def treeToPlan(tree): """ given a tree, we compute a shortest open tour @param tree: Tree, SpacialGraph,RewardGraph""" odd_nodes = [n for n in tree.nodes() if len(tree.neighbors(n))%2==1 and n<>startnodelabel] subgraph = tree.copy() mwgraph = CompletelyConnected(tree.region) for node in odd_nodes: mwgraph.add_node(tree.location(node),id=node) matching = mwgraph.getMinMatching() marked = dict([(node,False) for node in odd_nodes]) #add the matching to the subtree for n1,n2 in matching: if not marked[n1]: subtree.add_edge(n1,n2) marked[n1] = marked[n2] = True else: print "marked" #add an edge from the startnode to make the graph eulerian lastnode = None for n in subtree.nodes(): if n<>startnodelabel and len(subtree.neighbors(n))%2==1: lastnode = n break if lastnode is not None: lastedge = subtree.add_edge(startnodelabel,lastnode) #compute euler tour tour = subtree.eulerTour(start=startnodelabel) if tour and lastnode is None: pdb.set_trace() #if the last node is first, reverse the tour if len(tour)>2 and tour[0][1]==lastnode: tour = tour[::-1] return tour
def solve(self,graph,startnodelabel): #compute MST of graph tree = Tree(graph.toPygraph(),root=startnodelabel) for node in tree.nodes(): if node<>startnodelabel: tree.add_node_attribute(node,('reward',1.0)) #compute densest subtree of MST rettree,retdist,retreward = computeMinSubsidy(startnodelabel,tree) = retdist and retreward/retdist or 0 #compute min matching of subtree subtree = mygraph() subtree.add_node(startnodelabel) for n in rettree: if n<>startnodelabel: subtree.add_node(n) for n in rettree: if n<>startnodelabel: try: subtree.add_edge(n,tree.parent(n)) except: pdb.set_trace() odd_nodes = [n for n in subtree.nodes() if len(subtree.neighbors(n))%2==1 and n<>startnodelabel] mwgraph = CompletelyConnected(self.region) for node in odd_nodes: mwgraph.add_node(graph.location(node),id=node) matching = mwgraph.getMinMatching() marked = dict([(node,False) for node in odd_nodes]) #add the matching to the subtree for n1,n2 in matching: if not marked[n1]: subtree.add_edge(n1,n2) marked[n1] = marked[n2] = True #add an edge from the startnode to make the graph eulerian lastnode = None for n in subtree.nodes(): if n<>startnodelabel and len(subtree.neighbors(n))%2==1: lastnode = n break if lastnode is not None: lastedge = subtree.add_edge(startnodelabel,lastnode) #compute euler tour tour = subtree.eulerTour(start=startnodelabel) if tour and lastnode is None: pdb.set_trace() #if the last node is first, reverse the tour if len(tour)>2 and tour[0][1]==lastnode: tour = tour[::-1] print rettree #return the node sequence #return [n2 for n1,n2,e in tour[:-1]] return rettree