Пример #1
	def __init__(self, start_loc, size, speed, rot_speed, dir, depth, screen_size):

		self.loc = start_loc
		self.size = size
		self.radius = math.sqrt(3) * self.size / 3 # the radius of the circle the snowflake is inscribed in
		self._velocity = (0.0, 0.0)
		self._rot_speed = rot_speed
		self._dir = dir
		self.theta = 0
		self.depth = depth
		self._velocity = [math.sin(self.theta) * self._dir, speed]
		self.wind = [0, 0]
		self._damping = 0.0001 # damping factor so wind dies down
		self.debug = False
		self._stroke_color = (0, 0, 0, 200)
		self._screen_size = screen_size

		blue = random.randrange(20) # how blue the snowflakes should be
		self._fill_color = (255 - blue, 255 - blue, 255, 240) 

		points = self.generate_snowflake()
		self.surface = pygame.Surface((self.radius * 2, self.radius * 2), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32).convert_alpha()
		gfxdraw.aapolygon(self.surface, points, self._stroke_color) # border
		gfxdraw.filled_polygon(self.surface, points, self._fill_color) # fill
		gfxdraw.polygon(self.surface, points, self._stroke_color) # fill
    def draw(self, pressed, shifted):

        if pressed is None:  # Unused state (overwritten if binding exists)
            key_color = (50, 50, 50)
            txt_color = (80, 80, 80)
        elif pressed:
            key_color = (150, 150, 150)
            txt_color = (0, 0, 0)
            key_color = (50, 50, 50)
            txt_color = (250, 250, 250)

        points = [
                  [self.x, self.y],
                  [self.x, self.y+self.height],
                  [self.x+self.width, self.y+self.height],
                  [self.x+self.width, self.y]
        points = [[int(round(x)) for x in xy] for xy in points]

        gfxdraw.filled_polygon(screen, points, key_color)
        gfxdraw.aapolygon(screen, points, key_color)

        font = pg.font.SysFont("monospace", 12)
        if shifted:
            name = self.shift
            name = self.name
        label = font.render(name, 1, txt_color)
        r = label.get_rect()
        center = [self.x+self.width/2, self.y+self.height/2]
        corner = [center[0]-r.width/2, center[1]-r.height/2]
        corner = [int(round(x)) for x in corner]
        screen.blit(label, corner)
Пример #3
 def set_image(self, active):
     self.text_surface = self.font.render(self.caption, True,
                                          black if not active else gray)
     self.text = (self.text_surface, self.text_rect)
     self.image = pygame.Surface([self.w, self.h])
     self.fill_with_outline(white, black if not active else gray)
     self.rect = self.image.get_rect()
     self.rect.center = (self.x, self.y)
     self.text[1].center = (self.rect.width // 2, self.rect.height // 2)
     if self.type == 'right_arrow':
             [[3 * self.w // 4, self.h // 2], [self.w // 4, self.h // 4],
              [self.w // 4, 3 * self.h // 4]], gray if active else black)
             [[3 * self.w // 4, self.h // 2], [self.w // 4, self.h // 4],
              [self.w // 4, 3 * self.h // 4]], gray if active else black)
     elif self.type == 'left_arrow':
             [[self.w // 4, self.h // 2], [3 * self.w // 4, self.h // 4],
              [3 * self.w // 4, 3 * self.h // 4]],
             gray if active else black)
             [[self.w // 4, self.h // 2], [3 * self.w // 4, self.h // 4],
              [3 * self.w // 4, 3 * self.h // 4]],
             gray if active else black)
         self.image.blit(self.text[0], self.text[1])
Пример #4
    def _draw_colored_polygon(self,
        import pygame
        from pygame import gfxdraw

        poly = [pygame.math.Vector2(c).rotate_rad(angle) for c in poly]
        poly = [(c[0] * zoom + translation[0], c[1] * zoom + translation[1])
                for c in poly]
        # This checks if the polygon is out of bounds of the screen, and we skip drawing if so.
        # Instead of calculating exactly if the polygon and screen overlap,
        # we simply check if the polygon is in a larger bounding box whose dimension
        # is greater than the screen by MAX_SHAPE_DIM, which is the maximum
        # diagonal length of an environment object
        if not clip or any(
            (-MAX_SHAPE_DIM <= coord[0] <= WINDOW_W + MAX_SHAPE_DIM) and
            (-MAX_SHAPE_DIM <= coord[1] <= WINDOW_H + MAX_SHAPE_DIM)
                for coord in poly):
            gfxdraw.aapolygon(self.surf, poly, color)
            gfxdraw.filled_polygon(self.surf, poly, color)
Пример #5
 def draw_colored_polygon(self, surface, poly, color, zoom, translation,
     poly = [pygame.math.Vector2(c).rotate_rad(angle) for c in poly]
     poly = [(c[0] * zoom + translation[0], c[1] * zoom + translation[1])
             for c in poly]
     gfxdraw.aapolygon(self.surf, poly, color)
     gfxdraw.filled_polygon(self.surf, poly, color)
Пример #6
    def draw(self, ctx):

        if self.isActive():
            gfxdraw.filled_polygon(ctx, self.activeAngleCoords, self.color)
            gfxdraw.aapolygon(ctx, self.activeAngleCoords, self.color)
            gfxdraw.filled_polygon(ctx, self.angleCoords, self.color)
            gfxdraw.aapolygon(ctx, self.angleCoords, self.color)
Пример #7
    def update_light_surf(self, world):
        This creates the light and bloom surfaces

        world : world.World
            The current world


        self.light_surfs = np.array([])
        self.bloom_surfs = np.array([])

        # to determine the size of each light surface
        lowest_val = None
        highest_val = None

        for chunk in world.loaded_chunks:
            if not lowest_val or int(chunk) < lowest_val:
                lowest_val = int(chunk)
            if not highest_val or int(chunk) > highest_val:
                highest_val = int(chunk)

        for polygon in self.polygons:
            light_surf = pg.Surface(((highest_val + 2) * constants.BLOCK_SIZE *
                                     constants.CHUNK_SIZE, 800)).convert()

            # render the polygon
            # TODO: fix no color with bloom
            if self.shadows:
                light_surf.fill((0, 0, 0))

            if self.antialiasing:
                gfxdraw.aapolygon(light_surf, polygon, self.color)

            gfxdraw.textured_polygon(light_surf, polygon, self.color_surf, 0,

            # set up a bloom surf for each main surface
            if self.bloom:
                bloom_surf = copy.copy(light_surf)

                start_size = bloom_surf.get_size()
                small_size = (start_size[0] // 10, start_size[1] // 10)

                # Shrink the surface then put it back to the normal size, which blurs it
                bloom_surf = pg.transform.smoothscale(bloom_surf, small_size)
                bloom_surf = pg.transform.smoothscale(bloom_surf, start_size)

                light_surf.blit(bloom_surf, (0, 0),

            self.light_surfs = np.append(self.light_surfs, light_surf)
Пример #8
def draw_polygon(polygon, color, filled=False, global_coords=True):
    if len(polygon) > 2:
        if global_coords:
            polygon = list(map(lambda x: world_to_win_pt(x, c.player.center), polygon))
        if filled:
            gfxdraw.filled_polygon(screen, polygon, color)
            gfxdraw.polygon(screen, polygon, color)
        gfxdraw.aapolygon(screen, polygon, color)
Пример #9
 def draw_arrow_head(x, y, angle, color, thickness):
     head_angle = math.pi / 6.
     width = 8 + thickness
     x -= width / 2. * math.cos(angle)
     y -= width / 2. * math.sin(angle)
     x1 = x + width * math.cos(angle + head_angle)
     y1 = y + width * math.sin(angle + head_angle)
     x2 = x + width * math.cos(angle - head_angle)
     y2 = y + width * math.sin(angle - head_angle)
     gfxdraw.aapolygon(surface, ((x, y), (x1, y1), (x2, y2)), color)
     gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, ((x, y), (x1, y1), (x2, y2)), color)
Пример #10
def polygon(surf, points, color):
    """Draw an antialiased filled polygon on a surface"""

    gfxdraw.aapolygon(surf, points, color)
    gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surf, points, color)

    x = min([x for (x, y) in points])
    y = min([y for (x, y) in points])
    xm = max([x for (x, y) in points])
    ym = max([y for (x, y) in points])

    return pygame.Rect(x, y, xm - x, ym - y)
Пример #11
def thick_line(surface, center, thickness, angle, color):
    x1, y1 = -_THICKLINE_WIDTH, thickness / 2
    x2, y2 = _THICKLINE_WIDTH, thickness / 2
    x3, y3 = -_THICKLINE_WIDTH, -thickness / 2
    x4, y4 = _THICKLINE_WIDTH, -thickness / 2

    x1, y1 = _transform(x1, y1, center, angle)
    x2, y2 = _transform(x2, y2, center, angle)
    x3, y3 = _transform(x3, y3, center, angle)
    x4, y4 = _transform(x4, y4, center, angle)

    gfxdraw.aapolygon(surface, [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x4, y4), (x3, y3)], color)
    pygame.draw.polygon(surface, color, [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), (x4, y4), (x3, y3)])
Пример #12
    def render(self, screen, scale=None, anti_alias=False):
        if scale is None:
            scale = 1

        if anti_alias:
            pointlist = [scale * self.flipy(x) for x in self.pointlist]
            gfxdraw.filled_polygon(screen, pointlist, pg.Color(self.color))
            gfxdraw.aapolygon(screen, pointlist, pg.Color(self.color))
            p1 = scale * self.flipy(self.start_pos)
            p2 = scale * self.flipy(self.end_pos)
            pg.draw.lines(screen, pg.Color(self.color), False, (p1, p2),
                          int(scale * self.thickness))
Пример #13
    def draw(self, surface, points, colors):

        color = colors[self.color_id]
        if color is None:
        vertices = [points[v] for v in self.vertices]

        # pygame.draw
        # pygame.draw.polygon(surface, self.color, vertices, self.width)

        # pygame.gfxdraw
        aapolygon(surface, vertices, color)
        filled_polygon(surface, vertices, color)
Пример #14
    def draw(self):
        #Draws the centre hexagon

        #environment.explosionSurface = Surface((960,540),SRCALPHA) #re declare the explosion surface for clearing (do to per-pixel alpha)
        for e in environment.explosionList:
            e.draw() #draws explosions
            e.manage() #makes explosions cool
        for a in self.asteroidList:

Пример #15
    def draw(self, screen):
        h = screen.get_height()
        s = self.scale_sim_to_vis

        if self.shape == 'quad':
            verts = self.fixture.shape.vertices
            verts = [self.body.transform * vert for vert in verts]
            verts = [(s * x, h - s * y) for (x, y) in verts]

            gfxdraw.aapolygon(screen, verts, self.object_color)
        elif self.shape == 'circle':
            x = self.body.position[0]
            y = self.body.position[1]
            gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, int(s * x), int(h - s * y), int(s *
                self.HALF_H * self.scale_real_to_sim), self.object_color)
Пример #16
 def render(self,screen):
     #checks if planet is off screen
     if (point1[0]+rad)<-screen.margin or (point1[1]+rad)<-screen.margin or (point1[0]-rad)>screen.size[0]+screen.margin or (point1[1]-rad)>screen.size[1]+screen.margin:
         for i,feature in enumerate(self.surfaceFeatAsset):
             for j,point2 in enumerate(feature):
Пример #17
    def _drawTiles(self, surface: pygame.Surface) -> None:
        Draws the tiles on the given surface

            surface: The surface on which the tiles will be drawn
        for i in range(len(self._drawMatrix)):
            for j in range(len(self._drawMatrix[0])):
                points = self._drawMatrix[i][j]
                internal_color = self._colorMatrix[i][j][self._INTERNAL_COLOR]
                border_color = self._colorMatrix[i][j][self._BORDER_COLOR]
                if internal_color is not None:
                    gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, points, internal_color)
                gfxdraw.aapolygon(surface, points, border_color)
Пример #18
     def render(self, screen, scale=None, anti_alias=False):
        if scale is None:
            scale = 1

        pointlist = []
        for v in self.vertices:
            x, y = pm.Vec2d(v).rotated(self.shape.body.angle) + self.shape.body.position
            point = scale * self.flipy([x, y])
            pointlist.append([int(point[0]), int(point[1])])

        if anti_alias:
            gfxdraw.filled_polygon(screen, pointlist, pg.Color(self.color))
            gfxdraw.aapolygon(screen, pointlist, pg.Color(self.color))
            pg.draw.polygon(screen, pg.Color(self.color), pointlist)
Пример #19
def rotating_bones(surface, progress, mood, count=4):
    width, height = surface.get_size()
    w = width // 40
    r = min(width - 9 * w, height - 9 * w) // 2
    for i in range(count):
        alpha = progress * 2 * pi + i * pi * 8 / count
        pos_x = width // 2 + sin(alpha/4) * r * (count > 1)
        pos_y = height // 2 + cos(alpha/4) * r * (count > 1)
        if i % 2 == 0:
            color = mood.primary_color
            color = mood.secondary_color
                      int(pos_x + sin(alpha) * 3.5 * w),
                      int(pos_y + cos(alpha) * 3.5 * w),
                      w, color)
                 int(pos_x + sin(alpha) * 3.5 * w),
                 int(pos_y + cos(alpha) * 3.5 * w),
                 w, color)
                      int(pos_x - sin(alpha) * 3.5 * w),
                      int(pos_y - cos(alpha) * 3.5 * w),
                      w, color)
                 int(pos_x - sin(alpha) * 3.5 * w),
                 int(pos_y - cos(alpha) * 3.5 * w),
                 w, color)
        filled_polygon(surface, [
            (int(pos_x - sin(alpha) * 3.5 * w + sin(alpha + pi / 2) * w / 2),
             int(pos_y - cos(alpha) * 3.5 * w + cos(alpha + pi / 2) * w / 2)),
            (int(pos_x - sin(alpha) * 3.5 * w - sin(alpha + pi / 2) * w / 2),
             int(pos_y - cos(alpha) * 3.5 * w - cos(alpha + pi / 2) * w / 2)),
            (int(pos_x + sin(alpha) * 3.5 * w - sin(alpha + pi / 2) * w / 2),
             int(pos_y + cos(alpha) * 3.5 * w - cos(alpha + pi / 2) * w / 2)),
            (int(pos_x + sin(alpha) * 3.5 * w + sin(alpha + pi / 2) * w / 2),
             int(pos_y + cos(alpha) * 3.5 * w + cos(alpha + pi / 2) * w / 2))
            ], color)
        aapolygon(surface, [
            (int(pos_x - sin(alpha) * 3.5 * w + sin(alpha + pi / 2) * w / 2),
             int(pos_y - cos(alpha) * 3.5 * w + cos(alpha + pi / 2) * w / 2)),
            (int(pos_x - sin(alpha) * 3.5 * w - sin(alpha + pi / 2) * w / 2),
             int(pos_y - cos(alpha) * 3.5 * w - cos(alpha + pi / 2) * w / 2)),
            (int(pos_x + sin(alpha) * 3.5 * w - sin(alpha + pi / 2) * w / 2),
             int(pos_y + cos(alpha) * 3.5 * w - cos(alpha + pi / 2) * w / 2)),
            (int(pos_x + sin(alpha) * 3.5 * w + sin(alpha + pi / 2) * w / 2),
             int(pos_y + cos(alpha) * 3.5 * w + cos(alpha + pi / 2) * w / 2))
        ], color)
Пример #20
def draw_hex_grid_element(surface, colour, size, point):
    h = 1.7320508 * size
    w = 2 * size
    x = point[0] * w * 3 / 4 + w
    y = point[1] * h
    if point[0] % 2:
        y = y + h / 2
    p1 = (x, y)
    p2 = (p1[0] + w / 2, p1[1])
    p3 = (p2[0] + w / 4, p2[1] + h / 2)
    p4 = (p3[0] - w / 4, p3[1] + h / 2)
    p5 = (p4[0] - w / 2, p4[1])
    p6 = (p5[0] - w / 4, p5[1] - h / 2)

    gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, (p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6), next())
    gfxdraw.aapolygon(surface, (p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p6), colour)
Пример #21
    def polygon(self, pos_list, color=WHITE, fill=True, width=1):
        if not len(pos_list) > 0:

        if isinstance(pos_list[0], Vector2):
            polygon = tuple(map(lambda vec: vec.pos, pos_list))
            polygon = pos_list

        gfxdraw.aapolygon(self.screen, polygon, color)

        if fill:
            gfxdraw.filled_polygon(self.screen, polygon, color)

        elif width != 1:
            pygame.draw.polygon(self.screen, color, polygon, width)
Пример #22
def polygon(points, color, edge_color=None):
    PyGame polygon printing helper function
    Prints a polygon with an antialiased edge, handling conversion from game
    units to pixels
        points: 2x2 numpy array of line end-points [[x1, y1], [x2, y2]]
        color: a 3 or 4 tuple, RGB(A), of integers in [0, 255]
        edge_color: a 3 or 4 tuple, RGB(A), of integers in [0, 255]; if
                    ommitted, edge_color matches color
    if edge_color is None:
        edge_color = color
    # Invert Y coordinate so up is positive (PyGame uses down as positive)
    points[:, 1] = screen_height - points[:, 1]
    gfxdraw.filled_polygon(screen, (px*points).round().astype(int), color)
    gfxdraw.aapolygon(screen, (px*points).round().astype(int), edge_color)
Пример #23
 def screen(self):
     if not self.first_opening:
         self.bg = self.scr.subsurface(self).copy()
         self.first_opening = True
     if self.item_index+self.offset>=0 and self.item_index+self.offset not in self.exc: self.scr.fill(0xe25817,(self.x,self.item_index*(self.item_h)+self.y-(self.top-self.itemsrect.top)%self.item_h,self.w,self.item_h))
     b = self.itemsrect.y+self.margin//2
     for e,i in enumerate(self.items):
         self.scr.blit(self.font.render(' %s '%(i.label if type(i)==Menu else i),1,(250,250,250)if e not in self.exc else(10,10,10)),(self.x,b))
         if type(i)==Menu:
             r = pg.Rect(self.right-self.item_h,b-self.margin//2,self.item_h,self.item_h).inflate(-self.margin*3,-self.margin*3)
             filled_polygon(self.scr,(r.topleft,r.midright,r.bottomleft),(250,250,250)if e not in self.exc else(10,10,10))
             aapolygon(self.scr,(r.topleft,r.midright,r.bottomleft),(250,250,250)if e not in self.exc else(10,10,10))
     s = self.inflate(-2,-2)
Пример #24
    def show(self, walls, triangles=True, rays=False):
        # calculted the rays to the verticies of all the walls
        if self.autocp:
            for wall in walls:
                self._calc_rays_to_edges(wall, walls)

        # updating the intersection_pt attribute for the rays and drawing them if the option is activated
        for ray in self.rays:

        # sorts and filters the similar rays
        # print("Original Num of Rays is ", len(self.rays))
        self.rays = self._filter_rays(self.rays)
        # print("New Num of Rays is ", len(self.rays))

        if rays:
            for ray in self.rays:

        if triangles:
            # drawing the triangles
            if len(self.rays):
                for i in range(len(self.rays) - 1):
                    r1, r2 = self.rays[i], self.rays[i + 1]
                    pt_list = (self.pos, r1.intersection_pt,
                    if None in pt_list:
                    gfx.aapolygon(self.surface, pt_list, consts.LIGHT_RED)
                              (self.pos, self.rays[0].intersection_pt,

        if self.autocp:
            self.rays = []

        pygame.draw.circle(self.surface, self.color, self.pos, self.rad)
Пример #25
    def render_raw(self, res: Tuple[int], frame: int) -> pygame.Surface:
        surface = pygame.Surface(res, pygame.SRCALPHA)

        border = self.border(frame)
        color = self.color(frame)
        border_color = self.border_color(frame)
        offset = self.offset(frame)
        antialias = self.antialias(frame)
        verts = [(vx + offset[0], vy + offset[1]) for v in self.verts
                 for vx, vy in v(frame)]

        if antialias:
            gfxdraw.aapolygon(surface, verts, color)
            gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surface, verts, color)
            pygame.draw.polygon(surface, color, verts)
        if border > 0:
            pygame.draw.polygon(surface, border_color, verts, border)

        return surface
Пример #26
    def draw(self, update_screen=True):
        Uses standardized self.map_data from load function and displays
        it on the screen. Be sure to run self.load() in your init function
        before calling this draw function, or their will be no data to work with

        # Scale all of our data before displaying it, if it hasn't been done already
        if self.track_draw_info is None:

        # Draw our background, and all our track segments
        self.screen.fill((247, 247, 247))
        for corner in self.track_draw_info["scaled_corners"]:
            gfxdraw.aapolygon(self.screen, corner, (204, 204, 204))
            gfxdraw.filled_polygon(self.screen, corner, (204, 204, 204))


        if update_screen:
Пример #27
def draw_hex(screen, pos, color=BLACK, fill=True, info=None):
    screen_pos = to_screen_coord(pos)

    points = []
    for i in range(6):
        angle_deg = 60 * i + 30
        angle_rad = pi / 180 * angle_deg
        point = (screen_pos[0] + GRID_SIZE * cos(angle_rad),
                 screen_pos[1] + GRID_SIZE * sin(angle_rad))

    if fill:
        gfxdraw.filled_polygon(screen, points, color)
    gfxdraw.aapolygon(screen, points, color)

    if info is not None:
        # dist to (5, 5)
        dist_text = FONT.render(str(info), True, BLACK)
        dist_rect = dist_text.get_rect()
        dist_rect.center = screen_pos
        screen.blit(dist_text, dist_rect)
Пример #28
    def draw(self, screen):

        self.dPoints = rtPoints(self.subdivPts)
        draw.polygon(screen, (0, 100, 0), self.dPoints, 0)
        gfxdraw.aapolygon(screen, self.dPoints, (0, 150, 0))

        draw.circle(screen, (255, 255, 255),
                    (int(self.center[0]), int(self.center[1])), 5)
        # for p in range(len(self.dPoints)):
        # 	pt = self.dPoints[p]
        # 	angle = self.normals[p]+cameraRotation
        # 	normal = pt[0]+cos(angle)*15,pt[1]+sin(angle)*15
        # 	draw.line(screen,(255,0,0),self.dPoints[p],normal,1)
        ins = rtPoints(self.inside)

        draw.polygon(screen, (112, 71, 71), ins, 0)
        gfxdraw.aapolygon(screen, ins, (112, 71, 71))

        for p in self.spikes:
            t = rtPoint(p)
            draw.lines(screen, (255, 0, 0), False, self.dPoints[p[0]:p[1]], 4)
Пример #29
def draw_arc(surface, x, y, r, th, start, stop, color):
    # from https://stackoverflow.com/a/57457571
    stop = min(stop, tau)

    points_outer = []
    points_inner = []
    n = round(r * abs(stop - start) / 20)
    if n < 2:
        n = 2
    for i in range(n):
        delta = i / (n - 1)
        phi0 = start + (stop - start) * delta
        x0 = round(x + r * cos(phi0))
        y0 = round(y + r * sin(phi0))
        points_outer.append([x0, y0])
        phi1 = stop + (start - stop) * delta
        x1 = round(x + (r - th) * cos(phi1))
        y1 = round(y + (r - th) * sin(phi1))
        points_inner.append([x1, y1])
    points = points_outer + points_inner
    aapolygon(surface, points, color)
    filled_polygon(surface, points, color)
Пример #30
    def draw(self, surface):
        if self.status == 'dead':

        c_inner, c_outer = self.colouring()

        for i in range(min(self.power, 3)):
            bsc = rn.uniform(0, 1)
            b = (self.back - self.position) * bsc
            s = (self.port_corner - self.back) * rn.uniform(-1, 1) * bsc
            p = self.back + b + s
            # gfx.filled_circle(surface, int(p[0]), int(p[1]), 3, c_inner)
            gfx.aacircle(surface, int(p[0]), int(p[1]), 3, c_outer)
        # if not c_inner is None:
            surface, [self.position, self.port_corner, self.starboard_corner],
        # print "drew inner at %s, %s, %s" % (self.position, self.port_corner, self.starboard_corner)
        # if not c_outer is None:
                      [self.position, self.port_corner, self.starboard_corner],
Пример #31
    def calc_aa_rect(self):
        # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/30578068/pygame-draw-anti-aliased-thick-line
        # P2----P3
        # |     |
        # P1----P4
        # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix

        # Might be possible to make this faster

        # Precompute things
        ct = cos(self.theta)
        st = sin(self.theta)

        pre1 = self.height + self.r
        pre2 = self.width - self.width

        pre3 = self.center[0] + ct * self.width
        pre4 = self.center[1] + st * self.width

        pre5 = self.center[0] + ct * pre2
        pre6 = self.center[1] + st * pre2

        pre7 = st * self.r
        pre8 = ct * self.r

        pre9 = st * pre1
        pre10 = ct * pre1

        P1 = (pre3 - pre7, pre4 + pre8)

        P2 = (pre3 - pre9, pre4 + pre10)

        P3 = (pre5 - pre9, pre6 + pre10)

        P4 = (pre5 - pre7, pre6 + pre8)

        gfxdraw.aapolygon(self.surface, (P1, P2, P3, P4), self.colour)
        gfxdraw.filled_polygon(self.surface, (P1, P2, P3, P4), self.colour)
Пример #32
    def aapolygon(self, points, color):

        points : array-like
            配列の2次元目の要素数は2で, 少なくとも3点以上の座標を設定する必要があります.
        color : tuple of int


        return gfx.aapolygon(self.pg.screen, points, color)
Пример #33
    def draw(self, surface):
        if self.status == 'dead':

        c_inner, c_outer = self.colouring()

        for row in self.branches:
            for segment in row:
                sp = segment.p1
                ep = segment.p2
                d, l = (sp - ep).as_polar()
                p1 = sp + 1 * np.cos(np.radians(d + 90))
                p2 = sp + 1 * np.cos(np.radians(d - 90))
                p3 = ep + 1 * np.cos(np.radians(d + 90))
                p4 = ep + 1 * np.cos(np.radians(d - 90))
                gfx.aapolygon(surface, [p1, p2, p3, p4], c_outer)
                gfx.filled_polygon(surface, [p1, p2, p3, p4], c_outer)

        for row in self.branches:
            for segment in row:
                sp = segment.p1
                ep = segment.p2
                pdraw.aaline(surface, c_inner, sp, ep, 1)
Пример #34
def draw_cell(cell):
    font_size = 16
    virus_sizes = {100:1, 106:2, 113:3, 119:4, 125:5, 131:6, 136:7}

    cx,cy = world_to_win_pt(cell.pos,c.player.center)
        mov_ang = cell.movement_angle
        p2 = cell.pos + Vec( math.cos(mov_ang + mechanics.eject_delta*math.pi/180), math.sin(mov_ang + mechanics.eject_delta*math.pi/180) ) * (cell.size+700)
        p3 = cell.pos + Vec( math.cos(mov_ang - mechanics.eject_delta*math.pi/180), math.sin(mov_ang - mechanics.eject_delta*math.pi/180) ) * (cell.size+700)

        cx2,cy2 = world_to_win_pt(p2,c.player.center)
        cx3,cy3 = world_to_win_pt(p3,c.player.center)
    except (AttributeError, TypeError):

    radius = world_to_win_length(cell.size)

    if cell.is_virus:
            color = (0,255,0)
            color2 = (100,255,0)
            polygon = generate_virus(int(cell.size*0.3), 10*zoom, radius, (cx, cy))
            polygon2 = generate_virus(int(cell.size*0.3), 10*zoom, radius-10, (cx, cy))
            gfxdraw.filled_polygon(screen, polygon, color2)
            gfxdraw.polygon(screen, polygon, (0,0,0))
            gfxdraw.aapolygon(screen, polygon, (0,0,0))
            gfxdraw.filled_polygon(screen, polygon2, color)
            gfxdraw.aapolygon(screen, polygon2, color)
            draw_text((cx, cy), "%s / 7" % virus_sizes.get(cell.size, "?"), (64,0,0), font_size*2, False, True)
            draw_text((cx, cy + radius + 10), str(cell.cid), (0,0,0), font_size, False, True)
        color=(int(cell.color[0]*255), int(cell.color[1]*255), int(cell.color[2]*255))

        if not (cell.is_ejected_mass or cell.is_food):
            gfxdraw.aapolygon(screen, [(cx,cy),(cx2,cy2),(cx3,cy3),(cx,cy)] ,(255,127,127))
            gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, cx, cy, radius, color)
            gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, cx, cy, radius, (0,0,0))
            gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, cx, cy, int(radius/2), (255,255,255))
            gfxdraw.circle(screen, cx, cy, int(radius/2), (255,255,255))
            draw_text((cx, cy + radius + 10), cell.name, (0, 0, 0), font_size, False, True)
            draw_text((cx, cy + radius + 10 + font_size), str(cell.cid), (0,0,0), font_size, False, True)
            # surface = draw_text(cell.name, (0, 0, 0), font_size)
            # screen.blit(surface, (cx - (surface.get_width()/2), cy + radius + 5))
            draw_text((cx, cy), str(int(cell.mass))+"/"+str(int(cell.size)), (255, 255, 255), font_size, False, True)
            # surface = draw_text(str(int(cell.mass)), (255, 255, 255), font_size)
            # screen.blit(surface, (cx - (surface.get_width()/2), cy - (surface.get_height()/2)))
            gfxdraw.aacircle(screen, cx, cy, radius, color)
            gfxdraw.filled_circle(screen, cx, cy, radius, color)
Пример #35
    def __init__(self, surface):
        """ Инициализация. 
        surface - поверхность на которой будем рисовать """
        self.surface = surface
        self.surface.set_colorkey( C_BLACK, pygame.RLEACCEL )
        self.rect = self.surface.get_rect()

        self.area = hex.Hex(self.hex_size, self.hex_dist)        

        # Закрашенный гекс подсветки.
        self.solid = pygame.Surface( (self.area.S.size[0]+1, self.area.S.size[1]+1) )
        self.solid.set_colorkey( C_BLACK, pygame.RLEACCEL )
        self.solid.set_alpha(200, pygame.RLEACCEL)
        self.solid_rect = self.solid.get_rect()
        self.solid_rect.center = (-100,-100)
        points = self.area.polygon( (0,0) )
        gfx.filled_polygon(self.solid, points, C_FILL)
        gfx.aapolygon(self.solid, points, C_WHITE)
        # Выбранный гекс.
        self.select = self.solid.copy()
        self.select_rect = self.select.get_rect()
        points = self.area.polygon( (0,0) )
        gfx.filled_polygon(self.select, points, C_SELECT)
        gfx.aapolygon(self.select, points, C_WHITE)

        # отрисовка задника
        line = pygame.draw.line
        font = pygame.font.Font(None, 20)
        for i in range(self.hex_col):
            for j in range(self.hex_row):
                x, y = self.area.center( (i,j) )
                points = self.area.polygon( (i,j) )
                gfx.aapolygon(surface, points, C_WHITE)
                line(surface, C_WHITE, (x,y), (x,y), 1)#центральная точка
                text = font.render(str(i)+":"+str(j), 1, C_WHITE)
                surface.blit(text, (x,y))
Пример #36
def drawAHat(surf, face):
    pointsInHat = [ (face.left, face.top),
                    (face.left + face.width, face.top),
                    (face.left + face.width/2, face.top - face.height/2 )]
    gfxdraw.filled_polygon(surf, pointsInHat, Color("red"))
    gfxdraw.aapolygon(surf, pointsInHat, Color("black"))