Пример #1
# Reload Flask app code also for the worker
# This is necessary to have the app context available
app = create_app(worker_mode=True)

celery_app = app.extensions.get('celery').celery_app
celery_app.app = app

def get_service(service, **kwargs):
    ext = celery_app.app.extensions.get(service)
    if ext is None:
        log.error("{} is not enabled", service)
        return None
    return ext.get_instance(**kwargs)

celery_app.get_service = get_service

# Import tasks modules to make sure all tasks are available

meta = Meta()
# main_package = "commons.tasks."
# # Base tasks
# submodules = meta.import_submodules_from_package(main_package + "base")
# # Custom tasks
submodules = meta.import_submodules_from_package(

log.debug("Celery worker is ready {}", celery_app)
Пример #2
class Detector:
    def __init__(self):

        self.authentication_service = None
        self.authentication_name = 'authentication'
        self.task_service_name = 'celery'
        self.services_configuration = []
        self.services = {}
        self.services_classes = {}
        self.extensions_instances = {}
        self.available_services = {}
        self.meta = Meta()

    def get_global_var(key, default=None):
        return os.environ.get(key, default)

    @lru_cache(maxsize=None)  # avoid calling it twice for the same var
    def get_bool_envvar(bool_var):

        if isinstance(bool_var, bool):
            return bool_var

        # if not directly a bool, try an interpretation
        # INTEGERS
            tmp = int(bool_var)
            return bool(tmp)
        except ValueError:

        # STRINGS
        if isinstance(bool_var, str):
            # false / False / FALSE
            if bool_var.lower() == 'false':
                return False
            # any non empty string has to be considered True
            if len(bool_var) > 0:
                return True

        return False

    @lru_cache(maxsize=None)  # avoid calling it twice for the same var
    def get_bool_from_os(name):

        bool_var = os.environ.get(name, False)
        return Detector.get_bool_envvar(bool_var)

    def prefix_name(service):
        return service.get('name'), service.get('prefix').lower() + '_'

    def check_configuration(self):

            self.services_configuration = load_yaml_file(
                file='services.yaml', path=ABS_RESTAPI_CONFSPATH)
        except AttributeError as e:

        for service in self.services_configuration:

            name, prefix = self.prefix_name(service)

            # Was this service enabled from the developer?
            enable_var = str(prefix + 'enable').upper()
            self.available_services[name] = self.get_bool_from_os(enable_var)

            if self.available_services[name]:

                # read variables
                variables = self.load_variables(service, enable_var, prefix)
                service['variables'] = variables

                # set auth service
                if name == self.authentication_name:
                    self.authentication_service = variables.get('service')

        if self.authentication_service is None:
            log.info("No service defined for authentication")
                "Authentication based on '{}' service",

    def load_group(label):

        variables = {}
        for var, value in os.environ.items():
            var = var.lower()
            if var.startswith(label):
                key = var[len(label):].strip('_')
                value = value.strip('"').strip("'")
                variables[key] = value
        return variables

    def output_service_variables(self, service_name):
        service_class = self.services_classes.get(service_name, {})
            return service_class.variables
        except BaseException:
            return {}

    def load_variables(service, enable_var=None, prefix=None):

        variables = {}
        host = None

        if prefix is None:
            _, prefix = Detector.prefix_name(service)

        for var, value in os.environ.items():
            if enable_var is not None and var == enable_var:
            var = var.lower()

            # This is the case when a variable belongs to a service 'prefix'
            if var.startswith(prefix):

                # Fix key and value before saving
                key = var[len(prefix) :]
                # One thing that we must avoid is any quote around our value
                value = value.strip('"').strip("'")
                # save
                variables[key] = value

                if key == 'host':
                    host = value

        # Verify if service is EXTERNAL
        variables['external'] = False
        if isinstance(host, str):  # and host.count('.') > 2:
            if not host.endswith('dockerized.io'):
                variables['external'] = True
                log.verbose("Service {} detected as external: {}", service, host)

        return variables

    def load_class_from_module(self, classname, service=None):

        if service is None:
            flaskext = ''
            flaskext = '.' + service.get('extension')

        # Try inside our extensions
        module = Meta.get_module_from_string(
            modulestring=BACKEND_PACKAGE + '.flask_ext' + flaskext,
        if module is None:
            log.exit("Missing {} for {}", flaskext, service)

        return getattr(module, classname)

    def load_classes(self):

        for service in self.services_configuration:

            name, _ = self.prefix_name(service)

            if not self.available_services.get(name):
            log.verbose("Looking for class {}", name)

            variables = service.get('variables')
            ext_name = service.get('class')

            # Get the existing class
                MyClass = self.load_class_from_module(ext_name, service=service)

                # Passing variables

                if service.get('load_models'):

                    base_models = self.meta.import_models(
                        name, BACKEND_PACKAGE, exit_on_fail=True
                        extended_models = {}
                        extended_models = self.meta.import_models(
                            name, EXTENDED_PACKAGE, exit_on_fail=False

                    custom_models = self.meta.import_models(
                        name, CUSTOM_PACKAGE, exit_on_fail=False

                    MyClass.set_models(base_models, extended_models, custom_models)

            except AttributeError as e:
                log.exit('Invalid Extension class: {}', ext_name)

            # Save
            self.services_classes[name] = MyClass
            log.debug("Got class definition for {}", MyClass)

        if len(self.services_classes) < 1:
            raise KeyError("No classes were recovered!")

        return self.services_classes

    def init_services(
        self, app, worker_mode=False, project_init=False, project_clean=False

        instances = {}
        auth_backend = None

        for service in self.services_configuration:

            name, _ = self.prefix_name(service)

            if not self.available_services.get(name):

            if name == self.authentication_name and auth_backend is None:
                if self.authentication_service is None:
                    log.warning("No authentication")
                        "Auth service '{}' is unreachable".format(

            args = {}
            if name == self.task_service_name:
                args['worker_mode'] = worker_mode

            # Get extension class and build the extension object
            ExtClass = self.services_classes.get(name)
                ext_instance = ExtClass(app, **args)
            except TypeError as e:
                log.exit('Your class {} is not compliant:\n{}', name, e)
                self.extensions_instances[name] = ext_instance

            if not project_init:
                do_init = False
            elif name == self.authentication_service:
                do_init = True
            elif name == self.authentication_name:
                do_init = True
                do_init = False

            # Initialize the real service getting the first service object
            log.debug("Initializing {} (pinit={})", name, do_init)
            service_instance = ext_instance.custom_init(
                pinit=do_init, pdestroy=project_clean, abackend=auth_backend
            instances[name] = service_instance

            if name == self.authentication_service:
                auth_backend = service_instance

            # NOTE: commented, looks like a duplicate from try/expect above
            # self.extensions_instances[name] = ext_instance

            # Injecting into the Celery Extension Class
            # all celery tasks found in *vanilla_package/tasks*
            if name == self.task_service_name:
                do_init = True

                task_package = "{}.tasks".format(CUSTOM_PACKAGE)

                submodules = self.meta.import_submodules_from_package(
                    task_package, exit_on_fail=True
                for submodule in submodules:
                    tasks = Meta.get_celery_tasks_from_module(submodule)

                    for func_name, funct in tasks.items():
                        setattr(ExtClass, func_name, funct)

        if len(self.extensions_instances) < 1:
            raise KeyError("No instances available for modules")

        # Only once in a lifetime
        if project_init:
            self.project_initialization(instances, app=app)

        return self.extensions_instances

    def check_availability(self, name):

        if '.' in name:
            # In this case we are receiving a module name
            # e.g. restapi.services.mongodb
            name = name.split('.')[::-1][0]

        return self.available_services.get(name)

    def project_initialization(self, instances, app=None):
        """ Custom initialization of your project

        Please define your class Initializer in

            # NOTE: this might be a pattern
            # see in meta.py:get_customizer_class
            module_path = "{}.{}.{}".format(
            module = Meta.get_module_from_string(module_path)
            meta = Meta()
            Initializer = meta.get_class_from_string(
                'Initializer', module, skip_error=True
            if Initializer is None:
                log.debug("No custom init available")
                    Initializer(instances, app=app)
                except BaseException as e:
                    log.error("Errors during custom initialization: {}", e)
                    log.info("Vanilla project has been initialized")

        except BaseException:
            log.debug("No custom init available")