def foot_in_stepping_stone(prog, terrain, n_steps, decision_variables): # unpack only decision variables needed in this function position_left, position_right, stone_left, stone_right = decision_variables[:4] # big-M vector M = get_big_M(terrain) # modify here for t in range(n_steps + 1): for i in range(len(terrain.stepping_stones)): A = terrain.stepping_stones[i].A b = terrain.stepping_stones[i].b prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(, position_left[t]), b + (1 - stone_left[t, i])*M)) prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(, position_right[t]), b + (1 - stone_right[t, i])*M))
def add_arena_limits_nl(self, prog, state, N): arena_lims = np.array([ self.params.arena_limits_x / 2.0, self.params.arena_limits_y / 2.0 ]) for k in range(N + 1): prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(state[k][0:2], arena_lims)) prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(state[k][0:2], -arena_lims))
def add_input_limits_nl(self, prog, cmd, N): """Add saturation limits to cmd""" for k in range(N): prog.AddLinearConstraint( le(cmd[k], self.params.input_limit * np.ones(2))) prog.AddLinearConstraint( ge(cmd[k], -self.params.input_limit * np.ones(2)))
def relative_position_limits(prog, n_steps, step_span, decision_variables): # unpack only decision variables needed in this function position_left, position_right = decision_variables[:2] # modify here for t in range(n_steps + 1): prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(position_left[t], position_right[t] + step_span/2)) prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(position_left[t], position_right[t] - step_span/2))
def step_sequence(prog, n_steps, step_span, decision_variables): # unpack only decision variables needed in this function position_left, position_right = decision_variables[:2] first_left = decision_variables[-1] # variable equal to one if first step is with right foot first_right = 1 - first_left # note that the step_span coincides with the maximum distance # (both horizontal and vertical) between the position of # a foot at step t and at step t + 1 step_limit = np.ones(2) * step_span # sequence for the robot steps implied by the binaries first_left and first_right # (could be written more compactly, but would be harder to read) for t in range(n_steps): # lengths of the steps step_left = position_left[t + 1] - position_left[t] step_right = position_right[t + 1] - position_right[t] # for all even steps if t % 2 == 0: limit_left = step_limit * first_left # left foot can move iff first_left limit_right = step_limit * first_right # right foot can move iff first_right # for all odd steps else: limit_left = step_limit * first_right # left foot can move iff first_right limit_right = step_limit * first_left # right foot can move iff first_left # constraints on left-foot relative position prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(step_left, limit_left)) prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(step_left, - limit_left)) # constraints on right-foot relative position prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(step_right, limit_right)) prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(step_right, - limit_right))
def create_qp1(self, plant_context, V, q_des, v_des, vd_des): # Determine contact points contact_positions_per_frame = {} active_contacts_per_frame = {} # Note this should be in frame space for frame, contacts in self.contacts_per_frame.items(): contact_positions = self.plant.CalcPointsPositions( plant_context, self.plant.GetFrameByName(frame), contacts, self.plant.world_frame()) active_contacts_per_frame[ frame] = contacts[:, np.where(contact_positions[2, :] <= 0.0)[0]] N_c = sum([ active_contacts.shape[1] for active_contacts in active_contacts_per_frame.values() ]) # num contact points if N_c == 0: print("Not in contact!") return None ''' Eq(7) ''' H = self.plant.CalcMassMatrixViaInverseDynamics(plant_context) # Note that CalcGravityGeneralizedForces assumes the form Mv̇ + C(q, v)v = tau_g(q) + tau_app # while Eq(7) assumes gravity is accounted in C (on the left hand side) C_7 = self.plant.CalcBiasTerm( plant_context) - self.plant.CalcGravityGeneralizedForces( plant_context) B_7 = self.B_7 # TODO: Double check Phi_foots = [] for frame, active_contacts in active_contacts_per_frame.items(): if active_contacts.size: Phi_foots.append( self.plant.CalcJacobianTranslationalVelocity( plant_context, JacobianWrtVariable.kV, self.plant.GetFrameByName(frame), active_contacts, self.plant.world_frame(), self.plant.world_frame())) Phi = np.vstack(Phi_foots) ''' Eq(8) ''' v_idx_act = self.v_idx_act H_f = H[0:v_idx_act, :] H_a = H[v_idx_act:, :] C_f = C_7[0:v_idx_act] C_a = C_7[v_idx_act:] B_a = self.B_a Phi_f_T = Phi.T[0:v_idx_act:, :] Phi_a_T = Phi.T[v_idx_act:, :] ''' Eq(9) ''' # Assume flat ground for now n = np.array([[0], [0], [1.0]]) d = np.array([[1.0, -1.0, 0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0], [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]]) v = np.zeros((N_d, N_c, N_f)) for i in range(N_d): for j in range(N_c): v[i, j] = (n + mu * d)[:, i] ''' Quadratic Program I ''' prog = MathematicalProgram() qdd = prog.NewContinuousVariables( self.plant.num_velocities(), name="qdd") # To ignore 6 DOF floating base self.qdd = qdd beta = prog.NewContinuousVariables(N_d, N_c, name="beta") self.beta = beta lambd = prog.NewContinuousVariables(N_f * N_c, name="lambda") self.lambd = lambd # Jacobians ignoring the 6DOF floating base J_foots = [] for frame, active_contacts in active_contacts_per_frame.items(): if active_contacts.size: num_active_contacts = active_contacts.shape[1] J_foot = np.zeros((N_f * num_active_contacts, Atlas.TOTAL_DOF)) # TODO: Can this be simplified? for i in range(num_active_contacts): J_foot[N_f * i:N_f * (i + 1), :] = self.plant.CalcJacobianSpatialVelocity( plant_context, JacobianWrtVariable.kV, self.plant.GetFrameByName(frame), active_contacts[:, i], self.plant.world_frame(), self.plant.world_frame())[3:] J_foots.append(J_foot) J = np.vstack(J_foots) assert (J.shape == (N_c * N_f, Atlas.TOTAL_DOF)) eta = prog.NewContinuousVariables(J.shape[0], name="eta") self.eta = eta x = prog.NewContinuousVariables( self.x_size, name="x") # x_com, y_com, x_com_d, y_com_d self.x = x u = prog.NewContinuousVariables(self.u_size, name="u") # x_com_dd, y_com_dd self.u = u ''' Eq(10) ''' w = 0.01 epsilon = 1.0e-8 K_p = 10.0 K_d = 4.0 frame_weights = np.ones((Atlas.TOTAL_DOF)) q = self.plant.GetPositions(plant_context) qd = self.plant.GetVelocities(plant_context) # Convert q, q_nom to generalized velocities form q_err = self.plant.MapQDotToVelocity(plant_context, q_des - q) # print(f"Pelvis error: {q_err[0:3]}") ## FIXME: Not sure if it's a good idea to ignore the x, y, z position of pelvis # ignored_pose_indices = {3, 4, 5} # Ignore x position, y position ignored_pose_indices = {} # Ignore x position, y position relevant_pose_indices = list( set(range(Atlas.TOTAL_DOF)) - set(ignored_pose_indices)) self.relevant_pose_indices = relevant_pose_indices qdd_ref = K_p * q_err + K_d * (v_des - qd) + vd_des # Eq(27) of [1] qdd_err = qdd_ref - qdd qdd_err = qdd_err * frame_weights qdd_err = qdd_err[relevant_pose_indices] prog.AddCost( V(x, u) + w * ((qdd_err).dot(qdd_err)) + epsilon * np.sum(np.square(beta)) + ''' Eq(11) - 0.003s ''' eq11_lhs = + C_f eq11_rhs = prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(eq11_lhs, eq11_rhs)) ''' Eq(12) - 0.005s ''' alpha = 0.1 # TODO: Double check Jd_qd_foots = [] for frame, active_contacts in active_contacts_per_frame.items(): if active_contacts.size: Jd_qd_foot = self.plant.CalcBiasTranslationalAcceleration( plant_context, JacobianWrtVariable.kV, self.plant.GetFrameByName(frame), active_contacts, self.plant.world_frame(), self.plant.world_frame()) Jd_qd_foots.append(Jd_qd_foot.flatten()) Jd_qd = np.concatenate(Jd_qd_foots) assert (Jd_qd.shape == (N_c * 3, )) eq12_lhs = + Jd_qd eq12_rhs = -alpha * + eta prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(eq12_lhs, eq12_rhs)) ''' Eq(13) - 0.015s ''' def tau(qdd, lambd): return + C_a - self.tau = tau eq13_lhs = self.tau(qdd, lambd) prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(eq13_lhs, -self.sorted_max_efforts)) prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(eq13_lhs, self.sorted_max_efforts)) ''' Eq(14) ''' for j in range(N_c): beta_v = beta[:, j].dot(v[:, j]) prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(lambd[N_f * j:N_f * j + 3], beta_v)) ''' Eq(15) ''' for b in beta.flat: prog.AddLinearConstraint(b >= 0.0) ''' Eq(16) ''' prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(eta, eta_min)) prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(eta, eta_max)) ''' Enforce x as com ''' com = self.plant.CalcCenterOfMassPosition(plant_context) com_d = self.plant.CalcJacobianCenterOfMassTranslationalVelocity( plant_context, JacobianWrtVariable.kV, self.plant.world_frame(), self.plant.world_frame()).dot(qd) prog.AddLinearConstraint(x[0] == com[0]) prog.AddLinearConstraint(x[1] == com[1]) prog.AddLinearConstraint(x[2] == com_d[0]) prog.AddLinearConstraint(x[3] == com_d[1]) ''' Enforce u as com_dd ''' com_dd = ( self.plant.CalcBiasCenterOfMassTranslationalAcceleration( plant_context, JacobianWrtVariable.kV, self.plant.world_frame(), self.plant.world_frame()) + self.plant.CalcJacobianCenterOfMassTranslationalVelocity( plant_context, JacobianWrtVariable.kV, self.plant.world_frame(), self.plant.world_frame()).dot(qdd)) prog.AddLinearConstraint(u[0] == com_dd[0]) prog.AddLinearConstraint(u[1] == com_dd[1]) ''' Respect joint limits ''' for name, limit in Atlas.JOINT_LIMITS.items(): # Get the corresponding joint value joint_pos = self.plant.GetJointByName(name).get_angle( plant_context) # Get the corresponding actuator index act_idx = getActuatorIndex(self.plant, name) # Use the actuator index to find the corresponding generalized coordinate index # q_idx = np.where(B_7[:,act_idx] == 1)[0][0] q_idx = getJointIndexInGeneralizedVelocities(self.plant, name) if joint_pos >= limit.upper: # print(f"Joint {name} max reached") prog.AddLinearConstraint(qdd[q_idx] <= 0.0) elif joint_pos <= limit.lower: # print(f"Joint {name} min reached") prog.AddLinearConstraint(qdd[q_idx] >= 0.0) return prog
def solveOptimization(state_init, t_impact, impact_combination, T, u_guess=None, x_guess=None, h_guess=None): prog = MathematicalProgram() h = prog.NewContinuousVariables(T, name='h') u = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=T + 1, cols=2 * n_quadrotors, name='u') x = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=T + 1, cols=6 * n_quadrotors + 4 * n_balls, name='x') dv = prog.decision_variables() prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint([h_min] * T, [h_max] * T, h) for i in range(n_quadrotors): sys = Quadrotor2D() context = sys.CreateDefaultContext() dir_coll_constr = DirectCollocationConstraint(sys, context) ind_x = 6 * i ind_u = 2 * i for t in range(T): impact_indices = impact_combination[np.argmax( np.abs(t - t_impact) <= 1)] quad_ind, ball_ind = impact_indices[0], impact_indices[1] if quad_ind == i and np.any( t == t_impact ): # Don't add Direct collocation constraint at impact continue elif quad_ind == i and (np.any(t == t_impact - 1) or np.any(t == t_impact + 1)): prog.AddConstraint( eq( x[t + 1, ind_x:ind_x + 3], x[t, ind_x:ind_x + 3] + h[t] * x[t + 1, ind_x + 3:ind_x + 6])) # Backward euler prog.AddConstraint( eq(x[t + 1, ind_x + 3:ind_x + 6], x[t, ind_x + 3:ind_x + 6]) ) # Zero-acceleration assumption during this time step. Should maybe replace with something less naive else: AddDirectCollocationConstraint( dir_coll_constr, np.array([[h[t]]]), x[t, ind_x:ind_x + 6].reshape(-1, 1), x[t + 1, ind_x:ind_x + 6].reshape(-1, 1), u[t, ind_u:ind_u + 2].reshape(-1, 1), u[t + 1, ind_u:ind_u + 2].reshape(-1, 1), prog) for i in range(n_balls): sys = Ball2D() context = sys.CreateDefaultContext() dir_coll_constr = DirectCollocationConstraint(sys, context) ind_x = 6 * n_quadrotors + 4 * i for t in range(T): impact_indices = impact_combination[np.argmax( np.abs(t - t_impact) <= 1)] quad_ind, ball_ind = impact_indices[0], impact_indices[1] if ball_ind == i and np.any( t == t_impact ): # Don't add Direct collocation constraint at impact continue elif ball_ind == i and (np.any(t == t_impact - 1) or np.any(t == t_impact + 1)): prog.AddConstraint( eq( x[t + 1, ind_x:ind_x + 2], x[t, ind_x:ind_x + 2] + h[t] * x[t + 1, ind_x + 2:ind_x + 4])) # Backward euler prog.AddConstraint( eq(x[t + 1, ind_x + 2:ind_x + 4], x[t, ind_x + 2:ind_x + 4] + h[t] * np.array([0, -9.81]))) else: AddDirectCollocationConstraint( dir_coll_constr, np.array([[h[t]]]), x[t, ind_x:ind_x + 4].reshape(-1, 1), x[t + 1, ind_x:ind_x + 4].reshape(-1, 1), u[t, 0:0].reshape(-1, 1), u[t + 1, 0:0].reshape(-1, 1), prog) # Initial conditions prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(x[0, :], state_init)) # Final conditions prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(x[T, 0:14], state_final[0:14])) # Quadrotor final conditions (full state) for i in range(n_quadrotors): ind = 6 * i prog.AddLinearConstraint( eq(x[T, ind:ind + 6], state_final[ind:ind + 6])) # Ball final conditions (position only) for i in range(n_balls): ind = 6 * n_quadrotors + 4 * i prog.AddLinearConstraint( eq(x[T, ind:ind + 2], state_final[ind:ind + 2])) # Input constraints for i in range(n_quadrotors): prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(u[:, 2 * i], -20.0)) prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(u[:, 2 * i], 20.0)) prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(u[:, 2 * i + 1], -20.0)) prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(u[:, 2 * i + 1], 20.0)) # Don't allow quadrotor to pitch more than 60 degrees for i in range(n_quadrotors): prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(x[:, 6 * i + 2], -np.pi / 3)) prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(x[:, 6 * i + 2], np.pi / 3)) # Ball position constraints # for i in range(n_balls): # ind_i = 6*n_quadrotors + 4*i # prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(x[:,ind_i],-2.0)) # prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(x[:,ind_i], 2.0)) # prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(x[:,ind_i+1],-3.0)) # prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(x[:,ind_i+1], 3.0)) # Impact constraint quad_temp = Quadrotor2D() for i in range(n_quadrotors): for j in range(n_balls): ind_q = 6 * i ind_b = 6 * n_quadrotors + 4 * j for t in range(T): if np.any( t == t_impact ): # If quad i and ball j impact at time t, add impact constraint impact_indices = impact_combination[np.argmax( t == t_impact)] quad_ind, ball_ind = impact_indices[0], impact_indices[1] if quad_ind == i and ball_ind == j: # At impact, witness function == 0 prog.AddConstraint(lambda a: np.array([ CalcClosestDistanceQuadBall(a[0:3], a[3:5]) ]).reshape(1, 1), lb=np.zeros((1, 1)), ub=np.zeros((1, 1)), vars=np.concatenate( (x[t, ind_q:ind_q + 3], x[t, ind_b:ind_b + 2])).reshape( -1, 1)) # At impact, enforce discrete collision update for both ball and quadrotor prog.AddConstraint( CalcPostCollisionStateQuadBallResidual, lb=np.zeros((6, 1)), ub=np.zeros((6, 1)), vars=np.concatenate( (x[t, ind_q:ind_q + 6], x[t, ind_b:ind_b + 4], x[t + 1, ind_q:ind_q + 6])).reshape(-1, 1)) prog.AddConstraint( CalcPostCollisionStateBallQuadResidual, lb=np.zeros((4, 1)), ub=np.zeros((4, 1)), vars=np.concatenate( (x[t, ind_q:ind_q + 6], x[t, ind_b:ind_b + 4], x[t + 1, ind_b:ind_b + 4])).reshape(-1, 1)) # rough constraints to enforce hitting center-ish of paddle prog.AddLinearConstraint( x[t, ind_q] - x[t, ind_b] >= -0.01) prog.AddLinearConstraint( x[t, ind_q] - x[t, ind_b] <= 0.01) continue # Everywhere else, witness function must be > 0 prog.AddConstraint(lambda a: np.array([ CalcClosestDistanceQuadBall(a[ind_q:ind_q + 3], a[ ind_b:ind_b + 2]) ]).reshape(1, 1), lb=np.zeros((1, 1)), ub=np.inf * np.ones((1, 1)), vars=x[t, :].reshape(-1, 1)) # Don't allow quadrotor collisions # for t in range(T): # for i in range(n_quadrotors): # for j in range(i+1, n_quadrotors): # prog.AddConstraint((x[t,6*i]-x[t,6*j])**2 + (x[t,6*i+1]-x[t,6*j+1])**2 >= 0.65**2) # Quadrotors stay on their own side # prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(x[:, 0], 0.3)) # prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(x[:, 6], -0.3)) ############################################################################### # Set up initial guesses initial_guess = np.empty(prog.num_vars()) # # initial guess for the time step prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(h, h_guess, initial_guess) x_init[0, :] = state_init prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(x, x_guess, initial_guess) prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(u, u_guess, initial_guess) solver = SnoptSolver() print("Solving...") result = solver.Solve(prog, initial_guess) # print(GetInfeasibleConstraints(prog,result)) # be sure that the solution is optimal assert result.is_success() print(f'Solution found? {result.is_success()}.') ################################################################################# # Extract results # get optimal solution h_opt = result.GetSolution(h) x_opt = result.GetSolution(x) u_opt = result.GetSolution(u) time_breaks_opt = np.array([sum(h_opt[:t]) for t in range(T + 1)]) u_opt_poly = PiecewisePolynomial.ZeroOrderHold(time_breaks_opt, u_opt.T) # x_opt_poly = PiecewisePolynomial.Cubic(time_breaks_opt, x_opt.T, False) x_opt_poly = PiecewisePolynomial.FirstOrderHold( time_breaks_opt, x_opt.T ) # Switch to first order hold instead of cubic because cubic was taking too long to create ################################################################################# # Create list of K matrices for time varying LQR context = quad_plant.CreateDefaultContext() breaks = copy.copy( time_breaks_opt) #np.linspace(0, x_opt_poly.end_time(), 100) K_samples = np.zeros((breaks.size, 12 * n_quadrotors)) for i in range(n_quadrotors): K = None for j in range(breaks.size): context.SetContinuousState( x_opt_poly.value(breaks[j])[6 * i:6 * (i + 1)]) context.FixInputPort( 0, u_opt_poly.value(breaks[j])[2 * i:2 * (i + 1)]) linear_system = FirstOrderTaylorApproximation(quad_plant, context) A = linear_system.A() B = linear_system.B() try: K, _, _ = control.lqr(A, B, Q, R) except: assert K is not None, "Failed to calculate initial K for quadrotor " + str( i) print("Warning: Failed to calculate K at timestep", j, "for quadrotor", i, ". Using K from previous timestep") K_samples[j, 12 * i:12 * (i + 1)] = K.reshape(-1) K_poly = PiecewisePolynomial.ZeroOrderHold(breaks, K_samples.T) return u_opt_poly, x_opt_poly, K_poly, h_opt
import numpy as np from pydrake.all import Quaternion from pydrake.all import MathematicalProgram, Solve, eq, le, ge, SolverOptions, SnoptSolver import pdb prog = MathematicalProgram() x = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=1, name='x') y = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=1, name='y') slack = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=1, name="slack") prog.AddConstraint(eq(x * y, slack)) prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(x, 0)) prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(y, 0)) prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(x, 1)) prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(y, 1)) prog.AddCost(1e5 * (slack**2)[0]) prog.AddCost(-(2 * x[0] + y[0])) solver = SnoptSolver() result = solver.Solve(prog) print( f"Success: {result.is_success()}, x = {result.GetSolution(x)}, y = {result.GetSolution(y)}, slack = {result.GetSolution(slack)}" )
def optimize(self, vehs): c = self.c p = self.p n_veh, L, N, dt, u_max = c.n_veh, c.circumference, c.n_opt, c.sim_step, c.u_max L_veh = vehs[0].length a, b, s0, T, v0, delta = p.a, p.b, p.s0, p.tau, p.v0, vehs = vehs[::-1] np.set_printoptions(linewidth=100) # the controlled vehicle is now the first vehicle, positions are sorted from largest to smallest print(f'Current positions {[veh.pos for veh in vehs]}') v_init = [veh.speed for veh in vehs] print(f'Current speeds {v_init}') # spacing s_init = [vehs[-1].pos - vehs[0].pos - L_veh] + [ veh_im1.pos - veh_i.pos - L_veh for veh_im1, veh_i in zip(vehs[:-1], vehs[1:]) ] s_init = [s + L if s < 0 else s for s in s_init] # handle wrap print(f'Current spacings {s_init}') # can still follow current plan if self.plan_index < len(self.plan): accel = self.plan[self.plan_index] self.plan_index += 1 return accel print(f'Optimizing trajectory for {c.n_opt} steps') ## solve for equilibrium conditions (when all vehicles have same spacing and going at optimal speed) import scipy.optimize sf = L / n_veh - L_veh # equilibrium space accel_fn = lambda v: a * (1 - (v / v0)**delta - ((s0 + v * T) / sf)**2) sol = scipy.optimize.root(accel_fn, 0) vf = sol.x.item() # equilibrium speed sstarf = s0 + vf * T print('Equilibrium speed', vf) # nonconvex optimization from pydrake.all import MathematicalProgram, SnoptSolver, eq, le, ge # get guesses for solutions v_guess = [np.mean(v_init)] for _ in range(N): v_guess.append(dt * accel_fn(v_guess[-1])) s_guess = [sf] * (N + 1) prog = MathematicalProgram() v = prog.NewContinuousVariables(N + 1, n_veh, 'v') # speed s = prog.NewContinuousVariables(N + 1, n_veh, 's') # spacing flat = lambda x: x.reshape(-1) # Guess prog.SetInitialGuess(s, np.stack([s_guess] * n_veh, axis=1)) prog.SetInitialGuess(v, np.stack([v_guess] * n_veh, axis=1)) # initial conditions constraint prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(v[0], v_init)) prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(s[0], s_init)) # velocity constraint prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(flat(v[1:]), 0)) prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(flat(v[1:]), vf + 1)) # extra constraint to help solver # spacing constraint prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(flat(s[1:]), s0)) prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(flat(s[1:]), sf * 2)) # extra constraint to help solver prog.AddLinearConstraint(eq(flat(s[1:].sum(axis=1)), L - L_veh * n_veh)) # spacing update constraint s_n = s[:-1, 1:] # s_i[n] s_np1 = s[1:, 1:] # s_i[n + 1] v_n = v[:-1, 1:] # v_i[n] v_np1 = v[1:, 1:] # v_i[n + 1] v_n_im1 = v[:-1, :-1] # v_{i - 1}[n] v_np1_im1 = v[1:, :-1] # v_{i - 1}[n + 1] prog.AddLinearConstraint( eq(flat(s_np1 - s_n), flat(0.5 * dt * (v_n_im1 + v_np1_im1 - v_n - v_np1)))) # handle position wrap for vehicle 1 prog.AddLinearConstraint( eq(s[1:, 0] - s[:-1, 0], 0.5 * dt * (v[:-1, -1] + v[1:, -1] - v[:-1, 0] - v[1:, 0]))) # vehicle 0's action constraint prog.AddLinearConstraint(ge(v[1:, 0], v[:-1, 0] - u_max * dt)) prog.AddLinearConstraint(le(v[1:, 0], v[:-1, 0] + u_max * dt)) # idm constraint prog.AddConstraint( eq((v_np1 - v_n - dt * a * (1 - (v_n / v0)**delta)) * s_n**2, -dt * a * (s0 + v_n * T + v_n * (v_n - v_n_im1) / (2 * np.sqrt(a * b)))**2)) if c.cost == 'mean': prog.AddCost(-v.mean()) elif c.cost == 'target': prog.AddCost(((v - vf)**2).mean() + ((s - sf)**2).mean()) solver = SnoptSolver() result = solver.Solve(prog) if not result.is_success(): accel = self.idm_backup.step(s_init[0], v_init[0], v_init[-1]) print(f'Optimization failed, using accel {accel} from IDM') return accel v_desired = result.GetSolution(v) print('Planned speeds') print(v_desired) print('Planned spacings') print(result.GetSolution(s)) a_desired = (v_desired[1:, 0] - v_desired[:-1, 0] ) / dt # we're optimizing the velocity of the 0th vehicle self.plan = a_desired self.plan_index = 1 return self.plan[0]
def compute_input(self, x, xd, initial_guess=None, tol=0.0): prog = MathematicalProgram() # Joint configuration states & Contact forces q = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=self.T + 1, cols=self.nq, name='q') v = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=self.T + 1, cols=self.nq, name='v') u = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=self.T,, name='u') contact = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=self.T,, name='lambda') # alpha = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=self.T, cols=2, name='alpha') beta = prog.NewContinuousVariables(rows=self.T, cols=2, name='beta') # Add Initial Condition Constraint prog.AddConstraint(eq(q[0], np.array(x[0:3]))) prog.AddConstraint(eq(v[0], np.array(x[3:6]))) # Add Final Condition Constraint prog.AddConstraint(eq(q[self.T], np.array(xd[0:3]))) prog.AddConstraint(eq(v[self.T], np.array(xd[3:6]))) # Add Dynamics Constraints for t in range(self.T): # Add Dynamics Constraints prog.AddConstraint( eq(q[t + 1], (q[t] + self.sim.params['h'] * v[t + 1]))) prog.AddConstraint(v[t + 1, 0] == ( v[t, 0] + self.sim.params['h'] * (-self.sim.params['c'] * v[t, 0] - contact[t, 0] + u[t, 0]))) prog.AddConstraint(v[t + 1, 1] == (v[t, 1] + self.sim.params['h'] * (-self.sim.params['c'] * v[t, 1] + contact[t, 0] - contact[t, 1]))) prog.AddConstraint(v[t + 1, 2] == ( v[t, 2] + self.sim.params['h'] * (-self.sim.params['c'] * v[t, 2] + contact[t, 1] + u[t, 1]))) # Add Contact Constraints prog.AddConstraint(ge(alpha[t], 0)) prog.AddConstraint(ge(beta[t], 0)) prog.AddConstraint(alpha[t, 0] == contact[t, 0]) prog.AddConstraint(alpha[t, 1] == contact[t, 1]) prog.AddConstraint( beta[t, 0] == (contact[t, 0] + self.sim.params['k'] * (q[t, 1] - q[t, 0] - self.sim.params['d']))) prog.AddConstraint( beta[t, 1] == (contact[t, 1] + self.sim.params['k'] * (q[t, 2] - q[t, 1] - self.sim.params['d']))) # Complementarity constraints. Start with relaxed version and start constraining. prog.AddConstraint(alpha[t, 0] * beta[t, 0] <= tol) prog.AddConstraint(alpha[t, 1] * beta[t, 1] <= tol) # Add Input Constraints and Contact Constraints prog.AddConstraint(le(contact[t], self.contact_max)) prog.AddConstraint(ge(contact[t], -self.contact_max)) prog.AddConstraint(le(u[t], self.input_max)) prog.AddConstraint(ge(u[t], -self.input_max)) # Add Costs prog.AddCost(u[t].dot(u[t])) # Set Initial Guess as empty. Otherwise, start from last solver iteration. if (type(initial_guess) == type(None)): initial_guess = np.empty(prog.num_vars()) # Populate initial guess by linearly interpolating between initial # and final states #qinit = np.linspace(x[0:3], xd[0:3], self.T + 1) qinit = np.tile(np.array(x[0:3]), (self.T + 1, 1)) vinit = np.tile(np.array(x[3:6]), (self.T + 1, 1)) uinit = np.tile(np.array([0, 0]), (self.T, 1)) finit = np.tile(np.array([0, 0]), (self.T, 1)) prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(q, qinit, initial_guess) prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(v, vinit, initial_guess) prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(u, uinit, initial_guess) prog.SetDecisionVariableValueInVector(contact, finit, initial_guess) # Solve the program if (self.solver == "ipopt"): solver = IpoptSolver() elif (self.solver == "snopt"): solver = SnoptSolver() result = solver.Solve(prog, initial_guess) if (self.solver == "ipopt"): print("Ipopt Solver Status: ", result.get_solver_details().status, ", meaning ", result.get_solver_details().ConvertStatusToString()) elif (self.solver == "snopt"): val = result.get_solver_details().info status = self.snopt_status(val) print("Snopt Solver Status: ", result.get_solver_details().info, ", meaning ", status) sol = result.GetSolution() q_opt = result.GetSolution(q) v_opt = result.GetSolution(v) u_opt = result.GetSolution(u) f_opt = result.GetSolution(contact) return sol, q_opt, v_opt, u_opt, f_opt