Пример #1
def str_template(name, scale, cell):
  from pylada.crystal import Structure
  structure = Structure()
  structure.name   = name
  structure.scale  = scale
  structure.cell = cell
  return structure
Пример #2
def test_system():
    from pylada.crystal import Structure
    from pylada.vasp import Vasp
    a = Vasp()
    b = Structure()

    assert a.system is None
    assert a._input['system'].keyword == 'system'
    assert a._input['system'].output_map(vasp=a, structure=b) is None

    a.system = 'system'
    assert a.system == 'system'
    assert 'system' in a._input['system'].output_map(vasp=a, structure=b)
    assert a._input['system'].output_map(vasp=a,
                                         structure=b)['system'] == 'system'

    b.name = 'hello'
    assert 'system' in a._input['system'].output_map(vasp=a, structure=b)
    assert a._input['system'].output_map(
        vasp=a, structure=b)['system'] == 'system: hello'

    a.system = None
    assert a.system is None
    assert 'system' in a._input['system'].output_map(vasp=a, structure=b)
    assert a._input['system'].output_map(vasp=a,
                                         structure=b)['system'] == 'hello'

    a.system = None
    assert a.system is None
    assert 'system' in a._input['system'].output_map(vasp=a, structure=b)
    assert a._input['system'].output_map(vasp=a,
                                         structure=b)['system'] == 'hello'
Пример #3
def test_system():
    from pylada.crystal import Structure
    from pylada.vasp import Vasp
    a = Vasp()
    b = Structure()

    assert a.system is None
    assert a._input['system'].keyword == 'system'
    assert a._input['system'].output_map(vasp=a, structure=b) is None

    a.system = 'system'
    assert a.system == 'system'
    assert 'system' in a._input['system'].output_map(vasp=a, structure=b)
    assert a._input['system'].output_map(vasp=a, structure=b)['system'] == 'system'

    b.name = 'hello'
    assert 'system' in a._input['system'].output_map(vasp=a, structure=b)
    assert a._input['system'].output_map(vasp=a, structure=b)['system'] == 'system: hello'

    a.system = None
    assert a.system is None
    assert 'system' in a._input['system'].output_map(vasp=a, structure=b)
    assert a._input['system'].output_map(vasp=a, structure=b)['system'] == 'hello'

    a.system = None
    assert a.system is None
    assert 'system' in a._input['system'].output_map(vasp=a, structure=b)
    assert a._input['system'].output_map(vasp=a, structure=b)['system'] == 'hello'
Пример #4
structure = Structure()
structure.set_cell = (4, 0, 0.5),\
                     (0, 1,   0),\
                     (0, 0, 0.5)
structure = fill_structure(structure.cell)
for i, atom in enumerate(structure.atoms):
  atom.type = "Si" if i < len(structure.atoms)/2 else "Ge"

result_str = Structure()
result_str.scale = 5.450000e+00
result_str.set_cell = (4.068890e+00, -4.235770e-18, 5.083297e-01),\
                     (-1.694308e-17, 1.016103e+00, 2.238072e-18),\
                     (-2.252168e-03, 8.711913e-18, 5.083297e-01)
result_str.weight = 1.000000e+00
result_str.name = ""
result_str.energy = 0.0938967086716
result_str.add_atom = (0.000000e+00, 0.000000e+00, 0.000000e+00), "Si", 0,  0
result_str.add_atom = (2.541649e-01, 2.473273e-01, 2.541649e-01), "Si", 1,  0
result_str.add_atom = (3.567265e+00, 5.062000e-01, -8.956567e-03), "Si", 0,  0
result_str.add_atom = (3.821430e+00, 7.572301e-01, 2.452083e-01), "Si", 1,  0
result_str.add_atom = (3.065136e+00, -1.851371e-03, -1.515736e-02), "Si", 0,  0
result_str.add_atom = (3.319301e+00, 2.491787e-01, 2.390075e-01), "Si", 1,  0
result_str.add_atom = (2.563510e+00, 5.080514e-01, -2.186176e-02), "Si", 0,  0
result_str.add_atom = (2.817675e+00, 7.553787e-01, 2.323031e-01), "Si", 1,  0
result_str.add_atom = (2.055673e+00, -6.642716e-03, -2.235452e-02), "Ge", 0,  0
result_str.add_atom = (2.309838e+00, 2.539701e-01, 2.318104e-01), "Ge", 1,  0
result_str.add_atom = (1.539450e+00, 5.026981e-01, -1.446032e-02), "Ge", 0,  0
result_str.add_atom = (1.793614e+00, 7.607320e-01, 2.397046e-01), "Ge", 1,  0
result_str.add_atom = (1.024061e+00, -5.353269e-03, -7.401445e-03), "Ge", 0,  0
result_str.add_atom = (1.278226e+00, 2.526806e-01, 2.467634e-01), "Ge", 1,  0
Пример #5
def poscar(path="POSCAR", types=None):
    """ Tries to read a VASP POSCAR file.

         :param path: Path to the POSCAR file. Can also be an object with
           file-like behavior.
         :type path: str or file object
         :param types: Species in the POSCAR.
         :type types: None or sequence of str

        :return: `pylada.crystal.Structure` instance.
    import re
    from os.path import join, exists, isdir
    from copy import deepcopy
    from numpy import array, dot, transpose
    from numpy.linalg import det
    from quantities import angstrom
    from . import Structure
    from .. import error

    # if types is not none, converts to a list of strings.
    if types is not None:
        if isinstance(types, str):
            types = [types]  # can't see another way of doing this...
        elif not hasattr(types, "__iter__"):
            types = [str(types)]  # single lone vasp.specie.Specie
            types = [str(s) for s in types]

    if path is None:
        path = "POSCAR"
    if not hasattr(path, 'read'):
        assert exists(path), IOError("Could not find path %s." % (path))
        if isdir(path):
            assert exists(join(path, "POSCAR")), IOError("Could not find POSCAR in %s." % (path))
            path = join(path, "POSCAR")
    result = Structure()
    poscar = path if hasattr(path, "read") else open(path, 'r')

        # gets name of structure
        result.name = poscar.readline().strip()
        if len(result.name) > 0 and result.name[0] == "#":
            result.name = result.name[1:].strip()
        # reads scale
        scale = float(poscar.readline().split()[0])
        # gets cell vectors.
        cell = []
        for i in range(3):
            line = poscar.readline()
            assert len(line.split()) >= 3,\
                RuntimeError("Could not read column vector from poscar: %s." % (line))
            cell.append([float(f) for f in line.split()[:3]])
        result.cell = transpose(array(cell))
        vol = det(cell)
        if scale < 1.E-8:
            scale = abs(scale / vol) ** (1.0 / 3)
        result.scale = scale * angstrom
        # checks for vasp 5 input.
        is_vasp_5 = True
        line = poscar.readline().split()
        for i in line:
            if not re.match(r"[A-Z][a-z]?", i):
                is_vasp_5 = False
        if is_vasp_5:
            text_types = deepcopy(line)
            if types is not None and not set(text_types).issubset(set(types)):
                raise error.ValueError("Unknown species in poscar: {0} not in {1}."
                                       .format(text_types, types))
            types = text_types
            line = poscar.readline().split()
        if types is None:
            raise RuntimeError("No atomic species given in POSCAR or input.")
        #  checks/reads for number of each specie
        if len(types) < len(line):
            raise RuntimeError("Too many atomic species in POSCAR.")
        nb_atoms = [int(u) for u in line]
        # Check whether selective dynamics, cartesian, or direct.
        first_char = poscar.readline().strip().lower()[0]
        selective_dynamics = False
        if first_char == 's':
            selective_dynamics = True
            first_char = poscar.readline().strip().lower()[0]
        # Checks whether cartesian or direct.
        is_direct = first_char not in ['c', 'k']
        # reads atoms.
        for n, specie in zip(nb_atoms, types):
            for i in range(n):
                line = poscar.readline().split()
                pos = array([float(u) for u in line[:3]], dtype="float64")
                if is_direct:
                    pos = dot(result.cell, pos)
                result.add_atom(pos=pos, type=specie)
                if selective_dynamics:
                    for which, freeze in zip(line[3:], ['x', 'y', 'z']):
                        if which.lower()[0] == 't':
                            result[-1].freeze = getattr(result[-1], 'freeze', '') + freeze

    return result
Пример #6
def poscar(path="POSCAR", types=None):
  """ Tries to read a VASP POSCAR file.

       :param path: Path to the POSCAR file. Can also be an object with
         file-like behavior.
       :type path: str or file object
       :param types: Species in the POSCAR.
       :type types: None or sequence of str

      :return: `pylada.crystal.Structure` instance.
  import re
  from os.path import join, exists, isdir
  from copy import deepcopy
  from numpy import array, dot, transpose
  from numpy.linalg import det
  from quantities import angstrom
  from . import Structure

  # if types is not none, converts to a list of strings.
  if types is not None:
    if isinstance(types, str): types = [types] # can't see another way of doing this...
    elif not hasattr(types, "__iter__"): types = [str(types)] # single lone vasp.specie.Specie
    else: types = [str(s) for s in types]

  if path is None: path = "POSCAR"
  if not hasattr(path, 'read'):
    assert exists(path), IOError("Could not find path %s." % (path))
    if isdir(path):
      assert exists(join(path, "POSCAR")), IOError("Could not find POSCAR in %s." % (path))
      path = join(path, "POSCAR")
  result = Structure()
  poscar = path if hasattr(path, "read") else open(path, 'r')

    # gets name of structure
    result.name = poscar.readline().strip()
    if len(result.name) > 0:
      if result.name[0] == "#": result.name = result.name[1:].strip()
    # reads scale
    scale = float(poscar.readline().split()[0])
    # gets cell vectors.
    cell = []
    for i in range(3):
      line = poscar.readline()
      assert len(line.split()) >= 3,\
             RuntimeError("Could not read column vector from poscar: %s." % (line))
      cell.append( [float(f) for f in line.split()[:3]] )
    result.cell = transpose(array(cell))
    vol = det(cell)
    if scale < 1.E-8 : scale = abs(scale/vol) **(1.0/3)
    result.scale = scale * angstrom
    # checks for vasp 5 input.
    is_vasp_5 = True
    line = poscar.readline().split()
    for i in line:
      if not re.match(r"[A-Z][a-z]?", i):
        is_vasp_5 = False
    if is_vasp_5:
      text_types = deepcopy(line)
      if types is not None and not set(text_types).issubset(set(types)):
        raise RuntimeError( "Unknown species in poscar: {0} not in {1}."\
                            .format(text_types, types) )
      types = text_types
      line = poscar.readline().split()
    assert types is not None, RuntimeError("No atomic species given in POSCAR or input.")
    #  checks/reads for number of each specie
    assert len(types) >= len(line), RuntimeError("Too many atomic species in POSCAR.")
    nb_atoms = [int(u) for u in line]
    # Check whether selective dynamics, cartesian, or direct.
    first_char = poscar.readline().strip().lower()[0]
    selective_dynamics = False
    if first_char == 's':
      selective_dynamics = True
      first_char = poscar.readline().strip().lower()[0]
    # Checks whether cartesian or direct.
    is_direct = first_char not in ['c', 'k']
    # reads atoms.
    for n, specie in zip(nb_atoms, types):
      for i in range(n):
        line = poscar.readline().split()
        pos = array([float(u) for u in line[:3]], dtype="float64")
        if is_direct: pos = dot(result.cell, pos)
        result.add_atom(pos=pos, type=specie)
        if selective_dynamics:
          for which, freeze in zip(line[3:], ['x', 'y', 'z']):
            if which.lower()[0] == 't':
              result[-1].freeze = getattr(result[-1], 'freeze', '') + freeze
  finally: poscar.close()

  return result
Пример #7
# Structure definition.
from pylada.crystal import Structure
from pylada.crystal.defects import third_order_charge_correction
from quantities import eV

structure = Structure()
structure.name   = 'Ga2CdO4: b5'
structure.scale  = 1.0
structure.energy = -75.497933000000003
structure.weight = 1.0
structure.set_cell = (-0.0001445, 4.3538020, 4.3537935),\
                     (4.3538700, -0.0001445, 4.3538615),\
                     (4.3538020, 4.3537935, -0.0001445)
structure.add_atoms = [(7.61911540668, 7.61923876219, 7.61912846850), 'Cd'],\
                      [(1.08833559332, 1.08834823781, 1.08832253150), 'Cd'],\
                      [(4.35372550000, 4.35379350000, 4.35372550000), 'Ga'],\
                      [(4.35379775000, 2.17685850000, 2.17682450000), 'Ga'],\
                      [(2.17682450000, 4.35386575000, 2.17682875000), 'Ga'],\
                      [(2.17682875000, 2.17686275000, 4.35379775000), 'Ga'],\
                      [(2.32881212361, 2.32884849688, 2.32881647755),  'O'],\
                      [(2.32887187256, 4.20174404476, 4.20169148188),  'O'],\
                      [(4.20168277385, 2.32891695560, 4.20168347161),  'O'],\
                      [(4.20168782554, 4.20174474241, 2.32887622633),  'O'],\
                      [(6.37863887654, 6.37873414925, 6.37863016865),  'O'],\
                      [(6.37857477364, 4.50584295539, 4.50575516433),  'O'],\
                      [(4.50576822615, 6.37867004441, 4.50576752839),  'O'],\
                      [(4.50576317445, 4.50584225759, 6.37857477367),  'O']

# this is converged to less than 1meV
third = third_order_charge_correction(structure, epsilon=10.0, n=20)
assert abs(third - 0.11708438633232088*eV) < 1e-12