def doone(seed, sn=100, nlam=400, config_name='tests/test.yaml', doplot=False, resol=1000): if config_name != si.fname: si.config = utils.read_config(config_name) si.fname = config_name config = si.config st = np.random.get_state() np.random.seed(seed) # read data lamcen = 5000. #lamcen_air = lamcen / (1.0 + 2.735182E-4 + 131.4182 / lamcen**2 + # 2.76249E8 / lamcen**4) v0 = np.random.normal(0, 300) slope = (np.random.uniform(-2, 2)) wresol = (lamcen / resol / 2.35) lam = np.linspace(4600, 5400, nlam) #spec0 = (1 - 0.02 * np.exp(-0.5 * ((lam - lamcen1) / w)**2))*lam**slope teff = np.random.uniform(3000, 12000) feh = np.random.uniform(-2, 0) alpha = np.random.uniform(0, 1) logg = np.random.uniform(0, 5) c = 299792.458 lam1 = lam / np.sqrt((1 + v0 / c) / (1 - v0 / c)) spec0 = mktemps.getspec(lam1, teff, logg, feh, alpha, wresol=wresol) * lam**slope spec0 = spec0 / np.median(spec0) * 10**np.random.uniform(-3, 3) espec = spec0 / sn spec = np.random.normal(spec0, espec) # construct specdata object specdata = [spec_fit.SpecData('config1', lam, spec, espec)] options = {'npoly': 10} paramDict0 = {'logg': 2.5, 'teff': 5000, 'feh': -1, 'alpha': 0.5} #, 'vsini': 0.0} # fixParam = ['vsini'] res = vel_fit.process( specdata, paramDict0, # fixParam=fixParam, config=config, options=options) ret = (v0, res['vel'], res['vel_err']) if doplot: plt.figure(figsize=(6, 2), dpi=300) plt.plot(specdata[0].lam, specdata[0].spec, 'k-') plt.plot(specdata[0].lam, res['yfit'][0], 'r-') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig('plot_accuracy_test.png') #1/0 np.random.set_state(st) return ret
def test_fake_grid(): config = utils.read_config(path + '/test.yaml') # read data lam = np.linspace(4600, 5400, 800) v0 = np.random.normal(0, 100) lam1 = lam / (1 + v0 / 3e5) resol = 1000. lamcen = 5000 w = lamcen / resol / 2.35 spec0 = getspec(lam1, 5000, 2, -1, 0.2, wresol=w) espec = spec0 * 0.01 spec = np.random.normal(spec0, espec) # construct specdata object specdata = [spec_fit.SpecData('config1_grid', lam, spec, espec)] options = {'npoly': 15} paramDict0 = { 'logg': 2, 'teff': 5000, 'feh': -0.2, 'alpha': 0.2, 'vsini': 0.1 } fixParam = [] #'vsini'] res = vel_fit.process(specdata, paramDict0, fixParam=fixParam, config=config, options=options) print(res['vel'] - v0, res['vel_err']) print(res['param']) if True: plt.figure(figsize=(6, 2), dpi=300) plt.plot(specdata[0].lam, specdata[0].spec, 'k-') plt.plot(specdata[0].lam, res['yfit'][0], 'r-') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(path + '/plot_test_fit_fake_grid.png')
def proc_weave(fnames, fig_prefix, config, threadid, nthreads): """ Process One single file with desi spectra Parameters: ----------- fname: str The filename with the spectra to be fitted ofname: str The filename where the table with parameters will be stored fig_prefix: str The prefix where the figures will be stored """ options = {'npoly': 15} print('Processing', fnames) fnames = fnames.split(',') #if not valid_file(fnames[0]): # return tab = pyfits.getdata(fnames[0], 'FIBTABLE') hdr = pyfits.getheader(fnames[0]) #mws = tab['MWS_TARGET'] targetid = tab['TARGID'] brick_name = hdr['OBID'].replace('.', '').replace('/', '').replace('_', '') #xids = np.nonzero(mws)[0] #setups = ('b', 'r', 'z') fluxes = {} ivars = {} waves = {} masks = {} setups = ('b', 'r') targcat = tab['TARGCAT'] programs = ['GA_LRhighlat', 'GA_LRdisc'] xids = np.zeros(len(targcat), dtype=bool) for _p in programs: xids = xids | (targcat == _p) xids = np.nonzero(xids)[0] if len(xids) > 0: tids = np.linspace(0, nthreads, len(xids), False).astype(int) assert (tids.max() <= (nthreads - 1)) xids = xids[tids == threadid] if len(xids) == 0: return None arms = [pyfits.getheader(f)['CAMERA'].replace('WEAVE', '') for f in fnames] if arms == ['RED', 'BLUE'] or arms == ['BLUE', 'RED']: if arms == ['RED', 'BLUE']: fnames = fnames[::-1] else: raise Exception('No RED/BLUE setups') for fname, s in zip(fnames, setups): curarm = {'b': 'BLUE', 'r': 'RED'}[s] fluxes[s] = pyfits.getdata(fname, '%s_DATA' % curarm) ivars[s] = pyfits.getdata(fname, '%s_IVAR' % curarm) masks[s] = (ivars[s] == 0).astype(int) pix = np.arange(fluxes[s].shape[1]) wc = pywcs.WCS(pyfits.getheader(fname, '%s_DATA' % curarm)) waves[s] = wc.all_pix2world(np.array([pix, pix * 0]).T, 0).T[0] * 1e10 tellurics = (((waves[s] >= 8130) & (waves[s] < 8350)) | ((waves[s] >= 6850) & (waves[s] < 7000)) | ((waves[s] >= 8940) & (waves[s] < 9240)) | ((waves[s] >= 9250) & (waves[s] < 9545)) | ((waves[s] >= 9550) & (waves[s] < 10000))) #medivar = np.nanmedian(ivars[s], axis=-1) # inflate the errors in the tellurics 1000 times ivars[s][:, tellurics] = 1. / 100. / np.maximum( fluxes[s][:, tellurics], 1)**2 #medivar[:, None]/1000**2 # put the S/N in the telluric region to 1/10. outdict = pandas.DataFrame() large_error = 1e9 for curid in xids: specdata = [] curbrick = brick_name curtargetid = targetid[curid].replace('"', '') fig_fname = fig_prefix + '_%s_%s.png' % (curbrick, curtargetid) sns = {} chisqs = {} for s in setups: spec = fluxes[s][curid] curivars = ivars[s][curid] badmask = (curivars <= 0) | (masks[s][curid] > 0) curivars[badmask] = 1. / large_error**2 espec = 1. / curivars**.5 sns[s] = np.nanmedian(spec / espec) specdata.append( spec_fit.SpecData('weave_%s' % s, waves[s], spec, espec, badmask=badmask)) t1 = time.time() res =, config) t2 = time.time() paramDict0 = res['best_par'] fixParam = [] if res['best_vsini'] is not None: paramDict0['vsini'] = res['best_vsini'] res1 = vel_fit.process(specdata, paramDict0, fixParam=fixParam, config=config, options=options) t3 = time.time() chisq_cont_array = spec_fit.get_chisq_continuum( specdata, options=options)['chisq_array'] t4 = time.time() curD = {} curD['brickname'] = curbrick curD['target_id'] = curtargetid curD['vrad'] = res1['vel'] curD['vrad_err'] = res1['vel_err'] curD['logg'] = res1['param']['logg'] curD['teff'] = res1['param']['teff'] curD['alpha'] = res1['param']['alpha'] curD['feh'] = res1['param']['feh'] curD['logg_err'] = res1['param_err']['logg'] curD['teff_err'] = res1['param_err']['teff'] curD['alpha_err'] = res1['param_err']['alpha'] curD['feh_err'] = res1['param_err']['feh'] curD['chisq_tot'] = sum(res1['chisq_array']) for i, s in enumerate(setups): curD['chisq_%s' % s] = res1['chisq_array'][i] curD['chisq_c_%s' % s] = float(chisq_cont_array[i]) curD['sn_%s' % (s, )] = sns[s] curD['vsini'] = res1['vsini'] outdict = outdict.append(curD, True) title = 'logg=%.1f teff=%.1f [Fe/H]=%.1f [alpha/Fe]=%.1f Vrad=%.1f+/-%.1f' % ( res1['param']['logg'], res1['param']['teff'], res1['param']['feh'], res1['param']['alpha'], res1['vel'], res1['vel_err']) make_plot(specdata, res1, title, fig_fname) outtab = atpy.Table.from_pandas(outdict) return outtab
def get_specdata(waves, fluxes, ivars, masks, seqid, setups): """ Return the list of SpecDatas for one single object Parameters ---------- waves: ndarray 1d wavelength array fluxes: ndarray 2d flux array ivars: ndarray 2d array of inverse variances masks: ndarray 2d array of masks seqid: int Which spectral row to extract setups: list List of configurations Returns ------- ret: list List of specfit.SpecData objects or None if failed """ large_error = 1000 sds = [] minerr_frac = 0.3 # if the error is smaller than this times median error # clamp the uncertainty for s in setups: spec = fluxes[s][seqid] * 1 curivars = ivars[s][seqid] * 1 medspec = np.nanmedian(spec) if medspec == 0: medspec = np.nanmedian(spec[spec > 0]) if not np.isfinite(medspec): medspec = np.nanmedian(np.abs(spec)) if not np.isfinite(medspec) or medspec == 0: # bail out the spectrum is insane # TODO make the logic clearer return None baddat = ~np.isfinite(spec + curivars) dicroicmask = (waves[s] > 4300) & (waves[s] < 4450) badmask = (masks[s][seqid] > 0) baderr = curivars <= 0 badall = baddat | badmask | baderr | dicroicmask curivars[badall] = 1. / medspec**2 / large_error**2 spec[badall] = medspec espec = 1. / curivars**.5 if badall.all(): logging.warning('The whole spectrum was masked...') else: goodespec = espec[~badall] goodespec_thresh = np.median(goodespec) * minerr_frac replace_idx = (espec < goodespec_thresh) & (~badall) if replace_idx.sum() / (~badall).sum() > .1: logging.warning( 'More than 10% of spectra had the uncertainty clamped') # logging.debug("Clamped error on %d pixels" % (replace_idx.sum())) espec[replace_idx] = goodespec_thresh sd = spec_fit.SpecData('desi_%s' % s, waves[s], spec, espec, badmask=badall) sds.append(sd) return sds
def test_fits(): config = utils.read_config(path + '/config.yaml') # read data dat = pyfits.getdata(path + '/data/spec-0266-51602-0031.fits') err = dat['ivar'] err = 1. / err**.5 err[~np.isfinite(err)] = 1e40 # construct specdata object specdata = [ spec_fit.SpecData('sdss1', 10**dat['loglam'], dat['flux'], err) ] rot_params = None resols_params = None params_list = [[4000, 3, -1, 0], [5000, 3, -1, 0], [6000, 2, -2, 0], [5500, 5, 0, 0]] vel_grid = np.linspace(-600, 600, 1000) options = {'npoly': 10} t1 = time.time() res = spec_fit.find_best(specdata, vel_grid, params_list, rot_params, resols_params, options=options, config=config) t2 = time.time() bestv, bestpar, bestchi, vel_err = [ res[_] for _ in ['best_vel', 'best_param', 'best_chi', 'vel_err'] ] assert (np.abs(bestv - 15) < 15) param0 = vel_fit.firstguess(specdata, options=options, config=config) resfull = vel_fit.process(specdata, param0, resols_params, options=options, config=config) chisquare = np.mean( ((specdata[0].spec - resfull['yfit'][0]) / specdata[0].espec)**2) assert (chisquare < 1.2) assert (np.abs(resfull['vel'] - 6) < 10) rot_params = (300, ) plt.clf() ret = spec_fit.get_chisq(specdata, bestv, bestpar, rot_params, resols_params, options=options, config=config, full_output=True) plt.plot(specdata[0].lam, specdata[0].spec, 'k') plt.plot(specdata[0].lam, ret['models'][0], 'r') plt.savefig(path + '/plot_sdss_test1.png') # Test the fit with the resolution matrix rot_params = None resol_mat = spec_fit.construct_resol_mat(specdata[0].lam, 50) resols_params = {'sdss1': resol_mat} ret = spec_fit.get_chisq(specdata, bestv, bestpar, rot_params, resol_params=resols_params, options=options, config=config, full_output=True) plt.clf() plt.plot(specdata[0].lam, specdata[0].spec, 'k') plt.plot(specdata[0].lam, ret['models'][0], 'r') plt.savefig(path + '/plot_sdss_test2.png') resol_mat = spec_fit.construct_resol_mat(specdata[0].lam, 50) specdata = [ spec_fit.SpecData('sdss1', 10**dat['loglam'], dat['flux'], err, resolution=resol_mat) ] ret = spec_fit.get_chisq(specdata, bestv, bestpar, rot_params, options=options, config=config, full_output=True) plt.clf() plt.plot(specdata[0].lam, specdata[0].spec, 'k') plt.plot(specdata[0].lam, ret['models'][0], 'r') plt.savefig(path + '/plot_sdss_test3.png') ret = spec_fit.get_chisq_continuum(specdata, options=options)
def test_fit(): config = utils.read_config(path + '/config.yaml') # read data dat = pyfits.getdata(path + '/data/spec-0266-51602-0031.fits') err = dat['ivar'] err = 1. / err**.5 err[~np.isfinite(err)] = 1e40 # construct specdata object specdata = [ spec_fit.SpecData('sdss1', 10**dat['loglam'], dat['flux'], err) ] options = {'npoly': 15} paramDict0 = { 'logg': 2, 'teff': 5000, 'feh': -1, 'alpha': 0.2, 'vsini': 19 } fixParam = ['vsini'] paramDict0 = { 'logg': 2, 'teff': 5000, 'feh': -1, 'alpha': 0.2, 'vsini': 19 } fixParam = ['vsini'] # fit with fixed vssini res = vel_fit.process(specdata, paramDict0, fixParam=fixParam, config=config, options=options) paramDict0 = { 'logg': 2, 'teff': 5000, 'feh': -1, 'alpha': 0.2, 'vsini': 19 } # fit witout fixin fixParam = [] res = vel_fit.process(specdata, paramDict0, fixParam=fixParam, config=config, options=options) options = {'npoly': 15} # first guess fit xres0 = vel_fit.firstguess(specdata, config=config) # ccf res =, config) paramDict0 = res['best_par'] fixParam = [] if res['best_vsini'] is not None: paramDict0['vsini'] = res['best_vsini'] res1 = vel_fit.process(specdata, paramDict0, fixParam=fixParam, config=config, options=options) print(res1) plt.figure(figsize=(6, 2), dpi=300) plt.plot(specdata[0].lam, specdata[0].spec, 'k-') plt.plot(specdata[0].lam, res1['yfit'][0], 'r-') plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(path + '/plot_test_fit_sdss.png') # test priors res2 = vel_fit.process(specdata, paramDict0, fixParam=fixParam, config=config, options=options, priors={'teff': (9000, 50)}) # test rbf options['rbf_continuum'] = False res2 = vel_fit.process(specdata, paramDict0, fixParam=fixParam, config=config, options=options)
args.snr)]['spectrum_continuum_normalised'] # Replace errors which are nans with a large value, otherwise they cause numerical failures in the RV code observed.value_errors[np.isnan(observed.value_errors)] = 1000. # Resample it onto a logarithmic raster of fixed step resampler = SpectrumResampler(observed) # Loop over each arm of this 4MOST mode in turn, populating a list of the observed spectra spectral_data = [] for arm in arm_rasters[mode_lower]: observed_arm = resampler.onto_raster(arm['raster']) spectral_data.append( spec_fit.SpecData(name=arm['name'], lam=arm['raster'], spec=observed_arm.values, espec=observed_arm.value_errors, badmask=None)) # Debugging np.savetxt( "/tmp/debug_observed_{}.dat".format(run_id), np.transpose([ observed.wavelengths, observed.values, observed.value_errors ])) for arm in arm_rasters[mode_lower]: np.savetxt( "/tmp/debug_{}_{}.dat".format(arm['name'], run_id), np.transpose([