Пример #1
def runSubEventDiscChannel(waveform, config, ch, retpostwfm=False):
    Multiple pass strategy.
    (1) Find peaks using CFD
    (2) Pick biggest peak
    (3) Define expected signal using fast and slow fractions
    (4) Define start and end this way
    (5) Subtract off subevent
    (6) Repeat (1)-(5) until all disc. peaks are below threshold
    * Note this is time hog now *

    subevents = []

    # build configuration
    config.fastconst = 20.0
    config.sigthresh = 3.0
    cdfthresh = config.threshold
    cfdconf = cfd.cfdiscConfig(config.discrname,
    cfdconf.pedestal = ped.getpedestal(
        waveform, config.pedsamples,
        config.pedmaxvar)  # will have to calculate this at some point
    if cfdconf.pedestal is None:
        return subevents  # empty -- bad baseline!
    cfdconf.nspersample = 15.625
    #print pbin1, config.fastconst, config.slowconst

    # make our working copy of the waveform
    wfm = np.copy(waveform)

    # find subevent
    maxsubevents = 20
    nsubevents = 0
    while nsubevents < maxsubevents:
        # find subevent
        subevent = findOneSubEvent(wfm, cfdconf, config, ch)
        if subevent is not None:
        # subtract waveform below subevent threshold
        for (t, fx) in subevent.expectation:

            sig = np.sqrt(fx / 20.0)  # units of pe
            thresh = fx + 3.0 * sig * 20.0  # 3 sigma times pe variance

            #if fx*config.sigthresh > wfm[t]-config.pedestal:
            if wfm[t] - cfdconf.pedestal < thresh:
                wfm[t] = cfdconf.pedestal
        nsubevents += 1

    if retpostwfm:
        return subevents, wfm
        return subevents
Пример #2
 def __init__( self, configfile ):
     self.configs = {}
     for disc in [0,1,3]:
         self.configs["discr%d"%(disc)] = cfdiscConfig( "discr%d"%(disc), configfile )
     f = open( configfile )
     jconfig = json.load( f )
     self.discr0precount = int(jconfig["precount"])
     self.discr0win = int(jconfig["discr0win"])
     self.spe = getCalib( os.environ["SUBEVENTDATA"]+"/"+jconfig["spe"] )
Пример #3
 def __init__(self, configfile):
     self.configs = {}
     for disc in [0, 1, 3]:
         self.configs["discr%d" % (disc)] = cfdiscConfig(
             "discr%d" % (disc), configfile)
     f = open(configfile)
     jconfig = json.load(f)
     self.discr0precount = int(jconfig["precount"])
     self.discr0win = int(jconfig["discr0win"])
     self.spe = getCalib(os.environ["SUBEVENTDATA"] + "/" + jconfig["spe"])
Пример #4
def runSubEventDiscChannel( waveform, config, ch, retpostwfm=False ):
    Multiple pass strategy.
    (1) Find peaks using CFD
    (2) Pick biggest peak
    (3) Define expected signal using fast and slow fractions
    (4) Define start and end this way
    (5) Subtract off subevent
    (6) Repeat (1)-(5) until all disc. peaks are below threshold
    * Note this is time hog now *

    subevents = []

    # build configuration
    config.fastconst = 20.0
    config.sigthresh = 3.0
    cdfthresh = config.threshold
    cfdconf = cfd.cfdiscConfig( config.discrname, threshold=cdfthresh, deadtime=config.deadtime, delay=config.delay, width=config.width )
    cfdconf.pedestal = ped.getpedestal( waveform, config.pedsamples, config.pedmaxvar )  # will have to calculate this at some point
    if cfdconf.pedestal is None:
        return subevents # empty -- bad baseline!
    cfdconf.nspersample = 15.625
    #print pbin1, config.fastconst, config.slowconst

    # make our working copy of the waveform
    wfm = np.copy( waveform )

    # find subevent
    maxsubevents = 20
    nsubevents = 0
    while nsubevents<maxsubevents:
        # find subevent
        subevent = findOneSubEvent( wfm, cfdconf, config, ch )
        if subevent is not None:
        # subtract waveform below subevent threshold
        for (t,fx) in subevent.expectation:
            sig = np.sqrt( fx/20.0 ) # units of pe
            thresh =  fx + 3.0*sig*20.0 # 3 sigma times pe variance

            #if fx*config.sigthresh > wfm[t]-config.pedestal:
            if wfm[t]-cfdconf.pedestal < thresh:
                wfm[t] = cfdconf.pedestal
        nsubevents += 1

    if retpostwfm:
        return subevents, wfm
        return subevents
Пример #5
    for f in os.listdir( "../../data/pmtratedata/" ):
        if ".root" not in f:
        if "filter" not in f:
        #print f
        input = "../../data/pmtratedata/"+f.strip()
        output = "pmtratestudy/"+f.strip()
        calc_rates( input, 10000, output, rawdigitfile=True, wffile=False )
        print output
if __name__ == "__main__":

    # discriminator config
    cfdsettings = cfdiscConfig("disc1","cfdconfig.json")

    vis = False
    if vis==True:
        from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtGui, QtCore
        app = QtGui.QApplication([])
    #input = "../../data/pmtbglight/run2228_pmtrawdigits_subrun0.root"
    #input = "../../data/pmttriggerdata/run2290_subrun0.root"
    #input = "../../data/pmtratedata/run1536_pmtrawdigits.root"
    #output = "test.root"
    #output = "pmtratestudy/run1536.root"
    # sys.exit()

    if len(sys.argv)==3:
        input = sys.argv[1]