Пример #1
def str_template(name, scale, cell):
  from pylada.crystal import Structure
  structure = Structure()
  structure.name   = name
  structure.scale  = scale
  structure.cell = cell
  return structure
def get_madelungenergy(latt_vec_array, charge, epsilon, cutoff):
    """ Function returns leading first order correction term, i.e.,
        screened Madelung-like lattice energy of point charge
    Reference: M. Leslie and M. J. Gillan, J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 18 (1985) 973

        defect = pylada.vasp.Extract object
        charge = charge of point defect. Default 1e0 elementary charge
        epsilon = dimensionless relative permittivity, SKW: isotropic average of dielectric constant
        cutoff = Ewald cutoff parameter

        Madelung (electrostatic) energy in eV                                                                                                                

        1. Units in this function are either handled by the module Quantities, or\
        defaults to Angstrom and elementary charges
        2. Function is adopted from Haowei Peng's version in pylada.defects modules

    ewald_cutoff = cutoff * Ry

    cell_scale = 1.0  # SKW: In notebook workflow cell parameters are converted to Cartesians and units of Angstroms
    # SKW: Create point charge in pylada.crystal.structure class (used for charge model)
    # http://pylada.github.io/pylada/userguide/crystal.html
    struc = Structure()
    struc.cell = latt_vec_array
    struc.scale = cell_scale
    struc.add_atom(0., 0., 0., "P", charge=charge)

    #Anuj_05/22/18: added "cutoff" in ewald syntax
    result = ewald(struc, cutoff=ewald_cutoff).energy / epsilon
    return -1 * result.rescale(eV)
Пример #3
def from_spglib(strc):
    converting the pylada structure object
    from the spglib format to pylada

    import numpy as np
    from pylada import periodic_table
    from pylada.crystal import Structure

    out_s = Structure()
    out_s.scale = 1.

    cell      = strc[0]
    positions = strc[1]
    symbols   = strc[2]

    out_s.cell = np.transpose(cell)

    for ii in range(len(positions)):

    return out_s
Пример #4
def first_order_charge_correction(structure,
    """ First order charge correction of +1 charge in given supercell. 

        Units in this function are either handled by the module Quantities, or
        defaults to Angstroems and elementary charges.

          structure : `pylada.crystal.Structure`
            Defect supercell, with cartesian positions in angstrom.
            Charge of the point-defect. Defaults to 1e0 elementary charge. If no
            units are attached, expects units of elementary charges.
            dimensionless relative permittivity.
            Ewald cutoff parameter.

        :return: Electrostatic energy in eV.
    from quantities import elementary_charge, eV
    from pylada.crystal import Structure
    from pylada.physics import Ry
    from pylada.ewald import ewald

    if charge is None:
        charge = 1
    elif charge == 0:
        return 0e0 * eV
    if hasattr(charge, "units"):
        charge = float(charge.rescale(elementary_charge))

    ewald_cutoff = cutoff * Ry

    struc = Structure()
    struc.cell = structure.cell
    struc.scale = structure.scale
    struc.add_atom(0e0, 0, 0, "A", charge=charge)

    result = ewald(struc, ewald_cutoff).energy / epsilon
    return -result.rescale(eV)
Пример #5
def get_madelungenergy(defect, charge=None, epsilon=1e0, cutoff=100.0):
    """ Function returns leading first order correction term, i.e.,
        screened Madelung-like lattice energy of point charge
    Reference: M. Leslie and M. J. Gillan, J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. 18 (1985) 973

        defect = pylada.vasp.Extract object
        charge = charge of point defect. Default 1e0 elementary charge
        epsilon = dimensionless relative permittivity
        cutoff = Ewald cutoff parameter

        Madelung (electrostatic) energy in eV                                                                                                                

        1. Units in this function are either handled by the module Quantities, or\
        defaults to Angstrom and elementary charges
        2. Function is adopted from Haowei Peng's version in pylada.defects modules

    from quantities import elementary_charge, eV
    from pylada.crystal import Structure
    from pylada.physics import Ry
    from pylada.ewald import ewald

    if charge is None: charge = 1
    elif charge == 0: return 0e0 * eV
    if hasattr(charge, "units"):
        charge = float(charge.rescale(elementary_charge))

    ewald_cutoff = cutoff * Ry

    structure = defect.structure

    struc = Structure()
    struc.cell = structure.cell
    struc.scale = structure.scale
    struc.add_atom(0., 0., 0., "P", charge=charge)

    #Anuj_05/22/18: added "cutoff" in ewald syntax
    result = ewald(struc, cutoff=ewald_cutoff).energy / epsilon
    return -1 * result.rescale(eV)
Пример #6
def first_order_charge_correction(structure, charge=None, epsilon=1e0, cutoff=20.0, **kwargs):
    """ First order charge correction of +1 charge in given supercell. 

        Units in this function are either handled by the module Quantities, or
        defaults to Angstroems and elementary charges.

          structure : `pylada.crystal.Structure`
            Defect supercell, with cartesian positions in angstrom.
            Charge of the point-defect. Defaults to 1e0 elementary charge. If no
            units are attached, expects units of elementary charges.
            dimensionless relative permittivity.
            Ewald cutoff parameter.

        :return: Electrostatic energy in eV.
    from quantities import elementary_charge, eV
    from pylada.crystal import Structure
    from pylada.physics import Ry
    from pylada.ewald import ewald

    if charge is None:
        charge = 1
    elif charge == 0:
        return 0e0 * eV
    if hasattr(charge, "units"):
        charge = float(charge.rescale(elementary_charge))

    ewald_cutoff = cutoff * Ry

    struc = Structure()
    struc.cell = structure.cell
    struc.scale = structure.scale
    struc.add_atom(0e0, 0, 0, "A", charge=charge)

    result = ewald(struc, ewald_cutoff).energy / epsilon
    return -result.rescale(eV)
Пример #7
def make_surface(structure=None, miller=None, nlayers=5, vacuum=15, acc=5):
    """Returns a slab from the 3D structure 

       Takes a structure and makes a slab defined by the miller indices 
       with nlayers number of layers and vacuum defining the size 
       of the vacuum thickness. Variable acc determines the number of 
       loops used to get the direct lattice vectors perpendicular 
       and parallel to miller. For high index surfaces use larger acc value 
       .. warning: (1) cell is always set such that miller is alogn z-axes
                   (2) nlayers and vacuum are always along z-axes.

       :param structure: LaDa structure
       :param miller: 3x1 float64 array
           Miller indices defining the slab    
       :param nlayers: integer
           Number of layers in the slab
       :param vacuum: real
           Vacuum thicness in angstroms
       :param acc: integer
           number of loops for finding the cell vectors of the slab structure
    direct_cell = transpose(structure.cell)
    reciprocal_cell = 2 * pi * transpose(inv(direct_cell))

    orthogonal = []  # lattice vectors orthogonal to miller

    for n1 in arange(-acc, acc + 1):
        for n2 in arange(-acc, acc + 1):
            for n3 in arange(-acc, acc + 1):

                pom = array([n1, n2, n3])
                if dot(pom, miller) == 0 and dot(pom, pom) != 0:
                    orthogonal.append(array([n1, n2, n3]))

    # chose the shortest parallel and set it to be a3 lattice vector
    norm_orthogonal = [sqrt(dot(dot(x, direct_cell), dot(x, direct_cell))) for x in orthogonal]
    a1 = orthogonal[norm_orthogonal.index(min(norm_orthogonal))]

    # chose the shortest orthogonal to miller and not colinear with a1 and set it as a2
    in_plane = []

    for x in orthogonal:
        if dot(x, x) > 1e-3:
            v = cross(dot(x, direct_cell), dot(a1, direct_cell))
            v = sqrt(dot(v, v))
            if v > 1e-3:

    norm_in_plane = [sqrt(dot(dot(x, direct_cell), dot(x, direct_cell))) for x in in_plane]
    a2 = in_plane[norm_in_plane.index(min(norm_in_plane))]

    a1 = dot(a1, direct_cell)
    a2 = dot(a2, direct_cell)

    # new cartesian axes z-along miller, x-along a1, and y-to define the right-hand orientation
    e1 = a1 / sqrt(dot(a1, a1))
    e2 = a2 - dot(e1, a2) * e1
    e2 = e2 / sqrt(dot(e2, e2))
    e3 = cross(e1, e2)

    # find vectors parallel to miller and set the shortest to be a3
    parallel = []

    for n1 in arange(-acc, acc + 1):
        for n2 in arange(-acc, acc + 1):
            for n3 in arange(-acc, acc + 1):
                pom = dot(array([n1, n2, n3]), direct_cell)
                if sqrt(dot(pom, pom)) - dot(e3, pom) < 1e-8 and sqrt(dot(pom, pom)) > 1e-3:

    # if there are no lattice vectors parallel to miller
    if len(parallel) == 0:
        for n1 in arange(-acc, acc + 1):
            for n2 in arange(-acc, acc + 1):
                for n3 in arange(-acc, acc + 1):
                    pom = dot(array([n1, n2, n3]), direct_cell)
                    if dot(e3, pom) > 1e-3:

    parallel = [x for x in parallel if sqrt(
        dot(x - dot(e1, x) * e1 - dot(e2, x) * e2, x - dot(e1, x) * e1 - dot(e2, x) * e2)) > 1e-3]
    norm_parallel = [sqrt(dot(x, x)) for x in parallel]

    assert len(norm_parallel) != 0, "Increase acc, found no lattice vectors parallel to (hkl)"

    a3 = parallel[norm_parallel.index(min(norm_parallel))]

    # making a structure in the new unit cell - defined by the a1,a2,a3
    new_direct_cell = array([a1, a2, a3])

    assert abs(det(new_direct_cell)) > 1e-5, "Something is wrong your volume is equal to zero"

    # make sure determinant is positive
    if det(new_direct_cell) < 0.:
        new_direct_cell = array([-a1, a2, a3])

    #structure = fill_structure(transpose(new_direct_cell),structure.to_lattice())
    structure = supercell(lattice=structure, supercell=transpose(new_direct_cell))

    # transformation matrix to new coordinates x' = dot(m,x)
    m = array([e1, e2, e3])

    # seting output structure
    out_structure = Structure()
    out_structure.scale = structure.scale
    out_structure.cell = transpose(dot(new_direct_cell, transpose(m)))

    for atom in structure:
        p = dot(m, atom.pos)
        out_structure.add_atom(p[0], p[1], p[2], atom.type)

    # repaeting to get nlayers and vacuum
    repeat_cell = dot(out_structure.cell, array([[1., 0., 0.], [0., 1., 0.], [0., 0., nlayers]]))
    out_structure = supercell(lattice=out_structure, supercell=repeat_cell)

    # checking whether there are atoms close to the cell faces and putting them back to zero
    for i in range(len(out_structure)):
        scaled_pos = dot(out_structure[i].pos, inv(transpose(out_structure.cell)))
        for j in range(3):
            if abs(scaled_pos[j] - 1.) < 1e-5:
                scaled_pos[j] = 0.
        out_structure[i].pos = dot(scaled_pos, transpose(out_structure.cell))

    # adding vaccum to the cell
    out_structure.cell = out_structure.cell + \
        array([[0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., 0.], [0., 0., float(vacuum) / float(out_structure.scale)]])

    # translating atoms so that center of the slab and the center of the cell along z-axes coincide
    max_z = max([x.pos[2] for x in out_structure])
    min_z = min([x.pos[2] for x in out_structure])
    center_atoms = 0.5 * (max_z + min_z)
    center_cell = 0.5 * out_structure.cell[2][2]

    for i in range(len(out_structure)):
        out_structure[i].pos = out_structure[i].pos + array([0., 0., center_cell - center_atoms])

    # exporting the final structure
    return out_structure
Пример #8
def poscar(path="POSCAR", types=None):
    """ Tries to read a VASP POSCAR file.

         :param path: Path to the POSCAR file. Can also be an object with
           file-like behavior.
         :type path: str or file object
         :param types: Species in the POSCAR.
         :type types: None or sequence of str

        :return: `pylada.crystal.Structure` instance.
    import re
    from os.path import join, exists, isdir
    from copy import deepcopy
    from numpy import array, dot, transpose
    from numpy.linalg import det
    from quantities import angstrom
    from . import Structure
    from .. import error

    # if types is not none, converts to a list of strings.
    if types is not None:
        if isinstance(types, str):
            types = [types]  # can't see another way of doing this...
        elif not hasattr(types, "__iter__"):
            types = [str(types)]  # single lone vasp.specie.Specie
            types = [str(s) for s in types]

    if path is None:
        path = "POSCAR"
    if not hasattr(path, 'read'):
        assert exists(path), IOError("Could not find path %s." % (path))
        if isdir(path):
            assert exists(join(path, "POSCAR")), IOError("Could not find POSCAR in %s." % (path))
            path = join(path, "POSCAR")
    result = Structure()
    poscar = path if hasattr(path, "read") else open(path, 'r')

        # gets name of structure
        result.name = poscar.readline().strip()
        if len(result.name) > 0 and result.name[0] == "#":
            result.name = result.name[1:].strip()
        # reads scale
        scale = float(poscar.readline().split()[0])
        # gets cell vectors.
        cell = []
        for i in range(3):
            line = poscar.readline()
            assert len(line.split()) >= 3,\
                RuntimeError("Could not read column vector from poscar: %s." % (line))
            cell.append([float(f) for f in line.split()[:3]])
        result.cell = transpose(array(cell))
        vol = det(cell)
        if scale < 1.E-8:
            scale = abs(scale / vol) ** (1.0 / 3)
        result.scale = scale * angstrom
        # checks for vasp 5 input.
        is_vasp_5 = True
        line = poscar.readline().split()
        for i in line:
            if not re.match(r"[A-Z][a-z]?", i):
                is_vasp_5 = False
        if is_vasp_5:
            text_types = deepcopy(line)
            if types is not None and not set(text_types).issubset(set(types)):
                raise error.ValueError("Unknown species in poscar: {0} not in {1}."
                                       .format(text_types, types))
            types = text_types
            line = poscar.readline().split()
        if types is None:
            raise RuntimeError("No atomic species given in POSCAR or input.")
        #  checks/reads for number of each specie
        if len(types) < len(line):
            raise RuntimeError("Too many atomic species in POSCAR.")
        nb_atoms = [int(u) for u in line]
        # Check whether selective dynamics, cartesian, or direct.
        first_char = poscar.readline().strip().lower()[0]
        selective_dynamics = False
        if first_char == 's':
            selective_dynamics = True
            first_char = poscar.readline().strip().lower()[0]
        # Checks whether cartesian or direct.
        is_direct = first_char not in ['c', 'k']
        # reads atoms.
        for n, specie in zip(nb_atoms, types):
            for i in range(n):
                line = poscar.readline().split()
                pos = array([float(u) for u in line[:3]], dtype="float64")
                if is_direct:
                    pos = dot(result.cell, pos)
                result.add_atom(pos=pos, type=specie)
                if selective_dynamics:
                    for which, freeze in zip(line[3:], ['x', 'y', 'z']):
                        if which.lower()[0] == 't':
                            result[-1].freeze = getattr(result[-1], 'freeze', '') + freeze

    return result
Пример #9
def test_ingaas():
  from numpy import abs, all, dot, array
  from quantities import eV, angstrom
  from pylada.crystal import Structure

  vff = functional()

  structure = Structure( 10.0, 0.5, 0.5, 
                         0.00, 0.0, 0.5,
                         0.00, 0.5, 0.0, scale=6.5 )\
                       .add_atom(pos=(0.00, 0.00, 0.00), type="Ga") \
                       .add_atom(pos=(0.25, 0.25, 0.25), type="As") \
                       .add_atom(pos=(1.00, 0.00, 0.00), type="Ga") \
                       .add_atom(pos=(1.25, 0.25, 0.25), type="As") \
                       .add_atom(pos=(2.00, 0.00, 0.00), type="In") \
                       .add_atom(pos=(2.25, 0.25, 0.25), type="As") \
                       .add_atom(pos=(3.00, 0.00, 0.00), type="In") \
                       .add_atom(pos=(3.25, 0.25, 0.25), type="As") \
                       .add_atom(pos=(4.00, 0.00, 0.00), type="Ga") \
                       .add_atom(pos=(4.25, 0.25, 0.25), type="As") \
                       .add_atom(pos=(5.00, 0.00, 0.00), type="In") \
                       .add_atom(pos=(5.25, 0.25, 0.25), type="As") \
                       .add_atom(pos=(6.00, 0.00, 0.00), type="In") \
                       .add_atom(pos=(6.25, 0.25, 0.25), type="As") \
                       .add_atom(pos=(7.00, 0.00, 0.00), type="Ga") \
                       .add_atom(pos=(7.25, 0.25, 0.25), type="As") \
                       .add_atom(pos=(8.00, 0.00, 0.00), type="Ga") \
                       .add_atom(pos=(8.25, 0.25, 0.25), type="As") \
                       .add_atom(pos=(9.00, 0.00, 0.00), type="Ga") \
                       .add_atom(pos=(9.25, 0.25, 0.25), type="As")  

  epsilon = array([[1e0, 0.1, 0], [0.1, 1e0, 0], [0, 0, 1e0]])
  structure.cell = dot(epsilon, structure.cell)
  for atom in structure: atom.pos = dot(epsilon, atom.pos)
  out = vff._pyeval(structure)
  assert abs(out.energy - 12.7962141476*eV) < 1e-8
  assert abs(vff.energy(structure) - 12.7962141476*eV) < 1e-8
  stress = array([[ 0.07050804,  0.04862879,  0.00025269],
                  [ 0.04862879,  0.07050804, -0.00025269],
                  [ 0.00025269, -0.00025269,  0.06073765]]) * eV/angstrom**3
  assert all(abs(out.stress - stress) < 1e-6)
  assert all(abs(vff.jacobian(structure)[0] - stress) < 1e-6)
  gradients = array([u.gradient for u in out])
  check_gradients = array( [[  9.15933995e-16,  -5.96744876e-15,   1.12373933e+00],
                            [  2.22044605e-16,  -9.43689571e-15,  -1.12373933e+00],
                            [  6.19921859e-02,  -6.19921859e-02,   1.00514227e+00],
                            [ -5.99520433e-15,   2.19269047e-15,  -1.12373933e+00],
                            [  7.66544525e-02,  -7.66544525e-02,   1.02138259e+00],
                            [  3.82409256e-01,  -3.82409256e-01,  -1.65478066e+00],
                            [ -1.89756333e-02,   1.89756333e-02,   1.15847492e+00],
                            [ -4.16333634e-17,   8.81239526e-16,  -1.09205526e+00],
                            [ -7.54665596e-02,   7.54665596e-02,   1.14107325e+00],
                            [ -3.64621516e-01,   3.64621516e-01,  -5.74094841e-01],
                            [  7.66544525e-02,  -7.66544525e-02,   1.02138259e+00],
                            [  3.82409256e-01,  -3.82409256e-01,  -1.65478066e+00],
                            [ -1.89756333e-02,   1.89756333e-02,   1.15847492e+00],
                            [ -1.19973476e-14,  -2.32591724e-14,  -1.09205526e+00],
                            [ -1.37458746e-01,   1.37458746e-01,   1.25967031e+00],
                            [ -3.64621516e-01,   3.64621516e-01,  -5.74094841e-01],
                            [ -7.77156117e-16,  -3.10862447e-15,   1.12373933e+00],
                            [  8.29891711e-15,   0.00000000e+00,  -1.12373933e+00],
                            [  3.33066907e-15,   7.16093851e-15,   1.12373933e+00],
                            [ -4.44089210e-16,   7.85482790e-15,  -1.12373933e+00]])
  assert all(abs(gradients - check_gradients) < 1e-8)
  assert all(abs(vff.jacobian(structure)[1].magnitude - check_gradients) < 1e-8)
Пример #10
def poscar(path="POSCAR", types=None):
  """ Tries to read a VASP POSCAR file.

       :param path: Path to the POSCAR file. Can also be an object with
         file-like behavior.
       :type path: str or file object
       :param types: Species in the POSCAR.
       :type types: None or sequence of str

      :return: `pylada.crystal.Structure` instance.
  import re
  from os.path import join, exists, isdir
  from copy import deepcopy
  from numpy import array, dot, transpose
  from numpy.linalg import det
  from quantities import angstrom
  from . import Structure

  # if types is not none, converts to a list of strings.
  if types is not None:
    if isinstance(types, str): types = [types] # can't see another way of doing this...
    elif not hasattr(types, "__iter__"): types = [str(types)] # single lone vasp.specie.Specie
    else: types = [str(s) for s in types]

  if path is None: path = "POSCAR"
  if not hasattr(path, 'read'):
    assert exists(path), IOError("Could not find path %s." % (path))
    if isdir(path):
      assert exists(join(path, "POSCAR")), IOError("Could not find POSCAR in %s." % (path))
      path = join(path, "POSCAR")
  result = Structure()
  poscar = path if hasattr(path, "read") else open(path, 'r')

    # gets name of structure
    result.name = poscar.readline().strip()
    if len(result.name) > 0:
      if result.name[0] == "#": result.name = result.name[1:].strip()
    # reads scale
    scale = float(poscar.readline().split()[0])
    # gets cell vectors.
    cell = []
    for i in range(3):
      line = poscar.readline()
      assert len(line.split()) >= 3,\
             RuntimeError("Could not read column vector from poscar: %s." % (line))
      cell.append( [float(f) for f in line.split()[:3]] )
    result.cell = transpose(array(cell))
    vol = det(cell)
    if scale < 1.E-8 : scale = abs(scale/vol) **(1.0/3)
    result.scale = scale * angstrom
    # checks for vasp 5 input.
    is_vasp_5 = True
    line = poscar.readline().split()
    for i in line:
      if not re.match(r"[A-Z][a-z]?", i):
        is_vasp_5 = False
    if is_vasp_5:
      text_types = deepcopy(line)
      if types is not None and not set(text_types).issubset(set(types)):
        raise RuntimeError( "Unknown species in poscar: {0} not in {1}."\
                            .format(text_types, types) )
      types = text_types
      line = poscar.readline().split()
    assert types is not None, RuntimeError("No atomic species given in POSCAR or input.")
    #  checks/reads for number of each specie
    assert len(types) >= len(line), RuntimeError("Too many atomic species in POSCAR.")
    nb_atoms = [int(u) for u in line]
    # Check whether selective dynamics, cartesian, or direct.
    first_char = poscar.readline().strip().lower()[0]
    selective_dynamics = False
    if first_char == 's':
      selective_dynamics = True
      first_char = poscar.readline().strip().lower()[0]
    # Checks whether cartesian or direct.
    is_direct = first_char not in ['c', 'k']
    # reads atoms.
    for n, specie in zip(nb_atoms, types):
      for i in range(n):
        line = poscar.readline().split()
        pos = array([float(u) for u in line[:3]], dtype="float64")
        if is_direct: pos = dot(result.cell, pos)
        result.add_atom(pos=pos, type=specie)
        if selective_dynamics:
          for which, freeze in zip(line[3:], ['x', 'y', 'z']):
            if which.lower()[0] == 't':
              result[-1].freeze = getattr(result[-1], 'freeze', '') + freeze
  finally: poscar.close()

  return result
Пример #11
                     (4.3538700, -0.0001445, 4.3538615),\
                     (4.3538020, 4.3537935, -0.0001445)
structure.add_atoms = [(7.61911540668, 7.61923876219, 7.61912846850), 'Cd'],\
                      [(1.08833559332, 1.08834823781, 1.08832253150), 'Cd'],\
                      [(4.35372550000, 4.35379350000, 4.35372550000), 'Ga'],\
                      [(4.35379775000, 2.17685850000, 2.17682450000), 'Ga'],\
                      [(2.17682450000, 4.35386575000, 2.17682875000), 'Ga'],\
                      [(2.17682875000, 2.17686275000, 4.35379775000), 'Ga'],\
                      [(2.32881212361, 2.32884849688, 2.32881647755),  'O'],\
                      [(2.32887187256, 4.20174404476, 4.20169148188),  'O'],\
                      [(4.20168277385, 2.32891695560, 4.20168347161),  'O'],\
                      [(4.20168782554, 4.20174474241, 2.32887622633),  'O'],\
                      [(6.37863887654, 6.37873414925, 6.37863016865),  'O'],\
                      [(6.37857477364, 4.50584295539, 4.50575516433),  'O'],\
                      [(4.50576822615, 6.37867004441, 4.50576752839),  'O'],\
                      [(4.50576317445, 4.50584225759, 6.37857477367),  'O']

# this is converged to less than 1meV
third = third_order_charge_correction(structure, epsilon=10.0, n=20)
assert abs(third - 0.11708438633232088*eV) < 1e-12
# to compare to Stephan Lany's 3rd0 (-1.299), multiply third by epsilon / (1.0 - 1.0/epsilon)
# tries another cell. Jumping hoops since  can't modify cell component directly.
cell = structure.cell.copy()
cell[0,0] = -30.0
structure.cell = cell
third = third_order_charge_correction(structure, epsilon=10.0, n=20)
assert abs(third - 0.17412996139970385*eV) < 1e-12
# to compare to Stephan Lany's 3rd0 (-1.928), multiply third by epsilon / (1.0 - 1.0/epsilon)

Пример #12
                      ((2.25, 0.25, 0.25), "As"),\
                      ((3.00, 0.00, 0.00), "In"),\
                      ((3.25, 0.25, 0.25), "As"),\
                      ((4.00, 0.00, 0.00), "Ga"),\
                      ((4.25, 0.25, 0.25), "As"),\
                      ((5.00, 0.00, 0.00), "In"),\
                      ((5.25, 0.25, 0.25), "As"),\
                      ((6.00, 0.00, 0.00), "In"),\
                      ((6.25, 0.25, 0.25), "As"),\
                      ((7.00, 0.00, 0.00), "Ga"),\
                      ((7.25, 0.25, 0.25), "As"),\
                      ((8.00, 0.00, 0.00), "Ga"),\
                      ((8.25, 0.25, 0.25), "As"),\
                      ((9.00, 0.00, 0.00), "Ga"),\
                      ((9.25, 0.25, 0.25), "As"), 
structure.scale = vff.lattice.scale # + 0.1

# vff.direction = FreezeCell.a0 | FreezeCell.a1

# print vff
# print structure

epsilon = array([[1e0, 0.1, 0], [0.1, 1e0, 0], [0, 0, 1e0]])
structure.cell = dot(epsilon, structure.cell)
for atom in structure.atoms: atom.pos = dot(epsilon, atom.pos)

out = vff(structure, outdir = "work", comm = world, relax=False, overwrite=True)
print out.energy
print out.structure
print repr(out.stress)