Пример #1
def generate(args):
    Generate a message
    @param msg_path: The path to the .msg file
    @type msg_path: str

    log("generate(%s)" % args)
    from optparse import OptionParser
    parser = OptionParser("generates c++ message serialization code")

    parser.add_option('-p', dest='package', help="package name")
                      help="absolute path to output directory")
                      help="include path to search for messages",
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)

    if not isinstance(options.includepath, list):
        options.includepath = []
    # print "input==", options.input, "outdir==", options.outdir

    # package = os.path.basename
    # (package_dir, package) = rosidl.packages.get_dir_pkg(args[1])

    (_, spec) = rosidl.msgs.load_from_file(args[1], options.package)
    plog("spec", spec)

    s = StringIO()
    write_begin(s, spec, args[1])
    write_includes(s, spec)

    cpp_prefix = '%s::' % (options.package)

    s.write('namespace %s\n{\n' % (options.package))
    write_struct(s, spec, cpp_prefix, options.includepath)
    write_constant_definitions(s, spec)
    write_ostream_operator(s, spec, cpp_prefix)
    s.write('} // namespace %s\n\n' % (options.package))

    write_traits(s, spec, cpp_prefix, options.includepath)
    write_serialization(s, spec, cpp_prefix)
    write_operations(s, spec, cpp_prefix)

    if options.package == "std_msgs" and spec.short_name == "Header":
        s.write("#define STD_MSGS_INCLUDING_HEADER_DEPRECATED_DEF 1\n")
        s.write("#include <std_msgs/header_deprecated_def.h>\n")
        s.write("#undef STD_MSGS_INCLUDING_HEADER_DEPRECATED_DEF\n\n")

    write_end(s, spec)

    if 'ROS_BUILD' in os.environ:
        package_dir = os.environ['ROS_BUILD']

    odir = os.path.join(options.outdir, options.package)

    if (not os.path.exists(odir)):
        # if we're being run concurrently, the above test can report false but os.makedirs can still fail if
        # another copy just created the directory
        except OSError, e:
Пример #2
def generate(args):
    Generate a message
    @param msg_path: The path to the .msg file
    @type msg_path: str

    log("generate(%s)" % args)
    from optparse import OptionParser
    parser = OptionParser("generates c++ message serialization code")

    parser.add_option('-p', dest='package', 
                      help="package name")
    parser.add_option('-o', dest='outdir',
                      help="absolute path to output directory")
    parser.add_option('-I', dest='includepath',
                      help="include path to search for messages",
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args(args)

    if not isinstance(options.includepath, list):
        options.includepath = []
    # print "input==", options.input, "outdir==", options.outdir

    # package = os.path.basename
    # (package_dir, package) = rosidl.packages.get_dir_pkg(args[1])
    (_, spec) = rosidl.msgs.load_from_file(args[1], options.package)
    plog("spec", spec)
    s = StringIO()
    write_begin(s, spec, args[1])
    write_includes(s, spec)
    cpp_prefix = '%s::'%(options.package)
    s.write('namespace %s\n{\n'%(options.package))
    write_struct(s, spec, cpp_prefix, options.includepath)
    write_constant_definitions(s, spec)
    write_ostream_operator(s, spec, cpp_prefix)
    s.write('} // namespace %s\n\n'%(options.package))
    write_traits(s, spec, cpp_prefix, options.includepath)
    write_serialization(s, spec, cpp_prefix)
    write_operations(s, spec, cpp_prefix)

    if options.package == "std_msgs" and spec.short_name == "Header":
        s.write("#define STD_MSGS_INCLUDING_HEADER_DEPRECATED_DEF 1\n")
        s.write("#include <std_msgs/header_deprecated_def.h>\n")
        s.write("#undef STD_MSGS_INCLUDING_HEADER_DEPRECATED_DEF\n\n") 

    write_end(s, spec)
    if 'ROS_BUILD' in os.environ:
        package_dir = os.environ['ROS_BUILD']

    odir = os.path.join(options.outdir, options.package)

    if (not os.path.exists(odir)):
        # if we're being run concurrently, the above test can report false but os.makedirs can still fail if
        # another copy just created the directory
        except OSError, e:
Пример #3
def get_dependencies(spec, package, includepath, 
                     compute_files=True, stdout=sys.stdout, stderr=sys.stderr):
    Compute dependencies of the specified Msgs/Srvs
    @param spec: message or service instance
    @type  spec: L{rosidl.msgs.MsgSpec}/L{rosidl.srvs.SrvSpec}
    @param package: package name
    @type  package: str
    @param stdout: (optional) stdout pipe
    @type  stdout: file
    @param stderr: (optional) stderr pipe
    @type  stderr: file
    @param compute_files: (optional, default=True) compute file
    dependencies of message ('files' key in return value)
    @type  compute_files: bool
    @return: dict: 
      * 'files': list of files that \a file depends on
      * 'deps': list of dependencies by type
      * 'spec': Msgs/Srvs instance. 
      * 'uniquedeps': list of dependencies with duplicates removed,
      * 'package': package that dependencies were generated relative to.
    @rtype: dict    

    # #518: as a performance optimization, we're going to manually control the loading
    # of msgs instead of doing package-wide loads.
    #we're going to manipulate internal apis of msgs, so have to
    #manually init

    deps = []
    if isinstance(spec, rosidl.msgs.MsgSpec):
        _add_msgs_depends(spec, deps, package, includepath)
    elif isinstance(spec, rosidl.srvs.SrvSpec):
        _add_msgs_depends(spec.request, deps, package, includepath)
        _add_msgs_depends(spec.response, deps, package, includepath)                
        raise Exception("[%s] does not appear to be a message or service"%spec)

    # convert from type names to file names
    if compute_files:
        files = {}
        for d in set(deps):
            d_pkg, t = rosidl.names.package_resource_name(d)
            d_pkg = d_pkg or package # convert '' -> local package 
            files[d] = rosidl.msgs.msg_file(d_pkg, t, includepath)
        files = None

    # create unique dependency list
    uniquedeps = []
    for d in deps:
        if not d in uniquedeps:

    plog("uniquedeps", uniquedeps)
    if compute_files:
        return { 'files': files, 'deps': deps, 'spec': spec, 'package': package, 'uniquedeps': uniquedeps }
        return { 'deps': deps, 'spec': spec, 'package': package, 'uniquedeps': uniquedeps }