Пример #1
def fpgalink_nexys(    
    # ~~ FX2 interface signals ~~
    IFCLK,     # 48 MHz clock from FX2 
    RST,       # active low async reset 
    SLWR,      # active low write strobe
    SLRD,      # active low read strobe
    SLOE,      # active low output enable
    FDI,       # input data bus
    FDO,       # output data bus
    FDS,       # data select
    ADDR,      # 2bit address (fifo select)
    FLAGA,     # not used
    FLAGB,     # gotroom
    FLAGC,     # gotdata
    FLAGD,     # not used
    PKTEND,    # submit partial (less than 512)    
    # ~~ peripherals interfaces ~~
    LEDS       # external LEDs

    # get the local references for the top-level 
    clock,reset,fx2_bus,fl_bus = fpgalink.get_interfaces()
    clock = IFCLK
    reset = RST
    fx2_bus.data_i = FDI
    fx2_bus.data_o = FDO
    fx2_bus.data_t = FDS
    fx2_bus.gotdata = FLAGC
    fx2_bus.gotroom = FLAGB
    fx2_bus.write = SLWR
    fx2_bus.read = SLRD
    # SLOE = SLRD now shadowed signals for conversion
    fx2_bus.pktend = PKTEND

    # instantiate the fpgalink interface
    g_fli = m_fpgalink_fx2(clock, reset, fx2_bus, fl_bus)

    # ~~~~~~
    lreg = Signal(intbv(0)[7:])
    treg = Signal(intbv(0)[1:])
    tcnt = Signal(modbv(0, min=0, max=2**24))

    # aliases
    f2hValid_in = fl_bus.valid_i
    h2fReady_in = fl_bus.ready_i
    h2fValid_out = fl_bus.valid_o
    chanAddr_out = fl_bus.chan_addr
    f2hData_in = fl_bus.data_i
    h2fData_out = fl_bus.data_o

    fifosel = fx2_bus.fifosel
    def hdl_assigns():
        ADDR.next[0] = False
        ADDR.next[1] = fifosel
        SLOE.next = SLRD
        f2hValid_in.next = True
        h2fReady_in.next = True

        LEDS.next[7:] = lreg
        LEDS.next[7] = treg

        if chanAddr_out == 0:
            f2hData_in.next = 0xCE 
        elif chanAddr_out == 1:
            f2hData_in.next = lreg
            f2hData_in.next = 0x55

    @always_seq(clock.posedge, reset=reset)
    def hdl_fl():
        if h2fValid_out and chanAddr_out == 1:
            lreg.next = h2fData_out
        tcnt.next = tcnt + 1
        if tcnt[23]:
            treg.next = not treg

    return g_fli, hdl_fl, hdl_assigns
Пример #2
def tb_fpgalink(args):
        flbus1 - MyHDL model
        flbus2 - original fpgalink Verilog
        flbus3 - MyHDL converted Verilog
    # Get the FX2 emulations / host API and busses
    fl = FpgaLinkHost(verbose=True)
    clock, reset, fx2bus1, flbus1 = fpgalink.get_interfaces()
    c, r, fx2bus2, flbus2 = fpgalink.get_interfaces()

    fx2ext = fl.get_bus()  # get the FX2 bus
    clock = fx2ext.IFCLK
    reset = fx2ext.RST

    # connect the buses
    gm = map_ext_int(clock, reset, fx2ext, fx2bus1)
    # only one model driving the bus, connect the buses
    fx2bus2.data_i = fx2bus1.data_i
    fx2bus2.gotdata = fx2bus1.gotdata
    fx2bus2.gotroom = fx2bus1.gotroom

    # get the two HDL versions (MyHDL and Verilog)
    traceSignals.name = args.vcd
    tb_dut = traceSignals(fpgalink_fx2, clock, reset, fx2bus1, flbus1)
    tb_fl1 = m_fpga_logic_ex1(clock, reset, flbus1)

    if args.cosim:
        tb_cosim = flcosim(clock, reset, fx2bus2, flbus2)
        tb_fl2 = m_fpga_logic_ex1(clock, reset, flbus2)
        tb_cosim = ()
        tb_fl2 = ()

    g = (tb_dut, tb_cosim, tb_fl1, tb_fl2, gm)

    # Start up the simulation using the FpgaLinkHost
    fl.setup(fx2ext, g=g)  # setup the simulation
    fl.start()  # start the simulation

    assert fx2bus1.data_i is fx2ext.FDO

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Test stimulus
    assert fx2bus1.data_i is fx2ext.FDO

    fl.write_channel(1, [9])
    fl.write_channel(2, [8])
    fl.write_channel(3, [7])
    fl.write_channel(4, [6])
    bb = [ii for ii in (0xFE, 0xED, 0xFA, 0xCE)]
    bb[0] = fl.read_channel(1, 1)
    bb[1] = fl.read_channel(2, 1)
    bb[2] = fl.read_channel(3, 1)
    bb[3] = fl.read_channel(4, 1)

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Stop simulation
Пример #3
def tb_fpgalink(args):
        flbus1 - MyHDL model
        flbus2 - original fpgalink Verilog
        flbus3 - MyHDL converted Verilog
    # Get the FX2 emulations / host API and busses
    fl = FpgaLinkHost(verbose=True)
    clock, reset, fx2bus1, flbus1 = fpgalink.get_interfaces()
    c, r, fx2bus2, flbus2 = fpgalink.get_interfaces()

    fx2ext = fl.get_bus()           # get the FX2 bus
    clock = fx2ext.IFCLK
    reset = fx2ext.RST

    # connect the buses
    gm = map_ext_int(clock, reset, fx2ext, fx2bus1) 
    # only one model driving the bus, connect the buses
    fx2bus2.data_i = fx2bus1.data_i
    fx2bus2.gotdata = fx2bus1.gotdata
    fx2bus2.gotroom = fx2bus1.gotroom

    # get the two HDL versions (MyHDL and Verilog)    
    tb_dut = traceSignals(fpgalink_fx2, clock, reset, fx2bus1, flbus1)
    tb_fl1 = m_fpga_logic_ex1(clock, reset, flbus1)
    if args.cosim:
        tb_cosim = flcosim(clock, reset, fx2bus2, flbus2)
        tb_fl2 = m_fpga_logic_ex1(clock, reset, flbus2)
        tb_cosim = ()
        tb_fl2 = ()
    g = (tb_dut, tb_cosim, tb_fl1, tb_fl2, gm)

    # Start up the simulation using the FpgaLinkHost
    fl.setup(fx2ext, g=g)          # setup the simulation
    fl.start()                     # start the simulation

    assert fx2bus1.data_i is fx2ext.FDO
    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Test stimulus
    assert fx2bus1.data_i is fx2ext.FDO
    fl.write_channel(1, [9])
    fl.write_channel(2, [8])
    fl.write_channel(3, [7])
    fl.write_channel(4, [6])
    bb = [ii for ii in (0xFE, 0xED, 0xFA, 0xCE)]
    bb[0] = fl.read_channel(1, 1)
    bb[1] = fl.read_channel(2, 1)
    bb[2] = fl.read_channel(3, 1)
    bb[3] = fl.read_channel(4, 1)

    # ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    # Stop simulation