def localised_nice_date(datetime_): ''' Returns a friendly localised unicode representation of a datetime. ''' now = date_diff = now - datetime_ days = date_diff.days if days < 1 and now > datetime_: # less than one day seconds = date_diff.seconds if seconds < 3600: # less than one hour if seconds < 60: return _('Just now') else: return ungettext('{mins} minute ago', '{mins} minutes ago', seconds / 60).format(mins=seconds / 60) else: return ungettext('{hours} hour ago', '{hours} hours ago', seconds / 3600).format(hours=seconds / 3600) # more than one day if days < 31: return ungettext('{days} day ago', '{days} days ago', days).format(days=days) # actual date month = datetime_.month day = year = datetime_.year month_name = _MONTH_FUNCTIONS[month - 1]() return _('{month} {day}, {year}').format(month=month_name, day=day, year=year)
def _subject(self, sections, events): pages = files = 0 for section in sections: for event in section['events']: if event['type'] == 'page': pages += 1 elif event['type'] == 'file': files += 1 subject = _('Ututi news: %(changes)s') file_changes = ungettext('%(file_count)d new file', '%(file_count)d new files', files) % { 'file_count': files} page_changes = ungettext('%(page_count)d new page', '%(page_count)d new pages', pages) % { 'page_count': pages} if pages and files: subject = _('Ututi news: %(file_changes)s and %(page_changes)s') subject = subject % {'file_changes': file_changes, 'page_changes': page_changes} elif files: subject = subject % {'changes': file_changes} elif pages: subject = subject % {'changes': page_changes} else: messages = len([event for event in events if event.category == 'moderation']) moderation_changes = ungettext('%(message_count)d new message awaiting moderation', '%(message_count)d new messages awaiting moderation', messages) % { 'message_count': messages} subject = subject % {'changes': moderation_changes} return subject
def when(time): """Formats now() - time in human readable format.""" import datetime from pylons.i18n import ungettext difference = datetime.datetime.utcnow() - time if datetime.timedelta(seconds=60) > difference: num = difference.seconds return ungettext("%(num)s second ago", "%(num)s seconds ago", num) % {'num': num} elif datetime.timedelta(seconds=3600) > difference: num = difference.seconds / 60 return ungettext("%(num)s minute ago", "%(num)s minutes ago", num) % {'num': num} elif datetime.timedelta(1) > difference: num = difference.seconds / 3600 return ungettext("%(num)s hour ago", "%(num)s hours ago", num) % {'num': num} elif datetime.timedelta(5) > difference: num = difference.days return ungettext("%(num)s day ago", "%(num)s days ago", num) % {'num': num} else: return time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
def popular(type_, number, min=1, title=None): """ display a popular icon. """ if type_ == "views": title = ungettext("{number} view", "{number} views", number) elif type_ == "recent views": title = ungettext("{number} recent view", "{number} recent views", number) elif not title: raise Exception("popular() did not recieve a valid type_ or title") return snippet("snippets/popular.html", title=title, number=number, min=min)
def popular(type_, number, min=1, title=None): ''' display a popular icon. ''' if type_ == 'views': title = ungettext('{number} view', '{number} views', number) elif type_ == 'recent views': title = ungettext('{number} recent view', '{number} recent views', number) elif not title: raise Exception('popular() did not recieve a valid type_ or title') return snippet('snippets/popular.html', title=title, number=number, min=min)
def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr.startswith("N_"): a = attr[2:] rval = self.string_dict[a] return lambda x: ungettext(rval[0], rval[1], x) else: rval = self.string_dict[attr] n = 1 if attr == rval[0] else 5 return ungettext(rval[0], rval[1], n)
def merge_post(self): primary_id = int(request.params.get('primary_id')) primary = meta.Session.query(model.Person).get(primary_id) log.debug("primary: %s" % primary) primary_media = map(lambda x: x.medium, primary.persons_to_media) log.debug("primary_media: %s" % primary_media) person_ids = request.params.get('person_ids_str') person_ids = person_ids.split(',') person_ids = map(lambda x: int(x), person_ids) person_ids.remove(primary_id) log.debug("person_ids: %s" % person_ids) remap_cnt = 0 for secondary_id in person_ids: secondary = meta.Session.query(model.Person).get(secondary_id) log.debug("secondary: %s" % secondary) for item in secondary.persons_to_media: if item.medium in primary_media: log.debug("medium already exists: %s" % item.medium) else: log.debug("medium does not exists: %s" % item.medium) #~ item.person_id = #~ meta.Session.update(item) record = model.PersonToMedia() record.type_id = item.type_id item.medium.persons_to_media.append(record) primary.persons_to_media.append(record) remap_cnt += 1 alias = model.PersonAlias() = primary.aliases.append(alias) meta.Session.delete(secondary) meta.Session.commit() #~ h.flash(_("Removed %(person_cnt)d, added %(media_cnt)d media") %\ #~ {'person_cnt':len(person_ids), 'media_cnt':remap_cnt}) h.flash(ungettext("Removed %d person", "Removed %d persons", len(person_ids)) % len(person_ids)) h.flash(ungettext("Added %(cnt)d medium to '%(person)s'", "Added %(cnt)d media to '%(person)s'", remap_cnt) % {'cnt':remap_cnt, 'person'}) return_to = request.params.get('return_to', h.url_for(controller='person', action='edit', return redirect(str(return_to))
def __getattr__(self, attr): to_func = False if attr.startswith("N_"): attr = attr[2:] to_func = True attr = attr.replace("_", " ") if to_func: rval = self.string_dict[attr] return lambda x: ungettext(rval[0], rval[1], x) else: rval = self.string_dict[attr] n = 1 if attr == rval[0] else 5 return ungettext(rval[0], rval[1], n)
def _handle_personal_sms_credits(self, msg): if msg.sender is None: return _('Your phone number (+%s) is not registered in Ututi.') % msg.sender_phone_number credit_count = int(config.get('fortumo.personal_sms_credits.credits', 50)) credit_price = float(config.get('fortumo.personal_sms_credits.price', 500)) / 100 msg.sender.purchase_sms_credits(credit_count) msg.success = True return ungettext( 'You have purchased %(count)d SMS credit for %(price).2f Lt;', 'You have purchased %(count)d SMS credits for %(price).2f Lt;', credit_count) % dict(count=credit_count, price=credit_price) + \ ungettext( ' You now have %(count)d credit.', ' You now have %(count)d credits.', msg.sender.sms_messages_remaining) % dict(count=msg.sender.sms_messages_remaining)
def invite_fb(self, group): # Handle POST. invited = request.params.get('ids[]') if invited: ids = invited.split(',') for facebook_id in ids: group.create_pending_fb_invitation(int(facebook_id), c.user) make_facebook_invitations(ids, c.user, group.location) meta.Session.commit() h.flash(ungettext('Invited %(num)d friend.', 'Invited %(num)d friends.', len(ids)) % dict(num=len(ids))) redirect('members')) # Render page. fb_user = facebook.get_user_from_cookie(request.cookies, config['facebook.appid'], config['facebook.secret']) c.has_facebook = fb_user is not None if c.has_facebook: try: graph = facebook.GraphAPI(fb_user['access_token']) friends = graph.get_object("me/friends") except facebook.GraphAPIError: c.has_facebook = False if not c.has_facebook: # Ask to log on to facebook. return render('group/invite.mako') friend_ids = [f['id'] for f in friends['data']] friend_users = meta.Session.query(User).filter( User.facebook_id.in_(friend_ids)).all() c.exclude_ids = ','.join(str(u.facebook_id) for u in friend_users if return render('group/invite.mako')
def html_news(self): count = self.count_of_messages_in_queue() text = ungettext('There is %(number_of_messages)d message waiting in the <a href="%(moderation_queue_link)s">moderation queue</a>', 'There are %(number_of_messages)d waiting in the <a href="%(moderation_queue_link)s">moderation queue</a>', count) % { 'number_of_messages': count, 'moderation_queue_link': self.context.url(controller='mailinglist', action='administration', qualified=True)} return text
def text_news(self): count = self.count_of_messages_in_queue() text = ungettext('There is %(number_of_messages)d message in the moderation queue (%(moderation_queue_link)s)', 'There are %(number_of_messages)d messages in the moderation queue (%(moderation_queue_link)s)', count) % { 'number_of_messages': count, 'moderation_queue_link': self.context.url(controller='mailinglist', action='administration', qualified=True)} return text
def create(cls, link, campaigns): transactions = get_transactions(link, campaigns) live_campaigns = scheduled_campaigns_by_link(link) user_is_sponsor = c.user_is_sponsor r = [] for camp in campaigns: transaction = transactions.get(camp._id) campaign_id36 = camp._id36 start_date = camp.start_date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") end_date = camp.end_date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") ndays = (camp.end_date - camp.start_date).days duration = strings.time_label % dict(num=ndays, time=ungettext("day", "days", ndays)) bid = "%.2f" % sr = camp.sr_name status = {'paid': bool(transaction), 'complete': False, 'free': camp.is_freebie(), 'pay_url': pay_url(link, camp), 'view_live_url': view_live_url(link, sr), 'sponsor': user_is_sponsor, 'live': camp._id in live_campaigns} if transaction: if transaction.is_void(): status['paid'] = False status['free'] = False elif transaction.is_charged(): status['complete'] = True rc = cls(campaign_id36, start_date, end_date, duration, bid, sr, status) r.append(rc) return r
def get_links(cls, event_id): link_ids = cls._get_related_link_ids(event_id) links = Link._byID(link_ids, data=True, return_dict=False) links.sort(key=lambda L: L.num_comments, reverse=True) sr_ids = set(L.sr_id for L in links) subreddits = Subreddit._byID(sr_ids, data=True) wrapped = [] for link in links: w = Wrapped(link) if w._spam or w._deleted: continue if not getattr(w, "allow_liveupdate", True): continue w.subreddit = subreddits[link.sr_id] # ideally we'd check if the user can see the subreddit, but by # doing this we keep everything user unspecific which makes caching # easier. if w.subreddit.type == "private": continue comment_label = ungettext("comment", "comments", link.num_comments) w.comments_label = strings.number_label % dict( num=link.num_comments, thing=comment_label) wrapped.append(w) return wrapped
def invite_friends_fb(self): # handle facebook callback ids = request.params.get('ids[]') if ids: ids = map(int, ids.split(',')) invited = make_facebook_invitations(ids, c.user, c.user.location) meta.Session.commit() if invited: h.flash(ungettext('Invited %(num)d friend.', 'Invited %(num)d friends.', len(invited)) % dict(num=len(invited))) redirect(url(controller='profile', action='home')) # render page fb_user = facebook.get_user_from_cookie(request.cookies, config['facebook.appid'], config['facebook.secret']) c.has_facebook = fb_user is not None if c.has_facebook: try: graph = facebook.GraphAPI(fb_user['access_token']) friends = graph.get_object("me/friends") friend_ids = [f['id'] for f in friends['data']] friend_users = meta.Session.query(User)\ .filter(User.facebook_id.in_(friend_ids))\ .filter(User.location == c.user.location).all() c.exclude_ids = ','.join(str(u.facebook_id) for u in friend_users) except facebook.GraphAPIError: c.has_facebook = False return render('profile/invite_friends_fb.mako')
def _handle_group_message(self, msg): parts = msg.message_text.split(None, 1) if len(parts) != 2: return _('Invalid group message: %s') % msg.message_text group_id, text = parts if not msg.sender: return _('The phone number %s is not associated with a Ututi user') % (msg.sender_phone_number) group = Group.get(group_id) if group is None: return _('Invalid group: %s') % group_id max_group_members = config.get('sms_max_group_members', 40) if len(group.recipients_sms(sender=msg.sender)) > max_group_members: return ungettext( 'More than %d recipient, cannot send message.', 'More than %d recipients, cannot send message.', max_group_members) % max_group_members # Send message. msg = OutgoingGroupSMSMessage(sender=msg.sender, group=group, message_text=text) meta.Session.add(msg) msg.send() msg.success = True return _('SMS message sent to group %s.') % group_id
def __init__(self, link, campaign, transaction): self.campaign_id36 = campaign._id36 self.start_date = campaign.start_date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") self.end_date = campaign.end_date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") ndays = (campaign.end_date - campaign.start_date).days self.duration = strings.time_label % dict(num=ndays, time=ungettext("day", "days", ndays)) = "%.2f" % = campaign.sr_name live = campaign_is_live(link, campaign._id) self.status = dict( paid=bool(transaction), complete=False, free=campaign.is_freebie(), pay_url=pay_url(link, campaign), view_live_url=view_live_url(link, campaign.sr_name), sponsor=c.user_is_sponsor, live=live, ) if transaction: if transaction.is_void(): self.status['paid'] = False self.status['free'] = False elif transaction.is_charged(): self.status['complete'] = True
def ungettext(self, singular, plural, count): """ Traduit un message en tenant compte des pluriels. Lisez la documentation du module C{gettext} pour plus d'information. """ orig_translation = super(VigiloRumTranslator, self).ugettext( singular, plural, count) if orig_translation != singular and orig_translation != plural: return orig_translation return i18n.ungettext(singular, plural, count)
def clear_persons(self, id): item = meta.find(model.Medium, id) cnt = 0 for person2media in item.persons_to_media: meta.Session.delete(person2media) cnt += 1 meta.Session.commit() h.flash(ungettext("removed %d person", "removed %d persons", cnt) % cnt) return redirect(url(controller="medium", action="edit", id=id))
def comment_label(num_comments=None): if not num_comments: # generates "comment" the imperative verb com_label = _("comment {verb}") com_cls = "comments empty may-blank" else: # generates "XX comments" as a noun com_label = ungettext("comment", "comments", num_comments) com_label = strings.number_label % dict(num=num_comments, thing=com_label) com_cls = "comments may-blank" return com_label, com_cls
def make_gold_message(thing, user_gilded): from r2.models import Comment if thing.gildings == 0 or thing._spam or thing._deleted: return None author = Account._byID(thing.author_id, data=True) if not author._deleted: author_name = else: author_name = _("[deleted]") if c.user_is_loggedin and thing.author_id == c.user._id: if isinstance(thing, Comment): gilded_message = ungettext( "a redditor gifted you a month of reddit gold for this " "comment.", "redditors have gifted you %(months)d months of reddit gold " "for this comment.", thing.gildings, ) else: gilded_message = ungettext( "a redditor gifted you a month of reddit gold for this " "submission.", "redditors have gifted you %(months)d months of reddit gold " "for this submission.", thing.gildings, ) elif user_gilded: if isinstance(thing, Comment): gilded_message = ungettext( "you have gifted reddit gold to %(recipient)s for this " "comment.", "you and other redditors have gifted %(months)d months of " "reddit gold to %(recipient)s for this comment.", thing.gildings, ) else: gilded_message = ungettext( "you have gifted reddit gold to %(recipient)s for this " "submission.", "you and other redditors have gifted %(months)d months of " "reddit gold to %(recipient)s for this submission.", thing.gildings, ) else: if isinstance(thing, Comment): gilded_message = ungettext( "a redditor has gifted reddit gold to %(recipient)s for this " "comment.", "redditors have gifted %(months)d months of reddit gold to " "%(recipient)s for this comment.", thing.gildings, ) else: gilded_message = ungettext( "a redditor has gifted reddit gold to %(recipient)s for this " "submission.", "redditors have gifted %(months)d months of reddit gold to " "%(recipient)s for this submission.", thing.gildings, ) return gilded_message % dict(recipient=author_name, months=thing.gildings)
def create(cls, link, campaigns): transactions = get_transactions(link, campaigns) live_campaigns = scheduled_campaigns_by_link(link) user_is_sponsor = c.user_is_sponsor today = promo_datetime_now().date() r = [] for camp in campaigns: transaction = transactions.get(camp._id) campaign_id36 = camp._id36 start_date = camp.start_date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") end_date = camp.end_date.strftime("%m/%d/%Y") ndays = camp.ndays duration = strings.time_label % dict(num=ndays, time=ungettext("day", "days", ndays)) bid = spent = get_spent_amount(camp) cpm = getattr(camp, 'cpm', g.cpm_selfserve.pennies) sr = camp.sr_name live = camp._id in live_campaigns pending = today < to_date(camp.start_date) complete = (transaction and (transaction.is_charged() or transaction.is_refund()) and not (live or pending)) status = {'paid': bool(transaction), 'complete': complete, 'free': camp.is_freebie(), 'pay_url': pay_url(link, camp), 'view_live_url': view_live_url(link, sr), 'sponsor': user_is_sponsor, 'live': live, 'non_cpm': not camp.priority.cpm} if transaction and transaction.is_void(): status['paid'] = False status['free'] = False if complete and user_is_sponsor and not transaction.is_refund(): if spent < bid: status['refund'] = True status['refund_url'] = refund_url(link, camp) rc = cls(campaign_id36, start_date, end_date, duration, bid, spent, cpm, sr, camp.priority, status) r.append(rc) return r
def timetext(delta, resultion = 1, bare=True): """ Takes a datetime object, returns the time between then and now as a nicely formatted string, e.g "10 minutes" Adapted from django which was adapted from """ chunks = ( (60 * 60 * 24 * 365, lambda n: ungettext('year', 'years', n)), (60 * 60 * 24 * 30, lambda n: ungettext('month', 'months', n)), (60 * 60 * 24, lambda n : ungettext('day', 'days', n)), (60 * 60, lambda n: ungettext('hour', 'hours', n)), (60, lambda n: ungettext('minute', 'minutes', n)), (1, lambda n: ungettext('second', 'seconds', n)) ) delta = max(delta, timedelta(0)) since = delta.days * 24 * 60 * 60 + delta.seconds for i, (seconds, name) in enumerate(chunks): count = math.floor(since / seconds) if count != 0: break from r2.lib.strings import strings if count == 0 and delta.seconds == 0 and delta != timedelta(0): n = math.floor(delta.microseconds / 1000) s = strings.time_label % dict(num=n, time=ungettext("millisecond", "milliseconds", n)) else: s = strings.time_label % dict(num=count, time=name(int(count))) if resultion > 1: if i + 1 < len(chunks): # Now get the second item seconds2, name2 = chunks[i + 1] count2 = (since - (seconds * count)) / seconds2 if count2 != 0: s += ', %d %s' % (count2, name2(count2)) if not bare: s += ' ' + _('ago') return s
def somethings(x, word): p = plurals.string_dict[word] f = lambda x: ungettext(p[0], p[1], x) return strings.number_label % dict(num=x, thing=f(x))
def _replace_render(style=None, display=True): """ A helper function for listings to set uncachable attributes on a rendered thing (item) to its proper display values for the current context. """ style = style or c.render_style or 'html' replacements = {} if hasattr(item, 'child'): if item.child: replacements['childlisting'] = item.child.render(style=style) else: # Special case for when the comment tree wasn't built which # occurs both in the inbox and spam page view of comments. replacements['childlisting'] = None else: replacements['childlisting'] = '' #only LinkListing has a show_nums attribute if listing and hasattr(listing, "show_nums"): if listing.show_nums and item.num > 0: num = str(item.num) else: num = "" replacements["num"] = num if getattr(item, "rowstyle_cls", None): replacements["rowstyle"] = item.rowstyle_cls if hasattr(item, "num_comments"): com_label, com_cls = comment_label(item.num_comments) if style == "compact": com_label = unicode(item.num_comments) replacements['numcomments'] = com_label replacements['commentcls'] = com_cls if hasattr(item, "num_children"): label = ungettext("child", "children", item.num_children) numchildren_text = strings.number_label % { 'num': item.num_children, 'thing': label } replacements['numchildren_text'] = numchildren_text replacements['display'] = "" if display else "style='display:none'" if hasattr(item, "render_score"): # replace the score stub (replacements['scoredislikes'], replacements['scoreunvoted'], replacements['scorelikes']) = item.render_score # compute the timesince here so we don't end up caching it if hasattr(item, "_date"): if hasattr(item, "promoted") and item.promoted is not None: from r2.lib import promote # promoted links are special in their date handling replacements['timesince'] = \ simplified_timesince(item._date - promote.timezone_offset) else: replacements['timesince'] = simplified_timesince(item._date) # compute the last edited time here so we don't end up caching it if hasattr(item, "editted") and not isinstance(item.editted, bool): replacements['lastedited'] = simplified_timesince(item.editted) renderer = render_func or item.render res = renderer(style=style, **replacements) if isinstance(res, (str, unicode)): rv = unsafe(res) if g.debug: for leftover in re.findall('<\$>(.+?)(?:<|$)', rv): print "replace_render didn't replace %s" % leftover return rv return res
def _replace_render(style = None, display = True): """ A helper function for listings to set uncachable attributes on a rendered thing (item) to its proper display values for the current context. """ style = style or c.render_style or 'html' replacements = {} if hasattr(item, 'child'): if item.child: replacements['childlisting'] = item.child.render(style=style) else: # Special case for when the comment tree wasn't built which # occurs both in the inbox and spam page view of comments. replacements['childlisting'] = None else: replacements['childlisting'] = '' #only LinkListing has a show_nums attribute if listing and hasattr(listing, "show_nums"): if listing.show_nums and item.num > 0: num = str(item.num) else: num = "" replacements["num"] = num if getattr(item, "rowstyle_cls", None): replacements["rowstyle"] = item.rowstyle_cls if hasattr(item, "num_comments"): com_label, com_cls = comment_label(item.num_comments) if style == "compact": com_label = unicode(item.num_comments) replacements['numcomments'] = com_label replacements['commentcls'] = com_cls if hasattr(item, "num_children"): label = ungettext("child", "children", item.num_children) numchildren_text = strings.number_label % {'num': item.num_children, 'thing': label} replacements['numchildren_text'] = numchildren_text replacements['display'] = "" if display else "style='display:none'" if hasattr(item, "render_score"): # replace the score stub (replacements['scoredislikes'], replacements['scoreunvoted'], replacements['scorelikes']) = item.render_score # compute the timesince here so we don't end up caching it if hasattr(item, "_date"): if hasattr(item, "promoted") and item.promoted is not None: from r2.lib import promote # promoted links are special in their date handling replacements['timesince'] = \ simplified_timesince(item._date - promote.timezone_offset) else: replacements['timesince'] = simplified_timesince(item._date) # compute the last edited time here so we don't end up caching it if hasattr(item, "editted") and not isinstance(item.editted, bool): replacements['lastedited'] = simplified_timesince(item.editted) renderer = render_func or item.render res = renderer(style = style, **replacements) if isinstance(res, (str, unicode)): rv = unsafe(res) if g.debug: for leftover in re.findall('<\$>(.+?)(?:<|$)', rv): print "replace_render didn't replace %s" % leftover return rv return res
def _replace_render(style = None, display = True): """ A helper function for listings to set uncachable attributes on a rendered thing (item) to its proper display values for the current context. """ style = style or c.render_style or 'html' replacements = {} child_txt = ( hasattr(item, "child") and item.child )\ and item.child.render(style = style) or "" replacements["childlisting"] = child_txt #only LinkListing has a show_nums attribute if listing: if hasattr(listing, "show_nums"): if listing.show_nums: num_str = str(item.num) if hasattr(listing, "num_margin"): num_margin = str(listing.num_margin) else: num_margin = "%.2fex" % (len(str(listing.max_num))*1.1) else: num_str = '' num_margin = "0px;display:none" replacements["numcolmargin"] = num_margin replacements["num"] = num_str if hasattr(listing, "max_score"): mid_margin = len(str(listing.max_score)) if hasattr(listing, "mid_margin"): mid_margin = str(listing.mid_margin) elif mid_margin == 1: mid_margin = "15px" else: mid_margin = "%dex" % (mid_margin+1) replacements["midcolmargin"] = mid_margin #$votehash is only present when voting arrows are present if c.user_is_loggedin: replacements['votehash'] = vote_hash(c.user, item, listing.vote_hash_type) if hasattr(item, "num_comments"): if not item.num_comments: # generates "comment" the imperative verb com_label = _("comment {verb}") com_cls = 'comments empty' else: # generates "XX comments" as a noun com_label = ungettext("comment", "comments", item.num_comments) com_label = strings.number_label % dict(num=item.num_comments, thing=com_label) com_cls = 'comments' if style == "compact": com_label = unicode(item.num_comments) replacements['numcomments'] = com_label replacements['commentcls'] = com_cls replacements['display'] = "" if display else "style='display:none'" if hasattr(item, "render_score"): # replace the score stub (replacements['scoredislikes'], replacements['scoreunvoted'], replacements['scorelikes']) = item.render_score # compute the timesince here so we don't end up caching it if hasattr(item, "_date"): if hasattr(item, "promoted") and item.promoted is not None: from r2.lib import promote # promoted links are special in their date handling replacements['timesince'] = timesince(item._date - promote.timezone_offset) else: replacements['timesince'] = timesince(item._date) replacements['time_period'] = calc_time_period(item._date) # Set in replacements['previous_visits_hex'] = c.previous_visits_hex renderer = render_func or item.render res = renderer(style = style, **replacements) if isinstance(res, (str, unicode)): rv = unsafe(res) if g.debug: for leftover in re.findall('<\$>(.+?)(?:<|$)', rv): print "replace_render didn't replace %s" % leftover return rv return res
def make_gold_message(thing, user_gilded): from r2.models import Comment if thing.gildings == 0 or thing._spam or thing._deleted: return None author = Account._byID(thing.author_id, data=True) if not author._deleted: author_name = else: author_name = _("[deleted]") if c.user_is_loggedin and thing.author_id == c.user._id: if isinstance(thing, Comment): gilded_message = ungettext( "a redditor gifted you a month of reddit gold for this " "comment.", "redditors have gifted you %(months)d months of reddit gold " "for this comment.", thing.gildings ) else: gilded_message = ungettext( "a redditor gifted you a month of reddit gold for this " "submission.", "redditors have gifted you %(months)d months of reddit gold " "for this submission.", thing.gildings ) elif user_gilded: if isinstance(thing, Comment): gilded_message = ungettext( "you have gifted reddit gold to %(recipient)s for this " "comment.", "you and other redditors have gifted %(months)d months of " "reddit gold to %(recipient)s for this comment.", thing.gildings ) else: gilded_message = ungettext( "you have gifted reddit gold to %(recipient)s for this " "submission.", "you and other redditors have gifted %(months)d months of " "reddit gold to %(recipient)s for this submission.", thing.gildings ) else: if isinstance(thing, Comment): gilded_message = ungettext( "a redditor has gifted reddit gold to %(recipient)s for this " "comment.", "redditors have gifted %(months)d months of reddit gold to " "%(recipient)s for this comment.", thing.gildings ) else: gilded_message = ungettext( "a redditor has gifted reddit gold to %(recipient)s for this " "submission.", "redditors have gifted %(months)d months of reddit gold to " "%(recipient)s for this submission.", thing.gildings ) return gilded_message % dict( recipient=author_name, months=thing.gildings, )
def _replace_render(style = None, display = True): """ A helper function for listings to set uncachable attributes on a rendered thing (item) to its proper display values for the current context. """ style = style or c.render_style or 'html' replacements = {} child_txt = ( hasattr(item, "child") and item.child )\ and item.child.render(style = style) or "" replacements["childlisting"] = child_txt #only LinkListing has a show_nums attribute if listing: if hasattr(listing, "show_nums"): if listing.show_nums: num_str = str(item.num) if hasattr(listing, "num_margin"): num_margin = str(listing.num_margin) else: num_margin = "%.2fex" % (len(str(listing.max_num))*1.1) else: num_str = '' num_margin = "0px" replacements["numcolmargin"] = num_margin replacements["num"] = num_str if hasattr(listing, "max_score"): mid_margin = len(str(listing.max_score)) if hasattr(listing, "mid_margin"): mid_margin = str(listing.mid_margin) elif mid_margin == 1: mid_margin = "15px" else: mid_margin = "%dex" % (mid_margin+1) replacements["midcolmargin"] = mid_margin #$votehash is only present when voting arrows are present if c.user_is_loggedin: replacements['votehash'] = vote_hash(c.user, item, listing.vote_hash_type) if hasattr(item, "num_comments"): if not item.num_comments: # generates "comment" the imperative verb com_label = _("comment {verb}") com_cls = 'comments empty' else: # generates "XX comments" as a noun com_label = ungettext("comment", "comments", item.num_comments) com_label = strings.number_label % dict(num=item.num_comments, thing=com_label) com_cls = 'comments' replacements['numcomments'] = com_label replacements['commentcls'] = com_cls replacements['display'] = "" if display else "style='display:none'" if hasattr(item, "render_score"): # replace the score stub (replacements['scoredislikes'], replacements['scoreunvoted'], replacements['scorelikes']) = item.render_score # compute the timesince here so we don't end up caching it if hasattr(item, "_date"): replacements['timesince'] = timesince(item._date) renderer = render_func or item.render res = renderer(style = style, **replacements) if isinstance(res, (str, unicode)): return unsafe(res) return res
def mass_add_post(self): if not request.params.get('title'): h.flash(_("please specify name")) return redirect(url(controller='medium', action='mass_add')) if int(request.params.get('media_type', -1)) < 0: h.flash(_("please specify media type")) return self.mass_add() media_type_obj = meta.Session.query(model.MediaType).get(request.params.get('media_type', -1)) count = 0 new_media = [] failed = [] for item in request.params.get('title').split('\n'): if not item.strip(): continue query = meta.Session\ .query(model.Medium)\ .filter(or_(model.Medium.title==item, model.Medium.isbn==item)) if query.first() != None: first_item = query.first() h.flash(_("medium already exists: %s") %\ anchor_tmpl.render_unicode(url=h.url_for(controller='medium', action='edit',, text=h.html_escape(first_item.title)), escape=False) continue log.debug("!!!item: %s" % item) if re.match('^\d+\s*$', item): #~"@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ treat input as isbn: %s" % item) import as amazon result = amazon.AddMediumByISBN(item, media_type_obj.amzon_search_index) if not result: #~ h.flash(_("I tried to use '%s' as an isbn, but amazon didn't find it.") % item) h.flash(_("Amzon does not knwo what '%s' is.") % item) failed.append(item) continue elif not result['success']: h.flash(_("Amazon Lookup failed with the following error: %s") % result['message']) failed.append(item) continue medium_id = result['medium_id'] record = meta.Session.query(model.Medium).get(medium_id) new_media.append(record) continue record = model.Medium() record.title = item.strip() record.created_ts = record.updated_ts = record.media_type_id = request.params.get('media_type') meta.Session.add(record) count += 1 new_media.append(record) if len(new_media) > 0: meta.Session.commit() log.debug("new_media: %s" % unicode(new_media[0].title)) log.debug("type new_media: %s" % type(new_media[0].title)) link_list = map(lambda x: anchor_tmpl.render_unicode(url=h.url_for(controller='medium', action='edit',, text=x.title), new_media) link_list = ", ".join(link_list) msg = ungettext("added medium %(media)s", "added %(num)d media: %(media)s", len(new_media)) % {'num':len(new_media), 'media':link_list} h.flash(msg, escape=False) #~ h.flash(UnsafeString(msg)) if len(new_media) == 1: return redirect(url(controller='medium', action='edit', id=new_media[0].id)) else: return redirect(url(controller='medium', action='index'))
def _replace_render(style=None, display=True): """ A helper function for listings to set uncachable attributes on a rendered thing (item) to its proper display values for the current context. """ style = style or c.render_style or 'html' replacements = {} child_txt = ( hasattr(item, "child") and item.child )\ and item.child.render(style = style) or "" replacements["childlisting"] = child_txt #only LinkListing has a show_nums attribute if listing: if hasattr(listing, "show_nums"): if listing.show_nums: num_str = str(item.num) if hasattr(listing, "num_margin"): num_margin = str(listing.num_margin) else: num_margin = "%.2fex" % (len(str(listing.max_num)) * 1.1) else: num_str = '' num_margin = "0px;display:none" replacements["numcolmargin"] = num_margin replacements["num"] = num_str if hasattr(listing, "max_score"): mid_margin = len(str(listing.max_score)) if hasattr(listing, "mid_margin"): mid_margin = str(listing.mid_margin) elif mid_margin == 1: mid_margin = "15px" else: mid_margin = "%dex" % (mid_margin + 1) replacements["midcolmargin"] = mid_margin #$votehash is only present when voting arrows are present if c.user_is_loggedin: replacements['votehash'] = vote_hash(c.user, item, listing.vote_hash_type) if hasattr(item, "num_comments"): if not item.num_comments: # generates "comment" the imperative verb com_label = _("comment {verb}") com_cls = 'comments empty' else: # generates "XX comments" as a noun com_label = ungettext("comment", "comments", item.num_comments) com_label = strings.number_label % dict(num=item.num_comments, thing=com_label) com_cls = 'comments' if style == "compact": com_label = unicode(item.num_comments) replacements['numcomments'] = com_label replacements['commentcls'] = com_cls replacements['display'] = "" if display else "style='display:none'" if hasattr(item, "render_score"): # replace the score stub (replacements['scoredislikes'], replacements['scoreunvoted'], replacements['scorelikes']) = item.render_score # compute the timesince here so we don't end up caching it if hasattr(item, "_date"): if hasattr(item, "promoted") and item.promoted is not None: from r2.lib import promote # promoted links are special in their date handling replacements['timesince'] = timesince(item._date - promote.timezone_offset) else: replacements['timesince'] = timesince(item._date) replacements['time_period'] = calc_time_period(item._date) # Set in replacements['previous_visits_hex'] = c.previous_visits_hex renderer = render_func or item.render res = renderer(style=style, **replacements) if isinstance(res, (str, unicode)): rv = unsafe(res) if g.debug: for leftover in re.findall('<\$>(.+?)(?:<|$)', rv): print "replace_render didn't replace %s" % leftover return rv return res