Пример #1
    def test_errors(self):
        ''' Tests that errors are raised for status codes
        Errors should be raised for URL error responses (4xx and 5xx)
        r = ResponseTest(400, {}, "Bad Request")
        with self.assertRaises(RequestError) as err:
            Response(r, self.app)

        self.assertEqual(str(err.exception), "Bad Request")

        r = ResponseTest(500, {}, "Server Error")
        with self.assertRaises(ServerError) as err:
            Response(r, self.app)

        self.assertEqual(str(err.exception), "Server Error")
Пример #2
    def test_URLs(self):
        ''' Test that the URL special datatype handler works
        Tests the special handler for URL datatypes gets identified and used
        params = {"url": "/test"}
        r = ResponseTest(200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
        response = Response(r, self.app)

        self.assertEqual(response.data["url"], "http://nope/test")
Пример #3
    def test_date(self):
        ''' Tests that datetime strings are handled as datetimes
        Tests the various formats for datetime strings and makes sure they get
        converted into the proper structure.
        params = {"date": "12/24/99"}
        r = ResponseTest(200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
        response = Response(r, self.app)

        self.assertEqual(response.data["date"].strftime("%Y%m%d"), "19991224")
Пример #4
    def test_json(self):
        ''' Tests that the `Content-Type` for json is identified and parsed
        This tests the __json_handler for mimetypes in `Response`
        r = ResponseTest(200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
        response = Response(r, self.app)

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(response.data, dict))
        self.assertTrue("foo" in response.data)
        self.assertEqual(response.data["foo"], "bar")
Пример #5
    def test_nonroot_mismatchURLs(self):
        ''' Tests that URLs of a non root base URL handle mismatches
        This is when the passed in URL is for a root folder that is not the
        same as the base subfolder of the application.
        self.app = Restler("http://nope/test/")
        params = {"url": "/derp"}
        r = ResponseTest(200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
        response = Response(r, self.app)

        self.assertEqual(response.data["url"], "/derp")
Пример #6
    def test_fullURLs(self):
        ''' Test that full URLs are handled
        Tests the handler for full URLs (ones including the host) are
        caught and properly converted.
        params = {"url": "http://nope/test2"}
        r = ResponseTest(200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
        response = Response(r, self.app)

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(response.data["url"], Route))
        self.assertEqual(response.data["url"], "http://nope/test2")
Пример #7
    def test_encoded(self):
        ''' Tests that the `Content-Type` for url encoded works
        This tests the __form_handler for mimetypes in `Response`
        r = ResponseTest(200,
                         {"Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"},
        response = Response(r, self.app)

        self.assertTrue(isinstance(response.data, dict))
        self.assertTrue("foo" in response.data)
        self.assertEqual(response.data["foo"], "bar")
Пример #8
    def test_nonroot_URLs(self):
        ''' Test that URLs of a non root base URL are handled properly
        This is a test for when an app uses a path in the base URL (i.e.
        something like `http://twitter.com/api/`) so URLs that get converted
        take into account this additional base folder
        self.app = Restler("http://nope/test/")
        params = {"url": "/test"}
        r = ResponseTest(200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
        response = Response(r, self.app)

        self.assertEqual(response.data["url"], "http://nope/test")
        # Bug, url in above doesn't have trailing slash, messed up with the natural
        # trailing slash
        self.app = Restler("http://nope/test/")
        params = {"url": "/test/"}
        r = ResponseTest(200, {"Content-Type": "application/json"},
        response = Response(r, self.app)

        self.assertEqual(response.data["url"], "http://nope/test")
Пример #9
    def test_links(self):
        ''' Tests the parsing of the Link header
        If a Link header is present, the response should have a `link` property
        which exposes easy access to the attributes of the header.
        r = ResponseTest(
            200, {
                "</next>; rel=\"next\", " + "</args?test=1>; rel=\"test\", " +
                "<http://nope/full>; rel=\"full\""
            }, "")
        response = Response(r, self.app)

        self.assertEquals(str(response.links.next), "http://nope/next")
                             {"test": "1"})
        self.assertEquals(str(response.links.full), "http://nope/full")

        self.assertEqual(response.links.none, None)
Пример #10
        any of them match the provided string value.  Keeps track of which
        format was matched so that it may later be used for conversion.
        for dateset in cls.types:
            if not isstr(value):
            if dateset.matcher.match(value):
                cls.current = dateset.parser
                return True

        cls.current = None
        return False

    def handler(cls, response, value):
        """ Converts the raw value into a rich ``datetime`` object using the
        most recently detected format as the parsing definition.
        if not cls.current:
            return value

        new_date = datetime.strptime(value, cls.current)
        cls.current = None

        return new_date

DateHandler.register("[0-3][0-9]/[0-3][0-9]/[0-9]{2}", "%m/%d/%y")

from restler import Response
Response.add_datatype(DateHandler.detection, DateHandler.handler)
Пример #11
    from urlparse import parse_qs
except ImportError:
    from urllib.parse import parse_qs

def handler(response, body):
    """ MIMEtype handling function for form urlencoded data strings.  Performs
    the conversion from the raw url encoded string using the ``urlparse``
    library to handle the basic parsing.  (HTTP allows for the same key to be
    used multiple times, as this behaviour is often handled differently
    between applications, this does not attempt to handle these and it should
    be defined by the user based on the application being communicated with)
    data = parse_qs(body)
    for key, value in data.items():
        if len(value) == 1:
            data[key] = value[0]

    return data

from restler import Response

Response.add_mimetype("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", handler)
Пример #12
    from urlparse import parse_qs
except ImportError:
    from urllib.parse import parse_qs

def handler(response, body):
    ''' form.handler:
    Performs a conversion from the raw string into a dictionary using the built
    in urlparsing library.
    data = parse_qs(body)
    for key, value in data.items():
        if len(value) == 1:
            data[key] = value[0]

    return data

from restler import Response
Response.add_mimetype("application/x-www-form-urlencoded", handler)
Пример #13
from restler.utils import isstr

class URLHandler(object):
    """ Datatype handler for URL strings.  Attempts to detect whether the
    string respresents a valid URL within the namespace of the base URL
    definition and converts the value into an equivalent :class:`Route <Route>`
    def detection(cls, response, value):
        """ Tests if the value matches a format that signifies it is either an
        absolute or relative path.
        if not isstr(value):
            return False

        return value.startswith('/') or \

    def handler(cls, response, value):
        """ Generates a representative :class:`Route <Route>`
        return response.__parent__[value]

from restler import Response
Response.add_datatype(URLHandler.detection, URLHandler.handler)
Пример #14
import json

def handler(response, body):
    """ MIMEtype handling function for JSON data strings.  Performs the
    conversion fromt he raw JSON string into the rich JSON structure using the
    built in ``json`` library.
    return json.loads(body)

from restler import Response
Response.add_mimetype("application/json", handler)
Пример #15
from restler.utils import isstr

class URLHandler(object):
    """ Datatype handler for URL strings.  Attempts to detect whether the
    string respresents a valid URL within the namespace of the base URL
    definition and converts the value into an equivalent :class:`Route <Route>`

    def detection(cls, response, value):
        """ Tests if the value matches a format that signifies it is either an
        absolute or relative path.
        if not isstr(value):
            return False

        return value.startswith('/') or \

    def handler(cls, response, value):
        """ Generates a representative :class:`Route <Route>`
        return response.__parent__[value]

from restler import Response
Response.add_datatype(URLHandler.detection, URLHandler.handler)
Пример #16
        format was matched so that it may later be used for conversion.
        for dateset in cls.types:
            if not isstr(value):
            if dateset.matcher.match(value):
                cls.current = dateset.parser
                return True

        cls.current = None
        return False

    def handler(cls, response, value):
        """ Converts the raw value into a rich ``datetime`` object using the
        most recently detected format as the parsing definition.
        if not cls.current:
            return value

        new_date = datetime.strptime(value, cls.current)
        cls.current = None

        return new_date

DateHandler.register("[0-3][0-9]/[0-3][0-9]/[0-9]{2}", "%m/%d/%y")

from restler import Response
Response.add_datatype(DateHandler.detection, DateHandler.handler)