**31 set_numpy_seed(seed=seed) print('Random seed:', get_random_seed(), random.random()) print('Numpy seed:', get_numpy_seed(), np.random.random()) ######################### robot, base_limits, goal_conf, obstacles = problem1() draw_base_limits(base_limits) custom_limits = create_custom_base_limits(robot, base_limits) base_joints = joints_from_names(robot, BASE_JOINTS) base_link = link_from_name(robot, BASE_LINK_NAME) if args.cfree: obstacles = [] # for obstacle in obstacles: # draw_aabb(get_aabb(obstacle)) # Updates automatically resolutions = None #resolutions = np.array([0.05, 0.05, math.radians(10)]) set_all_static() # Doesn't seem to affect region_aabb = AABB(lower=-np.ones(3), upper=+np.ones(3)) draw_aabb(region_aabb) step_simulation() # Need to call before get_bodies_in_region #update_scene() # TODO: bodies = get_bodies_in_region(region_aabb) print(len(bodies), bodies) # # # # #draw_pose(get_link_pose(robot, base_link), length=0.5) for conf in [get_joint_positions(robot, base_joints), goal_conf]: draw_pose(pose_from_pose2d(conf, z=DRAW_Z), length=DRAW_LENGTH) aabb = get_aabb(robot) #aabb = get_subtree_aabb(robot, base_link) draw_aabb(aabb) for link in [BASE_LINK, base_link]: print(link, get_collision_data(robot, link), pairwise_link_collision(robot, link, robot, link)) ######################### saver = WorldSaver() start_time = time.time() profiler = Profiler(field='tottime', num=50) # tottime | cumtime | None with LockRenderer(lock=args.lock): path = plan_motion(robot, base_joints, goal_conf, holonomic=args.holonomic, obstacles=obstacles, custom_limits=custom_limits, resolutions=resolutions, use_aabb=True, cache=True, max_distance=0., restarts=2, iterations=20, smooth=20) # 20 | None saver.restore() #wait_for_duration(duration=1e-3) profiler.restore() ######################### solved = path is not None length = INF if path is None else len(path) cost = sum(get_distance_fn(robot, base_joints, weights=resolutions)(*pair) for pair in get_pairs(path)) print('Solved: {} | Length: {} | Cost: {:.3f} | Runtime: {:.3f} sec'.format( solved, length, cost, elapsed_time(start_time))) if path is None: disconnect() return iterate_path(robot, base_joints, path) disconnect()