def test_meta(self) -> None: # This is a valid package containing other packages... but no task will be found tasks = Meta.get_celery_tasks("restapi.utilities") assert isinstance(tasks, list) assert len(tasks) == 0 tasks = Meta.get_celery_tasks("this-should-not-exist") assert isinstance(tasks, list) assert len(tasks) == 0 mcls = Meta.get_classes_from_module("this-should-not-exist") # type: ignore assert isinstance(mcls, dict) assert len(mcls) == 0 assert Meta.get_class("this-should-not-exist", "this-should-not-exist") is None assert Meta.get_class("initialization", "this-should-not-exist") is None assert Meta.get_class("initialization", "Initializer") is not None assert not Meta.get_module_from_string("this-should-not-exist") with pytest.raises(ModuleNotFoundError): Meta.get_module_from_string( "this-should-not-exist", exit_on_fail=True, ) # This method is not very robust... but... let's test the current implementation # It basicaly return the first args if it is an instance of some classes assert not Meta.get_self_reference_from_args() selfref = Meta.get_self_reference_from_args("test") assert selfref == "test" models = Meta.import_models("this-should", "not-exist", mandatory=False) assert isinstance(models, dict) assert len(models) == 0 with pytest.raises(SystemExit): Meta.import_models("this-should", "not-exist", mandatory=True) # Check exit_on_fail default value models = Meta.import_models("this-should", "not-exist") assert isinstance(models, dict) assert len(models) == 0
DateTimeProperty, EmailProperty, OneOrMore, RelationshipFrom, RelationshipTo, StringProperty, StructuredNode, ZeroOrMore, ZeroOrOne, ) from restapi.connectors.neo4j.types import IdentifiedNode from restapi.utilities.meta import Meta # mypy: ignore-errors UserCustomClass: Type[IdentifiedNode] = (Meta.get_class( "models.neo4j", "UserCustom") or IdentifiedNode) # mypy: ignore-errors GroupCustomClass: Type[IdentifiedNode] = (Meta.get_class( "models.neo4j", "GroupCustom") or IdentifiedNode) class User(UserCustomClass): email = EmailProperty(required=True, unique_index=True) name = StringProperty(required=True) surname = StringProperty(required=True) authmethod = StringProperty(required=True) password = StringProperty() mfa_hash = StringProperty() first_login = DateTimeProperty() last_login = DateTimeProperty() last_password_change = DateTimeProperty()
def create_app( name: str = __name__, mode: ServerModes = ServerModes.NORMAL, options: Optional[Dict[str, bool]] = None, ) -> Flask: """ Create the server istance for Flask application """ if PRODUCTION and TESTING and not FORCE_PRODUCTION_TESTS: # pragma: no cover print_and_exit("Unable to execute tests in production") # TERM is not catched by Flask # # signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, teardown_handler) # SIGINT is registered as STOPSIGNAL in Dockerfile signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, teardown_handler) # Flask app instance # template_folder = template dir for output in HTML microservice = Flask( name, template_folder=os.path.join(ABS_RESTAPI_PATH, "templates") ) # CORS if not PRODUCTION: cors = CORS( allow_headers=[ "Content-Type", "Authorization", "X-Requested-With", "x-upload-content-length", "x-upload-content-type", "content-range", ], supports_credentials=["true"], methods=["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH", "OPTIONS"], ) cors.init_app(microservice) log.debug("CORS Injected") # Flask configuration from config file microservice.config.from_object(config) log.debug("Flask app configured") if PRODUCTION:"Production server mode is ON") endpoints_loader = EndpointsLoader() mem.configuration = endpoints_loader.load_configuration() mem.initializer = Meta.get_class("initialization", "Initializer") if not mem.initializer: # pragma: no cover print_and_exit("Invalid Initializer class") mem.customizer = Meta.get_instance("customization", "Customizer") if not mem.customizer: # pragma: no cover print_and_exit("Invalid Customizer class") if not isinstance(mem.customizer, BaseCustomizer): # pragma: no cover print_and_exit("Invalid Customizer class, it should inherit BaseCustomizer") Connector.init_app(app=microservice, worker_mode=(mode == ServerModes.WORKER)) # Initialize reading of all files mem.geo_reader = geolite2.reader() # when to close?? # geolite2.close() if mode == ServerModes.INIT: Connector.project_init(options=options) if mode == ServerModes.DESTROY: Connector.project_clean() # Restful plugin with endpoint mapping (skipped in INIT|DESTROY|WORKER modes) if mode == ServerModes.NORMAL: logging.getLogger("werkzeug").setLevel(logging.ERROR) # ignore warning messages from apispec warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="Multiple schemas resolved to the name " ) mem.cache = Cache.get_instance(microservice) endpoints_loader.load_endpoints() mem.authenticated_endpoints = endpoints_loader.authenticated_endpoints mem.private_endpoints = endpoints_loader.private_endpoints # Triggering automatic mapping of REST endpoints rest_api = Api(catch_all_404s=True) for endpoint in endpoints_loader.endpoints: # Create the restful resource with it; # this method is from RESTful plugin rest_api.add_resource(endpoint.cls, *endpoint.uris) # HERE all endpoints will be registered by using FlaskRestful rest_api.init_app(microservice) # APISpec configuration api_url = get_backend_url() scheme, host = api_url.rstrip("/").split("://") spec = APISpec( title=get_project_configuration( "project.title", default="Your application name" ), version=get_project_configuration("project.version", default="0.0.1"), openapi_version="2.0", # OpenApi 3 not working with FlaskApiSpec # -> Duplicate parameter with name body and location body # # Find other warning like this by searching: # **FASTAPI** # openapi_version="3.0.2", plugins=[MarshmallowPlugin()], host=host, schemes=[scheme], tags=endpoints_loader.tags, ) # OpenAPI 3 changed the definition of the security level. # Some changes needed here? api_key_scheme = {"type": "apiKey", "in": "header", "name": "Authorization"} spec.components.security_scheme("Bearer", api_key_scheme) microservice.config.update( { "APISPEC_SPEC": spec, # 'APISPEC_SWAGGER_URL': '/api/swagger', "APISPEC_SWAGGER_URL": None, # 'APISPEC_SWAGGER_UI_URL': '/api/swagger-ui', # Disable Swagger-UI "APISPEC_SWAGGER_UI_URL": None, } ) = FlaskApiSpec(microservice) # Clean app routes ignore_verbs = {"HEAD", "OPTIONS"} for rule in microservice.url_map.iter_rules(): endpoint = microservice.view_functions[rule.endpoint] if not hasattr(endpoint, "view_class"): continue newmethods = ignore_verbs.copy() rulename = str(rule) for verb in rule.methods - ignore_verbs: method = verb.lower() if method in endpoints_loader.uri2methods[rulename]: # remove from flask mapping # to allow 405 response newmethods.add(verb) rule.methods = newmethods # Register swagger. Note: after method mapping cleaning with microservice.app_context(): for endpoint in endpoints_loader.endpoints: try: except TypeError as e: # pragma: no cover print(e) log.error("Cannot register {}: {}", endpoint.cls.__name__, e) # marshmallow errors handler microservice.register_error_handler(422, handle_marshmallow_errors) # Logging responses microservice.after_request(handle_response) if SENTRY_URL is not None: # pragma: no cover if PRODUCTION: sentry_sdk.init( dsn=SENTRY_URL, # already catched by handle_marshmallow_errors ignore_errors=[werkzeug.exceptions.UnprocessableEntity], integrations=[FlaskIntegration()], )"Enabled Sentry {}", SENTRY_URL) else: # Could be enabled in print mode # sentry_sdk.init(transport=print)"Skipping Sentry, only enabled in PRODUCTION mode")"Boot completed") return microservice
def create_app( name: str = __name__, mode: ServerModes = ServerModes.NORMAL, options: Optional[Dict[str, bool]] = None, ) -> Flask: """Create the server istance for Flask application""" if PRODUCTION and TESTING and not FORCE_PRODUCTION_TESTS: # pragma: no cover print_and_exit("Unable to execute tests in production") # TERM is not catched by Flask # # signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, teardown_handler) # SIGINT is registered as STOPSIGNAL in Dockerfile signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, teardown_handler) # Flask app instance # template_folder = template dir for output in HTML flask_app = Flask(name, template_folder=str(ABS_RESTAPI_PATH.joinpath("templates"))) # CORS if not PRODUCTION: if TESTING: cors_origin = "*" else: # pragma: no cover cors_origin = get_frontend_url() # Beware, this only works because get_frontend_url never append a port cors_origin += ":*" CORS( flask_app, allow_headers=[ "Content-Type", "Authorization", "X-Requested-With", "x-upload-content-length", "x-upload-content-type", "content-range", ], supports_credentials=["true"], methods=["GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH", "OPTIONS"], resources={r"*": {"origins": cors_origin}}, ) log.debug("CORS Enabled") # Flask configuration from config file flask_app.config.from_object(config) flask_app.json_encoder = ExtendedJSONEncoder # Used to force flask to avoid json sorting and ensure that # the output to reflect the order of field in the Marshmallow schema flask_app.config["JSON_SORT_KEYS"] = False log.debug("Flask app configured") if PRODUCTION:"Production server mode is ON") endpoints_loader = EndpointsLoader() if HOST_TYPE == DOCS: # pragma: no cover log.critical("Creating mocked configuration") mem.configuration = {} log.critical("Loading Mocked Initializer and Customizer classes") from restapi.mocks import Customizer, Initializer mem.initializer = Initializer mem.customizer = Customizer() else: mem.configuration = endpoints_loader.load_configuration() mem.initializer = Meta.get_class("initialization", "Initializer") if not mem.initializer: # pragma: no cover print_and_exit("Invalid Initializer class") customizer = Meta.get_class("customization", "Customizer") if not customizer: # pragma: no cover print_and_exit("Invalid Customizer class") mem.customizer = customizer() if not isinstance(mem.customizer, BaseCustomizer): # pragma: no cover print_and_exit("Invalid Customizer class, it should inherit BaseCustomizer") Connector.init_app(app=flask_app, worker_mode=(mode == ServerModes.WORKER)) # Initialize reading of all files mem.geo_reader = geolite2.reader() # when to close?? # geolite2.close() if mode == ServerModes.INIT: Connector.project_init(options=options) if mode == ServerModes.DESTROY: Connector.project_clean() # Restful plugin with endpoint mapping (skipped in INIT|DESTROY|WORKER modes) if mode == ServerModes.NORMAL: logging.getLogger("werkzeug").setLevel(logging.ERROR) # warnings levels: # default # Warn once per call location # error # Convert to exceptions # always # Warn every time # module # Warn once per calling module # once # Warn once per Python process # ignore # Never warn # Types of warnings: # Warning: This is the base class of all warning category classes # UserWarning: The default category for warn(). # DeprecationWarning: Base category for warnings about deprecated features when # those warnings are intended for other Python developers # SyntaxWarning: Base category for warnings about dubious syntactic features. # RuntimeWarning: Base category for warnings about dubious runtime features. # FutureWarning: Base category for warnings about deprecated features when those # warnings are intended for end users # PendingDeprecationWarning: Base category for warnings about features that will # be deprecated in the future (ignored by default). # ImportWarning: Base category for warnings triggered during the process of # importing a module # UnicodeWarning: Base category for warnings related to Unicode. # BytesWarning: Base category for warnings related to bytes and bytearray. # ResourceWarning: Base category for warnings related to resource usage if TESTING: warnings.simplefilter("always", Warning) warnings.simplefilter("error", UserWarning) warnings.simplefilter("error", DeprecationWarning) warnings.simplefilter("error", SyntaxWarning) warnings.simplefilter("error", RuntimeWarning) warnings.simplefilter("error", FutureWarning) # warnings about features that will be deprecated in the future warnings.simplefilter("default", PendingDeprecationWarning) warnings.simplefilter("error", ImportWarning) warnings.simplefilter("error", UnicodeWarning) warnings.simplefilter("error", BytesWarning) # Can't set this an error due to false positives with downloads # a lot of issues like: warnings.simplefilter("always", ResourceWarning) warnings.simplefilter("default", Neo4jExperimentalWarning) # Remove me in a near future, this is due to hypothesis with pytest 7 # warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="A private pytest class or function was used." ) elif PRODUCTION: # pragma: no cover warnings.simplefilter("ignore", Warning) warnings.simplefilter("always", UserWarning) warnings.simplefilter("default", DeprecationWarning) warnings.simplefilter("ignore", SyntaxWarning) warnings.simplefilter("ignore", RuntimeWarning) warnings.simplefilter("ignore", FutureWarning) warnings.simplefilter("ignore", PendingDeprecationWarning) warnings.simplefilter("ignore", ImportWarning) warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UnicodeWarning) warnings.simplefilter("ignore", BytesWarning) warnings.simplefilter("ignore", ResourceWarning) # even if ignore it is raised once # because of the imports executed before setting this to ignore warnings.simplefilter("ignore", Neo4jExperimentalWarning) else: # pragma: no cover warnings.simplefilter("default", Warning) warnings.simplefilter("always", UserWarning) warnings.simplefilter("always", DeprecationWarning) warnings.simplefilter("default", SyntaxWarning) warnings.simplefilter("default", RuntimeWarning) warnings.simplefilter("always", FutureWarning) warnings.simplefilter("default", PendingDeprecationWarning) warnings.simplefilter("default", ImportWarning) warnings.simplefilter("default", UnicodeWarning) warnings.simplefilter("default", BytesWarning) warnings.simplefilter("always", ResourceWarning) # even if ignore it is raised once # because of the imports executed before setting this to ignore warnings.simplefilter("ignore", Neo4jExperimentalWarning) # ignore warning messages from apispec warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="Multiple schemas resolved to the name " ) # ignore warning messages on flask socket after teardown warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", message="unclosed <socket.socket") # from flask_caching 1.10.1 with python 3.10 on core tests... # try to remove this once upgraded flask_caching in a near future warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="_SixMetaPathImporter.find_spec", ) # Raised from sentry_sdk 1.5.11 with python 3.10 events warnings.filterwarnings( "ignore", message="SelectableGroups dict interface is deprecated. Use select.", ) mem.cache = Cache.get_instance(flask_app) endpoints_loader.load_endpoints() mem.authenticated_endpoints = endpoints_loader.authenticated_endpoints mem.private_endpoints = endpoints_loader.private_endpoints for endpoint in endpoints_loader.endpoints: ename = endpoint.cls.__name__.lower() endpoint_view = endpoint.cls.as_view(ename) for url in endpoint.uris: flask_app.add_url_rule(url, view_func=endpoint_view) # APISpec configuration api_url = get_backend_url() scheme, host = api_url.rstrip("/").split("://") spec = APISpec( title=get_project_configuration( "project.title", default="Your application name" ), version=get_project_configuration("project.version", default="0.0.1"), openapi_version="2.0", # OpenApi 3 not working with FlaskApiSpec # -> Duplicate parameter with name body and location body # # Find other warning like this by searching: # **FASTAPI** # openapi_version="3.0.2", plugins=[MarshmallowPlugin()], host=host, schemes=[scheme], tags=endpoints_loader.tags, ) # OpenAPI 3 changed the definition of the security level. # Some changes needed here? if Env.get_bool("AUTH_ENABLE"): api_key_scheme = {"type": "apiKey", "in": "header", "name": "Authorization"} spec.components.security_scheme("Bearer", api_key_scheme) flask_app.config.update( { "APISPEC_SPEC": spec, # 'APISPEC_SWAGGER_URL': '/api/swagger', "APISPEC_SWAGGER_URL": None, # 'APISPEC_SWAGGER_UI_URL': '/api/swagger-ui', # Disable Swagger-UI "APISPEC_SWAGGER_UI_URL": None, } ) = FlaskApiSpec(flask_app) # Clean app routes ignore_verbs = {"HEAD", "OPTIONS"} for rule in flask_app.url_map.iter_rules(): view_function = flask_app.view_functions[rule.endpoint] if not hasattr(view_function, "view_class"): continue newmethods = ignore_verbs.copy() rulename = str(rule) if rule.methods: for verb in rule.methods - ignore_verbs: method = verb.lower() if method in endpoints_loader.uri2methods[rulename]: # remove from flask mapping # to allow 405 response newmethods.add(verb) rule.methods = newmethods # Register swagger. Note: after method mapping cleaning with flask_app.app_context(): for endpoint in endpoints_loader.endpoints: try: except TypeError as e: # pragma: no cover print(e) log.error("Cannot register {}: {}", endpoint.cls.__name__, e) # marshmallow errors handler # Can't get the typing to work with flask 2.1 flask_app.register_error_handler(422, handle_marshmallow_errors) # type: ignore flask_app.register_error_handler(400, handle_http_errors) # type: ignore flask_app.register_error_handler(404, handle_http_errors) # type: ignore flask_app.register_error_handler(405, handle_http_errors) # type: ignore flask_app.register_error_handler(500, handle_http_errors) # type: ignore # flask_app.before_request(inspect_request) # Logging responses # Can't get the typing to work with flask 2.1 flask_app.after_request(handle_response) # type: ignore if SENTRY_URL is not None: # pragma: no cover if PRODUCTION: sentry_sdk_init( dsn=SENTRY_URL, # already catched by handle_marshmallow_errors ignore_errors=[werkzeug.exceptions.UnprocessableEntity], integrations=[FlaskIntegration()], )"Enabled Sentry {}", SENTRY_URL) else: # Could be enabled in print mode # sentry_sdk_init(transport=print)"Skipping Sentry, only enabled in PRODUCTION mode")"Boot completed") if PRODUCTION and not TESTING and name == MAIN_SERVER_NAME: # pragma: no cover save_event_log( event=Events.server_startup, payload={"server": name}, user=None, target=None, ) return flask_app