Пример #1
    def as_spark_frame(self, h2o_frame, copy_metadata=True):
        Transforms given H2OFrame to Spark DataFrame

          h2o_frame : H2OFrame
          copy_metadata: Bool = True

          Spark DataFrame
        if isinstance(h2o_frame, H2OFrame):
            j_h2o_frame = h2o_frame.get_java_h2o_frame()
            jdf = self._jhc.asDataFrame(j_h2o_frame, copy_metadata,
            df = DataFrame(jdf, self._sql_context)
            # Attach h2o_frame to dataframe which forces python not to delete the frame when we leave the scope of this
            # method.
            # Without this, after leaving this method python would garbage collect the frame since it's not used
            # anywhere and spark. when executing any action on this dataframe, will fail since the frame
            # would be missing.
            df._h2o_frame = h2o_frame
            return df
Пример #2
    def asSparkFrame(self, h2oFrame, copyMetadata=True):
        Transforms given H2OFrame to Spark DataFrame

         h2oFrame : H2OFrame
         copyMetadata: Bool = True

         Spark DataFrame

        if isinstance(h2oFrame, H2OFrame):
            frame_id = h2oFrame.frame_id
            jdf = self._jhc.asDataFrame(frame_id, copyMetadata)
            sqlContext = SparkSession.builder.getOrCreate()._wrapped
            df = DataFrame(jdf, sqlContext)
            # Attach h2o_frame to dataframe which forces python not to delete the frame when we leave the scope of this
            # method.
            # Without this, after leaving this method python would garbage collect the frame since it's not used
            # anywhere and spark. when executing any action on this dataframe, will fail since the frame
            # would be missing.
            df._h2o_frame = h2oFrame
            return df
Пример #3
    def as_spark_frame(self, h2o_frame, copy_metadata=True):
        Transforms given H2OFrame to Spark DataFrame

          h2o_frame : H2OFrame
          copy_metadata: Bool = True

          Spark DataFrame
        if isinstance(h2o_frame, H2OFrame):
            j_h2o_frame = h2o_frame.get_java_h2o_frame()
            jdf = self._jhc.asDataFrame(j_h2o_frame, copy_metadata)
            df = DataFrame(jdf, self._sql_context)
            # Attach h2o_frame to dataframe which forces python not to delete the frame when we leave the scope of this
            # method.
            # Without this, after leaving this method python would garbage collect the frame since it's not used
            # anywhere and spark. when executing any action on this dataframe, will fail since the frame
            # would be missing.
            df._h2o_frame = h2o_frame
            return df